Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Apr 1961, p. 15

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ied PE i AR & Flats for Rent DUPLEX, two-bedrooms, north FR $00 monthly. Phone 26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 3 1 i iH "ome. i light REA aml in 4 me, an "north GM plant, - ROOM furnished apartment, children, close to bus service. Phone 81720, Li apart. oo RR for Apply 241, ET RE] private, near ,, mear South Motors. Apply 561 off Mill Street. $55 [REE-ROOM walk-in basement apart. (fo nt and bath, laundry facilities, RA 1 Harmony Roadi South |fro A 575 r 6. Vacant May 1 ; ovELY Targe three, two or five-room , reasonable. Central, Ft A jai tE "loos ATTRACTIVE room, with new in residential district, suit gentleman. , Oxford |5-7 SINGLE Home privil parking space. Telephone RA washer, ayer, paved parking. A Sons. D-BEDROOM SRE on | Stmeoe| 7 h North, fully Tele- RA . and FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, entrance, couple only. Call till p.m. 203 King Street West, TRREE-ROOM 'unfurnished' apartment, heat, Bguts 3 oud; water, $55A THREE-ROOM flat, central, I, private entrance, heavy wiring, private bath. RA 5-3259. NEAR OCVI, five rooms, tile e bath, private entrance. Phone Joseph Rosco, , RA 5-9870. THREE-room apartment, heated, near TV aerial bus at door. Telephone RA $6106 or RA 3-7534. FURNISHED basement three rooms and bath, all conveniences. |one apartment, Your own entrance. Telephone 32164. FOUR rooms, ground floor, three. plece bath, sink, cupboards, newly dec- erated, completely private, central. RA 5-6810. TWO-ROOM newly furnished apartment with TV, suit single girl or gentleman. Call RA RA 5-0040. THREE - ROOM basement apartment, furnished or unfurnished, sink and ecup- boards in kitchen, Apply 172 Hibbert Avenue, LARGE three-room apartment, heated, mear Shopping Centre, bus stop, park- BE acdiate possession. 5-6108. GROUND floor unfurnished _self-con- tained apartment, immediate posses- sion, Seb, 30, Telephone RA 5-6184 or TORNEBED bachelor basement entrance and bath. Coneral, Quit tenant. T RA 39800 after 6 p.m. jis THREE-ROOM, SE ; furnished, self- contained apartment, ground floor Only employed couple need apply. Athol Street East. LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre apart- ment for rent, suitable for two or bachelor, partly furnished, stove and refrigeraotr, modern bath, available im- mediately. Saturday, Sunday, 1 to .m.; week days, after 5 p.m. Apt. ansdowne Shopping Centre, Simcoe TRREEROON apartment, built-in cup- boards and sink, heavy duty witing, heat, water, lights supplied. RA 8- 1135, $2 Royal Street. i TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, suit couple or two gentlemen, stove, refrig- erator, sink, cupboards, 445 Drew, RA 5-6169. GROUND floor four-room apartment, unfurnished, $60 monthly, share bath- room and tvdre. Child welcome. Tele- phone R. mcr-corramE: three-room - apart. , private bath, sink and built in in kitchen, immediate pos- session. Apply 513 Richmond East. FIVE . room apartment, garage fod garden, in village, on paved road, close to Oshawa and Bowmanville. COlfax parking. 255|31 R: FURNISHED apartment, _bed-sitting and kitchen, private bath, heat, Tent. and water, age, ] COMFORTABLE furnished room, suit- able for business gentleman, close to bus line and downtown. Private en. trance. RA 5-2010, FURNISHED bedroom in with young couple, suit working 2 eges. RA 8-5020 after 5 pm. NEWLY ted TT tional. for gentleman, 10. Ainutes whi dF laundry facilities, gar-|garage preferred, Tele- to vid 'ind: |§ ACRES of evel garden land, Jost oft 100 ACRE farm, . Sood 'aunton Road $2,000, Call Walter yretk, McQuay and Kidd MA 3- buildings, eight acres woods. Write 'Pontypool, Ontario. PRIVATE SALE Six-room house, 2 rooms suitable for renting, alum- inum storms screens paved drive, oil heating, land- scaped. Utility room in base- ment, large lot, Close to shopping, bus and om $75 