THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 22, 1961 32--Articles for Sale |CHEST of drawers, night table, two coffee tables, and two end tables. Phone RA 5-8755. CLASSIFIED » ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) |33--Swep ond Barter 1954 DODGE convertible for best '54 55 hafton pickup truck offered. MONDAY is i 1 32--Articles for Sale Plot hip and delivery, T CHANGE lawn 'moving from "work" |y, to "exercise", A Wi does it, Lightweight model $39.95, = AUTOMATIC coin laundry service, [Per RA 'estern power mover cent down. Western Store. King West, pall " og, Ptcner, restaurant equip. New, used, buy. gi service, Bill Hamilton Ashburn, Brooklin, PORTABLE greasing equ changer, ete., six months old. Phone RA _ 50515 after 6 p.m, $50 or best offer, electric stove, Gurney, | heavy duty, four burner, warming oven, Telephone RA 3.2519, ONE Findlay cook stove with warmi oven and reservoir; one kitchen cal with two glass doors and 2 long draw. ers: one kitchen table, 3.2077. 1 -- '59 FORD custom built, radio, may be Television, 918 Simeoe Street Down's Texaco, Simcoe |C0l0F TV on on seen at Don Street North, next to fire hall. HEAVY duty 40" .stove. three burner, with deep fry, $40. Good condition. Timkens furnace, hot air, heats 80,000 raph, three BTU, 271 H Simcoe Street North. RA 5-0575, MOVING, must sell -- Refrigerator, television, living room suite; also other OFFICE desks, $10 uj articles, Apply 325; Saguenay Avenue, Apartment 5 anyt DUPLICATOR, hi "Roneo", new, slightly used, moderate, Telephone after 6 p.m, 8307, MAN'S Mary Maxim motif, medium size, 5.7025. sweater, FRIGIDAIRE, heavy duty, "fully auto. matie range, in good condifion. Reason- ably priced. Telephone MO 8-2102, 21" TV-radio and record player com- bination, plus powerful antenna with rotor. $250. RA 8.2787. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Iib-| eral tridein allowance, Free demon- stration. Telephont RA 8-4683. T™WO "pair drapes, modern floral de. sign on grey background, newly clean- ed, very good condition. $9. for both pair. RA 8-5060. THREE piece chesterfield "suite, win | with matching blue chair, in very good condition, reasonable for quick sale. Phene OL 5-4680, Columbus. PAINT compressor, complete o outfit for spray painting and body work, Tele. phone. RA 3-3779. 56 NSU motorcycle, low price, good condition, Call RA 5-8312, FOR Sale, bed, | one hospital bed, patch frame, inner spring mattress, excellent handles up to 10 HP motor, New. Tele: sondition, Price $65. Phone Newcastle 3486, ONE blond corner china cabinet, Stauf- fer' reducing machine, Eico signal gen- erator, Telephone RA 58-2018 after 5 p.m, MAN'S bicycle, 28", mn Pipi in good condition. 9 Centre Street, RA pc 8 CCM racing bicycle, three aweed | gears, $30, Telephone RA 3.2137. 23 FT. hand loomed stair carpet, hand | loomed rugs, assorted sizes and | colors; car radios and parts, records. RA 8.3556, 23 Gibb | Street, Apt. 5. USED dresses and suits, size 14 to 18, Apply at 193 Simcoe Street South be- tween 1 and 5 Saturday afternoon. No telephone orders please. Trade your car on ao boat. | Inquire about our special low | rates on Marine Insuronce ond financing SMITHS S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 12 "TV. TOWERS $55 40-ft. structure with all | channel antenna, all galvan- | ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond __St. East, RA 8-6781. BOAT AND | MOTOR | FIBRE GLASS BOAT | Completely Equipped. 1961 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 MARINE STORAGE & _SUPPLY LTD. FRAYNE'S MODERN RAILING Give your home that modern look, with an iron railing Free Estimates. RA 82270 | Electrohome Television Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY plus -- on all parts MEAGHER'S b 5 King St. W. RA 3-3425 WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons. Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gol. Deliver- ed anywhere. RA 8.4771, sizes. 8 Church. RA 376, " tube, lv ipment , tire 4 p.m. Phone: MArket| The used equip. 