ag ig was a are A - § ; 27--Real Estate for Sale contin-|5 ACRES of level garden land, Just Tele- East, near Orono. $2,000, Call Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd Realtors, MA ,_ Bowmanville. FIVE acres in city. One fot 200 » 81, Thickson Road. Six-room brick bungs _ |tow. Apple Hill, RA 57786. 100 ACRE farm, good Watched eight acres of & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent BRIGHT, furnished bedroom, uous hot water, very central phone RA 5-0393. | fy i : i i | E 8 43 i id gentlemen, attractive. L] i fi TWO furnished rooms, sult kitchen, ! | 8 | i H ; i iH i i buildings, well woods. Write Ontario. | i f cH 2 i ] El : ih EE FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr., Vickery Real Estote Business ...... RAB8-6228 RA 8-4879 FARM 133 ACRES 100 acres workable, rest wood and pasture, big river runs through, 7 room brick house with conveniences, big barn, water in, 2 drive sheds, 2 brooder houses, a garage, 1 tool shed. This farm is good for beef cattle or cash crops, plenty of water, good garden, raspberries and strawberries, some apple trees, All 7 build- ings in A-1 condition. Apply owner: g g g ¥ Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 Open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. FOR SALE OR RENT Six-room brick home in north- east section, Private drive with garage, Asking $9,900. with low down payment. Im- mediate possession. Call, RA 5-6588. JUST LISTED N.H.A. 6% RESALE 3 - bedroom home on Rosmere. Extro large kitchen, large living room, many extras, For ap- pointment to inspect call today. CALL RA 5-6588 TODAY | After Hours Please Call: Lloyd Corson, .. RA 3.2537 Ken Hann, .... RA 3-7963 Wes Elliott ... RA 8.0581 Dick Young, ... RA 3-7183 Charlie Rankine, RA 8-3682 . i) i ] 5 £ § 1 ; | 5] | | E it i § HH 2 DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 4) GLADSTONE AVE. RA 8-465] Be the first to enjoy carefree living in this lovely 6-room 2-storey home on quiet tree- lined street. Low down pay~ ment with $12,000 full price, Payments arranged. Just look and compare. Call Vic Hulatt ot RA 8-4651, Sacrifice Sale -- $16,700 -- Fully decoroted, six-room bungalow with attached gor- age, nicely landscaped lot, 75 x 200, two bathrooms. pri ly =z ED room and kitchen, vat bath, heat, light and water, laundry facilities, ar age, abstainers. Lady preferred, Tele- FURNISHED bedroom in mew house with young couple, suit lady. ______|Abstainer preferred. Domestic privil- eges. RA 8-5020 after 5 p.m. LUCAS PEACOCK EE: REALTOR BALDWIN STREET This three - bedroom brick bungalow is in beautiful con- dition. Just three years old, with all the extras taken care of. 4-pc. filed bathroom, shower in basement. Alum. storms ond screens, and large fenced yard. To inspect, please call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454. 19 ARLINGTON AVE. | $8,500.00 Six-room |Va-storey. Full | basement. Inside ond out- side separate entrance to SELL or trade -- seven-room house for smaller four-room bungalow, suitable for couple. Write Box 549, gg th bath with sitting room, three-piece A and i suit couple. RA 86115. \ 2 ROOM for light housekeeping near rking. | business centres and South GM, fur- nished or unfurnished, ground floor. 27 Park Road South. RA 8-0429. TWO rooms with cupboards and sink in. kitchen, separate entrance, utilities paid, parking, close to Shopping Centre. h RA 81415. 6 p.m. NEW modern two. yu e, washer, dryer, paved pa $2 Park Road South, RA 53212. storey arage. Hot water, oil heat, requires low lown pay-|light ment, See this tre maker, Call Bill Horer RA 85 Lioyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. PRIVATE sale, six-room brick veneer, garage, small fenced back yard. Close to downtown. Suitable for sub letting RA 8.0863 after 5 only. NHA repossession, clean lent Lar tp $600 down, east MO PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, colors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh. Hardware and Electrie, 8 Church , BA 37624. - _ |awa Street, FOUR-ROOM unfurnished ap \ rivate entrance, couple only. 8 pam. 203 King Street West. atl THN EE-ROOM apartment with stove, private bath, TV aerial. Apply 228 Rit- son Road South RA 80069. 