Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1961, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1961 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange 11 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge More Construction Troubles Ahead TORONTO (CP) -- Prospects u Sales High Low a.m. ones 7200 145 136 136 --3 TO 11 AM, By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April 19 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. Stock QN Gas QN Gas wt Sales High Low a. h oo { 1] 1100 $8% 8% 8%--W 168 310 310 310 Stock Irish Cop Stock D Bridge Dom Elect Bales 600 135 High Low a. 5 age $20 20 20 + % 7% Julle, of their little sister, % 1, at the Oshawa Gen- day, April 19, 196 a4 She en ments to stre eral Nicholas and Koula (nee Leousis). Many thanks to Dr. Ross and nurses. -- To Ross and Barbara rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- OSRSOSS 5 Tule SL INDUSTRIALS al ow Kelvin Michael. A brother for Hi 1 ovine John. WOOTTON -- John and Jean (nee Moss) announce the birth of their daughter at the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, April 15, 1961. Stock Abitibi Abit pr Acad-Atl Acad-Atl A Alta Dist Sales 685 300 200 $231 23 100 $20% 800 215 21 745 $31 50 $1 Alta Gas AltaGas pr AltaGas w Alta Nat G Alg Cen Alumini Alum 1 pr Alum 2 pr Argus Atlas Steel Atlas rts Auto El n Bank Mont Bank NS Bath P A 31 1 06% 106 SVIERESTING FAMILY HISTORIES Ya ean be written with clippings from The Oshawa Ties of Events BIRTHS, MENTS and WEDDINGS. Notice for these events are only $1.50. Wein them to the Classified or The Oshawa Cqumter RA DEATHS JOHNSTON, Charles Entered into rest iy at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Monday, April 17, 1961, Charles A. Johnston, in his 83rd year, beloved husband of Louise Ann cis and dear father of Charles W. Joision of Toronto, and John E, John- ston, of Ajax. Mr. Johnston will rest at the Ralph Day Funeral Home, 180 Dan- forth Avenue, after 7 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral service in the chapel on Thurs- day, April 20, at 3 p.m. Interment Resthaven Memorial Gardens. McINROY, Allin -- Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital, on Tuesday, April 18, 1961, Allin McInroy, beloved husband of Sarah Emily Quack- enbush, in his 82nd year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Memorial Service on Friday, April 21, 11 a.m. Interment Marmora Cemetery (approx. 3 p.m.) SZARKA, John Senlo Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Wednesday, April 19, 1961, John Szarka, beloved husband of Mary Kovacs, and father of John, Jr., fn his 77th year. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with high Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Church, Saturday, April 22, at 9 am. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. (Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Thursday evening.) GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all z10 $17% ag Tu 100 $17 1345 $36% 3% 3o%s -- 100 s21 21 45. $46 Bell Phone Bell Rts 450 34 id Brasil 151 450 450 451 $34 34 1010 $13% 13% 715 $35% 35 176 846% 46% 250 140 140 150 57 1% 250 295 z5 z5 z4 95 156 475 245 § z10 A Oil Be Forest BC Pow PC Phone BC Ph rts Cal Pow Can Cem CI Fndry Can Malt C Pack A C Pack B Can Perm C Bank C Cdn Brew C Br Alum CBAL A w Cdn Can A 100 C Chem 150 C Chem w 1200 C Collieries 6600 C Curt W 100 Dredge xd 100 C Frbks A 200 CGas w C Husky C Husky w C Ind Gas CIL Cdn Oil CPR Cdn Pet pr Cdn Salt C Tire A CWN Gas Col Cell Con Gas Crain RL Crestbrk Crestbrk pr Crush pr Dist Seag 140 26% $66% 66% 66% 1 10 $1 oa 660 $36% Biltmore pr 200 $13% 13% 13% * % = pri 28% -- Y% 20% -- Ys 72 0 $13% 13% 13% -- » 102% 102% -- 5 36% 36% -- 1 $50% 50 07 1 1050 $13% 12% 12% -- % GW Coal A Gr Wpg G Gr Wpg vt Horne Pf xr 175 Horne Pf rts 3550 Imp Bank 41 Imp Inv A 2415 Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep Inglis Inland Gas Int Util Inter PL Int St1 P Inv Syn Inv Syn A Jefferson Jockey C Jock C pr Jock wis Kelly D A Kelly wis Felvinator Labatt Latarge Lafarge A Lafarge wis 485 $6% 485 6% 5 $72 170 5 $43 170 43 $9% 5 355 110 $8 520 5 $9% $678 $10 10 235 235 240 235 $17 17 $13% $40% 40% 678 $31% 31% 16% $16% $16% 16s . Slits 13% Mid-! West 210 200 Molson A Nor Phone N Phone +. Oshawa A Page-Hers Pbina Pow Corp Premium $17% $24% $11% $543 300 250 250 225 100 54 300 R Little A Roe AV C Rothmans Royal Bank $14 14% $558 55% $4215 42% 42% 70% 70% Ya $1116 416 41% -- % 9 .. 