2 THE GHANA TIES, Monday, Api V1, i947 CHARGED WITH MURDER lene B Ont Heike ¥ ina wl April £ with hind where the died of » fils own he mirder Viaward hatgun Wigs found in | tio shot Wi of # her hw Vawmrd from Hh charged | the house, My 2, | the mother of fiir boys. With her is Det. Donald MeMilian CF Wirephata) Assent Refusal Against. Ancient Federal Policy Lieut i TITY I" wa " 8" to indigate | clignged ther Pri r Bb fold Ihe on fast that My pido aeted Wi servi anf that wou i have leh Ie I Bon ven the van le | all of 3.000 mines hi fede gover hu Hast en iihin | sine fenhaker week h in re a Wl Dask on f if Cla take future fan federal gay nH cabinet i thie fl i WH Bil HE ives of the legisiature i he Ha Fb hetaore §' thie The 111] A ¢ ot) SAYING the pase Ha have EESRIE wed dou fei wit Fh could puss Mr. Bast "da ha i, If h (LI fue past i bit (LEE) federa My nowevi ne - in fumstances f { erference het hould vel 1] Inter A ike " I "nd famous Alberta banking and Age hills af 1037 cabinet 1 there with JH 100 of Jurisdiction of » ature nh RABL reason for the { ded wil t would EPI He then rmment chase ¥ ' n ind, the federil an orde wild be do they hi bi TT aid thers ta the val means hy tha the hill wits he As prob that } hi tawn bil Ie nikal Was i re heen the domi federal velo Otawa has dis nied nee | these the asl were i power of shplied for iefenbiaker any BOVeFrnmer fn the ELT extraordinary ton the WW hould be ravi federal gove 3 M wi Vi Wn W MODERN GOLDILOCKS » $3 ' VR S08 8 Whipenade Sew bed | eA WHEW) dil 8 bill enacied coi idded To do athe the fede wise would he 16 place the al govern ment in ind Jury The po Ottawa het first enuncinte Macdonald afte Ontarin when HOVETROY Pe two bi tia aviation 'Bad Weather Saves Lives In Maritimes fhe Marny find Ma wah y fiat wERIReY at Ariohrs olf the oF Fade Aci ts FRET fh ak WEE ATA ACRBARABIZR View RETA oe CRIT IRAE eR garages weskend fo Aapthe, From 8 pw Friday to midetght were 72 Seve Scotia. Dew Frm and Vrinece FAwpid ean ITER FWA 0, Saakatetiecwl fone 2 and Mas fomindiand A fie Thm of germs Carats wi WE RRtTRE Acting REABEIRE FRA ROW were (hres fi aie. one nw Alert for Browming fario and Aeris Swe « venr » od Corey Alen Ware, drowned near hs Eden Friday, four » dL GO KET (ERR £ $A A Hh ¢ grits # { fatarty eel # NOTH oh $50 Wy ata "ie TT Gd A W CH Baw whidd # | each a Mort " ¥ nalts iad ae ' 7 4 dies y " af titday mgt When ERE WW whieh he was PRESER ERY struck # tree in York Township Yoromtn smirk Wayne VAwaids waht when ae Wi Foromts Zaglavirs bridegroom of one day Sunday when Ws wf Invisible Men Voodoo Cult fhe " ye killed Sa truck Wy bv omie i Kinen mit turday car (ene wit CRY In New Guinea | Men Killed SBY, New Gul Australian sel ind of New Brit with the nial MORI Hers) PORT # (He om i fle thie faced f 068 oul ine in Rr Wihty of whose se thod of mak ing & L Fel WERPON 18 ng # man ny from the ey Ingint, seid the dking #& man nv) Serap Al n Ywo defo the MW ry KEnOwWn Bs pation for n hile from 80 meludes he hones of Bn fier killed on he the Bec World ngs NETICRR land during War nfarmants ond told a onary au that while he Homan Catholle they decided to report thoritie learning in kil Britain two mis to alley f were afoot om New a frist Alstral Mations tered hy territory The heast ierman 1 dren of Bo inter New