Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1961, p. 4

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# THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, April 19, 1961 Scout Group Committee Seeks New Leaders Scouts and Cubs Grou up oa, Bu held a meeting fol Jowing the 12 o'clock Mass on Sunday. Turther meetings will be held the first Sunday of each month following the 12 o'clock Mass. Chairman Mr. Bernard Brad- shaw presided over the meeting. Mr. L. Bedard was appointed chairman for the nominating committee. Election of 1961-62 officers will be held at further meeting. Mr. Bedard was appointed to contact several prospective Scout Leaders. The importance of this group for the parish was stressed and volunteers would be greatly appreciated. Mr. Snellen was appointed chairman of the transportation committee. A list of Scout fathers with auto- mobiles will be supplied to Mr. 'Spellen for this purpose. . It was also pointed out that all Leaders contemplating camp- ing for their group this summer must contact Mr. Bedard who is also chairman of the camping committee. Mr. Bradshaw in- formed all present of the 1961 "Open House" to be held May 27 all day at the town. park. Various groups will have booths for this day. An appeal was made for used clothing to be sent to Rev. Mother Odilia of St. James Con- vent, Portsmouth, Dominican those unfortunate people. to great length to stress the poverty which he had seen in the West Indies and the help that Mother Odilia offers to The next meeting will be held May 7 in the Church meeting room following 12 o'clock Mass. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, L. V. English and children visited in Toronto on Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown on the geeasion of Mr. English's birth- ay. Mr. and Mrs. T. Webb and Mrs. W. Webb, of Winona, spent the weekend with Mrs, C. Graves and family. Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fined $10 On Vagrancy Count 2, Whitby, was fined $ trate F. S, Ebbs, Magistrate's Court, Tuesday. Whitby restaurant where he wa had less than 80 cents on hi person. Constable Stoneman said h had observed Heib the previous morning in a coin-laundry wher tween four and five a.m. Heib said he had joined th costs, Jack Warren Heib, 17, of RR and costs when he was found guilty of vagrancy, by Magis in Whitby Constable E. Stoneman testi- fied he had arrested Heib at a causing a disturbance by shout- ing and swearing. Heib had re- quested to be locked up and he was passing time away be- reserve army Monday and had| no reason not to go home. Mag-| Mr. |istrate Ebbs fined him $10 and|family attended the christening Charles Farquhar, of Henry street, is celebrating her 14th birthday today. Her school com- panions of Colborne school and friends wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blayney, of Islington, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fayter of St. Lawrence street. On Saturday, April 15, the Co- bourg Council of the Knights of Columbus held their '"Ladies' Night." The Whitby guests of Council 4895 were: Grand Knight James Smyth and Mrs. Smyth, Deputy Grand Knight Ed Samanski and Mrs. § 0 S S Noise Level ™ Tests At Tracks Noise level tests of muffled Go-Karts were cancelled during the weekend when Track owners were unable to outfit their larger racing machines with mufflers. Although mufflers for the smaller rental Karts have been found, Kart Track operators are waiting for mufflers which will, they say, reduce the noise from the racing Karts, The tests are aimed at sup- porting claims by Track oper- ators that mufflers will reduce noise. Neighboring ratepayers have approached Township of Whitby council objecting to the noise coming from the Tracks. At a recent meeting between complaining ratepayers, track operators and Township Coun- cil, the