5 NEAR OCVI, five rooms, tile bath, vate entrance, Phone Joseph Rosco, ealtor, RA 5-9870. THREE-room apartment, heated, near TV aerial, bus at door. Telephone RA §5-6106 or RA 3753. eT 0. RAID, *|'g0 CHEVROLET four-door station wagon, power glide and m extras, low mileage, excellent condition, pri- vate Call RA 3-3034. i $5 to $8 guaranteed reco! ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-241 Me AWNINGS, canvas, prompt service, free Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North. BOAT AND MOTOR FIBRE GLASS BOAT artment;) 2eepaone Ho Taga = Call till| SINGLE room, girl, new home of widow, kitchen privileges, 387 Mary Street Please apply 395 Mary Street after 5. LARGE front bedroom, five minutes from downtown, parking space, suitable for one or two gentlemen, single s. Telephone RA 88380. db LARGE room and kitchen, furnished, suit couple, Also single room, furnish-| ed. Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. | ; |RITSON ROAD near King, unfurnished | four-room and three-room flats, sinks, | in excel: a Oshawa, il. RA . Frances 5-4344 Joseph Bosco Realtor, N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bungo- low, 4 years old, North West area, backing on Nipi- Ss. HUSSEL, RR. NO. 3, OMEMEE sedan, automatic, $150 or best offer. Apply 752 Glenforest Strest before 4 pm, .. | 52 PONTIAC best offer. "52 Mer. cury, asking 8150. Also parts for '53 Pontiac, Apply 214 Park Road-North '59 FORD custom built, radio, may be seen at Don Down's Texaco, Simcoe Owner leaving province. Call Howard McCabe, RA 8-4651. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. Realtors| PORT PERRY three rooms and bath, all conveniences, TV outlet, oil heat. Joseph Your own 3-2164. FOUR rooms, ground floor, three. plece bath, sink, cupboards, newly dec- orated, completely private, central. Telephone RA 5-6810. TFWO-ROOM newly furnished apartment Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870. FURNISHED bedroom in private home near King and Ritson road, parking. Available, Abstainers only. RA 5-1365. 31 Rowe Street. ONE furnished room, suitable for lady, t a with TV, suit single girl or Call RA 5-000. pu couple, cooking T RA and 8-0816. THREE - ROOM it furnished or unfurnished, sink and cup- boards in kitchen. Apply 172 Hibbert Avenue. Faron oC GET Ere TOW furnished rooms, refrigerator and hot plate, suit one or two gentlemen or two working girls. Reasonable. Cen. tral. RA 3-4162. GROUND floor FUR ts and single tained apartment. sion, central, $60. or RA 8.2017. FURNISHED bachelor basement apartment, separate entrance and bath, Central. Quiet tenant. Telephone RA after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM, partly furnished, self ) posses- Telephone RA 35-6184 contained apartment, ground £100 r.|5.5297 Only reliable couple need apply. 235 Athol Street East. LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre apart. ment for rent, suitable for two or bachelor, partly furnished, stove and refrigeraotr, modern bath, available im- mediately, Saturday, Sunday, 1 to 9 .m.; week days, after 5 p.m. Apt. 1, ansdowne Shopping Centre, Simcoe North. THREE-ROOM apartment, built-in cup- boards and sink, heavy duty wiring, heat, water, lights supplied. RA 8-1135, rooms in apartment house with private entrances, privileges. 96 Centre Street, TWO large rooms completely furnish- ed, for light housekeeping, including electric refrigerator and television. Use of washing machine and dryer. Central to downtown and shopping cen- tre. orking couple, $15 weekly, RA ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 82 Royal Street. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, suit couple or two gentlemen, stove, refrig: erator, sink, cupboards, Drew, RA 5-6169. parking. us THRE 27--Real Estate for Sale E new foul-piece tile bath Min vanity, toilet GROUND floor fi Pp unfurnished, $60 monthly, share bath- room and hydro. Child welcome. Tele- phone RA 3-4065. SELF-CONTAINED, three-room apart ment, private bath, sink and built-in cupboards in kitchen, immediate pos- session. Apply 513 Richmond East. ATTRACTIVE vent, one bedroom, private bath, avail- able now, north-west district. Close jo rim and cup- boards, board, hot water heating, aluminum doors and windows, very close to St. Hedwig school, $11,000 with terns. Private sale. Telephone RA SIX-ROOM bungalow, in nice residen. tial district, fireplace in living and fin- ished recreation room, built-in stove and oven, four-piece ceramic tiled bath- room, two powder rooms, double ga- Kage, um, $10,000 down, MO 8-3119 ir shopping and bus. {FIVE room bungalow for sale or rent, ™ rooms, furnish. t housek including electric refrigerator stove, use washing machine and dryer. Central to downtown and shopping eentre. Suit working couple, $15 weekly, RA 5.5227, THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment,| private entrance, avaliable now, Apply 24 Fairbanks Street. alumin-| um storms, large garage, Very reason- able. RA 8:1414 between 4 6 p.m, RA 3-9810 43 Park Rd. S. RA 5-8761 MORE -- THAN JUST A HOME Spacious brick and stone rambler, large, really modern kitchen, full size dining room, spacious living room, 3 good size bed- rooms, 4-piece tiled bathroom, enclosed breezeway, attached double garage, full size, high basement, divided for recreation room or apartment, double windows, electric box and cable for dryer, TV antenna, large landscaped lot overlooking the City, full list price $16,500, with substontial cash, call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. SPRINGTIME IS SUBURBAN TIME Located on Thickson's Rd. North, a spacious ranch bungalow of brick and stone, planned for gracious living with all the extras, ultra modern kitchen with 4 lazy susans, dining room, large living room with stone fireplace, wall-to-wall broadloam, 3 spac- jous bedrooms, 4-piece bath with vanity plus 2-piece washroom, full size basement with open fireplace, triple . storm windows, oHached garage. $5,000 down gives possession. Call Sid Martyn, RA 5-8761. LIVABLE AND LOVELY Solid brick bungalow of 5-rooms ond 4-piece tiled bathroom, all tastefully decorated, spacious modern kitchen, living room and 3% bedrooms, full size, high basement with partial recreation room, double windows, TV antenna, londscaped lot with private drive, $1,500. down gives possession, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810, Central Park North, 6 rooms, clean condition, $1,000. down. Store and apartment, $1,500, down. Thomas St. S-room brick bungalow, $12,500 full price. Oshawa Blvd. North, é-room brick house, $1,500 down. Commercial Corner, 110 ft. frontage x 89 ft. Bowmanville, brick bungalow, garage, $10,500. full price. Whitby, 5-room brick bungalow, $12,500, full price. 99 acre farm, creek, Oshawa 12 miles, $15,300. full price. $350. down, 5-rooms, conveniences, Port Perry. Summer Cottage, furnished, $3,500. full price. Building lots, city and suburban, priced from $1,000. end up. CALL SID MARTYN, RA 3-9810 or 5-876! | BROOKLIN, eight-room brick house with four-room self-contained apart: ment on main street, three-quarter of an acre, adjoining creek, two-car garage, hot water, baseboard heating. RA 5-3672. 