Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 27 Apr 1961, p. 9

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MARRIED 26 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. James Major Honored At Surprise Party Mr. and Mrs. James Major, Cadillac avenue north were re- centy entertained at a surprise party by neighbors, . relatives, and friends on Saturday, April 22 prior to their 25th wedding anniversary on April 25. The party was held in the Woodview Community Centre Clubhouse. The couple expressed surprise and delight at seeing so many of their friends, neighbors and relatives. Silver, chrome, crys- tal dishes, and household appli- ances were some of the many gifts received, A beautiful spray of roses was presented to the couple by Mrs. Charles Pullen on behalf of the Woodview Com- munity Association. Mr. and Mrs. Major were married in Holy Trinity Angli- can Church, April 25, 1936 with the Reverend S. C. Jarrett offi- ciating. Mrs. William Saxby, aunt of the bride was matron of honor and Mr. Percy Major wa, best man for his brother. Mrs: Major was the former Edith A. Saxby of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Major of Alliston, Ontario were unable to attend the party. A buffet lunch was served by friends, relatives, and neighbors and they finished the evening with dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Major have three daughters, Mrs. Rubert Gay (Gwendolyn), and the Misses Marilyn and Joan, all of Oshawa, and three grandchil- dren complete the family. Reception And Showers Honor Marjorie Wells, Miss Marjorie Jean Wells whose marriage to Mr. Robert Bride-to-Be | Whitby and Miss Jennifer Wells {of Oshawa. Arnold McHugh will take place] Also entertaining for Miss this Friday evening in Simcoe| Wells were her mother's bridge Street United Church, has been|club who had a presentation feted at several pre - nuptial party at the home of Mrs. A. events. Last Mrs, Harle H. awa her Adelaide 3 To receive the hostess wore a sheath dress of champagne beige pure silk shantung. The mother of the prospective bridegroom, Mrs. Royce Cruik- shanks, chose a pink ensemble and the future bride was in a bouffant dress of iridescent sandalwood taffeta. Pouring tea were Mrs. Harold McGill, Mrs. Hector Campbell, Mrs. George W. Read and Mrs, James H. Holliday. the guests were Mrs. Robert Jer, Mrs. Russell Saturday afternoon Wells of Osh at a tea for House. W. Bradford, Lauder road. Mrs. George Izatt and Mrs. Garry McHugh arranged a pan- £4 shelf kitchen shower at home of Mrs Claude Bradi- more, Haig street. Mrs. Fred Gibson, Mrs. J. D. Kerr, Mrs. C. E. Souch and Mrs. J. H. Halliday held a mis. cellaneous shower and presenta- tion. Prizes for games were awarded to Mrs. J. H. Carter and Miss Hazel Waring. Mrs. H. H. Wells and Mrs. Royce Cruikshank poured tea and the hostesses served. Mrs. George W. Read was hostess at a miscellaneous shower assisted by her three daughters, Mrs. Donald Camp- White, Miss Kathryn Wells ofibell, Mrs. Peter Francis and £ CGIT, Explorers Hold Banquet At Northminster Grace was sald by the Rev- erend H. A, Mellow, Leslie Bur- deh, president of the CGIT, pre- The head table guests were in- troduced and the leaders, who are: CGIT, Mrs. Harold Hawk- shaw and Miss Patricia Cor- nish. The Explorers, Mrs. Ralph Wescott, Mrs. Harold Cornish, and Mrs. Ray Branton. Sing songs were led by Mrs. Wescott and Miss Cornish. Films were shown by Mrs. Hawkshaw. The affiliation service for Ex- condu Mrs. Edgar Leask of Port Perry, presbyterial secretary for Explorers, represented the WMS. The CGIT affiliation service with the WMS was led by Pat- ricia Cornish, with Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw, presbyterial secre- tf for CGIT representing the MS. The CGIT Lanyard service was performed by Mrs. H. A. Mellow, with Johanne Parkhill, Joanne Rutherford and Linda Thompson receiving lanyards. The singing of taps closed the evening. = Work Toning Miracle To Thighs toning. the With summer soon here, exer- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, April 27, 1961 § KEEP IN TRIM Precision Calisthenics Will | whole foot on the first % Then, keeping the erect, straighten the up - bent knee and l-i-f4+ yourself up. This puts the climbing action on the inner thigh muscles and lower Shona. awe 4 the | que for