92 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Apiil 19, 1961 New Zealand _ Angry About Commercial TV AUCKLAND ( Com: mercial rrr AY 44 'begun in New Zealand to angry protests from all sidés. The first pro- grams were 80 overloaded by advertising that they mét a uni- versal outcry. Until now the pioneer gov: meént-owned station in 'ntieKiand has carried no advertising. The service has been financed by an annual licence fee of about $18. As from April 1, program time was stépped up to four hours nightly, with advertising on alternate nights. The first four-hour program carried no) fewer than 72 commercials, in- cluding 17 during one feature film. Complaints flowed in from all sides. Viewers pointed out that wheye the government had fixed an average advertising time of six minutes an hour; in fact about niné minufés was being taken. A cartoonist showed a televis- fon announcer declaring: "We now interrupt the commercials for a program." Irate newspaper ceorrespon- dents declared thé programs were "a nauseating exhibition," "'eommercialism gone crazy," and "a breach of faith." 'NATURAL BREAKS' The station officials said com- mercials were used only at '"'na- tural breaks" in the aetion, but viewers replied that '"'natural breaks' appeared to include be- fore dnd after titles and every time a camera swifchéd to a new angle. So many and so heated have been the complaints that A. E. Kinsella, minister of broadcast- ing, is making an investigation in an effort to find rémedies. Meanwhile, the government is continuing inquiries into fhe best form of television contre) for New Zealand. Telévision was introduced last year as an éntirely staté-owned and operated service. The new National Party government however, favors some form of commission control, giving the service a degree of indepen- dence from direct government dictation. It i§ als6 prépared to consider some form of private participation if a suifablé basis can be suggested. A government committee is at present hearing evidence from interested parties and will make recommendations latér. Office Boy Wrath-Raisers NEW YORK (AP)<Rémarks an office boy gets tired of hear: ing: "Hey, boy, get a move on!" "When I worked as an office boy, I got $7.50 a week and was glad to get it. Now they want $30 to start -- and they think they! te doing you a faver.' "I can stand everything about him except that duck-tail hair- cut. Every time he goes to the men's room he spends half an hour combing it while ho looks at himself in the mirror." "i you don't mind, young an, would you pleasé wear an ordinary suit coat tomorrow? We're not exactly an old-fas- hioned firm, but we still feel a black leather jacket is a bit out of place in a business. office." |« "Hey, boy! How about trot ting down to the drug store and geting us two cartons of black coffee, a coupla crullers, and a ham and cheesé on rye? If there's any change leit over, get yourself a doughnut." MORE WORRIES AHEAD "Don't fret about the pim- ples, kid. You'll outgrow them. Then you can start worrying about your hair falling out.' Here's a laugh. He asked my secretary for a date, and she told him: 'Sure, Henry, give me/. - & ring anytime--say in about 10 years." "It's against my policy to bor- row money from office boys, Henry, but could you let me bave a fast fiver? I've got a sure tip on a horse in the third race.' "Hey, proud flesh! How about filling up the paste pots--or do you feel that's beneath a man of your experience?" "This one'll kill you. I sat be- hind Henry at the movie last night, and when his girl asked him what he did at the office, he told her he was a junior ex- ecutive." "Since you've been with us only 10 days, Henry, I must say I feel your request for an in- crease in salary is a bit prema- ture. Come and See- me at the end of the year." "When I was that age, I..." "Don't kid Henry too much about those three little hairs on his chin. He's trying to grow a beard. He's decided to become a beatnik." "Hey, boy! Take these . . . "Hey, boy! Rush this to . . " "Hey, boy! Hey, boy! Hey, boy!" CHANGING HABITS A California hotel has found that since jet air service began, guests stay an average of 3% A days instead of five but come more often. 10 WATCH. FOR AP's AD APPEARING IN THIS PAPER EVERY WEDNESDAY MARVEL BRAND ICE CREAM <= Faataring -- ORANGE PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM (Orange Ice Crea With Pieées of Coloured PiAdappld) PINT BRICK HALF 89. 25 | Robin Hood (White, Chécolate and Honey Spice) CAKE MIXES td; Kéiffer Dessert IONA PEARS Béép Brown (In Tomato Saucs) LIBBY'S BEANS Instant Choéslate NESTLE'S QUIK Exedl, Vie Pac MIXED NUTS sao Frozen Food or TOILET TISSUE STRAWBERRIES 3 en 1,00 Regular Price daéh 39: -- SAVE 17s CHIPITS Ores Creme Sandwich Blué Bohrnet $row Crop Rég. 2 for 430--~SAVE 100 12:62 CORN 3.55 JANE PARKER QUALITY Bakery F eatures! ! 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Come See, You'll Save Cas PEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF | STEAKS ROASTS RUMP ROAST sows »73-- | PORK BUTT ROAST +89 »53 BEEF BOLOGNA ----- Libby's Porterhouse, Sirloin or Wing SAUERKRAUT toch 23 on These Super-Right Meat | eatutes! 1 Regular 2 1-39 Nr CO i LH a As Help Your Chikl in School with « New GOLDEN BOOK Illustrated DICTIONARY esianed SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN GRADE SCHOOL only. QQe aac sUY A BOOK A WEEK 3-11 SAUSAGE PATTIES HEAT'N SERVE a3 | Johnson's (With Free Applier) KLEAR PASTE WAX Pledge FURNITURE POLISH Johnson's Self Polishing KLEAR LIQUID WAX Marvel Blue WINDOW SPRAY BROOMS 7c Off Deal SPIC & SPAN 5-STRAND SOLID MEAT i Jane NOE WHIRLS Reg. A Fresh, Lean Salad it fl Jane Noy Reg. or dL Be MINCED BEEF LJ 39. ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLI ; WIENERS 2h cello pkg 7 De | VIENNA LOAF 24-07 loaf 18¢ Jellied Pork A (0) o i FRENCH ROLLS Reg. 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