Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1961, p. 7

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Donnelda Stark Becomes Bride Of Mark Tomina in St. George's Women zs y Saturday Mi accesor- ies and a corage of pink feather ed_carnations. For their honeymoon to points { Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor. Dial BA 3-374 Polish Operetta Big Success » Members of * St. Hedwig's Choir and a team of Polish ous Hall, Banting avenue, on evening. The script was adapted by Mr. Julian Dobrowanski who acted as master of cere- monies and Mrs. Laudis Gra. barska directed the music. Miss Irene Wolek was the pianist and the orchestra was Joseph Lipiec, Richard Stanley Paterek and Frank Kry- sa. The leading roles were played cting the rs. Clifford Stark, and the late Mr. Stark and the ridegroon is the son of Mr. ad rs. Edo Tomina of Yugo- slavia. The Reverend C. D. Cross of ficiated and the wedding music was played by the organist Mr. Alan Reesor. The bride was given in mar riage her uncle, Mr. Alton tark. wore a floor-length wn of white chantilly lace; scoop. neckline appliqued with colored , the slim bodice fashiol with wrist. length sleeves. The skirt was accentuated with a scalloped THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 25, 1961 7 PERSONALS brating their wedding anniver- sary. The Opera group of the Lyceum Club and Women's' Art Association met recently at the home of Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mary street, when Mrs. C. D. Wright led in the discussion of the last scene of '"'Aida"". Mrs. Victor Peacock and Mrs. 8, C. Larmer assisted the hostess in serving refreshments. The Oshawa and District Old Country Club held its annual Spring Frolic at the UAW hall recently. Mr. George Day was master of ceremonies. Buffet refreshments were prepar donated by the la group. Past - chairman, 'Mr. William St. Joseph's Parent-Teachers Association held a card party at St. Gertrude's Parish Hall recently under the convenership of Mrs. Sterling Morison and Mrs. William O'Neill. Mrs, - |Garry Clarke was prize con- vener. The following were the winners: Mrs, J, Clark, R. Le roy, B. Gordon, Mrs, McCallis- ter, Mrs. J. A. McNeil, Mts. R. Lunn, Mrs. J. MacDonald, Mrs. D. Rowe, Mrs, D. Dumais, 'Mrs. 'M. Mitchell, Mrs. P. Melch, Mrs. E. Roberts and Mrs. R. Normoyle. Miss Shirley Washborn of Ajax was the guest of Mr. Andrew Dingler of Oshawa at the Military Ball held in the Armouries on Friday. | Foote, who is leaving for Eng- Teas, birthday parties, wed-|land in the neay future, present- ding anniversaries, coming and|ed the raffle prize, a barbecue oings of guests and your own|pit. Many other prizes were Roliday plans are always of in-|presented. terest in this column, Write, telephone or visit the social de partment with your items of news for which there is no charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. The Presbyterial president, Mrs. Fred Reed, met in North- minster United Church with the vice-presidents, recording sec- retary and leaders of the young- er groups to plan the visit of the WMS Field Secretary, Miss Marion R. Thomson, BA. Miss Thomson, who has done teach- ing on a mission field in Saskat- chewan, Indian work in B.C. and helped at the Community Mis- sion in All People's, Winnipeg, now travels across Canada giv- ing assistance in program plan- niyg, work in younger groups or whatever is needed. She will be at King Street United Church, Oshawa, on Thursday and Fri- day, May 11 and 12. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Sleeman and son, Gary, Rosehill boule- vard, were hosts at a family dinner party on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Sleeman's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter H. Langmaid, King street west, who were cele- Plodzien - Tripp Nuptial Rites Solemnized At St. Andrew's In St. Andrew's United her small hat and gloves were Church Chapel, Bernice Chris-/white, and her corsage of three tina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. white cymberium orchids with Harold E. Tripp, became the mauve throats. bride of Mr. Lewis Plodzien,| Mr. and Mts. Plodzien will Paris, Ontario, son of Mrs. Jo-|reside in Paris, Ontarig, where sef Plodzien of Mor. Ostrava|the bridegroom is in buisiness. Mar Hory, Czechoslovakia, and| Out-oftown guests included the late Mr. Plodzien. