- 25--Apts, & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real Estate for Sole |27--Real Estate for Sale [27--Real | Estate for Sale _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 22, 1961 two-bedrooms, north iD basement partment, PAR' tehen, sale, six-room brick veneer, on Thickson's Road North, 75 x|PRIVATE sale $12,900, 'modern ix A monthly. Phone FORD and bath, SII coRVeBIEnces. [roman Lond, near Hampion, "i quiet dtc close to Tl bos tg Bg) back yard, Close hos 300 toot, Price $1700 Apply 211 A, brick bung iow. four years 27--Real Estate for Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale RA Your own entrance, Telephone TOA vr halt, oy $60 5 RA 8-4245, to downtown. Suitable for sub letting. |Stveet North, Telephone RA 5-0575, oid' jer cont. mod Age, carries for 5 oboe WHA Driek bungalow. % FORD Fairiane VE, somatie, FIVE minutes downtown, bright, at.|32164. [cludes heat hydro. co sng. | RA 80063 after 5 only. ix to churches, schools and stores. Call|completely fenced, fully decorated, radio, two-tone, fourdoor sedas. tractive, f ONE and twobedroom apartments, | om OE en (27 --Real Estate § for Sale ltr you want a three-bedroom house HARMONY Berta Tol $1300 down. Phone' RA 54390, new, ' $1800, RA 80978. Secorated, Ply private } DathroOm And nn |avallable in modern bullding. BLovel .rnished or unfurnished, sink and cup.|THREE With a 8 por cont NHA wartiage VILLAGE NEAR south plant, attractive two bed.| FIVE acres in city. One lot 200% 81 os oF hudren a Norn. vellablerand a De Sa {boards in iichen. Apply 172 Hibbert four-piece tle bath with vanity, toilet equns 40) Sows payment oF LAG tre od "duiye.| Thickson Road. Six'room brick bunga April 1. OU fiison Road North, ~~ °(afler 5 pn. ABL. 5 "| Avenue. in basement, mahogany trim and cup- oul Liver J, Opposite Don Donevan High School [Foam house, Hew age PAY eacor!vei|low. Appie Hil, RA 5.7786. THREE - ROOM furnished a Whitby RT etme |boards, baseboard, hot water heating, THREE BEDROOM brick house, South conveniences. "Phone "RA 51261, if no children, close to bus od A, MODERN bachelor apartment, furnish. FRESHLY decorated three -room, self. aluminum doors and windows, very A , only wigmeseronss CAS TRADE TERMS RAVINE lot 60 x 270 feet, town water. and screens, oil heat RA 8.1720 ed, bed-sitting room, dinette, kitchen. gontained apartment, Harmony dis-|close to St. Hedwig school, $11,000 with|years old, close to ting, h 7 YY I eo oe h rivate five private entrance, built-in cup-(terms, Private sale, Telephone RAllic schools, landscaped. 308 H ¥ Aber- g FRESHLY is Bal ton to. Shopping Centre. ADpiy 460, boards. im kitchen, available May 1, $70 57700 Wat vir OPEN HOUSE near school, (reen, $2400. Wilson Aber-iile floors. double garae. Asking onl le. a rics. fontained apartment, Harmony dis-(i; "West BA 9.58% alter 6 p.m. SIX-ROOM bungalow, Tn nice vesiden. 58000 DOWN, buys Wi-aere Tarm wilh DAILY ville. : Jue, Sl Mr, Swarbiich at RA 5634 0] triet, private entrance, built-in ched| boards in kitchen, available May 1, "$10 FOUR rooms, ground floor, Shree. NICE three - room apartment, central|tial district, fireplace in living and fin-|large paved road frontage, three miles JOHN A. J. ROT or or S634. Le garage, one year old, Sacrifice. monthly. RA 8-8836 after 6 HE plece bath, cupboards, y dec-| location, near radio station, cf completely ished recreation room, builtin stove|from Oshawa city mite , Fal] | fe rivate, Bowls Ses vate, newly decorated, TV outlet, and oven, four-piece ceramic tiled bath-|only Cal UNFURNISHED three apari. rated mp py Paandry and parking (acllities, $65/ room, two powder rooms, double Ea.