Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1961, p. 3

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KIWANIS AUCTION PRIZE IS PRESENTED right, William Selby, radio auction chairman for the Osh- awa Kiwanis Club; Ray Weeks, president, Oshawa Ki- wanis; Mr. Hoads Henry Reed, president, Westmount Kiwanis Club; Don Ormiston, Norris Hoag, RR 1, Oshawa, | auction, jointly sponsored by Tuesday afternoon was pre- | the two clubs became eligible sented with an electric dish- | for a draw for this major washer by officials of the | prize. Mr. Hoag is shown, Downtown and Westmount Ki- | third from left, as he ac- | wanis Clubs. All the success- | cepted the prize. Others in ful bidders in the recent radio Diving Club THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1961 3 Is Training Its Members The 23-member Oshawa Div- ing Club, organized about seven months ago, expects soon to be a member of the Canadian Div- ing Council, the club president said recently. The club is conducting a train- ing program at a swimming pool in Peterborough. The mem- bers go to the pool every Sun- ay. Members in the Oshawa Div- ing Club are mainly from the Oshawa district, but some come from as far away as Pefferlaw and Peterborough. Before using a' diving lung, members must pass a stiff swim-| : ming test, have a medical ex-| amination and write an exam| : on the medical and safely as-| - | IFyouFeel ALL-IN '| Today's ite seas --work better--play better. Get Kidney Pills now. You cam on Dodd's, n SHAWA HOPPING NES pects of diving. After passing this test, they are considered scuba divers. The club is concerned mainly with scuba' diving, which is the ALTHOUGH CLOUDINESS persists in many Ontario and WEATHER FORECAST weather office. The forecast for Ontario: partly cloudy and a little milder, Thursday sunny and warmer. In Quebec the temperature is still below Quebec localities, spring is on the way according to the OUTSTANDING SAVINGS use of a tank of compressed air and breathing apparatus. The term "skin diving" usually means diving with a face mask, flippers and a snorkel. (A snor- kel is a short breathing tube that allows a swimmer to keep his face in the water). New members in this club| {ake all their training in a pool. | They are not allowed into open| -- radio auction chairman for the Westmount Club and Hugh Morrison, manager at Home Appliances where the presen- tation was made Tuesday. | --Oshawa Times Photo TORONTO (CP) months' training. For this rea-| members in the Fall. and Miss Mary Edwards, are, kept busy travelling to these chools and teaching the class- Club president Gerard Rich- high-pressure area becomes the lard, of 752 Lakeview avenue, dominant feature in the prov-| : Clyde Bros |Oshawa, said the club has its |ince's weather picture. jremperatures: {hands full with inexperienced] Lake Erie, Lake Huron re-| Warmer, Chance Of Rain r ; -- Official cloudy intervals today. Mostly | NrxoDERM. Stops itch in minutes. Anti- water until they have had six forecast issued at 4:30 a.-fi.:|cloudy Thursday with showers| septic action heals, Makes skin softer, | Synopsis: Fair and warmer likely in the afternoon or eve-| bia son the club prefers to start new weather should gradually settle ning. Winds light today, south-| NIXODERM ointment and soap. Revital- in over the Great Lakes as alerly near 15 Thursday. Windsor ....eev.. 38 65 normal but slightly warmer weather is expected for Thurs- day. / --CP Wirephoto : | Thurs., Apr. 20 Ugly skin OT. on face or H Eczema, Pimples, Red Scaly Itching Skin, and Athlete's Foot are quickly cleared by REDUCED IN PRICE ON DATE BELOW Sunny FRANKLIN SIMON SPRING COATS and SUITS 20% to 30% REDUCTIONS MARGARET smoother, clearer, Ask your druggist for | ize your skin, Look better fast, TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast Low tonight High Thursday po Youcartye ALL-OUT City Bible Clubs Si es. PLAN SUMMER CAMP During part of the summer Plan For Rally Rev. Roger Green, formerly|ful year. About 6,000 verses of New Zealand, will be the spe-{have been repeated. There are from July 29 to Aug. 19 the Bible Club sponsors the Crusad-| ers Bible Camp which will be] held this year at Hawk River] members right now. He said ex-|gions, Windsor, London: Partly| : ] perienced divers would be wel-|cloudy and a little milder to-|St. Thomas . 