Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1961, p. 5

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| 3) i Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby Bureau Office: WHITBY and DISTRICT 111 Dundas St. West HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Tel. MO. 8-3703 Although many Whitby resi- dents probably did not realize it was happening, a land- mark disappeared from the main street this week. The landmark happened to be a two-pole structure to carry a transmission line over the CPR at Dundas street east. It had been there for 40 years and this week it gave way to a 60-foot pole. Above, a PUC linesman eases the new pole in place. --Oshawa Times Photo Public Speaking At Hutchison H&S The R. A. Hutchison school held a very successful public speaking contest on April 19 at which time students from grade four and seven participated. It| was a very interesting evening. Arrangements were made for the parents to go to the class- rooms where the students they wanted to hear would be. This was acomplished by having 10 children from each grade in in- dividual classrooms. In each classroom there was a judge who chose a representative for their group and when the stu- dents were finished everyone adjourned to the auditorium where the representatives were announced by each judge. | They then gave their evening speech. All were very proud of the children who worked so hard on the preparation of speeches. The Association would like to congratulate the children and the teachers on their successful results. The judges and the winnets of each classroom Bigres follows; Miss Odlum, of Dundas school, judged grade four, win- ner Linda Walker, subject "Trip to Hamilton". Mr. Sarles, Prin- cipal of Colbourne school judged grade five and six boys, winner Jeffery Jackson, subject 'My Dogs". Mr. Gordon Reid, of Scarborough, judged grade five and six girls, winner Mary Jane McKnight, subject "Dreaming". Mr. J. Mayor of Scarborough judged grade seven, winner Barbara Stark, subject "Theory of Evolution". The group also had the pleasure of listening to the R. A. Hutchison chorat~group consist- ing of students from grade five and seven which were thorough- ly enjoyed. They were led by Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Williams was at the piano. The students then adjourned to the kindergarten room where they were treated to light refreshments supplied by the H o m e and School Associa- tion. Mrs. G. Coons explained about the May election and nomination forms were distributed to the members. Mrs. F. Cowan gave a report on the "Fund Fair" which will be held on May 27 from 2 to 5 p.m. followed by a dance from 8 to 11 p.m. The meeting was' then ad- journed and the mothers of Mrs. Anderson and Mrs.. Holman's room served refreshments. WHITBY PERSONALS The Whitby Lawn Bowling Easter outfit at their contest at Club held a most enjoyable so- cial night at the recreation hall of Red Wing orchards, on Wednesday evening of this week. rating her sixth birthday today. Prospective members, along with friends from Oshawa and| Whitby, enjoyed card ga es and alley bowling with the club members. Following a delight-| ful lunch, served by the ladies of the club, lucky draws were! made to end the evening. The| next event of the club will be| their annual pot luck supper where plans will be made for the coming season, the tentative date being set for May 24 at Red Wing orchards' recreation hall. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cassady, is cele- brating her second birthday on Sunday. Friends of the family are wishing Mary many happy returns. | In recent weeks, Eleanor and| Chuck Kemp, members of hte OCFC, flew in their private air- craft to Muskoka, Brantford, Norfolk, Hamilton, and Chatham airports and also viewed Niagara Falls. | Eleanor Kemp, Dundas St. E., | was prescated with a cheque by| the Retail Merchant Association| of Ajax judged the best ladies'| | Mrs. F. Murray, RR 2, Whit- {by, has returned to her home |her late father, the shopping plaza. Janie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Crawforth, is cele- Her friends wish her many happy returns of the day. after attending the funeral of Mr. Arthur Jones, of Tweed. Mr. Albin Foster, of Perry St., is convalescing at his home after undergoing surgery at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Alice Fraser, of