RUSSIAN VISITORS Three representatives of a teachers' federation of the Russian Republic chat in Tor- onto during their two-week tour of Canada. The teachers started the tour in Montreal April 15. They are (left to right): Mrs. Lydian Chupra- kova, president of the federa- To Congo TORONTO (CP)--A Cobourg surgeon will be the 12th Cana- dian doctor to be assigned by the Red Cross to The Congo, the society announced Wednes- day. Dr. F. L. Lawson, 47, a fel- low of the Royal College of Sur- geons, will leave for Africa Fri- day to join a hospital at Ge- mena in the northern part of The Congo. Dr. Lawson was surgeon at Toronto General Hospital, St. Dr.F.L. Lawson]: hospitals and with. the Interna- tional Nickel Company of Sud- NEWS BRIEFS ury. He served in Korea as a sur- gical specialist for three years and has been medical officer of the Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiment at Port Hope. MUSICAL PROMISE WINNIPEG (CP) -- Sidney Harrison of London, one of six adjudicators for the Manitoba music festival, said he found "tremendous" improvement in Canadian musical talent in the last five years. Mr. Harrison has been at festivals in Halifax, Montreal and Toronto and is a Michael's and Kingston General regular visitor to Canada. SAFER DRIVING MONTREAL (CP) -- Com- mercial drivers in Quebec had fewer accidents in 1960 than in 1959, the Quebec Safety League says. The accident rate was 3.02 per 100,000 miles compared with 4.26. Mileage driven was 98,414,- 114 compared with 74,870,207 the previous year. PLANE RADIO LONDON (CP)--British Over- seas Airways Corporation is to provide individual radio enter tainment for passengers. Tape- recorded programs, mostly light, music and with "a modicum of high-quality advertising," will be transmitted from within the aircraft. KIDS PITCH IN LONDON, Ont. (CP)~Twelve teen-agers helped pour cement floors in the new Holy Trinity Anglican church during their Easter holidays. Working with them, in old clothes and rubber boots, was 'Rev. Jack James, church rector. MAKESHIFT AIRSTRIP SPENCE'S BRIDGE, B.C (CP)--Pilot Merrill Rose set his aircraft down on a new bridge approach in an emergency land- ing after his radio failed. He taxied up the main street to a garage for repairs. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 20, 1961 7 RIVERBOAT MODEL EDMONTON (CP) -- Marvin Combs has built a 3% - foot model of the storied riverboat City of Edmonton which ran aground in the Saskatchewan River here 40 years ago. The model, incorporating wood from the original, took four months to build. ' NOT CULTURAL LONDON (CP)--Education of- ficer Harold Hayward says Brit- ish teen-agers are getting into "an anti-culture rut." Last year they spent £830,000,000 on cos- metics, records, clothes and soft drinks. \ Awning Slashings Bring Jail Term NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Thomas Arthur Bedard, 16, was sentenced Wednesday to 8 three-month reformatory term as a result of an awning-slash. ing spree on the city's main street. : He had previously pleaded guilty to seven counts of caus- ing wilful damage. Bedard, us- ing a knife, slashed the awn- ings of seven Queen St. stores April 4. CARLOAD SAVINGS Huge Factory Purchases Made These Sensational Values Possible COME IN . .. SEE THE WIDEWIDE SELECTION OF FINE tion; Sergei Zavolka and | ists in Russian grammar. --(CP Wirephoto) TB Survey Is Under Way In Ajax And District AJAX (Staff)--The Ajax and District TB Survey is now in operation. The first of the TB tests began on Wednesday when the residents of Squires Beach and Pickering Beach were in- vited to take the simple TB test in the Ajax Community Centre. All TB clinics take place in the Ajax Community Centre and are open from 2 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. The aim of the Ontario Coun- ty Tuberculosis and Health Association is to get everyone in Ajax to take the test. The district has been divided into five areas, each with spe- cific dates to attend the clinic for the TB Test and the reading of the test from three to four days later. culosis because you are too . 