1ICUS 1 Some into the club. "We might | day. Sunny and warmer Thurs-|London ... Play City be interested in new inexperi- day. Winds light. {Kitchener .. jencea divers by next Fall," he said. Other officers in the club are: Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay: Niagara, Lake Ontario, Georg- {Wingham ....... 32 jan Bay, Haliburton regions, Hamilton ........ 35 |St. Catharines ... 35 LOANS to pay all your bills LOANS STACEY LTD. BOYS' WINDBREAKERS, Reg. 2.98. Sizes 2 to 2x, Large assortment of colors, EACH 60 {Norman Hanaka, of 565 Finu-|Partly cloudy and a little milder| BASSETT'S to complete the cial speaker at the Bible Club classes or clubs for all ages Rally to be held in Calvary Bap-|from the nursery to the teen] tist Church this Thursday at 7.15 agers. They are taught the Bible p.m. lessons from story and by the Mr. Green has travelled ex-{use of flannelgraphs. Many par- tensively abroad in connection|ents have expressed that these with the Children's Special Ser-| Weekly clubs are a blessing to vice Mission which was founded | their children and to the homes. in London, England in 1867. This|/In some cases parents have is now a world-wide movement. {been encouraged to attend In the warm weather they hold church, thus fulfilling the word children's beach missions -- in| "3 little child shall lead them' ' the colder weather they con-| The rally on Thursday will duct programs in the churches. give the opportunity to parents, friends and the public to see 27 CLUBS HERE and hear what has been accom- The rally Thursday night plished by the leaders and the is the gathering together of the|children during these past children of the Oshawa Bible months. Clubs with their parents and| As well as the 27 clubs in friends. The program will dem- Oshawa, there are many class-| onstrate the work that has been|es conducted in the rural schools accomplished during the past|of the surrounding district. Rev The rally is open to the pub- year. In Oshawa there are 27|Cecil Nelson, who leads this|lic. Anyone wishing more in- clubs with an average weekly/movement in Oshawa and Dis- formation of this work or camp attendance of 375. The clubs are|trict, as well as two other full|should contact Rev. Cecil Nel- held in homes in various dis- time workers, Miss Nora Moen'son. SER OBITUARIES The clubs have been conduct-| ed for the past few years by dedicated men and women under the auspices of the Bible Club Movement. This movement ALLIN McINROY Mumby, in 1908, and is survived is an interdenominational, faith] nin McInroy, of 352 Buena|by his second wife, the former organization. It specializes inyicia avenue, died af the Osh-|Sarah Emily Quackenbush. He club work as well as schooliywa General Hospital, Tuesday, |iS also survived by four daugh- April 18. He had been in poor|ters: Mrs. Sydney Smith (Eve- health for the past four months. i e ei Tempeston | , Mrs. arles Sparks a Son of the late Me and) (Mary), and Mrs. George Kirt- Camp in the Haliburton High- lands. This camp is open for all children from seven years of age to 15 years. There will be swimming, crafts, sports as well as games, Bible Study and camp fires. The camp will be directed by Rev. Cecil Nelson assisted by a qualified staff, a camp nurse and swimming in- structor. The rates are very