|Quay and Kidd Reattors. MA 3.3985 B 0 L A H 0 0 D down, payment. BA S100, cay, two 'houses at Seduced ment, with arage, suitable for Jor cou; id = Pri. , RA 85179, rage, extras, $10,000 down. MO 8-319 Bowman: FOR sale or exchange, S-room, 3-bed-|,ricns: (1) at Harmony Heights, sell: Street West Avply 4, "Bloor THREE ROOM Dean. refrigerator, $65| TWO-ROOM variant, IGichen. ana after 4. pai POWN $500 DOWN, Three - bedroom room brick bungalow with attached ga-{irGer, (1) 0 Farm eo THREE rooms, private, ear South{monthly. Immediate possession, room, parking faciitis, | FIVE For Papa ow. Toe vals or Tol A bungalow. Immediate possession LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE FiLSot or wil rade Camp Sawae. | bungalow, asphalt drive an and | Jandscap-{maroon, tutomatic, w " ud Hard Street! share private entrance ele- central, immediate possession, alumin- located -in Apple al Horner i Courtice, rtm 50, radio, eleven General Motors. Apply' 361 Oxford |H: and K. Hardware, 357 Simcoe Bone TA 54703 or 204 TOronfo. Ave. lum storms. Jarse Karate. very moron | waits Lind Roary Oshawa Ltd, closer to wa, double garage, two bathrooms, tile and miles, vient 0 p Street, off Mill Street. South, Re iim -- le. RA 81414 het RA 546313, throughout, two a . COMPLETELY sepa three - room Due. oa abl 414 between 4 and 6 p.m. (Realtor. 5 THREE-ROOM walk-in basement apart- Hen AY arate three flower| LARGE three-room apartment, heated, ~~ BROOKSIDE iw ACRE farm. go good buildings, we wah) hom Vir dio. Won at $16,000. "Sel for 8 85200, ment and bath, laundry facilities, RA | and tiled, re-|near Shopping Centre, bus stop, park- Onta powder 32754. Agply 575 Harmony Road outh| beds, bathroom "RA ing, immediate possession. RA 56106, to W. Malcolmson, Pontypool, rio. 8-5206, ye oN ¢ May 1. ciscratar and stove, parking. 4 7334. | Ist @ WwW S e N ACRES NHA repossession, clean and in excel- 125 x i = FOOT Garrard F Road "in Et SASENENT he riment, three rooms, ent, re- UND floor unfurnished self-con- lent condition. $600 down, east , $2000. Te mach Private; or, fur. LARGE Agr ik apartment, immediate posses. 1628 SQUARE FEET [Asking $12,400. Frances Hallowell. RA|TEmple 92357 evenings. 0.433 atier 8. sink and difie! nished If desired, Television outlet. On i sion, central, $60. Telephone RA 5 5-434 Joseph Bosco Realtor, APARTMENT house for sale or will bus line, Adults, Available now, RA RA 5-2081 flor RA 8.2017. { H Id OPEN HOUSE Whi th thi LIVING AREA FOUR-BEDROOM, split -- level one-|trade for small bungalow for down, %0 BI SPRITE, low pai : og 8 ew OE aun . po FURNISHED bachelor basement 0 in by Is or 4 year-old, no salary requirements, payment Write Box 843, Oshawa Times, FOUR - room apartment for rent, pri. three rooms i . 5 at ntrance and rge, new seven-roome suit large family, close to schools, bus PRIVATE sale. Five - roomed {wo-year- vate bath, sink and cupboards, newly session, rr lie couple Pe path. TM eniral, Quiet tenant, "Telephone | Week-end at the following Homes. brick bungalow, two-car at- [and church. $12500 open to oifers.|qiq pb, eas a tudes RA. 3530 sitet 8 pu, | tached garage, two baths, (BOWL Tedfson, RA 86400. Josep hied Bacement bury 'Amased do '67 OLDSMOBILE con COVERY args three Te or fiviraom | TWOROOM newly furnished apartment THREEROOM, partly furnished. sell 914 CENTRE STREET, NORTH two fireplaces, plaster moulds | con vine rr |Sldsmed and re oor A i MOBIL apartment, reasonable. Central, ral, park. ith TV, uit single #11 or gentle -leontained apa Re gt Six room brick bungalow with private drive, fully landscaped ond valances, built-in oven [nome 41° x #, twg-bedrooms, living|door, mear school, No. 12 Highway, automatic, ing, dryer, phone, antenna. mimi rect East. f and fenced, also flowers and vegetable gardens, and aluminum and range, broadloom [room, kitchen, four-piece bath with|Wh by, Reasonable, one NHA mort-|$2000 "offer. after 8 p.m. APARTMENT, one room, Kitchen, built. [Athol St aa 13,200. ich | Kitch shower, fully equipped, clean and in|gage. MO 85647, evenings or weekends.|3-4700 or MO 8.4982, | 5. in sink and cupboards, private bath, [LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre apart-| Storms and screens. A sunny bright home. Asking price $ t roug out, walnut kitchen cto be, thermopane windows, vene- TS ACREE iii stone house, "all 'mod. |' PONTIAC Laurentian Ai, JEW moder ap 495 kirk Avenue, RA 3-3 ment for rent, sultable for two | Inspect and make offer. aiid poss through Shira £abs tian blinds, ete. $3000 on $5200 new. ern conveniences, large barn, Just out-|windshield washer, standard transmis: . d . yd unfurni 1 apar. (bachelor, partly furnished, stove anc inet, To inspect, please call; [Located and apply at Maple Grovelgids Oshawa city Yimite, ba paved road. |slon, good tires, $550. Telephone RA ' TERY THREE _ toomed witurmia facilities, | refrigeraotr, modern bath, available dm 529 EUCLID STREET, NORTH ! Restaurant on Hwy, No. 2, two miles|Asking $20,000 with $5000 down, .Call|8-6334, d a PI On.