monthly carries princi- pol, interest and toxes. RA 3-9877 27--Real Estate for Sale~ PRIVATE sale § 'modern six- 12,900, bunga. [room _solid brick bungalow, four years carries for|$1300 27--Real Estate for Sale SIX per cent NHA brick bungalow, Sompletely fenced, fully down. Phone RA | 8-4390. . P.LT. per month, Large lot, vioss and Cally ok WARDEN WILSON 5% N.H.A. RE-SALE Five-room brick bungalow, excellent condition, all con- schools, church ond shopping nearby. For more information, call East, near Orono, Only 3393, Bowmanville, three-piece bath, piivileges, suit with sitting room, kitchen and washing business couple. RA TWO furnished rooms, Ro and kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in up Ap- HARMONY VILLAGE posite Donevan High School HENRY SPYKERMAN RA 8-5123 0 boards and sink, all ply 887 Ritson Road South HOUSEKEEPING rooms for girls, beautiful large double room, furnished, suit two; also single room, 271 Simcoe North. RA 5-0575. LARGE housekeeping room beds, gerator, near IGA pos he or two gentlemen, 219 Ritson Road South. ROOM for light housekeeping, 1 near business centres and South GM, fur nished or yutauished. Sround floor. 27 Park | Road South, RA 8 -0429, TWO rooms with cavboardd 5 and sink in kitchen, separate entrance, utilities paid, parking, close to Shopping Centre. Telephone RA 8-1415. SINGLE room, girl, new widow, kitchen privileges, Street Please apply 395 Mary after 5. LARGE front bedroom, five minutes 'home of 387 Mary Street from downtown, parking space, suitable «|for one or two gentlemen, single Telephone RA 8-8380. LARGE room and kitchen, furnished, suit couple. Also single room, furnish- ed. Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. RITSON ROAD near King, unfurnished four-room and three-room flats, sinks, cupboards, TV outlet, oil heat. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 5-9870, FURNISHED bedroom in private home near King and Ritson road, parking. Available, Abstainers only.- RA 5-1365. owe . ONE furnished room, suitable for lady, gentleman or working couple, cooking and washing privileges. Telephone RA 8-0816. nn La TOW furnished rooms, refrigerator and hot plate, suit one or two gentlemen o OF two Jorking girls. Reasonable. Cen. tral. RA 3-4 FURNISHED apartments and single rooms in apartment house with private entrances, privileges. 96 Centre Street. TWO large rooms completely furnish- ed, for light housekeeping, including electric refrigerator and television. Use of washing machine and dryer. Central to downtown and shopping cen. fre, Working couple, $15 weekly, RA ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 apartment, reasonable 8 Bedsvom, private bath, avall Noms now, no rth-west district. Close to and bus. RA 5-9947. TWO large rooms, completely furnish- ed for light housekeeping including electric refrigerator and e, use of washing machine and dryer. Central to and shopping centre, Suit working couple, $15 weekly. RA 5-5 THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, | Biivate entrance, avaliable now. Apply 27 Real Estate for § Ste THREE-BEDROOM, new ngalow, four-piece tile bath with "vanity: voll in basement, mahogany trim and cu boards, basshoard, hot water heain, doors and 227. | close to St. Hedwig school, $11,000 with terms, Private sale. Telephone RA 7700. SIX-ROOM bungalow, in nice residen. 26--Rooms for Rent THREE large rooms, private entrance, vate bathroom, hot and cold water, vy . Apply 782, Ritson Road ROOM for rent, central location, hot 9, water. Telephone RA 5-325 TIGHT housekeeping room with studio couch and refrigerator, close to hospi- i 2 Soa down town. Telephone RA tial district, fireplace in living and fin- ished recreation room, built-in stove and oven, four-piece ceramic tiled bath- room, two powder rooms, double ga. rage, Bum, $10,000 down. MO 38-3119 after 4, FIVE room bungalow for sale or rent, central, immediate possession, alumin- um storms, large garage, very reason. able. RA 8-1414 between 4 and 6 p.m. PRIVATE sale, six rooms, attached garage, one year old. Sacrifice. Low down payment. RA 5-7987. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- New four room duplex, to be decorated this fall, heated, all modern conveniences, private en- trances. RA 5-3090 or MO 8-5645. FOR SALE ~-- One hundred silver maple trees, 8 to 10 feet high; also a quantity of spruce 3 feet high. Your choice. Reasonable. G. Ward, 1st place south of 401 Highway, Whitby-Pickering Town Line. FOR RENT or Te three bedroom | 31¢s 5.3 brick bungalow, oil heated GARDENS tilled, small or large. Wilde Rete) Service and Sales, Whitby, MO 8.3226. FOR = -- Apartment, kitchen, liv- ing room, bathroom and bedrooms. Heat and electricity included. Tele- phone MO 8-4670. FOR SALE -- 24" rotary tiller and one Massey Harris tractor and attachments, In A-l condition. Two 8" skil saws; parts, MO 8-4149 occupancy. Telephone MO 85184. FOR RENT -- Unfurnished apartment, three rooms, hot water, oil heat, kitch- en sink and cupboards, parking space, convenient location. ! MO 8-5 FOR RENT -- Two - roomed apartment, wa 66 Church Street, Pickering (at back). ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment, privaty entrance, paved parking, Tv|% monthly, everything included. Ap-|& SPACIOUS two-bedroom, self-contained apartment at 209 Brock Street, heated, $70 monthly, Available May 1. OL 5-4471, BC SERVICE! Complete bookkeep- ing service for small businesses, week- ly, monthly or as desired. Statements Some Income tax returns. HARDWOOD floors | Taid, sanded, finish- ed; «Iso wall and floor tile laid. Free Estimates. Old floors refinished. MO AKING outlet, Jagudsy, dryer, co coats centre; June 1. RA 8.2633. FOR RENT -- Six room bungalow, $90 monthly. Available May 1. Apply 307 Rosedale Drive or telephone MO 8-5348. FOR RENT -- Self contained three roomed furnished apartment. All con- veniences, centrally located, private en- trance, Suit young couple. Telephone MO 8-4610. FOR RENT -- Three roomed _apart- ment, water and heat included. imme- diate possession, Apply 610 Mundas Street West, Apt. | N'T put it off, put it roofing, f+ Lk Tot roofs, avestroushing, paint- ing. Fg Harper, MO R you! r masonry, Soineat work, roof- on and waterproofing, call MO 8-2294 reasonable r: rates. TYPING pap paper, letter size, 'white news- print, on sale at your Oshawa Times office, ind Dundas Street West, Whitby. Approximate! 630 sheets, only $1.00. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement Gravel, Driveway Gravel ond Fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UP Sharpened, oil changed, oir filters cleoned, odjust cor- buretor and controls. Clean ond odjust spark plugs and points. oil wheels. $4. 50 (parts extra) WILDE RIAL Service & SA 1415 Dundas East, Whitby ZEGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 anolin enriched permanents trom $7 up, includes cut, oil shampoo, basic or high styl- ing. COIFFURES BY KEN and alterations ay ip covers. A pecisct fit guaranteed. , Toms, MO MODERN two-bedroom apartment for reat, Heat, TV outlet, frig, stove in- uded, $87.50 monthly on two-year on Immediate possession. MO 8-8006 FOR RENT -- $65 monthly three and four. room apartments, balcony, resi area, newly decorated, laun gent Tacit; parking, elose to schools |Chitdren's ground. Apply 300 High Street. SPRING clean u up Special, Fertilizing, sweeping, Toliing trimming ete. Also special rates for MO 8.3015. SAVE MONEY! W Walter's Plano Regula ting and Tuning. A; rixtle Fur. |niture Store or telep A MO 8.5481 {after 3 p.m. daily. Work guaranteed. DRESSMAKING! Ladies' dren's Wear, suits, coats and altera. tions. Mrs. M Bradford, MO 8-8666. AVON CALLING Servicing Avon customers dur- ing convenient hours is a profitable means of earning for many women. Full or part-time work. Highest com- mission, LE 6-0627 collect. planting. FOR RENT Boat box ond cabin trailer, chain ond skil saw, cement mixer, paint