WEATHER REPORT + The weather will improve stead- ily for the next 24 hours, with little chance of more rain. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Another trouble with the world today is that it has so many situations that are deteriorat- ing, : VOL. 90--NO. 91 he Oshawa Time Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa U.S. PLANE SHOT DOWN AMERICAN PILOT DEAD ----t eee Not Over 10 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1961 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES. | Havana Reports : Bombing Raids | MIAMI (AP)--The Cuban ra- dio said today a United States |airplang piloted by a United States citizen was shot down over south central Cuba today. The pilot was identified as cast early today announced that two Americans were exe. cuted by firing squads which also killed seven Cubans. The Americans were identified as Howard Andérson and Angus OTTAWA (CP) -- In the po- here, there are three at Torbay, litical hullabaloo over the needNfld., and two at Winnipeg for| |--real or imagined--for a new|search and rescue and two at surveillance plane to scan Arctic|Cold Lake, Alta., for target tow-| = SSF" ' oy . | ing. | 2 A ? skies, the view of the RCAF has {been overlooked. i +4 | Liberal Leader Pearson has Fh proposed that Canada scrap tts oy ne : manned interceptors and em- 'CUBA SI, RUSSIA NO' CUBAN WOMEN CHANT IN MIAMI STREET Kennedy Tosses Back Russ Cuban Threats "Bird-watching," Prime ister Diefenbaker snorted. The RCAF view: We're doing very. nicely, thanks, with our six old Lancasters. No. 408 Reconnaissance Squad- WASHINGTON (CP) -- Presi-| 'we dent Kennedy has bluntly warned Soviet Premier Khrush-{necessary assistance in beating change between Khrushchev chev to keep out of the Cuban|back 'the armed attack on'Kennedy would lead to an o fight or face the prospects of Cuba." ; Caribbean showdown with] Kennedy shot back: "In the that Khrushchev would not risk American troops. __|event of any military ifiterven- sending an armada to Cuba to In a diplomatic exchange bris-| tion by outside force, we will|protect Castro against an upris- Min- Its home station 'is Rock- cliffe outside Ottawa. With six Second World War Lancs, it operates routine and special reconnaissance patrols andthe North and takes aerial : Pen shotographs for the defence de- ~ Wt: Rhee ws photographs for the defence de military conflict. They reasoned partment. ic isn't even based in the Arc- tic shall render the Cuban; They cautioned against specu- people and their government all lation that the current bitter ex all told. Besides the six based It will eventually come to the point where all Lancs but one will have to be broken up for| parts to keep the remaining one airworthy. But nobody in the RCAF cares to predict when| this will be. The Lancaster, carrier of the "blockbuster," "cookie," "tall boy' and 'grand slam" bombs into the heart of Nazi Germany, : was developed by A. V. Roe air-| ° craft company. Altogether, 7,366 Lancs were built, 430 of them in Canada. The Lancs flew 156,000 oper- ations during the war and across dropped 608,612 tons of bombs. | The Lanc is no faster than it was during the war--top speed: | some 200 miles an hour--but the The RCAF is down to 13 Lancs RCAF says it's just as useful in! peacetime as it was in war. tling with threats and chal-limmediately honor our obliga-|ing, Havana is a long way from lenges, Kennedy Tuesday night|tions 'under the inter-American| Moscow. : y threw his moral support behind| (Latin) system to protect this| But they suggested the bitter- the Cuban rebels and rejected|hemisphere against external ag-'ness will continue with more Khrushchev's demand that he!gression." name calling and fist - shaking attempt to halt the invasion To qualified Western observ- The cold war had intensified Stating again that the U.S. ers stationed in Washington, the Some elements were seen in the has no intention of military in- atmosphere between the U.S! Political Checkoff | {Leo Francis Bell of Boston. He |was said to be carrying docu- { ments, including social security card No. 014-07-2921. | The broadcast said the pilot jas killed when his plane was {shot down by anti-aircraft bat- Iteries. 