| mediately, Saturday. Sunday, 1 to ' PETER JOHANSEN LTD. west of Bowmanville, Ontario, Walter Frank, McQuay and Kidd, 53 CHEV, Bel Air pow Hires, i p 85480 after in p yi 5 p.m. Apt. 1, ; 5 ; ; , TWO-BEDROOM apartment on Simcoe | tarlo Street, Handy fo everything, |pm.; week days, after 5 p.m. A :| A lovely six room brick bunglaow with landscaped lot and FOR SALE -- Port Perry, modern five-| Realtors, MA 3-3393 Bowmanville. 1 ephone ny eduipped. Tele: [Adults only. Suit quiet business couple. Lansdowne Shopping Centre, SImcoc| private 'drive. Spacious living and dining room and bright RA 3-9207 room house, corner lot, full view Of |sysis GHURCH Street, two.storey, Sik: One TA pn 5 p.m. eg Available now. $62 monthly. RA 3.7530 LT builtin oun. large 'kitchen. Basement exit to brick patio at rear, Storms and ike, newly Secorated, Bee bedrvoms room brick Jfome, bardwaed Joos 0078 | qontial service Tor cash. Fusco A ik DEER -------------- rte REE- » | CUT SH : : R 0 roughout, of eated, con i NICE rE LE a two-bedroom NEW modern one a adbeds a boards and sink, heavy duty wiring, screens ond TV aerial. Asking price $15,000.00. Inspect and OPEN HOUSE upstairs, plus floored attic, Phone YU ior whout, i heated, g S066. John information belepone FA Sen, Sea. spartment, Madison Apartments, 170(p "pony | Roni Street auliding. heat, watel, lifhta supplied. 5.1 make offer, 5-2520. as {Wacko Realtor. Finance, had LL - J TE Tr I YC 1961 SELL or trade seven-room house for COUNTRY home, nearly new ranch 1952 BUICK sedan, standard transmis Simcoe South. TV outlet, washer, dry-| 0, "iagtetully decorated, colored |® er, stove, f) optional, $80 a 4 - Bn en fa Lt|fa ao oh e ARE : 2 8 : : stove, refrigerator opi Sonal, $ bath, refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, OM furnished apartment, For information about the ebove call Keith Lunney at maller four-room bungalow, suitable tule three - bedroom. modern brick sion, Sonamatic radio, whitowalls, extra monthly. Adults only. '0 . paved parking. Must see to appreciate.| couple or two gentlemen, stove, 4 for couple. Write Box 549, Oshawap, . e, all FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, RA 85262, SRE erator, sink, cupboards, parking, 445 RA 8- 5107 days or MO 8- 2650 evenings Times. fo artied Farag , HN Se. wheels, ajewiires, c'ean car, pri- private entrance, couple only, Call tills ISHED three-room apartment Drew, RA 56169. -- MAEVE POCKETBOOK ROOIRG ones on Drew Btroet, 181,500 with low down payment. W. Me- Ya sale, { -5293, p.m. 203 King Street West, , $70 monthly, includes heat|NTCE, four-room apartment with pri-| x o 4150, $180 monthly income from this three (Auley, Realtor. 12 Prince Street. RA |'? INTERNATIONAL, 1%ion truck, THREE - room flat, with private|and hydro, near Ritson School. Suitable|yate bath and entrance, newly deco $12 00 4, % N.H.A storey brick home with garage. Hot|3-2512 or MO 8.5765. stake. Also '57 International one-ton bath, hot water, TV lernirikg, |for two adults. RA 5.7414. rated, central to downtown, no chil HOME water, oil heat. requires low lown pay- FOUR-OOM frame bungalow. all eon al' whee} yaiake puck, Both JL N treet Al 'bath, hot water, TV parking, Y tur - dren, lady desired. Available April 1 ment. See this tr money , two miles north of city limits. . . for quiet couple, adults y. Apply RL be a a) "ain 91 Ritson Road North | maker. Call Bill Horner RA 85123, One acre of land, too large bulidings, Whitby, 31 Albany. RA 5:3760. Hu utes walk to South General Motors. |GROUND floor four-room aps wtment.| 58 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. S, -- neat 6-room bungalow, with Directions: Lioyd Realty, Oshawa Lid, Realtor, [relephone RA" 86598 for appointment. "8 CHEVROLET motor, complete, MODERN heated three-room apart. |Suit Soupia or" gentlemen. Tele | nrurniched, $60 monthly, 4, ar | Dri t Hoskin A : fuse, MO 5.4608." excellent for marine ment, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, phone o room and hy Child welcome, Tele: vishe oc o i i rive east on Hoski ve, grivaie bath, laundry fa facilities, sult | rere Room unfurnished apartment, phone RA 3-406 | . finished recreation room, garage, paved drive. Carries for e n Ave PRIVATE SAL close to bus and 'Sou enera tors, | SELF-CONTAINED, three.room apart \ h i i i Apply 356 Cadillac South. 