WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson a -- FE HEIR SE PER TB PATCH TEST IS CHILD'S PLAY Fairview Lodge Mondz . | In £. lineup are (L-R) I . The tests at the lodge are | Hugh Nichol, district chair. aimed at all people in that | man of west Whitby; Tommy area of the to » of Whitby. | Ullyett (age 3), Deidre ew "It's child's play," retorted four children when they re- ceived their Heath test at Tel. MO. 8-3703 © |a tray cart complete with trays. © [that are responsible for the im- _ |officer to see that the offender i |The drunken executive is sub-| | ject to the same laws as the | |lowliest inebriated laborer. His | |friends must be prosecuted for| thanked for their services in the recent Rotary Minstrel show at the Rotary noon dinner meet- ing, Tuesday. The seven Henry Street High School ushers and the non- Rotarian chorus singers were thanked as well as the attending "end men." Marion Williams, the director of the choir, was presented with Bruce Affleck, the recently ap- pointed Crown Attorney for On- tario County, was guest speak- er at the meeting. "A crime is that type of con- duct which society as a whole views so' seriously that it im- poses a punishment." stated Mr. Affleck. "The significant feature of a crime is the punishment aspect, It is the criminal courts position of the punishment. "It is the duty of the police is brought to court, and the duty of the Crown Attorney to see that all of the evidence is fairly and properly introduced. It is the duty of neither to see that the offender is convicted. "The main duties of a police officer are, in order of bid tance: the protection of life and| property, the prevention of] crime and, the detection and ap- | prehension of criminals. | "He must be courteous, dili-| gent, efficient and impersonal. violation of the law in the same | Crown Attorney Rotary Speaker Non-Rotary members were an obvious criminal escapes punishment. Our system of gov- ernment is based upon the prin- ciple that it is better to allow 1,000 guilty persons to go free rather than convict one inno- cent person." speech with examples of recent court cases he had attended. "Educational benefits are high- ly important as are the dictates of convention. The soul sanction of a court is punishment. down by the court many factors go into this decision. No deci- sion is railroaded through a court without a' great deal of consideration," Affleck. also announced that the Whitby Safety Council would hold a general meeting at the arena at 8 p.m. on April 25. Lieutcna- ant Col. Reynolds wit be the guest speaker. a square dance- with the pro- ceeds Rotary club will be held at the Arena hall at 8.45 p.m, It's A Fact! ...! Mr. Affleck illustrated his "Before a decision is handed said Mr. At the Rotary meeting it was On Saturday night, April 22, going to the Whitby Quartet Entertains Men's Club St. John's Anglican Church Men's Club, Port Whitby, held "Community Night" on Monday at the Church Hall. Robin Nicholson opened the meeting by accompanying at the piano and leading the community sing- ing. The president Jeff Martin welcomed everyone present. Rev. G. Nicholson introduced the guest speaker for the eve- ning, Rev. Atkinson of Oshawa, who spoke on "Opera", which proved to be most informative. Rev. Atkinson also played some of his favorite selections and commented on the qualities of the singers and various arrange- ments. ' Vice president Albert Edwards then introduced the Oshawa Barbershop Quartet who favor- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1961 § telephone and news letters Tenie Sala. ; Lady Curlers Pl _ Name Officers The annual meeting of the Whitby Curling Club was held Monday evening April 17 in the ladies lounge. Committee chair- man submitted their reports. The ladies have enjoyed a most successful year. Dorothy Cuddy presided dur- ing the appointment of officers, who for the 1961-62 season will be: president Flo Lott, first vice president Mabel Irwin, second ce president Ivadel rtson, Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD 'BROS. Monumental Works 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 J recording secretary Ruth Dry- den, corresponding secretary Joy Rich, treasurer Irene Sims, games Madge Wilson and Mabel win, b jels Gin Lindsey, social Rita Bradley, house Lor- raine Foote, prizes Clara Ander- son, ways and means Alice Evans and Donalda Winter, membership Bea Mackay, press, ed the group with several selec- tions and also comic mono- logues. At the close of the eve- ning refreshments were served by the social committee. CO-EDS AT OXFORD Women students at Oxford have had the same rights and OFFICE DESKS from .$10.00 Midtown Furniture 111 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-4981 DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-5231 C.I.