Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Apr 1961, p. 18

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A gg WAGER Py 3 4 16 THE OWAWA TIMES, Mondey, Ap 17, 196 R { S ! Ww v 'Reuther Seeks Hard Work oday' 8 dtoc ar zet isting 8 on loronto Exc ange : 'Uraed On Salary Scheme vrg WIN ff AW PTOCRS "Ne Ff MINES : d Wy The Consdion. Fieve ork Fuive Wgh low oon CW go i Wwiee Wigh Low a.m oe " P] Work Sales Wigh Low 0, ve 1 # " p 3 "ar { " " . Varna Mar Jcunge=hom #1 Waamate pr » 2s ' iin is is $% i #% * Yoh tite weak 2 Yona Wile 1% 18 14 4 DETROVE (AP) A new de Reuther's statement appeared rg bo po ---- rds ata Fan 4 rin i 7 i anew 5 " 0% . 44 Adosente (400 46 #0 #5 Ysanine 20 We Ws Ws A mand--salasies for workers now 0 the UAW's weekly newspaper ! " a i ' 3 4 ' ' Hadetin ooh ( i V4 54 13 . 3 Vy iad Ne Ti TN Hinpenne "Site Fike Pio a vw Hansen 650 W6 W Wh paid by the howr--was unvetied "0 00) TORONTO (CP Charles ¢ id " " gainig A w ve biond wis v or od' ath io, 0 FRecuny he i Bet of Pager Bw ed " » » » BD Aeaadie 608 Wo VW VA Hortin LR dent Walter Rewther during the Fewther underscored whit he erhood of Railroad Trainmen flock hoes MOD fav om Chie ERIE Mae Teen Toh. am BE 2 eee etatore 55 vim Bn 0 S| erkend in Win ret pube. mth. Te the overriding. need for S10 7 TAWA Trae ABW Ww " " i ~ W 69 Gwe on » im dala » $i» J 4 4 b 4 eal yg On "E Aowd AY WE WM 65 Gwe Wwion M9 M6 W110 ftom nm 8 Wo wh #8 Aine iW WE We Mentor 000 40 Wi cation of wilt he will seek in KICHEE Joh sectnty and de Pend sanday 10 work hard for their Kite foe Wa Wi HS HE fr Wop 6° 10 Wide Tog Tote rime mr HEH 4 iii "i ja ig yA » We " w |W summer's negotiations with # Ae income by saying employers Ain Gwe Win Wie W ) Gr Wop of BS $s We & eeu a ed 0s 100% 180 » ey Vide ad h A > plow oh f a ? ' ators or 0 al ald A Gv Wag Ww 8 V9 0% 905 7 Eon 1 0 $e We My 4 1A 000 By A Bo We Wont gon WL 0 6 t be "Big Three aio comps When # worker is replaced A United Siates committer 18 Alans » 10 4 ie Copwo hme oo pe 18 Vie pogo 8 $47, he Retoner mw vi Wow f Joma Cr ooh 3 3 B : mes by # machine, or Wis skill is considering change er § ' on Wey Wa We * Wome Pf or se 68 Me ' ip phd we 4 . Fetivion HOW (44 193 44 a N Woven 875 0h 00 ' " . ' made ohsolets or bis plant ©? wg FANEES IN Taw RY a] ne Wy Wh y if amvirm we f pan oe + A 8 p Wievmm Me 4 4 $ Sew Juin oe Wy Ky ewther referred only in gen . # te ¥ working rules, he said Aim TW oe . tg Rene oe pine 8 4 v 0 or on . a _ Ks ' 3 " id Rowen Rowland fon yn . A % eral lesms 10 # Pay Increase moves, the change may benefit wo ' " +A , AR 2 J i / . aoe to » oe - . Tory he A PA AR 4 Wop wie To WH 10 o Wott RE, " Sanat WH 409 5) ot He outlined a program which *00ety as a whole and his em p HH you ever id a day's work Alen Ree BOON Wiis We By oH i ioe 199 § 10 Wig Ba Ae 8 Tr A oA add. aid Fo of stressed measures 10 minimize POYEr In particular, but that for your employer, do it now" ! Alpe Weel 5 Vine We Wy toy "et e Wrdnd oF mm sa" 10" fo . Come