Education QUEBEC (OM Huneh an ¢ We front enti mu before fe Lolsirs pire Wilbproad Bo Jul { the Quebe | WANTS NEUTRAL le M Langue French was er AMHOOLN R'RE : by ar launched this idea of § who wan Leaders French Jewish childres Engli sh sthoals Mr. Bheres those | but are nol SOIR IA 9 The statems of activity tion question aumber of le dren to Pren Ag with h thelr said 1a hew nova pr ARR an i! 3 va Alsm Sulphur Band Around Earth WASHIN Sta \ ¢ \ ad b tiny os ng at ws far Pa Phur--stan about Il m The alr search vered aa ® geoph dire a a? Baa WoL ee Dance Brawl Brings Charges On # Laxative Merry Ge. KE NR TON TOMORROW ALRIGHY MI giv Round? any seventy years, is Bee Lv vw Nature's 4 19ins wie Woes ty, A de BACKACHE | RHEUNATISMauy WIENERS a A SRR SEIATY dia CR ) A pads ach iad wave Aewthe, " for of ©) heya paid 8 ¥ Remi} (tani © Cian dad katy Bunaey wi aR Eada Pt LERIET BERT 18 Fiatie down wo Myer ana turday when herr car It # hy tw each Wn OW aro pote north of Owen hong rs # ay oA #5 Ka Wh Ball % Marwood ( RET pi AWE, IRR d 6 (Mawes Pandey whe by pa Lidl % i mile foi "Lp; Aaa VOROWEG wri Liberal WER & TYR COMEISHOR WN YEAR A WERVIER FYE yada as in (nd aris Pome , 1 Acicgates wt he dosing cesiion of The RRR e mating Satirfay ERVE WG JS BiH i the pesobtion Sarin g A Twos, # Ion mer pendant (TWh Me ney said Omanio gangsiers Welong 16 ad od rns 9 har Hy winie they "wrt pespie anid gis myo ed with police ana Wak MAficials He suid the only action gang Hers von not Hight wea he 4 ual CRRA vi CER on Fhe gangers, he said, Rave pin faatione men pt Ihave Chow it's md phic relations ty machine-gun someone," he said fm ltd EE i wri i Wry. Mis 7 WRday me Re rode Be Meyeie Wiliam Mckay, 51, of Port Killed iv # for ns col # Vor Credit, 10-wiies wast of Torowis, Sanday Ide 1itsleficid, Th, who Hiawg "; i ng firk Weloonegdl, 3, of Killen Sli Bay frick by # trans Klis Hardman, 75, ind Blewart MW Fonote, kite Ba Willard |, ¥ alia w Phi ha WHER Ha i {ames | mw, of SAILOR WED . THREE SISTERS The Iasting Wis #60 RGM mos i wa pepper of Tiber {ander John Wintermeyer who @id he will win the Ret pe chal Edection whew sacri principle fo al ia CAMBRIDGE Vndland wkidic ah (AV) tired British ne vil officer Baturday marned i prdiency He demied newspaper TRpOI thie ter sister of Wis two that he was PIanmng 16 Fesign fey in a wedding the leadership HA) y i Y figs A HAN OE Wie with hie end wy oA ther | Cmdr. David Wemyss took as We bride Mig wette Mgrs Ia Towmhe Wen married Vouk ia Touche in 1924, and she died i900. Later that year he irnied Alice Ia Tonehe, Wms Aecensed YOUNEET ©) Ren f i my ¥rost ® gy He Progr BECHER Ir RIRET CC omuery tiv ending 18 years Lats ane while Act increased hecame nvm es tration and indus rising taxes Jyh ernment of rE iming the r {hw wm Nilsdiudll {iH fn maladmiy try sulfered from fritine Hie wilt she died two yerrs I men ar Hi, wha died bh Plan For Quebec ne { MOVED RESOTATION Yom O'Neill, Liberal cand date for Toronts Bt. David in the last federnl election, moved NEWS BRIEFS PARIS LEADS VARIS (Hewters) Ihe Paris Metro corned more passengers fast than any other Vuro ain subway system, the Metro reported. I seid Us trains car ried 1,166 000.000 people com pared with Moscow subway's W221 000 000 passengers and the Andon subhway's 615.000 000 RUGATIONS HIGH CAIRO (AP) President er of the United Arah He jib lic Beeepled an invite tion to vi Baudi Arabia after the Mecca pllgrimage season Prince Talal Be Abdel Ariz an nounced, He said relations now are friendly the Ountne With Horses InStableFire CHICAGO slahie hands Wind fire £6 (AF) Three and 42 horses died whipped early wv mn which destroved "Swo Maywood Vark Trot I y subnirhan Park Twn persons were injured and than 70 horses were led to from the nl ana tlened harry Winds up to 20 miles an hous anned flames through & tinder if straw bedding and hay i the 200 font long fiahle Wi f ed year UN] tah wl 7 west i elros Aelrane ' nor afety Zing hire Va has ne Ww o6den elled hefore fire BERN helween nt of the Assn) in the it $100 mmediate ¢ in than A ef ire I HOT BARGAINS TOKYO (AV) suka wl Vark nated d equ rating Grocer Yo no advertised his veg fable being fresh from the fields and sold them at half the market prices has damage men There was no the ln eof the fire b Al dunce Peter th yer ald he Awake from Vatriek ( hand fro HANAN was # ite of animal heen charged trips to out stealing his wis not de sald there Or ars With making mightily ying farms and merchandise i-year-oid West Allis FASILY INFLUENCED ned hy - BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) 47, Fle tudents have heen ar Morrison, rested for five store hurglaries of those which police say were inspired American gangster movies wha died were tenta. and engineered hy a 17-year-old fentified as irl at & hangout called Unile f Wins fo Pean RHEE ENTERS HOW HONOLULU (AW) Rhee, 86 weed president of LUCRATIVE MOVE South Korea, is back in Tripler NOTTINGHAM, England (AP) Army Hospital and is expected ned, 160-room lodge for to remain several days, Rhee girls never had more exiled tan Hawail, entered Trip ants until officials Saturday for al treat fn rent some of the ment of a hack absoe He w The lodge now 15'in the hespital last month for walling lst oh a heart condition ": Forestry School Closes Doors VANCOUVER en mn wn fr Wis " d m {HANRAY en i stable m ane Bue i Bhel Arthurs \ Voge PITAL SYREMan de; ui er BUTE 5 16 mer and has a ervation o The 15 on is | ) © a8 A foresters In 1954 tank rolled inte Hungary the student \ a i 5u ge tai when Soviet quent inada 108 studer orginal raduat and I to four fay reas lang As TROUD( SENSATIONAL MEAT FEATURES Tuesday and Wednesday Only! SLICED ¢ Ib ' Breakfast BACON | BEEF SKINLESS 3-1 LEAN, TENDER CLUB STEAKS LEAN, MINCED Liberals Seek Action ....On Organized Crime We FREANELON HR CFR fos floor, We said orgamived crime ss syndicates Bad varied to move Incladed wn 71 esolations on WG (ane #0 "ow FIGTREY AANCREION WEIR GOK TEEN general sts Hack and Aons Roth ending img F 6 v & 4 Geademie ng qiwahfications fon (aaehery, one The mesting wien ase pes WINE & MESSE DIOgrm of ougtions cating (or Increased IECTERE and vocationsl (rain Gena ies (or VETS Comvictadling, RRother aslong more schol of IBGRIER GIVING Atl erat WINDS, Imrsries and lone 15 NE & vehicle wile thelr Ji udents CETORS WETE AEE SHS nsion | WANT FARM LOANS They whoo wrgen that the somisll ~ Deleoates called for sobvi WH los paid (0 the wsstiohel sued loans 16 young farmers Judgment fund Vy GRVErS Wang extabishment of an Sgnel ie to prove they have end POON SER y 16 Ah RRER COVETRER, We WRCTEREER I yoni e wie