Whitby, and Mrs. Rose Mulligan, of To- ronto, recently visited in Mid- land as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beauchamp, brother of Mrs. Fraser. Charles Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graves is celebrat- ing his 13th birthday today. His school companions of Dundas School and friends wish him many happy returns. The euchre club met at the home of Mrs. Edna Henning, of Oshawa. Winners were: first, Mrs. Anne Batherson, of Whit- by; second, Mrs. Howard Bart- ley, of Oshawa; and low, Mrs. Mary Woodward. The hostess served a dainty lunch. Next Knights Host At Civic Night On Wednesday, April 19, St. |John The Evangelist parish (hall, Whitby, was the scene of ja "Civic Night". The host for the evening was Council 4895 of the Knights of Columbus. It was a well attended affair with dig- nitaries from Whitby and Ajax present. Grand Knight James Smyth chaired the gathering and welcomed those in attend- ance, He expressed the hope that this would be the first of many more such affairs. Brother Frank Canzi showed a movie entitled "History, Beauty and Power" which was kindly supplied by the Ontario Hydro's film section, This film proved to be very interesting for it de- picted the history and beauty of Niagara Falls and in turn show- ed how man has harnessed the power potential of the Niagara River. In this respect this film portrayed various phases in the construction of the Sir Adam Beck Niagara generating sta- tion number two and thespump- ing generating station. Those in attendance from Whitby were: Mayor Stan Mar- tin, Councillors Bill Davidson, George Brooks, Harry Inkpen, Robert Hastings; Reeve, Ever- itt Quantrill; deputy-reeve, War- ren Mowat; town clerk, John Frost; Town engineer, Charles Hoag; Chief of Police, George Rankine. The Whitby PUC were! represented by the chairm#l, Oscar Moore and manager, Harry Simpson, the Chamber of Commerce by Gord Richards and Dunlop by Ken Cowan, per- sonnel manager. Also in attendance from Whit- {by were: Vic Evans, president of Kiwanis; Terry Moore, presi- dent of Rotary Club; Murray Silver, president of Kinsmen Club and the Masonic Lodge was represented by Grand Mas- tery Harry Town. Ajax was re- presented by Mayor William Parish and Reeve Robert Mac- Kenzie. Mayor Parish thanked the Kngihts of Columbus on be- half of those present for a most enjoyable evening. The exening was brought to a close with the serving of a light lunch and coffee. Tle next meet- ing of Council 4895 will be held May 3 at 8.15 p.m. in the parish all. week the members will meet at the home of Mrs. Grace Hicks, of Byron St. N., Whitby. Steven Mitchell will be cele- brating his seventh birthday on Sunday. Best wishes are offered Steven from his many friends. Mr. Robert Wilkes, Rosedale drive, celebrated his birthday on Friday. On Saturday they enter- tained friends, Mz. and Mrs. G. Force of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Purdy, of Whitby. Mrs. F. Tavener, 224 Brock St. N., celebrated her birthday. For the occasion a family gathering was arranged and a BROCK tverins Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matiney ot 1:30 p.m. \ WACKY] WA had COMBA PICTURES pasets A FRED KDHMAR PROCUCTION The WACKIEST SHip buffet lunch was served. On Wednesday evening, the "Motor City Barbershoppers" entertained the residents at Fairview Lodge with various se- lections greatly enjoyed. The Barbershop Quartet sang a num- ber of melodies. During the in- termission residents of Fairview Lodge, Mrs. Johnson accompan- ied Mr. Birkett, who played the violin with old time music. Mr. Clarence Hooey played a selec- tion on the guitar. Community singing was enjoyed at the end of the evening. Mrs. E. Gaskin, Queens road, celebrated - her birthday on Thursday. Best wishes are offer- ed to Mrs. Gaskin from her Annual Meeting Work, Pray Group The Work and Pray Ladies Societies of Emmanul Reform- ed Church on Third Concession West held their annual meeting with both groups, Whitby and gether. prayer was offered by the Rev. G Iman. The Scripiure lesson was read by Mrs. A. Van Staveren who also presented a brief meditation on the same, after which a general discussion| followed. The reports of the past year's], activities were given by both secretary and treasurer. Sever:.l delegates from other organiza- tions and guests were present who responded with well wishes. The ladies