24 THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, April 19, 196) Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. Mandey » I 7--Troilers |14--Employment Wanted CLASSIFIED AD RATES refrigerators, home of five school-age EVERYTHING for trailers. Gas heat-|$500 NEEDED by end of June lo, dave it! 18--Male or Female Help Wanted 25--Apts. & Flats for r Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent ing, lighting, cooking, awnings. Special mitencs: service. Miller WH 2-3491 USED boat trailer ale of hand.|Perienced. RA 8-259. 25 words or less Cash Charge accessories, jer is willing to try any 3 CONSECUTIVE RA 8-6 If not paid within. 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at a later date constitute a new original Cook's Trailer Sales HWY. 2, COURTICE RA 8-0887 SPORTSMEN -- Take your vork. Telephone RA 8-3 order. | Professional and Business listings fomily to your favorite lake lady. RA 3.3710. $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, + ith t | | PRACTICAL nurse Jere position Each odditional line $1.60 per or stream wi a trove Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone month. trailer. 5-3938 or RA 5-8277. Each initial letter, abbreviation, | WOMAN will from 2 to 5, type of work from dressmaking to truck driving. Ex- NSERTIONS 225 24 ant ---- 6 RTI 3 ling inboard at 18'. Phone Hampton, | EXPERIENCED manager, or si INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 Colfax 3-2075. ant manager, requires position in serv- = lice Station, garage, or small business. MIDDLE aged single man wants work las caretaker, watchman ar Jighe farm | RELIABLE woman will i sit five |days a week, or will care for elderly I REGISTERED LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Wanted for Civil Service Grade 11 position in Medical Research Unit. Considerable responsibility, professional at- mosphere, no shift = work. Apply Superintendent, The Ontario Hospital, Whitby, On- tario, RA 20--Room and Board take care of children (527 Albert Street. for gentlemen. Apply couple preferred. Available now. (Ab- (frigerator, automatic gas stove, heat de-humidifier, TV outlet, laundry room, bath, refrigerator, stove, pi pid r. [NEAR ( ocvi, THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, FIVE - room apartment, garage and MODERN basernent apartment, com. FOUR-ROOM apartment and three. [BOWMANVILLE -- oders private bath, sink, built-in" cupboards. to oun in villige, _ paved road, close plete]y self-contained, unfurnished.{room. Available immediately. Tele. three rooms, Klichenette' 3nd batnsoom Apply 145 Albert Street. to Oshawa and Bowmanville. COHaX|Residensfhl district. ww bus service. phone RA 5-3938. ___ | washer, dryer, M Apart aD | Telephone evenings A 15-7928. V ia THREE-ROOM furnished ~apartm SRE TE Sache h : yen APARTMENT. one room, kitchen, built- | main sires "5 "ost: Alo sare "on built-in cupboard in kitchen. Tete. | eme stree! TAT lite ol 20 Nassau apartment, separate entrance ni SOUTH END -- three-room apartment, in sink and cupboards, private bath, | Jision. ath. Central. Quiet tenant. Telephone !arge bright. air-conditioned, laundry | 495 Dunkirk Avenue, RA 3.3201. SIMCOE 1 SARE SOUTH -- two-beds ivy 39800 after 6 p.m. facilities, very convenient. RA 8-282] or| -- eS -------------- --= = |room apartment, furnished, private en. PARK Lane Apartment, SPACIOUS WO: | mor RA 5 . BRIGHT, clean ground floor apart. trance. Telephone RA 3-3989. bedroom. suites, elevator service, ba TWO large rooms, "furnish. (ment, three rooms with stove. Immedi-| gas, MONTHLY, fo Po -------- conies, stove, refrigerator, controlled ed for light housekeeping - including PARTLY furnished three (large) room ate possession. Business or SEN | ungurnish bird our-room ~apartmen entrances. Contact Don Howe Realtor. electric refrigerator and stove, use of apartment, with bath upsta 10 min. couple preferred. RA 8-8823 after 6.30. |. oy Rished, share bathroom and hare; IRA 5-7732. washing machine and dryer. Central toutes walk to Soutn Gener: Motors. |s45 MONTHLY -- two-room apartment, | -- ne RA 3-4083. | in {downtown and shopping centre. Suit!Suit couple or two en. Tele: An new OO Rpal in eu 555 MONTHLY, three-room apartment, |AVAILABLE now / four-room up: | working _couple, $15 weekly. RA 5-5227. phone RA 5-8439. i 4 ' close to bus, sink and. cupboards im {apartment, heat and lights, My duty [+ |boards, sink, stove cable, suit couple. kitchen, stove, Availabl supplied, fenced yard. Children wel NEWLY decorated three-room Dat, FOUR} ROOM apartment, i, refrigerator, Telephone RA 8.8848. [0301 A vailable May 1. RA me. ble rent. Apply 777 also one furnisi room, on ground stove tower, washer, dryer, am- . bofiroom apartia rena Street. floor. Apply 110 Albert Street be. ple parking, con benient to south plant. NEW modern. one. + Srwbelioom smarty