Ee = cid ny 186 TVR OBAWA TINS, Mendey, Ap 17, 1981 > 55) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [E% frm YT raters ---- - CLASSIFIED AD RATES [20 AW wiley now. hv EASTER poss wa py rom, ar : " yom 5 we aya a iy RN, me wor x Xr 4 a h o> Shee 4 oo ok 28 Blee Ts tr I wae » CRNTIVRY 4 ., id 7 Homers + ; Ye 78 9.48 mow brand Ld Ex yo | # tn aay ong i, ii, man mae Si Cl GE Buh PAARTINY BIG 400 Bisse Wo bowl, i hater ck Matte Wnt pod win 1 sem We vu Mo swine | Dhilen 1oie #4 worl Bummer Properties [in Wie var os Vir Fond fd ET ml rs Astouniooty Ahir /8 1RIBY Fy by 16 tr Grif for Sole or ! vy rt BA | doe fet srkasime ioaerPany ogg " a A BI shar hI by JEN BA i' i' "ow veri gf 4 § gv rfitesrigs flpring BB dpedaidi ar pre phe [immer je Wm #iths Bers i rm h oo gr ten es ir Sh, a | tmicrst ma Wau serge Ye Cottons oo oH z TR Fa heey in ad Vi nth rut "4 vo monty ir § hes doh od ts, aL Lotles Phy, Wo Vast, (owas ro WD vim Y for, id ed" Wa Wi lire VARY lo ok her 5 esate she oh WE HS SE pape A Ld sldalisg ied No ih 18s nme 'BY $ ay ' fo WOR Hod "Tk S10, i Hirde Sion ions pit; 7 W154 Wonk vie, 991 i, yy pm Won i dr wi, "1 Mo ro L 7 Rash iiiel latier aire rition, REARE 4 fi Wiha Inching" 4 Aum, Wi ia Yen | dd add Ohans 4 lly 1 Io wm fips sins 5% 8 Sor oh ave, fo (1s -p4A pre Koni A Vg 72 Wie, LS = 4 iy iW We, ry i bz Sharan be Silt. vo JR1r0et Both fro Be 4 dor ' 4 17 Mote Help Wented 5 i A TI So hg "VME gg 7s TE vr iy prt oA ET SEA wt by E pm the Gos tn BVOR RENT lyrniohed ad TOR vi we rence he W, od ry " "opm punt | Wie, Fodiage, m8 Copel ake niin ion fiom belle I los Sh A SOUTH BR = rae om Jima, coo rosias In simpy 4 i. i £1 dl brid Warning Lain af Vikas ovis RWinthy . montity ww yA char! 41 Wo ary oy av, oi be ccatied wl 9 om. UE AIH an Faas mitt fH Wein Sm onion J wr Fred aider AR " A ; " Yandive tur \oot ort bound ad ORIOL Rorings" fates, ~ Wont 4 Aw 8 rd hoy th, onion 9 oni Ag CET ENI wr oe gn Ee : ad Li dened # hihi ay » Harn Doty 8:8, Solider § hiving) wie, sady (Hr Wovaita bak' /A ir Pd EAH " his i iow WAAL lid payin Vii rset B 5 Classified, Ohask RIGA AT IR po Bini 0 men 1s rein for ooesiaieed Wt yy ok oie Coie, bk come HARDIAND LANDLAPING oo The Cwmenn Tiss wil net hy [FOR SALE = Sommer A Aprons Wh Wiens sd BURKOWE, Chania J 7 Ris P14 Wor ie Pod daha, [aro ish A Vo hy is f din ee ning rororod did ind wr Besied modern Aasmimtonis Wh re Co ' ? Risa BAN wo | -- er MORTGAGES -- manis whmiiied serine than bi . Joust iil FOIE, WHahangtie ppd bthivim, " SEPTIC TANKS : Avringed Sold Wing, Per or mere hen 4 bor Wrtaer dsgsrition sid " th wy 1a IA ow, Appit |G. KAmond_kwimms, %s RA Va] roiling, Wow is the time 19 ki bought, Wncorras insertion oF ony 98 vr, | Pheme OK 19915, Vorowts ems | TLV ER = ying mak ly 4.4 Ki en 4 hi Ass Hors on BOB CLANCY'S Omens 7 4 oh gos ond Ehickwesd, Comme 34 A Maries Ssamunty oor bavi Wie A (ddl: ain sieht Bovis ries, omnis dorict | | BERT TOMPKING Seeding, swidng, mwsery $544 vk Eharged tor 4 Wigs igitien of PURF'S CAMP on HAY BAY NEW modern O08, Orit om sii 184 Bond Brest money boll ] orth Sh oo i" new a ! NEY TONYILLE i -- ANH