Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 22 Apr 1961, p. 19

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Ey, io ih ver THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 22, 1961 hi i : H fey Il 2 ol and Ji the birth Noble of a son, happy to announce baby girl on Thursday, April 20, 1961, al a little sister for Berndedde. TORONTO (CP)--Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker said Friday night South Africa's decision to withdraw from the Common- wealth opens the way to '"'even more glorious chapters" in the _|association's history. In an address to the St. George's Society of Toronto, Mr. Diefenbaker also said a Commonwealth declaration of human rights will take years to 'laccomplish. Further, he placed himself squarely in opposition to any "artificial distinctions" as be- tween large and small members of the Commonwealth family. He said the admission of small Dief Praises Commonwealth nations strengthens the Com- monwealth 'and helps it to fulfil its destiny. The statements were included in a text of the speech issued to the press before delivery. Mr. Diefenbaker said no for- mula could have been found at the Commonwealth Prime Min- isters' Conference last month to keep South Africa. "We should have betrayed be- hef in democratic rights for all and respect for the dignity of the individual. Some present and potential members might well have decided to sever their connection with the Common- wealth." Daily Papers New Executive TORONTO (CP)-J. R. H. Sutherland, publisher of the New Glasgow News, was your home. accepted until 9.00 a.m. lication the same day for Just Telephone RA 3-3492. for pub- only $1.50. president of the Cana- n|dian Daily Newspaper Publish- ers Association at the annual meeting Friday. Other officers elected were Stuart Keate, publisher of the Victoria Times, first vice-presi- dent; R. L. Curran, president and publisher of the Sault Ste. sy (Marie Star, second vice-presi- thy; Acton in year. Resting at the W. C. Town Fu- neral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Chapel on Monday, April 24, at 2 Lm. Erskine C Ys . Minister the Rev. J, Smith, Mrs. her Bist Deli and dear father of George, R.R.4, Uxbridge, in his 64th . Resting at the Funeral Home of uire and Low, Uxbridge for ser. vice in the chapel on Mon., April 24 at 2 p.m. Interment Utica Cemetery. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA 8-62.:6 390 KING STREET WEST dent and E. B. Richards of the ,| Toronto Globe and Mail, treas- urer. R. A. Barford is general manager. Elected to the board of direc- tors for the 1961-62 term were: Fred S. Auger, Vancouver Province; St. Clair Balfour, the don Free Press; R. L. Brown, Montreal Star; W. B. C. Bur- goyne, St. Catharines Stand- ard; W. J. Campbell, Toronto Star; R. L. Curran, Sault Ste. Marie Star; Oakley Dalgleish, Toronto Globe and Mail; Arthur L. Davies, Kingston Whig-Stand- ard; George M. Dingman, St. Thomas Times-Journal; Aurele Gratton, Ottawa Le Droit, R. A. Graybiel, Windsor Star; Mar- garet Hamilton, Prince Albert Herald; J. M. Herder, St. John's Telegram; J. P. Hogue, Montreal La Presse, Allan Holmes, Galt Reporter. Southam Company Limited, | Toronto; W. J. Blackburn, Lon-| Stuart Keate, Victoria Times; P. B. Keffer, Regina Leader- Post; L. A. Lalonde, Ottawa Journal; John Lecky, Vancou- ver Sun; W. A. MacDonald, Ed- monton Journal, G. B. MacGil- livray, Fort William Times- Journal; R. S. Malone, Winni- peg Free Press; St. Clair Mec- Cabe, the Thomson Newspapers Limited, Toronto; C. J. McTav- ish, Owen Sound Sun-Times; A. F. Mercier, Quebec Le Soleil and L'Evenement - Journal; D. A. Morrison, Halifax Chroni- cle-Herald and Mail Star; G. A. Morton, Belleville