sprayer, smelt nets, canoes, car-top boats, motors, FOR SALE New and used boats, motors and trailers, lawn mowers and garden tillers, WANTED ' Boats, motors and trailers to be sold consignment, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES MO 8-5124 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 : | En, Rd. South CASH---TRADE--TERMS "OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A. J. | BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE LLOYD REALTY (Oshawa) LTD. REALTOR OPEN HOUSE --ALL WEEK-- FAREWELL AVENUE South of TAYLOR AVENUE 3:30 to 5:30 $1200 DOWN CUTOM BUILT SEE THE MODEL Lond be sure Sacrfiice for quick sale $500 down, four-room cosy house, also three-room bungalow on same lot, nice for two fom- ilies, oil heating, heavy duty wiring, T.V. antenna, garage. Aluminum storm doors and windows. 153 Wilson Rd. S. RA 3-3211 or RA 5-2539 FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH Mgr., Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 42% N.H.A. Business ...... $12,900 $8 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S. -- neat 6-room bungalow, with Carries for interest and taxes. Priced right finished recreation room, garage, paved drive. $63.00 per month® principal, for quick sale. For further particulars call Loreen Kellett ot RA 3-3770Q. HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA8-4678 LANSDOWNE DRIVE 2 year old custom built home of 7 rooms, 2 bathrooms and at- ched garage. 6 large rooms and both-on main floor, den and both in basement, plus large recreation room with sliding glass doors opening on to patio. This is a very ottractive home on a ravine lot. Asking $18,000.00 with os low os $2,700.00 down. MEADOWVALE STREET A most attractive 1Va-storey brick, 3 rooms and bath down, 2 rooms up, Well landscaped loot, paved drive, garage, storms, screens, aluminum awning etc. This home is in immaculate con- dition, and is a real buy ot $12,500.00, RITSON RD. N. A fine suburban home of 6 extra large rooms plus attached garage and breezeway. Lot is 60°' x 660° well londscoped. Priced at $16,000.00 with $5,000.00 down, SHELLEY AVE. A real buy ot $14,000.00 ond a 5% N.H.A. mortgage. Owner transferred ond 'says sell. Modern 5)2-room bungalow with attached garage, all extras, beautifully landscaped lot, hedged ond fenced. Close to schools, shopping, churches, etc, A real buy at this price. FOR RENT 3-room self contained apartment on King St. W. $60.00 monthly. 6-room home plus garage, $110.00 monthly, AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp, RA 8-2392 Dek Barrioge, RA 5-6243 Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Joe Mago, RA 5-9191 Marion Drew, RA 5-7610 S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET OPEN 9 AM. TO 9:00 P.M. RA 8-6286 RA 8-6287 RA 8-6888 INDUSTRIAL ZONING Excellent location for small industry in Downtown Business Section. Building now divided into apartments with good income. Priced to sell, contact Glen Mackinnon dt RA 8-6286. COUNTRY LIVING Look !! $8,000 total price! ! Cute as a button! Situated on 1 acre of land. Close to schools, modern kitchen, colored bath- rqom fixtures. Easy terms, Coll to-day to get this one to Doug Bullied RA 8-6286. NORTH-WEST SECTION Six room ranch bungalow, 2 years old. Storms and screens, aluminum door, trees and shrubs planted. A very good home on a 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Call Glen Mackinnon at RA 8-6286, ELIZABETH STREET Two year old bungalow. Walk-out basement. A lovely home in 8 choice Joeation, For further details contact Bob Stevenson. at INCOME OPPORTUNITY $9,500! Storey and one half home in east end of city. Con- verted for two family living. Separate entrance for upper floor. A real buy for the wise. Call Doug Bullied for further informao- tion at RA 8-6286. MUST BE SOLD $1,500 down. Bungalow, East section, 2 years old, broadloom and many other extras. For details call Lore Hartford at RA 8-6286 HARMONY HEIGHTS Beautiful bungalow, 2 years old in better than new condition. Paved drive, rec. room ond many other extras. 