reasonable. The rate for a single child is $15 per week but there are spe- cial rates for families. It is de- sirous that anyone wishing their child to attend camp should send for reservations early as each year there are many more registrations than can be accom- modated. Clowns fill the same place in cane street, vice-president; (today, a few brief showers |a circus program as cartoons George Morrison, of the Town likely. Sunny and warmer| and comic strips in a newspa-|line road north, secretary, and Thursday. Winds light. | per. Clowns and comic artists|Gerald Lymer, treasurer. Kirkland Lake region, Sud-| |do, in fact, use much the same] technique. {ture with slides was held at Pe-| il der The similarity is explained by|ter Dyett's sport store on Bond| Jack LaPearl, producing clown street. Mr. Dyett has played a| with the Great Clyde Bros. Cir-| large role in organizing the cus which comes to Oshawa on|club, Mr. Richard said. | Friday, May 26, under the spon-| The slides were accompanied sorship of the Oshawa Shrine/by a tape recording, done by Club Dr. E. H. Lamphier, who is| Tickets for the circus may be|with the University of Buffalo, | obtained from members of the|School of Medicine. The slides {Oshawa Shrine Club or at El-|dealt with the medical aspects {liott's Restaurant, Simcoe street|of diving. north. | Mr. Richard said the club "Like the cartoonist," says| plans to buy the slides to enable today. Sunny and warmer Thursday. Winds light. | White River, Timmins-Kapus-| kasing regions; Sunny with! FIRST TULIPS FROM TURKEY Turkey, not Holland, was the first tulip-growing coun- try, according to some au- thorities. But if you have farm or garden needs to sell, Classi- fied ads can help you SURE. Place your products be- fore the Want Ad-reading public, and sales are cer- tain! Dial RA 3-3492 for a helpful ad-writer. RADIOS, TAPE RECORDERS, STEREO--HI-FI Radio Wholesalers 637 Simcoe St. 5. RA 8-5187-8 Last Sunday, a three-hour lec-| bury: Partly cloudy and a little| 22 Of 243 Quebec street and down payment on a home LOANS for car or home repairs LOANS to buy the things you and your family want and need NOW without waiting LOANS for any purpose REAR-END CRASH Damage was estimated at ap- proximately $600 when cars driven by Roland Dale Jackson, JEWELLER'S Men's BULOV A 23-jewel WATCH. Thin model, waters proof, shock-resistant. Reg. 69.50. HALF PRICE FAIRWEATHER'S End-of-line LINGERIE. Shorty Nighties, Baby Dolls, Gowns--= values up to 5.98. 1 00 s Final Clearance, each JACK FRASER STORES Polished Cotton CAR COATS. BAILEY . FOODS LTD. FRESH RHUBARB PIE 49¢ each [Rolo] Gel 301,14 Thomas Ernest Abbott, 50, of 93 Gibb street, were involved in'a rear-end collision in front of the Abbott residence Tuesday after- noon. No one was injured. This seal is the hallmark of quality in the Rug Cleaning Field. As a member of NIRC, Nu- Way Rug Cleaners have the knowledge and equip- ment to do a thorough, professional rug cleaning NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY ST. RA 8-4681 "All work done in Oshawa by Qualified Oshawa Techni- cians" $50 . $5000 | Without endorsers or bankable security, | Low monthly payments, Loans life insured. SUPERIOR FINANCE The fastest growing All-Canadion Loan Company. 117 SIMCOE N. RA 5-6541 Open Wed, to 8 p.m; Sat. to 12 noon. 15 Offices in Ontario SPECIALS ANON TUES WED AM. Mr. LaPearl, "the circus clown |frequent re-runs of them, to edu- must express his idea in the|cate new members and to re-| simplest terms possible, so that|fresh the memories of those| the spectator will 'see the| who have seen them already. | point' at a fleeting glance. The| fewer the words, the better. The| (clown of today must be & master CITY AND {of pantomime, most difficult of all the expressive arts." DISTRICT "The circus clown, like the a cartoonist, draws his ideas a Hom current events and from Mr. fALLED 30 BAR inohd. {the amusing foibles of human gon and son. Paul. and Mr. nature. He resorts to the same!and Mrs. H. V. Trew and son, means as a caricaturist; he ex-|Donald, attended . the special |aggerates and distorts but does| convocation held recently at Os- |it with skill that permits that|goode Hall, Toronto, when their which is depicted to be recoz- son, Norman Harry Edmond-| nized at once." son, was called to the bar. Mr.