Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1961, p. 7

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Wedding bells are in the air for Miss Anne Vasko and Mr. Walter Pietrowski whose engagement is announced to- day. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Vasko, Oshawa, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pietrowski of To- ronto. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, May 27, and on May 31 the bride will celebrate her birthday. The ceremony will be held in St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church and after their honey- moon the couple will live in Toronto. Alderman Stresses Civic Duties At CWL Annual Breakfast Alderman John Brady was the guest speaker at St. Ger- trude's Catholic Women's League annual breakfast, at- tended by over 60 women. The Rev. John Myers said Grace and briefly welcomed the mem- bers and guests. He also an- nounced the appointment of Mrs. Frank Doreen as spiritual convener of the CWL. The president, Mrs. W. R. Branch pointed out the impor- tance of this annual breakfast which was to honor Our Lady of Good Counsel, patroness of the national CWL. She asked the members to continue to honor Our Lady by regular at- tendance at the monthly Com- munion. She then turned the roceedings over to Mrs. Frank oreen, who acted as chairman. The head table guests were Mrs. A. C. Love, past president of St. Gregory's CWL, Mrs. Rae Scott, presideni, Mrs. Frank Donald, president of St. Mary's of the People. Mrs. William Clancy introduc- ed the speaker, Mr. John Brady whose talk was based on muni- cipal government and the con- struction of administrative bod- jes. He stressed the importance of voting on all levels of govern- ment and even voting in organ- fzations to which we might be- long. "Privileges we enjoy here this morning caf be taken away if we don't guard our right to vote in our democratic way," said Mr. Brady. "It is our duty to make sure our names are on the voters list," and recalled that Hitler rose to power through getting control of muni- cipal government in the cities. Mr. Brady explained the pur- pose of the four standing com- mittees, Finance, Board of Works, Property and Traffic. He touched on Planning Board, Industrial Commission and the great advantages to come from the Merchandise Mart and the Oshawa Harbor, and Oshawa Airport, which was a real draw- ing point to industry. He said the Board of Health was adding a mental health unit this year and the preventative job this department was doing was very valuable to the wel- fare of the citizens. The De- partment of Welfare, Police and ire protection, the Public Li- brary and many grants to other services were all part of thc tax structure and combined tc make Oshawa a good city in which to live. Mrs. Patrick Roberts thanked the speaker, remarking the motto of the League is "For God and Canada" and taking an interest in the civic affairs our constitution. the men of the parish who ca- tered for the breakfast and warmly thanked were Mr. R. J. Branch, Mr. Frank Doreen, Mr. R. Des Roch- ers, Mr. Ralph Brooks, Mr. W. Ayres, Mr. Elmer Des Rochers, Mr. Albert Losier," Mr. W. Power and Mr. Gerry Losier. Visitors attending were Mrs. George Miller, Oshawa and Mrs. W. McGrath of Midland. SOCIAL NOTICES of the community was part of Mrs. Frank Doreen introduced them. They| | BRIDE-TO-BE Saturday, May 20, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Maureen Coulter and Mr. Gerald Robert Pierson. The bride-to-be who is a grad- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and 'Mrs. John Eldon Coulter of Lindsay, Ontario, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Maureen Allison, to Mr. Gerald Robert Pierson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pierson, of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 20, at 4 o'clock in Cambridge United Church, Lindsay. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Barrie announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mar- garet Anne, to Lieutenant James Leslie Brough, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Brough of Oshawa. The marriage will take place at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Barrie, on Sat. urday, May 6. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vasko, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne Irene, to Mr. Walter Pie- trowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pietrowski, Toronto. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, May 27, at 11 a.m. in St. Hedwig's Roman Catholic Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred D. For- rest wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Cherry Ann, to Mr. William Henry Dowton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowton, all of Oshawa, The wedding is to take *» [place on Saturday, May 27, 1961, SY pin 81 ' TEENS' FAVORITE By ALICE BROOKS Any girl would crow with joy to receive this gay, zany roos- ter. Sit him on bed, dresser! Riotous rooster -- king of a mascot collection! Fun 'n' easy to make -- just two pattern pieces plus sumptuous tail. Pat- tern 7091: rooster pattern; di- rections. Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Alice Brooks c-0 The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept, Oshawa, Ontario Print plainly NAME, AD- DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. JUST OUT! Our 1961 Needle- craft Book. Over 125 designs for hi home furnishings, for f: knit crochet, embroider, weave, | sew, quilt -- toys, gifts, bazaar] ftems. FREE -- six designs for, lar veil caps. Quick -- send cents TODAY. at 2 o'clock in Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Doreen, to Stanley Andrew Loyko, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Loyko all of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place at Christ Memorial Church on Saturday, May 20, at 3.30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Pearl Pritchard an- nounces the engagement of her daughter, Barbara Ann, to Ray- uate of Class '60 of the Osh- awa General Hospital, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Eldon Coulter of Lindsay. The prospective bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pier- son of Oshawa, is a graduate of Class '57 of Ryerson Instie tute of Technology in archi. tecture. The wedding will take place in Cambridge United Church, Lindsay. The couple plan to make their home in Oshawa. Spring Best Time To Re-Pot Plants Spring is the best time to re- pot house plants, according to horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture, When moving a plant to a larger pot, use a coarser, richer. soil than normally used for cut- tings. First, turn the pot upside down. Then tap the rim on the edge of a table or bench, so that the ball of earth is eased out. Be careful, or the plant may be damaged. It's a good idea to discard some of the old topsoil. Add new soil on all sides of the plant and don't for- get to add drainage material such as pebbles or broken pot- tery to the new pot. When should you re-pot? It's not hard to tell when the plant is too large for the pot -- there's always that "top-heavy" ap- pearance. But there may be other rea- sons. If your house plants are not thrifty, the cause may be a water-logged soil. Take the plant from the pot, then shake and wash away as much soil as possible. Re-pot the plant ig a pot just large enough to hold the roots. Use a sandy (low fertil- ity) soil. Water with care and. when the plant recovers, re-pot in a better soil. mond Joseph McAvoy, son of Mr, and Mrs. Eugene McAvoy, all of Oshawa. The wedding will / \ OMLON, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 33078 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, April 22, 1961 7 PERSONALS | States. |ding anniversaries, coming and ver learns the location of bones ens the fibers and makes a more most roasts means making the slices parallel to the cut surface. cut with the grain instead of across it. The reason for this ic that steaks are cut relatively are short and tender. Miss Diane Hubbell enter- tained recently at a surprise aaniversary of ho rag Vi r parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Hubbell, Cadil- lac avenue south. The couple er, RR 3, Pickering. Area Ran- ger Advisor, Miss Edith Thomp- son, Oshawa, Skipper, SRS Cru- sader; Area Ranger secretary, Miss Joan Nesbitt, Oshawa, First Mate, SRS Crusader; surprise and delight|s;ea International Advisor, a Josing a, oer Mrs. R. J. Batten, Ashburn; ends, TS and relatives. |, eq Public Relations convener, Beautiful flowers, silver and crystal dishes were some of the ">: H. A. Jeffery, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brad- gifts received. Mr. and Mrs. ley, Glencairn street, have just The engagement is an- nounced today of Margaret Anne Ferguson, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson of Barrie, and Lieutenant James Leslie TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH ASPARAGUS TIP Fiech asparagis Sat over-| Double the life of a broom Suoked is cult to serve and|by protecting the with 5 a , g is, for small stalks 3% to % inch in diameter -- 6 to 10 min- warts, moles and utes; for medium stalks 3% to 3%] superfluous hair permanently inch in Sameer = 7to 11 ue and painlessly. utes; and for Over 15 Years' Experience |. 