6% N.H.A. fusale. go t miss this one! Centoct Doug Bullied to-day ot RA MEMBER OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD - THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $19,900--$19,900 ON MOHAWK Large custom ranch b I roughout, two sun house rv at $16,000. oe Jal bon. Wonderful opportunity! APARTMENT house for sale or |trade for small bungalow for payment, Write Box 843, Oshawa Times. PRIVATE sale, Five - roomed two-year- old brick bungalow, tastefully decorat- ed, basement partly filished, 4 double |glassed and screened doors dows. Many extras, bus SOY na passes door, near school, No. 12 Wh iby, Reasonable, one NHA built on ravine lot with at- tached garage, and walk-out basement. Floor to ceiling stone fireplace plus wall to wall broadloom, sxpertly t, two.storey, six- hardwood floors $9300 Stree room brick aome, he good condi Ra" 3.9869. John | throughout, ofl Call Mary tobbs. Wacko Realtor COUNTRY home, style Hires i om, nearly ranch "modern brick plonned for rec fomily room with large Pr ture windows, and extra fire- place. Two 4-pc. bathrooms with vanities, one adjoining master bedroom, Builder can not duplicate home for the above price. Down payment $3,500.00. The man to phone is Bill Millar ot RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor RA 8-5123; RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 101 Smcoe St. N. INQUIRE ABOUT OUR | NEW PRE-FABRICATED HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING IT CAN SAVE YOU PLENTY Many Plans to Choose From Built on Your Site Anywhere Move in Within 30 Days DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED "110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA RA 8-5103 YOU WON'T BEAT THE PRICE garage, modern ee Asking only $11,500 with low down payment, W. Me Auley, Realtor, 12 Prince Street. 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. FOUR-ROOM frame bungalow, all con- veniences, two miles north of city limits. One acre of land, two large buildings. decorated, | radio, win. | 32000 or gage. MO 8-5647, evenings or weekends. | sion, tion. |dentia] service, convenient terms. For all sion, £ Sovamatie radio, Wg A a de ee Stendhal Bag 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 24, 1961 15 's9 FORD Fairlane V-3, automatic, tone, , sedan, | if y : BUY your em for cash. information telephone RA board Finance, Simcoe Street set snowtires, vate -- $275. MO 8.5293, RAI4 CHEVROLET motor, Bewly overhauled, excellent MO 8-4604. 5,3 HP Johnson slestric" muper Tn A-1 condition. RA 8-5924. Telephone RA 8-6598 for 56 PRIVATE owned American mobile home 41' x 8, two-bedrooms, living room, kitchen, four-piece bath with shower, equipped, clean and in nice shape, thermopane windows, vene- tian blinds, ete. cost $6200 new. Located and apply at Maple Grove Restaurant on Hwy. No. 2, two miles west of Bowmanville, Ontario. FOR SALE -- Port Perry, modern five- room house, corner Jot, full view of lake, newly decorated, two bedrooms |downstairs. onc extra large bedroom Upstairs, plus floored attic, Phone YU pos "or trade -- seven-room house for '60 ENVOY station wagon, only | 6700 miles. Sacrifice $1500. Trade in consid- ered. MO 8-2200. 1955 BUICK, two door hardtop, mew down. "HO 5. '60 ENSIGN, 6,000 mil 60 BELAIR hardtop se sedan 8, auto- matic, radio, whitewall washers, two- tone. Top sondition, $2450. Telephone RA 3-3390. '60 CHEVROLET fo Toren val station es, : light i brown, white walls, 'Telephone M MO Polished MONTREAL (CP) -- A rag ' Festival with a polished produc- e1 Ghelderode's colorful tre de la caught the full at- y, a biblical Renaissance cheered and at the last curtain Display By Ragtag Group the audiene roared. its ap- by the re- director, of the 1961 Dominion Drama|27-year-old bachelor. "Six years ago, such a play would have tion of a difficult avant-garde|shocked everyone here." Adjudicator Florent Forget oh the prize leading, varts, "They went ta in aimpting x type." Richard, who has no formal training in direction, particu- larly impressed the adjudicator. The four-act play has a cast of 3, making making heavy demands on iid who left school in Grade VIII and returned to night school at 19, has been liv- ing on his sparse earnings as an actor for three years. He formed the Theatre de la Sauciers-- roughly translated as a variety of sauces--in 1958 with other drama students. The group rehearsed Ma. .