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhonging Full Well Murels privileges as men since 1920. We will loan you @ lawn spreader with any purchase of our grass seed or brand-name fertilizer. Sportsman's Corner Hardware & Garden Div. 103 BYRON ST. S. MO 8-4511 manner as those who are un-| known to him. I "It appears periodically that] man (4), Linda Ullyett (4), Rhonda Newman (2) anc nurse Mrs. D. Disney. --Oshawa Times Photo Film, Flower Show At Garden Club Meet Mrs. J. S. Paterson reported|and spray up through the bush, |tually made. These were very souecrning her work wilh thelthen spray down from the top, fine ui, Eees The ails nior members of the itby |. 4 ie Arinning tt. [SOM p | Garden Club, when the April|until the shrub is dripping. own gardens. Mr. Bundock was] meeting was held in King Street For insects the speaker men: thanked by Mr. R. VanHorne. School. Mrs. Paterson said that(tioned Isotex, which contains a second meeting has been held| malathion, lindane, DDT and a members, judged by Mrs. F.| and there are now 21 members|new chemical called tedion, Ing, the following were the win in good standing in the club,| Which Sis red spider mites. Hel ners: { with more children interested|stressed the need for reading 1. African Violet, sin le, who will probably join. the label on a container with CoS ink or purple >: BES She stated that seeds are be-(STeat care and attention. Hep 'gp Bon, Mrs. J. . Pater: ing given out for contest gar. 3is0 stressed that great care|c,, ares A" Wigston. | : .|should be taken with any gar dens, and that most of the chil (Gen dusts," spravs. feriilisers| Class 2, African Violet, double, these gardens. An excellent re.|and so on, particularly where | White, pink or purple -- Mrs. | sponse has been given to the there are children who could be|E: E. Bond, Mrs. A. Wigston, : i | killed by some of the poisonous Mrs. Lague. | | guration of this group, # contents of these agents. He . Clase 3, Aliiean Vidiet, single, : " | sai is company has been|any other color -- Mrs. E. E. Miss Marion Crawforth pleas-|¢ 4 to ra list of anti- Bond, Mrs. A. Wigston, Mrs. F. ed the audience with two iano) got0g for these various poisons, Sugden. numbers, "Country Dance" and|g. sheedy help in case of emer-| Class 4, African Violet, double, Allegro Vivace." These two se-| oo/\ v phone calls. any other color -- Mrs. R. Van- lections Were very much" hink safety. Preach safety. Horne, Mrs. E. E. Bond, Mrs. . : Temi ~.|F. Sugden, The guest speaker was MRO Me Bun Class 5, African Violet, multi- Bundock, representing the Ortho when working with such garden ple crown, any color, single or Chemical Co. He spoke of the materials J {double -- Mrs. A. Wigston, Mrs. | many grrden products available| 4 |E. E. Bond, Mrs. J. S. Pater- from his company, with the/SHOW FILM son. newest spray to counteract] A beautiful film was then Class 6, House plant, in bloom shown by the speaker, which|--Mrs. A. Wigston, Mrs. In the contest classes for club] Smelt Arrive, | Caps Disappear Smelt have started to come] in at Whitby and at least one| Whitby fisherman has learned that more than smelt fishermen | are happy when that happens. { James Mifflin, of Whitby Bar-| ber Shop, went fishing on Mon- day night and caught 80 smelt. | Since it was his first try this] year, he was more than pleased. | His pleasure was short-lived | however, for he returned to his car and found that someone had stolen all four hub caps, value $25. "I guess you could say I got! clipped," said Barber Mifflin. | | | | | SQUARE DANCE SAT., APRIL 22nd | WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA Light Refreshments 8:45 P.M. 2.50 per couple PORTSMAN' COR 103 BYRON S. HARDWARE & GARDEN SUPPLIES Heavy-duty Galvanized GAR- BAGE PAILS-- 2.49 High-quality GARDEN HAND TOOLS--Moade in England. Reg. .79. SALE 50' Black Locadequdlity Flex- ible GARDEN HOSE, Complete with fittings ond washers. Er ego 118 WHITBY NER 105 BYRON S. TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS Gold ond Fancy GUPPIES -- Reg. .29 NOW .. . GOURAMI-- Reg. .89, NOW .... 59 GIANT DANIO-- 49 Reg. .69. NOW .... of PANCHAX-- Reg. 1.95. NOW All Steel with rubber tire WHEELBARROWS. Reg. 14.95. NOW 10.69 FREE Delivery on al SHARPEN ALL TYPES FREE PICKUP AND DELIV ® Wa Carry & Complete Line of Seed and Fertilizer TUNE UP YOUR MOWER NOW! . . . Reg. .69. NOW .. . .