Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 18 Apr 1961, p. 9

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SPORTS WAGON PUBLICIZES LIBRARY WEEK function of the two travelling With the aid of Ceneral Mo- | Greenbriar multi - purpose will visit shopping plazas, tors of Canada Ltd, the Osh- awa Public Library has re- presentativés on wheel this week in the Oshawa area. The vehicle pictured above, a sports wagon, loaned by GM, is touring the district, as part of . Canadian Library Week, to promote Oshawa library facilities to residents. The librarians, Mrs. Nancy Mec- Knight, left, and Miss Mar- jorie Treffler (not in picture), is to explain the function of the local library. The vehicle schools and industrial plants in the area. The woman stand- ing right, is local librarian, Miss Ruth Brooking. --Oshawa Times Photo | Pigeon Lofts Theatre Has Many Made Legal Unsung Workers Yshs Ye ing YEONS { Whi whin hoo Tog Preparations are well ad- "Monique". But this is not for legal lofts in R4 and RG5/vanced by the Oshawa Little| Ted's only forte, he has been a Theatre for the next produc-|worthy "prop" man, and has Monday night |tion, "The House of Bernarda|appeared in "Overlaid" and property committee Alba', which will be presented|' 'Sorry, Wrong Number' as well Delegation Will Seek Trade School Representatives from Osh- nesday on a trip to Toronto in recommendation that the zoning|in the McLaughlin Library The-|{as "Murder In The Cathedral" bylaw be amended to allow lofts | atre on April 26, 27, 28 and 29. Des Bailey is construc the In these lower residential cate-| Besides those who appear on|set for this presentation wnich gorles, |stage in this or any other pro-| "Why just R4 and R5:" asked| duction, there are many "be-|Des, who is another of the tire- Ald. Walter Branch. |hind the scenes" workers with-|less workers for the Little Thea- Walker: It's the type of zoning | out whom this and other Little|tre, is capably assisted by Ray In which we thought racing pheatre productions would nev-| Langridge and Geoff Stokes. pigeons might be included Dafoe: What are you going to, do with the pigeons on the city hall roof, build lofts? How are you going to distinguish between ordinary pigeons? {Ray Langridge. Ray joined the the name of Des Bailey, for active members of the Little|Des has performed so many Theatre in the autumn of 1960) duties for this company both on Walker: 1 certainly didn't|2nd has worked both behind the and off the stage. mean that I am a non-pigeon | Scenes and on stage. He played| For this presentation Ron lover! the part of a policeman in "You|Lambert is in charge of paint- Lane (in chair): Ah! You're|Touched Me", the first play of|ing the set. Ron is no stranger reinstated as a lover of nature./this season. He also helped on te Little Theatre audiences Walker: I understand that rac- the construction and- painting of either and many will remember ing pigeons are looked after in|the set for "'You Touched Me". his artistically designed sets for such a manner that they are Ray continued to work on set| "When We Are Married", "La- not generally thought to be a construction for the second play dies in Retirement", i nuisance, {of the season and also assumed! pade" and "Tartuffe'" to men- ol yor Cliristine Thouias Call the added responsibilities of tion just a few. ces | n iti a | NE ae a ret manager, the position that he houses of Bernarda Alba". | For the last play of the year work, but Kitty Newkirk, Jay| - {the Little Theatre continues to Thomas and Harriet Rapley in| 1 é mpact = the services of our ca- combining their talents will cer-| {pable electrician, Merv. Jen- tainly produce a fine visual ar-| Is Exerted | Theatre productions in the last| The prompter for this play is} {ten years. This has not been Aileen Hall who has Jreviously| |Mervin's only avenue of endeav- appeared in a number of Little Y Ju. 20r bu, Ms taken sung 0 iti preduton As the {lighting for most of the Little narda Alba" hits the boards. . : number of the group's produc- maid Doris in "Book of The| The Interests of the members|tions. Perhaps he is best re- Month" and Sister Josephine in! of the Oshawa Junior Cham- membered for his fine portrayal "High Ground" Aileen's flair ber of Commerce are not con-/of the race track enthusiast for comedy added much to her fined only to local matters. Just! Sam Benson, in "The White portrayal of these characteriza as the citizen of a municipality Sheep of the Family". 