THE COMAWA Yow, , Ap 17, 196) v ro. 1 A us of ceived at the school for full service with the United Church, Miss McGregor gave a very inv teresting account of her experi- ence, #s lady minister] on & two-point rural charge dur ing last summer vacation, about] miles north of Saskatoon, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Turner, Oshawa, Miss Elsie Oke, Mr, Albert Oke were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs ¥. Dorland, Mrs. Cortenay Graham, Purple Hill, spent Friday with Mrs, ¥. Toms A Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Sewell and Rickey, Courtice, were Sun- day callers at Mr. and Mrs, Grant Werry's Mr, and Mrs, Grant Werry were Sunday callers at Allan Werry's. Mrs, Mel McCune and girls, Oshawa, were recent tea guests st H, Ashton's, Mr. and Mrs. A. LL. Wear and Susan were recent callers at Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Parrott's, Oshawa Miss Mary Griffin, Bowman- ville; John Wiskin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale were Sunday tes guests at R, Griffin's, Mr, and Mrs. R, J. Ormiston sitended the 50th wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs, Mal- colm Emmerson, Nestleton, on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thompson and family, Stouffville; Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at E, Me- Nair's Mr, and Mrs, Don Weamn, Scarboro; Earl Ambrose, To- ronto; Miss Lorna Wearn, Bow: manville, were weekend visitors st AS Wearn's, Miss Phyllis Howells, Toron- to, spent Easter weekend with her parents, W, Howells, Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Cox and family were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Blake Cox, Orland, and callers at Earl and Claude Rose, Trenton, Mrs. W. Howells, accompan- fed her nephew, Denice Doyle, Camp Borden, to visit his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Doyle, New York, called on Mr. an Mrs. Kemp, Kingston, and Mr, and Mrs, Norman Moore, Tren- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Jackson and Stanley, Toronto, were Sun- day visitors at Mr, snd Mrs, R. J. Ormiston's, Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin snd family were Sunday visitors at W, Bank's, Weston, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee, Ked- von, and Frank Lee, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Mr. and Mrs, Don Carr, Bow: manville, in company with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ferguson, visited Mr. and Mrs, IL, Winkworth, Barrie, Mr, and Mrs. N, E, Wright spent 8 few days with Misses Annie and Effa Wright, Oshawa, Sorry to report Mrs, H, Stevens has been taken to Bow: manville hospital, Mr, H, Stevens is in hed with a bad attack of "flu, Mrs, C, R, Walton, Kingston, is with her father, Mr. and Mrs, K. MeGill and hoys visited Mr, and Mrs, Lyal Brock, Bowmanville Mrs, Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mrs, F. Toms attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mri. Maleolm Emmerson, Nestleton, and were tea guests of Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestle. ton Mr, and Mrs. Joe Switzer, Gates Mills, Ohio; Mr, and Mrs, F. Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were Sunday guests of §, R, Pethicks, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Crawford, Preston Lake, were Sunday vis. itors at Ken Butson's Miss Marlene Martin and brother Grant, Bowmanville, spent the holiday with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Brunt, Mr, E. W, Begley and Carole were with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Shunk, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs, W. Howells were with Mr, and Mrs, F, Maybee, Toronto, Bruce and Chester Mills were Sunday visitors at Dr. and Mrs Brice Larke, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, § H. May, To. ronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, O, C, Ashton, Fisher Becomes Dief's Assistant OTTAWA (CP)=Prime Minis. ter Diefenbaker announced offi. clally Friday that John Fisher, Canadian broadcaster and lee: turer, will join his staff as a special assistant at the end of May. The announcement described Mr, Fisher, 48, former execu: tive director of the Canadian] Tourist Association, as a well known broadcaster and author E ity on Canadiana, { "As special assistant, Mr, Fisher will devote special atten: tion to Canada's centennial pre- parations," Mr, Diefenbaker's announcement said The salary was not an nounced. Mr, Fisher is a graduate in law Dalhousie University and am r of the bar of Be Sect Hot piston test revesls the ash-free secret of Shell X-100 Premium, Here's how Shell scientists can prove that Shell X-100 Premium leaves no additive ash, A simulated aluminum piston is heated and # few drops of conventional multi-grade motor oil dropped on it, As the picture on lefe shows, this 4, %, contribute to engine BREAKTHROUGH: -. oil leaves & deposit, This deposit is additive ash, When the test is repeated, as ot right, with Shell X-100 Premium, all the oil vaporizes, It leaves no additive ash, This is important, because additive ash can knock and uneven performance, a : - Ea a a oh af i ao 'ar a dh Suddenly Shell makes every other motor oil obsolete + =with a revolutionary new formula which fights the five internal troubles that can shorten engine life Shell's research on engine behaviour discloses five common internal troubles that can shorten the life of your car, These troubles are additive ash, crankcase dirt, temperature changes, engine acid, and cooling system leaks, They all act silently and unseen, Read how new X-100* Premium Motor Oil folongs engine life by fighting all five troubles--and why Shell scientists can make this unique promise, § Jy every Shell dealer in Canada has new Shell X-100 Premium Motor Oil ready for your Spring oil change, New Shell X-100 Premium is a true scientific breakthrough because it is the only motor oil available that protects your car simultaneously against these five internal troubles that can A engine life, Do you know what these troubles are? If not, you owe it to your engine to read this advertisement, Ten minutes' time now can save you hours of trouble in the future, Trouble §1---additive ash Up to now, even the best premium motor oils were powerless to guard against additive ashe because they actually created it, While