289 Thomas Street. Telephone RA 8-5233. | mor os obe (bath, sinc and_ bil | $63.00 per month principal, interest and toxes. Priced right : : - it ate pos Tm: po in gli Bg bi NEWLY - decorated Shree zoom fiat; Tension. "ABP inna Bet. for quick sale, For further particulars call Loreen Kellett at | fin H : bathroom, heat, lighis and water, $385, "Apply. "110 AY Street be: pIvE - room apartment, garage and RA 3.3770 - nvest in Happiness toxes, 5% ' N.H.A, 'mort. |58362. 1955 BUICK, two door } Rardtop, new monthly. Tele;hone R tween 11 a.m. and 8' p.m. |7arden, in villare, on paved road, close h paint, can finance, $25 down. MO 8. THREE-ROOM apartment with stove, [oro Toma st ong iment, re- [to Oshawa and Bowmanville. COlfax CONTACT: goge. Jive OT rick 29--A tomobiles for Sale 5110, private bath, TV aerial. Aoply 228 Rit- 13-2394, "FORD coach | frigerator, automatic gas stove, heat 8 = = son Road South RA 8-0069. and hydro, $65 monthly. One shild wel: (TRREE-ROOM basement apartment HOWE & PETERS ticulars, phone RA 3-7674, ills NTIAC sedan delivery. pe erfect 34 FORD coich for = aa; Jule flo and THREE-ROOM flat, central, private come. RA 3-3757 between 3 and 6 p.m. |TV outlet, kitchen cupboards and sink HARRY MILLEN , funajes eo ion, $595" Used by heater, signa lights. Ap Telephone RA S350 private" Ph: |THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, [ihe piece wiawer hath, heavy wiring, REALTORS N.H.A. RESALE , 1954 PLYMOUTH sedan, completely Telephone RA 5.3259, private bath, sink. built-in cupboards. |near buses, Working couple. Telephone | i ey ig 35 CHEVROLET Viton plokip trick i954 PLYMOUTH se oe meaty (E REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 67 King St. E. ree-Dedroom Dric unga- good condition. RA 3.3779, , NEAR OCVI, five rooms, tile bath, y Po 145 Albert Street, RA 5-790 | miral TV. Both priced reasonably. 330 private entrance Phone Joseph BOSCO, |jroneon pacer on aoariment, come ATTRACTIVE low, 4 years old, North- |i557 TR3 sports car, Hood shape, OVer-| Adelaide Avenue East 4 altor 5-91 0 ry th, avail a ii : i ipi- |drive. Must sel . Tele: Realtor, RA 5-9870 pletely self-contained, unfurnished. rent, one bed sav Sacrfiice for quick sale $500 West area, backing on Nipi rive, Ma Soin y 760 ENSIGN, 6,000 miles, one OWher, THRE , heated, near Residentin district. Good bus service. able now, north-west ¢ Close Lg on Park. arries 89.00 > RS 1. Tv aerial bus at door. Telephone RA |T 43_RA S998, | Topping aad ak SR | R down, four-room cosy house, gor month si FL, SACRIFICE Owner out of work 's3[guss "0 "Telephone MO also three-room bungalow on p / ' * [Chevrolet Belair, radio and wind i 3.6106 or RA 3958. os bedroom apartment, private en- | TWO large rooms, completely furnish Al t DTT TTT Ih -- ---- --_'-- - : 10 minutes from [ed for licht housekcenin® Including ame lot, ni " toxes. uminum doors, |shield washers $230 or best offer. Take|'50 MERCURY, fordor, radio, white. trance and driveway, 10 minutes same lot, nice for two fom storms, screens brig a walls, 'sharp, RA 5-4308, 2. BEDROOM General Motors. Child welcome. Park electric refrigerator. and stove of | ilies, oil heoting, heavy d 2 5-4! S h RA 8.6406, washing machine and dryer, Cc | THE es, 9, y duty 60 BELAIR hardtop se Road South. Telephone [downtown and shopping centre. Suit wiring, T.V. antenna, garage. RA 8-6030 . Iza PONTIAC converibie, sutomatie % SELATR "Sarton sedih | | T | ie pA off Wilson Rd. S. Bald- FULL PRICE $12,500 PRIVATE party wants four or five 6, 35 HP Johnson , Sleciric su super in H roomed house, vicinity of Whitby, Osh. A A-1 condition, RA 3.53924. -- 1 --_-- win st. $5,100 DOWN awa, Bowmanville, Port Perry. Must % ENVOY viation wagon: only 6700 be near Public School. Good cash pay-| miles. Ti consid- Carries for $51 monthly plus ment, Price around $7000 or less. RA ered. MO 8-2200. HAE Snfurnished rooms. | FE e wor King cou.le, $15 weekly, RA 53227 Aluminum storm doors and color red, excellent condition, Best tone. Top condition, $2450. driveway, newly decorated hot and TWO-BEDROOM apartment, 'n new) windows. 