(demoiselle Jaire in an art gal- lery basement, apartments and occasionally on the stage of I'Ecole des Beaux Arts. Jyagen, rower glide and many extras, smaller four-room for couple. Write Box 549, Times. ROGHMING house on Drew Street. $180 monthly income from this three. |storey brick home with garage. Hot water, oil heat. requires low lown pay- ment, See this tremendous money maker. Call Bill Horner RA 85123, {Lloyd Realty, Oshawa Ltd, Realtor, N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, 4 years old, North- West area, backing on Nipi- gon Park. Carries $89.00 per month, principal, interest, taxes. Aluminum doors, storms, screens. RA 8-6030 29---Automobiles for Sale '60 PONTIAC Laurentian, six sedan, maroon, automatic, whitewalls, power steering, radio, heater, eleven thousand miles, spotless condition. RA 5-4867. *47 - 74 HARLEY Davidson motorcycle, $250. Phone CO 3-2369. 1956 MG convertible in good condition, reasonable. Apply 289 Gliddon Avenue. 1949 PONTIAC, radio, good condition. $95 or best Sifet, RA 8-5722 or 354 Stev- enson Road N: 0) 1955 PONTIAC Sola delivery, perfect running condition, $595. Used by florist for delivery exclusively. RA 3-7202. "55 CHEVROLET %-ton pickup truck, good RA 3-379. Oshawa JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. Office Hours 9 am. - 9 p.m. RITSON RD. N. Brond-new 5Y2-room brick bungalow with garage. A well- "built home with ultra-modern kitchen and mahogany cup- boards. Why not see this be- fore you buy, you won't be sorry. To inspect call MF. Siblock ot RA 5.6544 or 5-4362. DUPLEX ROXBOROUGH ST. Brick -- Two 4-room apart- ments. 2 kitchens, 2 hydro meters, garage. Good area. Only $1,500 down at $12,- 500. Call Mr, Apleby at RA 5-6544 or 3-3398. $800 DOWN $800 Not far from downtown -- Five-room brick bungalow, clean and well decorated, londscaped and garage. Open for an offer. Call Mr. Rat- cilffe ot RA 5-6544. We Speak Slavic Languages. Member O.D.R.E.B. gn, { | { WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SUBURBAN LIVING FOR SALE OR RENT All city conveniences, Lovely brick stone bungalow on large landscaped lot fronting on paved road just east of Osh- awa. Full price $10,500, or lease considered. Call for full particulars today, ROGERS STREET Delightful appointments throughout this exceptional- ly fine family 2 storey brick home. Beautiful chestnut trim and colored bathroom help to make this home a standout. Large hedged corner lot, gar- Fi and shode trees, only $13,900 ond low down pay- ment. Call today. NORTH-WEST AREA $67.00 a month carries this beautifully finished bunga- low situated close to schools ond shopping centre. 5 spa- clous rooms with hollywood style kitchen, with lovely brick and stone exterior on landscaped lot. Plenty of ex- tras. Must be sold now, Ow- ner relocating his business in another city. Act now--Call today for appoinmetnt. DUPLEX Very complete 12 storey rug brick has 4 rooms up, ond 5 down with private entrances. Paved drive and garage ond oll facilities. A real good re- venue producer. See it now. CALL RA 5-6588 TODAY After Hours Please Call: Charlie Ronkine RA 8-3682 Ken Hann RA 3-7963 Dick Young .. RA 3-7183 Lloyd Corson .. RA 3-2537 Wes Elliott RA 8-0581 1957 TR3 sports car, good shape, over- drive. Must sell {mmediately. Tele- phone RA 3.7181, SACRIFICE Owner out of work '53 Chevrolet Belair, radio and wind. shield washers $250 or best offer. Take trade MO 8.4722 1053 PONTIAC convertible, automatic transmission, radio and other extras, color red excellent condition, Best offer. Must be seen. RA 56630. BUYING a car? Need money? For ow est rates, fast serv! tion, pri ne Call RA 3-3034. '53 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, $150 or best offer. Apply 752 Glenforest Street before 4 p.m. Cl PONTIAC "best offer." 