Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Apr 1961, p. 14

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te, tae 2h ot EARP ECRBRARICE Gots SV NT OT Th TY TS a gai gg Cw 8 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thirsday, April 27, 1961 ° a ey So "vow ed out thé season, practical team, oné of a group willing two groupings. Galt's mate MEMORIAL CUP play ¢ 4 ton but down around these mer activities. The baseba holding méetings and practic it would stop raining and thé Thé #nglérs, especially the hé never completely recovers play hockey, but to become JUNIOR "A" team owners held a special "closéd mieét- 'SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 0% 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' CONGRATULATIONS to Galt Terriers! They start- | Chatham, éte., to form dn intér-locking schedule between ville, Welland, éte., foldéd but Galt carried on and last night, before their title-hungry hometown fans, they blanked Winnipeg Maroons 5-0, to clean up the Canadian senior hockey championship finals in five games, 4-io-1. It was the first Allan Cup victory for Galt, in fact, we believe it's their first Canadian hockey crown. hockey season is practically dll history néw, the outdoor typés are anxious to get going on their favorite sum- too mueh with thé rain, as long as it isn't heavy enough to flood thé streams or "muddy" them up too much. are all waiting for the opening of the season, this weék- end and some of them can hardly wait. couple of trout men who have already been out, check- ing on their favorite streams and pools: doors sportsman gets the trout fever, hé never loses it --in fact, some wives insist {such men "live in another world", BRIGHT BITS:- Now that he has helped his team win the Allan Cup, Fred Pletsch, starry forward with Galt Terriers, can now move back to Chatham--not 16 ly rated as a Senior "B" to combiné with Windsor, s, Belleville, Whitby, Oak- ontinues tonight in Edmon- parts, where the 1960-61 11 and softball téams dre es; the golfers are wishing fishermen aren't concerned speckled trout enthusiasts, We know of & Once an out- a policeman . . . . OHA is OSHAWA oe E ; i IT'S PANT TIME AT DOVER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AN EXCEPTIONAL SELECTION OF FINE DOVER QUALITY PANTS AT PRICES THAT MEAN REAL SAVINGS Friday and Saturday Only f FINE TAILORING --- NEW SHADES ISIACKS |{ing" last night, and the very fact they held the meeting, {plus what they did and what they said at the meeting, proves that they've been reading the newspapers thé last |few days. They point out they made the CAHA final |date--but would they have met it if Moncton Beavers ALL WOOL WORSTED FLANNELS TEAM CAPTAIN 'BUTCH' MARTIN HELPS GOALIE 'BOAT HURLEY Galt Terriers Win Allan Cup GALT (CP) -- The Allan Cup rests today in thi proud eity| which two years dgo had noland Bob Mader hockéy club to call its own. | To the cheers of 3,600 scream-| Galt Terriers shut out Winni-| peg Maroons 50 to take the best - of - seven series for the Canadian senior championshp'came through with particularly in five games. It was the warst beating of the series for the Westerners; the only team to defeat Galt in 16 playoff games. "It's a long - cherishéd dream when f Galt goals come true," said coach Loyd) scored. our goals Roubell amid popping cham-| pagne corks in the dressing! room. "That's just the way this club is. They don't like to lose." Winnipeg coach Gord Simpson said the Terriers were the best téam his Maroons had faced all season and deserved the cup. "I was surprised, though, that the series went only five games. We expected af least six games and maybe seven. But they and singles by Bob McKnight,! When Pletsch made it 5-0 with captain Floyd (Butch) Martin/five seconds left after trapping turned thea stray pass and pulling Dib- trick. ley, the crowd swarmed to the Some fancy goaltending was|ice. off shutout. He turned back 35 trophy presentation. shots: compared