153 Wilson Rd. S. offer. Must be seen, RA 5-6630. RA 3-33%0. J cold water, heavy duty wiring. RA apartment building, mear Shopping GOLDELL HOMES OP N H BUYING a car? Need money? For low-|'80 CHEVROLET four-door station | Excellent Location 5.8933 smrar -- Gunite, elociricaliy eq oped ue RA 3-3211 or RA 5-2539 est rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi. wagon, power glide and many extras, THREE-ROOM, sink and cupboards, soi "5913 Montrave Avenue ing automatic washer and dryar. Apply Street South, low mileage, excellent condition, --ALL WEEK-- hance, 39% Siusos : Stree * OF|Vate "Call RA 3.3034 . shared bath, lable May 1. Apply | . phone RA 38-6283, -- is, tyave : Phone RA 8-241 8 517 Park Road South. For more infor. THREE-ROOM unfurnished a artment | DESIGN ED FOR PRIVATE SALE FAREWELL AVENUE CHEV, deluxe sedan, radio, 6 cylin-|'53 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, $150 mation, "telephone RA 5-2389 {private e-tsance. valiable now. Apply si h 2 der. two-tone, white and vellow. Only [oF best offer, Apply 752 Glenforest MODERN os Tg Iv Pe -- ete R'sq C aatcare for ing in T AYLOR AVENUE Brewery on n King, Motors, : pail Mer sink and cupboards, heavy wiring, T GRACE AND PACE 3 4 - ery > PONTIAC best offer. ere Oo outlet in clean. quiet home. Telephone 26-- Rooms for Rent " -inum storms ond screens 3:30 to 5:30 56 FORD custom line coach, needs cury, asking $150. Also parts for 1. AND 2-BEDROOM RA 85-3818 or 124 Tyler Crescent. THREE large rooms, private entrance, paved drive, oil heating, land- . 0 . miner fevairs or 2 Jandyman. wr 53 Pontiac. Apply 214 Park Road North FOR RENT -- th oms, vicinity of nrivate bat! 1, hot 4d cold water th 3 4 APARTMENTS |Columbun. Phone'GL. 33658 heavy' wiring. Apply 762 mien Rosi AND SO CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN | oped, Utility room in bose: | ¢1200 DOWN Shbsslle Brewery on Kine. soggy [2 AAWtomebiles Wanted ; 3 ing he to shopping, bus and schools. N, Seri et mechanical. |'6 PONTIAC, automatic, Al condition, Quiet residential street, close MODERN CTE used ne raun $75 monthly corries princi. | CUTOM BUILT [i 056 sree ssi Fan tisusen Motors, Preferably Two-Tone Luurentian, with i lean, 9 y P! ! 0. hone RA 5-8713 after 5 p.m. pal, interest and taxes, opposite: Brewery on King, Cash. deals" to t ortation, stove ond APARTMENTS ing room, close to north GM plant opposit ewery | 19. transporte!) 0 S parking. Telephone RA 5.0291 SEE THE HARDTOPS, two and four doors. We've || Ax SHORE Auto | isekers wil friges, "TV. outlet, drapes Self-contained one and two- |ATTRACTIVE room, with new furni- RA 3-9877 MODEL got them. 52 Chev. '55 Chev.. °S7|cqrg for wrecking, Highest Seians paid: ond paved rkiny Rents : ture, in residential district, close to Meteors, '57 Fairlasios. Van Heusen RA 5-1181 P parsing. bedroom, fridge, stove, an- ' l4owntown, suit gentleman. Telephone aid be sure Motors, opposite Brewery on King. 2 f 90.00 hly. iliti A 5.7645, | - evrolef r, y I $90.00 mm Role omg ism Tavis hedroon nd wiw| (STEVENSON'S RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS AVE) | FOR REAL ESTATE SCHOFIELD [mi mines bein § ALL CASH $ cellent condition, terms, Orono PHONE APPLY 355 KING ST, E. = remiferstor aid stove, sink al) =r er DON S. SMITH INSURANCE ALLSTATE Auto Tnsarance, Save Wp RA 5-7272--RA 5-5787 5.7687. to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For| For clean cars we deal up or 3 WHITBY ATTRACTIVE furnished single rooms Mgr., Vickery Real Estate ASSOCIATES LTD. RA ion © at your 'home eall down. Liens paid off. BRIGHT, MODERN ing room, close to North G M plant, i 'RA 8-6228 5334 HARLE condition, wind.