350 $102 10% ne % $307 367% 133% Russell StL Cem A StL Corp St Maurice Salada-S Salada wis Selkirk A Seven Arts Shawin Shawin A Sicks Simpsons Slater Ind Slat Ind pr Southam Stafford St Pav Stedman Steel Can S Prop wis Suptest ord Texaco Tor- Dom Bunker Hill Camp Chib C Tung C Astoria C Dyno Candore Can-Erin Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore Chimo Trans-Mt Un Gas Vie G Tr Walk GW Webb Knp W Cop wis Weston A West A wis Wood J pr Woodwd A Curb Anglo-Nfld CD Sug C Paper Dupont Int Pap Price Br $51% 51% 51% $27% 27% 21% $77% TT% T1% $18% 18% 18% -- % Th THh--% 19% 19% 2% 42% 2 20 31% Nh --W 41% 49% 170 a3 Tig -3 Bs uo = $4l% OILS 100 335 335 335 700 825 800 810 500 265 265 265 265 $17% 17% 17% 100 121 121 12 90 420 1000 200 176 127 675 Py + 5 ri 10% -- % 10% C Regcourt Conwest Coprand Crowpat Deer Horn Denison Dome Duvan East Mal East Sull Elder Falcon Faraday Fatima Giant YK GF Mining Grandue Gulch Gunnar High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Inspiratn Int Nickel +235 ---15 --15 ~~" 1 Amurex Bailey § A + +15 +1 bi 800 800 1000 C Homestd Cent Del C Dragon C Mic Mac Gr Plains Home A Home B HB Oil G Jupiter Medal Nat Pete N Cont Northld Pac Pete Pamoil 14% 10% 21 ier 54 5 $1214 12% 12% -- % 300 48% 48 484% Maneast U Marcon Maritime Mentor Merrill 7550 6000 15100 Meta Uran 2300 t. Wrig Murray M 9100 Na Na! 4000 500 ma Cr t Expl New Hosco 5100 Ne No: N N Noi Cpemiska Qu Q randa Coldstrm 9875 Rank -3100 rsp A wt 100 315 100 e Lith Metal Quemont Ra Ra Re diore yrock alm Rio Algom 8 Rix Athab 7000 San Ant Sherritt 8's Starratt Steep R Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst Taurcanis Teck-H Temag Tombill Torbrit 1h 251% i Po a Fil 975 $20% Son on Say ~ 155 u Un 2600 4365 1000 6600 870 500 300 2020 coe 8 147 M7 154 1 65 65 167 138 500 1100 100 3200 1000 106 170 138 Asbestos Keno Ventures Violam Wasamac We rner Willroy Will wts Wiltsey Wr Harg Yellorex Young HG Zenmac Curb Bulolo s29%% 23% 23% $54 54 S54 40 40 40 $69% 68% 69 890 8; 49 18% 18 665 665 100 ales to 11 a.m.: §50,000, RA 8-62.6 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Continued from Page 25) | | | { | floral requirements for all occasions. 32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE HEINTZMAN upright piano in excellent| condition. Can be seen at second from last house on Varcoe's Road North, deluxe windshield, all| ed plywood hull, forward controls, 22/ §- deck hardware, | Alto motor, O 4870. SAVE -- Buy in bulk ohh typing pape; letter size, white newsprint, 415 Ib, pki i De-| OSHAWA BOAT, motor, trailer, $550. 14 ft. mould: | WINE and cider parrels, solid oak, al sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Elec | trie, Church, RA 3-7624. BED and springs, folding day bed and | mattress, two inside doors 2' 8" 8", sink taps, 8" centres. RA 3+ 4758, PORTABLE 17" TV new picture private. Phone RA 8-3064 after| $1.00, 9 Ib, pkg. $2.00. Cir partment, Oshawa Times. MOTORCYCLE, BSA, twin, n, $125 or best offer; Beagle hound, one year old, $20 'Telephone OL ! 5-3485. ELECTRIC range, Moffat, large rge size, in good condition. Reasonable, Tele: phone RA 8-23i PEDIGREE pram and | Lioyd stroller, in good condition. Telephone RA 5-6931, GAS stove, Inglis four burner apart- ment size, in excellent condition. Apply 621 King Street East. RA 5-5555. MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. R.R. 4, KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 IN MEMORIAM |ELECTROBOME, RCA Victor, Admiral. The finest in TV, Hifi and service, | highest trade-in allowances at Parkway | Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. pi TV on display. USED dresses and suits, size 14 to 18. Apply at 193 Simcoe Street South be- tween 1 and 5 Saturday afternoon. No telephone orders please, OFFICE desks, $10 up. Cash registers, adders, 'typewriters, New warranty on used equip. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn. ELECTRIC stove, bedroom suite, stereo hi-fi, floor polisher, corner table, kitch- en suite, desk and chair, bedspread canister set. Reasonable. RAS5-3292, OFFICE, butcher, 'restaurant equip. New, used, buy, sell, service. Bill Ham- ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. 