7 is also = citizen of his province Dave Attley will be delving and of his country so the Osh into a mew side of back stage awa Chamber of Commerce has work for "The House of Ber provincial and federal interests|narda Alba". In this play in addition to its local activities | Dave, who worked on sound for At the provincial level the ac-|.yonique™; will be looking after tivity of the chamber of conv|ine "props" us merce of each community par "0 of the most enthusiastic ticipating is co-ordinated and members of Little Theatre is presented to He Drovincial SOV: Farrow Ye wh hb ernment dy provincial chamber of commerce charge of sound for this play This year the provincial C of Ted has worked on sound before C convention is being held at/for numerous productions. as a member of the chorus in "Murder In The Cathedral." The reserved seat sale for the play will begin on Saturday, April 22, from $:30 am. to 6 p.m. at Henderson's Bas Store and continue on Monday and Tuesday, April 24 and 25, from 4 to § pm. Reservations may also be made on the nights of the performances after 7 p.m at the box office in the Mc Laughlin Library Theatre as long as tickets are available ! | | Windsor during the month ofjamong them the last play, May. A large number of Osh- munities across the province There are more: than 3 chambers of commerce across the Dominion of Canada. These to the federal government. The Joseph Alert Hickey. 3, of 135 and reported be was policy of this national group is LeUna sireel, was committed insape determined by the majority for trial dy judge and jury at a self-reliance Oshawa Police Chief The chamber of commerce FURY est endeavers through its activities PAaCiag Ww 13 to focus greater attention op mu SRRageC Lgung their views and arouse Public de was let ow opinion -- mot for any selfish 13 de was or partisan ease but for Police static the deselit of ai membders of od with ¢ and couldn't get the accused the was designed by Russ Waller. | THe _ the New | search of a trade school. They will meet with Dr. C. W. Booth, deputy minister of educa- awa's city council and board of| education will join.forces Wed-| 50 Poachers Requir By Schoo The regular meeting of the Committees of the Oshawa Board of Education for -Public Schools was held at the board administration building, Ross- land road, Monday. A large agenda of routine business was handled quickly. > A considerable amount of time was spent on routine mat- ters concerning the teaching staff of the public school sys- tem. This included letters of resignation from six teachers, and the request of four teachers for an extension of contract be- yond retirement age. A number of probationary teachers were recommended for transfer to the permanent staff. Plans for school inspectors, principals, and a number of trustees to interview prospec- tive teachers at several teach- ers' colleges were left with Dr. C. M. Elliott, superintendent of public schools, for completion. About 50 new teachers will be needed for thé Oshawa elemen- tary school system in Septem- ber. Of these, about 36 will be hired from various teachers' colleges. Permission was granted to the public school officials to pur: chase instructional supplies that have been approved in the bud- get. By purchasing the supplies now, the board will save the three per cent sales tax effec- tive in September, and will avoid a last-minute rush and | possible shortages in the class |rooms in September. Trustees Mrs. C. C. Lee, Dr. A. E. O'Neill and L. G. Glover {tion for Ontario, and Dr. S. D. | Rendall, provincial superintend- |ent of secondary education. | Mayor Christine Thomas, Ald. er reach the stage. One of this Usually any mention of a Little/ Cecil Bint and Ald. Walter Lane, | | year's additions to this group is| Theatre production brings forth and City Treasurer Harold E.