Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Apr 1961, p. 13

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25--Apts. & Flats for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent 27---Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27---Real Estate for Sole 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale Six-room bun $12, FLAT (three rooms) first floor of nicc , Rossland Road West, Now com PRIVATE sale, six-room brick veneer, "arage, small fenced back yard, Close plete ready fi occupancy. If hs will rent unfur nished. Reasonable rent to careful Jen ant. For inspection, phone RA 8-1293. UNFURNISHED three-room rime | with bath, $70 monthly includes hea! and hydro, near Ritson school. Suitable for two adults, RA 57414 TWO unfurnished rooms for rent, $50 includes 831 Ritson Road South, RA 38-2114. SECOND floor King Street building three bright rooms, newly decorated, modern kitchen and laundry. Phone evenings RA 5-4914. FOUR large rooms, newly decorated, ground floor, private bath, arking, laundry facilities, stove and frig. Hillside Avenue. RA 3.7088 THREE - room apartment, built-in cup- nd sink, heavy duty wiring, T heating, hydro and parking. |? for sub letting. oN 8-0863 after 5 only. BEAUTIFUL room, twin beds, private|m th and entrance, suitable for one or 0 Hs close to bus and shopping. A bX room, in quiet home, ear bus stop, 10 minutes walk from ROOMING house on Drew Street. $180 monthly income from this three. storey brick home with garage. Hot water, ofl heat, requires low lown pay- Fy Call Lloyd Realty, Oshawa I Ltd. Realtor. PRIVATE ranch style bungalow, town and Shopping PRIVATE sale $1 this tremendous money Joi hE schools 5 Bill Horner RA 85123. RA 3-7442 after 6 p.m. 2,900, modern six- room solid brick bungalow, four years Sid 4] Jor cent mortgage, carries for| per month, Large lot, close stores. Calller, RA 8-51 FIVE-ROOM house for rent house for sale, ga nue, Whitby. or sale. MO 8-8275 or apply 927 Bayview Ave- $2,500 DOWN, sl newly abit recreation room, near Shopping Centre, TV antenna, laundry room, Amadis ate possession. Call own-| ,|TO BE |call H. 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Osawa Ltd.,, Realtor. property and discus Spykerman, RA inspect $1000 DOWN would be Somidered by the owner for this well located six-room two-storey brick home, oil heated, #n North section. Just off McLaughlin ge. Centre. For further | RA §5-3865. jouth General Motors, T 2408. THREE unfurnished JLo apartment, rivate entrance, e-piece bal RA 5-3243 or OL 5-475, No children. 325 Simcoe South. FURNISHED > apartment, bed-sitting room and kitchen, private bath, heat, light and water, laundry acilities, gar- age, abstainers. preferred, Tele- 288] shone RA 3-7055. ONE single room with 1 ture, trict, T 'boards a heat, Haier, lights 1 furnished room small children or Bg sink and heavy | wiring TWO large furnished rooms, s, refrige; ator, private entrance, also single ligne housekeeping rooms, with sink washroom Parking facill- in kitehioh, Close centre. RA 8 THREE - room Stas Sout pent north, central. Telephone RA IWo-ROOM furnished apartment, sepa- T Fry 3-4079 for further details, THREE - room apartment "with pri- vate entrance. Immediate possession. No children. Apply 75 Charles Street, | Call between ? and 8.30. #-ROOM furnished apartment, tiled floors, private bath, entrance, parking, | TV outlet, stove, réfrigerator, washing| facilities. Telephone RA 5-4555. | FIVE minutes downtown, bright, a at. tractive, four-room apartment, newl MF decorated, private bathroom and trance. No children, please. Available April 1. 91 Ritson Road North. sr we | LARGE two and three or five-room apartments, central. Reasonable, Heavy L duty, parking, dryer, antenna. Lovely district. RA 3-3505 after 6 p.m. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, heavy wiring, in new home, $65 month- | ly Includes light, heat and water, avail able immediately. RA 8.0159. GROUND FLOOR -- four-room apart- | ment, in apartment building, laundry | facilities, hot water Resting, parking. 165 Verdun Road, RA 3.3096 TWO - room TR basement | apartment, built-in cupboards, separ. ate bal m, close to bus and store, Available now. RA 5-3486. THREE - room basement japasi ment, furnished or unfurnished, sink and eo boards in kitchen. Apply 172 Hibbert Avenue. MODERN three-room apartment, un- furnished, private bath and entrance, picture - window, bullt-in cupboards. Close to bus and Shopping Centre. 