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hlavacek The Reverend George Telford and Miss Carmelita Commer- DD performed the ceremony, ford, Toronto; Mrs. John Mac: Mr. Kelvin James played the|Farlane, Belleville; Mr. and Over 15 Yeors' Experience RESULTS GUARANTEED . MARIE MURDUFF Soneshe Hore, ape 38. 38 PHONE RA 3-4641 for appointment on these doles back of scalloped tulle. A d pearls and 'held her three-tier veil and she carried a cascade of stephanotis and Briarcliffe roses. The maid of honor was Miss Shirley Stark and the brides: maids were Miss Patricia Pat. erson and Miss An Stark. They wore nile green ' silk organza over taffeta with square neck- lines and gathered bodices. Softly draped cummerbunds were caught into a self flower | Jud sash, aid Heit skirts were Friday evening prior to{bordered with a deep 'row of gay Bail ia in the nile green chantilly lace. Their Armouries, WO2 T. R. Homes matching picture hats were soft- and Mrs. Homes entertained at ged with Seiad Yule 2nd their home on Verdun road at y carried baskets of white a cocktail party. Moving pic- and nile green pompom chrysan- themums, tures were taken of the guests : > and each lady guest was pre- Mos Tepny Money eas Be sented with .a corsage in thelp iqi.caide regimental colors of light blue, | Mr, Joseph Gaspich was the dark blue, and gold. Among the guests were: RSM best man and ushering were od, Milne and Mrs. Milne, Staff ge Bent Stark and Mr. Har- Set. aud Mss. Thomas Temple, The reception was held at the WO2 and Mrs George Hood. | UAW hall where the bride's mo- WO?2 and Mrs. Nicholas Nickols, ther received in a dress of : '|rose-beige silk organza over Salt ol Mis. Ri taffeta, with bone-colored acces- Kellar, Mr. Robert Kellar, Miss SULIes nN a Sore of bronze Colleen Larkin, Mr. R. Winna.|Virysanthemums, e bride- cott. Miss Noreen Homes, Mr.|8room's aunt, Mrs. Anton Gas: ' A ich, Niagara on the Lake, as- Melville White, Mrs. Evelyn pe od. wearing a navy bl » Clough, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart d g vy blue en- Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weller, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodman. | handsome Zdzich Dranski. Mrs. Woldk was convincing in her part as mother of the bride, weeping real tears dt the wedding, and others to be commended were Victoria Szcze- panski, Alex Kurosad, Teresa Michno, Kristine Rzepkowski, Irene Kupicki, Joseph Kolbue, John Szymanski, Stanley Kitras, Ray Romouczyk, Woletto An- drolojc. The talented dancers were Luba Wolek, Irene Wolek, Jean- ette Dy! and Veronika Orlow- ski, Zdzich Dranski, Joe Gorol- vzyk, Ray Romanczyk and Her- onim Jordan, The hall was packed beyond capacity and by popular re- quest "The Marriage of Mary" will be repeated next Sunday evening, ther Park? instant coffee SPOILS QUICKLY Ground fresh meat will darken on standing and spoils more quickly than whole cuts. It should be unwrapped, covered loosely with waxed paper, and stored in the coldest area of the refrigerator. Cook within 24 hours, advises the Food and Nutrition Department, Mac- donald Institute, Guelph. Miss Joane Zubkavich was honored by her friends at a birthday party given by her mother at Saridalwood last week. The pleasure of your company is requested at a SATELLITE SOUND PARTY to be held at PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th 7:00 P.M. -- 10:00 P.M. picture includes Mrs. W. E, Trew, Capt. A. W. Abrams, Toronto; Mr. W. E. Trew, Capt. J. C. Larmond, Mrs. Larmond, Major D. B. Harn- den, Mrs. Harnden and Mrs. R. C. Rivers, Toronto. tain A. W. Abrams, Instruc- tional ' Cadre, Toronto. Fol- lowing them is the Com- ding Officer, Lt.