7% HP Johnson motor, tion. Call RA 3-3779. BEATTY -- In loving memory of a --- father and grandfather, who pass- ed away April 18, 1959. His ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all, --Ever remembered by Merva Finnie and grandchildren. WINE and cider barrels, solid oak, all izes. Oshawa Hardware and Electric,) Church. RA 3-7624 ADMIRAL air-conditioner and double bed (box, spring and mattress). As new. Telephone 3-3274. USED parts and repairs for all makes| of wringer type washers, % hp motors | BEAUPRIE -- In loving memory of Oe UB aT Deas. hole Store. RA 33271, 44 Simcoe South. father, David, who passed away April BICYCLE boy's 28" "Sunshine", just 17, 1959; brother Jess who passed away been ovrehauled, good condition, original March 31, 1951. paint, whitewalls, kickstand. Nothing can ever take away 8-5927. 313 Frederick, Whitby. The love a heart holds deat, AUTOMATIC coin laundry service, Jud memories Bute Oa" pick-up and delivery, Telephone RA Sadly missed, son Irwin, 5108. law and grandchildren. PAINT, Interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street RA 3-7624, SELLING furniture 7. We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer con tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8- OFFICE , butcher, restaurant e. |New, used, buy, sell, service. Bill Hamilton, Ashburn, Brooklin, |PORTABLE greasing equipment , tire |changer, etc., CHARLTON ~-- In loving memory of |RA 50515 after 6 p.m. used furniture. Pretty's Used CHARLTON -- In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather who pa away April 19, 1958, Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never, --dovingly remembered by daughters Wilma, Gladys and families. H. Chariton, who passed away FREE bicycle with the purchase of every chesterfield or bedroom suite or George All i. 1958. oved him on earth, he is dear to dining room suite on special sale! These are brand new two wheel bikes, But n Sriet we must bow to God's boys' or girls' models. Hurry -- This holy will, offer is good for limited time only! ow 2 id is great and loss heavy | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe | South. FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the best. Eat better for less 80% groceries sup- plied, al: well-known pro- ducts, highest quality meats, Life-time warranty freezer, the only one guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. No down payment. Ca!l now for Demonstration -- no obliga- tion. RA 5-3709 But "nes our loved one, will tend with ca Lovingly emembered by wife Peggy and sons Tom and Billy. | CORBY -- In loving memory of al dear mother and grandmother, Almira | Corby, who passed away April 19, 1959. Just a thought of sweet remembrance Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection And a heartache still for you. --Sadly missed by daughter Gladys, son-in-law Arthur and grandchildren. DOBKO -- In loving memory of our dear father, John Dobko, who passed away April 19, 1957. You suffered with courage, We knew not your pain, You fought to get well But all was in vain. When God called you home WE pay highest prices in the city Ay 5 '|each. RA 3- six months old. Phone to $8 nteed reconditioned wash- ers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp- | ton, CO 3-2241. | AWNINGS, canvas, prompt service,! free estimates, Chair, table rentals. | | Cleve Fox. 412 Simcoe North, | VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner ns Ser- vice, RA 80591 anytime. PAINT compressor, spray panting phone. RA ONE cook on with two 7-inch pipes and elbow, w grates, $10. Also two used hg tries 670 by 15, $2.50 60. MARKETPLACE that never Hoses is your Classified section. If you have any- thing to buy or sell just call RA 3-3492 for a friendly Want Ad taker to help you place your ad. |FOR SALE -- 300 egg electric hot water incubator, in new condition. RA| 5-5953. MA 3.5038, | SMALL "baby "erib 20" by 40" . all com- | plete, very good condition, Telephone | A 5-384. HI-FI "record player Electrohome por-| |table, $45. Call RA 5-4557 KOETING dual track tape recorder, half price. Call RA 5.3710 between 9 and 4 p.m, Ask for Rex. BOAT cedar strip 15' long x 55" wide, | 5' front deck and centre deck. Good | condition. Telephone RA 5-336. | EASY spin dry washing machine, runs | perfectly, cheap, also spring filled dou-| ble bed sized mattress, in excellent | condition. RA 5-8008, THREE demonstrator sewing ma- chines, one vacuum cleaner, going at | cost. Also Melmac dinner ware. Call] RA 5-9559. s bicycle, in good condition, rea-| . May be seen at 112 Frederick | | ONE Puritron, small size, one portable | radio, one pair balance wheels for child's bike. RA 8-4533. To His garden of rest. It's true what they say, He takes only the best. ~ Ever remembered by son William, Mary, Robert and Jo-Ann. | Trade your car on a boat. Inquire about eur special low rates on Marine Insurance and financing SMITH' g SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. A 8-5912 WILBUR -- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Gary Thomas, who passed away April 19, 1959. Two little hands are resting, A loving heart is still, A little son we loved is waiting For us just over the hill. EVINRUDE outboard motor, 5% HP,| 1959 model, in good condition. RA] 8-8459. | PIANO, $75, ideal for recreation room. Telephone RA 8-8901. BOY'S suit for sale, size 12, condition. Telephone RA 8-8148, LEAVING country -- electric and wood combination stove, washing machine, | juicer, girl's bicycle, skis, sewing ma- | chine, very reasonable. Last day, Fri-| "in good | ~--Lovingly remembered by mommy, daddy, Sharon and Dougie. CARD OF THANKS FLETT -- We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy, and beautiful floral tributes re- ceived from our many friends, neigh- bors, and relatives during our recent loss of a dear husband and father. Spe- BOAT AND MOTOR FIBRE GLASS BOAT BROOKLIN: OLiver 5-3641 Completely Equipped. 1961 18 h.p. MOTOR, $995. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. day. 729 Lakeview Avenue. WHY suffer arthritis pain? Have a privjte soothing binet steam bath, shower and mas: in- cluding heat lamp. For aprointment joleplione RA 8.4501. 204 King Street ast, T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- | or rheumatic cial thanks to Dr. J. P. G. Maroosis, Dr. A. Halam-Andres 204 the staff of 2A, and to Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson and Albert Street United Church. Thanks also to the Armstrong Funeral Home for their kindness, . C. Flett and family. COTTAGE SPECIAL 2210" x 17°10" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127, $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens ond wooden Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M. RA 8-4614 SUDDARD -- Mrs. W, T. Suddard wishes to thank the staff of the Oshawa General Hospital, Doctors Witzel and Rundle and the many kind friends for cards and acts of kindness, during her recent stay in hospital. SNIDER SIDELINED LOS ANGELES (AP)--Duke Snider's right elbow is frac- tured and he'll be out of action three to four weeks, the Dodger baseball club said Tuesday. X- rays showed the extent of the injury suffered when the right| fielder was hit by a ball pitched by Bob Gibson of St. Louis Car-| dinals in the fifth inning of Monday night's game. channel antenna, all galvan- ized, gu ed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. Eost, RA 8-6781. 33--Swap and Barter 1954 DODGE convertible for best °54 '55 haf-ton pick-up truck offered Telephone MO 8.5110. | |35--Legal TENDER FOR ST. CHRISTOPHER'S SCHOOL Sealed tenders plainly mark- ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the undersigned not later than FRIDAY, May 5, construction of a six class. room addition. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of the Architect, upon de- posit of $50.00 for each set of documents. Drawings may be seen at the following places: Office of the Architect, Toronto Toronto Builders' Exchange Deposits will be returned to bidders when all documents are returned in good order within 30 days of closing date of tender. A 10% Bid Bond shall be included with the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEO. C. N. TONKS, Architect 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto. TORONTO (CP)--A director of Dimensional Invest ments Limited said Tuesday night the firm lost some $1,800,000 as the result of its attempt to purchase 3,100 acres of Indian land near Sarnia. Howard Ray said he was "to- tally confused and surprised" by the federal government's ac- tion Tuesday cancelling the 1959 contract between Dimensional and the Sarnia Indian band. Citizenship Ministey Fair- clough had understood the ~on- tract wouldn't be terminated "so long as the Indians were willing to have it extended." He said the total cost of the transaction to Dimensional, in- cluding that of drawing up the contract, interest charges, and legal and surveying fees would have been $8,000,000. Of this, $6,500,000 was to go to the In- dians as the sale price. The government cancellation, he said, wiped out only $4,200, 000 of the firm's outstanding lia- bility. Total revenue from tales of $2,000,000, including a $1,232, 000 sale to the Ontario Hydro NOTICE THE BOARD OF TRUS- TEES OF THE ROMAN could have completed acquisi- tion of all the lands before the deal fell through." MUST NEGOTIATE He said Hydro now is back in the position of having to mego- tiate with the Indians for the rest