222 Greenw ue. THRE! OM furnished apartment, no pe oll close to bus service. Phone RA 8-1720. FRESHLY decorated three-room, contained apartment, Harmony dis- trict, private entrance, built-in cup- boards in kitchen, available May 1, $70 monthly. RA 8-8836 after 6 p.m, UNFURNISHED three - room apart. ment, with garage, suitable for couple. | Available May 1. Apply 241, Bloor Street West MODERN heated three-room apart. ment, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, private mat adr facilities, sult | self- Apply 356 ¢ Cadiiac South 3 THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, private entrance, cupboards, two-piece | bathroom, heat, lights and water, $55 monthly lephone RA 5-2391 | LARGE three-room apartment, heated, near Shopping Centre, bus stop, park- ing, Immediate possession. RA 5-106, 534. { THREE-ROOM flat, central, private entrance, heavy WHOA private bath. | Telephone RA 5-325! ROOM and hE furnished apart. | ment, refrigerator, located 410 King| Street East. Telephone RA 8-8324, Ap-| ply above address, THREE rooms, including kitchen with | sink and cupboards, heavy wi outlet in clean, quiet home, Telephone | RA 8-3818 or 124 Tyler Crescent, n. HOUSEKEEPING ties, very central, Apply 96 Centre St. ATTRACTIVE furnished single room, in clean, qilet home, also furnished room with kitchen, suit gentlemen. RA 3-9225. KITCHEN and bedroom, clean and comfortable, furnished, also one fur. nished light housekeeping rpom at 77 Ontario Street, COMFORTABLE furnished room, suit. able for business gentleman, close to |bus line and downtown. Private en- trance. RA 5-2010. TWO furnished rooms, kitchen, with refrigerator, {boards and sink, all conveniences. rly 887 Ritson Road South. T0OmS beautiful large double room, furnished, suit two; also single room. 271 Simcoe Nona. RA 5-0575. RGE housekeeping ; room, , single JA refrigerator, near IGA Store for one or two gentlemen, 219 Ritson Road South. m and built-in ecup- Ap- for girls, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS in Private Home 82 PARK RD. NORTH Call between 5 and 7 p.m. RA 8-8678 27 --Real Estate for Sale [TF vo you "want a three- bedroom house {with a 6 per cent NHA mortgage and have $400 down payment or car of equal value call OLiver 5-3180. COUNTRY home, nearly new "ranch style three - bedroom, modern brick bungalow, with attached garage, all modern conveniences. Asking only *1$11,500 with low down payment. W. Me- Auley, Realtor, 12 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. BRICK home, bedrooms, act | Tierney RA S520 "Howe and Peters | Realtors. DUPLEX nearly new, close to Shop ping Centre, good income, leased, mod. erate down payment, easy terms. Call- Mrs. Weinberger RA 8-5145 evenings RA 37244. A. Weinberger Realtor, DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR LTD. 4] Gladstone Ave, RA 8-465] Toke advantage of this one and only offer, 5-room brick HARMONY VILLAGE Opposite Donevan High School Hamony Rd. South CASH--TRADE--TERMS OPEN HOUSE DAILY JOHN A. J. PRIVATE SALE FULL PRICE $12,500 . $5,100 DOWN Carries for $51 monthly plus taxes, 5 HA. mort ~ gage. Three bedroom, brick house. Large garage. For par- ticulars, phone RA 3-7674. furni- ; in new home in residential dis- RA 57645, BOLAHOOD PRIVATE SALE LTD. REALTOR INSURANCE Boulevard. Price $11,500. Possession, 30 days. Ernie Holmes Realtor, 204 King Street East. RA 5-2363. PRIVATE sale, two-storey frame home with garage, fenced back storms and screens, apartment upstairs suitable for renting, . carries for monthly, principal and interest. RA 5-2112. FOR sale or exchange, e, room, m, 3-bed- $600 DOWN and $75 five room bungalow in good residential area, Act quick, call Bill Horner, RA 3 500 FULL yiles, six-room bung: of good level land, taxes $90. Could be boug yard, |full details call Sally Wallace, RA 5-6297 Douglas L. Gower, Realtor, L Ltd. PRIVATE sale six-room brick veneer, garage, small fenced back por B oid Close fo down: downtown. Suitable for sub - letting. | 8-086. r and sewer, on street. Good ocatins et the city. To price, buys this| PRIVATE Six-room bungaiow 500 full price, Sho Sows, Telephone MO 8-4492 after SIX per Eu] Lo brick bungalow, completely fenced, fully 300 down. Phone RA 8-4390. Lloyd Realty, Oshawa, Realtor. alow, | n 2% acres ht under VLA. For 3 after 5 only. room brick ga rage on large lot near Camp Samac. $11,500, or will sade for bungalow wi exchange for a lot CO 3-2230. FIVE acres choice land exe Oshawa. Ltd, 28--Real Estate Wanted $1,000 DOWN -- Clieita waht homes in Whitby or Oshawa, If you want to sell call W. McAuley THealtor, 12 Prince St. 3-2512 or MO 8.5765. 29--Automobiles for Sale decorated, | bla "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 18, 1961 15 29--Automobiles for Sale |32--Articles for a radio, power brakes, etc. {his WY: buy, 77 4. Seaway Motors, Whitby, | 's3 Sei with sun roof and radio, rebullt motor. Yarry fo for this one, $545. Van Heusen Motors, Brewery on 1951 PO: sedan, blue finish, transporta Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 83331, ~------ | 1958 FORD ranch wagon, sharp - ite »| finish, four nearly new tires, CLEAN '51 Chev. hardtop, recent motor dob, radio, heater, seatcovers, standard shift. $190. RA 5-9877. closer to wa. T RA 5-631; SIX-ROOM WEINBERGER Six-room house, 2 rooms suitable for renting, alum- inum storms and screens paved drive, oil heating, lond- scaped. Utility room in base- ment, large fenced lot. Close