HREE-room apartment, heated, near THREE.ROOM fiat, private bathroom, 'cen il am. and 8 p.m Tejephone RA 3:2 ___|Park Road - Adelaide Street ; broad So108 or RAS at door. Telephone RA heavy duty wiring, business or elderly FOUR - T00M Uysairs apartment, re. BASEMENT ERE "three rooms, loom, tastefully ~ decora colored "* 3.7534. five rooms, tile ba bath, $ and c sign, figure, counts as a || 9--Summer Properties daytimes, in her own RoE RE : d hydro, $65 monthly. One child wel- partly furnished if desired on bus line, paved parking. Must see to appreciate. private entr: "hi word, Box charge 15¢ additional. {home. Call daytimes RA 8-3367 ROOM and board for one or two gentle stainers). Can be seen at 143 Albert an 3 ance. one Joseph Bosco, All Classified | Advertisements for Sale or Rent SR men, willing to share, single beds, | Street. come, RA 3.3757 Betweey 3 and 6 p.m. adults. RA 5-161 IRA 85 | Realtor, RA 5.987 must be in by 5 pm. the day be- llgorig ISHED private Ti unches packed, laundry done. Televi- 4 2 A private summer de- fore publication * except. Births, I EA ABLISHED puvale summer 91 ATTENTIO N | |sion. RA 5.1753. Memoriams, Cards of Thanks which Hoply, Cottage built. Financing no' prob- | IROOM and board or room only, newly * will be accepted until 9 am. lem $2.000 equipped playground, For/ EUROPEAN EXPERTS |decorated, good home cooking, central, Dead! for Lost and Found ond {lbrochure, W. M. Trewin, 964 Weller seven minutes' walk to. four corners or . Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office Street, erborough. | hospital. Apply 240 Division, | Hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12. |For eT Tho hedioom). LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES 5 REGULATIONS | cottage, on Canal Lake, 60 miles from J ork 22--Store Space & Garages, The Oshawa Times will not be {Whitby monthly or weekly. Telephone House Eantng: ro WOK [STORE for rent, 1633, central, loca-| responsible for errors In advertise- |i E " ee Ey Furniture Cleon ition, parking facilities. Telephone RA' nt bmitted otherwise than in J/CRYSTA Springs Lodge, onfield, ing. ce floors = window | 53-0081, RA 5-9544. i sabi inc for "more than one ||Ont.. Housekeeping cottages, excellent ing ' CATAG £7 > = ies [Accountants Building Trades |Gardening and Supplies {Money to Loan [Plumbing a and nd Heating Imaorree reartio \ i" % f ndy beach, beautiful . ¥ +E for rent. su ta e for car or} i Tare RH ES CRO Re incorrect insertion of aw adver. fishing surroundings. eas { boat, consider hig t_construction,/H, E. DEWAR and _Co., Accountants|ALL TYPES of home repairs and re. SPRING eanup, roio-tilling. plough. | |PLUMBING and heating pipes, #t- tisement, nor beyond the price ji -- res FREE ESTIMATES central location, 3.9396, land Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On- | modeling, recreation *ooms, roofing |INE_elc elephone 310 8-8306. | mm fixtures, new and used, eh gharged for a single insartion of [For SALE Summer cottage at Little |tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-2221/ Workmanship guaranteed. Free esti- !GOOD well roited manure, reasonable, | jing from septic tank to sewer a "ne e advertisemen in whic error ake, urnishe el edroom cl 2 pip-- - TT to {mates. R RA 3-2413. } occurs. And also reserve the right |conveniences, 60 miles from Oshawa.] CALL MR. STEVE - 9-12 AM. | % ROPRINS and. Company, Certh|™ 3 _ delivery anywhere, RA 8.0008. cialty. Installations at reasonable rates. i | . " i Information and estimates f to classify advertising according to [|For further description and location, fied Public Accountants, 172 King St. EAVESTROUGHING, and GARDENS and lawns "roto-tilled and 3 type of plumbing. Dial RA Tae, any is own classification iphone OX 1.3212, Toronto RA 3-7237 East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 35-3509. roofing, repairs and new work. All made ready for spring planting and LOAN Foley S.441. J. In the case of display advertise- igor SALE -- North Bay area. Sub FOR RENT WILSON and BURROWS, Charferea Work fully guafanteed. Estimates. RA seeding. Dial RA 5985. i ee Ae ments The Times will not be held Ljivided summer property consisting of 16--F le Help Wanted Accountants, 3'% Simcoe Street South, * oT FOR sale good, rotten rich manure, UNUSU AL offers. get response when responsible for more space than |ljodge, six cottages plus seven lots, Out --fFemaie elip anfe Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA, 17 pees PES ow id inspect before you buy. Telephone RA M made in "Personals", Dial RA 3-3493 that in which the actual error Isicenc vdro, phone, complete: | civics: . nn L uilding repairs, roofing, geag onies for all types of mort- to advertise yours, occupies. The publishers endeavour [1 Ten icant . 