FLEINNAN, On feeds. And ois rors he gl Good and bed fishing ow fury or Tatoren Mi ps hy li lA d : RA 51721 B 0 id H 00 D 7 Rar dari "i a We Gdvertiugment heh aioe B Hartt Shore MHapanes, Om [wh vy want lp BA 476, Va shessily na ariiving. according 19 eornled, erred Archissts / ¢ Vic id pu High ew nmipeiont (4 eld Hatully 4 lar 4721 Ll z We Sun cai Fike, Boss, Muskie, Pickers! Tiny ie Esuehant mone: THeking wi TH yo ingen, pave, washer Fiore Clore . Limited Fear in. thy cnn of Waghey pdvertcp tare grovnds, Ybottom [ooluos Wks 14) Familes Fries: (eh A 9 oh den to oan Maris gf ine, 1 Arad vik pp - Waris Omerie Mortgage the hme bi 1 5 PLIM AWD TROLIAPE, § parks The Tins a not be held beais. Moin kes cotaaes ert 00 Delos Hiner Wyiding 'v LY « £ Van Belle Gardens Bro ¢ " quar ' ihe for mire so or # AEH REPING 60116 [ Ther New wnlleied "ies ihone RA" 8288), REPAIR TO ALL MAKE a . bars Mesocionion i rveyrs, Jb Adetuide SI en The" ae) we UN Engeial roles; Che, Largs (reel Wplyimans, his roeins, ne y | MA BGT BOA IE - al Phone WA b Gociipies. TV fudiihmry mdes ai Fartigs. BA 5.8416 Oshavs; | : seg ny EL pial. ipundey Tony Aute Parts WASHERS AND DRYERS! (3 miles Kost on Mo, 2) 0 ya - a a Foi haity | Mapanes 304-3044 lA ASSISTANT TO A io) KENVE WEVTERN TIRE" A FRANK MEAGHER AWN FERTILIZER MORTGAGE hank ALE, i 7 or sare we evans | TameArticlos Wonted OFFICE MANAGER fe on 7 ee 100 ine waren "errno ak : : 80 Ibs, only 4,50 M Avail Whithy, Wo bt), 4 i " A y conrad | VamwArticles We oof Mr " one valapie aw REQUIRED id weleome. Teisphons RA § 818974 Vive baie tb sive you APPLIANCES " . ond tl " 4 Waare WA Min : hs How, hese nom spariment, mT PEAT MOSS, SEEDS, ETC AL Redio Repeirs » { y " y nee el! wl Barristers 92 Sim $0, RABAT POTTED PLAMTE, GLARAN, Payments 19 sult venue West. KA bw Kncwiedgs end experience In | WA lad nb) iid | Yeo MBER EYOCK, Your Budget Fat ni, da e A (11s Pog yi | 2 181 BLEOUN G * ow A CAMERON, horn, | NEW BUSINESS (Eo i, me. ww | general qicounting work ob [4a Lond aie. WTS Bess Bulding Materials | COMPLETE LANGA APE re. " sential, Purchasing expsrle |\ansin = sal eninia Tor Tovey East WA Buh, WHA snd private ad \ | ME Conn Ws Bs warn ices a | O60 elolul, = Salory om: (iwniatrmorn shariment 1 ndenti) ionigants tenet Sao ICE FERTRIZING, | ALLIED INVESTMENTS sence WHEN YOU WANT » WHOIEY In Men sondition, #iawl Tain FOO MR LmEnt, hesiad, Rest eliors. 100 King biaest East, BA E n KNOWLTON BI KING ST. E, RA 3.3993 y; An ps ¢ | M wor. Telephone WA 4 : BERNMNIES i ne Vin host po Hog My pt MR. GLEN WALIGH Hv ni" nh Toiaphong wih iene wy pilaile a FIRST TIME Member Omaerie Mingus CALL RA 8- 5286 WANTED #1 Winds o J hid fur rr privale entrance Phone Joseph Posen. blips a, ay Au, yf yo sale] i 4B SIMCOE NORTH (Rear) HR, Feifigerminn, eves oie. eH 18-~Mals or Female Help Healior, 1A 70 THOWAS WINDY, Barr nd all LOWEST PRICES Pow Is the time for Spring | Nursing Services ELECTRONICS Your factory authors fr yoed Turniiure. Tele Waonted FIVE yom #RRrtiant Aantad, wad Notsry Pubic, 16% King clesn-up! Rolling, fertiheing, | ike depot for Ph % Shrie WA B44 [L/L mi eivhonite, ood 