'United States participation in ithe aggression against {was dramatically proved" by the incident, the broadcast said. p += | The plane was one of four said [to have been shot down by anti- : |aircraft batteries today. :/| The communique said a total 4 |of nine aircraft have been shot |down since the start of the - [Cuban invasion Monday. | The announcer charged that ithe plane had bombed Cuban {troops and civilians. | MIAMI, Fla. (AP) -- Rebel {planes struck at Havana during {the night, bringing the Cuban capital under the first gunfire {reported there since anti-Castro {exiles launched their weekend |invasion of the Caribbean is- {land. Heavy gunfire was heard in {the capital but conflicting re- {ports came on the extent of the Cuba | McNair. Information on the progress of {the invasion and Castro's de- fence against it continued sketchy, with neither the gov- ernment nor the rebel command announcing much and communi, cations with Western newspaper | men in Havana still cut. The Cuban government radio |said fighting is continuing in |Las Villas province, where the {rebels are believed to 'have {made their main invasion stab, A correspondent for the Yu: |goslav newspaper Politka re. |ported from Havana that an ine vasion force of about 5,000, "armed with tanks and guns, |light arms of American produc. tion and under protection of air. planes . . . are now without su.- cess trying to broaden the orig. inal bridgehead . . . in the prov. ince of Las Villas, on the south. ern coast of Cuba." REBELS 'IN RETREAT' The Communist correspondent said the invaders captured a village Monday night 'but the Fidel forces have reclaimed it in a counter-attack, so that the tervention in the Cuban battle, and Russia reminded them of sudden cancellation by Prince wei 5 Court Fight Near | {attacking forces are in retreat raids. back at the disembarkation Kennedy said nevertheless that{the cold war fury that followed uled one-day visit to confer with| { A diplomat inside Havana re-| point." fam ported that an aircraft passed {over the city at 8:15 Ly and| There were other indications came under heavy fire. The dip-|that the outnum| ered gutiLas lomat talked by telephone with|iro forces were heavy Americans do not conceal their discovery of an American U-2|State Secretary Dean Rusk and! VANCOUVER (CP)--Labor is of dollars a year, are deducted admiration for Cuban "patriots" {spy plane in Russia and ended|Kennedy. i girding for a court battle against by their employers. ; who are trying to overthrow in the shattered summit confer-| The Laotian neutralist prince, the provincial government's new: There are indications labor is Fidel Castro ence in Paris last year. had delayed his Russian de-|labor legislation prohibiting po- prepared to take the case as G CLOTHES iil l a ssociated cing Kh rush chev's| af hat lly th 1d| claim that eventually the world] wgm i will turn completely Commu: British Press nist, Kennedy maintained the | world revolution is towards . | freedom and the US. govern:| ! ment "can take no action to Pp 1 n | Cuba Fight | | LONDON (CP)--British news- stifle the spirit of liberty." Khrushchev had warned that {papers today are split sharply {on the Cuban invasion and the if the invasion is not stopped, | parture by one day in order toflitical contributions from pfiich far as the Court of confer with Khrushchev at his/dues collected by payroji chec# Canada if eSSALY. Sochi Black Sea resort. Rusk]off. | Labor's Wattle is against a re- said he would be giving al A labor official said Tuesday quirement n the ne w legislation speech in Georgia on the pro- the 620-man Local 16-601 of the that to retairi"checkoff rights a jected new arrival date and|Oil, Chemical and Atomic Work-|upion must file an affidavit say- asked the prince to come to ers Union (CLC), will be the|ing the money will not be used Washington after he had com-|"guinea pig" in the test case.