4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 22, 1961 x HOME OF THE WEEK | i "HOME DE + tive tri-level home that offers excellent traffic circulation : because of its well divided ! areas. The ground level in- . cludes a large living room ' with fireplace at one end. . There are two banks of pic- * ture windows here. Kitchen ; and dining are combined with * a snack bar in kitchen. The . second or upper level holds + three bedrooms with large * closets each, There is a built- + in vanitory counter in the * bath, Basement or lower level . features a very large recrea- tion room, good sized laundry and a separate heating room, * all placed under the bedroom . wing. This home is designed * for a narrow lot and has a . large entry with guest closet. Standard Builders' blueprints costing $9.75 a set are obtain- able in Canada for this De- sign No. 302. Now available « from address below, a new * and enlarged Book of House Designs entitled "A New Se- lection of Low Cost Homes for Canadians", priced $1.00. Contains 114 designs including 1 storey, 1%; storey, and split level homes, plus much use- ful information on building terms and requirements. Or- der your copy today. Also in- cluded in this Design Book is full information on how to or- der the blueprints. NEWS BRIEFS AIRPORT CRACKING UP ROME (AP) -- Rome's new nardo Da Vinci International Airport will close its major run- way for repairs May 1. Officials said the runway has developed cracks and dips since operations began a few months ago. SHARK TANK DURBAN (Reuters) -- Work has begun on a new $70,000 ex- perimental shark tank at the Durban Oceano - Graphic Insti- tute. Research into the shark danger in South African waters is to be undertaken by some of the country's leading scientists. NEW AIRLINE SEOUL (Reuters)--Air Korea, a new domestic airline, has started a passenger and cargo service in South Korea in com- petition with the Korean Na- tional Airline. It will operate two round-trips daily between Seoul and Pusan. . Real Estate Douglas L. Gower © REALTOR eo 4 For all your Real Estate Needs PHONE RA 8-4651 SIGN NO. 302 Featured here is an attrac- | [N By PAT GILL BOWMANVILLE -- Bowman- ville High School's "Pussy Wil- low Waltz" turned out to be a huge success. Many students from both Courtice and Bowmanville shifts attended. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It was a dress-up dance and the girls all wore spring dresses and the boys suits and sports- jackets. Ben Dickenson of BHS was the lucky winner of the door prize. He can get any long-playing album he chooses from Higgon Electric. Many came a little worried but were relieved to find they didn't have to waltz all night. This dance was sponsored by Senior Commercial with Bill Bickle as MC. For entertainment the Scott brothers played several popular pieces on their electric guitars. Charlie Trim, a natural come- dian, kept the auditorium rock- ing with his hilarious jokes. All in all it was a terrific dance and Senior Commercial deserves our congratulations. On Wednesday, Carnagie Tests in English and Composition were written by Grade 10 students. "Pussy Willow Waltz" ~ .|Pleases High Students EXAMS OVER Grade 13 students, having been struggling through confi- dential exams this last week are greatly relieved now that they're over. We hope everyone did OK. JUVENILES WIN Students and teachers at BHS are very proud of the Bowman- ville Juvenile hockey team. This week they captured the All-On- tario Championship. Most of the boys go to BHS and their happy faces can be seen Z:round the school, They deserve to be happy, it's quite an achievement and everyone is proud of them. ds 2221 206 The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshaw2, Ontario, Enclosed please find $1.00, House Designs entitled "A Name Address sessssssessnsessncane for which send me Book of New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians." (Please make remittance pay- able to The Oshawa Times.) EE EE ETT PT PR PP PPT TE PE TEP PRT TY) FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN REVARNISHING DOOR QUESTION: The outside sur- face of my front door needs re- finishing. When I revarnish, how could I make the last coat go on smoothly? The door is not blistered. ANSWER: Before revarnish- ing, be sure the surface is free of all trace of grime, soot, dust, |wax, etc., and any gloss should {be dulled for better adhesion of {the new coating. Wipe the surface with fine steel