Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 Apr 1961, p. 10

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: i { Mrs. Edward Bind and Mrs. John Houghton with Golden Age Club president, Jack Smith, trying a roll on the new drums. In the lower pic- ture Mrs. S. W. Wotten dem- | onstrates her skill and Mr. Percy Danniels displays the Golden Jubilee Chap. Entertains | Golden Age Club on Anniversary, SOCIAL NOTICE On the occasion of their 12th anniversary, about 102 members of the Golden Age Club enjoyed a delightful evening of entertain- - GOLDEN AGERS DELIGHTED WITH GIFT OF DRUMS wash tub which has served as a drum until now. The drums are the gift of Golden Jubilee Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. --Oshawa Times Photos. sen, dressed in a pretty cos- tume, danced a German dance [ Her brother, Frank Johansen, then played three accordion se ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Cecil R. Lock-| wood of Oshawa wish to an- ment, arranged for them by the lections. The club members en- nounce the engagement of their Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE joyed this entertainment very daughter, Sandra Mae, to Alex- Jo Aldwinckle, Bonen Women's Editor Of St. Gregory The annual meeting of the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League of Canada was held recently in the parish auditorium, Mrs. E. C. Egerer presided Dial RA 3-3474 |in the absence of the retiring 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 19, 1961 president, Mrs. A. C. Love, who was ill Mrs. Ray Scott Named President The Great CWL Communion breakfast after the annual Church parade, Radio, TV and Films: vener, Mrs. Robert Normoyle. The regular issues of the "Na- tional Legion of Decency Bul- letin" were church bulletin board as re- was given the Guides and Brownies Con- posted on the the immediate past president, served from April 1959 to April 1961. Her pin will be presented to her at a later date. In taking the president's| . chair, Mrs. Scott thanked the members for the confidence they|W. Finley had shown in electing her and|Gray presiding at asked their help and co-opera-|tractive tea table. tion in the future. The Very Rev. Paul Dwyer, Director of St. Gregory the Great Council, to whom a cheque for parish projects had been presented earlier in the meeting, thanked the members plished during comed the new councillors and asi Matewt; Fash OSHAWA Junior Youth Association Organized By St. John's WA On Monday, April 17, a gen- eral students' meeting for the purpose of organizing a Junior Canadian Ukrainian Youth As- sociation was held in St. John's Hall. This Junior CYMK organ- ization is under the patronage of the St. John's Canadian Uk- rainian Women's Association "Barvinok Branch". Its purpose is to foster loyal- ty to Canada, love and respect to the Greek Orthodox Church, the Ukrainian 1 and the customs, At this first meeting the members planned Yering ac- tivities for the comi year. These include religious instruc- tion, handicrafts, choral sing- ing, sports, Ukrainian dancing and other interesting activities. Hikes, picnics and social dances Well Known Nestleton Couple Celebrate 30th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- are being planned for the sum- smer. The membership is open to all junior and senior high school students who attend St. John's Greek Orthodox Church. An executive was chosen con- sisting of the following mem- bers: president, Natalie Zador- ozny; vice - president, Dennis Karpiak; secretary, Carol Ste- zik; treasurer, Terry Nikiforuk; advisory committee, Mrs. Dmy- tro Luchak, Mrs. Nicholas Se- k, Mr. Walter Kuch; sports committee, Jakow Sem- enko, Olga Sitch, Robert Shody; social committee, Eu- genia Nedoszytko, Lucy Petrow- sky, Daniel Semenuk; chaplain, The Reverend Dmytro Luchak. Meetings will be held on Mon- days at 7.00 p.m. at St. John's Hall, corated with gold leaves and son of Nestleton were at home|topped with small yellow chry- to their many friends, neigh-|santhemums. Flanked on either bors and relatives recently on|side were gold candles. A bou- the occasion of the 50th wed-/quet of yellow spring flowers ding anniversary. {also enhanced the table. Among Among the numerous mes-/the decorations were 50 yellow sages received were congratu-iroses, a gift of the immediate lations from Government oil family. cials and the Reverend and/ yn the evening many of the Mrs. J. U. Robbins. Mr. Rob- couple's