with 37 by LINEUPS Winnipeg's Gord Dibley and Winnipeg -- Goal: Dibley; |@efence: Juzda, Bloomer, Muel- sharp efforts on Tom Rendall |}, Johnson; forwards: Joyal, and Lou Joyal in the fianl min-jp-ol 0 A bhatt Dinsmore utes. Poske. : 4 | Maroons took six of the 1 (Kenzie, T. Rendall, Richardson. {penalties and were shorthanded Galt -- Goal:: Harley; de- Were fonce: Sly, Carroll, McKnight started the georingimiol, Neale: forwards: Aitken. at 8:53 when he carried alone apy, Wylie, McKnight, Martin, down centre, got inside defence- ips qa. man Sheldon Bloomer and ; rammed a low 20-footer through Referees: Dibley's pads. MARY WERE SHORT-HANDED First Period: 1. Galt, Mec- Jack McKenzie went off for Knight (Pletsch, Wylie) 8:53; {ripping Darryl Sly at 11:07 and 2. Galt, Pletsch (Aitken) 11::55; Pletsch scored his first godl 46 3. Galt, Martin (McKnight, seconds later. Lloyd Orris was Maki) 19:07. Penalties: J. Ren- in the penalty box for holding dall (misconduct) 5:23, Mac- Vasey, Hamilton, Calgary; and Sammartino, Trail, B.C. UM have a lot of guts and don't know when to quit. "They stick strictly to hockey too." It was the first game of the {when McKnight cleared the|/Kenzie 11:07, Bloomer 12:49, {puck from the backboards and Pletsch 16:48, Orris 17:20. Martin knotkéd in a fast one. Second Period: Scoring: {from 10 feet at 19:07. None. Penalties: Pletsch 2:57, Protecting their 30 lead Maki 14:25. had managed to win one game? And their action on |the business of drafting 16-year-olds indicatés coneérn . . . NATIONAL FOOTBALL Léagué ¢tlubs are not going to have any part of that problém of --if nothng else! Washington Redskins not ha | |lifted--naturally té increase might be a bigger problem to call & Négro a "Redskin", éven if he is a football star, y manager of St. Louis Cards Burdette is ever béfore . . . . MICKEY more homers yestérday, {eamp, in Winooski, Vermont, ling camp. They'll start on { Parke, J. Rendall: Orris, Mac-|team training in Unitéd States is at least something aif- {ferent! | TORONTO (CP) -- Club own- lers of the Ontario Hockey As. {sociation Junior A series at a |closed meeting Wednesday night proposed a rulé for the 1962-63 season to prohibit mov- ling of players under the age-of {16 for the purpose of avoiding {the draft. | The plan will be presented to |Saturday"s OHA annual meet- team--and the new stadium bosses wanting this ban throwing more oné the game-winner in the {10th in@ipg, fo defeat Detroit Tigers. Théy went back to theif| American League and Wally Moon in thé National, aré ing fans who rushed onto the needed by Harold (Boat) Hur. Seats to let thé game finish but both within reach of setting a new "April record" for ice before the game was over,|jey to nail down his third play- tame pouring out again for thé home runs . , . . DUNFERMLINE Athletic defeated Celtic 2-0 Wednesday, to win the Scottish Cup soccer laurels for the first time in the club's history . . . MONTREAL Alouettes are to run a three-week training HA Jr. 'A' Men Got The Message? ving any Negroés on their attendancé. But then it es? ...."SOLLY" HEMUS, , claims Milwaukee's Lew "spit-balls" today than MANTLE belted out two Mantle in the former N.Y. Giants' train- July 1st. A Canadian (?) der 16 away from their homes. | Of course, we'll also be saving, ourselves a lot of money by do-! ing 50." SUBJECT TO DRAFT Any player moved beforé hé 16 will becomié subject to the draft when he reaches 16, Pol- lock said, '"'so that any team taking such a gamble would PLUS FANCIES IN SELF BELT, REGULAR and IVY MODELS OLIVES . . . GREYS . . . BROWNS J CHARCOAL - "2 pairs fof 25.00 REG. TO 18.95 THIS 1S THE MOST OUTSTANDING GROUP WE HAVE EVER BEEN ABLE TO OFFER AT THIS PRICE HERE'S REAL VALUE FLANNEL BLENDS-WASH and WEAR PLUS FANCIES IN REGULAR and CONTINENTAL MODELS séries that Winnipeg failed to|fhroughout the second period,| Third Period: 4. Galt, Mader, ing. stand to lose the player anmy- score the first goal -- or any|the