On- tario Intelligencer; Jobn E. Motz, Kitchener-Waterloo Rec- ord. J. D. Muir, Hamilton Specta- tor; D. S. Perigoe, Toronto Tel- egram; C. H. Peters, Montreal Gazette; J. C. Preston, Brant- ford Expositor; Clifford Sifton, Regina Leader - Post; R. W. Southam, Ottawa Citizen; J. B. Stark, Toronto 'lelegram; J. R. H. Sutherland, New Glas- gow News; K. R. Thomson, the Thomson Newspapers Limited, Toronto; T. L. Wilson, Oshawa Times; E. C. Whitehead, Bran- don Sun. Honorary presidents of the as- sociation are F. J, Burd of Vancouver and F. I. Ker of Hamilton. | Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press by 426 to 302 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues un- changed totalled 187. Volume for the week was 12,282,000, down Total sales for the (Quotations WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press Stock Salada-8 us% INDUSTRIALS 919% 17% 18% +1 I'r Mt PL $15% 14% 15% Stafford 596205 Bola 11875 208596 178201 Industrials Aasnd B $38% 37% $23% 23% $24 2% $20% 20 20 $19% 19 19 220 200 205 175 160 160 4400 110 100 100 11698 $31% 30% 30% 420 $107% 106% 107% $14 12% 13% $17% 17% 17% $17 1 11 00 $55 55 55 5624 $39 37% IT% 0 $9 9 9 $37% 36% in 9275 639 6460 525 283 10760 4605 Abitibi Abitibi pr Acal-Atl Acad-Atl A Agnew-8 Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Dis W Alta Gas Alta Gas pr Alta Gas wits 11740 Alta Nat Gas 685 Alg Cen 3% --1% n% 2% 2% 21% 108% 105% Anthes Imp A 85 $29 Argus 2741 89 600 Argus 2.50 pr Ashdown B Atlan Ace $7 6% 6% 86114 6214 63 $25% 25 $18% 18% 18% + % $49% 48% 49% + % 1020019 111 103 105 --2 250 $13% 13% 13% + % 310 $47 47 7 Biltmore p Bowater pr Bowat 5%p 60 $74% 74% 74% --2% 40 879 79 $40 40 40 $43 Qn 48 + 91% 91% 9% + 8 48 BC Phone r 17652 Brockville 300 § $14% 14% 14% 00 275 275 275 + % --25 LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 OSHAWA | MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all S. R.R. 4, KING ST, E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8.8876 Carr, |DOuncement added, would per- passed away suddenly April 23, a memory of bygone days a sigh for a face CARR -- In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Albert Carr, who passed away April 23, 1959. ving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his ays, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left be- ~--Always remembered by his Frank, Edith and grandchildren, STARCHEWSKI -- In loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather, Mathew Starchew- ski, wl passed away April 22, 1951, One by one they go before us, They are fading like the dew, But we know they're watching o'er us, They the good, the fair, the true. They are waiting for us only, son, Trust F TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto General Trusts Corporation and Canada Permanent Trust Com- pany Friday announced plans to amalgamate. The announcement said dis- cussions have proceeded to a point where application is to be made for a federal private bill seeking approval of the move. Approval of the bill, the an- mit the companies to present a NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Anglo - Newfoundland Devel- opment Co., Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1960, $2,746,000; 1959, $2,293,144. Bridge and Tank Company of Canada Ltd. year ended Dec. 31: 1960, $505,012, 39 cents a share; 1959, $953,948, 82 cents. Craig Bit Co. Ltd. 6 mos. ended March 31: 1961, $13,071; 1960, $16,334. Dominion Corset C yy unds Plan Merger proposal for amalgamation to shareholders. Earlier this year a Canadian financial group, including Tor- onto-Dominion Bank, offered $72 a share for the outstanding shares of Toronto General and the offer was accepted by more than 90 per cent of sharehold- ers. Toronto-Dominion stated at the time that its interest in Tor- onto General would be less than 50 per cent. Canada Permanent Trust is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Can- ada Permanent Mortgage Cor- poration. At Dec. 31, Toronto General had assets under administration totalling $607,068,000, while total assets of Canada Permanent Tru | $205,530,000. 