| NICOLS MOTOR SALES ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS | 109 CRAYDON ROAD |, 0 feline" RA"5 000 Suse rere RAS, 360 King St. West Jud cau in' a RA Sr Ser 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Furnished, and unfurnished, | Modem, spotless building. SINGLE" room." imhted, pour OPEN 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. DAILY : .. RAB8-4879 RA 3-2265 a balconies, laundry room fa- Laundry facilities, 'parking from downtown Oshawa Home privil radio, rebuilt motor, Hurry for this one, cilities, excellent location, Ample storage. Electrically [eges. parking space. Telephone RA| ¢13 950 Full Price -- $75.00 month! plus taxes. OPEN HOUSE $1000 DOWN $1000 ry Bein Wiis, opp SPOT CASH f 85.00 -- Ph VY. lets, -- a-- - . om 3 MO Pho FRY. outlets ROOM for rent, central location, hot| No second mortgages -- No Hidden Costs -- Just > : PAID FOR --.. water. Telephone RA 5.325 Value! EASTLAWN ST. New. five-room brick bungo- 50 CARS WANTED Good clean cars. Trade up 1 bedroom $100 mo. X i Vio ADELAIDE TERRACE 2 bedroom $110 mo, mich. ana. refrigerator, close 10 how FULL DOWN (South off King St. E) lh ached. Gace, Buying a New Car? or down. Liens paid off. 2 bedroom, furnished, tal and down town. Telephone = RA| paid service lots, Sell your used Car to "Ted" DODD MOTOR SALES New, ¥ -bed i : 5-5228. | i ew, modern, two-bedroom To inspect see owner in pat ia 4 PAYMENT ONLY Construction by ONLY A FEW LEFT Talk "Cash" to the New 314 PARK RD. S. apartment, all conveniences, Apt 11, or SINGLE Foote Sit sogle Jods, iy Cor Dealer and "SAVE" refrigerator, stove, antenna, Pe an weekly, Continuous het water, ; 3 r De RA 3-9421 loundry _ facilities, parking | CHARTERED TRUST |Ritsontiosd Nort, "orth Plant. 313 LOCATION: This is What You'll See: HARRY M. iin Ru a TED CAMPIN MOTORS ' area. Reasonable . Adults FURNISHED apartment, bed-sitting| phil; M T --~Quality construction h HOUSTON'S GARAGE only. Apply 329 Adelaide TORONTO room and kitchen, private bath, heat, flip: Murrey, -- Tum left second to none GRUYTERS South. RA 3.4494. Res. RA 5-5574 and SERVICE STATION ; i vater, laundry facilities, gar ) Ave. 'W., Apartment 2. Mr. Melvin--WA 2.6135 [Et AC Maer' Lady preferred. Tele. G0 South on Park Road to --6-room bungalows, 3 bed- --Quality Workmanship Salesman on Duty BRAKE SPECIALISTS, 5 TRY THE NEW - phone RA 3.7055, to our sign. rooms, 1050 sq. ft. ~Pre-paid Services COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE. ATTRACTIVE furnished single room --Brick veneer, oil heat --Excellent Location S. D. HYMAN MOTOR TUNE-UP AND WHITBY CLASSIFI oi Tete: Sm ey REAL ESTATE GENERAL REPAIRS. 3.9225. h mes, 1 6 DIFFERENT MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION CONTACT RA 8-6286 SPORT AND FAMILY CAR 67 KING ST. W. = 4 . RA 3.7822 COMFORTABLE furnished room. suit WANTED - Small garden tractor, in|FOR RENT -- New four room duplex. 12 ble for: business gentle man, close lo} Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor HOWE & PETERS ot ns RRL GARAGE 32--Articles for Sale bus line and downtown. ivate en od condition, cash. Telephone OLiver|to be decorated this fall, heated, all ! i | Y ROR rete e-- $4767, Brooklin. modern conveniences, private e : y srance. RA 35-2010, 101 Simcoe St. N., REALTORS LLOYD REAL Oshawa -- RA 8-0921 BOAT, motor, trailer, $550, 14 ft. mould- 5645, EE m-- trances. RA 5-3090 or MO 8. ™ | HOUSEKEE PING room for rent. Pri. » ed plywood hull, deluxe windshield, all rox EN sale, three bedroom GARDENS tilled, small or large. "Wilde | yaen. nee FOr Two Jente- RA 8-5123 -- RA 8-5124 -- RA 8-5125 67 King E. RA 5.7732 . deck hardware, forward controls, 22 occupancy. Telephone MO 8.5184, Rental Service and Sales, Whitby. Malleable and Pedlar's. Phone RA i LIST WITH LLOYD NAGY MOTOR SALES |Alto motor. OL 5-870, ala Seupay : ---- MO 8-3226. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER SAVE -- Buy in bulk lots, typing paper, pag 3.2625, FOR RENT -- Threeroomed apart: | eon png ooo | MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW letter shee, white newsprint, 4% Ib. pkg. t, private entrance. Immediate pos- Py (FURNISHED bedroom in new house . $1.00, 9 Ib $2.00. Circulation De- a Telphore, WO. $40 or poly ent seve, nd refrgersior. Aovly wit yours courte. out wo'kie atv | $10,949.36 $547.40 $19,900--$19,900 Sales and service. Showroom | partment, Oshawa Times. Abstainer preferred Domestic privil ON MOHAWK open until 9 p.m. at OFFICE, butcher, restaurant 816 Centre Street South, West. one | MO 8-3521, [exes RA 85020 after § p.m FU LL PRICE equip, FOR RENT -- Unfurnished apartment,|FOR SALE One hundred silver | NEWLY decorated furnished bedroom DOWN 408 KING ST. WEST Now, used, buy, seil, Service, Bill Ham- three rooms, hot water, oll heat, kitch- maple trees, 8 to 10 feet high: also a|with sitting room, = threepiece Hath Large custom ranch bungalow