of the land. Mr. Bryden said that under the agreement between Hydro) and the company, Dimensional Investments was supposed to have conveyed title of the two parcels of land to Hydro not later than Sept. 11, 1960. "It not only failed to meet this deadline, but it never did con- vey the land and it is now out of the picture altogether. . . ." Mr. Bryden said the two small parcels of land are vital to Hy- dro's plans because they are astride one actual and one pro- jected Hydro transmission line. "Hydro has no apparent way of getting this land except by paying a very high price in ad- dition to the $1,250,000 it has al- ready paid," Mr. Bryden said. "The land now reverts to the Indians and Hydro's power of Indian Land Deal Cost Firm Thousands | expropriation are ineffective |against Indians. , .." Mr. Bryden called the report of a royal commission that in- vestigated the Hydro purchase a "whitewash." '"This is a shocking state of affairs which now has been reached because the provincial |government and Hydro per- mitted public funds to be used to finance an ill - conceived scheme of private speculators." Mr. Justice George McGilliv- ray of the Ontario Court of Ap- peal said in his 133-page report last November there was no evi- dence of wrongdoing by Hydro in the purchase. . . . There has been no sub- stantiation of any allegations of; impropriety, negligence or care- less judgment," he said. Ener gy Resources Minister Macaulay, second vice - chair- man of Hydro, said the basic allegations against Hydro were that either Hydro had paid too much for the land or the In- dians had been "fleeced" by Di- mensional Investments. Electric Power Commission, left a net outstanding liability of $1,800,000. CHIEF 1S AMAZED Chief Telford Adams of the Indian band said he was amazed and disappointed at the government's action. "You would think that some- one with the department of In- dian affairs or the minister her- self would have contacted us to inform us of her action before making a public statement," he said. But he allowed that the can- cellation may have been the re- sult of "a kind of a mixup." The chief said the Indian council had voted in favor of the government delaying action until a meeting could be called to determine the wishes of the band. He said he read to E. H. Pat- terson, Sarnia superintendent of Indian affairs, a telegram to this effect which he wished sent to Ottawa. Mr. Patterson ap- parently was under the impres- sion the chief planned to send CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE CITY OF OSHAWA 357 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA, ONT. fi TAKE NOTICE THAT the cbove-mentioned Board of Trustees on the 11th day of April, 1961, passed By-law Number 19 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue ond sale of Debentures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of $120,000.00. 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for constructing and equipping a six-room addition to St. Christopher's School, in the City of Oshawa. 2. The amount to be borrowed is $120,000.00 on the security of the said De- bentures, which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and premises and any other real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trustees and upon the separate school rates. 3. The Debentures are' to be dated the 15th doy of March, 1961, are to be in the denomination of not less than $100.00 each, cond are to bear interest at the rate of 64% per annum payable annually on the 15th doy of March in each year and are to be repayable in varying instalments of prin- cipal on the 15th day of March in the years 1962 to 1981, both inclusive, the aggregate omount of principal and interest pay- able in each year of the cur rency of the Debentures being approximately equal. FRANK E. SHINE, Bus/Adm. ond Secretary-Treasurer, FIGHTS LAST the telegram himself. At any rate, the telegram wasn't sent. Many Indian families have ob- tained extensive credit on the strength of the sale, Chief Ad- ams said, and "now there is no money to pay their bills." WILL FORFEIT MONEY Federal officials said the cific purpose of buying the land, | will forfeit some $2,682,500 in principal and interest already paid the Indians. All the land except 464 acres resold by Di- mensional will revert to the In- dians. A controversy which sur- rounded the resale of 175 acres to the Ontario Hydro within days of the purchase broke out anew Tuesday. Statements by Ontario Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer and Kenneth Bryden, CCF financial critic in the legislature, branded the Hydro purchase an exercise 34--Lost & Found = WRISTWATCH, lady's gold Bulova, em- braceable. RA 3.7411 daytime; after 6 p.m. RA 8-8605. $5 REWARD on return of black, white and tan hound, answering to name of] Duke. e. Telephone RA 5-2671. ONE pair men's glasses, dark frames, in brown case, owner's name and] phone number inside frame.Reward phone MA 3-7114 Bowmanville, collect, 35 "Legal ot be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by anyone on or after this date, April 12, 1961, without = written consent. ELLY NIGHT In the resale agreement Hy- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dro paid about $7,000 an acre London Joe Brown, 134,/for a 175-acre plot. Baton Rouge, La., outpointed jar Wintermeyer said cancel. Dave Charnley, 134%, England d, | tion of the contract means 15. (Brown retained world light. Hydro paid $1,250,000 for an "in- {weight title). {complete deal. : | Two small parcels of land, omaha en ejandro Lave with a combined total of 2.208 stopped Ww ayne Womochil, 194, | acres: Vers past of Hydo's id Omaha, 2 veyed to Hydro. The matter Buenos Aires -- Eder Jofre, now is before the courts. 123%, Argentina, knocked out| "This demonstrates bad busi-| Ray, 120% Dutch ness dealings," Mr. Winter meyer said. "Surely Hydro Guiana, 2 company, formed for the spe-| "FOR LADIES ONLY! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE to win the frisky French car that's turned femi nine heads from coast to coast--La Renault Dau- phine. Enter the big Ogilvie Contest. It's only open to | Cake Mix adies. 360 other prizes--so your chances of winning are high. Full details on packa Ogilvie "Stay-Fresh Recipe". C. ges of new ake Mixes. Hurry to your food store today. SPECIAL | MEETING of all Senior Citizens of Oshawa and are receiving 0 will be held in 44 Bond St. E. on District who Id Age Pension the U.A.W. Hall Friday, April 21st at 2.00 p.m. BUSINESS DISCUSSION "IMPROVED STANDARD OF LIVING of contract deadlocks in Tor- onto's construction industry this summer were strength ened Tuesday when a second union ngthen manage- ment's rights, exclude foremen from bargaining units, eliminate travelling time, and gain recog- nition of the Ontario Jurisdic- tional Disputes Commission as sole arbiter of differences over work assignments. The unions are seeking wa increases ranging from 25 to cents an hour; a shorter work week; welfare plans; the right to honor picket lines approved by the Toronto Building Trades" Council; increased vacation pay and more statutory holidays. broke off negotiations with the Toronto Builders' Exchange. Officials of Local 598, Inter- national Association of Opera- tive Plasterers and Cement Ma- sons (CLC), indicated the union will likely apply for conciliation following a membership meet- ing Thursday. The International Union of Operating Engineers sought conciliation earlier this week. All present agreements expire April 30. An exchange spokesman said the industry is attempting to hold the line of wage increases and rewrite the present agree- WATER WELL The deepest water well in the British Isles is one 2,842 feet down in the Staffordshire coal measures at Smestow. A travel agent, free ..with every TCA ticket! IF YOU WORRY about time tables, connections, hotel reser- vations, costs--DON'T: The man to help you--at no charge --is your Travel Agent! He'll tell you about low-cost Economy Fares-- lower-cost Excursion Fares, valid until May 31st. He'll make your reservations on DC-8 Giant Jets, famous Viscounts or the great new TCA Vanguard. In fact, he'll plan and order and reserve everything for you, and there's no cost to you (except, perhaps, if you request some special out-of- pocket expenses). So: When you travel, fly TCA! And be- fore you do, ask your Travel Agent. TCA: COAST TO COAST IN CANADA, T0 THE U.S. - FLORIDA - BERMUDA - NASSAU - BAHAMAS - WEST INDIES - GREAT BRITAIN AND FIVE COUNTRIES IN EUROPE! COMPARE THE FARE-YOU'LL GO BY AIR! For Example: 'TORONTO-VANCOUVER 1 66.00 Weekday Excursion Return Effective until May 31 TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES AIR CANADA Book Through DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS E.--WHITBY--MO 8-3304 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST .EAST OSHAWA RA 8-6201 1 FOR OLD- AGE PENSIONERS SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Ltd. «22 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 3-9441

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