IPatrons Doing Less® Royal York Chores TORONTO (CP)--Executives|ing up the mixings and carry- frost to ty and largest ho- Royal on ange da; ' ing other chores. Guests were fetching their own linen, mak-ijatia] Royal York Hotel, $30,-|hostelry since 1,200 of the staff(will be 95 per cent of normai{said. ing beds, toting baggage, rustl-000,000 apple of the CPR's eye iwent on strike Monday after-iwith about 500 people at work. A few celebrities have Leen|support, carried his bags out. | ! BRED SA Chr AL AA AAA GE A a eo a OT SE BP cn -- Lr were running elevators and do-{\ng out the empties. And pickets watched by police e Commonwealth, expe: were patrolling outside the pa-{the elegant and dignified/that by Saturday night service|York's 1,600 were filled, he|leader of a new political party enough to re to lonTins Reoibog og wants whims atu overtake some 2, oh, Ono o Zambr, persons daily. business agent here Be the he Hotel Fh Club Employ- But by late 'Tuesday things/for Uni dicted. were looking up in hotel service|®8 as the railway management "Soon n guts wil e leaving by|The rushed in reinforcements fromthe hundreds its Canade wige chgin sud re. NOT MANY e. cruited here The hotel said there have| Several Ontario cabinet min- ds and Bn heen some cancellations but not|isters elected to stay. But Sas- Practic-katchewan's CCF Premier T. C. many unempl as many as ployed. cted to become expected. ys have come upon| A hotel spokesman predicted|ally all available rooms of the|Douglas leaning heavily on "But it's not Royal York serv-|CPR and CNR ond not subject Keys Are Available From All Participating Stores -- One key will be given Free of Charge ~~ on request -- with a purchase of $2.00 or more. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF KEYS WILL BE GIVEN - OUT EACH DAY i Great Spring TARGET SALE Over 100 Items now on safe. The following are just a few of the wonderful savings that Walker's Semi-An- nual Target Sale brings to you, LADIES' JAX PANTIES 39 Subs, Reg, 39 .......ovoveennnn wores ® WABASSO FAMILY SHEETS Double, twin, single ...... DRIP-DRY BROADCLOTH Reg. to .98 yd, YD. GIRLS' BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Sizes 8 to 14 COTTON LOOP MATS EA am THICK BATH TOWELS 58 Reg. to 1.29 =. sssssesssns sess ssensnnse USE WALKERS Charge, Bidgal 1 a 4 Lay-aay Plas i IRR ED RI EEE J Ss DR ERA Re WRIT I END-OF-LINE © NYLONS @ DRIP DRY COTTONS @® PASTEL SHADES © SIZES S-M-L Reg. up to 698 / AGAR OA RIAA SHOPPING CENTR ENTER OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE'S "LUCKY KEY CONTEST" YOU MAY WIN ONE OF THE 26 FULL DOWN PAYMENTS ON A BEAUTIFUL CASTLE HOME IN GLENDALE ACRES JUST WEST OF THE CENTRE \ WATCH FOR THE OPENING SOON OF CASTLE HOMES IN GLENDALE ACRES Your Key to Better Living STYLE-RIGHT! PRICE-RIGNT! FOR LAWN, BALCONY === OR PATIO Summer Fashions to wear brightly, beginning now! Colorful, casual dresses and sportswear. ..and to treasure for summer, Upntwelght the smartest new © Lightwei & Sturdy . swim ensembles © Folds at © Zoller | Feature Value ) ATTRACTIVE FOLDING CHAIR -- made from modem '"'easy-to-clean" Vylon com- bined with oluminum tubing . . . light- weight, portable, easy-to-store. Hand- somely styled, too . . . featuring goy 'n sunny print on white ground. Buy a matched poir for elegant Summer living. "CHARGE IT" -- NO MONEY DOWN! TAKE UP TO 15 MONTHS TO PAY! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Repeat Special ! Women's Smartly Slyled Umbrellas PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS 'Hollywood' style frames in rayon-covered 16- rib umbrellas; in a choice of three patterns. A Outstanding Special Purchase ! "Gardomite" by Ber-Sar Of heot-sealed plastic, offering excellent pro- tection against moths and larvae. cial purchase enables 'us to offer these quaiity garment storage bags at a notable sav- ing! Purchase one or more for putting away your Winter woollens, heavy sweaters, coats, etc. In two sizes, they are constructed with a screw-cap moth crystal compartment to assure good fumigation whilst keeping out dirt and moisture; and have door-type zipper closing. EATON Key Value, Super Jumbo Size, 54" Jumbo Size, each each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 @® Plaids of red, blue or green, @® Plain colours with multi-striped borders. @® Rainbow-effect stripes in soft pastel shades. EATON Key Value, each RAL AA SRA AA EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 222 PHONE RA 5.7373 Ow Swan & HARDWARE ye The world's most beautiful - - .cook-serve-store ware. Special get acquainted 32 oz. saucepan with clear cover | Regularly $4.95 Only 3.88 Offer ny 'May 31, 1961 | SWAN <> HARDWARE OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 'TiL 6 PM. ~-- RA 5.7513 A HALLMARK OF QUA DIAMOND SPECIAL AVAILABLE AT BOTH OSHAWA STORES ® 1 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH i ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE = ¢ , dof A a a an Ve POO Re re reey " wv TT THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thunday, April 27, 1961 11