3 pine Tors fo NURSE, full time, for doctor's office Passenger elevator service, |G. Edmond Burrows, CA. RA 82571. |. veciroughs, chimneys, fireplaces, Se H goges: for first end second r ; "advertisi i buyer ) 10/Gtate full particulars to Box 646 Osh. | New building. Centrolly lo- |YALE. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and sidewalks, stoops. RA 8.0394 Gordon LEN-DEL garden service, lawns cut $ $ - duce ail. advertising matter Ieuit buver. Niness forces sale. Box 827, |, [0 in ey Ney bo A ar Y Co.. Accountants and auditors. Li- May and cared for, reasonable rales, new mortgages on oll types of real | Rug--Upholstery Service fn - v O'S n i . censed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King -- --- m--- r-- sub-division, landscaping a specialty estate incl ni n ' THESTER VIE TR i Surecies ny. Jom TWO and three bedroom cottages, elee- CHILDRE Ao, ig Bg kept Moderate rent, Leases now reet East Oshawa: B. L. Yale. CA: PAINTING, windows cleaned, carpen- RA 5.2706 or RA 5919 hole : Hii 9 vieon tanas: CHLSTERE JELDS reuphoisiered and m ono tric lights, refrigerators, excellent fish. = &€ 2 ye available Friedlander B, Comm., CPA try work, good workmanship, free - ] a therein, awa Times. oie, : . 1 tes. MO 8.8386 LOAM, manure, sod, sand and gravel, y rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, eh ry Td Bas. BS RECITENED murs veavired Tor MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and "2 c® reasonable rates. Telephone RA 8-666 ders; rs) and second 75 Charles Street, RA 3.7212, * ges time work in dociors office. Reply THE TIMES 52s Chartered Arcounianis, RA 335%, SEPTIC Ake cleaned the sanitary mongan: Se UPHOLSTERY at its best for leas. We stating age and qualifications to Box Sine new $ instal A fi HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 4 . specialize in chesterfields, re-covered, NEW BUSINESS DURF'S CAMP on HAY BAY [g57 oshawa Times WH 20890 A, 204 Chestnut West. Phone MO 8-2563 i M. Swartz, 262 King Street re-modeleld, repaired. Free estimates, North Shore, Napanee, Ont. | WATTRESS wanted. Apply Genosha BUILDING BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, wood! A complete garden service, East, Oshawa, Telephone RA | €3sY terms. RA 5.3608. i U li d N b Good and bad fishing ---- Hotel, Coffee Shop, Mr. MacArthur Service. & omplete bookkeeping Service. working. all floor coverings. Free esti Tiana , fertilizing. power 3.4697. CHESTERFIELDS re-buili recovered, nliste umbers | Pike, Bass, Muskie, Pickerel, '["Apy to look after one pre-school age Contact T. L. WILSON RAS Se ¥ mates. Work guaranteed. RA 8.0850. rolling Now. is the time to kill lke few. Woy pay more? Our rates | Store on grounds, V-bottom child, live in. Attractive wages. Phone tact T. L. WILSO? RA S760 oh aioe ot hkaesd, [Mortgages re unable. Sahistaction susranteed. . = Bore houcdkesnmg coticges, [YUKon 39807. $5 Phone RA 3-3474 |Acchitects THINKING OF SPRING Satine sodding, TWIST IFIRST end revere mee [Co 10 Bona Strdet West. Bink FA c t AITRESS, cperienced, nights -- n nd c 2 ye ' by pL mortgages. Sale 5.0311. BERNIE'S | Special rates: Clubs Large |W EITCETS, oe Steady employment, MAYER and Brzosowicz, Arch.Eng, hointing ond Decorating stock, agreements purchased and sold. Hen.| coo ooo em APPLIANCE SERVICE Parties. RA 5-5416 Oshawa; Food wages. Apply 5 Bloor East 23--Wanted to Rent The Times Building, Oshawa, Ont Baked enomel aluminum sid- nick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King CHESTERFIELDS nd old chairs re- | IMCOE NOR R { Napanee 354-3644. WANTED -- housekeeper - companion, | APPLIANCE buyers are Checking oo unlisted _ telephone RA 3153) ing? Stone veneer over a RA 5. 1721 Stroh Fast. RA am) - at Modern Opholstaring: hy Rd 3 Si OE NORTH g ear) | preferrably middle-aged, for elderly Classified right now. Dial RA 3.3492 to po icg ore portion of the front wall? CARR FIRST and second mortgages ar- South. Call RA 86451 for a free esti a y authorized ser- woman, in well equipped village home, 'start "n ad on the ones you want to w Schatzmann, Mortgage Mate. vice depot fo Ico, Moffat, | STURGEON LAKE north of Whitby. References. Phone sell FONALD RAKE DODDS. Barrister SATISFACTION Yon Belle Gardens ', Whitby Professional Building, -- G.E., Westing etc. | Gormley 5654 ROOM WANTED -- Business man, re- and Solicitor, 2612 King Street East GUARANTEED MA 3-5757 - BOWMANVILLE 3. Rugs and Upholstered Furni= i . ] COMPTOMETER operator for manu- tired, total abstainer, non-sme ve. Telephone: Business RA 32201 Resi- nagir ost. Nothing ( 44 East No 3 y RA 5 O- 1 179 BEEHIVE PARK ESTATES facturing company in Ajax, experience quires room, breakfast, private family, dence, RA 8-5 An Inquiry Cost Nothing 3 miles Eost on 2) = MORTGAGES. -- ture expertly cleaned. I - 2 (ECUTIVE SUMMER | Wilh standard cost preferable. For ap. no other roomers, no children, £lose 10 yUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN and -- 3 AJAX REPAIR AND LAWN FERTILIZER SEGER'S | SICKROOM EQUIPMENT NEW EXECUTIVE SUM! pointment, call Mr. Rimmer, WHitehall bus. Write Box 544, Oshawa Times MAN. Barristers, Solicitors; R CONSTRUCTION LTD 80 Ib = lv 4.50 Arranged, Bought, Sold HOMES BUILT on lorge [21540 Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn, BA: ' S. only 4. Company and. Private Monies RUG & UPHOLSTERY FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | waterfront lots in new regis- REGISTERED or graduate nurse. 