to shopping, bus and schools. $75 monthly carries princi- pal, interest and taxes. RA 3-9877 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CADILLAC AVE, $12,500 $12,500 3-bedroom brick bungalow with good garage. This home is priced to sell. Forced air oil heating, medium - down payment. Phone for .Bill Millar ot RA 8-5123. WELL-KEPT 6-room house. Location Park Rd. N. Two rooms up- . stairs with sink unit and separate meter. Full price $10,550, Down payment of $4,500. To see call Henry Spykermon at RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor, RA 8.5123 - -- RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 _ Simcoe SN, 0 SACRIFICE APARTMENTS Owner Leaving Country 11 PLEX APT, 8 PLEX APT, 3 PLEX APT, These buildings must be sold. Unbelievable low down pay- ments and excellent tinanc- ing. Selling at construction costs, Call Lloyd" Bolohood at RA 8-5123 for appoint«" ment to discuss. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor. 101. OPEN HOUSE OPEN 1 P.M. TO 4 P.M. DAILY $12,950 Full Price -- $75.00 monthly plus taxes. No second mortgages--No Hidden Costs -- Just i $77 THIS IS WHAT YOU'LL SEE: -- Quality construction second to none -- 6-room bungalows, 3 bed- rooms; 1050 sq. ft. -- Brick veneer, oil heat FULL DOWN PAYMENT ONLY © LOCATION: Go south on Park Road to Phillip Murray -- Turn left to our sign. 6 DIFFERENT MODELS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., Realtor 101 Simcoe St. N., RA 8-5123 --RA 8-5124 -- RA 8-5125 REALTOR 32 PARK RD. N. IF YOU HAVE ONLY $5000 BUT YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO ON YOUR OWN You could have your own of- fice (rent-free, any type of business), and pay off with the income of another office and apartment the property described below. IT'S THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIEE INCOME PROPERTY SACRIFICE SALE OWNER LEAVING TOWN Beautiful rug brick building on a very busy intersection between Downtown and Shop- ping Centre consists of 2 of- fices ond one self-contained apartment, Income $220 monthly. WILL BE SOLD AT A VERY LOW PRICE |g RA 8-5145, Evenings RA 3-7244 Wilson REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Cenrte | RA 5-6588 {Open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. | TOP DOLLAR VALUE bungalow, filled with extras. Attached garoge, large lot and in the north-west area. Only $13,200, os low es $1000 down and N.H.A. fin- ancing for the balance. Give Pat Patterson a call. 26--Rooms for Rent LARGE, bright, furnished front bed. hein private home, five minutes down- or. parking space. Telephone RA THREE unfurnished rooms, large! storage room, private entrance and| driveway, newly decorated hot and| cold water, heavy duty wiring. RA SINGLE room, furnished, board op- Sonal, for gentleman, 10 minutes walk on 0 town Os a Home privil- arking s | rs ; Pi 'elephone RA ONE large furnished housekeepi room. Sink Bekeeping and builtin cupboards, Suitable for one or two gentlemen. Ap- ply 206 Marquette Avenue. ONE comfortable furnished bedroom, | Suitable for lady. Telephone MOhawk LARGE, clean, furnished ho housekeeping room, sult gentleman (or elderly lady), | parking space, downtown area. Apply | 114 Athol Street East. VERY modern furnished bedroom for| gentleman, in quiet home, very central, | RA 3.9577, 209 9 Bond East. LIGHT housekeeping room or room and board. Phone RA 3-3589. Apply 573 Olive | Avenue, ROOM for rent, central "location, hot water. Telephone RA 5.3259 OPEN HOUSE --ALL WEEK-- FAREWELL AVENUE Just South of TAYLOR AVENUE 3:30 to 5:30 $1200 DOWN CUTOM BUILT SEE THE MODEL and be sure SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. | 360 King St. West RA 3-2265 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Six room bungalow, $90 monthly. Available May 1. Apply 307] Rosedale Drive or telephone MO 8-5348.{ FOR RENT -- Newly decorated two | bedroom apartment, washer and dryer etc. $85 mon Telephone MO 8-2786. FOR RENT Self contained three roomed furnished apartment. All con- veniences, centrally located, private en- trance. Suit young couple. Telephone MO 8-4610 FOR RENT -- Three roomed apart ment, water and heat included. Imme- diate possession. Apply 610 Dundas Street West, Apt. 1 WANTED TO RENT -- Three or four roomed apartment, ground floor level. Urgent. Telephone MO 8-3783, FOR RENT -- May 1, one bedroom apartment, heated, private entrances, heavy duty wiring, in Port Whitby, RA 5-3090 or MO 8-5645 TEACHER WANTED: Lad y or gentle man willing to teach French conversa. tion, two nights per week, remunerated. Apply Box 909, Oshaw Times, Whitby. FOR RENT -- Small cottage. Apply 840 Dundas Street East, Whitby FIVE Plex modern apartment for sale. Excellent location, almost new building, showing good return on your investment. Apply William Middleton, oh a Street, Apt. 2, Whitby FOR rent Modern, two-bedroom apartment, heat, TV outlet, frig, stove included, $87.50 monthly on two-year lease. Immediate possession MO DON'T put ft off, put it on, roofing, siding, flat roofs, eavestroughing, paint. ing Phil & Phil Harper, MO 8-1558 JOR your 1 your masonry, cement work, roof- | and waterproofing, call MO 8-2294 a rates. FOR RENT--3.room apartment, cheer- fully decorated, heavy duty electric stove. 