of form products $8 yearby Another rrsobution called for Aner resolution wiged ma provinael sindy of ail (Omtane mieliaie additional inaqmiries ps WERE status and diem gh recommended ry the Fasty Fhe meeting ibys f rept oii mf monies Petal Liberal ratby vesowtion pil altars department investi fetence policy, parietierty #ation i the financial operation! he section wrpng Canad 16 oA the (Alama stink oabhish permanent inter wir pos is pencr and pd ok (ovens Also In mwmaipal slim hed | under the United waked provision for PERINEs! he resolutions ats he for WHER RB COuRGNOY oF Hai | warded to nationsl snd Pn wily -appoanied hosrd know, nih py ms yes on & matier where here] cndy erst he oom for) | OSHAWA SHQETING fhe WIEN 8 wi ey Oshawe's Busiest Reel Estate Firm BA $5999 BEAUTIFUL RUGS Cleaning rugs is our busi ness and has been for 18 years, Lot us restore the beauty 18 your rugs CALL US AT RA 8.4681 » NU-WAY OUTSTANDING SAYINGS SWAN'S HARDWARE Early Bird Special COLEMAN CAMP STOVES 14 96 ' Special Rug Cleaners "AN werk done iA Sushhied i BA Gort FABRIC TOWN 4b AN printed ond Plein FORTVISAM BRAFERY FABRICS in ol alors and devigns. Reg, wp 08 19 249 yd. SPECIAL YO : 100 of The MHationsl institute of li Fug Clesning Kennedy "Wicked: Bertrand Russell FLEW (AV) ~~ Pibiosaphey Perivand Bassell Saterday (allah Vrasidamt Kennedy one of he y id The M-yeaeid philosopher, # Ag CRINLIERET RENE Hw. waipons, cowed Prime Wacwmitian with Ken an arehitest of "mass wichahent pemie whe Rave ah any inmiatny andy me RECHITR fe oid 2 menting of yung followers in Pirmingham thet the CANORA oH FREI RE WER ied not he tolerated by any one with & spark of mamity wOoNES STUDENTS Alone 15 A008 women witand wh. jynysities wn Ovent Britain, ol most onequarier of the student promi ion ay, RADIOS, TAPE RECORDERS, STEREO HI-FI #9) Simeon 90. 5. RA S014 You wel, when you ; need it! rrr v ANA Upto SuILIy £26500,00 N& sometimes more, NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 206 King $1, W, RA 8.1636 Closed Setwrdey Open to 6 p.m, Fridey Branches throughout Ontede Horwich Jewellers INTERNATIONAL STAINLESS FLAT. WARE, Intradustory otis. 4 11 ' i #2 Pies service tor § "Triumph, "Hight Mey" g potisrms, Yolles Furniture USED TELEVISION 49.95 3° GUARANTEED & a ALL MAKES AND MODELS Oshawa Camera Centre 8 MM, REELS & CANS 88¢ AGNEW-SURPASS SPMCIAL PURCHASE MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black only, Sizes 5 08 . | Sines 6 to 12 LOOK FOR THE CEE MON TUES 0 AM. payment Reg and | not dowr 9 | bedroom suite and wreens, paved ov JOHN REALTORS OPEN TO OFFER eqidire fully leased. Mot water BOLAHOOD i. 5 2 beds wires or hagting, storms landscaped stoves ond further details A J) NSURANCE NEW PARTY POLICY & FULL EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT : SPEAKERS : of Religion Labour Council of to attend this meeting, NOTE: FOLLOWING THF SPEAKERS THERE WILL BE A DISCUSSION A NEW PARTY MEETING WILL BE HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 18th AT 8 P.M, IN THE STEELWORKERS HALL 125 ALBERT STREET, OSHAWA "The New Party and a Policy For Full Employment" REV. DR. DAVID SUMMERS, executive secretary MR, LOU WOOD a Farmer of Durham County MR. JACK WHITEHOUSE Research director Textile Workers of America The Public is cordially invited Canade PERICD