24--Houses for Rent Ww Hillman, LLB; 36%; King Streel 110 King Street East, Oshawa PEAT MOSS. SEEDS. ETC 5-6544 CLEANERS ter H t be ion v ek t na 25-bed ursing __. ooo East. Phones fice es 5 3 SS, Si 3 pr 8 e Hospital beds, wheel chairs, | '€ ed private subdivisic ith I De ea Dee SEVEN-ROOM house, newly decorat- RA 5.4604 or Whitby, MO 82761; RA RA 8.5108 _. POTTED PLANTS, GUARAN Jechn A. J. Professional cleaning at lower . | a 'Florida' motif; most un- ed, automatic oil heat, near Park 5.5203. Money to loan - ' 2 prices. invalid walkers bedsides | A RELIABLE housekeeper, live in, for Road and Adel: ediate a | TEED NURSERY STOCK, | od teh | usual and beoutiful in the TAREE 0 ole: lady partly dis a An A os JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici PUMPING | comp LE T E LANDSCAPE B 0 L A H 0 9) D RA 5-7488 ecommodes, crutches and | Kowortho lakes, safe natural abled. Good home desired more than iy RA 8.1203 fhe Be Muay ne RIDE Street | ER E, FERTILIZING Limited Realtor: i To an 1 ll-awav bed } o ch beautiful g ply 738, O: = East, RA 3-2 NHA and private | 5 : canes, also roll-oway beds. | sand beach, large beautiful big wages. Apply to Box, 138, OSAWA | pypnteHED sevenroom two-storey mortgages arranged SEPTIC TANKS » | Member Ontario Mortgage | RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS Phone A Rentals RA 5-1644 | shade trees, canal 40' wide at home on Colborne Street East. No mah - _ Brokers kers Association - : H + of lots with sheltered EARN $33 WEEKLY plus a free ward- subletting. Available May 15. Tele. RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. BERT TOMPKINS rs CLEANED Teof 1015 in your spare time. Just show phone RA 3-4882 i GREER. Associate Barristers and Soll A 9 OSHAWA CASEY'S BARBER SHOP dock or boathouse for each sion Frocks to friends. No Invest. |i. = citors. 130 King Street East. RA 8-6246 IIS M RT A | Professional Cleaning. ate | lot : canvassing, experience neces- Fol R-BOOM house and garage, sink Mortgage loans available NEWTONVILLE ACME HAULAGE | Home or Plant. sary. Write: North American Fashion ater cl , ce, heat. pore V. MACKEY, B.A. Barrister, . | i ' Grandview, Beguty Solon QUALITY with every conven- . |Frocks. Lid. 3425 Industrial Blvd. [2d With stoves. Rent reasonable. APPLY Soy itor, ' Notary Public, 3614 _King Clorke 4721 LTD. Mone Available Nernisers of the Nationol 132 Town Line r ience is built into each of Dept, G-. Montreal 29. TRACE RORY Street East. RA 8-2381 Res YU 5.2127, ~------ GRAVE ONE nstitute of Rug Cleaning. 23 King Street East { GIR, with junior matriculation requir- A "TIVE. comfortable new five. RAVEL -- STON | th r hydro SIRT, i ! "ql i ; hid THOMAS M. RUNDLE, Barriste R ; i En i Exper Service | ea alumbing, cd for addressing and mailing division 100%, M4 Yh VRS, One Rd cor ana Notary Pubic, 261 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Payments to suit NU-WAY -- RA 8-4681 aiking for 5 { dnl rN > ' typing and filing experence helpful." _ Street one RA 8-1763 1 O A M Your Free RA 8 a cary modern kitchens, fireplace, Apply D A. Houiden, General Printers pe 720, - --_ nen RASER ART Erie WASHERS AND DRYERS! Budget Steam Baths - » Ores Amited, 7 ichmond Street West, Osh-/ FOUR - bedroom bungalow, one year oa " , R a TT Ey Sa --- -- hott ll E complete interior decorating | (7 old, $95 monthly, south west area. Jo. Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Henry FRANK MEAGHER 5 RA 3-3528 | ALLIED INVESTMENTS WHY SUFFER arthritis or rheum. plus diol, telephone with pri- ded 8 tos, Seph Bosco Realtor. RA 5.9870. Block, 26% King Street East, RA TE | COMPANY pain? Have a private soothing cabi We speciclize in washing | vate or 2-party line. Priced RELIABLE Rouseknepss "RA 8. ae IX-ROOM, beds house, 1 Residence, Dial RA 34083 | steam bath, shower and massage in- fot ae an im nae Ed vy) five-day week. Telephone 7 for|SIERO0 three-be ropm ose, Sune FRASER. DRYNAN and APPLIANCES LANDSCAPE cluding heat lamp. For appointment Deel na ang - 10 jepa rs, } appointment mmm-- nea LLANE POstesHion. elephove M , Barristers, Solicitors, No- | 51 KING ST. E. RA 3.3993 telephone RA 3-501. 