26--Rooms for Rent THREE large rooms, private entrance, rivate bathroom, hot and cold water, Reavy wiring. Apply 782 Ritson Road uth, LIGHT housekeeping room with studio couch and refrigerator, close to hospi- tl am down town. Telephone RA HOUSEKEEPING room for rent, yo vate entrance, for one or two gen men. Apply 47 Elena Avenue, close to Maileable and Pedlar's. RA 3-2625. PARTLY furnished room and Kitchen, suitable for single person only. Close to Gene! hospital. HARMONY VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Homony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Nort ral Motors and Telephone RA 8-245, LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE WHITBY CLASSIFIED SPACIOUS two-bedroom, self-contained apartment at 209 Brock Street, heated, $70 monthly. Available May 1. OL 5-4471. FOR RENT -- Modern apartment, sultable for business couple. Washer and dryer. Ample parking space. Tele- OR RENT -- Brand new large three- bedroom brick bungalow, nice location, close to separate, public and hi school. $100 monthly, MO 8-8572. FOR RENT -- Two-room apartment, $40 monthly, heavy wiring, sink, cup- boards, private entrance. Immediate i h MO 8-5467, FOR SALE 24" Rotary Tiller and one Massey Harris pony tractor and at. tachments. In A-1 condition. Two 8" skill saws, also '53 Studebaker parts. MO 8-4149. FOR RENT -- Whitby apartments and houses. Modern one and two-bedroom suites, electrically equipped, drapes, TV outlets, washer, dryer, lockers, parking, Rentals $90 to $120 monthly. Modern three and four bedroom houses $85 to $115 monthly. A. J. Schatz, Real- tor. Call J, A. Daly MO 8-477. FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment with heat, lights and water. Close to school and a One child welcome. FOR RENT = Three - room & ent, unfurnished, private entrance, immedi- ate possession. Telephone MO 84242 or apply 816 Centre Street South. SPRING cleanup, roto-tilling, plough- ing etc. Telephone MO 8-8306. FOR RENT or sale, three bedroom | brick gal o ated, diat occupancy. Telephone MO §-5184. BC SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep- ing service for small businesses, week- ly, monthly or as desired. Statements prepared. come tax returns. MO 8-8252. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats and dresses; alterations and slip covers. A jpatioe fit guaranteed. Mrs, Toms, MO FOR RENT -- U d ap three rooms, hot water, oil heat, kitch- en sink and cupboards, parking space, convenient location. MO 8-5188. FOR RENT -- Two - roomed apartment, $45 monthly, every! ded. Al N t apartment for rent. Heat, TV outlet, frig, stove in- cluded, $87.50 monthly on two-year lease. Immediate possession, MO 8-8006 FOR RENT -- $65 monthly three and four-rogm apartments, balcony, vesi- thing ply 66 Church Street, Pickering (at back). FOR RENT -- Six room bungalow, $90 monthly, Available May 1. Apply 307 Rosedale Drive or telephone MO 8-5348. DON" it off, put it on, roofing, siding, ing Phil Harper. MO 8- R your masonry, cement work, roof- and waterproofing, eall MO 83-2294 rates. FO ing put dat roofs, eavestroughing, paint-|MO 4558. area, newly decorated, laun- filities, parking, close to schools p's playground. Apply 300 High dry fag Childrd Street. SPRING clean up Special. Fertilizing, sweeping, rolling, trimming etc. Also special 2g for laying sod, planting. SAVE MONEY! Walter's Plano Regula. ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtie Fur. niture Store or telephone MO 8-5481 after 3 p.m. daily. Work guaranteed. TYPING paper, letter size, white news- print, on sale at your Oshawa Times office, 1111 Dundas Street West, a sheets, $1.00. DRESSMAKING! Ladies' and Chil: dren's Wear, sults, coats and altera. tions. Mrs. M. Bradford, MO 8-8666. Approximately 630 , only GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, air filters clerned, adjust car- buretor ghd controls. Clean and adfust spark plugs and points, © il. wheels. $4.50 tra), CO RBENTAL SERVICE & SALES indas East, Whitby R $12 VALUE FOR $7 enriched permanents up, includes cut, oil basic or high styl- rd RES BY KEN AVON CALLING Servicing Avon customers dur- ing convenient hours is a profitable means of earning for mony women. Full or part-time work. Highest com- mission, LE 6.0627 collect. FOR RENT Boat box and cabin trailer, chain ond skil saw, cement mixer, paint sprayer, smelt nets, canoes, cor-top boats, motors. FOR SALE New and used boats, motors and trailers, lawn mowers a! garden tillers. ' WANTED Boats, motors and trailers to be sold consignment. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES Ristow & Olsen REALTORS STORY BOOK HOUSE ON A BUDGET Yes, it's actually reminiscent of the quaint houses artists used to paint for fairy tales. Maybe it's the spacious sunken living room or maybe it's the oversize windows in every room, but this picturesque three-bedroom house has a charm all its own. Priced at $12,900 with $2,500 down, For further information coll Joy Dell at RA 5-3283 or RA 8-5107. V.L.A. PROPERTY brick bungalow with 10 ocres garden soll, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, furnace ond full basement. Small barn with garage ond stable. This property is just off a main rood ond is close to a small village. Listed at $14,000 with terms. Call Howard i ot RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155. "* ESTATE SALE We have a good income brick home for $9,500 which must be sold to settle on estate. It includes two cozy, self-contained apartments, is very central, ond brings an income of $130.00 monthly. For more facts about a wise investment call Joy Dell ot RA 5.3283 or RA 8-5107. FARM -- LINDSAY AREA 150 acre clay loam farm 3 miles from Lindsay, 130 acres work- able with 32 acres tile drained. 2-storey, S-bedroom brick home with bathroom ond furnace. Barn with steel stabling, milking machine and two silos, also loafing barn and implement shed. All buildings painted and in good repair. 50 acres of spring grain and 50 acres of alfalfa. Purchaser to have crop. Listed aot $27,000. Terms arranged. For information call Howard Forder ot RA 8-5107 or evenings RA 8-2155, RA 8-5107 RA 5-6165 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA | AO 8-5124 1415 Dundas Eost, Whitby, MO 8-3226 PAUL J. BOLAHOOD REAL ESTATE OSHAWA-RA 8-4171 304 FAREWELL AVE. -- $1,000 down payment. Asking price $13,000. For this delightful brick bungalow only 4 years old. 3 large bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, spacious living room, large modern tiled kitchen. Oil heating, aluminum storms and screens. Paved driveway, landscaped. Bus at door, This beoutifully decorated home is vacant time. Immediate possession. 20 JONES AVE. $2,500 down payment. Priced to sell ot $13,- 000. This paramount brick family 2-storey home is unique, and is most attractively decorated. Featuring large living room with notural fireplace. Dining room, modern tiled kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, 3-pc. tiled bathroom. Oil heating, private drive, garage. See this lovely home that is situated one block from Rossien Road and Simcoe Street North, Schools and Church at r. - 886 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH. $10,900 ot $3,000 down pay- ment. 6-room brick bungalow, featuring 4 bedrooms, living room, 3-pc. bathroom, modern kitchen, oi heating. 83 ELGIN WEST. $700 down payment. Asking price $8,000 for this 6-room bungalow, all schools very close. Immediate posses- sion. . 175 BURK STREET. $10,500 priced to sell, with $2,500 down payment. For this 5-room bungalow. Oil heating, nicely decorated. 348 FRENCH STREET. $9,000 full price, only $700 down pay- ment. A nice 5-room stucco family home, Oil heating, double garage. : EAST AREA. Town line north. $500 down payment, priced below cost to sell at $7000. For this modern frame bungalow, that is fully decorated, 3-bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, modern kitchen, oil heating, aluminum storms and screens, large lond- scaped lot. Balance carries at $70 monthly, on one mortgage. Toxes $100. Possession 30 days. To see any of these above homes, or others, ond for moke part- jculars, please phone RA 8-4171 or RA '5-6382 Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. PAUL J. BOLAHQOD REAL ESTATE MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD all schools very close. ond can be seen any- 8-ROOM, 4-BEDROOM HOME Plus 2 glassed-in sunrooms, 3-piece bath up, 2-piece down, lots and lots of built- in cupboards, laundry rooms and tubs, electric dryer, hard- wood, tile, lino., storms, screens, T.V. aerial, heavy duty hydro, large lot, Owner transferred. Full price $8,- 900, cash or terms, $2,000 down, carries for $60.00 per month. Margaret Ballard REALTOR Sunderland PHONE 124R2 second floor. Income possi- bility. Immediate possession. $1,000 down. For further in- formation, call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, EMERSON AVENUE N.H.A. Resale. 