-Colonel-J. R. Warnica with Mrs. Warnica, | extreme right. The party : around the table in the lower 1860's presenting arms. Mrs, that extended to the side- | Abrams is obviously enjoy. walk guests were greeted by | ing the recognition as she ar sentries in uniforms of the | rives with her husband, Cap- Military Ball, 191, Voted Best Armouries Has Seen march to eer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth May- |berry, Mr. and Mrs. Dare Young. Dr. and Mrs. C. H, Vipond, Thankotfering Hears Address the| Governor eneral Horse y J ' dnan poin grand strains of John Peel played by the Regimental Band, conducted by Lieutenant F. J. Francis, was thé opening of one of the gayest dances to be held at Osh- awa Armouries. Scarlet tunics and dress Blues made a bright contrast to the bea evening gowns, glitter: ing under reflected spot lights. armouries was transform- ed by golden draperies and flow- ers and red, white and blue bunting curtained the stage for Henry St. John's orchestra whose pleasant rhythms' kept the dancers on the floor till 1 am. Eight-foot imitation sentries, painted in red tunics and bear- skin hats, manned cannons from high, fabricated battle. ments, fronting the balconies and old-time refreshment bars attracted much attention. Stu- dents of Mr. James Kraemer, art director at Donevan Colleg- iate, were responsible for the clever decorations. HONORING ROYAL WELCH The traditional ceremony of "eating the leek" was manfully performed by the regiment's junior officer, 2nd Lieutenant J. A. Almond. Escorted by two sentries in 1860 uniforms, lit- Miss J. Sills, Capt. E. S. Daw- and Mrs. R. Crouse, Mr. tle Miss Kendra Jayne Ed- wards, in Welsh dress, presented | the leek reposing on a silver|M salver to the Commanding Of- ficer Lt.-Col. J. R. Warnica, who observed the "'eating" and rewarded the lieutenant with a tankard of ale. From midnight on a hot buf- fet was served in the officers' mess and guests had the oppor- tunity of admiring the new color photograph of the Honorary Col- onel R. S. McLaughlin. The ar- tist, Mr. 'A. 'Cavoukian, who was present with Mrs. Cavou- kian, was highly complimented on his achievement. RECEIVING LINE Prior to the grand march, guests were received by the Honorary Colonel R. S. Mc- Laughlin, the Commanding Of- ficer Lt. Colonel J. R. Warnica and Mrs. Warnica; Second in Command Major William Payn- ter and Mrs. Paynter; chair man of the hall committee, Major William Clarke and Mrs. Clarke; Regimental Sergeant ha William Milne and Mrs. We. president of the ser- nte, ness, Sergeant Major nips and Mrs. Homes of the officers' ttee, Captain Ar- d Mrs. Hebb. d milikary person- ir ladies present wer H. Brown, ender, Central On- up, Brigadier J. N. basitander, 15 Militia { A. McGinnis, 15 Guards; Lt. Col. J. V. Davies, Queen's York Rangers; Lt. Col. P. F. Boylen, 20th Field Regi- ment, Royal Canadian Artillery; Lt. Col. M. G. Mclver, ard Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada; Lt. Col. B. J. Legge, 5 Column, Royal Cana- dian Army Service Corps; Cap- tain A. W. Abrams, Instruction- al Cadre, Toronto; Lt. Col. F. R. Robinson, 8th Signals Regi- ment, Toronto; Maror J. L. Du- breuil, GSO 15 Militia Group. Guests of honor included Judge Alex C. Hall and Mrs. Hall; Lt.-Col. J. ®*A. Welch, sheriff of Ontario County and Mrs. Welch; Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas, Mr. orable Michael Starr, MP and Mrs. Starr. SEEN DANCING Among those attending were Lt. and Mrs. M. O. Pratter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clifford, Major and Mrs. W. E. Harn den, Mr. and Mrs. James Krae- mer, Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Lar- {mond, Capt. and Mrs. E' A.