Iton, Ashburn, Brooklin an sink and cupboards, parking space, (quantity of spruce 3 feet high. Your kitchen and washing privileges, po built on ravine lot with at- RA 3-7132 "TRIC stove, bedroom suite, stereo convenient location, MO 85188. (choice. Reasonable. G. Ward, ist place! husiness couple. RA 8-6115 tached' garage, and walk-out hi-fi, floor polisher, corner table, kitche south of 401 Highway, Whitby-Pickering : iched garage, te en suite, desk and chair, bedspread, FOR RENT -- Two - roomed apartment, Town Line. [TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and basement. Floor to ceiling '59 VOLKSWAGEN canister set. Reasonable. . RA5-3292. $5 nthly, everything included. Ap- " |kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in cup : ply #6 Chureh Street, Pickering (at/FOR RENT -- Apartment, kitchen, liv. [boards 'and sink. sil conveniences. Ap stone fireplace plus wall to ; 7% HP Johnson motor, good condi- ing room, bathroom and bedrooms. | ly 887 Ritson Road South. wall broadloom, expertly Brand new engine, ¢lutch, tion. Call RA 3.3779, pack). ai -- SE re M OA Heat and electricity included. Tele-| C., Si rtment,| phone MO 8-4670. HOUSEKEEPING . rooms for . planned for recreation or muffler, etc., six month war- WE pay highest prices in the city for ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apa ph | : on H FULL PRICE TENE ee ea 1 ,949.36 family room with large pic- ranty, 500 mile free check- (used furniture Pretty's Used Furni. 5 arking, TV i | beautiful large double privat) entrance, paved pi J FOR SALF -- 24 rotary tiller and one | sult two: also <ingle room Sim Io ye bi ay file free cheek. sed luritare, Frefivy Lied Fumi sutiet, laundry. dryer, convenient toy, o "gon, tractor 3 75 ICY CL y actor and attachments. North. RA 5.0575. BICYCLES, $39.95 tents, boats, motors nighway and shopping centre; available) y "tl ogi non a as | : place. Two 4-pc. bathrooms J 1, RA 8.2633. » LARGE housekeeping room, single si He . PAE and trailers, new and used. Dominion une NO aati oo ker parts, Telephone beds, relrinenator i 1GA Sto Kngle FULL DOWN PAYMENT ow aie a ee ee 547 .40 with vanities, one adjoining RA 8-5305 Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA FOR RENT -- Six room bungalow, $% lone or two gentlemen, 219 Ritson master bedroom. Builder can 56511, Available May 1. Apply 307(SPACIOUS two bed , self. 2 N : J PS a Rosedale Dive or telephone MO 8-5348.| snartment at 209 Bros, ghetontaiiod | Road South. - ONE NHA MORTGAGE 10 401 ) not duplicate home for the Trade your boat on a car-- |SELLING furniture ¥ We'll buy it. Re- $0 monthly. Available May 1. OL 5.4471. | |ROOM for light housekeeping PAT Sasase ns nie ' . obove price, Down payment New or Used frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, FOR RENT -- Self contained three a |business centres and South GM r $3,500.00. The man to stoves, etc. For top cash offer con- -oomed furnished apartment. All con-|BC SERVICES -- Complete bookkeep-|nished or unfurnished. gre und floor. 27 ' dT : ' tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA ¥-113L venleaeer, centeally located, private en- Ing service for small businesses. week-| Park Road South. RA 8-012 | phone' is Bill Millar at RA SMITH'S SPORTS M tak young couple. Telephone nny ee Yes Toba Wo we rooms with cupboards and sink | PAYMENTS PER MONTH $87 PRINCIPAL, 8-5123, SUPERTEST AUTOMATIC 52. In kitchen. separate entrance, utilities | North Simco: Conlin Rd. NT -- Three roomed apart. d, parking, close to Shopping Centre. | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. orth Simcoe at Conlin Rd. FOR: Rely and beat included. mme- HARDWOOD floors laid, anded, iis. [Telephone RA 81415, 4 | INTEREST AND TAXES ALL INCLUDED Y Realtor RA 8-5912 COIN LAUNDRY diate possession. sid Dundas sstimaies. Old Bona a eae girl, new home of RA 3.5123: RA 8.5124 Open evenings or weekends Pick-up and Delivery Service Stree . . 88. v» Kitchen privileges, 387 Mary| (30 YEAR Pl A N) - { - TTT 5c, Washed. and dryed. 