52 Mer- cury, asking $150. Also parts 3 ¥ Pontiac. avply 214 Park Road Norta } 30--Automobiles 'Wanted 32--Articlés for Sale AUTOMATIC coin f(aundry service, |p pokup and delivery. Telephone RA |cn OFFICE , butcher, restaurant New, jit, buy, 0, service, Bi ® Foro custom Baill, radio, may be at Don Down's Texaco, Simcoe to fire hall, Cash de: al. 56 PONTIAC, automa n,| Street preferably Two- aureftign with radio. Telephone RA 5-8713 after'S p.m. tel 32--Articles for Sale , tire rine 15 after 6 p.m. i| DUFLICATOR. portable, "Roneo", new, | stighs , moderate. Telephone after 6 Pry MO 8-8307. FRIGIDAIRE, Neavy duty, fully autor matic range, in I condifion. Reason: ably priced. Telephone MO 8-2 RA 505 MOVING, must ] levsion, living room site; sis other articles. Apply 325 Saguenay Avenue, 5 anytime. LAK cars for OE "etighest prices -- RA §1 5-181, $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §S. RA 3-9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING_ST. W. RA 3.7822 32--Articles for Sale nance, 29% Simcoe treet South, on: phone RA 8 3, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save u up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5 5-2802. 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 TRY THE NEW VOLVO SPORT AND FAMILY CAR. at JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service, Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 ~ '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e RA 8-5305 Trade your boat on a car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 __Open evenings or weekends CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better than 20% on their car in- surance. Half-year payments, Call us today and compare-- ample free parking. SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD .EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER RA 5-0331 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. SAVE -- Buy In bulk lots, typing paper, letter Size, white Rew spriut, 4% Ib. pkg. .00, 3 pkg. . Circulation De- restaurant equip. New, used, buy, sell, service. Bill Ham- ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. ELECTRIC stove, bedroom suite, stereo hi-fi, floor polisher, corner table, kitch- canister set. Reasonable. | rR 7% HP Johnson motor, good condi tion. Call RA 3.3779. WE pay highest prices in the city for retty's Ul Furni used furniture. ture Store. RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South. BICYCLES, $39.95 tents, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. minion Tue , 48 Bond Street West. RA SELLING furniture * We'll buy it. Re- TV's, Monger! stoves, ete. For 'top e: tact 19 Prince Street fr A id MOFFAT 30" heavy duty electric aie Tange. Apply 105 Easthaven Street, Oshawa. BOATS BOATS, MOTOR & TRAILER COMBINATIONS TED'S MARINE KING STREET EAST ot VARCOE'S ROAD RA 8-5924 AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY Pick-up and Delivery Service 75c. Washed and dryed. RA 5-1053 7 AM. -- 9 PM. SOAP FREE Complete supply of soap free, for three full years. Bars, powder, flakes, for your whole family. Simply order one of our most efficient water- softener. No down payment, $215.00 full price. Installed in your home. For demon- stration, RA 8-3698. or, complete outfit for and body work. Tele- pa '6 NSU motorcycle, low price, good condition. Call RA 5-8312. USED dresses and suits, size 14 to 18. Street South No be- | handles up to 10 HP motor. New. phone RA 5-4905. FILTER Queen Sales and ag eral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration, stration. Telephont RA 8-4683. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, , attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vice, RA 8-0591 1" PLYWOOD car-top boat, 54" beam, JORNSON "56 3 HP P Slectric super, in ee = i and m AYN JL SR and Pockcase. SEP RA oa044, BOAT AND MOTOR FIBRE LASS BOAT of dra night table, two ties tables, 450 wo end able. Phone 1961 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. FRAYNE"S MODERN RAILING Give your home that modern look, with an iron railing. Free Esti Sot clubs and cart, | Polaroid land 5-8345, en suite, desk and chair, bedspread, radio, AS5-3292, ady's camera. ELECTRONOME, RCA Victor, Admiral. RA 8-2270 Electrohome Television Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus -- on all ports MEAGHER'S 5 King St. W. RA 3.342% WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons. Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver- ed anywhere. RA 8-4771, 33--Swap and Barter 195 D8DGE pg for "best 54 + Telephone Mo 55 Trade your car on a boat. Inquire about our special low wes _ on an J rine Insurance a SMITHS SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all- channel antenne, all galvan- ized, guaronteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781. COTTAGE SPECIAL + 2 0" x 1710" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, - living room. Regular Price, Built $1127. $1039. $33 per month SPRING SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM RS $39.50 INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER OR INITIAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS 'Colonial Aluminum Sules Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM. - 9 PM. RA 8-4614 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less 80% groceries sup- plied, ali well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats. Lite-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. il now for Demonstration -- no oblige: tion. ? RA 5-3709 Free Bonus Window Screens and d Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. RA 8-4614 BOATS & MOTORS LARSON---Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH--Cruisers THORNES--Aluminum MASON--Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH---Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends Marine Storage & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5-3641 /|34--Lost & rs | WRISTWATCH, lady's gold Bulova, em- braceable. RA 3-7411 daytime; after § p.m RA 8.8605. ONE pair men's glasses, dark frames, in brown case, owner's name and phone number inside frame.Reward phone MA 3-7114 Bowmanville, collect. 35-logol. oi I will not be responsible for any debts a, os 3, Se gh NOTICE OF APPLICATION THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, 1950 LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 7 TAKE NOTICE that The Osh- awa Golf Club, Limited of the City of Oshawa in the County .of Ontario will maize applica- tion at a Special Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held ot the Canadian Legion Hall, Murray Street in the City of Peterborough in the County of. Peterborough on Friday, the 19th day of May, 1961, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock DST. i if the issuance of a " cence" for the sale and con- sumption of liquor with or without meals. for the following premises: New Club House and Cur- ling Rink of the Applicant to be erected on the present Golf Club premises 154 Alex- andra Street, Oshawa, Ont- ario. Any person resident in the licensing district may ob- ject to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with H. J. Browne, the deputy reg- istrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lake- shore Blvd., East, Toronto at least ten days before the meeting at which the applica- tion is to be heard. DATED at Oshawa this 13th day of April, 1961. THE OSHAWA CLUB LIMITED C. E. Mcliveen, President J. A. Robins, Secretary 154 Alexandra Street, Oshawa, ' Ontaria. J

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