|for political contributions, pleted all his Russian meet-|At stake will be the checkoff| ghey Oil Company recently ings. The prince said he wanted|rights of almost 200000 trade|apnounced it was cancelling the to get back to Laos. The meet- unionists in the province. Their dues checkoff for the OCAW ing in Washington was off {union dues, running into millions local because the union had failed to produce such a stat. |utory declaration T. Sgt. Gene Flitz po an altitude chamber in a pliable and relatively light weight space suit during de. monstration in Washington. The suit, developed at an es- timated half million dollars, can be worn by an astronaut outside as well as inside a Press correspondent| Pressure, and there was no the big naval base|Word of any country-wide upris- space vehicle. The designer, : d vy, in south./ing against the pro-Communist "regime. International Latex Corp., sai the suit is designed to pro- tect man against such hazards as near-vacuum pressures and extreme temperatures. Suits total weight, including five- pound helmet, is 21 pounds. (AP Wirephoto) | Bem Price at at Guantanamo Ba: Angola Forces Britain Asks Laos Cease-Fir Aerie role in jhe Situation. RED DEMAND DOOMED vasion as a "gross mistake" by President Kennedy, while The ARGUES ULTRA VIRES Labor argues that the affidavit section of the legislation is ultra vires of the legislature and can-| Battle Rebels eastern Cuba. { Wy is quiet (in Havana) for the present," the diplomat said | C Shoots He added he had no informa-| astro tion on what is going on in the - rest of Cuba. T A g A Saban insurgent station on wo mericans Swan Island off Guatemala said Havana was bombed twice] MIAMI Fla. (AP)--A Cuban Tuesday night with three planes|8overnment broadcast today --two of them B-26s -- making 521d two Americans were shot one strike at Camp Libertad, bY firing squads which also ex- the big Castro army headquar-|ecuted seven Cubans. ters on the fringe of the capital,| The 'broadcast, heard in Details of the other attack were| Miami, identified the Americans as Howard Anderson and Angus Immediately LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain today proposed to Russia that| a request for an immediate cease-fire in Laos should be is-| The Guardian of Manchester sued Thursday argues that even if Castro has Foreign Secretary Lord Home become a "Communist stooge' said Britain also proposed that --an assertion that rested the international commission Mainly on the evidence of Cu- Daily Mail says if Cuba was lost to the Communists "it would be an irreparable disaster to free men." | Latin American Plan Favored Ri ma Re re UNITED NATIONS (CP)--| The Soviet proposal, intro- have indicated they will stop The UN General Assembly is ex-|duced Tuesday night by Deputy | deducting union dues from pay not be enforced because it deals| with future action. They say af-| fidavits of the type proposed can only concern present or past actions not given. NEW LANDINGS DENIED (A broadcast this morning by {the Cuban radio termed "lies" rebel claims of landings in northern. Matanzas province and in Oriente. It asserted that an attack on the Isle of Pines had failed LUANDA, Angola (Reuters)-- Tuesday in Casablanca, Mor- Portuguese reinforcements to-/occo. day were sent into action in Conference President Mario northern Angola.where Negro de Andrade of the Angolan Pop- rebels were reported to have ular Liberation movement seized a vast corridor stretching warned that Angolans would in- to The Congo tensify their armed .action {McNair. | The broadcast said Anderson, a Havana business man, and McNair, of Miami, were con- |demned on arms transportation !charges. Anderson operated three Ha vana automobile service sta tions. ipected to reject a demand by| Foreign Minister Valerian Zorin| {Russia that it condemn the|after a new assault on the U.S | United States as an aggressor|in the assembly's 99-nation po-| masterminding the invasion of!litical committee, calls for ces Cuba sation of all assistance to the Instead, the assembly is be- forces invading Cuba and urges lieved certain to adopt a rival UN members to give aid to! proposal by seven Latin-Amer- Fidel Castro ican nations appealing to all UN The Latin-American resolutior members tn refrain from any Was expected to win wide sup- action that might aggrevate port from member states openly existing tensions concerned over President Ken- -- - -- nedy's warning to Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev that uu. United States would take action if the Russians intervene mili- tarily in Cuba should be reconvened. .sent to|/Dan exiles anxious for Ameri- N rom ther can support--"that is no