8-44 DON'T put it off, put it on, roofing, Please apply 395 Mary Street - RA 8-512 siding, flat voofs, eavestroughing, paint DRESSMAKING -- ain OE" after 5 5 CAR INSURANCE RA 5-1053 tots Uh EE 1 Hil WE True WO ARC ina, Le THIS PRIVATE BUNGALOW FEATURES: LSS | Cort driven oe peered |__ 7 AM. = 9 PM nd waterproofing, call MO 8:2294 = for one or two gentlemgn, single Ee drivers and enjoy a saving of ng an MODERN two-bedroom apartment for Telephone RA 8-838. bi INQUIRE $10, $15 or 'e%s oF iy reasonible_vates. rent. Heat, TV outlet, frig. stove in-| and Hitchen. Firuiahod Clay Brick Front Lawn Sodded ABOUT OUR than 20% on their cor in- SOAP FREE TYPING paper, Ietier size. white Sows. cluded, $87.50 monthly on two-year| {LARGE Fount and] B. Sursished p rg : Sites, $111 Dundas Street West, Whitby. ow inet Mase Mo 88008)" Abply 620 S| mon Sireet" North, repaid Services Laundry Tubs NEW PRE-FABRICATED surance, Half-year payments. Complete supply of soap free, mai" Sets aly $108 G08 BER ue 3 rao oun pr oe yea) Exboust Fan oy Ra HOMES rae || Tor tes till youn, Fork ential area, new! corated, laun 4 re-room flats, sinks nogan rm GRAVEL - LOAM dry facilities PATRIGE. Clogs to Schhol (cupboards. TV outlet. oil heat. Joseph Mal gany Kitch oor umes SCHOFIELD powder, flakes, for your whole , Children's playground. Apply 300 High|Bosco Realtor. RA 5.9870 ahogany Kitchen Cupboards 1 Aluminum Door COTTAGES ~ family. Simply order one of Cement Gravel, Street. {Fu RNISHED hea rom In priv ate h Stippled Ceiling a Ceramic Tile Bath Insurance Associates Ltd. our most efficient water- y IN near ng an son ro. b a" id Driveway Gravel and Fill. [SPRING clean up Special. Fertilizing, hear Kir Abstainers only. RA 5-136 Storms and Screens Ceramic Kitchen Splash GARAGES 360 KING ST. WEST softener. No down payment, Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon. [special rates for laying sod, planting. Jit Rowe Stree RE Ta Tuindow 2 Living Room All N.-H.A. Fee's Included RA 3-2265 $215.00 full price. Installed SAVE HORE TWallers Pia loin tomer eg halle for ad. rborite Kitchen Counter Top Hot Water Tank IT WILL COST YOU in your home. For demon- ERIC C. BRANTON ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtie Fur.|and washing privileges. Telephone RA Gravel Driveway Heavy Duty Stove Cable NOTHING SARYAN MOTOR stration, RA 8-3698. MO 8-2660 He Rg eg Mg pa IT CAN SAVE YOU P DRESSMAKING! Ladies and Chil. [amet sue oe tun gent men PLUS 700 GALLONS OF FUEL OIL PLENTY SALES LTD. SPRING SPECIAL ROTARY MOWER TUNE-UR (reis eae, men ema m0 woes. tral. RA 34163 en FOR THESE 5-ROOM PRIVATE BRICK BUNGALOWS Many Plans to Choose From | STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN | COMBINATION ALUMINUM 9.50 Sharpened, oll changed, oir A OR fg | FURNISHED tme e i i SA E ilters d, aod - | a panments ad: 8 Built on Your Site LES and SERVICE tea Coan FOR RENT eee Toa rth Jysvat ALL FOR THE PRICE OF ONLY $10,949.36 Anywhere Bo ITioN 2D. um INCL RT NUMBER Boat box and cabin trailer, and adjust spark plugs erg cho and skil saw, coment ING chrge Teums meimple umnish- PRESENTED BY: Move in Within 30 Days Tel: RAndolph' 3-3461 OR INITIAL paints mixer, paint sprayer, smelt [electric refrigerator and tele (parts extra . top Gog oF nN DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE ALUMINUM WINDOWS, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE nes, Sonces, <antop beam, |o onal 3 i an shaving cen S. D. HYMAN ' REALTOR AJAX REPAIR WILLIS AWNINGS, CANOPIES, & SAL . tre orking couple, $15 weekly, R \ RAILINGS _1415 Dundes Eowt, Wh Whitty | New ot motors =. tn 39 PRIN T and CONSTRUCTION MOTORS Colonial Alumni ALUE FOR $7 and trailers, lawn mowers and | ATTRACTIVELY . A 6286 3 TAUNTON ROAD .EAST oionia uninum REGULAR $12 V. garden tillers, | LIMITED : Sules Co. Lanalin-geichad Gevmanses WANTED | | FURNISHED ROOMS DIRECTIONS: Go South on Ritson Road, past Bloor to Conant, turn 110 KING STREET EAST Your AUSTIN 134 SIMCOE ST. S. x nd trail % from $7 up, includes cn, ol Boats, ctor and tiles in Private Home left and proceed two blocks east. Watch for signs--Open Daily' 2 till OSHAWA DEALER OPEN 9 AM. - 9 PM. , basic or high styl be sold consignment. Sapa WILDE RENTAL | 82 PARK RD. NORTH 6 RA 8-5103 RA 5-033] RA 8-4614 COIFFURES BY KEN 1415 Dundas East, Whitby Call between 5 and 7 p.m. SALESMEN: BOB STEVENSON GLEN MacKINNON| vo, WONT BEAT THE We have o good assortment - MO 8-5124 MO 8-3226 RA 8-8678 {HAROLD SEGAL LORNE HARTFORD DOUG. suLLIED! PRICE of Used Cars. (Continued on Page 1§) of