Ed i" AovAeme _'l oS " the effects. of layolfs. awtoma. POT%er 1s in (rouble the Cleveland assistant 19 the: ! on p 4 4 ow Ws A ide rs i " e pA " LA Hu op yi At Wis the + ia Wand Aw 06 90 95 90 9 pl PH Soviaenie $0 1% tion, plant shutdowns and plant "We shall insist that they BRT president (old a seminar fii + % f Ae wie ee Bow Hie Pay Se We can WW ' Rovmetsl La id relocations (the ato companies) recognize of about id local chairmen and - . fntent Gow fly gy ly Py 4 Asin lng 115 Hin KB . 8 ik Lg ! N Catdoten wl Tis $5 SH) In calling for yearly salaries that industry exists to serve M0cials, "I the individual had Pe» Inns 75 ® Ww By BO 36 eipeaion i SCs Ton ns Cont Pat § Goldert 06 26 34 28 ? for production workers, he man and not man to serve jn BYWAYS performed Tis duties, "we be bu on bainy tp ge; 4 on ig ny 50% nv long" Chensir " Borer A wi Ww We WW ph termed payment on an hourly dustry.' we'd all be in betier shape be " v i f me i oon (8h 4 the " 14 "ry rg ¥ Mos Bie * 2¢ ' t Paper BE by Wy 5 . y idiild $ 0 lasry yon ' EY basis "morally indefensible di Segotiations between the 107€ the Commission "ie Ine Ren A TIF MDs 4% 0 tient oe ee Ba Cos WHY i" Soemichs Mis rio 7H 14 ' ceimination against those who union and Ford, General Mot: The weekend seminar, the a f ¢ ' a ¢ " i 1 f 'A e' ® Autism RA fot Ine 0 Sin We (Wn Wo £atutne } Ae I " wT work with their hand ors and Chrysler are expected first of its kind in Eastern Can . " ion © W py 100 $0 : pe " ravers we Ww ow onlay WV armmis We 80 WW Reuther accented fringe hen to start about 80 days before the ada. was attended by members # pi RR pi Fa 4 0 p Pagar pla pA RA m efits and job security in Wis list August 31 expiration date of the of the BRT and executives of ' " ' 0 fies hErY ' "+ U rs io Rel or _ oo oo 4 Is ce Pris Pd Pros Air wins iié LIL HH ul of bargaining goals with Vord, union's contracts with the three the Brotherhood of Locomotive - Raid imiion ow Site 0% 10% ' "Ne i 7 Harwen : Ld we 3 1 4 General Motors and Chrysler COMPENIes Firemen and Enginemen (C1L), 4 . await ¥ ty 8 wy Vis Ww ee Com M8 fy Vein oy ma hi La 7] -~ wy * fami nm | "oe ni Fie $0 ' » «© Yogi thio am we vin WI Wd +8 . fave w Bee LB. ' ame» M * v © Marrieon Wadiorn Me A MM i " ' ie ¥ Fo She BN ri wv a» wi € Yemher Ravin 00 7% i" 7% ' we r font a I Wie Fite Vite bid ' ' ¥ ' ' rina 4 Ko AMgom iE ow yw » » » tow tw » y is 4 : ' omer i" Vi 1} "s re Ainak ' ' ' » oe fan ps oe Me Ww iw ae ME Me He b ' i209 i $e 1 4 Horhe f 9 ' » | wn ' fow 6 Fm CC oe 79 woe » "" " ran Ant "w vi : fan foipn eo diy F wow fork W a sis ' . ' vr oo Ld 17 Mivas LE] LE] Ratetite J w mw fim Ey rin Wy Wy Nie SE aod PR Bd 060 18 ay . hd Ww hd I Me 20% 18% I 4 Ruerrtt 776 "Mw Chew : » A aver w sie, WwW " He 7 $ on 15 y 4 Woaim 30 J I hem » Ww Ie vy Bf MIE Rn me HiT oe iw 12 ww REAR ny Hy Fi ? ar wrien w Vie v ' 0 Wane F WW Side Hy He » we Sie 8 #y x ny 1% 1% Vik " s wit oe Ks 8% 4 4 fC Five B12 " ' » Mase WF Wap iH . v 108 # Hip Ie 1 ' 7 7 7 piesy