spokesman for the Kart. men said future operations "will rise or fall on the results of the tests." It has been reported that the tests will be held during the _|forthcoming weekend. ski, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 0'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Thad McCarthey, Mr. and Mrs. K. Chomko, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Canzi and Mr. and Mrs. Greg | Carter. e (4 e and Mrs. E. Finan and lof f Mrs. Finan's nephew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Deckert, of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wyatt enter- tained at their home on Sali day on the occasion of Mrs. Wyatt's birthday. Dancing was enjoyed and the hostess served a huffet lunch. Mrs. John de Jong, RR 2, Whitby, is celebraitng her birth: OTTAWA (CP)=A net operat: ing profit of $3,451,600 in 1960 was reported Tuesday by the St. Lawrence Seaway Author- ity. However, the revenue was still $9,339,498 short of meeting debt service payments of the authority, which runs the Cana- dian sections of the interna- tional waterway, including the Welland CANAL. The financial details were contained in*the authority's an- nual report for 1960, tabled in the Commons by Transport Min- ister Balcer. Itswas thé seventh annual re- land Lake Ontario, Seaway Shows Profit But Still Has Debts ant waterway that bypasses a series of rapids in the St. Law- rence River between Montreal as well as operating the Welland Canal. In 1960, the Seaway Authority earned $9,360,642, compared with $9,214,475 in 1959--the year the inland ocean highway was opened to traffic. Seaway expenses totalled $5, 908,943, a sharp increase over $3,953,220 in 1959. Main reason for the jump was| the 12 - month expense figure, against a nine-month figure for 1959. But the amount also in- the cludes a special charge on im- provements to the Welland Ca- nal, which is part of the sea- way. For the second year in a row, the Seaway Authority earned enough money from tolls on cargoes and ships moving through the seven-lock St. Law- rence system to cover its oper- ating and maintenance ex- penses. After meeting a $02,190 charge for replacing movable capital 306, $4,000,000 for depreciation, which is not provided for in the 1960. report. The authori off the capital cost of the sea- way by the year 2008 through its earnings from tolls on ships and cargoes moving through FORECAST OFF So far, handled by the seaway has failed to keep pace with the long-range forecast. The fore- cast, and toll rates themselves, are to be reviewed in 1964. On the Montreal-Lake Ontario seaway operation, the authority showed a net operating income of $5,178,190 in 1960, compared with $5,894,143 a year earlier. 1 But the Welland Canal failed to but this included almost COOKE BUYS SHARE must try to pay liam A. Shea of New Cooke, added to the waterway. dent of the Maple Leafs, onto's baseball entry in ternational League. Shea is New York attorney. bought 25 per cent of the the actual tonnage undisclosed price. WASHINGTON (AP)=A one quarter share in the Washington Redskins professional football team was sold Tuesday to Jack Kent Cooke of Toronto and Wil Yi board of directors at a a oard of directors a Tuesday, is owner snd" pret the io skins' outstanding stock for am cover its operating leaving a net opera of $1,726,491, compa 1959 deficit of $632,888. with produce enough revenue to expenses, deficit y assets, the authority reported a AR AA AAA AAAAAA A net loss of $9,431,68 for 1960. In 1959, the net loss was $6,688,- port of the authority but the first one to deal with a full 12 months of operating expenses in running and maintaining the gi- Gets 3 Months On Fifth Binge William Flint of no fixed ad- dress was given three months in the County Jail when he appeared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs on a charge