1 Al pa (i Phone WA $1163 = ONLY STANDARD hh Ww Yu ' a "1 Teer, dines . a id TE rc AN 1 AMAL. SERRE pins op wil end sod RA 5-1 79 WANTED TECHNICIAN foi AM healed" Wer intiaen in, Hasidente pial ha subi" 4 Vx $345 RA _5-6047 | ' - i, He h # / ! ---------- | ' or or # heavy AX id RL SCRAP IRON. POI / opi pi A CRVIGHTON, FRASER, DRY NAN VW , - nyhrss of 0) (18 Eo nuoll be ed SICKROOM FQUIPME NT AAS FEAT A Ti AA Grade |} povition in Medigel | Bedi Foie el i oid' WLEDOCH, Barristers, Gr 4 x ¥ 7% | | ANDSCAPE (toast pd oad, Fessomeble' sates in n Wh by 40, eon FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Ressareh Unit, Considerable FOO APRFIMant newly decor: itary Public, Wank of Commerse Ma A xt v crete hase, with Crown reior 'x ¥ by Holland Lendscaping 0 " mosphere, no shift work, Drshan, 6, |. Murdoch nite 4 x ¥ $1.59 " , oe ehennsl 9 trap, invalid walkers, bedvides RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 Apply Superintendent, The |IT08 BUPLER = 56 Lansdowne Drive, Keker brranged . ping Clean-Up |v. miomann mA wo Doctor ofl OM TIME IF YOU PREFER, ' canes, alsa roll-gway beds tane Wom, Bugs Kitchen with halesny oer | wa vonings 4 Mdighiy loss do's SHAW PT tani gigs auction, bain, "ashe, $a imhees, dative Lind i" SHEATHING | grounds fa h eustomer gets a.nd Len and Lou's AUTO WRECKING CO 0~=Room and Board on' hve. Jaingerslar popping Warrisier sid Bolieitor and Niners ob | Personelired service eecording lo wuow, RD, priemeirin Wants cars for wishing, | M7 Albert Birest I: Vo08 Babtarst Wises, Tor | Meni, Osawa, Onlarle, Cllest parking 27 | Axi 315 | For "in 5.) service sell HAA Romurh in gh City TV. Grandview Beauty Selon Parts for sale, also scrap iron | ROOM and board for one or twa senile. 70 : V8 | A S:7442 ' 1323 King Steet Kam Saturday oll day, Phone sion, HA SHES, YOY Sienn monthly, immedi. | Bing Flrest Fast, Oshans, BA $454 En ", Vor p RA 5.7844 Expert Service RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E, [KOON sid vosif 5 oss av wasp be Sotsebnon Hh rt tn BEVERWYCK ree wt BIE Pr # i alk LLL PORT mant, with Bath upstairs, 10 min eilor, ole, 184 Bimpnn Blisel North | RA B.O0761 1ICASH FOR SCRAP II be By Apply Whine! Rar oF te fi th $100 bith Mators (Office, BA 897411 Residence, RA 5-5i48 5 . cheapest ond haat, lophons ) we gontiomen, Too BawMAN. DAVID 1, Barrister, soil Va 4 x8 4.45 Highway 12 |. UPON H sellapied] W unl 1V. TOWERS ing, 107 free » RA B-8180 ed Numbers Hare blow 1698 #xseii 19) Cans | wrote with ability, Phone 8% Welrigaralor, siove, washer, #iy / | __ PRUNING . i | COMPANY b Unlisted ea vey osu aol ony Tansurate with abi Vowel, Parking, Wh WA byiss | AALIN ont rt atl 2. CASH N' CARRY | Vv. gid PhAOlo APPLIANCE SERVICE | | Fieens, sic Foy prees oud MO 83378 NEAR OFT, vn Taam ile hath enya. IA i | | LANDSCAPING SERVICE Brokers Assosionon MI Work Gusrontesd, highest 0 Liha is | } R y ny 4 y OF; Westinghass REGISTERED LABORATORY | neoe Breet Beith Ea Bg ALAM -t GRADES IN YOLK li rn Fed DO IT NOW Nanted | Civil Service |¥06 monthly. centially logaie ied, In) way Privat rm p Haspital beds, wheel shaire, I. TURNER responsibil, pretessionsl ete (fh pistons WA {95 elias 1 Vymane bisant 2 Join LAY x (Opromerin ond Teco onterne, Ps mer commodes erutihe (Colingt) P , . it Wilson d North, i» hedronm } | £ . 