RK im wm #5 Mm ' F Frad w' ink Wee om ie wm ve iv Si% 13% [3% ' Bo BG Wh 0 Wiiit dren We BB BB 4 ¢ Marks Fis Mi » ot fons Fl ; ' ie 4 Ww BB V4 WB 1% ' Biriiiv an 0 150 I I * i Hers Ye 5 8 #05 $tite fie iit Wo Ws Evy 18g BnmiFe 0 7 W : ind Gas v one ie» Fe Fy wi 2 te v v We # 0 " Byivanite pr Wh Wh 4 i 'on anne "oe ' #y » Ls yon ' y v GF Sining 1000 20 4 "w Fhiureamia ad i Ld ' tan mt n n Phone » 108 M0 Mn v v4 hr andi 0 ne 2s Be ' Taurean of Wn # a 2 3 > y ' '4 A Phone w foo iio Gori # i" - Seaadua 10 Bu To ga Fock 4 " ws 3 Of course it does, Every bank in Canada offers you a Savings | ' Cenans A He i ' ' boo 28 a] i Hewth 060 44 Ah se Vemng al "oe " t serv hf tH . ' ' Page ere = Wh Sighs By 4 te nite pon High Bell oI mh hd From 1s Ho oom ccount service, No matter what bank you visit, the Savings ' Fyne RM fo » » I Fete FL hy : » He naar "wo hu ie Ws b (Ly 132m "om ? A f ¢ t d th / p G5 tine 4 Wy Fy by Fre Pete » La Hua Ba 0 Vie § $e Yori we 2% WW » cco svste 6 ve ' 3 ' WS Gae wt in 88 # $i8 " Va gi 4 § $ ' Ine Mickel 51 $400e $915 600 be © Ashestos 755 J50 40 460 +8 Int § m 16 operate 1€ same way, floc noid ' # . f fran $2 Bo ' foiek Cop 5 1 "u "w 4 Ln Keno Wee Aw 0 "0 i ' Himwih m x $ iat 4 Jv se we i" " Lipp Can dy] 4 un 1 Q Rex BE ' ¥ 1 ZAR Hor oe . re wo Wo 8 ni REL BF IE AL NE ey am a eH 50 why should you choose Toronto-Dominion over any Hie Me My Ld » » * Wn oe 4 1" " ' ¥ J ed "w ' " " ei hie ie Hy . Bn Wn NB 19 618 Sin 88 ab other bank? $ Fine ' 4 ' I. shore "ww WM wu $00 140 TT od Se 10s N * : ' ' Fa ve 2 1 25% ' WwW Ww Ww . J : 1 Magnes : Com A 18 3 $e ' ' BE Lange woe 4 40 , swer is , f fia Saree 'i Cow Me Hin oo #4 1 Valin Am 400 8 MM ed oo Wh | I'he answer is quite simple. It's the happy combination o fiom £4 The W Marien 608 99 98 78 Canon oF 16 108 168 168 Laiieh 00 48 1 I idl LR BB aad SSE A AEN nie : ' is AVE fa Shay ii SOE Baier 10 1 amy THT the service and the people who provide it for you, that makes all the difference, BIRTHS _S a Open Pearson Sorry Suez MARKET PRICES dd Jerry and Phyllis aie Y TORONTO (CP) Wholesale SP (8 ane nes the With of he fruit dr . | bri Hoanie {oan Satyrdes, n erve Full ang vegeiahie prices af A 6 I a ike Scariprovih HH $40 a.m. toda Apples, Mein ' sinumii IT usiness Voted Sirah 5am: pon SON, Davanier, Twine o Ti | Hy KEN SMITH Men and nations of goodwill trolled Melntosh 5.255.590, Deli bon Tapout he | niet aFp HK wo Canadian Press Siaff Weller everywhere were hoping for a Clous 350-5, B.C. Delicious 8.75 + M ' : q A Ih an aments "are MONTREAL (CP) ~ The $26 MOVED THROUGH MONTREAL (CF) =. Opposi: satisfactory solution to Middle 7. B.C. Winesap 5,505.75, Spies] 4 Son am far wh | awrence Seaway is apen for Twenty six vessels, 17 of them tion Leader Lester B. Pearson East problems $504.75, Russett 4.50. heans { 4 ivy Feternane BA 34400 » "its third year of business and if salt-water ships, moved through sald Sunday night it is & "tra But in the meantime. they Breen, 450-5 a hamper. heels } i shapes