of being intoxicated in a public place, in Whitby Magistrate's Court, Tuesday. It was apparently the ac-| icused's fifth offence when he «+ Tht will have you eign out of your Ears) THE FUNNIEST OF COMEDIES ! BOB HOPE #¥ LUCILLE BALL They act like they're married and they are «+ » » but not to each other ! /- PNA, 1 FRANK soouenon FACTS ¥ LIFE % » ADULT ENTERTAINMENT {/ lf pap LAAN LL, nema TN nis i NTT K 1) ADL debby app oi i ® (3) 1 $ day today. Best wishes are] offersd to Mrs. de Jong from |=} PECK gy 4 at Makes Third ; i A SIMMONS | Resignation BAKER SALUTE In Townshin TOMORROW'S, CHARLTON LEADER. .. 3 Mr. H. MacPherson of Brook- HESTON lin recently tendered his resig- rr BURL nation as Whitby Township by- IVES law enforcement officer and Your building inspector. His resignation, effective April 30, was prompted by a dispute Is Learning To Become A over the function of the weed BUSINESS MAN inspections. Council felt Mr. ® MacPherson should take over that position. Your Help Will Be Appreciated Mr. MacPherson disagreed. The number of resienations| SECOND ANNUAL from Whithy Township office | springtime THE ARMY West Indies. Mr, Bradshaw went ME aly rs | was found intoxicated on Brock {street north in Whitby on April 13. The accused was smiling in i and appeared overjoyed |at the verdict. | GREGORY (OPERATION BUJSHINE] rr sms som CAROLE LESLEY * RONALD SHINER i LAUGH HIT NO. 2 Girls ar Sea An Associated British Production, wit GUY ROLFE- ALAN WHITE MICHAEL HORDERN TWO YANK GUERILLAS AND FOUR SIN-GIRLS...on a desperate mission! Central Collegiate presents a SPRING FESTIVAL of Music and Dance in the Auditorium Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 Admission--50¢ IN WILLIAM WYLER'S PRODUCTION ADVENTURE FROM Joe Time 8 p.m. Tickets Available ot Door Sy "THE FUGITIVE KIND" and "HERE COME THE GIRLS" now stands at three. Others whose resignations have been accented ~re Clerk Murray Rob- inson and treasurer C. S. Thompson. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY JAILED ONE MONTH Bruno Eskemann Hanson, of Woodland road, Pickering, was Sentenced to one month in jail for indecent exposure by Mag- istrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Magistrate Court, Tuesday. Magistrate Ebbs recommend- ed treamtent for Hanson when he was in court for the third time on the same charge. Mr. Hanson pleaded guilty to the Sarge which occurred on Feb STEINBERG'S - RED BRAND CORNED BEEF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS 5 5 JACK SPRATT . FINEST QUALITY SIDE BACON i... HY ' BULK PACK 4 5 ¢ a Ls. 49: TENDER..NEW LOW PRICE! RED BRAND...o symbol of quality end to all who epp Canoda's finest flavoured beefl And you can be sure of Red Brand every time you shop at your friendly Steinberg's. Of the many grades of meat available, Steinberg's consistently features only Red Brand...ond each juicy cut is carefully selected with you in mind, properly age aximum tenderness and expertly valve-trimmed to remove all exc t and bone. This week, serve o delicious, economical Red Brand Blade Roost from Steinberg's...discover how good @ family roast can bel HITTY DRIVE-IN: TONIGHT °0X.0fFICE OPEN AT 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT 7:20 COME EARLY! ALL SHOWS ARE BETTER WHEN SEEN FROM THE START! wey! TOPPED AL CAPO, PORK SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF 49 [1 118, PKG. ONLY WIENERS - COD FILLETS YORK CHOICE 15 OZ. TIN DICED CARROTS 1O° KENT CRUSHED OR SLICED FANCY 20 OZ. TIN PINEAPPLE 25° LITTLE JOHN HOMOGENIZED 16 OZ. ICE BOX JAR PEANUT BUTTER 35° LITTLE JOHN 16 OZ. JAR SALAD DRESSING 35° GLAMOR PAK PINK, WHITE YELLOW 300'S FACIAL TISSUES 25° VAN KIRK'S 118. PKG. NUT MILK BAR 59° McLAREN'S STUFFED MANZANILLA OLIVES re. s oz. a 29¢ SHORTENING 346 24 IN. CUT TOP QUALITY POWER LAWN MOWERS '59.95 95 [ "NO. 1 ROSES 74 / Hybrid Tea 996 oar 