Terriers turned fo tight|Martin 18:52; 5. Galt, Pletsch| Owners decided to leave the Way. 1 {checking in the third and pre-|(Aitken) 19:55. Pénalties: Ait-| present draft law unchanged for| A statement issued after the OLIVES . .. GREYS... BROWNS § goat, WRAPPED IT UP {vented the Maroons from organ- ken 16:47, Winnipeg Bench (too {next season. If says a player Three tallies in the first per- izing a sustained offénce. Win- many on ice, served by Joyal) must be 16 before he can be fod and two in the wrapped it up for the Terriers in their first year of eligibility for the title. Two goals by Fred Pletsch alty for too many men 6n the 17:56. ice when Madér scored from {the edge of the crease on a pass |Dibley {from Martin. Hurley STOPS 16 10 1137 8 15 12-35 Mantle's 7th Homer Nears April Record By Wi Associated Ag Writer Wally Moon has beén slapping home runs and getting the head- linés in that tr league, but Mickey Ma literally has been banging homers right and left in the American League, and, oddly enough, with very little fanfare. The switch-hitting Mantle wii] loadéd a pair of two-run shots Wednesday, the fi a left |timore 6-3 Wednesday night came off right handed rookie Washington defeated Boston 2-1{Jimmy Donohue and capped in the only othér AL game. |a three-run eighth that wiped Mantle tops the AL with seven|out an 118 Tiger lead. It was home runs, 15 funs batted injtheé eighth right . left homer (all but oné collected with the game in Mantle"s 10 - year homers) and 12 runs scoréd. He career. also leads thé Yanks with 13| Detroit, which hadn't lost hits and a .342 batting average. sincé opening day, camé from His 10th inning sock off losing behind after {railing 6-0 going was his third game - winning Yank starter Whitey Ford, but home run of the young season then blew an 118 lead. southpaw Hank Aguirre (0-1)!into the second inning against third \nipeg was serving a bench pen-|17:56, Richardson (misconduct) draftéd by any Junior A team. Some teams have been known in the past to move a favored {young player of pre-draft age {to another aréa to avoid the | possibility of His being drafted |later by another team, and there has been speculation in the last week that the owners planned to exténd the draft to players under 16. There never was any intention |of doing so, Sam Pollock, chief |of Montréal Canadiens' farm |system, said after Wednesday night's meeting. "All we want to do is stop this businéss of moving kids un- meeting referred to press erit-| icism that Junior A playoffs were delayed fo such an extént that Moncton Beavers were made to feel unwanted when they came to Toronto for the Easiern Canada Memorial Cu final against St. Michael's Gol. lege Majors last week, "The OHA Junior A counéil takes exception to thé criticism placed on them of the treat: ment of thé Moncton ciub as set out in the newspapers," the statement said. "And for information pur- poses, the OHA winner met the final dateline set by the Cana- dian Amateur Hockéy Associa- tion." "BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Chicago St. Louis 1, Pet. GBL|CinCinhati 00 |Philadelphia | American League 800 an 600 | Detroit {Minnesota New York Cleveland |Milwaukee 8 St. Louis 1 handed blast that tié : and the & right handed . i | jolf in the 1 a hat gave slump at three ; His tying homer | and ended the Yankees' 10SINg | gi HOMERS Tony Kubek and Roger Maris 500 A444 3% Boston F 2 583 2 1 Chicago 3 [Pittsburgh § Philadelphia 2 I Chicago 3 Cincinnati 2 I 6 6 500 1% 6 7 462 2 57 A417 34 4 8 .333 3 Wednesday's Resulis San Francisco 6 Los Angeles 5 t inning New York Yankees a 13-11 vie: tory at Detroit and éndéd the Tigers' winning streak at eight games. That gave a a tna seven -- 8! handed, five 1é anded-in 1 games on the road and at home. Moon, meanwhile, has tied the National League record for April Homers Yih in 15 games for Angeles Ts, home. and Mantle of by Ken of the old St. Louis Browns in April of 1922. Mickey has five