TELEVISION LOG WBEN-TV Chaithes 4=Buflalo CBLT-TV Chaiilel 8=Totoito WROC-TV Chafinel 5--Rochester CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie TV Chasnel 2=Buffale IV Change] 11-Hamilton WRBW-TV Chantél 7=-Baffalo CFTOTV Channel $=Toronts 1 Iw P y Ne eM ; --Sea Hunt $130 P.M, S-Rewss Weather: News: Weather: Sports 6:45 P.M. pr tley- Brinkley 12:15 P.M, 9-Néws: Weither: ris vb 12:30 P.M. Pp THURspAY 8:00 AM, Pi . Next Rota 8:15 AM. 4---Captain Kangaroo 9:00 A.M. Romper Room Rocky dnd His Friends Coffee Bréak Popeye Movie ome Cookil ros And Allen 10:00 5.2-8Say When 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A. 1-Medie 52-Play Your Hunth 4-Video Village 10:45 AM 3---Salvation Army 11:00 A. 11--Bob McLean 8-Frée and Easy 1 -Morning Court 2-Yankes l® Time Al 3:30 P.M. 11=Rom| FW bo Vou tru 8-4:3--The Verdict Is 4:30 P.M. 6-3--Junior Roundup CO 2-Here's Hollywood CO AMT" | 4-Edse Of Nignt 4:45 P.M. s--Jtnior Roundup THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, H 11<«Family Theatre S--Bozo The Clown 3=Thrée 5:18 P.M. &~Mibchief Makers erb Sheldon 5:30 P.M. 8--African Patrol 7 -Early Show 6-3--Roy Rogers 5--Playholtisé Five 4-Théatre 4-~The Mischief Makers Stooges |THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wodneidey, Apel 19, 1961 23 BURKETON _ CROSSWORD /l \ X/ x a IN \ ne ALN A NY A The CGIT are daving a Rune mage oh afters noon at 100 p.m. April % in the church The CGIT will meet in the ¢ hall at 7 p.m. April 25, Svenieg Plans have been made to hold oUF Sunday Bechool Anniversary Hy Sihisy May 28 at 2:30 and 180 p.m. to report that Mig Gaye Hubbard and Mrs. Florence Cai have a fractured Mrs. B. Dickey, Miss Reta rs. Allan and Clar- y guests very. Ry family vi eg 1 relatives in Port Hopé 6h adi évening. Mr, and 5. Eric Sim ws Fer, Wiles, were Bu rs. J. hm ahd family. Mise L. B. Knight spent the weekend with relatives ih To- Ton. Mrs. Cyrus Ashton spent a few days with relatives in Bowman. ville last week. Glad to see Mrs. Greta Bailey y and 1 A ¢ i A A ul i | es . . I oY \ & : oh home for a 3 i i ; | \ , Mt. and M eNews: Weathers $3-Price Is Right | 3-- Huckleberry Hound Lt ; i a gars | STs, Fagus 000 PM, iim i A J acian 11:30 AM. 9-Barrls Beat e ( pi | an 1-Lose That Bob §-Moito News ACROSS 6. The (01d dit : ver Fis Cunelittition rv yg 1. Kind of Eng.) ; shoneaft M, Package : mM. Ranch 12:00 NOON # Cannonball 6. Display 7.8earchfor 21. Metal Griffiths Show n=pugt Bunny and 3-On The §, 10. Roman 8, Formerly 22. Compo. ee lends . i ®--Provineial Affal -C 8: M. magistrate 9. Garden ine site Pr Whe sean | 53 Hoh of No ® Niwa: 11. Melody vader 23. Ef- SEINE) Malibu Run Advent pCi quines : "Weather: Sports 12. Wicked 12. Gloomy tangled ] 3 sther Sports 6:45 P.M, 13. English place 25, Moslem Li pM. $--Popese and Pals S--Hufitiey Brinkley money after titles 12:15 P.M. eport 14, Soak flax death 26, Foote 500 om, News POR: eh J v § WM. I of he House 7:00 P.M. 15. Conformed (myth) ball's Mf. A. E. Ribey and Terry : Hubbard attended a Rotary Ban: switch 6. Paces Indian Nila 1 " ! " _-- tl ning on Wednes: 'e world liké t6 thank Rev. P. Romeril of Blackstock for his fifie sermon, and all the visitors for coming to worship with us last Sunday morning. Mis. Jessie Darcy, Mr. Mark Pirner, Oshawa, were Sunday fallin of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub ba! ue Sunset Strip 7: East Indies 13. Invalid's 190 (abbt.) rot 4! 5:00 P.M, 3-4 w Movie 7 Hawaiian Eve 3-Kraft Music Hall Angel 7---Naked City &--Steél Rour 10:30 P.M. $-News: Weathéry ia eT 114-3 Explofitions S~Migmi Ul rgovey SBést of the 11:00 P.M, 13-7-8-5-4-3-3--News: Weather ' $-Better Late T=Number Pléase 6--Movié Matinee 53-~It Could Be You 4-Search For omaorrow $-Noonday Report 12:46 PM . 