llc a Fy ie 3 | 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurday, April 27, 1961 TELEVISION LOG ; § KEE. WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ONG A RETIRED CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte ~~ 3 u ps NESE Bur MARYHILL, « WEKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo ~~ WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester : 3 : A_You EN? : Flora M. Brohman of CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie Pn 4 . 3 x ; 2 and Maryhill has retired principal matron of the THURSDAY EVE, FRIDAY 4:00 P.M. 7 5:00 P.M. | 7:00 AM, |u~ropeye With Capt. i ] ndy "SoBe ne Clown $3 Today a. 7 five He bani tand 5 oy ~ American Bands! . 4~Rise "N" Shine 6--Cartoon Capers 5:30 P.M 8:00 A.M. | 52-Make Room For al M. To-Popeye Daddy can Patrol 4--News Roundup 4--The Brighter Day ment in Kingston, Ont. T--Early Show 3--Popeye and Pals in Pha ve | cal AM. CPM. oT = Ligh 1 rn ; IN ; TRIP 10 UTFAWA 6-3--Junior , ) 7 WALLACEBURG, Ont. (CP) ie ioerry Hound | 9:00 AD. | 4--~Edge of Night \ | { J JR : \ ; > : , Jean Daley, a senior at Wallace 6:00 P.M, 1l--Romper Room | 3--Here's Hollywood S--Rarcis Beat 7~=Advetutes of 4:45 P.M. : burg 3~Three Stooges 3 Qatise Jes $--Junior Round-up been highs Foi | E01! Breiners FRIDAY EVENING al & Cannonball 9:30 A.M. (--Family Theatre VE GOT I*47} J IT WAS A TIME Fi Had ) a RE I JUST HAD ANOTHER PHONE 3--Moving Tips li--Movie 5--Popeve g T-- RB BOMB, ALL RIGHT] MY CALL. HE SA| Fe WwW 6:30 P.M. 7--Hompar Soom 4--Sherilf of Cochise € FOR OI ER FRIEND AT THE LAB ONLY A SrapTe 1 TS HE i 2 after 21 years as a sister. She served IB Italy, Japan, Korea many before her last appoints BUZ SAWYER You and Your Family ". 4 SE News: 3--Yankee Doodle Time > Bie Rasen. \ L0, JAN Qf ATE A Weather: - Sports 10:00 AM, | 4=Mischief Make: 6:45 P.M. 5:2--8Say When Herb 'Sheldon io 8--~Huntley-Brinkley 4-1 Love Lucy 5:30 P.M. 3 ont 10:30 A.M. | 9--Men Into Space ¢ Teo wu | 7---Confidentiai File 7 -Early Show 00 P.M. 5-2--Play Your Hunech | 6-3--Cannon Ball 11~Wanted Dead or 4--Video Village 5~Playhouse Kive Alive | | 4&~Theatre $--Best of the Post | 10:45 AM. 2-Pete Smith and 6--Seven-0-One | 3~Sacred Heart Dayton Allen 4~News, Weather, 11:00 A.) : DEPARTMENT PARENTS MONCTON, N.B. (CP)--Ems . ployees of the CNR stores de! partment here have adopted & ive year ou, Jalan polio rx : M. ! | J : under Foster Parents ] ro thio Niclas' | ¥-gyorte cots 4 Ports Incorporated. They donate 18, 2-Shotgun Slade 3--Laurel and Hardy RS cents each on paydays--enough JANE ARDEN i~Morning Court i 7:15 P.M. 5.2 Pri ay P. ; tea pr) J T--News: Weather + Douvse nd > phe PM. | CROSSWORD J \ = 2 x to pay for the boy's food, cloth- 7:30 P.M. 3--Romper Room ¥--Outdoor Show ing and education in Italy for 11-8--Lockup 11:30 AM. 6--Trackdown \ I fa month. JeGuestnara Ho! Iolo That Bob 3--Farm Market Report " ih | achelor athe S-2--Lone ratio 