1 inch in diameler -- 8 0 12] pEsyLTS GUARANTEED wore a mauve wool suit with] MARIE MURDUFF mauve and biack accessaries. Bill pg B Ho uests were present from Brantford, London, Hamilton, PHONE RA 3.4641 Binbrook, Warkworth, Toronto,|{ for eppeintment on these dates Brough, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Brough of Osh. awa. The wedding will take place at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Barrie, on Saturday, May 6. Stroes United "Church parson rch parson-|returned home after spending a age on April 15, 1936 with the|month with relations in south- Reverend R. Johnson McCor-|aom California. mack officiating, Mrs. George Follon, sister of the bride, was| Colonel R. S. McLaughlin matron of honor and Mr. Nor-|who returned from his winter val Hubbell was best man for home in Bermuda last weekend his brother. Mrs. Hubbell is the(yas welcomed home by hun- former Miss Isabell Pollock of |; 04: of his friends whom he Oshawa. Those assisting Miss received at the Milita Ball Hubbell in arranging the party |} C00, ry Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McRae, Woodcrest avenue, and Messrs. and serving were Mrs. Garry Bert and Frank Grennon are in Morgan, Mrs. James McCon- nell, Mrs. George Follon and Kemptville, Ontario, attending the funeral of Mr. Anson Mrs. Harold Creamer. The cou- Forbes. ple spent their anniversary on a short visit to the United Mr. Everton White of Hamp- ton was host at a dinner party at Sandalwood recently. Covers were laid for 18. Teas, birthday parities, wed- goings of guests and your own holiday plans are always of interest in this column. Write, telephone or visit the social de- BE with your items of] Mrs. S. V. Barlow, president news for which there is no|of the Lyceum Club and Wom- charge. Telephone RA 3-3474. |en's Art Association held an executive meeting at her home, The Rossland Group of North-|Simcoe street north;~6n Thurs- minster United Church is ush- ¢ It day afternoon. Various matters gring Jn Spring Wi 25% 10 were discussed especially final e he! , of Mrs. Douglas Langmaid, 687 plans for the annual May lunch i to be held at the Library Glenmanor Drive. Pouring tea|°O" will be Mrs. H. A. Mellow, Mrs, |"/hen Mrs. Ralph Wallace will 'lintroduce the guest speaker, Yictor Cubitt, ek. % la Mrs. Eleanor Brown, interior Receiving the guests with the decorator. The June pink tea to) hostess will be the convener,/be held at '"'Greenbriar", the Mrs. Harold Cornish. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart McLaughlin and the folk festival Mrs. E. A. Collins, Centralito be held next month were also Area Commissioner, Girl discussed. The hostess was as- Guides Association announced|sisted in serving tea by Mrs. the following appointments -at|S, C. Larmer. the Area Committee meeting held on Thursday, April 20 at the home of Mrs. H. T. Cook, Shoreline Division Commission- Cut Across Fibres In Carving Meat Mastering the art of carving adds to the ease and gracious- ness of dining. Carving may be done either at the table or in the kitchen. Regardless of where it is done or who does it, careful carving adds to the at- tractiveness of the meat dish, according to the Food and Nu- trition Department, Macdonald Institute, Guelph. sharp carving tools, properly cooked meat, and plenty of elbow room are essen- tial requirements for any suc- cessful carver. If meat is over- cooked, it cannot be sliced eas- ily, since the connective tissue has probably been dissolved and the muscle fibres will fall apart. Not all meat cuts are bone- less, so it is helpful if the car- MILK FOUNDATION APPOINTMENT Po MRS. HARRY MILLEN Mr. Robert Flett, President of the Milk Foundation, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Harry Millen as the dietician