justifi- w p and from there | Hew Deld an the cease-fire cation for trying to remove him by force." A 14 -power conference a The newspaper says the invas Laos should then meet May ion had done *'great harm to the VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters) good name of the United States" The right-wing government {0-iand that 'since President Ken. day appealed to the United nedy has so foolishly allowed States to send military aid and himself to appear guilty, he an advisory group to the war: should now lel over back- torn kingdom wards to prove thi he is not." to on 5 cheques unless union declara- tions are forthcoming. At least one union, the Pulp and Sulphite Workers local at Prince Rupert, announced it will not submit the' declaration even if it means losing the checkoff It is expected, however. that the B.C. Federation of Labor (CLC) will advise unions gener- ally to comply to protect their hard-won checkoff rights pend- ing outcome of the court struggle The law, passed at the re- cently-concluded session of the The Portuguese news agency #gainst the Portuguese Lusitania claimed the rebel = Miguel Trovoada, of the com- force was being swelled daily mittee of liberation of San Tome by hundreds of anti-Portuguese and Principe Islands off West terrorists from The Congo. Africa, said the Portuguese- The invaders, the agency said, ruled islands have the world's were pouring into northern An-'highest mortality rate gola by a rebel-held corridor in| "Ninety-five per cent of our a sparsely-populated area in the children die before they are northern sector of the West Af- five," he said (The broadcast also denied Anderson was arrested in {that fighting had taken place in/March when he returned te {Havana or that the militia was) Cuba after taking his family te deserting to the invaders. It|the United States. {also said a B-26 aircraft bombed! Cuban officials announced the the San Antonio de los Sanos air arrest of McNair March 21 and base Tuesday night, dropping/said he and four Cubans were one bomb. It said the plane then caught trying to land an arms. strafed Havana.) (laden motor launch 30 miles A Cuban government broad- west of Havana. rican colony bordering The Congo. Dotting the corridor are the villages of*Sacandica, Quil-| osuta and Quitanda. i Meanwhile, officials here said that security forces were con- 'Not Quite Innocent | Eichmann Tells Court JERUSALEM (Reuters) --icould 'not sleep after seeing! Eichmann also said Adolf Eichmann conceded in a truckloads of women gassed | The order for the physical tape-recorded confession played and who worried because young extermination of the Jews dur delegate Kennedy's warning was read legislature, was bitterly at- to the committee by chief US. tacked by CCF opposition Adlai E. Stevenson, spokesmen as being directly who delivered a blistering at- 2imed at curbing financial sup- tack on the Castro government port for the proposed New and rejected its charges against Party, expected to draw much the US of its support from labor ranks. Stevenson said Cuban Foreign S p ok esmen for Premier Minister Raul Roa had not pre-' W. A.'C. Bennett's Social Credit tinuing their drive against the rebels and had arjested 68 per- sons, including some tribal chiefs, in the village of Car- mona. The village has been un- der heavy rebel attack in recent days. Twenty-four rebels were re- here today that he could not Germans "were growing up to claim he had clean hands in the be cruel." murder of millions of Jews by The court adjourned until Fri- the Nazis day for Israeli independence' "Perhaps 1 ought to hang my- day self in public in order that all Eichmann said he is "pre the anti-semites in the world pared to atone personally for should have the terrible charac- the terrible things" that oc ter of these events emphasized curred. to them." said the man on trial In support of its charges that for the murder of §000.000 Eichmann was the operational Jews director of the Nazi plan to ex An electrified court heard terminate Europe's Jews, the Eichmann's recorded voice de- prosecution began replaying ex- clare: "1 know I may face ajtended excerpts from tape re death sentence. I cannot claim/cordings of the pre-trial interro- mercy because 1 am not de gation