up to be n good year for (he St Lambert lock behind the gedy" the United Nations inter must not stand idly hy snd see "*% 3 Der h-pound bag; broc % the inland ports Coverdale before midnight Kun. vention in the 1956 Suez enisis fsrael menaced while it right voll A350 a ¢ ase; cabbage DEATHS Throughout the Great Lakes day night vis not carried further to Deng fully seeks the good life for its old 851, new 2.853, new red system, shipping officials sas The Fort Hen prrived here about a political solution for the people and peace with its neigh 3.25:3.00; carrots unwashed 1.25 CAMERON, Ketih Marwand the prospects are exceptionally Munday st 8:50 a.m. , completing area hors # bushel, washed 2.50; caull Batared nla rest In Oshawe, Ontane. Bright the first eastbound voyage. Be How | wish we had taken ad flower i 3004, celery, Cali. on Byades Apr id J gh Mas The seawny 8 parinership hind her 'were the Burlington. vantage of that opportunity at WAS BEEN POLICY fornia, 44.25 a case, Florida ' v ' . : Me Asani end between Canada and the UN! Prindoc and Lavaldos that time." he told an Israeli This has heen Canadian pol. 7253.50, cranberries 4 a car ther of Min with Canada senior financial Because of heavy jee condi hond rally marking the 13h joy in the past I'm sure (t's ON; queen size cucumbers 2.25. Ee Ar metrong Funer | PRFLHET opened on schedule tions still prevalent at points birthday of Israel Canadian policy today and | see 250 pe rs, king size 2.753; Bawa, wih memorial servi the | Saturday three days earlier along the walerwa Navigatios He also called It » tragedy no reason why it should not he leeks 2.25 per 1l-quart' basket. shape) wr Wednshder At » " Yihan last yeas has been restricted to daylight that mode Hite Arab leaders st Canadian policy for the future lettuce 30s, 2.2.25, 24s; y hm nisrment dd LLL] mein 2 . : hans AL the $1 Lambert lock, the hours he time of Israel's formation' oo poo. o0 given an en mushrooms 2.25:2.35 per S-pound| & f { 4 no. graved plague in recognition of bag: Briana. is Soamish "o his steadfast friendship toward ind bag p i Israel, was the architect of the 50. 50 ng. Jenn. Amtico) #1 ian that sent a UN Emer as 0" het "washed 1,50:1,75; he ge 3 ! Almost simultaneously, at the gency Force into the Middle oo | § Mein : pt AUTOMATION re ast at the time of the Suez pinach toa 10 i 85-1 75; rhu- harb No. | 2.35250, No. 2, 1.35. It was expected that around. in 1948 did not secept the value the clock traffic would start of 8 Tree, progressive Israel in next week the Middle Fast PARSONS, Girerge eastern entrance off Montreal AL Dahaws Hospital on Sundar April the [aker Coverdale slipped 106], Genie Faisons (304 Rasa through westbound at 5:20 a.m a man, oF Laurie ine Mr. Farsens '] ahh Anderenn Funeral Mame Service Western entrance off Iroquois | nr Nr Tuesday, Apel I6!0Ont, the Fort Henry moved erisiy 50; tomatoes, cello 165-185 nim ment Lisien Cemetery through eastbound Furning to the trial in Jeru (yenips, waxed 1251.35, un Both vessels are operated hy rou £ rom salem of Adolf Eichmann on waxed 90.1; pineapples, Cuban Canada Steamship Lines charges of murdering millions! 