| Tripp will represent the city. | Education Board Chairman S. G. Saywell will be accompanied by Margaret Shaw, Father P. Coffey, Harold Armstrong and George Drynan. | If a trade school were built explained Mayor Thomas, would be paid for wholly by the senior governments, would be used for Oshawa and district students, and would be available ing. were appointed to a musical festival committee to work out |a program with school teachers |for a musical festival. LETTER CONTEST CLOSES FRIDAY Oshawa Sones SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1961 PAGE ELEVEN WENDELL BREWSTER recreation director, with his CRA staff Monday night began the first of a series of four leadership training classes to teach summer playground Asks Closer Relations With Colored "If we are to avoid trouble in the future, it is necessary that ships with non-white people and assess what they have to offer our society. We must close our we cultivate personal relation-| i staff what is expected of them during the summer months when they will be assisting hundreds of city children with their summer recreation. Above, Mr. Brewster, second | The first in a series of four educational classes for the CRA |summer playground staff was held at CRA Monday night. |The playground leaders train- {ing course is held annually to {acquaint the summer play- from the right, is explaining how to complete a weekly re- port which all supervisors must submit to CRA at the close of each week's activity. New supervisors receiving in- tent, administrative structure, recording and reporting of park happenings, scheduling, work and program planning and safe- ty and the use of volunteers were the topics discussed during Monday night's class. Hey kids! Is your mother one eyes to their external differ-|ground supervisors with the Next week the CRA staff will of the greatest in the world? A great many sons and daugh- ences." type of job they have to do dur- give an explanation of small With the theme, "Color -- the |ing the summer months and tol group procedure and introduc- think so judging by the number cracy", William White was the/in Oshawa. of entries in the novel '"Moth- 'ers' Day" contest. venile delinquents should read speaker at the Oshawa Junior Mr. White, who is colored It has been the practice in the {Chamber of Commerce's Past past to hold a series of five Adults who continually deride Presidents' Night at Hotel classes, however, this year itl, "Esca-ifor adult "Schedule M" retrain. the younger generation as ju-Genosha Monday night. it/ters in Oshawa and vicinity Unfinished Business of Demo- outline the. playground systemition of different topics, which will include small group discus-| sion and special events. At the May 8 class, part of was cut to four. The reason for | 1aygrounds and other summer one less class this year, Wes If a technical school were some of the entries which have himself, is director of indus- Ogden, assistant recreation di- Those who work on costumes built, financing would be shared been pouring in to The Oshawa!tria] and public relations for the will also hold for "The House have problems peculiar to their|by all three levels of govern: Times office for several weeks, Toronto Cast Stone Company. own branch of the backstage ment, the school would be used praising their mothers. rector said was because during 'the time interviews were being {He is also a member of the|given applicants for playground for Oshawa students only, and] The contest, in honor of Moth-| executive board of the Canadian positions, the interview consti- the local board would have some administrative control. ers' Day, i8\ sponsored by The Oshawa Times. It offers cash Council of Christians and Jews, and serves on the board of di- The possibility of combining prizes for the best three letters rectors of the Central YMCA in discussed. judges, best describe the title "I think my mother is the Any child, from the youngest, Second Marsh "ass in up to age 14, is eligible to enter and three submitting the {kins, who has looked after the/ray when "The House of Ber-|the two types of schools will be which, in the opinion of the