233. Palace Street, Whitby. Tele- phone RA 54302, Oshawa TYPING paper, letter size, white news- print, on sale at vour Oshawa Times office, 1111 Dundas Street West, Whitby. Approximately 630 sheets, J REGULAR $12 VALUE FOR $7 Lanolin enriched permanents from $7 up, includes cut, oil | shampoo, basic or high styl- | ing. COIFFURES BY KEN MO 8-5124 PLANNING TO BUILD A HOME Bring your plans or sketch to Eric C. Branton, Builder of custom homes in this oreq for 15 years. Get a written esti mate without obligation, Call enytims MO 8-2660, only $1.00. 4; tions. Na FOR RENT -- Apartment, three rooms, | Unturiishes, hot water, hydro, heat in. | clude: convenient location, parkin space. Call MO 8-5188 W . ATTRACTIVE two bedroom ved private entrance, paved parking, TV| outlet, laundry, dryer, convenient to| highway and shopping centre; available! June | 1 RA 8-2633. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. RA 3-9810 43 PARK RD.S. RA 5-8761 $1,500 DOWN A-1 condition, 5-room, 3-bedroom solid brick bungalow, only 4 years old, extra large modern kitchen, modern size living room, 4-piece tiled bath, oll fully decorated, storm windows and doors, T.V. antenna, forced air by oil heating, recreation room started, nicely landscaped lot with private drive, 6% N.H.A. mortgage. WHITBY $12,500 full price, spacious 5-room brick modern kitchen and living room, 3 bedrooms; ment, private drive, located on Anderson St. required. bungalow, large full size base- Substantial cash SUBURBAN 2 spacious ranch style brick and stone bungalows with many, many extras, natural fireplace, 6 large rooms, 2 bathrooms, attached double garage, full size high basement, double windows, about 1,500 sq. ft. floor area, large landscaped lot, $12,500 FULL PRICE 5 years old, 5-room brick bungalow, clean and modern through- out, some of the extras include, storms and screens, ceromic tile bath, T.V. antenna, fully decorated, landscaped lot, 5% N.H.A. mortgage. 99 ACRE FARM 12 miles from Oshawa, 65 acres good workable lond, nice trout stream, 10-room, 2-family home, fair barn, building with hydro and running water. Full list price $15,300 with $6,600 down, BUILDING LOTS Nonquon Rd. -- 50 x 165, $2,000. Wilson Rd. N. -- 85 x 184, $2,500 Bowmanville -- 50 x 13312, $2,500. Hampton -- 66 x 165, $1,000 each. Call L, S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 BC SERVIC! ES -- Complete bookkeep- | ing service for small businesses, week- ly, monthly or as desired. Saiementa| am Income tax returns. i} HARDWOOD floors laid, sanded. finish. ed; also wall and floor tile laid. Free estimates, Old floo bry rs refinished. MO, FOR RENT Three roomed, self con. con- tained apartment, modern, central, low] rental. Suitable for couple. Telephone | MO 8-3476: after 6.30 p.m. MO 83714. | Available May 1 DRESSMAKING --- Suits, con! and dresses; alterations and slip covers. l Perfect fit guaranteed. Mrs, Toms, Mo| 7 MODERN two-bedroom apartment - rent. Heat, TV outlet, frig, stove in-| cluded, $87.50 monthly on two-year | lease. Immediate possession MO 83-8006 | FOR sale a lovely modern five-room | h bungalow, high school, reduce to only $12,400 with | $1500 down or offer. Act fast. W. Me-| Auley Realtor. MO 8.5765 or RA 33512. | FOR RENT -- $65 monthly three and four-room apartments, balcony, resi dential area, newly decorated, laun. dry facilities, parking, close to schools Children's playground. Apply 300 High ree SPRING clean up up Special. F Fertilizing, | sweeping, rolling, trimming ete. Also a rates for laying sod, planting. 30 SAVE MONEY! Walter's | Plano. | Regula: | ting and Tuning. Apply at Grixtie Fur. niture Store or telephone MO 8-5481 after 3 p.m. dally. Work guaranteed. . { DRESSMAKING! Ladies' and Chi- ren's Wear, suits coats and altera. Mrs. M Bradford, MO 83-8666. | FOR RENT Boat box and cabin trailer, chain ond skil saw, cement mixer, paint sprayer, smelt nets, conoes, car-top boats, motors FOR SALE New and used boats, motors and trailers, lawn mowers and garden tillers WANTED , motors and trailers to be sold consignment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES }415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-322 BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE HOWE & PETERS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTORS 67 KING ST. EAST RA 5-7732 $750.00 down, 2 years old, split level, patio, finished recreation room. $1,695.00 down, 3-bedroom bungalow, 4-pc. tile bath, modern kitchen, car-port, $6,500.00 full price, 4-room bungalow, Ritson Rd. district. $8,900.00, 7-room home, central, lot. 2 kitchens, oil heating, 300' $10,900.00, 5-room bungalow, large modern kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bath, easy terms $12,000.00, 6-room, 2-storey brick, new forced air oil, garage, 'near Mary St $12,200.00, brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, about 6 months old, $1,500 down $12,800.00, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 6 years old, open fire- place, 2 bathrooms, 2 finished rooms in basement. $12,800.00, only $900.00 down, Whitby, 3-bedroom brick bunalow, 2 years old. $12,900.00, 6- room, 2 year old bungalow, finished recreation room," $1 500 down $13,800.00, moving out of Province, bungalow, many extras, selling below cost, $16,569.00, north end, $2,500 down, galow, attached garage. $14,500.00, 4-bedroom, 2-storey brick, brick and stone ranch easy terms. 