¢ | Garden Supplies Ld WE SERVICE AND OF LAWN MOWERS ERY PHONE MO 8-4511 black spot and mildew on roses Chas. | being called Phaltan. '"This|was entitled 'Living with /McAughey, Mrs. R. VanHorne. | spray will wipe out black spot| Roses." This moving picture Class 7, Foliage plant -- Mrs. | on roses, provided there is nolhad many close-ups of roses/R. VanHorne, (Mrs. C. Styan, | hole in the leaf," he said. Itisuch as Roundelay, Charlotte Mrs. J. S. Paterson. contains 75 per cent DDT and Armstrong, Sarabande, Mojave, Class 8, Arrangement suitable has been found to be a very|and others, which were indeed for buffet or mantel, depicting efficient spray. very lovely to see, particularly the theme "Spring is Here." "Our experts," said Mr. Bun-|at this time of year. It also/Mrs. J. S. Paterson, Miss M. dock, "advocate spraying rather showed a number of designs on Price, Miss Elaine Crawforth. than dusting. Spray thoroughly, paper for various types of In a lucky draw, Mr. Charles because you are after the spores plantings of roses, followed by McAughney and Miss Mamie of fungus. Start at the bottom pictures of the planting as ac-'Rowe were the winners Town Bears Cost |Variety Of Drug At $450 0f Charges In Court Whitby council is moving tojand the town must pay for it. n our have some change made in the To add to the town's burden,| Magistrate C. W. Guest pass- welfare act or the Ontario Hos- the welfare act does not permit|#d judgment on 11 traffic viola- pital Commissions act which a subsidy to be returned to the tions and levied $340 in fines in ' Whitby court Monday. will relieve the town of a town for the medicine. William George Bolan of Taun- strange burden Councillor Inkpen said that he ton road east, RR 1, Oshawa, Councillor Harry Inkpen re- did not think it proper that an was fined $25 and costs on ported to counci! this week that ointment of this value .be simply charges of disturbing the peace a' Whitby resident had been handed to the patient but should and being intoxicated in a pub- treated in the Oshawa General|be administered by a doctor. He|lic place, th Whitby Commu-| Hospital for a skin disorder, moved that the situation be|nity Arena, on April 15. treatment which had been paid brought to the attention of the| A charge of failing to signal for through provincial hospital- Mayors and Reeves Association a left turn against Peter Wol- ization. . d the Welfare Officers' Asso-|ters of 1110 Centre street south, Now, he said, the patient has| ciation. | Whitby, was dismissed by the been released and is still re-] It was learned that the pa-|Magistrate. quired to apply an ointment|tient must use 420 grams of the| Gary David McRae, of 1001 while convalescing. This oint-lointment each week but the Military Trial, Highland Creek, ment costs $260 for two weeks, ointment is supplied only in 15.) Was fined $25 and costs for driv- or roughly $450 per month. But, |gram containers. Councillor Ink-|ing an unsafe vehicle on Feb. 28. since the patient is no longer in|pen said that heshas no idea MCRae was charged after driv. hospital, the hospitalization act how long such treatment will be ing his car without taillights does not pay for the ointment! necessary. and parking lights as well as a defective muffler and brakes, BROCK Changing licence plates cost WHITBY James Aloysius McTeague of Th ) 3 { 1 EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 8:30 'BEAT' CULT EXPOSED! PRODUCTION {and costs or 10 days in jail. McTeague was using commer- cial truck licence plates on his car on April 9. Douglas Ward Pearse, of 607 Mary street west, Whitby, was fined $30 and costs by Magis- trate Guest for failing to come to a full stop at the intersection of Euclid and Walnut streets in Whitby. He was charged follow- ing. a two-car collision causing an estimated $800 damage at 2.40 p.m. on March 24. {415 Cochrane street, Whitby, $50 SECOND FEATURE "KEY WITNESS" There are about 1.500 bowling ATTRACTION with KEY Hunter -- Pat oS. : total [| Jot about $50,000,000 worth of a year. alleys in Canada doing a "total! ATTENTION ALL TEENAGERS brings you TEEN-TOWN DANCE TO YOUR FAVORITE HIT TUNES The Place--CLUB BAYVIEW 1200 Byron St. S. Whitby, Ont. The Time---1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Admission--50c per person The Dress--BOYS--Sports Jackets GIRLS--Skirts (No Slacks, Please) BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1961 AND CONTINUING EVERY SATURDAY THE LIONS CLUB OF WHITBY --Door Prizes --Spot Dances ~Guest Band Every Week LL | TTT TY Brookiin Concrete Products Lt. immediate Delivery PHONE (oJ RAAT 3-3311 io | FINAL § DAYS Yes, folks only 9 days left in this GIGANTIC STOCK LIQUIDA- TION SALE... Don't be sorry to-morrow for the Bargains you missed to-day ! BAN-LON--AGILON PULLOVERS Full Size Re REG. 6.95 -- BERMUDAS JAMAICAS SPORTS- WEAR ® SHORT SHORTS ® T-SHIRTS FANTASTICALLY ALE SLIMS Plaids end Checks -- Sizes 10 to 20 REG. TO 16.95 -- SALE Hundreds of other items aot drastically reduced prices, lack of space does not allow us to print. No, we are no GOING OUT OF BUSINESS -- BUT, WE ARE GOING OUT FOR BUSINESS. REMEMBER, -- OUR ENTIRE STORE IS A BARGAIN PARADISE. EVERY ITEM IN OUR STORE PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. FULL LENGTH SPRING and WINTER COATS REG. TO 69.95 -- SALE Ploids, Checks, Tweeds, SKIRTS SIZES 10 TO COCKTAILS, FUSSIES OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF FANTASTICALLY Reversibles. REG. TO 18.95 -- SALE 7.77 BRAS -GIRDLES GARMENTS 2 SAVE UP TO PRICES AND MORE P.J.'s--GOWNS NITEWEAR AllReduced EFFECTIVE AT ONCE "ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL LA BOUTIQUE LADIES' WEAR 306 DUNDAS STREET W. WHITBY ALLY]