| Mr. LaPearl received a letter| Edmondson was educated at last winter from a middle wes-{the OCVI and received his tern lad seeking a job as a|bachelor of arts degree from clown. The boy was sure he|Queen's University and his would make good because he | Pachelor of law degree from wrote he was "always acting the University of Toronto. crazv and making my friends PLAN AUCTION laugh." Mr. LaPearl's reply| A live auction under the joint was kindly but not encouraging sponsorship of the Oshawa B'Nai He exlpained that "acting cra-|B'Rith Club, and the Oshawa BINGO at Bathe Park on Eulalie Ave. nue, Thursday, 2 p.m. On Saturday and Monday at 8 p.m DANCE this Saturday, Club Commo- dove, Highway 48, Maple Beach. Ad. mission $1. RA 5-8003 for information ies RUMMAGE sale -- Simcoe Hall, April MARION 20, 1 p.m. Queen Mary Lodge BARGAIN buys on good, but outgrown, child clothing under "Clothing for ssified today, NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jockson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled. 5180. JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 Bus King street bus ot door will be waiting at auditorium after bingo is over 16 GAMES OF $8 1 GAME EACH OF $10 $20, $30, $40 SHARE THE WEALTH $50 EXTRA-- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1 ADMISSION 25¢c PER CARD CHILDREN UNDER 16 NDT ADMITTED Sale" work, presenting the Bible as it reads to the children. The lead- ers of the local clubs are from the different churches of the| city. Through this effort many x » : . {ley (Emma), all of Oshawa. boys and girls are being taught bors Reh 3 Je. nm Rawdon! tie was predeceased by one and encouraged to learn Scrip- ownship, 4H. A res daughter, Ts. Gordon Demp- ture portions. Many of these Oshawa for the past 33 years, | cy (Myftle), in 1937. Five sons young folk do not attend any|N® Same hore Jean Belleville: Robert Mclnroy of Belleville Sunday School. ha gn rar a orange |and Clarence, Percy, Elmer and 6,000 VERSES REPEATED Lodge. Jom, 3ll of Oshawa, 2is0 sur- This year the work has grown, He was predeceased by his He is 'also survived bv Iwo zy' might be amusing to one's|Lions Club, will be held in the and it has been a very success-'first wife, the former Emma. . = wiideipe = """lfriends but utterly pointless to] Oshawa Children's Arena, Wed- ; \ sisters, Mrs. Clinton RoSe] i onre "Claas on daw. J 21. and Thursda (Etta) of Toronto. and Mrs suongers. "Clowning." he lold hesday, Jie so on hay; - oat ars MAIS. 1the ambitious young man, "is an!June 22, in the evenings. George Seeley (Ellen) of B.C.|, 4 "ra romoved i 'merely COMING EVENTS and three brothers, Andrew Mc- ©, _. ° Hoye om merely id acting the fool Inroy, of Springbrook; Edward ____ : . . y Mclnroy, of Belleville and Alex| _ ST. MARY'S Melnroy, of Campbeliford: 27|1959- He was a member of Holy d IS dC 1011 BINGO grandchildren and 15 great- Cross Roman Cathele Church NEVER KNOW what youll (find in|grandchildren. e is survived by his wife, ; ar sonaly = Classified. Fun to read = ppa body is resting at the the former Mary Kovacs; three IS PART OF OUR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th BINGO, Union Hall, Bond Street, wea. Armstrong Funeral Home for daughters, Mrs. Joseph Pojgra- 8 PM nesday, April 19, 7.30. Twenty games service in the chapel, Friday gi (Annie), Mrs. Andrew Szo- &S a's OB Th and $10. Share the Wealth. Six $40 April 21, at 11 a.m. Interment Yeges (Mam), snd Ps Jon MAR f will follow in the Marmora|>?