of the Local Milk Foundation. Mrs. Millen brings with her an extensive know- ledge in the field of dietetics and nutrition, having graduated with a B.H.Sc. (Bochelor of Household Science) from the University of Toronto, followed by post-graduate studies in nutrition at Michigan State University. This in turn was followed by mony years exe perience in the field of indus- trial ond clinical dietetics. Mrs, Millen's new duties will be of on educational nature, stressing the nutritional value of milk "nd milk products in the family et. and joints and the direction in which the muscle fibers run before starting to carve. In making a slice, the carver should cut across the fibers wherever possible, as this short- desirable serving. To cut across fibres (i.e. across the grain) in Steaks are an exception to this general rule and should be thin anyway, and the fibres take place on Saturday, May 13, 1961, at St. Gertrude's Ro- man Catholic Church, Oshawa. ANNI Make Your Lk 0% A 8-0662 CELEBRATING OUR Ist. VERSARY off all Cold Waves during the month of April only , . . Appointment Today CALL RA 8-0662 27 CELINA STREET me Wayfair Salon | SUPERMARKET 27 CELINA STREET GLECOXT 174 Ritson Rd. S. - Open Daily to 10 p.m. Specials! Mon., Tues. & Wed. BREAD 2 33° BROOKSIDE (SLICED) BUTTER '.cuoe u 69° FRONTENAC BRICKS ICE CREAM 2°." 45° COLGATE'S -- (REG. 65¢ TUBE) DENTAL CREAM ... 39° PEEK FREAN'S BISCUITS "™ 2 ... 47° Always a good selection of quality meats and fresh fruits and vegetables ! FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT _ SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S Marilyn Freeman Becomes The Bride Of Ronald Reese The marriage of Marilyn Ann, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. C. V. Freeman of Osh- awa, and Ronald Hugh Reese, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reese of Vancouver, B.C. was menting their florai circlet headdresses. Mr. Keith Reese of Brantford was best man and Mr, Robert Freeman ushered. A reception was held at the church. The bride's mother re- ceived wearing mauve silk chif- fon with mauve and pearl ac- cessories. The couple spent their honeymoon at Niagara Falls and are making their home at Hamilton. For going away, the bride solemnized by the Reverend Church, Oshawa, recently. ist was Mrs. Paul Hoover. pliqued with lace, over peau de W. J. Newell in the Christian|p and Missionary Alliancell Mr. Thomas Farmer played | . the wedding music and the solo-|} The bride was given in mar- |B, riage by her father. She wore aly gown of white silk organza, ap-|\ 'When you choose from our wideyy¥ range of first quality J soie. The full skirt swept into the bodice. A pearled crown held her bouffant, fingertip veil carnations. Mrs. Curtis Harrison of Brant- ford was matron of honor and were dressed alike peau de soie with white acces- sories and carried cascades of a chapel train and short sleeves | and a sabrina neckline styled |} and she carried a cascade of || white phalaenopsis orchids and # the other attendant was Mrs. || John Fenton of Midland. They |} in green|} white chrysanthemums, compli-' (w® BROADLOOM w ® CARPETS ve RUGS Harleigh Supplies < (Oshawa Ltd.) ") OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ») PHONE RA 5-3012 ES a B YOUR DOCTOR WANTS to SEE YOU - HEALTHY The best health insurance of all is a physical check-up \ by your doctor--at least once a year, even if you : fit as a fiddle. Medical fact proves conclusively that Rt is easier-- and far less costly to you--for your doctor to keep { you healthy than to cure you of illness. How long has been since you visited your doctor? If it's over a year, Call him today" and make an early appointment. He's nothing to sell you but good health. / @ "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION 1S OUR PROFESSION" Jury. & Lovells. OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY We Send Medicines To Europe' BREADED VEAL, PORK or BEEF MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY wimenes STEAKETTES- 39: LYNN VALLEY - STANDARD CANNED PEAS WESTERN GROWN - 2 YR. OLD WAXED NO. 1 LARGE "RED LABEL" ROSE BUSHES 7 Prices effective at your DOMINION STORE ot Oshawa and Whitby until 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 25th § DOMINION STORES LTD. . Save 16; 1.00 Save 20¢ 15-0Z, TINS r m {

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