| {Lince, S-Sgt. Smart and Mrs. | Smart, SSM Nichols and Mrs. | | Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smart, Mr. M. Whyte, Lt. G. Mainds, [son, Capt. K. A. Warnica. Capt. and Mrs. Ian McNab, A. Cavoukian, . Arthur Hebb, rs. J. A. Aldwinckle, . J. R. Carson, . R. W. Mills, Mr. . D. V. Davies. rs. J. A. Almond, . M. Hall, Miss Roberta Fernandex, Mrs. D, E. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. R. Webb, Capt. and Mrs: Jack Sheriff, Mr, and Mrs. J. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cam- eron. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Inkpen (representing the Mayor of Whitby) RSM and Mrs. E. H. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mur-| T. D. Thomas, MLA; the Hon-| Mr. and Mrs. J. Macleod, Mr, and Mrs. S. Donnelly, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ambery, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGibbon, Lt.-Col. T. Prest, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Hare, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mur- doch. S.Sgt. and Mrs. Jan Drygala, Mr, and Mrs. Jan Dekcacz, Mr. and. Mrs. Alec Chalmers, Mr. and Mrs. D. Harman, Mr, and Mrs, F. Charbonneau, Mr. and Mrs. L. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goet, Mr. and Mrs. H, Reynard. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Langmaid, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis, Mr. and Mrs. John Kent, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Grose, Mr. and Mrs. T. Korczynski, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eymans, Capt. and Mrs, Leo Tiggelers, Capt. and Mrs, R. L. Painter, Capt. and Mrs. R. E. Gutsole, Mr, and Mrs. G. Beauchemin, Capt. and Mrs. S. J. Skea, Mr. and Mrs. W. Huller, S-Sgt. and Mrs. T. Temple, WO2 and Mrs. J. R. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. G. Darlington, Mr. and On Mission Work The Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Afternoon Auxil- iary of the WMS of Knox Pres- byterian Church was held in the west hall of the church. The president, Mrs. las read the Scripture lowed by prayer. A trio by Mrs. Joeph Ker and the Misses Grace Kennedy and Margaret Cormack sang "Only The Touch of Thy Hand." The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Dancey. Mrs. John Craig introduced the speaker, Miss Fried Mat director of National Mission of the Presby- terian Church in Canada, who told of the work throughout the port- new thews, executive Canada. The work workers were doing as Mrs. Reginald Lancaster, Capt. | and Mrs. T. C. Thompson, Mr.| an Mrs. F. J. Porter, and Mrs. D. Mathews, BSM and| Mrs. George Hood, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Larway, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Kelly, Sgt. and Mrs. .G E. Rey- nard, Mr. and Mrs. L. Wood- man, Mr. and Mrs. C. Greely, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Gandy, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lebel, Cpl and Mrs. C. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. W. Platt, Cp. and Mrs. F. Armstrong and many others. Mr. HOUSEHOLD HINT pegple come to this land. Also the work in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver with the Chi- nese people. The work among the Indian children in school at Kenora and Bertile. Also the great need that was filled with Fellowship House at Winnipeg. Mrs. Milton McEachern thank- ed the speaker, also the trio and A RB Dancey, presided, opening with a poem 'How Lovely are They That Walk with God," followed by a hymn. Mrs. David Doug- lesson dealing with the passover fol- er" and "0, Perfect Love". wedding music, and Mrs. Laurie) Mrs. Russell MacFarlane, Shan. French sang "The Lord's Pray-|nonville; Mr. and Mrs. John C . Huffman, Corbyville; Mr. and The bride, given in marriage Mrs, Kenneth Carter and Mr. by her father, wore a white bal-land Mrs, Orley Glass, Roslin; lerina length gown of pure silk/Mr, and Mrs. Rohald Crowe, organza over net and taffeta.