wool and turpentine, then apply top quaj- ity spar varnish in several coats, being sure each coat has thoroughly dried before apply- ing the next and dulling the gloss by light rubbing with fine steel wool. Be sure not to shake the can of varnish; air bubbles may form and be carried to the door surface, causing imperfec- tions. Apply the. varnish in straight strokes, along the grain, never across the grain. When the brush is empty, again |brush over the same area to |carry the varnish forward and spread it in an even coat. | WATER-STAINED FLOOR | QUESTION: Is it possible tof remove water stains from a| (hard oak floor? | ANSWER: Usually the an- swer is "yes." If the floor has |a shellac finish, white water | stains will usually disappear as the water dries out. Wiping the stains with a cloth slightly THE HOME WORKSHOP PATTERN D. W. WILSONLTD. REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 261 IF IT'S RUGS . , . CALL NU-WAY Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Carpets -- Steir Runners, ete. 171 Mary St RA 8-4681 eating ITs... McLaughlin Heating for eo FUEL OIL ® Prompt Delivery eo STOVE OIL 104 King W. RA 3.3481 Our ancestors knew how handy wooden wall pockets could be. They made them in designs that stood out with good effect against a light wall. To- day we copy them to use for letters, keys, gloves or a grace- ful plant. Pattern 261, which igives actual-size guides and di- |rections for three of these old- time pockets, is 50c. It also is in the Early American Repro- !duction Packet No. 19 which is $1.75. Address orders to The Home Workshop Dept.,, The Times, Oshawa. IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST in FUEL and Heating Equipment DELCO by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert 5t. RA 3-4663 HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (OSHAWA) LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.3012 High, medium, low -- with re- movable tray for television din- ing or a special top for a serving bar. Directions for a folding cof- fee table, a fold-away mending stand and even a folding drying rack are included in Pattern 268 -- all for 50c. This pattern also is in the Step-saving Service Equipment Packet No. 67 which is a mine of ideas with full di- rections for $1.75. Address orders to The Home Oshawa. Workshop Dept, The Times, | |dampened with alcohol will re- {move them; be careful to use a minimum of alcohol or the shel- lac will also be removed. Touch {up with a thin coat of greatly | thinned shellac. |. If the floor has a varnish fin- | ish, ty wiping with turpentine |or light machine oil and finely {powdered rottenstone, following {the wood grain, and polishing {with a piece of felt, with slight pressure. If the stain has pene- trated deeply, the stained area may have to be scraped away down to bare wood, and thin coats of varnish re-applied until] the level of the surrounding finish is reached. SUN DECK QUESTION: We are building a home and planning to have a sun deck over the garage, lead- ing from the living room. What is best to use for the floor? What type of railing? ANSWER: Roofing canvas, available at roofing supplies dealers, gives highly satisfac- tory service and requires*a min- imum of maintenance. Various types of wood or metal railing are available at building sup- plies dealers. PEELING PAINT QUESTION: Is there anything that can be painted or ce-| mented to a metal shower base? | The paint peels, leaving rust. I have tried a rust-inhibitive paint, but that doesn't hold up either. We use very hot water. ANSWER: Use the rust-inhibi- tive paint, as you have been do- ing, after first removing all trace of loose and scaling rust with steel wool and turpentine, or one of the rust - removing preparations now available at most paint dealers. Then apply a coat of top quality enamel or a ceramic-like liquid tile coat- ing; this will resist water pene- tration which is causing the paint to peel. WHITE-LEAD WHITE PAINT QUESTION: How can I pre- pare white paint from white lead paste? ANSWER: The department of agriculture suggests the follow- ing formula for making white- lead outside house paint: (To make white paint, use refined linseed oil, specially treated to lighten the color, and pale Japan instead of ordinary dark drier); seven gallons of paint when thinned; white lead paste, 10 pounds; linseed oil, two gallons; Japan drier, one pint; turpen- tine, one pint. PAINT REMOVER QUESTION: Is there a