1URERY STOCK ea metry, the 18 pion 77 3 bo they ond | . WE vmrmememneee | ON10110 Horpitel, Whithy, One [8 Wikeh, Need Bosh, bun - Deir A Hot BTR A dR RA STANDARD i 199 ton hove fine , [i fon EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICR CASEY'S BARBER SHOP {ROW 50d hard 167 Sonliamon. Apply LT a 51708 or evenings, Vie, The Commersisl Building, Ws King 5/14" 4A xB 278 {| 16 his need, taste ond budget, pay peamiy # ' way JOSEPH FF. MANGAN. GF, Barrister , Tawn Line gnd matals, ate, bought. Open (00, & posed, Winey Aone 1 Robe. privele eee rite poneent |itenat, Monty 1 tosh OMice 815 SELECT ~ {Painting Hl POST RA 87844 . a } ad TYP TI 7 SHEATHING |S el, W Fise parking tor 80 cers Aasoryied go hoe covking, senteal, PARTLY furnished three tire) roam FV. BALMERS Re SAMSON ils. PAINTING itn Aecoritnl 5 GARDENS aad WE BUY Hhont A Bw. 4 Mor, V4 Bimess South, WA 89588. 5° 1 5k Onl ies no f Whith 4 We sosclalise in washing | STEEL METALS BATTERIES, 13--brore Space & Qoragus Cb wn "Hg png Re, HA biome b 4 xB 5,59 | "OL 5.3570" wr [eral h a machine and radia repain, PAPE R, RAGS, Bie bite waler, op alerts '} MeGINBON snd BABTR DN, Barristers > FEE Dealer in reconditioned turn [ath Rot water, TY asnidl, park aheih Olan' fund able for MARINE GRADE oa Bi oo oC Shei " mi M Webi 'L ns OFFICE SPACE 1 fine ah i hd only Ab vial mariaages Mimics Siree horth ales, 8 vi ote OSHAWA 1 V. SUPERIOR APPLIANCE LTD ' FOR RENT | wie i Ir ; ol spain antral Roar een at, ron: 4 FIR PLYWOOD MO 8-4735 po 24 int pt 361 GIBBONS 57, loration, My $0 us for your warden sup baa SERVICE RA 3:7333 308 Bloor 51, € (prada ue ( (RENPHREYS ROYOMYN snd WiLL 1 (Fras setlists, Al Conroy Passenger elevator services, |'¥ MAN, Barristers, Baliciton { / 4 x 10 9.75 plies, Lendscape Service RA vod GET THAT CLEAR RK s -- -- Wundsy rs i ng faollitins, #10 Humphreys, ey 5 Barehys mL | 4 x 12 12.35 DODD & SOUTER A9 BURK ST. HA 8.4873 | 13==Business Opportunities| 1.3" building. Centrally Var | aw CoOR = Tares ighi fous East, Whores: Olllos, WA' 311711 Ras A x 14 1560 | Spring Clean- Up | PAINTING & DECORATING PICTURE NOW / of LL BOWS, Balsnes on long lorem Lalsg In downlgwn res, Y y RA S4804 of Whithy, MO 53781: BA : VAI | [ Y ( REF K [BEreement, tne « bay asrvies sation, Maderate rent, Legses now By hoa, iva bag § hm Mons y 19 loss 4 4 x 14 19.55 » | CONTRACTORS " Use a CHANNEL pasTen 6 neg prrhengl inline Hood Fart Woy i Ar ) fied y FURNITURE Triebhane WA IT A ror A. "Me evallable Ver palehne borkire. Warland Rend (WEER sag NELLY, Barristers, Sol MANY DO | Fertilizing, Power Rolling Gyprex, Full Well Murals. ANTENNA ottached to ) Used Household [anes | |KPARYMRNY, Tus Toons, hiiahen. sei mia RA saan esienes pnanesi| PIQW N bandsiape designing tora Painting STARLIGHT * TOWER ond Fun ture, Refrigerator |IAVUnY, ies vil sioads custom THE TIMES [ise skims Shoteand Saft" Mh Beat 584 dot RG YOU REQUIRE ? rsery Stock | TO wrfan ph 5 wiarey | vi have the bas Stoves, Fie ' 5 : po Liwier soiling due 10 slek ~ Albert ren ahi Tow py a 1 ons ---- ---- DAYS MO # 23 | GET THAT CLEAR 145 KING ST WEST po or " Bl | BUILDING iui Ki hy Vid Sle rimunty, =| MA K OSHAWA - wl GHTS RA 8.7426 PICTURE NOW! | Op Rew, ees than Bell price Ap " [and Seafrigerator Supplied "Mo HA sri motor, 1084 model) GEO. C 0 u RA 8.4401 OSHAWA ir Joaver Mestaurani, 835 Nita masa Contact T, L. WILSON Mier 8 p.m, APL b 101 Crapdon Raed Hon, RA #5634 HOME 0 0 new aluminiied pleture Phone RA 3. 14 74 Whith u LUMBER SANDALWOOD tube Installed expert [iY I Cl wn WANT Visas 57 Sow wi Bh » Bedroom SPAREN, PrVAIE # Dekh s ' technicians, and you'll have "Y=Wemen's Column fr eter rR ered Won rea Irises "i Sm Ri rtm Build 4! : . LANDSCAPING PAINTERS the finest, "Modest prices == wy . " hho. dis dd Lo ad -- nai gl iors (Hh Weles » i at AA ,/ WH b lb nt | Pubiney far quien" tate" Reasomsbis APPLIANCE busers ate ehae hing Hosd uth, Telaphone WA Vern 1 8 5C HAPELHOUMAN 1%] ng upplies ! Complete Garden Service Irtarior==Extarior 0!) ws for service Pins Avenue Pent With ie Tnly SOM Aneta or Clasmibind right now, Dist KA 3:-5488 1 SELF CONTAINED (hips FON COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING 473 RITSON RD © Paper Manging y if R | 0 TELEVISION L810 for 89.83, $13 Mevk of Ahpios mal ) 4 A Bad on the anes Jou wanl te fparin ARE, Eyal Linih h. hh and bull £F NEOME TAX ' J { RA B-6366 : OSHAWA, RA 8.1367 ; 'N iD *TRERY ed ool Flo a cuphaards in kilehes haa Wewuly Salon, SELES Holmes Realtor Si King Boon ww $845 08, App Lichimand Kail RETURN! xX " Wing Fant HA § ai H i A ii 4 4 24Houses for Rent wiv OTA three - span fis | RA 3.2732 Hairdressing AJAY tip dqns RA B.678) 4 DO YOU KNOW aang Tarts Mg Saline FOUR" Todraam Fungilow, oie vanr fain" (oiiien Suphonrds, hiss biece 686 OSLER STREET we | CUSTOM" piv ania: dig winsily tlh gn Personal Service H a ¥ 9 --_----__-- --_r TI ------ e fo W100 Waveilen] money Cit, P00, MOMnlr voll wenl aren. 40 Minion Bireet South, WA 314 RA 5.9953 Cartage | Whirstviing dradia? 1! i a Wl Well Drilling-Digging STEAM BATHS wilh} eaclisive pred, THRE) ROOM ynhirnished apartment MOVING and trucking, reasonable 19 0.00. °081 Simoes : babii BL Adil) hd i -- g be HERB plane 10 & large SIN -ROOM, hies-bedroam house, Imo fous y iring a Rew ne. $68 mio rales Also plastering ahd gem ani fin: [oE AUTY salon iin oady oy H WE 0 Inapeet | madinte possesaion, Telephones BA | laciuds Ad wales, 8a | Bullding Trades ishing, sidewalks sie. RA 7784 Three or, 2m m fern oa himaat | schon. § 88 Appin De vou know steam ball {EAI the owner BA [#4 RL) big mm oti ™ ty wa 3 Vous " op FP rd) (Owner selling WwW. WARD ars wonderiyl for he relief of [FIVE «mim binghlow, ail heated: TY rT ud ou rod "apart No sammersil op seeon A Perk Clasoiriod. foil AUD Bor Wo, Ouhavs Times, Topens NI DERERS WELL DIGGING BY slephene | cea. UOMas 5.8530. [them ot low cast with an ad you ean Arthritie and Rhe v - LY oan Spariment | 4, Jainry workmanship, hast BF hilt and 81 m MAJOR RA") aes Tuellifion, RoI wales PARE nah y CW on