|Ottawa; Mrs. E. A. Harris, Appliques of lilies of the ve'ley| Montreal; and Mrs. Cecil Scri- and sequins accented the scoop|ver, Hastings. neckline and the scalloped edge of the cutaway front of the bouquet of white palanopsie or- chids and stephanotis. The matron of honor, Mrs. James Ambrose, wore & ro- mance blue gown of pure silk organza with a round neck and a bodice of chantilly late. The empire waist was accented with a self bow and two streamers and the full skirt featured an insert of chantilly lace. Her headdress was a circular veil held by a half cofonet of mo- hair trimmed with pearls. She carried a crescent bouquet of small mauve orchids. Mr. Paul Hlavacek of Toron- to was best man and ushering was Mr, James Ambrose. A reception was held in the supper room of the church. The bride's mother received wear: ing a sheer crepe dress of navy blue with a white flowered hat and a corsage of two white cath- ley orchids. Mrs. Paul Hlava- cek who received for the bride- groom wore an olive green and T S their accompanist, Mr. David|ywhite full-skirted dress with Jenkins. The meeting closed with a white accessories and a cor sage of three white cymberium hymn 'and prayer led by Mrs.|orchids with mauve throats. Dancey. For the wedding trip the waxed paper on any flat sur< face to substitute for a pastry- rolling board, then discardipg Save yourself work by taping the paper after use. bride wore a navy blue wool coat over a bronze gold sheath dress of pure silk shantung. Her matching shoes and hand- bag were a watermelon color, doch, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Dry- nan, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Braith- waite. i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richard- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Wal- die, Capt. and Mrs. Warren, Dr. and Mrs. Pragge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thempson, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Geikie, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Morley Fin- ley, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Millen, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Morison, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. David Lander, Lt.- Col. and Mrs. A. G. Coulter, Maj. and Mrs. K. C. Bath, Lt.- Col. and Mrs. F. S. Wotton, FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES of Your Furs for Storage MORRISON FUR CO. ATTENTION ALL FUR OWNERS i A MessaGe From MORRISON FUR CO... WHY TAKE CHANCES THIS SPRING? $1000.00, WOULD YOU LEAVE IT IN YOUR CLOTHES CLOSET? OF COURSE NOT. Bring it to the bank. Likewise, put your furs in cold storage, ot MORRISON'S. We offer Free Immediste Pick Up end Delivery, Free Estimate for Complete Fur Service, Remodelling, Repair and Cleaning at your door. Our price? Only 2% of fair valuation ! "NO NOTICE REQUIRED, WHEN COAT IS DESIRED" MORRISON FUR CO. DIAL RA 5-6312 12 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA IF YOU HAD '00 Und NOSIHUOW Ureslt. Col. H. Tye, 0 8+ full control skirt. Elbow ieugth| The largest floral exhibition mitts were worn with the short|ever staged by a single organ- sleeves. Her short circular veil|ization will be shown at the was held by a crown of mohair| March 23 Rand Easter Show in| @ and crystal. She carried a spray| Johannesburg, South Africa. | FLOWER SHOW You will be introduced to the startling new realism J 360° sound produced by the new Satellite Speakers Flectrohome . . . the only speakers made that can offer you the startling realism of this Refreshments will be served. new listening experience. Your family and friends are welcome. Also See The Realism Of T.V. In Living Color HOME APPLIANCES Presents. . A New "zi" for your HOME! "ELAIR" BY FRIGIDAIRE Sismorgls new beauty, the most moderrt of all electric cooking. BUILT-IN CONVENIENCE WITHOUT BUILT-IN EXPENSE Pr HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-5332 Mr. and Mrs. Murray Maidlow, 4 FUR COLD STORAGE ON THE PREMISES

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