3-bedroom ranch bun- north end. $21,800.00, 4-bedroom split level, separate dining room, north end. $22,500.00, 7-room split level, rooms. HOWE & PETERS have many We have a large selectic plus the Photo Co-op 3 bathrooms, den, spacious more listings for your inspection n of builders' homes not listed above, Uist your property with your neighborhbod realtors. Quality-built home, centrally located in south-east area. Recreation room with bar, aluminum storms, fully land- scaped ond many extros. 52 500 down buys a world of satisfaction. Call today for showing. GIBBONS ST. Owner's solid brick 1Y2-storey home close to schools and shopping centre. Five rooms with finished recreation room and tiled laundry. w oil fumoce and lots of extras. Only $1,600 down. Call to- doy -- see this real bar- | goin, | CAN'T MISS See this 5-room ranch bun- | golow in north-west area to- | day. Two-room apartment in | basement and lots of spacious | living in this 4-year-old home | --mony extras. Call right | | | | now for appointment. FERNHILL BLVD. One year old, beautifully finished 5-room bungalow with all the extras you'd wont. Carries for $67.00 per month. Priced to sell. Owner relocating out-of-town, Call RA 5-6588 Today! After hours please call: RA 3-7963 . RA 8-0581 RA 3-7183 Ken Hann Wes Elliott Dick Young .... Charlie Ronkine RA 8-2682 Lloyd Corson RA 3-2537 Thickson Road. Six-room BRICK home, * |bedrooms, Tierney, RA 5-5207, Howe and Peters WAN' to serious illness owner is sacrificing this well equipped grocery $2000. ance on easy terms. Realtor, i throughout, Call Wacko Realtor HIGHWAY "property between ranch bungalow with breezeway and attached garage, 100 ft. lot, $13,500 full price with easy terms. 8-4606. Joseph Bosco and Oshawa, ners, ce residen- tial district, fireplace og ving and fin. ished recreation room, and oven, four-piece ceramic tiled bath- room, two powder rooms, double ga- rage, extras. $10,000 down. MO 8-3119 after 4. \/LOTS for sale -- Jones subdivision, NKing East and Athbaska. Pavements: wers, water iz, $60 a "sale, | six rooms, DOWN 500 DOWN. . Three y - bedroom built-in ¢ stove attached 1958 PONTIAC, in 2 Jood so condition, good good. tires. Telepione RA 337 Arthur. 1960 DODGE, picts wie, beauti- ful medium green finish, V8, automa-| Whitby, MO 8-3331. 2 DODGE custom Royal, two door rdtop. power steering, power brakes, control, two tone, whitewalls, less than fifteen thousand miles, in perfect condi- tion. Call Ajax WH 2-2154 after 5.30. 57 OLDSMOBILE convertibic, white, Wired » excellent condition, Somatic, power brakes, whitewalls, 'offer. Private. Phone 3-4700 - MO 8-4982. c, new tires, $1,695. Seaway Motors, |hard a radio, wing mirrors with inside Many 54 OLDSMOBILE, A-1 condition, pr vate. Apply @ 21 King Street East, RA 1961 RANCH wagon, ig red tors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. *58 CHEVROLET deluxe four door, two tone walls. '58 OLDSMOBILE, r 88, two door, fully one s spotless. Trade and terms. RA 8-5179. 1956 METEOR Niagara four-door, n medium finish, V8 engine, radio, vo. trouble free miles left, $745. Sea- way Motors, Whitby, MO 83331. ~~ 1958 CHEVROLET Impala, radio, auto matic, floor mats, plastic seat covers, |for RA 8-0046, opposite ler THREE-SPEED power take-off, winch cable. Phone RA 5-5337, - ght) and hin at cost. Call RA THREE sewing one vacuum cleaner, going Also Melmac dinner ware, 5-9559. 5M , twin, best offer; Beagle hound. one year oid, Mo- $20. Telephone OL 5-3485. ELECTRIC EO range, Moffat, large size, phone RA 8-2389. PEDIGREE and Lloyd stroller, in good condition. Telephone RA 56931, owner, CLEARANCE "RPM records, on all 78 cs Fosters. Coure, 1 'Kent Suri Work: CHILD'S "orib and chrome reasonable. 19059 SIMCA two-door hardtop, beauti- ful soft blue finish, reclining seats, low i «in Apple Hill. Call Bill Horner, at RA 8-5123 Lloyd Realty Oshawa Ltd. Realtor. FOUR-ROOM frame con- 1960 FAIRLANE 500 six-cylinder four-| door sedan, light green, automatic,| radio, etc., mew car warranty, $2,095, Seaway Motors, Wally, N Mo nd all veniences, two miles north of city limits. One acre of land, two large buildings. Telephone RA 3-6598 for appointment. APARTMENT house for sale or will trade for down payment, Write Box 843, Oshawa Times. cres in city. One lot 200 = 81, brick bunga- small bungalow for FIVE RA 57786. "oil heated, Contact Mrs. low. Apple Hill, $1,000 down. Realtors. a business of your own. Owing , four large | so; 1955 CHEV, two-door, tiac, four door, radio, Toth "aean and Al me RA 8-8850 after 4. 