Shag, Teo tn SBE is to move the legs from the in a side-to-side motion, or a cir- cling motion. Position: Lying on left side, thenics to work toning mirac- head on folded arms, legs you straight down. Have palm of in right hand braced on floor in . front of chest. ! to see the way you| Action: Circle with right leg, habitually sit down and rise making wide circles from the from a chair. Actually golhips, keeping knee straight. through the movements so you|Circle eight times in one direc. will sense which muscles are|tion, eight times in another . . . wide circles. Point with heel .Jand pull toes toward instep. Change sides and repeat. Position: Lying on side as in| . (first exercise. RAISE AND HOLD Action: Raise top leg about 12 inches in air . . . hold. Now raise bottom leg up to touch top leg. Hold to slow count of six.) Repeat 8 times, holding to slow count of six each time. Change sides and repeat. ! Final exercise tones muscles of hips and thighs. Position: Lie face downward | By IDA JEAN KAIN It takes the resistance out of exercise to know that calisthe- through the muscles in ni of requests are for those hich beautify the thigh$f Pre. fon calisthenics can utify the thighs. However, you cannot a few minutes of calis arms. Come straight up, forcing the powerful thigh muscles to I-i-f-t you out of the chair. When you consider how many times you sit down and rise from a chair daily, you can see this everyday movement could serve to beautify. STAIR CLIMBING HELPS Stair climbing, done correctly, affords a surprising amount of exercise for the thigh muscles. Stand in upright posture, put the on floor, head resting on folded hands. Action: Lifting legs slightly off| floor, separate the legs widely. Be sure to lift with hip andj thigh muscles . . . do not slide GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES legs. Bring legs together, again lifting. Continue 4 to 8 counts, counting stride and back toget- 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The 18th Scout Mothers' Aux- iliary held its April meeting at Courtice United Church. The president, Mrs. Charles Carpen- ter presided. The secretary, Mrs. Carmon Thompson, gave her report fol- lowed by Mrs. Harold La Chap- pelle with the treasurer's report. A' summary of the March luncheon and the Father and Son banquet was given by the president, who also thanked those who worked so hard to make both events a success. Mrs. Harold Osborne was ap- pointed to the executive to fill a recent vacancy. The executive offered to take charge of the May 11 meeting, to be held at noon in the form of a pot luck luncheon. The Otter Patrol, under the convenership of Mrs. Maurice Mrs. John Steffer in serving. Pouring tea at the candlelighted table were Mrs. Donald Wells of Whitby and Mrs. W. J. Wells of Oshawa. The girls of the Cost Depart ment, General Motors of Can- ada, held a dinner at the South End Grill and made a presentation. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Jo- seph Worona, Dymond drive Oshawa, attended by friends of the future bride. A rehearsal party is being given this evening by Mr. and Mrs. Royce Cruikshanks of Port Credit at the home of Mrs, Ted McLaughlin, Shelley avenue. new liquid chemical discovery CURLS without permanent waving solutions! Bours hair can be radiant with as if were born you born with wave stays t it blow in the wi 9 SIMCOE CR NR Wy eS Wee ERR WEL HE NE ST. N R JUST COMB IN No matter how straight and hard fo evr your hair is, just apply PERFORM MAIR WAVING LOTION then comb through hair and put up on reguier curlers or pins, In the morning your hair will be lovely with casual waves and curls, oe perfect as naturally wavy heir. Ne streggly ends, no "licks," no need for pine, eT aut aud levity Ing discovery. Ask for Perform todey. 