35--Legol WINE and cider barrels, wile oak, all '8 PORTABLE 17% TV new pleture private. Phone RA 85-3064 after Telephone MO 8.5110. 15|34--Lost & Found WRISTWATCH, lady's gold Bulova, em- le. RA 3.7411 y after 6 p.m. RA 88605. ONE pair men's glasses, dark frames, Ba ae brown, case, owner's name and mber inside frame.Reward Lid MA 37114 Bowmanville, collect. WINE and cider_parrels, solid oak, all aws Hardware and Elec: tre. 8 Church. RA 3.7624. MAN's golf clubs and cart, lady's golf clubs Polaroid land camera. elephone RA 5.8345, 35--Legoal Lill not bé Teapansiole fof Juy debis incurred in 0, 101 without after this 'ante, 'April y hi consent. 5 (my wi ELECTRONOME, § RCA Vitor, Admi finest TV, Hi-fi and service, |y {highest a allowances at Paskway 01 display. BOY'S full size bicycle. | id '00d condi- tion, Telephone RA 55992 EMERSON combination Tati phono- speed changer, long and short wave radio, complete with 25 rec- ords, perfect condition, $89. Terms. |Meagher's, 5 King West, ). Cash registers, adders, typewriters, ow warranty on Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, MAN's bicycle, in good condition, rea- I will not be incurred in my name "|after this date, April 4 560, 'without ~ Albert E. my written consent. Phillips. Judical Sale of 112 Welling ton Jet. ep Ee IN THE SUPREM COURT. OF ONTARIO Agg - vs. - Levesque et al Pursuont to the judgment ond final order for sole in z sonable. May be seen at 112 Frederick Street. £0lf (ONE Puritron, small size, one portable | $30. Telephone RA ra adlo, one pair balance wheels for child's bike, RA 8-4533, EVINRUDE outboard motor, 1959 model, in good condition, 88459. "3% HP, RA PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | All colors, Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh- | awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Chureh | Street, RA 3-7624, NEW rugs, 9 x 12, 6 x 9, and 7% x 10%, Telephone RA 5.8505, | USED parts and repairs for "all makes Ia wringer type washers, % hp motors 35 to Hy guaranteed reconditioned wash. 'rs and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- on, CO 3.2241, AWNINGS, canvas, prompt service, free estimates Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all "makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice, RA 80501 anytime. 12" PLYWOOD car-top boat, 54" beam, phone RA 5-4905. COTTAGE SPECIAL 2210" x 1710" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127, $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens and wooden Screen Doors, COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. RA 8-4614 BOATS & MOTORS LARSON--Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH---Cruisers THORNES--Aluminum MASON--Lapestrake PETERBOROUGH---Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings ond Weekends Marine Storage & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5-3641 CITY OF OSHAWA : TENDERS FOR BANDSTAND Secled tenders oddressed to the undersigned ond clearly marked "Tender for Band- stond"' will be received until 5:00 p.m. E.DS.T, Monday, May 8th, 1961 for construction of a Bond- stand in Lokeview Park, Plan and specifications may be obtained ot the office of the City Clerk, third floor, Ctiy Hall, upon deposit of a this couse ond to the direc tion of the undersigned Master sealed tenders od- dressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Agg" in accordance with the conditions of sale hereunder will be received by the under- signed up to the 4th day of May, 1961, at the Court House, Centre Street, Whit- \ by, Ontario, for the purchase in one parcel of the property hereinafter described, sub- ject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master, The lands are known as 112 Wellington Street, Whitby, ond have ao frontage of 58 feet more or less by a depth of 185 feet more or less and are composed of the North half of Lot 19 according to Wallace, Farewell and Keller plan now part of the Muni- cipal Plan of the Town of Whitby. On the property is said to be o one storey frame house. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The Vendors shall not be required to produce any abe stract of title, deed or evi- dence of title, other than those in their possession. The Purchaser shall. examine the title at his own expense and any objection thereto shall be made in writing" within ten days from the acceptance of the tender. Should no suf- ficient objection in writing be made within that time, the Vendor's title shall be held to have been accepted. Should any sufficient objece tion in writing be made withe in that time which the Ven- dors are unable or unwilling to remove the Vendors shall be at liberty to rescind the sole in which case the Pur- chaser shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit money, without interest, 2. The Parties to the action with the exception of the Vendors shall be at liberty to tender. 3. Each tender shall be oc- companied by an accepted cheque, payable to the ac- countant of the Supreme Court of Ontario, for at least ten percent, of the amount of such tender, as o deposit, and the Purchaser shall pay the remainder of the pur- chase price into Court to the credit of this couse on or before June Ist, 1961, with out interest, and upon pay- ment the Purchaser shall be entitled to a vesting order, to be obtained by the Pur- chaser at his own expense. instead of a conveyance, and to be given possession of the property. 4, The tender and accept- ance and these conditions of sale, which shall be deemed to form part of Such tender, shall constitute the agree- ment for sale. 5, Subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master, the highest tenderer shall be the purchaser. 6. All adjustments will be made as of June Ist, 1961 the date of closing. For further particulars apply to R. D. Ruddy, QC. certified cheque in the amount of $10.00. | Lowest or any tender not | necessorily accepted. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk. 111 Dundas St. W., Whitby, Ontario. Dated this 7th day of April, 1961. J. de N. Kennedy. LOCAL MASTER. Grade |, according to June 29th, 1961. possible. BOARD OF ED J. Ross Backus, Business Administrator UCATION OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS REGISTRATION OF KINDERGARTEN & GRADE 1 PUPILS Registration of Kindergarten and Grade | pupils for September, 1961, will be held in all schools except King Street and T. R. McEwen during the afternoons of April 26th and 27th, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For KINDERGARTEN, the Registration will be for children whose Sth birthday is not later than December 31st, 1961. For GRADE |, the Registration will be accepted for children whose 6th birthday is not later than December 31st, 1961. : Those who are five or six between September 1st and December 31st, and who have not yet enrolled in Kindergarten will be registered now for admission at the beginning of school in September to Kindergarten or Birth Certificates must be presented before children will be finally admitted, If these are not presently available they should be obtained immediately and submitted to the principal before The Board would appreciate as complete a registration as possible so that the adjustment of school districts moy be completed as early os OSHAWA, ONTARIO C. M. Elliott, Superintendent of Public Schools. TS G. Saywell, Chairman. OPPORTUNITY 1) ) 4 For Travel, at EATON'S Suburbia... dl Trim Fingertip Toppers IN SMOOTH COTTON GABARDINE Much below usual price! For busy women on the move | Whether the "journey" is downtown shopping, a leisurely strol | in suburbia or a full- fledged ""trip"' to your favourite vacation spot, your out-fit will be more complete topped by one of these dapper short coats. They're versatile, neat and comfortable . . . the fin- ishing touch for most casual clothes. Note the impeccable classic tailoring -- usually found in much higher-priced coats. Double-breasted closing with 6 brass-colour buttons, two deep poc- kets with flaps, important shawl collar. Straight-cut with long sleeves, rayon lining in gay plaids, or contrast- ing solid colours. Choose beige, mint or gold-colour. Sizes 9 to 17 and 10 to 18. EATON Opportunity Day Special EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 344 95 Each PHONE RA 5.7373 GOOD SPRING "BUYS" IN FOUR POPULAR FABRICS 50 The 58" "DOMIL" NOVELTY RAYONS Hand-washable ! Crease-resistant! A medium weight, good-looking 'Domil' rayon with a crisp handle you'll like for suits and two-piecers, for dresses and skirts. Attractive Shadow Plaids in grey with Black or blue with black. Tweed effects in brown, medium blue, navy or black. Plain-colour novelty weave in powder blue only. ay EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard .. *® 36' 36" PRINTED FLANNELETTE Ploj Low-priced as you see! Well woven and napped . and printed in patterns suitable for sleep wear, children's garments, babies' crib sheets, and so on. Tiny rosebud prints on grounds of pink, blue, yellow or white. Nursery designs on yellow, rose, blue or white. 49 EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard .. = ¥V¥ sele EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 1] 7-143 AT 9.30 A.M. AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Please, no telephone or mail orders ENGLISH EARTHENWARE (UPS AND SAUCERS Reg. .49 each -- End-of-line Excellent for breakfast nook or cottage; tall style cups have white interior, exterior in solid colours of light blue, dark blue, yellow, green, pink. Saucers are white. EATON Key Value, 6 cups and saucers, 1.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 shrunk denim from the U.S.A. Rugged and hand- some, offering fine service in sportswear, child- ren' Hunter green, blue, red, browns, aqua, moss green, beige, tan, gold-colour; and plain shades to tone. EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard . . * ARNEL" SHARKSKIN big sportswear favourite, hand-washable, crease-resistant 'Arnel' with a handsome crisp- ness that "holds form' beautifully; is a 'natural' for travel clothes, resort wear, children's toggery! In white, pink, beige, tan, yellow, light moss, soft light green, melon, powder, aqua. EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard 1.98 "SANFORIZED" COTTON DENIM n or woven striped . . . hand-washable, pre- Save money on family haircuts . . . 3-PC. BARBER SET SPECIALLY LOW PRICED!! A handy set for the home barber . . . included is a good quality barber comb, stainless hair- cutting shears and hand clippers. EATON Opportunity Day Special, set EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 515 PHONE RA 5.7373 s clothes, decor for home or cottage. Big ction of stripes in predominant tones of 19 PHONE RA 5.7373 OUTSTANDING WALLPAPER CLEARANCE Ends-of-lines from stock -- much below usual price Semi-trimmed, sunworthy wallpapers in a wide range of designs. Choose from semi- plains, florals, abstracts, kitchen, bathroom and nursery motifs. Purchase a quantity now for home and cottage needs. EATON Opportunity Day Special, single roll EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 » PHONE RA 5.7373 HANDSOME CONSOLE MIRRORS An attractive addition to hall, bedroom, living or dining room . . . clear sheet glass mirrors, nicely framed in 1" white wood with gold-colour wash. Approx. 15 x 25" overall, complete with hangers, EATON Opportunity Day Special, h 4.25 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 276 PHONE RA 5.7373 SPECIALLY PRICED FENCING NEEDS 42" Chain Link Fencing To protect your garden from stray animals; or to keep your own pets safely enclosed; weather-resis- tant 14-gauge galvanized steel wire in 172" square mesh; fencing approx. 42 high. 50-f¢. 6.99 100-ft. : 13.99 Galvanized Guide Wire 12-gauge steel wire. EATON Opportunity Day Special, 100-ft. coil T-Bar Posts Heavy gauge, weather-resistant prime-coated steel. Complete with clips. 6-ft. high. EATON Opportunity Day unde 4. 49 PHONE RA 5-7373 TRANSPARENT PLASTIC HOSE Sturdy, 7/16" plastic. crack- and break-resistont hose; inside diameter. Transparent green EATON Opportunity Day Special, EATON Opportunity Day Special, 25-ft. .. Lo Tw 3.49 4 F | ENIENR SR a RO 4.98 100-ft, Bross hose nozzle. SPECIAL, each EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT, 253 PHONE RA 5.7373