0 " Toronto stock ex- change'VFriday shares of Can- ada Permanent Mortgage closed at $80 a share, up $10 lon the day, after touching a high for the year of $85 com- pared with a low of $57.75. year ended Dec. 31: 1960, $201,- 725, $1.47 a share; 1959, $175, 779, $1.28. gates ajar There a father, mother and a bro- ther, Gone within those gates ajar. ~--Sadly missed but always remember. ed by children, grandchildren and great- grandchildren. STOVIN -- In loving memory of a loving husband and father, John F. Stovin, who passed away April 23, 1957, four years ago today. Gone dear father, gone to rest, Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest in peace dear father Until we meet again. --Ever remembered by wife Edith, sons | and daughters. WILLIAMS -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George Ever- ett Williams, who passed away April , 1952. Broken is the family circle, Our dear one has passed away, Passed from earth and earthly dark- ness Into a bright and perfect day. But we all must cease to languish O'er the grave of him we love, to be prepa In the better world above. ssed and lovingly remem- ~Sadly mi bered by his wife and family. CARD OF "HANKS CAMERON -- We wonld like to ex- press our heartfelt thanks to our won- friends applied artificial respira- t. ~The Cameron Family. E -- I would 1iké to thank all my tives, friends neighbors for r cards, flowers and inquiries dur- stay in Oshawa General to the nurses and TH fl i iii] el "Hi Pend Oreille Mines and Met- |als Company, year ended Dec. 31: 1960, $30,358; 1959, net loss $7,833. St. Lawrence Corporation, 3 |mos. ended March 31: 1961, $1, 108,705, 21 cents a share; 1960, FITTINGS LIMITED Dividend Notice Notice is hereby given that a semi-annual dividend of thirty cents (30¢) per share has been declared on the outstanding Convertible Class "A" Shares, No Par Value, of the Company, payable July 1, 1961 to share- 1$1,349,329, 26 cents. Thompson Paper Box Co. Ltd. vear ended Dec. 31: 1960, $80, 921, 59 cents a share; 1959, $60, 989, 41 cents. Vestern Decalta Petroleum, Iyear ended Dec. 31, 1960, net {loss $280,385; 1959, $404,432. holders of record at the close | of business on June 7, 1961, By order of the Board, D. D. STORIE, | Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer. Oshawa, Ontario April 18, 1961 F. A. RUGGLE appointed Manager, MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA APPOINTMENTS R. J. WILSON | The Mutual Life of Canada has announced the appointment of -|R. J. Wilson, presently Inspector, os Manager, Mortgage Investments, Eastern Ontarip. Mr. Wilson il will reside in Belleville. He succeeds Frank A. Ruggle, who has been Mortgage Investments at Hamilton for | Hamilton and Niagara district, |Mr. Wilson ond Mr. Ruggle ossume their new duties on May lst, Mortgage Investments, Hamilton, the Burlington Burns Burrard A Cal Pow Cal Pow Sp Can Wire B Aviation Cdn Baks C Bank Com 7944 "dn B: 6651 200 $19 520 4040 8210 19200 3505 Cel $1.75 pr > Che m Chem wts Collieries 13098 $19 18% 55 $106% 106% 106% 75 $106 105% 105% -- % 25) $7 7 7 17% 16 11% 17% 80 80 55% 100 a1 950 $T% TW TW -- 25 $102% 102% 102% -- 8275 $37% 36% 36% -- 88440 25 2520 Copp Clark Corby vt Corby B Cosmos Crain R L Crestbrk Crown Zell Crow's N Crush Int : Crush pr Dist Seag D Bridge D Dairies pr Dom Elect 690 100 525 0 1345 239 635 $12 3715 33288 Easy Wash pr 250 60 $40 Exquisite Exquisite p Foundta Fraser Frosst Fruehauf Gatineau Gat Spr Gat Spr Gen Bake G Dev Gen Dynam M C G. GP Drill GS Wares GS Wares p Globe A Goodyr G Mack A G Mack B GL Paper 2260 $37% 36% 3TH -- 50 $102% 102% 102 -1 1 13 60 $137 1315 $6 6% 6% + W 100 §7 7 7 --W% M6 BOW 8 BU +N | Stock ie This WR mmomaee 1961 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low rr Sales 560 205 996 GL Power GL Pow p GL Pow w GN Gas 1230 GN Gas w 2100 GN Gas B w 2515 GW Coal A 900 Great West 500 G Wpg Gas 2813 G Wpg G vt 6799 25 $92 817% 525 964 $16% 7488 $44% 41% 25 $4 Iroq GI pr Jamaica PS Jefferson Kelvinator 4225 20 410 25 Mid-West Milt Brick High Low Close Ch'ge High $35 34% M% 3% 26% $25% 25 2% + % 2% UB $13 12% 12%--% 13% 6% LJ 7 7% -- % 230 195 200 --~25 285 245 --30 490 495 +5 155 150 155 DI1o $16 15% 15% + $15% 15% 15% -- % 575 500 500 --~75 215 215 215 $15 13% 15 $39 38 Mm un un 92 +3 16% -- % 1'% -- % 3 16% $11% 11% 30 STREETERS $64 6% 6% $16% 16% 16% 225 210 215 +5 "si 1% $46 45% 46 40% 40% --1% Sil 11% 11% + % 500 505 4) ---20 $10% 8% 9% --1% $114 114 $106% 105% 106% + % $34 3 3 +1 $79% 79% 79% + 0 tS 875 $10 9% Page-Hers Parker Pbina Pembina pr Robin Roe AV Can 15417 Si Salada-8 Jada wts 23150 Sal 00 Steinberg A Ster Tr § Propane Prop s wis Suptest ord Switson Tamblyn Texaco C Texaco C pr Thom Paper 'Thornclifft TT Tailors Tor-Dom Bk Tor-D Bk rts 19009 200 1700 175 Westfair 35 W Plywood B § $65% 77 15 3183 $5 92! $31% 30% 5 400 400 400 +5 $12% 11% 12% + % 9 © 8% 8% 3 Mh 37% -- % 74% 75% --2% 23 28 Ya T to 2 $21% 21% 21% + W 64 64% --1% 83 --1 25 75 83 +8 1 +1 160 160 $47% 45% 46% + Wo 4TH 325 300 300 3 $38 $13 2 9 $56% 55% 56% + % 370 $94 94 9 65 $107% 105% 106% + % 8 7 Wh---M% Bailey SA Ball 8 5%p' Banff ta Ba Bralsa Britalta $375 2300 31100 CO wis Northld Okalta Pac Pete Pac Pete w Pamoil Permo p Peruv Olls etrol 10100 Oils | ~§ Es b] RE2EpStalanbutsy Se.Enfel Beles Sad 13 31 Lplalgaalilelislalesl 3 Ligsglls il 8 SER ES ¥ Be Bylel of aSpsBesye] w38etncbuitse ¥ | & - 88 0% 10 10 --% $13% 13% 13% + 14 19 18 19 +. 380 34) 345 +10 L to N and B 10 7 %w 7 15455 440 410 435 6 67 Akaitcho Alba Expl 5000 Bunker Hill 90000 Cadamet 8437 Camp Chib i 'G Arrow 5500 C Haliwell 174100 Marben 5000 Zeogigrgiasda FgF EH F <8 + ES -] ® <EuBefctzlus yg Seoop@el.Bo¥ss § * = EluuRESEe EE cBunint ¥ EPR 1 855 800 840 +5 26 $13% 1214 13% + % 173 166 m +8 1% Seuss aa weueBcEizas ~utizguEesore sy Labrador L Dufault Maneast U Man Bar Marboy Maralgo Marcon Maritime Martin Matatch Mattagami i I PE Sita ahd 1 : § H { ne 3 J pd geEsgsssts aBulal = a Le a a fe § g ¥F sane eBofacuiyeBig.araulind glee 8 3 td 5 2 HH CES £3 888s. ant a4 F2 FFF - Eaablivany §sagetepmoganaiiz nna cinl onion Sou lungnann seg, 588 203596 60 12367 150 1 1100 & Sv - w= »o Be 338e.88x2.5 get Seg gas' wn 38.muansgagd 288 vu.ssorBuouBson.sfanen.ndlonn neg rgbise wulonB EEeBbEs Ronen Bull seadusssisiat o8Es.Lr. 280s EE Bull nu nna §388e, 3050s BEE °s a I LL : wBEedpse gisiils 883 2z.es.p 658 pu.ze ngs Sve » = ( - a a a > f8xsw e L LLL LLsll Lit Lilplraly Ebl 2g i + ® EEgzan goslyernun snealizoonsginlonor naa tanreacy tye DLL Lae | IT yun pl dL pA Boing +1+ E I EJ safuanfur. sfugsgaalno tiny. ¥ wr +++ FF & Sarid x POSE Say Ee 8 ea TEL a tt =Eged iar a ht gtk a Sh ata + suIWeE Susme ah S¥s2. sgizeuzi clip egsinenassny rong tsa ganad gaanisngty FE 3 BR SyzaenBussogslsaamn Elie. e se axlogr Elosnuusliven Sud. signs. buneg ubbungetuny bb LLLLugrglllieh LiLcl help LLllep Lo Lele = a8 wrosbouloruty, soElsngy, Exflressen duitne vel el. 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