en- deavouring to keep your crankcase shipshape, some of the ingredients in these oils contrib= uted to the hard crust of ash inside your combustion chamber, All other premium motor oils still have the same snag, The trouble stems from the metallic additives used to prevent scuffing, dirt deposits, oxidas tion | so forth, These additives do what's expected of them, but with each stroke of the piston, they can leave a tiny amount of metallic salts in the combustion chamber where they burn and form additive ash, This hard erusty ash, when allowed to build up, can seriously affect your car's performance wand can make it knock and run roughly, New Shell X~100 Premium doesn't add to this problem because it doesn't contain a single metallic additive, No metal additives, No additive ash from motor oil, It's as simple as that, ' Trouble §2--crankease dirt All engines accumulate erankease dirt no matter how well they are protected by filters, The problem is to stop this dirt from getting together and forming sticky sluflge which can clog your engine, Most premium oils use a detergent additive to do the job, And they perform well, But, like other additives, most detergents are metallic and cause that old devil=ash, Shell's solution is to replace detergent with a remarkable new ingredient known as a dispersant, Shell scientists call it Alkadine* Alkadine in new Shell X=100 Premivin helps keep your engine clean by holding dirt partic w apart, Thus they don't form sticky sludge, Some particles can be trapped by the ofl filter; mast are drained out when you v hh your oil, Oddly enough, nobody yet knows exactly how Alkadine works, But the proof of the pudding is in the testing, After 1,200,000 miles of city driving, engines of test cars lubricated with Shell X-100 Premium showed so little sludge thatit could hardly be measured, Trouble {3--temperature changes Many motor ails tend to become too thick when cold and too thin when hot, New Shell X-100 Premium is an all-year oil, Here's how it works, Alkadine has a molecular structure that resembles a basket of eels, When the oil is cold, Alkadine's eel-like molecules curl up as if for comfort, In effect, they take up less space in the oil=and the oil flows freely through the tightest bearing, even on cold nights, This bs new Shell X-100 Prembum, Look for the white can with sed letters, Your Shell service station now has it, Conversely, when the Alkadine in new Shell Xor00 Premium In hot, 1 molecules uncurl, They take wp more room, And the oll resists thinning Thus, new She li Xer00 Premium eliminates trouble from sudden temperature changes, It lubricates just as efficiently in June an it does in January, Trouble jj4---engine acid All automobile engines manufacture acid, This acid can do far more damage than fries tion, It can eat away at engine parts in much the way stomach acid can cause ulcers, Then you're really in trouble, One way to combat engin&acid is to make the oil alkaline, Many oils use this method, But here's what happens, The neutralizing effect of alkaline oil ine evitably gets weaker and weaker as engine acid eats wp the alkalinity--till it eventually stops working completely, When this happens, your oil no longer gives you anti-acid protection, Shell tackles this troublesome acid problem in a new and better way, Shell X-100 Premium actually plates all engine surfaces with a thin chemical film, The metal literally adsorbs some of Shell X-100 Premium's protective qualities, Chemists call this phenomenon "chemisorption," ""Chemisorption" offers a longer-lasting: protection against acid attack than any other method yet invented, Trouble {8--cooling system leaks Tiny anti-freeze leaks can play nasty tricks with many motor oils, These oils can react chemically with permanent anti-freeze and form a horrible sludge which ean actually bring an otherwise healthy engine to a standstill, Then you're on the way to a major repair bill, New Shell X«100 Premium sets all such fears at rest, It resists reaction with any sort of anti-freeze, It shrigs it of (Better get that leak fixed, anyhow, to keep your cooling system working.) The additives in Shell X-100 Premium resist washing out with water, too, In some oils, additives can be lost to water leaks, In Shell X-100 Premium, "they stay in the oil to pro= tect your engine, Astounding results from 514 million-mile road test Professional drivers put Shell X~100 Premium to a brutal test, They took $270,000 worth of automobiles and drove them relentlessly for 1% million miles, Over highways, up moun= tain grades, around test tracks, over turnpikes wand through stop and go city traffic, the toughest test of all, When Shell technicians tore the engines apart for inspection, here's what they found, 1, Wear was incredibly low, One car lubris cated with Shell X-100 Premium still res vealed the original tool markings on its rings--even afier 70,000 miles at speeds of 60 to 100 mph, The low wear with Shell X«100 Premium was verified over and aver, In fact, when nine cars were driven at test track speeds for 70,000 to 100,000 miles, it was foun] that, from the standpoint of cylinder wear, the engines were good for another 100,000 miles, 2. Cleanliness ratings were tops, Pistons res moved from a car lubricated with Shell Ld X~100 Premium scored a rating of 9.4 out of s Jonible 10, A score of g is considered excellent, 3, Sludge was reduced to almost half thel amount that lubrication experts consider to be acceptable, 4, Of consumption records caused cheers Can lubricated with Shell X-100 Premium were driven at race track speeds for 100,000 miles, yet used only one quart every 1,800 miles, "On some tests, Shell X-100 Premium even out=performed expensive laboratory "reference oils,' Shell X-100 Premium, fortunately, is neither expensive nor a laboratory oddity, How much does Shell X-100 Premium cost? If you drive an average of 10,000 miles per ear, the switch to Shell X-100 Premium Wich regular-oil changes) will cost you only $7.30 more than ordinary oil=give or take a nickel, And probably nothing extra if you already use a premium grade, Drive to your Shell service station and ask the dealer to change your oil while the engine is still hot, Be sure to ask for Shell X-100 Premium in the white can, It protects your gia from all five internal troubles listed above, A BULLETIN FROM SHELL RESEARCH #