125 2 85.3 cantal 50.10 4 GERROW FUNERAL of Jews, Mr. Pearson said the ToRONTO (pT. lg CHAPEL rial "is being conducted in the prices quoted today; PEI 75 ; finest traditions of the rule of bags, off u Kindness beyond prise Agreement | Age- Old Source aw and will result in even pound hag 15.2 50 fi re jo yet within reach of handed justice being dis (he trade 2.2.25 ¥ ne " RA B-62.6 By NATE POLOWETZKY which an individual worker was Pensed PEL S0-pound bags 1.33, to 300 KING STREET WEST n ewe NEW YORK (AP)~The story harmed by automation It is heartening to see a peor the trade 165° NB. 1.15, to the e in of automation begins with the Automat has transformed pia. whe have ie often been the trade ; "i db 8 | "WEE - avention of the wheel in hs American agriog/ture and hag! V'CHms 0 AWiessness acling : pound bags 0 | ' LOCKE'S FLORIST Ay ih ohst. 1 16 3 " ogi 2 he bh wh in nearly WIth such strict adherence to the trade 37.44; N.R, 27, to the! Funeral arrangements a outs olling every economic Jegment Autos 'AW In the conduct of this trial. trade 30-32 Harel requirements for In ene form or anothe » } "e textiles. / mining, commu " SCaniony ch of TORONTO (UF) A three. MBlion Bas iways hee in 0 ation roading, canning OSHAWA SHOPPING i ' MAN'S *CONOS , | But government r hank y "" i Yin" H day walkou! against Toronto Me om ¥ 1 iIrance yank R | B ! CENTRI danis of Cay 111 i Breweries 'he (rrent high jobie LLL Eg and clernica healler's new eminder { I) allpoint / Li 74 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Limited and O'Keefe Brewing '® : Fel . It has alse permanently elim 4 : \ RA R.ASNS ympany Limited ended Sunda fet . hue Bing 1 of thousands of jobs ! . ALR BN BRTREmeS satisfacte BRIEFS i 113 he ¢ " has "a of these industries : | 1 hath sides peed i ' #0 ! ¥ * ariwar period i WA : 8 od & wor ' | ' IHAHAW Petot O' Band. tooressatative y J er ma a MONUMENT COMPANY or focal 384 of the Brews De Bye a Wo Ags hag nal mir ; PECIALIZING 1? ¥iou Lerea Soft Drink and has bia me he we eM pe eit while em # i ; a ine M 'U Distillery Warkery' Internalions ! : ' ' $2700 Nailroad f y 9 i " \ *" . an (C100) sd mansgeme ¥ 1 a i GY i oa 4 " ' 5 y of all types and his 400 members wep WE 8 ts sou sae Deniod. while empio i 4 3 RR. 4 KING 57. ¢ : h tha 1 "und i + onl fell Go 7 4 . Ph RA 8.) RA B-8076 DRE WHA ET experince i f » marning talks. He declined tanta in th ' MACHINES BRING LAYOFFS ' #8 details of the seltiement 8 Ale works Lietroil. stes IN MEMORIAM _ 3": ie Cn TE ¢ 8 head dis ontent ave ) 4 " be Yew NUE have heen heat Bente onnn wr GREENWOOD try in Newark have been ds WEALPRIE Ia lov Memes oC Canadian Breweries Limited od ht min, Mam, duiis Reaupiie wy g ] y H sway Mareh i and Streamlining of operations led GREENWOOD \ rhe a - ; fe ad ' Davi Beaupre. wha paced |g sonsalidation of the Toronto