of the Bowmanville Circle presented a playlet on Mission Work and a song by Mrs. S. Raaphorst. A social hour followed during which the women in charge served delicious refreshments. On Wednesday, April 19, the Whitby group held their regular semi-monthly meeting at which plans were completed to attend the Spring Mission Conference of the Churches of the Assem- bly, Toronto, which will be held at the Cooksville Reformed Church on Friday, April 21, at 8.00 o'clock. The public is wel- come to this conference. The la- dies of the Cooksville Church will be in charge of the first part of the meeting, and the remain: der of the evening will be given to Rev. and Mrs. Garry De Jong, who are Missionaries to Arabia, where they have serv- ed in Kuwait, Bahrein, and Mus- cat for many years. They will also show slides of their work. Delegates are expected from Barrie, Cooksville, Toronto, Weston and Whitby. Bowmanville, participating to- The president of the Whitby Circle, Mrs. G. Rezelman, pre- There was group singing and many From the Bell Telephone Com- pany students had the manager, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 22, 1961 5 Initiation, Careers Henry St. Topics By JOAN CALDER Such suspense for one hun- dredth of a second in Henry High this week as Michael Eggert squeezed the button, pop- ped the flash bulb, motivated the shutter and a permanent image of each grade in the school was indented into the sil- ver nitrate of photographic film. The budding shutterbug had to use a wide angle lens on his camera when shooting the "over weight" grades, to ensure that everyone was actually in the picture. Jim McCellan played the 'Smile Pretty for the Birdie" boy and did an excellent job in putting "wonder where the yel- low went" smiles on the solemn faces in the ranks of the classes. These immortal pictures will be on view in this year's Hi- Lite. CAREER DAY Career Day at Henry gave us interesting speakers. Lowry and Miss A. {Thompson as guest speakers. They were introduced by Alex Nichols and thanked by George Ashby. Mr. G. Langley was the speak- er from the Department of Lands and Forests. He is the supervisor of the Forestry and Conservation Department. Mr. Langley was introduced by Ed Childs and thanked by Keith Kaine. Ontario County's engineer, Mr. R. E. Sims talked to the young men about the varied engineer- ing fields. This speaker was in- troduced by John Hird and thanked by Gary Lomax. Students interested in the Gen- sity Scholarship Program were informed by Mr. G. S. Williams. John Hare introduced the speaker and John Andruskiw thanked him at the conclusion of his talk. Some of Canada's potential nurses were present to hear Miss Gladys Hill, Associate Di- rector of Nursing at the Oshawa General Hospital, speak about her profession. Miss Morrison, one of this year's student nurses accompanied Miss Hill. Marg Tweedy introduced them and Jane Samanski thanked them. Mr. A. Sauro, Registrar at Ryerson, spoke to pupils inter- ested in taking courses there. He was introduced by Join Hird and thanked by Gary Lomax, Professor F. L. Bartlett spoke on various universities. He rep- resented Queen's University, Kingston, and held his audi- ence's interest throughout the talk. Gary Maidlow and Virginia Atkinson did the honors. Mr. Earl Fairman, supervis- ing principal of Whitby Public Schools, Mr. D. Hogg and Miss Eleanor Yeats addressed their audience on the teaching profes- sion. Miss Marylin Tripp wel- comed them and they were thanked by Gail Lawson. BASKETBALL In girls' basketball, the win- ners of the Senior Pennant was 12A. A forthcom:=g dance should be of great interest to students. The Whitby Lions Club is spon- soring a Teen Dance at the Club Bayview on Saturday afternoons from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Whitby's Police Department are patrolling Henry street to try and catch some idiots. cent bystanders as well as their own in this practice. Young children crossing the street to and from King Street School could have their lives cut off in an instant if they were hit by one of these racing hoodlums. INITIATION Initiation Day hit Henry Street School on April 21. The poor, unfortunate Grade Niners were really put through the paces of carrying books for senior stu- dents and polishing their shoes. Shenanigans in the halls were in full swing at noon hour. George Ashby was the ring- leader in making the initiated Grade 9's do their stuff in a belly dance. They crawled on their stomachs along the lower hall and between students' feet, then bunny-hopped through the upper hall. They gathered in a circle in the school foyer, sang the school song and gave the school cheer. They then stampeded to their home rooms to avoid being call- ed upon to carry someone's books. 