52%. This ranch bungalow has mony' extras, including ao stone fireplace in living room. Din- ing room, good-sized kitchen. pletely finished recre- otior~room. Patio, fenced yard. Please call Phyllis Jubb, RA 3-3240, REDUCED TO $9,800.00 Well-maintained seven-room brick, plus sunroom, and o lorge modern family kitchen. Attractively decorated, Good terms. The owner will carry the mortgage os investment. Call Irene Brown, RA 5-3867 GROOMS AVENUE For a lorge family, comfort. able inexpensive living can be had in this six-room, well maintained home. Oil heat- ing. Large kitchen, Taxes $138.00, Priced ot $8,900 ond owner will carry the mortgage. Please call Jan Miller, RA 5-2993. Members Oshawa ond LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $19,900--%$19,900 ON MOHAWK Lorge custom ranch bungalow built on ravine lot with at- tached gorage, and walk-out basement. Floor to ceiling stone fireplace plus wall to wall broadloom, expertly planned for recreation or fomily room with large pic- ture windows, and extra fire- place. Two 4-pc. bathrooms with vanities, one adjoining master bedroom. Builder con not duplicate home for the obove price. Down payment $3,500.00. The man to phone is Bill Millar at RA 8-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) itd. Realtor RA 8-5123; RA 8.5124 RA 8.5125 101 Smcoe St. N. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtor Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe S. COURTICE AREA Smart white clapboard bunga- low -- new kitchen, new bathroom, Good garage, large lot. Call Mr. Ratcliffe RA 5-6544, WHY ? buy a new home with all the and CONSTRUCTION | H work necessary to complete, when you can get this 2- year= old 5V4-room brick bungalow with beautifully finished rec- room, all ready for occu- pancy. Only $13,700, ond carries for $67.28 monthly, interest and principal on 6% mortgage. Call now, Mr. Appleby ot RA 5-6544 or 3.3398. MUST SELL New bungalow, 5-room brick and stone in good location; a very nice home. Name your price, we must sell now. To inspect call Mr. Siblock, RA 5.6544 or 5-4362. SPLIT LEVEL PLUS INCOME Beautiful split level home with stone fireplace in large living room. All the features of o truly fine home plus a bonus -- basement aport- ment with separate washroom. $14,900 full price, substan- tial down payment required. Call now for Mr. Cunning- ham at RA 5-6544 or 5-2358. We Speak Slavic Languages. Member O.D.R.E.B. INQUIRE ABOUT OUR NEW PRE-FABRICATED HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING IT CAN SAVE YOU PLENTY Many Plans: to Choose From Built on Your Site Anywhere Move in Within 30 Days DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE AJAX REPAIR LIMITED 110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA RA 8-5103 YOU WON'T BEAT THE PRICE + District Real Estate Board, Office' His. 9 Gm. = 9 pm. per month, principal, interest, | gon Park, Carries $89.00 1 doors, taxes. Aluminum storms, screens. RA 8-6030 en ---------------- PORT PERRY -- New six- room N.H.A. bungalow, $87 monthly, includes taxes. Cen- Street North, next to fire hall, | 5% PONTIAC V-8, hardtop, two-tone.| window washers, radio with front and| back speakers, $1500. RA 32180 | '55 OLDSMOBILE 88, two-door hard- top, radio, hydromatic. 