204 King St. East. ealer in reconditioned furni- | EXPERIENCED waitress required eve. ° EAE --L---- tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, 92 Simcoe St. N., RA 5.4711 \ i Member Ontario Mor Sse od ture and appliances | LOCATION: 4 miles west of pings. Telephone RA 5-9353 SEPTIC fanks cleaned the sanitary 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3446; T. K : by Holland Landscaping | Ontario Mortgage |g, veyors Gib | Bobcaygeon on the Fenelon -- way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, QC: N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K Spring Clean-U Brokers Association AR Si re SUPERIOR APPLIANCE Fells. H 1 ns | 204 Chestnut West. Phone MOhawk G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort 11 1H pring p DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, On. alls Hwy. lorge signs ot | 2.2563 arral NURSERY STOCK i i tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue. C ye d road all the | - 336 mrranged , ursing services printing. 12 Bloor - Street SERVICE entrgrice, paved ooo a the SIX-ROOM house on Annis Street TJ MURPHY, BA, LL) You too can have fine = prnting. oor - Street East. RA RK ST A we owner on property every " Available May 1. Telephone RA 8-8139 Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street grounds. Each customer gets for ANVIL ave ome H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario R 7 - R s i .297 t : » LILA " ni io ST. RA 18-4873 | a ternoon, including week GOOD POSITION, for further particulars East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8-207] BU | LDERS personoiized service according |c/o Canadian Statesman, PO Box 190, Land Surveyors, ze Jhaelaide Avenue six-room bungalow, to his need, taste and budget. | East. Phone RA 5.68: ends { TYPING ESSENTIAL, | PONTIAC Avenue, JAMES A. MacDONALD, B.A. Bowmanville, Ontario. VALLEY R | ossession May 30. Rent 110 monthly rrister and Solicitor and Not - p -- CREEK |12--Articles Wanted Telephone RA 81679. Harry Millen lic. The Commercial Building, 26 King Recreation rooms, bathrooms, | For reliable service call INDIVDUAL care for each person in|G. T. HORTON and | TIT On FURNITURE Yada a ey -- TELEPHONE EXPERIENCE Real Estate Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking kitchen cupboards, shingling RA 5-7442 Sunnybrae of Oshawa. RN supervised. tario Land Sirvesis, Professional En- {120 BASS 3 ailabl sobbed Beso ging, Sittin RR SHI | uiries invited, gineering undas Street West, hk ASS accordion preferably 3: size, available di k n n | ; nyited, reasonable rates. RA Whitb; Et New ond Used Household [Good condition. Telephone RA 32180., COULD BE AN ASSET. 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent josern P. MANGAN, QC. Barrister, sidewalks; and general repair. | {3.233 Bithy, 0' Bsonn, Ajax 78, Furnit fr THE ROYAL ( s .. Solicitor, N "to loan, Office 14 | : . . Sa iture, Retigetston, JRE DYAL Cou vd Sp Gre Many benefits, modern office, | SELFCONTAINED. three-room apart ome. Crest 'Rust, 'Osnaws, RA 843%, Oshawa RA 5.5736 BEVERW [Optoma |TV - Radio Repairs " > -- 192 n dll ' ment, private bath, sink an uilt-in 0 : | Se ---------------- = Cats moh, Geen Foeary emie rl 1 Bon 443 | mints Mn. Batons pon | Renence, FA 33 | Brooklin OL 5-4830 ARDEN r. RICHARD BLACK Doctor of IV, RADIO chr radio pei AD 145 KING ST. WEST {lars below 1948 except 1939, old Cana J - session. Apply 513 Richmond East Z. T. SALME B.A , 3 Optometry, the examination of ves, . P ectronies. " ldian and other RECent old 6 ¢ Oshawa Times. Give previous citor, ete, Simcoe Street bh. Cartage contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North liott Avenue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). ~~ RA 8-440i OSHAWA gidn and Nhe gkens, Sold coms of : 5 i TWO-ROOM newly furnished apartment (ffice, RA'S Residence, RA 5-5542.1 ge ny 2 Highway 12 Colborne. [Evenings by ert i [scarce American coins such as large em qua Ycotions Can HE id girl or gentleman. ou WMAN, DAVID L.. Barrister, Sob MOVING and trucking, reasonable Only 3 miles north of Whitby (RA 3-4181. SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT NTT w ' |cents, Indian head - cents, two cent ersona istory and phone - citor, 3'. Simcoe South, RA 5-9592. rates. Also plastering and cement fin- oi [ -- 1 T--Women's Column | pieces, ete. Fair prices paid pers THREE-ROOM basement apartment. Redence, RA 5.0264 pales Allo Tusierinz and fein 6 L 5-3570 C. H. TUCK. RO, optometrist. please| IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! Rr Aosobbih lB St IV outlet, kitchen cupboards and sink TT 2 Pay accounts at downtewn Dominion T.V. and RADIO SPECIALS cold waves $550, heat WANTED -- all kinds of household gu - eee | Ii ree-piece shower bath, heavy wiring,| M¢GIBBON and BASTEDO. Barristers, JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshawa, Bank he ot Burg Steve, Invalids ex- in 50 niture, refrigerators, stoves, etc. Pay ) y y Solicitors. Clients' funds available for Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully amined at home. Dial RA 5-4587. Permanent? Sib: Base Hardresing ing highest prices in Oshawa, Valley N WOMEN DA Dukes. Working couple. Telephone yi, "mortgages, 20 Simcoe Biseet Nori equipped and insured. Phone RA MO 8-4735 P y CALL RA 8-5286 . Creek. New and used furniture. Tele , RA 5.3366. Charles C. McGibbon, QC: 8.3661 < ¢ 4 aintin and De Decoratin All Work phone RA 8-440! ATTRACTIVE apartment, reasonable! pagar F. Bastedo, QC See us for your gorder sup- fing 9 ork Guaranteed. _2--Personal i NEW and used pianos, upright and If you ore in need of money rent. one bedroom, private bath, avalon ppg and KELLY. Barristers, Solici. Dressmaking _ plies. Landscape Service NEED help For_painting and paper | OSHAWA ADVERTISER wishes t 2 , apartment size. Courts, 73 Kent Street . ; . Telephone RA 5.9947. LOTS, et 71% Sim Street South. . -. _-- - - hanging call G. Goulding, 204 Church! person travelling daily Symadt any West, Lindsay ond: can work only a few |shopping and bus. Telephone RA 3.8547 Da ATE dene phoues: ALTERATIONS uf all Kinds = men, : Street. RA 57297 : ELECTRONICS truck between Uxbrid y --r-- -- ONE four-room apartment with private J. M. Greer, BA, 5.2368: Ter. Women and children, Formal dresses S | -- the following hg And i HE hours a day Servicing on bath, hot water, heating, private en-ence V Kelly . PA, BCL. As 8-5832 reversible skirts a speci . RA 5-3486 pring C eda n-Up PAINTING and decoratnig! For the DO IT WwW Whitby, Pickering, Slax, Brooklin, or WANTED | AVS territory. near your \rance., iodern Kitchen. 267 Oshawa RICHARD H. DONALD, BA Barrister, DRESSMAKING and alterations on cheapest and best, best, telephone RA RA 37 6. | NO any point between. This is a golden op von rmtory id vd. North Solicitor, Notary Public, 5215 Simcoe ladies' and children's wear, reason Fertilizing, Power Rolling B. UPTON! B satisfied! High qualit rtunity r ¥ s n i :. : Fol 2 > 1 1 bold . tT» 7 aN er» y : portunity. fo Wily person making this CRAP IRON POULTRY home. is. yous. onswers THREE-ROOM unfurnished apariment Strect North. RA 8.2891. Res. RA able price. RA 8-8666 Landscape designing PAINIDg 20d Decorating for free esti- dnstell heavy AX Spalding Times { AND FEATHER TICKS 35 Thorman Street Telephone RA 3- Nursery Stock Si ohh ower in 3-ft, by 4-ft. con- CAR leaving Oshawa for Moncton. N.B ACT NOW TWO-BEDROOM apartment, in new Boats FURRIER pd ing By Don. Reasonsble; cCisis base, with Crows voter and Charlottetown, P.E.1, Saturday |. TURNER abartmel 4 ar vd OS rates, depending room size. Work guar-. and aco antenna, plus ril 29 m . ' . 3 partment building, near Shopping 3 SE oR RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 | Cail LE 6-0627 Centre. electrically equipped. includ. 5 HP ALTO ouiboard motor, 1955 model and DRESSMAKER HAWA anteed. Dial RA 82670 or RA 33253. | channel 9 trap. ar - 4 : ing automatic washer and dryer. Apply i? A-1 condition -59 . ci ERR (Collect) ee i! Apt. 5, 213 Montrave Avenue New, Alterations, Remodeling. HOME DODD & Sou! TER ON TIME IF YOU PREFER. A = ~| Collect for more information <p ier two-bedroom apartment, Bookkeeping Low Prices PAINTING & DECORATING | EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE in apartment building, refrigerator, 3 T ELECTROLYSIS SHAW T7--Male Help Wanted foc ™vimer doc sts tin | SCHAPELHOUMAN ~~ 22 ROWE STREET | | ANDSCAPING | rainsing Form ' AUTO WRECKING CO. MALE help, experienced sales clerk 82 Park Road South, RA 5.321 RA 8-6706 Ia: Jonerhenging. en and Lou's : ALE , : ex r Ren of sup ous hair Works. & ' k for Dept. Store. References required TWO-BEDROOM Apartment on Simcoe COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING Complete Garden Service Xt Thum a urals, Cit T V a Miirdif 1 ants ars or wrecking. Apply Box 647 Oshawa imes. ree 0) ully equippe: e RVC se Merie, Murduif will: be in Parts for sale, also scrap -- ow a Tor furiiture_ store, Phone RA 54343 between § am. and SERVICE INCOME Tax Driving Schsel RA 07 BYRON SY Sul iTey y Fe Oshawa, April 25 and 26. | and metals, etc. bought. Open Must be Teliable handyman. Wison's PM RETURNS. : 8-6366 (DAYS MO 8.5231 FREE SURVEY 5 Genc o o Fi , 20 Church Street GROUND FLOOR -- large bright four- % Phone Genosha Hotel on Saturday all doy. Phone. urniture ohio ; ~---------- |rpom apartment, two private entrances, 686 OSLER STREET LEARN I0 DRIVE 1 tr ti RA 5.7844 these dates fo pointm LICENSED mechanic to act as service , oo, 00 "0 ve refrigerator, washer ns ruct on - wr dots or sport, | RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. MSESST rich heim ot, re Hf RA 5.9953 at the TERE SANDALWOOD t experienced in all makes c ir) " Lik n [ 3--Pets & Livestock Pleasing personality and appearance, ast: RA 51310. Dshawa Driving School I Roval og oY on SAMSON PET Ta y "CASH FOR SCRAP !! e age and references. Write