5 Sprops...e Lecgoons. her as one. Make sure to lift with hip and thigh muscles each| time. Class dismissed! MODEL SHOE STORES NEW. LOCATION 55 KING ST. E. (corner Albert Street) FOR WOMEN . .. All colors in HIGH, ILLUSION, JET or FLAT HEELS. Also New Styles for Men and Children. MODEL SHOE STORES 55 KING STREET (Comer Albert St. Gray had charge of the social hour. " 11TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the 11th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at the Thorn- ton's Community Centre. The president, Mrs. R. H. Allan. The secretary, Mrs. L. W, Hall, presided. The secretary, Mrs. L. W. Hall, read the minutes and Mrs. Roy Lick gave treasurer's report. Reports from various conven- ers were given. Plans for bake sale in May were made. Other ways and means of raising money were also discussed. Cancelled stamps for Retarded and Crip- led Scouts were given to Mrs. igh Scott. The president turned meeting over to Mrs. A. H, Joynt and committee in which all took part in games about Scouting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Joynt and up. The next mee will be held Monday on May 15. PRICE CEILING To bat the rising price of {mats aony, community leaders {in some areas of Africa, have |set price limits on payments for brides. ; | ) Blusbod DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS f id WALKER'S Money-Saving Values in Men's Wear Short Sleeve ! Knitted Cotton -- Save 1.10 Men's Polo Shirts 'Target Sale, each 2.88 Men's spring and summer comfort with good savings . . « men's polo shirts specially purchased for their quality, time- liness and savings . . . short sleeves, knitted cotton, in two and three button styles, neat patterns ., . sizes small, medium or large, usually 3.98. Save 1.10 during Target Sale, each 2.88 @ Two and three button styles ® Sizes small, medium or large ® Usuolly 3.98. "Sanforized' Random Cord Men's Hobby Style Pants Special Target Sale, peir 3.49 Men! Here's a pant you'll enjoy wearing for off-hours comfort . . . of good wearing random cord, well tailored and sized . . . comes with elasticized back for snug fit -- walking bending or sitting . . . "Sanforized" fabric is completely washable . . . beige, antelope, pewter or loden . . . small, medium, or large, fits 30 to 40 inch waists. Target Sale, pair 3.49. ® For sports, gardening or casual wear ® Elastic boxer back ® Sizes smoll .medium or large, fits 30 to 40 waists Rn, /, BUY TWO SAVE $2.96! Men's Sport Shiris Target Sale, Bach ' @ SMALL, MEDIUM OR LARGE 0.7 Smartly tailored sport shirts of plain eolour, , fancy pottern "Bruck" viscose fabric , . . perma collar stays . . . split cuffs sleeves with button . . . antelope, gold, or loden «oo» small, medium or lorge. Usually 3.98 « » « Target Sale, Bach 2.79, 2 for 5.50, LITTLE OR NO IRONING NEEDED! Men's White Shirls Target Sale, Bech 9.99 Men's white dress shirts of orisp high count broadcloth . . . drip-dry quality, completely woshable -- home or laundry « « « Will not tum yellow in bleach. Sizes 14%4 to 172 -- sieeve lengths 32 to 34, Reguior 3.98, Torget Sole, each 2.99. SAVE ON FAMOUS PENMAN LINE Men's Jerseys And Briefs Torget Sale, Bach = 93 Men's athletic jerseys ond briefs by Pen- mons ~-- @ nome well known for fine underweer ---- low priced during Torget Sale , . . white In sizes small, medium or large . . . Regulor .59, Torget Sale, J or Brief ,55, 2 for 1.00. ® "BRUCK" VISCOSE w= WASHABLE FABRICS eo FINE COMBED COTTON ® SHORT SLEEVES © ATHLETIC JERSEYS DOUBLE SEAT BRIEPS © DRIP DRY BROADCLOTH © SIZES 14% TO 1734 @ REGULAR 3.98 THE MAGNIFICENT Loretta SERIES They are The + newest Masterpiece bor A 3-343] PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 NO EXTRA CHARGES OF ANY KIND | és "SANFORIZED" BROADCLOTH FIRST QUALITY -- LOW, LOW PRICED! Men's Boxer Shoris Tergef Sale, Each 79: Men's boxer style shorts of wosh 'n' wear broadcloth . . . tallored for comfort with bolloon seat ond boxer waist. Several pate terns, smoll, medium or large. Usually 1.00. . Target Sole, Pair .79, 2 pair 1.50. WALKER'S of OSHAWA NECKLINE KEEPS SHAPE! Men's "T" Shiris Target Sele, Each "T* shirts of combed cotton with mercer- ized finish , . . crew neck, short sleeves + «+ « white anly, small, mediym or lorge « « + low Target Sale price, Each .88. @ SPECIAL PURCHASE © BALLOON SEAT ® SMALL, MEDIUM OR LARGE e SIZES 10 TO 12 @ USUALLY 1.00 4 for 2.50 Men! Stock up with good savings on first quality fine socks. Choose from three soft-to-the feet yorn blends in a variety of colours and pattems, Sizes 10 to 12... Usually 1.00, Target Sole, pair .66, 4 pair 2.50. ° Sucre SLEEVES REW NECK SMALL, ® WHITE -- ' @ USUALLY 1.00 MEDIUM OR LARGE 2 for 1.30 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON AND KING ST. RA 8-4626 STORE HOURS Mon, to Sat. 9:30 te 6 P.M. Fri. 9:30 te 9 p.m.

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