1960 CHEVROLET, white il wheel discs, skirts, 3, Sadly, Best offer. Tele- phane OL 5. 1055 bt es door hardtop, new 1953 FORD custom four-door, beige, radio and automatic transmission, very good motor, $225. Seaway Motors, Whit- by, MO 8-3331. BUY your car for cash. Fast confi paint, can finance, $25 down. MO 8.|te! | 59 PONTIAC four door Laurentian, automatic, radio, heater, white walls, like new. Trade and terms. RA 8-5179. 1960 FAIRLANE 8-cylinder, 'two-door Pon-| dusty rose finish, deluxe trim, new car hago PA 317 Seaway Motors, Whit-| er by, MO '56 oRARGH Litcerne, four: dior door, power steel power brakes, seat, radio, automatic, whitewall Pires. Don't make them any better. Cash, rms op .Nicols Ltd. (Whitby), MO 8-8001. '53 CHEVROLET 3% ton in good condi. tion, $375 cash. Telephone OL $-3528, Mike's BA Station, Raglan, Ont. 1953 MONARCH Lucerne four - door sharp light blue finish, excellent me- $395. Seaway Motors, Whit- dential service, terms, For and and confectionery MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT: [business for a quick sale. Only $3500 including all stock information RA 8-6233. Sea- board Finance, 29%; Simcoe Street South, of Would dccept $1000 down. Bal- Ernie Holmes, 204 King Street East. RA FIVE-ROOM bungalow for sale or rent, central, num storms, sonable. p.m. $300 CHURCH Street, room brick home, immediate possession, large garage, very rea- RA 8-1414 between 4 two.storey, six- hardw 11 alumi- and 6 - | ten passengers, i roof, very low oors 1058 VOLKSWAGEN Van, light blue, four excellent tires, Al mechanically, | $645. 45. Seaway | Motors, Whitby, MO 8 3331. 56 FORD custom line coach, needs minor repairs by a handyman. Don't miss this deal $495. Van Heusen Motors opposite Brewery on King. by, MO 83331. i EM| mileage, $895. Seaway Motors, Whitby, stration. Telephont RA MO 8-3331. FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Hb: ib 8-4683, eral trade-in Mlowance, $50 or best offer, electric stove, Gurney, BED and is, Jolding d ay bed and mattress, two inside doors 2° "pe x 6° 8", sink taps, 8" centres. RA 3-4728. BICYCLES, $39.95 tents, boats, motors and trailers, new and used. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 56 VOLKSWAGEN, ed. One owner car, perfect mechanical- ly. Sale price $745. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on MOTOR cycle, condition, Telephone RA 8-6522. 1958 PONTIAC four-door deluxe, excel- lent condition throughout. Must sell. Ti RA 8-1201. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN bus, deluxe model, mileage, very rp, $1,695. Seaway Motors, Whitby, a 8-3331. oll heated, good Mary Hobbs. RA 3.9869. John n Whitby Chomko, MO Realtor. CALL MR. WEINBERGER | Renter modern clay brick San galow, {1% years old, one with garage, Whitby, storms and screens, twin | dows in living room, all modern con- veniences. Three blocks from four cor- and Ash Streets. Full price, iy 200 and $10,600. Down $1,800 and ments $74. at corner of John $1,900, monthly MO 8-5366. in pay- "54 FORD two-door body and motor, A-1 condition, very clean, $395. Tele- phone RA 8-1890. 1954 FORD custom ardor, J Belmont blue finish, Al . Sea- 1955 MONARCH four - door sedan, spot- less, medium grey finish, automatic, radio, washers, etc. Guaranteed me- chanically. Two to choose from, $695. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 38-3331. "58 Triumph, in good | Ty '58 PORTABLE 17" TV new picture tube, private. Phone RA 83064 after p.m, ELECTROBOME, Rea Jeter, Admiral. ™, service, highest trade in a at Farkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. Color TV on display. ~ WHY suffer arthritis or rheumatic pain? Have a private soothing cabinet En bath, shower and massage in. cluding heat lamp. For appointment 2 a 8.4501. 204 King Street a '55 CADILLAC, four door sedan, appreciated, Cash, terms Nicols Motors Ltd, (Whitby) Mo 8- a 8001, way Motors, Whitby, MO 8- ied '56 PONTIAC, two door, V8, ideal car to go to the cottage. Cash, trade or terms. Nicols Motors Ltd. (Whitby), MO 8-8001. 