Box NICE one-bedroom also a two-bedroom Building Trodes | 5 } now. 424 King West, FOR SALE registered beagle male, sit We A J 830, Oshawa Times. apartment, Madison Apartments, 170 BUI ing Lo Instructors licenced by the i GUase PAINTERS T V T Thome Af: WM pam: VE Buy EARN $25. $30 on your day off. Must Simcoe South, TV outlet, washer, div: CERAMIC tile, bathrooms, kitchens.' Province of Ontario. Day end LILIAN MAE MARSH, dance educator, «Vis HEALTHY prable Pome iP STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, Shieh ohool gradyate. married, 23.33, (eT: Stove, refrigerator optional. $80 No" ommercial or seconds used. Best evening lessons dancing school, ballet, tap, baton, a Irterior--Exterior R pies plus qu and pers T PAPER, RAGS, Etc car necessary. For personal appoint.| monthly. Adults only RA 81203 workmanship, best prices. COlifax 3-233 > robatic, pregchool, character, Friday Paper Hangin A 8-8180 phone RA 88038. Pin-Pom Kennels 3 A Ei ' R Sr ; - RA 8-0091 Saturday. Masonic Temple, RA 3.7253 ging Open All Day Saturday ment write Box 419, Oshawa Times FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment, noN*t put it off, put it on, roofing. WwW. ~ POODLES for sa ture and toys.| AA GREENBER MAN with car for position of respon. Private entrance, couple only. Call til eavestroughing, paint- PRIVATE teacher student counsellor, OSHAWA, RA 8-1" 7 OSHAWA T V stud service . avi MA 35785 - G & SONS [MA WA I at by on $1j5|8 Pm. 203 King Street West Phil Harper, MO 84338 Fuel and Wood If vears' experience, by interview only AJAX WH 2-40: » Vie Bowmanville, On LTD week fo start. Telephone MO 8.8095 THREE - room flat. with private| ROOFING repairs of all Kinds, mew WARDWOOD factory ends, Telephone Act now. RA 5-1034. 361 GIBBONS ST. REGISTE R¥ D Boston terriers three! RA 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E WO 'men to train for § bath, hot water, TV aapaiernlrikg, roofing applied, all work guaranteed, Ri 2402 { : EE EE a : 3-73 00 i pecialized sell A LAlernirike g applied, kK ¥ RA 8.2402. Personal Servi CX Champion ee ma Wout one weeks DAR. hol water, "TV. aerial, parking' [ic 'estimates RA 3915 : Insurance Ca ee re! CET THAT CLEAR Win A alter 13--Business Opportunities \'* Big earnings then assured. RA 7 (HEE. CEUPIC Sous : H. roofing tar and gravel, Furniture Repair ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half, . : 3-263 -- EE shingles and repairs. No jobs -- -- Le to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For day. 8.30 to 5.30. 581 Simcoe North. RA PICTURE NOW FRENCH pood pu mal ie EQU IRED ~-- Beauty salon or suit NORTHWAY APTS.--5 ROOMS © or too small. Estimates free. FURNITURE touch-up repairs or Te ;orsonal service at your home, call 82604. and female nths old, $100 each. 'able location, Write and give full par ISTANT TO ¥ Ee 10) 3.8003 or RA 5-6937. finishing. French polishing. Telephone pa- - Telephone ticulars to Box 872, Oshawa Times. ASS Lorge quiet opt. 2 lorge bed- |r nEn estimates. interior: exteri. BA 8-435 ; SHIRT LAUNBERERS Use o CHANNELMASTER BATHING. tr Se 7 fleaing, $3000 DOWN, balance on long term rooms, laundry focilities in- i room dividers, fireplace ANTENNA tached to o Soargise. au A lt Uh ~ hay prerice. station, OFFICE SDIoninaeR | cluded, modern. kitchen with fire escapes, stairs Fur Storage AUTO INSURANCE ZIPPERS REPLACED STARLIGHT TOWER end otenti y gals, Port Hope area | 4 cf d self de- a Sa If yo 7 ful d Short | h is S5--Farmers Column Telephone RA 3-3742. Ask for Mr. Me. automatic stove and self d Sy " u ofé eo careful driver Shorten or lengthen garments. you'll have the best i Cauley : | frosting Refrigerator with [COMME CIAL and industrial building FURS COME OUT ou may save $10, $15 or Cuffs and pockets renewed : gi {nowledge anc rienc | alty. New homes built to own. o ANIMES wy A ; GERMAN shepherd, iiale. "aged nine SOFT ice cream machine for sale, ai Knowledge ond experience in Deepfreeze. Paved parking 12s enuirements. Hess Construction LIKE NEW WITH $25 on your car insurance or Complete stock of buttons. GET THAT CLEAR months, $50, Telephone RA 8-3732 nity! ow. Tor th \ general accounting work es- 3 : "i y : "no 1 . ost , an half price. Ap J orea. Adults only. Near bus [RA 5.6937 better than 20%. Preferred GILLARDS PICTURE NOW! DEAD : n stack picked ub promptly, {Flv Eavey Restanrast. 