Toronto. In demonstrating the serious- ness of "segregation today, Mr. White cited .an analogy between early democracy, as instituted by Greeks and Romans, and the shortcomings of democracy Water Level ju eo will win cashlas practised in the U.S.A. He To Be Raised |, dam in the southeast section of the Second Marsh to raise the The Oshawa Times office on or, water level two feet and close an old outlet. The dam will be constructed at no cost to the city. The committee says a higher water level would sustain a greater number of waterfowl! and muskrats Dam plans will be subject to the city engineer's approval 5 - Member Opposition? FORT WILLIAM (CP)>-CCF Leader MacDonald said Mon- day night that five CCF mem- bers have taken over the role of opposition in the Ontario leg- islature He told a public meeting that : the 22-member Liberal group is in l strife and added that Liberal members their real political b retadl sales tax, umempioyment aad 2 pre-paid health insurance Frogram. rizes. All letters received may or may not be published in the spe- tions. Aileen has also appeared! The Oshawa Fish and Wildlife cial Mothers' Day issue of The Commmittee will build a holding! Oshawa Times on Tuesday, May 9. All entries must reach before 5 p.m. Friday, April 21. Sewer Overflow Damages (zoods An estimated $5,000 damage was done to spring and sum- mer merchandise at Glazier's Department Store, Simcoe street uth, when a sewer overflowed into the basement during the weekend. Wilfrid Stemeroff, of Glazier's discovered the flooded basement {Monday morning when he went for stock. He' said that between six and eight inches of water was on the floor when he ar- rived. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wish to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays toda Mary Jean Mary St; Mrs. Theima gar, 358 Buema Vista; Val E. Harvey Gibb St: Mrs Ferm Rahm 683 McMilian Drive: Ins Starr, Seuthiawn Ave. and Sandra McAlister, 22 Conant St pointed out that by denying Athenians full rights and privil- eges, the Greek system crumbl- ed. Second class citizenship re- served for slaves denied the Romans internal peace. "The situation we have today is that in the USA this in- ferior class of citizenship is con- ferred on the negro -- on the basis of his color alone," Mr. White said The speaker wen on to warn Javcees and members of the national and international dan- gers involved in the segregation issue. He pointed out that there are 12000000 negroes in North America: that globally. non- whites far out-number Caucas- ians ics) "The Asian powers are not slow to realise the tremendous propaganda value of their brand of democracy. and are today taking advantage of it to our detriment IT {tuted one class. '45 LEADERS ATTEND During the Monday night ses- sion, an explanation of the pur- program, small group discus- sion will take up part of the zgenda and the class will again discuss safety procedure and the care and handling of equip-| ment. This class will end with a plenary session. During the final session, May {15, the small groups which were isingled out during the first e discussion will centre around | {John Flegg, Bill Flagg, {Feldberg, Helen Godfrey, Angela struction from the recreation director are, left to right, Den- nis Reid, Adele Planeta, Robyn Rice and Diane Olech. --Oshawa Times Phote Playground Supervisors Start Training Courses Central Ontario playground training course at Camp Quin- Mo-Lac, from June 24 to 28 be- fore going to work in the city parks. {SUPERVISORS LISTED Following is a list of the boys and girls who will become super- visors at the city parks this summer: ; Rice, Carole Evans, Gloria Hercia, Mary Walsh, {Pat Payne, Sharon Culley, Den nis Reid, Mike Karas, Doug Wright, Bob Anderson, Joan Eb liott, Marlene Shewhuck, Diane Olech, Janet Sparling, Dian Mit chell, Lynn Langford, Dianne Coleman, Adele Planeta, Myrna Ross, Terry Jalasjaa, Alan An- drews and Mary Ann McAllis- ter. Norm Davis, Tina Petrowsky, Bonnie Crowter, Nina Fraczek, Lisa pose of the course was given|three classes will report their|Minacs, Wayne Clark, Fay the 45 playground leaders and findings on the