friends and neighbors bins performed the wedding of the community were present. ceremony in 1911. - Mr. Wilfred Jackson acted as The co-hosts and hostesses| chairman and spoke of the fine were Professor Edgar Emerson qualities of character that have and Mrs. Emerson (nee Anneimgade the couple so well thought Griffith) Don Mills; Mr. and|of through the years. Conclud- Mrs. Mervyn Bird (nee Allen|i,s the remarks an appropriate Emerson) B¥obklin, Mr. and jem written by Mrs. Law- Mrs. Frank Emelson (nee Edith| ence' Malcolm, was read by Kelly) Peterborough; Mr. and|yaw ance Malcolm Mrs. Donald Stutt (nee Gladys M M > Emerson) Bowmanville and/ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson thank- {Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Witherley ed everyone present for the | (nee Irene Emerson) Whitby.| many gifts they had received on [Miss Nancy Bird (oldest grand-|the occasion. child of the couple) had charge, The couple's 10 grandchildren of the gold register. were present, Ian, Christopher, In the afternoon pouring tea|Gregory and Douglas Emerson, Nancy, Neal and Janice Bird, | were: Mrs. Roy Knapp, Water- down; Mrs. James Boe, Toron- Mary and Paula Emerson and| Stephen Witherley. | to) Mrs. Wilfred Bowles, Nestle- Mrs. Harold Brain, chairman of the nominating committee, presented the slate of nomin- ees, and elected to the execu- tive were: Mrs. Ray Scott, president; Mrs. Robert Nor- moyle, first vice-president; Mrs. Clifford Harper, second vice- president; Mrs. William Clarke, third vice - president; - Mrs. Thomas Leveque, treasurer; Twelve councillors were elected. > recording secretary, treasurer, Mrs. Leveque. TREASURER'S REPORT the CWL at all levels -- local, to Canada refugee year, | Hockey League, and the Sacred Heart Program. COMMITTEE REPORTS Reports were also presented by the copveners of the various standing fommittees. Membership -- Mrs. George Fairhart reported a total of 220 members and 13 honorary mem- bers, with 187 subscriptions to the national League magazine. Citizenship and Immigration: Mrs. C. C. Murty reported 12 members of St. Gregory's Coun- cil serving on the boards of var- jous local organizations. Ten calls were made to New Cana- dian families and the Mass for Hungarian citizens, with an Hungarian priest officiating, was attended each month, Education: Mrs. Ray Scott announced the presentation of the two $50 scholarships award- ed annually to the boy and |girl from St. Gregory's school with the highest standing in Grade 12 and continuing through Grade 13. A member of the Council is serving on the Separate School Board. Girl Guides: Mrs. H. J. Du- Miss Loretto Gates, recording secretary, and Mrs. E. C. Eg- erer, corresponding secretary. also Reports covering the year just past were presented by the Miss Gates, the corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Egerer, and the The treasurer's report indi- cated a healthy financial posi- tion, largely made possible by the work of the banquet com- mittee under the converership of Mrs. Kenneth Cole. Contribu- tions were made to the work of diocesan and national -- and in- cluded the beauty parlor -sup- plies for Hillsdale Manor, $200 and donations to CARE, The CYO ton; Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Osh- awa; and Mrs. Charles Smith, Blackstock and in the evening Mrs. Otto Bragg and. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter. The WA of One of the honored guests|quette reported on the activities was Mr. Cecil Philp, Mrs. Em-|of St. Gregory's Girl Guides, erson's brother, who is the only|sponsored by the League, con- other survivor of the wedding! sisting of two companies with {party of 50 years ago. |an enrolment of 60 and one ceived. An assessment was made of pictures schedule for showing at the local theatres, according to the Legion of De- for their generosity and ex- pressed his warm appreciation of the work they had accom- SHOPPING CENTRE cency classification, and sent to St. Gregory's and St. Jo- seph's schools for guidance. Spiritual: Mrs. J. A. Yanch reported that a number of members had attended the clos- ed retreat at the "Cenacle of Our Lady in Toronto". Mass had been offered monthly for the members, as well as a Re- quiem Mass for a deceased member. The annual Day of Recollection was held success- fully, monthly corporate Com- munion and a largely attended HOME 16 SIMCOE THE NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION DAIRY ST. SOUTH Communion breakfast were highlights of the year. Social Action and Health: Mrs. M. W. Hanley, co-con- vener with Mrs, James Con- nor, reported 39 visits to needy families and food, new and used clothing, furniture, Christmas THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa and WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and THE HOME DAIRY, Ajax parcels and toys supplied, with a total of $441.29 expended. 