games left this month, thréé against Cléve- land ginning today, and two at Was on . Moon, who has sliced his eight over the left field screén at Leos April games re ig, 4 Chicago, wheré hé hit just two last season. RETAINED LEAD While Detroit retained a half- game léad over idle Minnesota in the AL race, Cléveland "each hit theit first homeé runs {his third for the Tigers in a | shabby fame that showed igh | near riins; split evenly. Re- SPUTTERS SOLLY |liever Luis Afroyo won His first outspoken manager | ) of St. Louis Cardinals, claimed | "ith two. Hitless infifigs, édnesday the Braves' Lew | Cleveland came from behind ette throws a spifter [With three unearned runs on more now than ever before. |Jim Gentile's fourth - ining Burdette, never caught us- throwing error at Baltimore. ifig the illegal pitch, notched | Washington right hander Tom his first victory of the cam- [Sturdivant won his first as a paign Tuesday night with a |starting pitcher sifice Sept. 28, 3 decision over the Redbirds. 1958 but rieeded Dave Sisler's |saving relief in thé eighth at Some of my guys counted | Boston. at least nine spitballs," said hai Hemus, "but 1 say he threw seen him usé since 1 first saw | Him pitch." | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Burdette laughed off the lat-| Jim Tobin, 32-year-old right ést barrage of wet ball claims hander of fluMerball fame, and got in a dig of his own pitched his first no-hif, no-run at Hemus. |game, a 2-0 victory for the old "I hope he (Hemus) files a [Boston Braves over Brooklyn formal complaint," said Lew. Dodgers 21 years ago tonight.| "He was doing the complain- It was the first no-hif, no-run ing, not the hitters. And he |contest in the majors in nearly moved into a third plécé fie with Naw York by beating Bal- SI GREP SR Te DR WE wasn't much of a hifter him- (three years and Tobin missed D - . | USING 'SPITTER' oie, season, for, the vanksiy mts i ------------| Angeles (Grba 1-1) close 10 90 -- the most I've REMEMBER WHEN? {Chicago (Wynn 1-0) at Kansas Buffalo 11 Richmond 7 Kansas City 375 4 | Probable Pitchers Today altimore § 364 414 Cincinnati (Hunt 10) ai Chicago Washington 964 414 |(Cardwell 1-0) 168 Angeles 125 6 | (Only game jhudulea). p ames Friday New Nednsaay's Bessa Los Angeles at Chicago Cleveland 6 Baltimore 3 | Phils. 4 9. 19s (9 Washington 2 Boston 1 | itts, at Cincinnati (N) ria ahaa STAT Tg WUT NS San Fran at Milwaukee (N) (Only games scheduled). International League Probable Pitchers Today Boston (Delock 10) at Detroit corumbus WLR (Buniifig 0-1). {Toronto 714 Cleveland (Antonelli 0:1) at Richmond 625 New York (Ditmar 10). {San Ju#n 635 Baltimore (Hall 00 or Brown Jersey City "500 0-0) at W a s hington (McCldin | Byttalo "400 143 20) (N) {Rochest Minnesota (Pascual 1-0) at Los Sorte 143 Wednesday's Resiilts et BD AS LT OT OT EN City (Herbert 1-0) (N) Gameés Friday Cleveland at New York (N) Baltimore at Wash'n (N) Boston at Detroit (N) Chicago at Kansas City (N) Minn. at Los Angeles (N) National League W L Pet. GBL § 615 -- .583 G56 1 Toronto 6 Columbus 7 Rochester 1 Saf Jian 4 Syracuse 2 Jersey City 3 Games Today Rochester at San Juan (N) Buffalo at Richmond (N) Syracuse at Jersey City (N) (Only games scheduled). American Association Wednesday's Results Ya (Denver 1 Louisville 4 |Indianapolis 5 Omaha 4 San Francisco Pittsburgh self, a perfect game by only two [batters. Ia) L by 8 75 Milwaukee 5 4 87 Los Angeles 533 1 [Dallas-Fort Worth 2 Houston 4 17.00 Ry CHARCOALS IN SOLID SHADES and CHECKS Here are ideal pants for dress, casual or business wear; 2 Pairs For REG. TO 12.95 cut slacks -- all shades. Reg. to 8.95 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Get set for summer with these well styled -- fully COTTON SLACKS MR CO A RR 2 for 11.00 SIZES 30 to 44 CUFFS FREE FRIDAY and SATURDAY LISHED 919 --4 ONLY a-- |] LIE NU NEO i SG SC SP Ge CERT NPE RE SS PE A Em a Fv hriohrby ee yr aan,

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