Minaker and e nie Pre Ll 18 d ANA Api | 8) OK { \ : h dow? { the-d Mir yo i WH TL , #lied Lhe hare TUN 8 IRRGERL of sweet Teme Bl Rhee \refe plan shutdown of the'da : ' Hh gyed. umkilied o u I e e IS a re e J dust 8 memes fund and five Carling's plant in Hamilton and with M and A i . " . Misi 8 Vohen wi atts ak hot { A a ih : o Niagars Street Minake on i bite ] Janus 647 866 3 | AR 8 heartavhe = " y C na ¢ 3 ed had hes | | TRuuah oui thang his see wl pant. and closing of the con he Young Pe y f work tor 11 wee ¢ ' : Litkle de hey bnew (he ANY'S MAOF Gp era tons in met at the home of M ih RI E N D I | that pod Windsor Dow Kingsbeer Brew: co Clarke om Sunday e L | you in 4 aed by v Limited shut 1x Kitchener Mrs. Gly Fastwood and Bie and gia ant finda and Miss . Ma H \ : . . FOUMONN I ving memes The walkou! was prommpied by spent Thursday of last week SPORT BRIEFS This is Shirley Ricketts a Savings Account Teller at our Mt, A dear husband and (aide Santer a dispute as to which of the dis: Taranto 3 " " 3 TT $ = Backodse' whe pavied away Ave 17 | maced smplovees should be Mr. And Mrs George PeSk INDIAN BEATS NARPER Pleasant & Davisville branch in Toronto, Shirley is shown Calm and seaverul he is seeping given priority for jobs in Car Markham visited PIALIVES CARDSTON. Alta. (CP)=Gus here accepting a regular deposit from one of her customers, Woraiatt vest oN 4g rg Wing's suburban Etobicoke plant in the communily on INARY (aif Robe of the Rlood Indian Ii] 2%} ' aden Bgl Raid aflernoon pserve Saturday Right meved i Shirley likes to watch her customers' Savings grow, because, | od hy N h VEE ) : afttes of in the v pe Hf i % t a} him ! Frain grins Fe I dustrial adr titional comriles O'time tn vanks of challengers fo she knows how important it is to have the money on hand for y f bee Li he Canadian heavyweight box he 3 ' . o n Rev. T. H. Fleetham at he ng championship held by the things you want and need, NET EARNINGS Arsanage on Monday Le $ ¢ Chuvale of Toronte Calf ' Employment an Plas 8 w discussed and pone pounded out a unanimous A DIFFERENCE IN THE CLIP You'll ind efficient, tr iendlv people like SI Ricketts in adopied far the ~ p W decision wer Do Harpe of = " he n THE CANADIAN PRESS py arch) lrcisian over D ug Harper " The amazing _- Raminder ( lip" extends and retracts every Toronto-Dominion bra anch across the country, Their cadin Atlantic Sugar Refi Women organization 10 be iin. Lohthaayy nt cham. 'De point--and says "No" to pocket stains because the v ¥ Ta ' : eries Lid. year ended De akKes op ome effective in January 1961 non CEMMCAYYWOIRN cham: pen can't be clipped in the pocket with the point | interested" kind of sery ice makes it much easier for vou to 1960, R2179.080 R178 a shore Mrs William A Rrow sid: | extended' save at "The Bank 3 Make it 4 poi nt to meet some ot our 1988, §1.375.085, 81 4 OTTAWA (CP) Canadian od the Brougham Women's | US. WINS YACHTING : 3 ; RY. \ A, o M h - J all nn ni » YW VOUrseir r Vv TI L "te Calvan Consolidated OI and imdustrial employment dec lined stitute on Tuesday o 4 eH HAMILTON. Bermuda (AP) A DIFFERENCE IN THE CARTRIDGE peopie s00n and see ror yourse now much Gas Ue, Lid, year ended Dec 17 per cont between December svdale Women's Institg 0 The Linited States Saturday . \ ; i 31 1960, S116. 