96 ed J JURGENS DAWN ADDAMS HOUSE oF INTRIGUE TECHNICOLOR - CINEMASCOPE AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT RED BRAND - FINEST QUALITY BLADE ROAST YORK yre-ing SIZES FANCY 10 OZ. TIN PEAS 10° BEANS with PORK TO tomato sauce HENLEY CHOICE 20 OZ. TIN TOMATOES 2/29° LITTLE JOHN TOMATO 11 OZ. BTL, KETCHUP 2/3 5° BALLET "2¢ OFF' DEAL WHITE, 2's 25° PINK, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN' 1 1B. PKG, TOILET TISSIES 25° ARCHWAY ASSORTED COOKIES TEA BAGS "5:3" CAKE MIXS5 2/296 BLUE BONNET REGULAR APPLEFORD 100 FT. ROLL MARGARINE 5" T5c, WAX PAPER __33¢ DEAL DELUXE SARAN WEBBED QUALITY Driving Count Nets $30 Fine Driving while disqualified cost | Larry Beatty of 51 Beatty road, Ajax, $50 and costs when he appeared before Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in Whitby Magis- trate Court, Tuesday. Beatty had his Sounne sus- ndéd" for 12 months recently jor leaving the scene of an accident, ww ROBERT BLAKE AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE nf a EL ig me 47) » SWANSON'S x FROZEN *T.V. DINNERS Fcreamen CHICKEN - TURKEY « HAM - BEEF - CHICKEN - CHOPPED SIRLOIN « LOIN OF PORK = ; MORTON'S x SEABROOK FROZEN FARMS POT PIE * Frozen Foods CHICKEN - BEEF - TURKEY PEAS AND CARROTS « kkk kkkk we.makes business a pleasure! SHIRLEY M-LAINE . fakes Sy rlime 'al PLUS "The Executives" FLOOR SHOW ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM 190 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Friday, Apr. 21st FROM 8 P.M. to 1 AM. Dress Semi-Formal fo 10 oz POUCH 69¢ Sa Je) large . 59° ¢ [as LOUNGES size | $ 8. 8s DE sian iae PRODUCT OF U.S.A, CANADA GRADE NO. 1 EE a FLORIDA FRESH CRISP CELERY 329° PRODUCT OF U.S.A, CANADA GRADE NO. 1 FLORIDA FIRM RIPE TOMATOES 19° [241.71 "PINKY" STAMPS with Toes COUPON AND Wn PURCRALE OF LIGHT I BULBS coures - om kre * * * SWEET EATING, RED CUTTING U.S. NO. 1 WATERMELONS 10 LB. AVG. 8 OZ. PKG. Moz. Pots BAG YOUR CHOICE PEAS - CUT CORN 12 OZ. POLY BAG YOUR CHOICE MEAT LOAF = 2/39: i HE YOUR CHOICE DICED CARROTS Foye 3 02. 201Y 340 Peokkokkkokkokkokkkkkk York Frozen * 'QD /D€¢ * Aylmer Frozen Strawberries 229°: Raspberries 218. POLY BAG 10 OZ. POLY BAG FANCY 15 OZ. PKG. 2/49 : 3°'1.00 ® 2° Sweet Juicy Soffer REE k kk kkk kkk kkk kkk kk PRODUCT OF U.S.A, CANADA FANCY WINESAP ¢ Guest Of Honor: A P p L ES: 6 3 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA GRADE NO. 1 Letiuce2 29 Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas Climbers Floribundas "Assorted Cr Trees SHRUES PRODUCTION SPOT & DOOR PRIZES TABLE SERVICE Admission: Gents . From the \ time she % gota A mink » coal... fo the night -* she wore -- 7. alowel. J _ jt's nice XTRA "PINKY" PINKY. Choose from Bveryledy a winner in over 500 Quality Gifts! Couples Tickets Availeble at the Door. > Everyone Welcome ! DON'T\ MISS THIS "DANCE OF THE YEAR" Your MC. . . . Walter Mittler ; A FREE BOWLING GAMES! HORI 3 WA ary 5350 00 mat bn punch EXTRA 25 is A PARAMOUNT RELEASE TECNCOLOR \ selene oupen suing pou ot pome of Bowtog ot tay A'TOF QUALITY of ot Bowling Consens Lated am Soe sniry boven. VEAL ROAST ous' rawr A GF TRE OF Toothpaste A OF FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef Cowon trary iL 26/61 A 2. TINS CHINA LILY Bean Sonus | A125 x OF NABISCO work and ORBITS FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT... 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:35 7:45 - 9:50 cour Sponsored by RUDY'S FASHION HAIRSTYLING AND. BARBERSHOP 364 WILSON PLAZA | /RA 8-2351 [3.40:7) "PINKY STAMPS 1345.7) PINKY BLL ET STAMPS Ht STAMPS A 35 or TiN 'or ST LAWRENCE £2 G. of £Ys ROTEN | ER | CORN 0) 2.26 07. TINS OF SOCIETY A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE DOG FOOD OPEN THURS. & FRL TO 9 P.M. - ISLAND RD., ROUGE HILL - DUNDAS ST. WHITBY ~, 3

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