11=News $-Gulding Light 1:00 P.M. 11 ~Movie Matines 8_Frée And Easy J~About Faces S$--Movie $=Meet the Millers #-Mid-day Matihes $=Theatre 1:30 P.M. 7=Our Miss Brooks §=As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 9 Theatre 7=Day In Court 6--Chez Helene 5-2-Jan Murray Shew Face Thé Facts Contest $=-Women's Show 2:15 P.M. 11.8~Nursery Schoo! Time 2:3 P.M. ii-Jane Grey Show J8even Keys 24 8:3 Falk Of The Town {1-Wantéd Dead of Allw 9 Best of the Post 6----Seven-0-One 4--News, Weather Sports 3-Gunsmoke 3-Shotgun Slade T--News: Weather 7:30 P.M, 11-8-=Lockup 7--Guestward Ho! 6--Bachélor Fathér 5-3--Outlaws 4--December Bride 3--The ig 8: M, 183--Livé A Borrowed Life S-~Thedite | 7 Donna Reed +-Highughts of the 1961 Circus 8:30 P.M, | 11:83--Checkmate | 7--Musica] Salute | 33-Bat Masterson | $=Bané Grey Theirs 9:00 P.M tl=Junior OHA Hockey ==] Three s $4 Bachelor Father Gunslinger 280 P.M. The Rebel 11-6-5-3-2---Tennessed EB Fol 18. Clips 15, Species of 19, Blue flowers 21, M#, Cratche 16, Daunts it's son 18, Indian 24. Costly blue pigment 27. Look 28, Deputies 20. Wood nymph 31. What? 32. Explicit 35. Mature 38. Operatis songs 37. Tennesses Ernie 38, Warbled 39. Sports area 41, Observes 42. stairway post DOWN 1. Sunrise bugle eall 2. Prepare for 29, Hauls 30. Thing (Ia) 32, Comfort 33. Picture of & bone 34, Languish 118 WONBERFUL HOW TH* WINDOW GLASS SALES. PIER UP AS SOON AS Ti' SAND. LOT BASEBALL SEASON GETS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams ahd family, Bowmanville, weré Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. N: Adams. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and family, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Car. ter. Don't forget to tune in CKLB in Oshawa nest ay morning at 10 a.m. for Prelude. Mrs. A. Carter was in Toronto on Saturday with relatives and attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Spencer, (fee E. Fleat) #&t Forward Baptist Churéh. The reception was held at their new Educational Build. ing of Forward Baptist. Mr. and Mrs. George Allison and family, Mrs. Pearl Avery were Sunday guests of Mrs. fthel Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. , rie gy \ S x . ., on " Sa-iareita Young 1--The AA publication 3 J EZ ve 2 i) . tons Party 10:00 P.M 8. Girl's nick- é : 12d gy : Eu rary 11=All Star Theat 3:00 P.M, ALS healer name L ] o 1163 Musie 6 beter 4. Indian i a . : A Day 53 rou = abr Malone $Taen The Natl L mulberry Praised Ql laily) 1053 CHEVROLET =~ S695 @UID) |:5wr THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID. Rang io cps 0 Fob: April 16 to 23, but Brooklin Pub- building was opened on 230 KING ST. WEST y BROOKLIN -- Canadian 1A TODAY'S SPECIAL!!! lic Library is on the job. For ary 8 this year, Library mem. bership was approximately 250 Beobie «= men, women and chil- (2OLD ENUFF ~AN ; Barmine : In the twe months since that SARTIMLY HOMELY ENUFE | STRICTNESS : AND. A 4 openin WF THEY MESS O'RIDIKIL = eh . Je L UT Ny cry Bf hn . oh areal y almost 600 active book-borrow- Bile Eves r=) THE Rty | LA y ers. Thus, "Library Week" has X 63 h 2 ! ; 2 been going on in Brooklin for ost two months | Hundreds of children are be- coming avid readers. As soon as school is over, hordes of eager ngsters race into the bright books, reading books, picture books, science books, books of all kinds opening up exciting new worlds of fact and fancy. It is a pleasant experience to walk into this new library build- ing on Vipond Road in Brook- lin; immediately on entering one has a feeling that this is a good place, a bright, cheerful place where one is truly welcome. Dated i King Festares I ndionia, MUGGS AND SKEETER ISK,» RINKERS CLEANERS |; RA 5.1191 "The Best In Town" -- ©, N