for- mula for making a paint re- mover at home? I wish to GALLUP POLL By CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Most Canadian voters don't look for any significant impact, politically, from the New Party. Across the country, about four in ten say it definitely will not become an important force; al- most four in ten can't even hazard a guess, while two in ten look for strength in the new combination of CCF and Labor forces. Among the one in five who anticipate a political threat, opinions divide very closely as to whether Liberals or Conserv- atves will lose most votes to the New Party. On the average there is rather more expecta- tion that present Government forces will suffer more than Liberals. Impact Of New Party = On Electorate Gauged ~ 2 or 3 per cent of the voters would mark their ballots for the New Party in an immediate Federal election. To get the views of the public on attitudes toward the new political entry, Gallup Poll re- porters 'were assigned to ask questions of a representative sample of the Canadian people. They first found out how many had heard of the New Party. Nationally two in three have done so; one in three has not. Next question: 'Some people think that this new party, based on a labor and CCF union will become an important force in the country; others say that it will not. What is your opinion? While on most political issues there are strong contrasts of opinion between the East and West, on this matter, public Since first ement of its formation, the Gallup Poll's reg- ular Political Round-up of party standings has shown that about Will New Party Become An Important Force? Canada East Ontario West Reporters asked all those who said they looked for considerable political strengths in the New Party, from which of the pres- os ®esesscssessessnnss ent parties it would draw most votes. In asking the question inter- viewers rotated the order of naming Conservatives and Lib- erals to avoid any first-named bias. "Apart 'rom the CCF, from which party do you think it will draw most votes -- from the Liberals or the Conservatives?" Which party will Suffer most? Conservatives Liberals Others Don't know Equally from both 38% 26 1 20 5 100% Quebec and Western voters who look for political strength are more likely than others to think the Conservatives will lose most votes to the New Party. In Ontario the people who think this way split evenly those who think Conservatives will feel the im- pact most; and those who believe it will hit the Liberals hardest. World Copyright Reserved bathroom and can't afford to spend too much on commercial paint removers. ANSWER: An inexpensive paste paint remover may be made by mixing trisodium phos- phate with twice as much Ful- ler's earth or whiting and add- ing enough water to make a paste. Apply one-half inch layer with a putty knife or trowel and allow to remain about an hour; then scrape off and rinse the surface with clear water, to remove all trace of the chemi- cals. Should warn you that a paint - removing job this size will be tedious and messy. CHARCOAL ON WOOD FLOOR QUESTION: Is there any way to remove charcoal from a varnished floor. One of the chil- dren had some on his shoes and walked on the floor. I have tried cleaner, detergents and am- monia, to no avail. ANSWER: Try using a clean- up wax made by a nationally known manufacturer. Or fine pinion runs at much the same level across the country. The West is a little more interested --but not much more. Qualified And No Don't Know 42% 36% 35 47 41 37 41 30 Newcastle Sport Area Gets Maples By M. McINTYRE HOOD NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE -- Two Capadian maple trees, brought specially to Tyneside from Canada, have been plant- ed at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne by, Roy H. Thomson, chairman of Thomson Newspapers, Limited. They will grow on a 12-acre sports ground named after Mr. Thomson, who officially opened it in the presence of many of the employees of his Newcastle newspapers. Thomson Park will be used as a recreational centre by employees of his news- papers, the Journal, the Even- ing Chronicle and the Sunday Sun. The maple trees will mark the chairman's link with Canada, FOR EVERYBODY "I am tremendously impress- ed with the idea of having a park of this kind," said Mr. Thomson. "There is something here for everybody." There were similar parks in Canada, he added, but they were much smaller. "lI am greatly honored