subjects discuss- Drummond, Pam Fudge, CRA summer swimming class. ed during their small group|Am Wood, Grant Soul Thirteen of this year's staff are discussions and the closing ses-| boys and the remaining 32 are/sion will be entitled "Summer Paul Fletcher, Wayne girls. Distribution of course outlines, | Recreation and You". The summer park supervis- leia Fair, Lynda Sayer Glenn Lee, Joanne Glover, Mar- Taylor and an explanation of the course con-'ors will attend a five-day East Dorothy Donald. City Well Licence Problem Will Be Studied At Workshop ,. .. .... si et vp wba ie Represented Twenty-nine delegates, many | of them representing Oshawa| Neighborhood Associations, at-| tended the fourth annual East time," Everett C. Pogson, 403 Gilbert street east, Whitby, has to Oshawa city coun- cil to give him permission to construct and operate a gaso as there is no contravention of the bylaw." --An opposite corner has been rezoned. --Two pegmits have been ap- Central Ontario Zone Workshop! jin, service station at the north- proved since. Any strings Conference of the Ontario Rec- oa5t corner of Simcoe streetitached? Under questioning, reation Association in Camp- bellford recently. Attending from Oshawa were: W. M. Brewster, J. L. Ward, G. K. Gelette and W. L. Ogden e from the CRA staff; Mr. and r Mrs. J. Major, Mr. and Mrs. us" R. R. Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. R. Germond, and J. France, from ! Woodview Park: Mrs. A Fer- - the awa Chamber of Commerce members are planning to attend ™ | A TO Stand Irial | community chambers of com 9 \ merce are joimed together through the Canadian Chamber Charged with smashing Affleck that a. doctor } HB votes of te member chambers. Pred The members of the chamber 32 3 of commerce Ddelieve that de SAF nicipal, provincial aad mations: HIN affairs. Through chambers of Hicker as commerce membership, it of deimg community, province and charges w after Nis trial for wiifzi damage Sergeant Alex Alexander toid share their ideas with cham. ber members from other com- of Commerce where their ideas Stool inte "a thousan es," fr the Out spital, Whi are coordinated and presented In an Oshawa jail cell br, Bad examined the accy pendence on governments leads Hickey was charged with wil to the drying up of initiative and ful damage, im excess of pens of the community dasded piace. He dad together voluntary, express 3 drunk charge he court, Monday 33d deen ¢ Bylaw A dvizw which would allow 3 f2ally shut off Qe water land owner to enter sx sdiacent Hickey continued 0 male 3 § property in ander to male re 200. "Then 1 heard a bud pairs on MS ows property was © C3 SRT Sergeant: Alexaader defeated § to 3 Mondav might, SUE with Ud Normar Down ad wang i NS J rou 0 he cell ive John Wresew 3 ry a wit smashed A MZ [3 pemersl W-lcnn my opinion OY man acted aw ad AM (and lawyer) sone Sunk or sane." De EF Basted "1 would sup corceant said The court Dad art ZF BR were made more heen tid dy Crown Atormey peace - Property Committee Chair man Abert Waker warmed Bere was "zs great dsager 0 massing 3 deinw so wide open 3s bis CROWDED WATERS AUCKLAND «KF Undies. water Ushermen a x0 = and, of We east ¢ , Ad Normans Down admitted Bat "vou would put a lmdder on ae : WA nr De widkdlie of oder ced anv view wiow's sergwderty patch " acai. varety AM Cecil Bint added Bab Sev yumbersd wunck might de "I grave da gods aod were demg stacked Cha fog of refereeing 2 Boge umders of Cogtsh comptecely Mast Hem called Radawa: Nown sdowe sre jie past mis drought out of ex as of Hoe i i Bind, "eperd sgh NINE PAST PRESIDENTS GUESTS Past Presidents' Night Yeid at Sats senosha Monday nugnt Of fe 15 past pres dents nr De Oshawa cnd's tis Wry Mne veny present Wo de merited JF Jarycees Sa Around De adie fam He eft are: Ald Eayward Wardoch, BR5 James Eare 958-31 Donald Brown, HEISE Jack KEsrr IS5L55 Rober Dew- and, 1957-38; Dougins Eaow- | - init i i | OF JAYCEES - er 1353-53 Dan Lowe fi: Jerry Ruther $i and Henry "Cpick™ He 3 --Cshawa Times ndez and Mrs. R. Norton, Kingside Park; B. Howard and EB. Cook, CRA Teensville; Mr. Sherlock and Mr. Logan, from Lake Vista; Mr. z2=d Mrs A Carey, Harman