522 Ritson Road sen Purchasing experi. stop, Apply 778 Hortop YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim. PICRWiCK cl EANERS drivers enjoy the lowest rote CLEANIT SERVICE LTD hone ct, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721 Sout ence helpful. Sglary com- ---- es biiilt and: repaired lin C iid dh id Al liindidie y . Us ED 1 a, 2 ---- 5 >0 . | i ( ing and is tas thro se.a new aluminized pictur Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lic. 115. (WANT a business of your own. Owing mensurate with ability. Phone stal sled, | maces Vecwnet i Sui mmer S ge % HE | : Onta o twough this of» RA 5-3555 tube installed by pr ™v ger ER SLR TR ai Bp ONE AND TWO BEDROOM Hates" na ssa ummer Storage Special | fice. Holf-year payments. lube insiglied by expert FARMERS' NEEDS thi el established and completely F BE ee ATT TTT Dial RA 3 4832 | Call us todoy ond compare TRY OUR the Bane oa hi ova ot €8 onary E SIMCOE STREET SOUT} --am f rki e est. Modest pri -- {business for a quick sale Reasonable MR. GLEN WAUGH : APARTMENTS DRIVEWAY 434 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH le Toe ip : | BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN coll us for cervice: LF SCOURS : : : lease, Only $3500 including ali f ; CALF SCOURS PREVENTATIVE |stock of approximately $2000. Would ac. | _ __MO 8.3328 LA SALLE COURT > ASSOCIATE S thi Chicken plate, halt chicken MASTITIS TREATMENTS [cept $1000 down. balance on easy terms GRAVEL OSHAWA FURRIERS | . SSOCIATES : with ferch ties nara I T.R.1.0. TELEVISION RATED INJECTABLES |Frnie Holmes Realtor, 204 King Street | C F 360 King St. West RA 3.2265 Ne A J fot [Fant RA 5-250 AR HITECTURAL | Phone RA 5-3815 AN RE-STYLE YOUR chips, hamburgs, hot ' dogs, 171 BOND STREET EAST" ; HAVE $5000 to invest in small business DRAFTSMAN RA 8.6485 | Loom. Send 'and FUR TO NEXT FALL'S Lawn Mowers milk shokes | > SHORT"S PHARMACY] lie Box 78 Oshawa Times ------ = Fill. Dial-- STYLE AT LOW LAWN mower sharpening and. repairs MODERN GRILL RA 8-6781 Si BEAUTY salon, with steady custom- to power ers, bicycles, outboard WE DELIVER--RA 5.3887 -- OOKLIN E15, SIE arr. A Et . Co : AR KWOOD RA 5: 5279 = SUMMER RATES. motors, Rosedale Marine, RA 5-8063 Well Drilling. Diggin ment. Owner selling due to sickness, Able to take complete CALL RA 8.8322 = Plumbin Heatin suki g.. M Wed. & Fri. charge of Working MAN R of come to WE SHARPEN AND RENT lumbing | g Eening Tor Your Converse oO C B ®) N Kia Gai ALLE bu ALL plumbing and heating supplies. D ; -- MAJOR Drawings Required im- LIFF BROW 11 King St. East (upstairs) ALMOST EVERYTHING Phone RA 332i, Harold R. Stark, W. WAR -- i mediately. a : : Give Us A Coll-- Ad, Pumbig, heating and "engineer- Tilers OIL COMPANY APARTMENTS | GRAVEL & SAND Gardening and Supplies "233 Simcoe Street South. WELL DIGGING BY "3 NEWMOON house trailer 45 x 10" . ? ! CEDAR trees or hed 3 S f S np MACHINE oh I: N a > ' 4 3 rdge (ete.). an piece baths, sump pumps, all equipped. Phone RA 5.6947 : MAYER and ON BLACK LOAM size, guaranteed t Re EOr free con T A N pressure systems, tanks, motors, out S izing in 30" Tile FOUR - room 40° by 8' General house! Hos a modern ell estob- : mates, phone 612 Clarke. Free delive ER KING BURK boards, lawnmowers, piping and Tit- Teaiier; Uika. Tew, four-pitea. tod mam] pov 2 modem, well esta BRZOZOWICZ SAGUENAY AVENUE Prompt. Delivery in a on Ri R & BURK STS. ie 1 enn "Mts WHITBY, ONTARIO bb ke | Our piece tied hath. lished servi tion to lease. | i and district. RA 3-322 and Park Road. RA 37088. MO 8-2563 MO 8-3809 beds, Will take low down pay | An excellen tunity for ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS (PARK RD. & KING ST. RA 8-8951 { --- 204 CHESTNUT ST "WwW ment, Contact Bill Horner at RA 85123) the right man to SWter into > A a > DISTRICT) I= Money to Li -- Lire yd Realty Oshawa Limited, RU.| posi ove fordfimself Capitol Oshawa . RA 8.2881 > E. R. KNOWLTON oneytoloan BEATTY APPLIANCES --_-- 4-FT. CABIN trailer, lik ye | hid Pre Quiet dential TOASTER AND IRON CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- B many extras. T a ne MO ar required, $3,500 : Times Building gd ~ fesidentiol str eel, { c gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale arn, equipment] pumps, | TED VEENHOF a a o Phoie 8.36, { : tid 1 & 2-bedroom Apartments REPAIRS LANDSCAPING SERVICE pirchased. NHA mortgage arranged SO | and Trollope, Ontario Land TELEPHONE Stoves, frigs, V. outlet Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur. WwW DI Surveyors, 2 Adelaide' Avenue East p i 2: . ' FRANK MEACHER No the doch oil burners, hot water and ELL GGING s reyoré. J d D drapes, parking, ete ' Now is y ri | : i lient's' rnaces, bathroo THREE - room oor Coie 3 i RA 8 6472 Want A s Don't Rents from $90 "mont APPLIANCES lean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, (WE MAVE clients g room: Clean-out ond. deepenin sleeps seven. completely equip a of i bs | > p : re ang « service Dering furnish, $3200, new condition, terms. lC Th Pp PHONE | 92 SIMCOE ST. N epoits. Top soil and sod nd a of mor ~~ PARINER COMPRESSOR WORK 113 Harmony Road North. | EVENINGS I ost-- ey ay RA $.7272 I os { c QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA| P-UMBING AND HEATING | 7 RA 5-5787 HAWA -- RA 5-4711 | RA 5-6047 |3-4543. ORONO 1782 Day er Night RA 8-3864 3