1958 FORD two-door custom 300, im- maculate two-tone, black and white with teri motor, '56 AUSTIN, four door sedan, ideal sec- ond car, clean as a pin. Cash, terms or trade. Nicola Motors Ltd, (Whitby), MO 8-800: 1959 Tov two-door Fairlane sharp two tome light blue and while, V8, automatic, padded dash, Sustorh radio, or, 6 » Ale s, low way Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. tomatic tr radio, $1,695. '57 OX E two - door automatic, radio, power brakes, etc., running condition, $585. U florist for delivery exclusively. ry 3750. FOR REAL ESTATE DON S. SMITH gr., Vickery Real Estate RA 8-6228 RA 8-4879 N.H.A. RESALE Three-bedroom brick bunga- low, 4 years old, North- West area, backing on Nipi- gon Park. Carries $89.00 per month, principal, interest, taxes. Aluminum doors, storms, screens, RA 8-6030 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR NEW PRE-FABRICATED HOMES COTTAGES GARAGES IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING Business casas IT ,CAN SAVE YOU PLENTY Many Plans to Choose From Built on Your Site Anywhere Move in Within 30 Days | DROP IN, PHONE OR WRITE AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA RA 8-5103 YOU. WON'T BEAT THE PRICE JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD - REALTOR LTD. INSURANCE «Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m, | 167 SIMCOE S. 4 ACRES--OSHAWA 87 opple trees (Mac's ond Delicious), 4-room bungalow, opple storage cement block building, property zoned M.1-A. Must be sold now, open to any reasonable offer. To inspect call Mr. Siblock now ot RA 5-6544, ATTACHED GARAGE Modem five-room bungalow with three large bedrooms. Well decorated, finished rec- reation room, fully land- scaped ond attached garage, bus at door. Asking only $13,900. Call Mr. Ratcliffe ot RA 5-6544. DESPERATE The owner of this well-built 3-bedroom - brick bungalow has just one week to sell. Priced for below cost -- his loss con be your gain, Only $1,000 full down payment, one 6% N.HA. mortgage for the balance, full price $11,000. Nicely landscoped lot with 75' frontage. Call now fof Mr. Cunningham ot RA 5-6544 or 5-2358. 14 SUITES 14 LIFETIME PENSION Sacrifcie price, 2 years old, all 2 bedrooms, fully rented ond leased, Aluminum storms and screens, paved drive ond parking, well decorated, stoves and fridges, washer ond dryer. A - reasonable down payment required. See this excellent set-up, call Mr. Appleby aot RAS5-6544 or 3-3398 , We Speak' Slavic Languages of O.D.R.E.B, . LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 RA 8-5109 71 WARREN AVE. Well cared for brick home, with income in good renting district, Second floor has built-in kitchen unit. Oil heating. Priced ot $11,500. To inspect, please call Irene Brown, RA 5-3867, BUSINESS AND PRIVATE DWELLING A new store in a rapidly de-- veliping part of Oshawa, lo- cated as part of a new shop- ping centre. The property consists of a two storey brick building, with a store of ap- prox. 20 x 50 ft. with a modern five-room apartment above. Full basement. Please Call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, or RA 5-4330. TWO FAMILY HOME Large Ranch nearly new bun- galow, locoted on Simcoe St. S., with two self &ontained apartments. Ultra modern kit- chens. All large rooms. Let us show you this good invest- ment property -- Call Jon Miller, RA 5-2993. FOR AN OLDER COUPLE Quiet location, a few blocks from downtown, Two bed- room attractive bungalow. Hot air oil heated. Cleor of mortgage makes it conven- ient to purchase on a small down payment, and .conven- ient terms, You can see this home ony time by calling Phyllis Jubb, RA 3-3240. WE LIST PHOTO .CO-OP Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord per- fect ineebanically, outstanding car. Ajax WH 2-1434 HARDTOPS, two and four doors. We've got them. '52 ro. '55 Chev., '57 7 Van Heusen 53-74 HARLEY, Al wind. shield. Call Elgin at RA 35-9087 after 5 pm, 1954 PONTIAC deluxe four-door im. maculate Oshawa blue finish, radio. This car runs and looks like a dream, us. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-. " automatic, as 's9 FORD Fairlane V-8, radio, two-tone, four-door sedan, new, $1800. Telephone RA 8-8978. 19059 PONTIAC four-door Stratochief, radio, tinted glass and many other extras, $1,695. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-331. '55 OLDSMOBILE sedan 88, very good condition, clean, Telephone RA 8437 Y after 4 p.m. dally. 1958, TRS, excellent condition; new tires, private, $1250. PHone Toronto Fad 5-8240 or Oshawa RA 3-7773 after p.m. 56 BUICK two-door hardtop, soft green i Inter spotless light green finish, 6-cylinder, RA 5 Motors, epposite Drowsy on King. 1955 CHEV, deluxe two-door, sharp green and white 'finish, Ys engine, au- alll power, must be seen and drives > Be 1955 PONTIAC sedan Aeliverys vortest T.V. TOWERS $55 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year, TRIO TELEVISION, 171 Bond St. East, RA 8-6781. COTTAGE SPECIAL 22°10" x 17°10" 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Regular Price, Built $1127. tomatic tr tires, Al mechanically, $775. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air, 8 cylinder, auto- matic, fully equipped, low mileage, ex- cellent condition, terms. Oromo 2236, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save "up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your e call 5-2802. a MONARCH four-door | hardtop, at the, lot, $1,205. used. care on 3 Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331, 53 CHEVROLET BelAir two door de- Juxe, beautiful beige and brown, spot- less inside and out. Trade and terms. RA 85179. 