4 $3-Outiaws ' Rr oa atk. | nS: PM. v ACROSS 6.Cross,as 23. Swedish EOL ANCELE] BUTCHER SHOP ummer Sports age 9--News-Weather | . Petty two roads coin ; ST. ALBANS, England (CP)-- 3~The Rebel 12:00 NOON p | : : i NXE Bt. A y 8 8:00 P.M, {1--Bugs Bunny SS ewes Sports oe alice . % Femitie 26. Germ- 0 Monon Britain's oldest butcher shop | » NOrwegian loca free I: I has been sold to a supermarket U4. Live A Borrowed I Camoutiage { 6:45 P.M. ar tist dei : MIE : p a - -2--Truth or | 6-5-4-2--News ramatis eities 29. Epochs CIE] Ho fg ART BETTER CUT THS Si Distrivated by King Fiore Srndeme § | ogmpany for £100,000. The shop 7 rR News: Do i. : Sports 11--Guestward Ho ! 12. Artless 9. Always metal 116-3 Checkmate 3~Popeve and Pals S Culdoars one 23. Leather 30, Headland Sisk SOWA T--Real McCoys 12:15 P.M. ren One one flask 14.Close, asa 81, Russian (TR AIL IEA 52-Bat Maste 6-N 7 i a ole" 5 i Zane Grey Theatr Speaker of the House mown Weather; 14. Gazes hawk's fighter SEER 200 P.M. fixedly eyes planes 3 ~ 12:30 P.M. 3--Father K Best | ra Three Sons I-Numbes. Please I Bootaers CB 3 Seieme 18, Lying in 32. Asian Yesterday's Answer $-3_Bachelor Father ovie Matinee TE IR . Fishermen wait for inland 4-Family Classics | 5-2--It Could Be You 7--News: Weather 17. Conduits 19.8 . 4 " ; . , Saint . Hi ten Ris a Ra nr PY, 19. Helices (abbr) 33. Girrs ys oe, 1433.2 Teunemen Hon P.M. $_Leave it to Bears: 3%. Sule (dial.) 20. Golf score name hills T--The Untouchables | 4--Guiding Light jc 7=Matiy's . Punday A-Asisllike 21, Pupils 35. Let it 40, Indefie 100 P.M 1:00 P.M. 6 Sport Huddle P 22. Feminine stand nite {1--All Star Theatre {1--Movie Matinee 5--The Islanders 25. Fatty $--Hart of the Matter og ©... snd Easy 4--Rawhide Western compound 6--Feter Gunn ok 2 Series Sap $2--The Groucho SHOW | 4 Foot re Mie oie 3-Wyatt Earp 27. Unit of . 4=Documentary | 2--Happy Family } work S--Country Junction | $= r, ane Millers ena M. 28, Professor's 10:30 P.M. 2---Mid-day Matinee 194 Country Hoedown discourse (1=The Cameos M. 9--The Third Man Series News. Weather: | 7=Our Miss Brooks 7--Harrigan and Son | 30 Separated Sports | &~The World Turns 2---The Jubilee + Asian 7--The Third Man | 2:00 P.M eT 2M. peninsula 4=Taront File [ Dortmentre 43 Party Mason 34, Pause | oe Tr 2 LL 3 eer Gur he Flintstone 37. Eye in. | YEAH, LOVE , | | THEY'RE MY FAVORITE SPORT/ | | AN'1 GUESS TH' MAIN REASON 1] | |... WENEVER HAVE T* | 7 ! 3 3 60 MUC FORE WE BA S--Peter Gunn | 7-Day in Court /--The Flintstone: ANDMA. 