1t all ended at 4.00 p.m., much to the relief of many, many,| more experienced freshmen. | | 1 REGISTRATION OF BEGINNERS istration 'of Kindergarten ond Grade 1 pupils in Whitby Rr wacls for Sopmmber 1961, will be held os follows: 1:30-3:30 1:30-3:30 Kathleen Rowe School . .. R. A. Hutchinson School . Brock Street School The Hillcrest area consists of that area north of Dundas Street and west of Brock Street. The King Street area consists of thot area south of Dundas Street and west of Brock Street, with the exception of 'a block bounded on the north by Burns Street, on the west by Henry Street and on the south by Highway 401. The Dundas Street area consists of that area east of Brock Street and north of Gilbert Street with the exception of the R. A. Hutchinson area as outlined below, The Palmerston Avenue area consists of that area north WHITBY CLEANERS of the C.P.R. and west of Brock Street. . The Kathleen Rowe area consists of that area east of Brock '} Street ond south of Gilbert Street. It includes also the block west of Brock Street bounded on the north by Burns Street, | on the west by Henry Street and on the south by Highway 401, The R. A. Hutchinson area consists of thot area south of Dundas Street E. which lies east of Pringle's Creek, ] The Brock Street area consists of that area south of Highway 401, It may be necessary to make some minor changes in the above boundaries in September. ' Beginners must be five years of age on or before December 31, 1961 to register in kindergarten, and six years of age on or before December 31, 1961 to register in Grade 1. A birth certificate, a baptismal certificate or a hospital registration card must be presented at registration or before -the child con be admitted in September. i A pupil who has been registered and ottended kindergarten * need not re-register to enter Grade 1 { It is important that all beginners register ot this time in order to make proper adjustments for next September. All parents or guardians must be Public School supporters. E. A. FAIRMAN, Supervising Principal, Whitby Public Schools, Mop LTD. nell COLBORNEE. || PICKUP and DELIVERY MO 8-2345 |" Whitby Churches Some individuals are using Henry street as a drag strip and they do not seem to realize the eral Motors Canadian Univer- great danger to the lives of inno- The board of trustees for the Tom Chasczewski announced yesterday that con- tributions had pushed the total over the $5000 objective. The money has been set up in fund for Tom Chasczewski, a 19-year-old hockey player who lost an eye earlier in the season. The youth, presently in Grade 13, will receive the money in the form of payment for his uni- versity tuition. One member of the Board, Ivan Davie, says Tom will be entering the Uni- versity of Western Ontario next fall. A recommendation from St. Michael's College in Toronto will allow him to complete the three-year university course in four years. Members of the Board, Maur- ice Wootton, Vern Rowe, Wil- liam Davidson, C. G. Suther- land, Bus Gagnon and Ivan plete list of donations to the Trust Fund. The following quote was at- tached to the list: "On behalf of the Whitby Jun- ior hockey club, we would like personally to thank all those who contributed and thereby sushed us over our objective." was signed by Ivan Davie, manager and Bus Gagnon, coach of the Whitby Hillcrest junior hockey club. trust fund) Davie, have forwarded the com-| Chasezewski Fund Enough For University Ivan Davie, Whitby Jrs. Bus Gagnon, Whitby Jrs. Joe Luke, Whitby Jrs. Frank Allard, Whitby Jrs. George Mowat, Whitby Jrs, Charles Stafford, Whitby Dick Heard, Whitby Murray Silver, Whitby Fred Hatch, Whitby Canadian Wel Gas, Whitby Hillcrest Jrs. "B Eddy Schwak, Whitby Mildred O'Dell, Whitby Oshawa wn, Whitby W. C. Town Funeral Chapel Bill Stacey, Whitby Glenn Davie, Whitby C. Moad, Toronto Bill Smith, Toronto Al Jessup, Toronto Dick Goldthorpe, Toronto 10.00 10.00| 10.00 | 10.00 s b Oshawa - tt wSopseRSRS-E Martin McTaggart, Toronto Peter Vandermale (timekeeper) Anonymous, Whitby Anonymous, Whitby Percentage of gate, 7th game Belleville and Whitby Mrs. A. C. Worthington, Whitby George Kingston, Belleville Ralph Frederick, Belleville Arthur Wood, Ajax Clint Pascoe, Whitby Jim RJN Restaurant, Whitby Gen. Motors Main Office, Oshawa Anonymous, Whitby Sylvia Szitszay, Oshawa {Paul Rosseau, Whitby Ev. Quantrill, Whitby Anonymous, Whitby North American Steel, Whitby Citizens Finanace, Whitby Mrs. Lilia Singer, Oshawa Wm, Davidson, Whitby Mr, and Mrs. J. Kadwell, Whitby Miki Harkness, Whitby Eddy Hepburn, Whitby Boston Bruin Hockey Club (Harold Cotton), Toronto Kiwanis Club, Whitby Picton Jr. Hockey Club, Picton Bobby Hassard, Stouffville Can, Legion Branch 112, Whitby Peterboro Jr. "B" Hockey et GO ma ER St. John Corps Speaker At King St. H&S King Street Home and School Association held its monthly meeting on Thursday evening at the school. The president, Mrs. J. Naylor, opened the meeting with "0 Canada" accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Mollon. Re- ports were read and-approvéd. During the business meeting it was announced that Mrs. W. Andrew attended the Home and School Convention held at the Royal York Hotel as a delegate of King Street School. Plans for the May meeting were dis- cussed when installation of of- ficers will take place. A spelling bee is also planned for the May meeting it will inlude students from Grade 2 and up. Mr. Charles Stafford introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mr. Ed. Desrocher, Field representative from Metro Toronto for St. John Ambulance Corps who spoke on the work done by St. John Ambulance. A film titled "That They May Live" was shown. This film showed the remarkable effectiveness of this method of performing artifi- cial respiration. . The method is sanctioned by the Canadian and American Red Cross. Because of its sim- ple method of administration plus the increased amount of air which can be brought. into the lungs, this method is gaining wide support. Mrs. Mollon thank- ed Mr. Desrocher for a most in- teresting talk and film. Room prizes were won for Junior room by Miss Eckel, Senior room by Mr. De Mille. The mothers of Mrs. Baker's room were tea hostesses. The next meeting will be held on in the ARMY many friends. , May 18. Club, Peterboro A 'Whit! Kinsmen Club, Whitby Anonymous, Whitby Belleville MacFarlands Jr. "B" Hockey Booster Club, Belleville 222. Oshawa Major Hockey League (City Wide Answering Service) 8 2333 33333 333333333338338%3383% 83233333233233338833% 5s") (Oshawa Juvenile All-Stars,) Acadian Cleaners Employees Oshawa Woodview Park Community Centre, Oshawa Anonymous, Whitby Anonymous, Whithy Anonymous, Whitby Mrs, Catherine Davie, Toronto Len Hornby, Oshawa, Carm Thompson, Oshawa Chicago Black Hawks, Bob Wilson Ontario Hockey Assoc. Executive Members, Toronto Edgar A. Hewson, Whitby Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. Matt Leyden (OHA Executive) Bob Attersley, Whitby Harry Sinden, Kingston Alf Treen, Kingston Wren Blair, Ki Proceeds of Ii CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, April 24 United Church YPU Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers Castle Chapter Senior Group Fourth Mothers' Auxiliary of Scouts and Cubs Thirs Scouts and Cubs Ladies' Auxiliary of All Saints' Angli- can Church Palmerston H and S Association TUESDAY, April 25 Whitby Red Cross work room Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist YPA Whitby Baptist Church 3 B's Whitby Girl Guide Association Dundas St. E., H and S.Asso- ciation WEDNESDAY, April 26 St. John's Anglican Church WA work meeting St. Andrew's Presbyteens Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary THURSDAY, April 27 Colborne H and S Association 2 w= a2 puuppas 5 28383338 23% SouscnBed ome 3882338838 ston e, prize donaters: League Whitby Chapter Order of the Eastern Star No. 248 FRIDAY, April 28 Salvation Army Women's Home Paul's Sporting Goods, Oshawa County Sports, Whitby Shepherd's Meat Market, Oshawa Anonymous mor,, Oshawa Ukrainian Professional Buesiness Created To Individual Ry Re sr 665 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EAST | | Family Monuments | | | MO 8-3552 I Men's Assoc. Oshawa 15.00 Bathe Park Ladies Aux. Oshawa 10.00 Clarence Campbell, NHL president neil Whitby Jr. Hockey Club Insurance Policy, Continental Casualty Co. for loss of eye 