oy serving 'of it WOULD WRITE BOOK Yet. in the extracts of Eich Eichmann said that before his mann's pretrial statement death he would like to write a played back in today's four-hour hook He said he wanted the! session, Eich m a nn portrayed younger generation to know himself as an underling takingiwhat happened "in Nazi Ger- orders, a man who could notimany and the reasons for it stand the sight of blood. who Eichmann said he nearly fainted when he was forced to, witness Jews being gassed to PHONE NUMBERS death in the Nazi extermination CITY EMERGENCY camps 3 "I couldnt look POLICE RA 35-1133 aver ; FIRE DEPT. RA 35-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 I was too a ¢ my eves be said in describi his reac tions the first time be saw Jews put to death. ithe Second World War came Sented one shred of evidence to government replied it was ing the t t eetly from Hitler. They were Support his claims that the in-jmerely to ensure thas the right transmitted to him, he said, by ¥a5ion Monday had been of every trade unionist to con- d-the-clock alert but for ed as stat re -------- ntinent ch ohiaf nf tha launched from Florida. Steven- tribute or not to contribute to Reinhard Hyde, thief of the son said Roa and the Soviet-bloc the party of his choice would : sd representatives had reached a be protected PROTESTED EXECUTIONS 2 with every innuendo and diate superior. SS Gen. Hein- epithet in the book rich Mueller, and others, that He called for a settlement of execution was not the wav to the Cuban situation by Cubans resolve "the Jewish problem." themselves and denied that the . 3. He begged Mueller not to United States had played a role Base Quiet send him to the death camps Zorin termed Stevenson's de-| nials too ridiculous for com-| GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba The voice of the former Ges- ment If both the US and (AP)--This big U.S. naval base tapo officer echoed through the!Gyatemala deny that the invad-{on the eastern tip of Cuba is on courtroom. som NZ ers came from their soil, heja ron and muff AS N said. "'where have these people played back extra L000 00-w ord ne mai on . . lowing bis capiure by Isracti| Snowstorm Hits agents in Argentina last May "l am not a tough person." C 1 Ar said the man desciibed by the WA gary ea cutl s ore extrer Ee ian 43. more extreme' (2) GARY (CP)-More han eight inches of heavy, wet snow . hit Calg ng the night new low in trying to smear the 2. He protested to his imme- US U S C .. Cuban in the invasion for further reports a' come from. 'outer space?" made to his today md 3 nd <: knocking out elec and tele- mmediate Rear-Admiral E. J. O'Donnell the base commander, said in an nterview that a constant radar watch that fighters on the runways ready to scramble in less ti five minutes said OO' Donne all 18 11 destro he sired morning ona The weather there temperaty 0 blood spurting from a.m. and snow -» i execut 8] once and fountain of denied of t some of t a had come i being maintained and , jtories met fas a confereace ported killed in an unsuccessful attack on the northern Angolan village of- Caxito and a rebel cell was broken up in Novo Re-!| dondo The Portuguese air force re- ported, meanwhile, that rebel concentrations had been spotted elsewhere in northern Angola. FOLLOW PREPARED PLAN The Lusitania agency claimed that terrorist raids in the north now were following a well-pre- pared tactical plan instead of the disorganized attacks which' characterized the early stages of the two-month-old revoit. The rebels were reported to ave suffered heavy casualties! in an attack on Damba Monday. As they withdrew, reports here! said, they killed Negro women aid children in a neighboring village The reports also said that at] east seven whites and three rsons of mixed biood were led when the rebels destroyed! the northern Angolan village of Monday i | i hi lad HiaG opsi lege preside Dr. Abraham A. Neuman, right. hands de- gree to Canadian P-ime Min- picked up -- mo- leaders from overseas terri | F Col § Diefenbaker, left. at college convocation ceremo- nies. Others honored were Former Ambassador to Israel | Dr e ister 3 DOCTOR DIEF GETS DEGREE Ogden Reina, s2cond frond left, and US. Secretary of Health and Welfare Ribicoff. (AP Wirephoto)