that you have seen fit to name this place after me." R. Clough, director and gen- eral manager, Newcastle Chron- icle and Journal, Limited, said that he hoped that one day Thomson Park would be the most attractive sports field on Tyneside. "It is going to be a nicer place," he said, 'because so many people in the office have put their hearts into it. It is good for Mr. Thomson to know that in" Newcastle his employ- ees have time to play as well as to work." Mr. Clough presented Mr. Thomson with a Lindisfarne sil- ver salver, to commemorate the occasion. Mr. Thomson was in New- castle to open three 15-storey Yes 22% 18 22 29 steel wool and a nonflammable {remove the paint off walls in a liquid spot remover. blocks of flats for the city cor poration. RED GREEN CHARCOAL onic ran oe ewe fe deooounee on soo owns. TAN ¢, CONCRETE: PRODUCTS LTD. v COLUMBUS FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- The held an opening meeting on Thursday, April 13 and the Women's Associations of the surrounding district were invit- ed to attend. The meeting was held in the church and Mrs. H. Mitchell gave the devotion. Mrs. F. Weston of Toronto East Presbytery was guest speaker and Mrs. Milne of Cherrywood was soloist. At the close of the meeting, lunch was served in the Sunday School room and Mrs. Wm. MacKay and Mrs. F. Wilkinson poured tea. There will be a meeting of Fairport WA ' Holds Meeting \ quada 231, 207; Fairport Unitéd Church WA|200; Edith Skitch 288, 214, tile 202, 250; Helen Fenton 211, Hiclen Hill 203, Reg Carpenter Edwards 305, Gord Warren Ri 313, E hip. To 318. 713, Clare Skitch 886. quada 768, Mike Cichun 793. The bowling held May 5 at Ajax at 7 p.m. MUSICAL MURDER LONDON (CP)--"Bale musical based on life of convicted murderer Dr. Harvey Win Jones 246, Reaman 206, Clare 254; Harve Fer- Doreen 355. ., Edith Rea: triple flat, Ivey Skitch High triple hdcp., Vera Tran- will be Legion Hall the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Scouts and Cubs in the Sunday School room on Tuesday, April 25 at 8.15 p.m. There are now 1 oy s and they are anxi- ( COLUMBUS -- The Oshawa Skillshop Committee met Sun- day afternoon at the manse with Mrs. R. H. Love as their host- ess. Those present included Mr. Clifford Naylor, Columbus; Mrs. H. W. Blakely, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. D. Barnett, Ked- son; Mr. J. Young, Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Laird, Maple Grove. WMS The monthly meeting of the Evening WMS was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Webber with Mrs. Frank Smith presid ing. The meeting opened with a prayer by Mrs. Allan Scott followed by a reading by Mrs. Ronald Love. Mrs. Love then showed a very interesting film, "Beyond The Bell", and a dis- cussion followed. Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Grant Webber and Mrs. Stafford Cosway were ap- pointed to represent the mission society at the Provisional Group Meeting. The next meeting of the Even- ing WMS will be a joint meet: ing with the Afternoon WMS on May 3 in the church hall. HOME AND SCHOOL . The monthly meeting of the Home and School was opened with the singing of '0 Canada" which was followed by the Lord's Prayer. The committee gave their re- port on the film strip projector and it was decided to purchase one. There was a report given on the H and S convention and Mrs. W. Lucyk read a letter on the resolutions discussed at the convention. The nomination bal lots were handed out and they are to be returned by April 21. The new executive will be in- stalled at the May meeting. The program theme was Mu- sic and Art. Mrs. L. Brooks and Mrs. W. Lucyk acted out a skit on music practice and this was followed by a discussion. Heath- er Eaton played a piano solo and John Lucyk an accordion solo. Mr. Kohan, senior school teacher, and Miss Rutherford, junior school teacher, displayed the art projects of their stu- dents. DOUBLES CLUB On Friday, April 14, the Dou- bles Club with about 20 couples in attendance enjoyed a fine evening of square dancing at Woodbridge. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Home and School Asso- ciation are sponsoring a euchre party on April 21 at 8:00 p.m. at the Junior School. Everyone is welcome and the ladies pro- vide the lunch. The Live Wires Class are having a paper drive on Satur- day, April 22. Please tie your papers and magazines in bun- dles. All ladies of the congregation are requested to come to a Provisional Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 25, at 8:00 p.m. in the lower church hall. The choir are sponsoring a crokinole party on Saturday, May 13, at 8:00 p.m. ous to increase the membership. Little Jeffrey Skelton, three- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Skelton of Simpson ave- nue had a narrow escape from drowning when he fell into deep water near his home. Mrs. Jackie Beamish heard the where couples go to escape the English marriage laws is up for sale. An advertisement says: "Owing to the laws of nature and the Scottish matrimonial system, the sale of this resi- dence offers an assured source of income." ASSUJD PROFIT GRETNA GREEN, Scotland CP)--A hotel in Gretna Green RA.5.4241 319 COLLECE AVE child's cries and pulled him to safety. This cut leading to the Bay from the foot of Browning avenue has recently been deep-| ened to about 10 feet and par-| ents are asked to warn their children against playing near it. Birthday congratulations to Miss Jessie Henderson who will| celebrate her birthday on April 23 and to Ross Fertile who will be 17 on April 25. The Frenchman's Bay Ath. letic Association is holding a dance and buffet at the Ajax Legion Hall on Friday evening, April 28. Proceeds will be used to help support the boys' soft- ball teams. There are still tick- ets available and anyone inter- ested in having an enjoyable evening while dancing to Cam Warne's Orchestra, can get] tickets from Bill Fertile, | Ronnie Balsdon, Broadview street, had his tonsils removed at the Ajax Hospital last week. Mrs. John O'Brien and Jim Whyte are now home from the Ajax Hospital. An enjoyable dance was held last Saturday at the Oshawa Yacht Club, sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the French- man's Bay Yacht Club. The highlight of the evening was a parade of hats by the ladies. The ladies obviously all went to a lot of work making these latest spring models and Eric Newall, Commodore of the Osh- awa Yacht Club had a difficult time picking the winning hat. However, he chose the one made by Mrs. Jack McInerney, trimmed with a model of a Blue Jay sailboat. Tom Newman and Eileen Fertile won door prizes and Vi Tomblin, Gail Car-| michael, Harve and Lois Fer- tile were among those who won other prizes. Winners of the Frenchman's Bay Bowling League final play- offs: No. 1, No Names, Clare Skitch, 6,969; No. 3, Allouts, Harvey Fertile, 6,178; No. 4, Punks, Jack Buck, 5,910; No. 5, Roughriders, Dave Brundle, 5,812. Over 200 scores -- Pat Tran- MORTGAGE LOANS DON'T PAY HIGH FINANCE RATES WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ALOW COST MORTGAGE LOAN FROM $1,600 AND UP FOR ANY PURPOSE AND AT THE LOWEST INTEREST RATES © LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS ® NO CO-SIGNERS NECESSARY © CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE ® FREE INFORMATION Why burden yourself with high finance rates when you can obtain a low mortgage loan for any worth- while purpose on terms to suit your budget. Con- solidate your present debts and reduce you month- ly payments . . . redecorate your home, or make any other home improvements or repairs. Perhaps to pay off an existing mortgage, buy a new car, a trip overseas, or a summer cottage. You can have your money without embarrassing enquires to friends, neighbors or employers. ALLIED INVESTMENTS 51 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA Write or Phone RA 3-3993. anytime for day or evening appointments. Member of the Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Live the easy, @ Burroughs i ) Cordially invites you to attend a DISPLAY OF NEW PRODUCTS APRIL 24-25 ' FLEETWOOD ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL OSHAWA, ONTARIO Here is an opportunity to view and try--all in one convenient location GESTETNER DICTAPHONE BURROUGHS 3M COMPANY Refreshments New 300 series Stencil Duplicators; Gestelith Offset Equipment, and the new miracle electronic stencil cutting machines. Dictating Systems--individual, centralized with Telecord phone stations and Bell Telephone, portable battery operation with Dictabelt and magnetic tape. Sensimatics, Single Printer, Dual Printer and Typwriter Accounting Machines Thermo-Fax Copying Machines: The new "Secretary", ;Model 44, and the "'Courier" low cost copier. "Filmac" 100 ond 200 Reader Printers. 72 Noon - 10 p.m. Monday All Office Personnel Welcome Hour 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Tuesday