250.00 Net proceeds benefit game, Whitby Dunlops, Whitby Hillcrest Jrs. 1864.58 Oshawa Customs Employees I Sports Followers 28.25 Ritson School, staff and employees 25.00 Rotary Club, Whitby 47.00 Toronto Peterboro Transport (Eddy Redmond) Peterboro 10.00 Community Diet Club CRA, Osh. 10.00 E Collins, Port Whitby 1.00 WHITBY TENNIS CLUB Annual Meeting Sunday, April 23rd 2:30 P.M. Election of Officers ® EVERYONE WELCOME Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 AM. Dutch Service 10:30 A.M. Sunday School, English hg TO rer Wh thy nglish Service, i 2:30 P.M. Worship at Bowmanville 3:30 P.M Bowmanville Sunday School EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY (INFANT CARE) BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, S. 9:15 AM, Radio Broodcost CKLB 9:45 AM, Bible School Hour 11 AM. Youth Service with our Pastor Speaking, v rv P.M. oung People Speaking. Special film: "Angry Jongle™ shown after service. Oshawa Jr. Foobtall Club Iné. 100.00 Oshawa Minor Hockey League benefit game St. Michael's College Oshawa All-Star Juveniles 160.00 Get-Together Club Teen Town Dance OCV1 Oshawa 275.00 Benefit game Collegiate Basketball All-Stars vs YMCA All-Stars 4 Whitby Mercantile Hockey League 50.00 G. Knight, Oshawa x Archie Vickers, Oshawa Michael Jacula, Oshawa Can. Legion Branch 43, Oshawa Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc. Stag held at Oshawa 28 8333 $5320.81 Eastern Star Makes Plans For Cookie Sale The regular meeting of Chap- ter 248 of the Eastern Star, Whitby was held in the Masonic Winner of The KINSMEN CLUB OF WHITBY $600 WINNING GOAL MRS. E. WILCOX 31 Windsor Dr. Pickering . Ontario Winning Goal scored at 1129 second of the Second Period Hall. The Worthy Matron, Kath- leen Brown, presided, and was assisted by presiding patron, James Martin. The meeting opened in form and the flag was presented at the altar by the Marshal, Mar- faret Barnes, and was escorted to the east. Minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read by sec- retary, Julia Thomas, PM. The conductress, Louella Cook, who just returned from a vacation in Florida, introduced the past matrons and past patrons pres- ent. Reports from various commit- tees were given. Sick and sun- shine reports were given and best wishes and get-well wishes were extended by the Worthy Matron. Correspondence was read and dealt with. Under new business, members were reminded of the cookie and tart sale to be held at the next regular meeting on April 27. The meeting closed in form with the worthy matron giving the farewell. A tasty lunch was a Family Recreation Whitby Baptist Church Rev, Thomas Webb, Minister {| Mrs, W, E. Summers, A.T.CM. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. &7 PM. Rev. Thomas Webb WHITBY 'UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smith, BA, BD, Minister " Rev. A. M. Butler, BA, Assistant Minister Mrs. J. Beaton, AR.T.C. Organist MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM. J "LOVEST THOU ME?" 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL a 9:45 A.M.--Girls end Boys 9 years | and over, . 11:00 AM. Girls and boys under | vears 11:00 AM. --Infant Care, Junior Worship. ROLLER SKATING SATURDAY NITE WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA served by the lunch committee. Po Specificati TENDER CALL Sealed Tenders, addressed to Mr. O. Moore, Chairman, Public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby and marked "Tender for Office Renovations', will be received by the Public Utility Commission until 4 p.m., May 8th, 1961. d ot the Commission Office, may be <5 the TOWN 0. Moore, H. 128 Brock Street South on and after Monday, April 24th, 1961, upon eo deposit of $25.00. Ti.E PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION of WHITBY C. Simpson, Chairmen. Senior Citizens' Group y and G I | I Manag | SAVE OVER 60% NOW Only 3.75 monthly on your Gas Bill for 5 Years [= -- -- -- -- -- -- -- NOTHING DOWN i Regular Cost You Pay Only $165.00 installed NEW ANTHES IMPERIAL GAS FURNACE Clean-Quiet Automatic Heat -- iy sa25.00 | "ee 1 * Sp 1 Our Seasonal Discount * Gas Co. All 200.00 s d by C ' Gas Co. Re-octivating your service. EXTRA DUCT WORK AT COST Same Savings for Hot Water Heating MO 8-2991 Day or'Night MO 8-2991 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 9 TO 6 DAILY

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