208 Malaga Road. RA 8-4255. : | 58 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic, twatane, radio. spotless. Telephone MA 3.5642 or 22 Church, Bowmanville. trally located. $14,900. J. R. Helm, Port Perry, Salesman -- Tel, YU 5-2881 _H._ Keith Limited, Realtors LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER VACANT THIS FRIDAY Owner moving to Fort Wil- liam. 6-room brick house with garage. Excellent condition, many extras, central location. Give us on offer to-night, move in this week-end. Carries for $70.00 a month. Act quick, call Bill Horner ot RA 8-5123, $12,500 -- $12,500 WARDEN WILSON IN WHITBY Spotless condition. 3-bedroom brick bungalow. Lot com- pletely fenced in. Large enough for double garage. owner leaving city. 5% N.H.A. mortgage. Phone Bill Millar ot RA 8-5123. ONLY $5,500 EXCELLENT COTTAGE PLUS BOAT HOUSE Includes 10-foot fiber boat with 15 h.p. Evenrude motor and trailer, 3-bedrooms, all furnished throughout, Good Leonard frig. and range. All modern conveniences. 1 hour drive from Oshawa. Enjoy life. Open for inspection, by Calling Bill Millar, RA 8-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor, 23 RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 101 Simcoe St. N. 29--Automobiles for Sale '60 PONTIAC Laurentian six sedan, maroon, automatic, whitewalls, power steering, radio, heater, eleven thousand miles, spotless condition. RA 5-4867. 14%. FT. moulded plywood boat with Evinrude controls and steering wheel. Trailer, "Teenee", 16 ft. and sma box trailer. RA 8.5764. 1049 PONTIAC, radio, good condition. $95 dr best offer. RA 8.5722 or 354 Stev- enson Road North. 1955 PONTIAC sedan delivery, perfect running condition, $595. Used by florist for delivery exclusively. RA 3-7202. 55 CHEVROLET %-ton pickup truck, good condition. RA 3-3779. RA 8-51 1957 TRI sports car, good shape, over- drive. Must sell immedi Tele- phone RA 3.7181 SACRIFICE Owner out of work '53 Chevrolet Belair, radio and wind- shield washers $250 or best offer. Take trade MO 84722. car? Need money? For low- BUYING a est rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi- phone RA 8.6283 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA I mmiieriune '53 CHEVROLET Belair, new tires, Sacrifice! Telephone RA 835480 after 8. Belle emma 51 PONTIAC in running order, $40; One Pontiac motor, will fit *50 - 54 BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST RA 5-7732 $65 MONTHLY P. and |. 6% MORTGAGE 6 year old brick and stone 'bungalow, spotless condition, extra high basement, garage, paved drive, nice garden. Located just off Ritson Road. Asking $12,300 and open to offer on down payment. Call Keith Peters RA 5.7732 or RA 5-4162. COLBORNE ST, E. -- located just off Oshawa Blvd, N., in o good district, 6 room 2 storey brick, oil heating, 3 bedrooms, venetian blinds, modern kitchen, immediate possession. Priced 9 311,500 with $2000 down. Call Don Howe RA 5.7732 or RA INCOME HOME -- MARY ST. -- located just north of O.C.V.L 2 self-contained opartments with plenty of cupboard, new plumbing etc. Selling for only $13,900. Coll Mrs, Rolande Tierney RA 5-7732 or RA 5-5207. $10,900 FULL PRICE -- 5 room bungalow off Simcoe St. N., large ultra modern kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath, open fireplace, oil heating, easy terms. Cal Earle Allen RA 5.7732 or RA 5-7782. INCOME HOME -- BROCK ST, E. -- 9 room 3 floors, brick home, Jorge rooms throughout, 2 bathrooms, over $100 monthly income plus Vendors apartment, new forced air oil furnace. Call Keith Peters RA 5.7732 or RA 5-4162. COURT ST, -- $10,000 with $2,000 down -- 6 room 2 storey oil heated, large bright rooms, nicely decorated, upstairs rented -- contact Rolande Tierney RA 5-7732 or RA 5-5207. PARK ROAD NORTH ----- owner leaving town, selling 2 year old home below cost, 6 room brick ranch, separate dining room, nicely decorated, paved drive, aluminum storms and screens. Coll Eorle Allen RA 5-7732 or RA 5-7782 LISTINGS INVITED -- NO OBLIGATIONS CONTACT Rolande Tierney . RA 5-5207 Earle Allen ... RA 5.7782 Don Jews 4+» RA 3-9692 Keith Peters .. RA 5-4162 OWE & PETERS car, price $25. Telephone RA 8-8059. "$200 or make 5722. '5s PONTIAC hardtop, offer. Telephone RA 8 od '56 STUDEBAKER champion sedan, radio, white walls, turn signals. $850 MO 8.5661 after 6 lor nearest offer. | p.m, '57 LINCOLN convertible, driven, 30,000 miles. Will consider car, truck, boat, cottage in trade. Terms to right party. OL 5-3712. CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their cor in- surance. Half-year payments. Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndolph 3-346] WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cams. nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or 193% MG convertible also "55 Chevrolet in good F Avply 209 Giiddon Avenue. | 50 CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used Cor to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS |_RA 3.4494. Res. RAS-5574 TRY. THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. ot JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 NAGY MOTOR "ALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. of 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e RA 8-5305 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 : Open evenings or weekends XXXXXK x X WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! SUY IT NOW WITH A LOW.COST LIFE-INSURED x XXX XX XX AXAXX x x x bed x x a] x etatatatel Potato tt] x iatatear*] bal BOHN BOEHNER x x x x MOH x x x » x x » x AHHH x FON gin 4 ls ® WH HKHHHN x x » HHH * LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 30--Automobiles Wanted '36 PONTIAC, automatic, Al condition, preferably Two-Tone Laurentian with radio. Telephone RA 5-8713 after 5 p.m. Cash deal. LAKESHORE Auto cars for wrecking, Highest RA 51181, $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N,, WHITBY - MO _8-8001 Wreckers want prices pal SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 32--Articles for Sale JOHNSON °58 35 HP electric super, In Al condition. RA 8-5024. : CLEARANCE on all 78 10 0 western. Courts, 73 Kent Lindsay. i reco rds, Pop, classic, Street West, OFFICE , butcher, restaurant equip. New, used, buy. sell, service, Bil! PAINT compressor, complete outfit for spray pain and body work. phone. RA Completely Equipped. 1961 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. Electrohome Television | Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive | SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus -- on all parts : | MEAGHER'S | 5 King St. W. RA 3-3425 WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons. Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver- ed anywhere. RA 8-4771. BOATS BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER COMBINATIONS TED'S MARINE KING STREET EAST at VARCOE'S ROAD RA 8-5924 SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free, for three full years. Bars, powder, flakes, for your whole tamily. Simply order one of our most efficient waoter~ softener. No down payment, $215.00 full price. Installed in your home. For demon- stration, RA 8-3698. SPRING SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $39.50 INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER OR INITIAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sules Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM. - 9 P.M. RA 8-4614 Trade your car on a boat. Inquire about our special low rates on Marine Insurance and financing. SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA TV. TOWERS 40°F, structure with all channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 yeor. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA B-6781. COTTAGE SPECIAL 22°10" x 1710" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127. $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens and wooden Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. RA 8-4614 BOATS & MOTORS LARSON---Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH--Cruisers THORNES--Aluminum MASON--Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH---Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends ed Marine Storage * & Supply BROOKLIN Tele-| OL 5-3641 EI BT (Continued on Page 16)