506. 1939 $87 M96 and January. the bureau of sta. Thursday of last week La Ln i . aturday wor W rites 10 smooth miles with new ' Dokumental 303 . . A tr BEAST Canadian tugersell Rand tistics said today Mr. and Mrs P Byberyg ia Lup fer intema- Skrip" Ballpoint Fluid PEOPLE MAKE THE DIrFEREINC te Lid jod Dec 2 ™ } uM A W wal one-design vachts with a ¥ ¥ ; ¢ ] ployment ind paved and and 5 Len Weathe \ ty Minar oaded Dec 51° ho smplovmen index bused and Mi and Mrs Lon Weather, 114 arr Revmuda 18 The model illustrated (with gold Bled clip and band) i ¥ re. : ling 100. sto: the Bred og b ace of the series. Paul $3.95, With stainless steel cap $2.95 1 oes New Paw' Coal Co. 1103 in December In famoars. Several of he local ind Toronto's Raval, Ca: THE TORONTO- DOMINION i 1 11 f Ce r January i ) \ , adies at Club can the When it comes 10 wr Lid, year ended Dec. 31 1980, 1980, it was 115.1 were at Brougham assisting [oon Yach Hb SHB] the . HE BANK LOOKS AMEAD : $013.08 R90 cents a share, 1998 December to-January declines with the mechanics of the TR 105 hairs) hk 4 a SIR. 400, 81 cents nindustrial employment oc survey why ora ae finish Ma EAFFEF Fo Guanar Mining Did. vearjcurred in all, provimees. All in Miss Patil Brown of Brook = WA She » dnt bd Lotens ended Dec. 21 1968 85 184.000 [us ries were affected except and Miss Linda Eastwood spent "CONCEDES CHESS MATCH A --- hig at Ca of Cagada Lid, Caderich, 0 : "LAE a share, 1938 $5031 30 lmining. manufacturing, finance part of the Easter holidays with MOSCOW (AP--Mikhail Ret bid + | (ERT nsurance and real estate heir grandparents. Mr. and vianik, former world champion ' Ocean Cement and Supplies: The January index for Onia- Mrs Wm A Brown ceded defeat Saturday in the G. B. MILES, Manager W. R. SINGLETON, Manager Lid, year ended Dec. 31 1088 vio. with the December indexes Mrs Dona Patt and childre game of the world chess g 5 SAE0085. 33 cents & share. 1999 in brackets, was 1197 (113). of Hamilton returned a 'ter championship without resumins JURY & LOVELL LTD, 35 King Street East Branch 566 King Street East Branch e SLIM 4 BL 1A Average weekly ea Ag siting W. FE and Ala \ 8 Fay " W Pacifte Western Aivbines Lid January were $7898 a séasona he holidays as ne 2) nird REXALL DRUGS "| vear uded Dec 31 1980 net! rise of $1 81 from December an sagratulations te A . . Mikhail Tal defend OINAWA BOWMANYILLE I. E ERWIN, Manager H. J. HISCOX, Manager lass BIAGLY 108, wel pio an increase ofa cenls sace Douglas Morden an each cole¥ag champion Be alk is lead WHITEY TYILRNES November, 1088 Maung 8 brihday this week (ag ae series South Oshawe, 532 Simcoe South Whitby Branch a

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