1? Or because you are too young? How about you children? How about your parents? - Here aie the facts about TB at different ages quoted from literature is-|they'll find it early, when it can sued by the Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Associ- ation. CHILDREN Babies can get a violent form of the disease. Older chil- dren can fight off active TB much better. But, once the live on . . . and may cause a breakdown with Tl yeais later Children of all ages can be in- Area No. 1 was Squires and|vearly tuberculin tests or chest date was Wednesday of this week. The reading date for this area is April 24. Area No. 2--North Ajax---may take the TB Test Thursday of this week and the reading date! will be April 25. Area No. 3--Centre Ajax-- Pickering Beach and their clinic| X-rays for all adults whom the| many years | {1 children see often. | ADULTS | | After 15 or 20 years of age,| the nur»er of people wiv active TB goes up draratical-| The chest X-ray shows whether {ly. Many of these persons wore (the germs have done any dam: | nfected as children; aan: | | | | catch it as adults. Adul! r .2 good general health to fight « TB infection. Wise adults hoy |yearly T ost X-i2ys.| If tl happen to catch Tif be cured most easily. | | OLDER PERSONS TB sickness and death rates {are higher in older persinc They need to keep 1 ir guar against thi: diseas. 11: | 77 aged and older {have had TB for 2 long | nej germs get into the lungs, they and have never found it out.| {They don't know they're i:k| |... « even though they may be infecting others. Older persons fected. Get tuberculin tests for|need chest X-rays every year children annually, to make sure|[t0 check on tuberculosis and they are not infected. Have|Other chest diseases as well. Tuberculosis can smolder for before it ursts into flame. But the Tuberculin Test and Chest X-ray can find| the disease early. The tuber-| culin test shows whether TB| germs have entered the body. | age. may take the test an Friday of this week and the reading date will take place on April 26. Area No. 4--Centre Ajax (No. 2)--may take the test on Monday of next week and the reading date will be on April b {f Project Nears | Completion | 5% | Georgy Varius, both special | FURNISHINGS SPECIALLY PRICED SO YOU SAVE! . ® Buoyant Foam Cushions ® Acetate Frieze Covers. ® Choice of 8 New Colors Save $60 On Modern 2-Pce Suite Beautiful Imported Mahogany BAROMETER and J THERMOMETER with every purchase of / 49.95 or more! / Knife Sharpener Easy to use . . . sharpens off knives instantly, Fully gueron teed ond C.S.A. approved, SPECIAL Area No. 5--Ajax, Lake Vista| --may 'ake the test on T..:=' "| | of next week and the reading| BROOKLIN -- The Ontario, Registration commences at's Includes Free Barometer 189: Come early and, see this popular wide-arm styled suite. You will appreciate the com- fortable foam cushioning and sweeping, modern design. Long wearing Acetate Frieze upholstery .in new shades of Chocolate, Autumn Brown, Beige, Platinum, Turquoise, Red, Royal Blue, and Green let you select just the right color to match your room decor. Detail features include strong Kiln-dried hardwood frames, and covered decks. Buy now . . . Save $60. Deluxe Folding Stroller CONVERTS TO SLEEPER Encmel frome folds for storage, back for Summer", sponsored by the CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS |sons, composing the unit, were| A Certificate of Achievement day evening at the Lions Cen isfactory completion of six clubs. with committee, Mrs. E. V High School, Cannington, when ,, = i000 4H Homemaking otions, using the auxiliary colors Sunderland, Udney North, lowers to form sleeper. Deluxe fea- date will be April 28. ®|County 4H Girls' Homemaking a.m. followed by judging. Are you safe from tuber-penartment of Agriculture,| A Record of Achievement is Home Economics Service De. |signed for each member who H dM th | partment Toronto, is now near- satisfactorily completes the B id e Part |given by leaders and assistant|is awarded upon the completion Il g Y {leaders, who attended the Local(of every two clubs (2). {Leaders Training Schools early] A County Honor Certificate tre, the Women's Hospital Aux-| Achievement Day" for North Ory bo fliary marathon bridge party Ontario will be held on Satur- A Provincial Honor Certificate was held with 25 tables in play. |day, May 6, 1961, commencing and Pin is awarded upon the sat- isfactory completion of 12 clubs. Hoar, Mrs. B. Hutton, Mrs. : ; 13 Birks and Mrs. L. C. Mason, the following districts will be/Club design is presented to each Mrs. Aubrey Smith was in represented: Atherley, Beaver- girl who satisfactorily completes the project, and attends of mauve and yellow. The win- ners of the ladies' groups for the season were: group one Mrs. |Clubs Spring project, "Separates FACTS ABOUT TB pHRg prs |ing completion. The seven les- project. BOWMANVILLE -- On Mon-ly,, tne year. and pin is awarded on the sat- Mrs. J. 