¢man (imma), all of Inacs, * PEOPLE AUDITORIUM Cemetery. Rev. F. H. Ward of Hungary; two sons, Joseph, of LET US HELP YOU TEVENSON RD. N. Westmount United Church willl [nacs, and John, Iz, of Osiwa, PLAN YOUR AT conduct the services Brande dren aso. sur- : oh a Summer Vacation | FUNERAL OF The remains are at the Arm- | GEORGE PARSONS strong Funeral Home for Re- CONTACT | The funeral service for quiem Mass in Holy Cross George Parsons, 254 Nassau Church, Saturday, April 22, at 9 D Id T | street, who died at the Oshawa a.m. Interment will follow in St. ona rave General Hospital Sunday, April! Gregory's Cemetery. Monseig- Servi WHITBY-OSHAWA-BROOKLIN MO 8-3304 EM 3-8958 15, was held at the McIntosh- nor Philip Coffey will sing the Anderson Funeral Home at 2 mass p.m. Tuesday, April 18 Friends are Rev. S. C."H. Atkinson, minis- at the fun ter of Albert Street 1 asked not to call ral home before United Thursday | Church, conducted the services { Interment was in Oshawa Union CATION =< 101 VA CAT ON other WHITBY BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW /EDNESDAY, APRIL 19th. Gome $75, extra in >. Jackpots 55 and 59. Bus leaves Oshawa Terminal. Cemetery. The service was largely attended and the many floral tributes indicated the high esteem in which the dec-! eased was held Members of the Oshawa Po- lice Department," headed by Chief Herbert Flintoff and Dep- uty Chief Duncan - Ferguson, The car for people who like boats Because we don't believe in costly = tyle changes, we can build more quality can't boil over bec cooled. It's far Volkswagen major re cost you a thousand ntional cars, save enough to buy a boat and trailer. (Or a trip to into the car. A VW t date ond it doesn't deteriorate. It just keeps running HENRY HOU | SPECIAL Ci W. JEFFERY'S (PIONEER LIFE BELL TELEPHONE EXHIBITS OSHAWA COIN and many other interesting attractions. Joven 2to 5:30 and 7 April 23rd inclusive. v Admission 25¢--Children and Students--10¢ Members Free SE MUSEUM EXHIBITS DRAWINGS OF 'IN ONTARIO formed a guard of honor at the funeral home and the cemetery. The pallbearers were Sim] Penfound, John Lowe, William} Martin, Brian Robinson, Gordon Hoover and Reg. Piper. JOHN SZARKA, SR. The death occurred early to day at Oshawa General Hos: tal, of John Szarka, of 523 Albert street. Mr. Szarka had been in poor health for the past four months. Born in Inacs, Hungary, Jan 6, 1885, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Szarka. The deceased has been a resident of Oshawa and Canada for #4 | years | Mr. Szarka was employed b the Robson Leather Co. for 28 years until his retirement in| CLUB EXHIBIT to 9 p.m. daily until A ~ wonderful prizes in €or LAWN-BOY 'Canada-Made' ¥ Contest ; [6 TE es ask for gm prize list : (opal and simple rules #7 Deluxe model g2%0 See all 7 LAWN-BEOY MODELS NOW WITH 2 FULL YEARS' WARRANTY! ope, or tha best port of a back- yard pool.) The cor you'll get to go with it is s and Big a kids and luggoge. Small enough to park where other cars cant, t 10 meet the ne around, year after year, looking ds up-to- the-minute as the ones in the showroom. You can expect to get 38 under normal driving u'll never need oil be- tween changes. You con cruise oll day in dawdle for hours in a jam. The Volkswagen miles from a the sun, or TEL: RA 3-3461 If you'd Volk car VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. This is your nearest Volkswagen dealer. He is part of a network of 331 efficient YW service centres right brass Canada. SABYAN MOTORS 334 RiTSON ROAD SOUTH Trode between' notions Is c two-way street. West Canada 19 ny more Canes dicn goods.

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