57 PLYMOUTH, 6 cylinder coach, im. dio, $850 cash, mechanically, $895. Seaway Motors, a Whithy: MO 8-3331. '60 CHEVROLET, four door station Yagon, power glide and many extras, A) Call RA 3-3034. 1950 CHEVROLET sedan, good running condition, reasonable. Apply 184 Celina Street. 3 CHEV. deluxe sedan, radio, § eylin- der, two-tone, white and yellow, Only $785. Van Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery on 1957 TR3 wports ¢ car, good shape, over- drive. Must sell immediately, Tele phone RA 3.7181, 1857 METEOR two - Too, 8 cylinder, second owner. Apply 56 Albert Street. 1955 BUICK special, four door, A-1 con- dition. Take over payments, Hilltop Motors, RA Tees 1954 PONTIAC two-door black finish, a OK, $145. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. '59 VOLKSWAGEN Brand new engine, clutch, muffler, etc., six month war- ranty, 500 mile free check- up. Private, one owner sal.e ' RA 8-5305 new two-tone brown white finish, excellent mechanically, $995. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. SACRIFICE Owner out = we Chevrolet Belair, radio and wind. shield washers $250 or best offer. Take trade MO 8-4722. 's5 CHEVROLET convertible, V8 auto- matic, power brakes, power steering, real clean car. Ca terms or trade. Nicols Motors Ltd. (Whitby). MO 8-8001. 1953 METEOR convertible, Trade your boat on a car-- New or SMITH'S SPORTS $1039. $33 per month Free Bonus Window Screens and wooden Screen Doors. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. 134 SIMCOE ST. §. OPEN 9 AM.-9 P.M, RA 8-4614 Electrohome Television Stereo Hi-Fi with exclusive SATELLITE SPEAKERS FULL YEAR WARRANTY 'w . plus -- on all parts MEAGHER"S 5 King St. W. RA 3.3425 WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons. Soft water for laundry use, $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver- ed anywhere, RA B8-4771. SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. RA 8-5912 Open evenings or weekends white finish, excellent black top, me- chanically OK, one owner car. $495, Sea- way Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car 30---Automobiles Wanted LATE model, low mileage car, prefer 1960 or '61, Pontiac or Chevrolet, 6 radios, from Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 1955 PONTIAC deluxe four-door, less two tone baby blue and Whitere. cylinder motor, four top-notch tires, Al mechanically, $745. Seaway Motors, Whitby, MO 8-3331. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES - BENZ - DKW Sales and service. Showroom open until 9 p.m. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7132 » Send price, telephone number to Box 634, -| Oshawa Times. 6 [LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181. 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3-4494. Res. RA 5-5574 $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deal up or SPRING SPECIAL ' COMBINATION ALUMINUM RS $3 INCLUDES GRILLE, NUMBER OR INITIAL ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Colonial Aluminum Sales Co. 134 SIMCOE ST. S. PEN 9 AM. - 9 PM. RA 8-4614 AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY Pick-up and Delivery Service 75c. Washed and dryed. RA 5-1053 7 AM. -- 9 PM. down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTOR SALES 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD .EAS Your AUSTIN DEALER HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 (32--Articles for Sale RA 5-0331 | We have a good assortment h of Used Cars. CAR INSURANCE | Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy a saving of $10, $15 or $25 or better | than 20% on their cor in- | surance. Half-year payments, Coll us today and compare-- ample free parking. | SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3-2265 HEINTZMAN upright piano in excellent condition. Can be seen at acsond 11 jrom last house on Varcoe's Road Ni BOAT, motor, trailer, $550. 14 ft. id 1d Jiswood hull, Jetase windshield, all rward 2 Fy motor. oL 5.4870, {SAVE -- Buy in bulk lots, oping} paper, |letter size, white newsprint, Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib, pkg. $2.00. Gircutation De- | partment, Oshawa Times. Trade your cor on a boat. Inquire ebout our special low rates on Marine Insurance and financing SMITH' tS SPORTS SUPERTEST SOAP FREE Complete supply of sogp free, for three full yea rs, powder, flakes, for your whole - family. Simply order one of our most efficient water- softener. No down payment, $215.00 full price. Installed in your home. For demon- stration, RA 8-3698, BOATS & MOTORS LARSON--Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH--Cruisers THORNES--AIluminum MASON--Lapestrake PET! ERBOROUGH--Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS--TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends Marine Storage & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5-3641 North Simcoe at Conlin Rd. 8-5912 (Continued on Pagel 16)

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