783) patients were visited at the| Oshawa General Hospital, 162 of whom were from out of town, and 10 visits made to shut-ins at home. A total of 42 hours were spent at Fairview Lodge, 176 hours at the Ontario hairdressing at Hillsdale Manor and a total of 393 hours con- PECAN CHIFFON THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS | RHUBARB PIE "** 49 CAKE 49 tributed to the work of local or- ganizations, such as the Red Cross, the TB Clinic, the Blood Donors Clinic etc. Church Extension Group: : FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. w-- Mrs. L. R. Menard, pr reported 61 articles of clothing, two quilts and three baby blan- kets made up for the western missions. Two boxes of used clothing, Christmas stockings and toys were also sent, and nine boxes were sent to priests in the more isolated districts. A cheque, made possible by the group members foregoing their Christmas party, was sent to a missionary in British Columbia. In addition, approximately $200 was raised as a contribution to the Catholic Church Extension Society. PRESENTATIONS Highlighting the meeting was the presentation of past presi- dent pins to Mrs. G. W. Fin- jey, mow residing in Toronto, elected president on the re-or- ganization of St. Gregory's Council in November, 1951, and who served until 1954, and to Mrs. C. C. Murty, who served from Arpil 1956 to April 1950. Mrs. Kelly DeGray, who serv- ed from April 1954 to April 1956 Each week, members of the much. {ander Bonk, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Nestleton United Church serv-| Guests were present from|Brownie Pack with an enrol-|and afterwards as chairman of chapter serve refreshments at the "meeting of the Golden Age Club, but the annual birthday party is always a special event. Simcoe Hall was decorated with balloons for the occasion, and there were attractive bas- kets of candy and favors on the tables for each guest. Mistress of ceremonies was Mrs. E. J. Reed. The band of the Golden Age Club opened the program. Miss Rosalynd Johan- PERSONALS Constable Donald Ogilvie, RCMP, and Mrs. Ogilvie and two sons, Peter aged two years, and Jonathan, two months, have arrived in their new home at Merritt, British Columbia where Constable Ogilvie has been transferred from his for- post in Ottawa. they Mr , Oshawa, R. E to B.C. by and Mrs and Mrs. A. L route stable family Superior, Wisconsin, Montana and Calgary, Alberta. Members and delegates from Before were the week- ests of their respective and Mr. and Willett, Whitby. En motor Con- Ogilvie and visited Sarnia, Ontario, Havre, Lethbridge and Club, started within the last Mrs. Reed conducted some square dances, waltzes and al reel, in which members of the| Golden Age Club took part. This added much to the gaiety of the| evening, and was enjoyed by the! onlookers as well as those par- ticipating. | Mrs. Edward Bind, regent of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, spoke briefly, bringing birthday greetings and best wishes from | the chapter to the Golden Age Club. She introduced Mis. J. E. | Houghton, who had arranged | the party and expressed her thanks to her and her assistants, | and also to those taking part in the program. On behalf of the Golden Jubi- lee Chapter, Mrs. Houghton pre- | dent of the Golden Age Club, a birthday gift of two drums for their band. The club members were particularly delighted with this gift, as they had been want- ing a drum for some time, and had been using a large tin tub for this purpose. Mr. Smith ex- pressed the sincere thanks of the Golden Age Club to the chapter. The band of the Golden Age {year, has about 18 members, with Mr. Percy Danniels as sented to Mr. J. Smith, presi-| ; Nicholas Bonk of Bowmanville. The marriage will be held in St. Andrew's United Church on Saturday, May 20 at 3 o'clock. Woodstock, London, Waterdown, Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Lindsay, Barrie and surround ing area. led the guests. The bride's table was center- ed with a three-tier anniversary cake, which was beautifully de- ment of 38. All members attend- ed the summer camps. Three Guides successfully completed the Leader's Course, and a the Ontario County South Region CWL, received her pin on com- pletion of her term in the lat- ter office. Mrs. A. C. Love, now 'Be the girl of your dreams in DAISY, TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS BABY BONUS SPECIALS! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. / J Han ~ : in) RS 3 Ontario Riding of the Liberal conductor. Instruments played Association who attended the|include triangles, tambourines, Ontario Liberal Association|80 accordion, a mouth organ, convention held last week at/kazoos and now real drums. the Royal York Hotel, Toronto,( This activity affords much were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Har-|pleasure and interest, not only | ris, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs.|to those taking part, but to all Thomas Harris and Mr. Clar- members of the club, enlivening| ence Fralik, Port Perry; Mr. their weekly meetings consider- Roger Conant, Ajax; Mr. Bill ably, Lawson, Pickering. Those from| a< a conclusion party refresh ha wa | Oshawa were Mr. John Cam- ments were served by members eron, Mr. Lyman Gifford, Mr.| . and Mrs. W. M. Alsop, Dr. and! the Golden Jubilee Chapter {Im keeping with the occasion, | Mrs. Claude Vipond, Mr. and } Mrs. Ralph Wallace, Mr. Thom.|the decorated cup cakes were] as Gormley, Mr. Joseph Daley, | carried in, alight with birthday Mr. and Mrs. George Drynan, candles. As a finale to a happy Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warne. |evening, Mrs. Bind presented each guest with a rose. SPECIAL ! 4-PC. SPECIALS! "BOUNCING BABY" BRAND 2.57 2.97 LAYETTE SET 1.57 REG. 1.99! -- Practical; Gift- Right. Flette. Nightie, Jacket, 30-by-36-inch Blanket in white, pastels. A teething rattle in- cluded. Savings-priced. DIAPERS, REG. 2.99 DOZ. -- White flan- nelette, 21-by-36-inch end 26-by-26-inch sizes. Savings-priced. DOZ. .. The Misses Florence and Rose Hawkes, Mary street, have re. turned from an extensive trip to Australia. f Mrs yllis Braund, president of the "Peterborough club who was a delegate from eastern] Canada region to the inter- national convention held in Lon- don, England, will be the guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Soroptimist Club of Osh-| awa and district, tomorrow. New members will be installed in a ceremony which will follow | the dinner at the Hotel Genosha. | QUILTED BLANKET « 35 by 53 ins. White, pastels; quilted with gold-color nylon thread. Reg. 3.99. Seve 1.02! ... CERES Br HOWARD'S Draperies. now, a soft cup bra with the shape that never changes « « « a girdle with shape control that meoer changes « « +» Invisinet® is the secret . . . first permanent invisible shaping in any bra or girdle . . . soft-to- touch, lacy-fine. Illustrated from the beautiful Peter Pan collection: Inner Circle Invisinet Nylon Lace bra-- $4.00 Invisinet High-Waist, long-leg panty girdle--$11.00 PeteR par Available at all leading department, chain and specialty shops, including: EATON'S IN OSHAWA It's Tove at first sight... and forever after when you wear Daisy Fresh bra and girdle! CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES At ZELLER'S BEFORE 1 P.M. MONDAY, APRIL 24th, AND BE ELIGIBLE FOR A FREE $10.00 MERCHANDISE DRAW AT EACH STORE. STEVENSON'S RD. S. ZELLER'S LIMITED m PHONE RA 3.2209 BUY NOW! PAY LATER! Embroidered daisies on this broadcloth bra with shoulder strap elastic inserts and glove fitting sides. Sizes 3240. $2.50 Dainty yet slimming girdle of power net, front satin panel blos- soms with daisies. S, M, L, XL. $5.00 *T.M.RED'G. ond 'consultation on your foundation gorment requirements asting comfort ond satisfaction if done by experts . . at WARD'S there cre two graduate Corsetierres, three attractive fitting rooms, end a very large selection of bras ond girdles . , . all to help assure you of the best fit ever , . . our expert services are free, of course, |} FOR BEAUTIFUL™™ PORTRAITS CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES FREE ESTIMATES 926 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-3144 DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE Ask cbout the easy "four comers charge eccount" buying plan. WARD'S 31 Simcoe Street South at Athol Street Dial RA 5.1181 Free Delivery 40 King E. 4 RA 5-015]

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