Park; A. Hucul Hicks and J. Butler, Bathe ark; C. Mason, A. Brown s. R. Elis and J. Calder ral Council of Neighbor- d Associations; Miss S$ Shelenkoff, B. Breen and J Ezoffman The [after two put on 2 demonstration of lapidary Walter Harris, chairman of one, welcomed the dele- Fred Brookbanks presi- f the Ontaric Recreation and their piace In the ORA Mr. Harms acted as chairman for a panel presentation ou the "CUse of School Facilites for Bzcreation™ Other members of the pamel imcinded Lawrence Kelis, superintendent and chief mspector of public schools Belleville: Li Cal C. CG spervising principal district collegates am Thorsen, dirsctar of recres Son, Cabourg KEsmmeta W arec- Ratinson, director and presented 5 the Zathermg 2 concise picturs of Je recrszCon dirctors A zp of ladies from Camp deiiford, directed 5y Mry. 4 GC Watson, called Se Choraiians presented a series of three smgs to Se group. The Dur- fam Comty Drama Warkshop sresented 3 améiges play en "tied "Battle of Wits." 3 Morning and afPraoon work shop sessions nciuded" "Elfec- Toe MWeetings™ and was led By north and Taunton road. The zoning is right but coun- cil is the only body which may issue licences to operate serv- ice stationsy and council claims that each case should be de- cided on its own merits. Mayor Christine Thomas sent the matter to the property com- mittee, but it was finally refer- red to the Traffic Committee, on a vote, An Oshawa taxpayer, Pi n red before council a said: "1 feel 1 have had a hand in putting you people here tomight." Mr. Pogson gave six args ments for his case: : ~The matter before council since last September and 20 written notice received ~The corner lot is net specy- lative. It has been in the family for over 4 years. "I would think you could use this prop- for mumicipal recreation com- mittee members with 2 popula- tion under 3000, and was led By Jack Eilbeck Toronts and Dom Maddocks, Belleville. Both are district representatives of the commumity pregrams branch Ontario Department of Education. T. A Leishman conducted 2 similiar session for recreation commitiee members from com munities with a population of ver 3.000. Earid Earton, social reation adviser for comme- programs Brauch, led 2 attended session mm social East Central Ontarie Arts and Crafis Assoc ation eid z general member- stip meeting in conjmetion with the conferzace and many mem 3ery displayed their work Other notable persons whe at tended wers--Mry. Jane Braaten, ezeoutive secrstary of the On tar's Recrsat Agseciation; Eenry Longwtaf® crafts adviser for the commumty Jragrams Branch: Mry E Hawley editor of the "ORA", 2 publication of the Ontaric Recrzation Assncia- Son. Robert RB. Cornisit. of Oshawa. who for the past two years iss Seen recording secrets, was again siected no fe executive nity Picts Za Morey fam Sowmanvile committee of Ge Jens. Pogson admitted he didn't whether licences Mr told _her husband she inkherited $1048 from am uncle, pleaded guilty Monday to theft of that money from the Power Store, King strest east, March 17. Magistrate F. §. Ebbs rs manded Rath Warren Graces Johnson, 23. of 44 Simecse street nqrik, ts April 24 for sen tence Pzal Baker, manager of fhe stare, said the zcrused had Been kived 29 2 spare cashier. He 12id the gave the name Helen Miller 20d told him she had eight peasy experience 34 2 cashier. In court Monday, ike admitted t was 2 fzise name She 12id she ziso gave 2 false mempioyment Msarzacs MUM Ber aad false mformation about fer experiance The cour: was wid she worked rae dayy me week, Then came ck t3 work on the fSillowing Thursday, Mares 18. Baker said she worked March 8 and I Sut did set come mn om Maweh 13. Be said when the cash reg- grey receigtsy wers checked They showed, $1050 30 missing Merz Jofmaton was rvestad at Ber home, Monday, Agrd 3 Fer mushand uid Se com" Wondzy, de fad no idea the money wie glen mtd the thins of Se arrest He seid she Bad wid im 20 mele iad ded loan ng Te money oo fer The court was 'oid 39 had pesn recowersd Mr J said he wmid wy amd make sampiete regtitution 3efers Riz appeared far sentemes. EY

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