'O'Neill was convener, at § a.m. in the Brock District : | A sterling silver teaspoon in charge of table and gift decora-ton, Gamebridge, Rathburn, Achievement Day. R. Ames and Mrs. H. Osborne; group two, Mrs. G. Young and|at 9 am. at Port Perry High) Mrs. C. W, Cawker; group three, Mrs. T. Rehder and Mrs. H. R. Moses; group four, Mrs. M. Cerry and Mrs. W. Hoar The above women had a play- off game at the party and first prize went to Mrs. R. Ames and Mrs. N. Osborne, second, Mrs H. R. Moses and Mrs. T. Reh- der, third Mrs. W. Cawker and and Mrs. G. Young, fourth Mrs H. Lewis and Mrs. K. Morris The winners of the season's mixed groups playing were Mr and Mrs. N. Osborne, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Birtwistle. Lucky draw prizes were given to the following, Mrs. Meachin, C. Meachin, Mrs. F. Phillips, Mrs. K. Jackson, Mrs. H. Davis, Miss Edna Bottrell, Mrs. Chartran, Mrs. D. Smith, Mrs. La Belle, Mrs. Lyn Oke, Mrs. C. Rice, Mrs. L. D. Goddard, D. Kemp, Mrs. F. Jamieson, H. R. Moses, Mrs. Flaxman, Mr. Cuthbert son, D. McArthur. PERSONALS Mrs. G. Young, Dyno Mines, | spent a few days with Mr. and' Mrs. W. Cawker. Mrs. M. E. Leask has return- 'ed from a month in Florida Guests with Mrs. W. Johnson, Mann St., are Mrs. Florence Hobbins, Mrs. Marion ' Percival and her daughter Miss Doreen of Wilmslow, Cheshire, England. | Mrs. C. Slemon and Mrs. F. 0. Mcllveen, Oshawa have re- turned from a vacation in Colo- rado and California. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerr, Jr, have returned from their wed ding trip and taken up residence inthe L. D. Goddard apart- ments. Udney Somth "Achievement Day" for South Ontario will be held on Satur- day, May 13, 1961 commencing School, Port Perry, when the fol- lowing districts will be repre- sented Altona, Bethsada, Reach, Brooklin, Brougham, Claremont. Greenwood, Mount Zion, Prince Albert, Quaker Hill Sanford and Scugog. Miss Lois Smith, Home Econ- omist for York and Ontario County will supervise these spe- cial meetings. All parents, friends and mem- bers of Women's Institutes are cordially invited to attend these interesting programs. Come out and support your tures include goy ploid conopy ond shopping bog, waterproof Vinyl lined seat, sofety broke, and rubber tires. \ local 4H Girls' Club. SOCIAL CREDIT PLAN FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)-- Alex B. Patterson, national or- ganizer of the Social Credit movement, said here he will at tempt to reactivate the party's activities at the Lakehead. He was here during a cross-Canada organizational tour. a School. Annuel Increment $200 Experience Allowance $1 Reply in writin A. ROSS SCHOOL SECRETARY Required for the genersl office of the new Dunbarton High Duties to commence approximately sometime in May. Salary -- $2,400 Minimum to $3,400 Meximum. 4 years to determine starting salary, Secretory-Treasurer, Pickering District High School Board, Box 70, PICKERING, Ontario. (Any previous opplicotions 'will be considered.) With this effort-saving SIM- PLICITY WASHER, you just set the automatic clock timer. When your wash is finished the machine will automatically turn itself off. Deluxe features include improved "live" filter to Maximum. 00 per year to @ maximum ef g to: IRWIN, Business Administrator rinse action to remove all lint, CARETAKE ferred. Apply by letter, Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Coretoker ot Pickering District High School. oversize 11-lb. capacity tub, Lovell safety wringer, easy roll- ing castors, hi-speed pump. White Porcelain enamel fin- ish! R WANTED Fourth Class Papers pre- vious experience fo: A. ROSS Pickering $ 09¢, q Secretory-Treosurer, Box 70, PICKERING, Ontario. lif , and pre- IRWIN, Business Administrator, District High School Boerd, 154° 2 Reg. 209.95 (Amy previous PP will be id INCLUDES FREE BAROMETER $55 Off Automatic Washer 2-Yr. Service Warranty, Clock Timer $70 Off A Big 3-Pce Triple Dresser Suite J Omamentol drawers occented with bright Brass pulls enhance the oppear- ance of this stylish bedroom suite. It comprises a big triple dresser with drowers ond a bevel-edged tilting mirror, roomy 4-drower chest, plus a smart bookcase bed. Deluxe fectures include a lovely ish, lock-joint construction for years of trouble-free service, ond heavy plank tops. Shop early ond save $70 during this sale! ] 4% FURNITURE Mocha Walnut fin- INCLUDE FREE BAROMETER 169% OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TEL. RA 5-3519. OPEN DAILY 9:30 - 6 P.M. SHOP EVERY FRIDAY 9:30 - 9 P.M. CLOSES WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M.