2-Byline | 6--~Chez Helene $3 Westinghouse Play- | flammation EM, GRANDMA {LE HEs SO Muu 15 e of 5-2--Jan Murray Show house i 11:00 P.M. &--Face The Facts Con- ¢_ X , 38, Preposition UML Kewn | , test ig * Boute 5, Mdventure 39. Ancient Y . r 3---Women's Show 9:00 P.M. physician = S--Betier Late | 2:15 r.M. $--Two Faces West 40. Change FE 3 1:15 P.M. 14-Nursery School | 7=77 Sunset Strip 41. Cant | py E / a) me ond . f / i$, ou Cl TURN, | Ea Tus |g Sainte §¢3 ; What NOT To Tell 4--Starlight Theatre 3 0M. one anoth yi rT aC . | 4 : Child About Se H -, §-2--Lor Yi "ountry Style i y 8 \ i : d 3-Late Show rile Theatre Hind 4--Way Out 1 A ; ; ; i { > a X 'eature Panorama ~House Party : M. < BE 3 « 3 $3--Jack Paar 3:00 P.M. (18.3--Have Gun Wil 2.Cold A a, \ Is the modern idea of "telling nil P.M iin oe SH BRR oO remedy ; , a all and telling early" really :45 P.M. re nions The Detoctives 8. Inflictin g - : wise? Are you doing enough by +--Millionai 4--Twilight Z e E : J Ri $--All Slap paornpee 3730 Ee 3 Yours At Heart 4, Seesaws ) v \ giving children just biological: 12:15 P.M. 11--Romper Room 10:30 P.M. 5. Erbium : - n , acts? Read this vocative $--News: Weather; 7-Who Do You Trust i1--Peter Gunn / " 3 pro : . Sports §-43--The Verdict Is | S--NewsWeather- (sym.) article in May Reader's Digest: il 12:30 P.M, Yours w u y Srerts MER and the four sensible rules: te: pilogue $.3--From [hese Roots ~Law a r. Jones J . . help parents explain the won. der of sex. Get your May Reader's Digest today -- 41 ODDMENTS AUCTION SALE Eats | (MEN'S FELLOWSHIP CLUB, CHRIST MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH) SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 10:00 A.M. Auctioneer, MR. FRANK STIRTEVANT SCOTTY'S CORNER HILLCROFT AND MARY STREETS ® THIS SPACE COURTESY THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. © BARGAINS Th ; 2 x x oh X Wa "rey ar Weather, 7:00 P.M. | 11.Hourglass 8 Father 30. Thin a \/ ' LIMB! IT MIGHT. "| 3 fo Vo a. i \ was built 500 years ago for £25, i II " +27 i NY (\ SALLY'S SALLIES pronoun (print.) article q CONRAD gH | OFFER 1,000,000 RASBUCKNIKS, | GUNG BUILD A SUMMER HOKAY --SOLDf! | y : v ; AFTER SROGTING OUT THE LAMP, THE CHILBLAIN, (7 COLD CASH, FOR THE WARMEST aL HOTEL SROUND 207 WHAT ARE. WE BID, LONE RANGER LEAPS INTO OAKS' STUDY: + NUT POLE -- SOUSE POLE i WHEREVER YOU ARE, IT'LL BE THE LONE RANGER ADJUSTABLE STEEL POSTS Adjust from 44" to 8'3". CMHC Approved. 'WINDOW WELLS 25" high x 12" projection. DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER TOOT, Time ¥estares Srndaie ney © IE eek righ remrved. ITS POSITIVELY DISGUSTING ) 36" wide ..ovvnes J THE WAY YOU PUSH PEOPLE ve 5.76 ARCUND, BUDDY MAYEN] : a | 40" wide ......... INSULATION BATTS WHAT pO ITLL NEVER YOU THINK SELL. OF THAT?! 2" JULIET JONES EACH gn PER FT., ONLY 50-ft. cartons-- EACH BE WASTING CONSTRUCTIVE -- YOU LIGHT ISN'T VERY GOOD ea 7 1 RP LE EL Py HY ORGANZATION IN DEPEND ON IT. PRICES Like Thar | | % Aedes i NEW YORK 2 < ; 2 Te) = MILLWORK & Building Supplies | 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open Daily from 7:30 - 6 p.m. Friday till 9 p.m. RA 8-6291 vou sHouton'r| [vou souro Y | 2 wouLe poe Fas) %; UNCLE FRED, X SEETBUT DO YoU BELIEVE HES JusT soT TO 7 ) CASH & CARRY reac ved LARRY BRANNON Les © 1751 King Features Sywdsease. lor Worid rights FR Oy VE NE