raefing, | DISSE by sailing RA 3-348 now Instrustion | Sherten or lengthen garments MACHINE Tr ™ 5 N » SEPTIC tank saned the ssnitary 185 Verdus Road, HA i > \ { saves omughing n IONN'S Moving and Storage, Nrhans aw VINEE ACAREMY = Cults and nian ymin tnecialipl in 30° Tile difference " way, Mew 1onbh (asiaiied, Walter Wh * elev Ry oy 0 wo he ' a117 Ton Regal Academ ot bird h Hy 4 ON COMPANY Fi Che Wert. Phone MOBS wy 18D ,N WV ilahed haan iT 10 § 14 fe Roatonghie oo" ud AL Wl i RN bo Yi? Ing a Completa. pach Rlpguttoms WHITBY, ONTARIO >] Ru Slim-rite Centre | $4) NC NR gt TS 7 dL MO §:2563 we MO 8 - 1809 ah a mod . ; FOUR ROOM halen, thine ee balk, [Available now rb i mates §ane sdusatar, CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. ( #04 Ring 3. tou oi heated Tv Ki (Va are THREE © rout basemen apartment, y Avge none a via Dresimoking i cing dehas nw RI li RA Yass bd 204 CHESTNUT § i, wv. " W : #8rden slephons f furaished oF ynhurmiahad, sink as aha repairs and Rew work. All AEVERAVIONS of 80 SIsds Tov men H hawt, ¢ f oh fi I % . hid, FIs moO artly furnis boards Biches. Apply 113 fi bbe sis muaraatird. Ravn A tI Balarday Masonic ' Yampie, A RA 8 430) tor | Weel WT} RR ar Lo wa Te i Artmienl, un HS Jk dist. 4 Teversible. shirts 8 apecalr RA Th IvATY | Toaehar siudent" counsellor, TRY OUR TED VEENHOF Aree FAW AParimes un ANI WT 0nd wlerstons 00 Aol Sew. RUBIIT © OWE SI BAR.B.QUED CHICKEN WELL DIGGING go pr ------ Li wif. Capita Weal Wh) Persone ¢ 5 ¥ bu furnished, pi hand strane, | DCT ote Ie py : 4 bY fig he bn" hha rd JT HH Bulli in supboards MOPAR Whingles nd Filia Ly ries nA babes. | Chicken plate, hell ghigken Insurance with french fries, fish end Clean-ouis and despening WORK ] i le ans OLR. Rundewn, Ostia Tonle Fabiets TELEPHONE . May | ho SEVIS 41 door oven) Clove 0 bus and Shopping Contin, S80 30 adood or RA sa0dr Ppp w isa nits oh, we ' { . <o ALY RATIONS of oli Kinds for mien, : on pas } J ball drugsis ies RA SIN Gia bet Agu FOR FREQ simples ar a Aha LL ee Fig Hy a ay Tasurad "Ha oe i hamburgs, hot dogs, COMPRESSOR k [BEAUTIFUL 114 sored, "suns Ley NEW made prottisionsily gesarain | LOR F do ! ity. BA §5 1 TRANSPORTATION 10 downtown Ty - Iiwe FROM APATIMER, slesiitesll slag, roam dividers, Reversible skirta--s specialty, "ny aha TRANNY AL. ; RA 8 6472 [Ree te wile Wins ha LJ Wdseepad 1s i Aharimeni, sitsinteslly an " ls sovies ol rout Dome sal RA 8.3864 TT -------- a -- wane Jr oiermil leaving [] errant, with (lis Weluding free washer ad VY Heap, AN OL ihe VININGS Fh "FE Fab" 14 Tose odie 1 CONMPNOTA FURRIER rn | WE DR Vike B37 --- : » seesiaity. Now Se BEIT St re i 7% and DRESSMAKER | AUTO INSURANCE |iumping Heating UNWANTED w Sl Wa ooo LEAP NO he ay . Wha R . 2-8EDROOM [a vl ° ay Sieener. ni Ne Altgrations, Rem odeling It you am 9 sarelyl fave i plambing oed F "i TI To he "ehimag "9 nw ration: r. \ h 10 i haafing™ SRY PRI By ween' This ' AR Ww |23=--Apty, yy Flats § for Rent UPPER DUPLEX [Nexe Dutt And Ras a a Vi Low Prises Hy) ig A . 0H " fii. wg 1 ut BRE Beiw y salied, furnag Frees ssid MBILE far ARY Persah saNiRE tS Into this new - Ta RA Dy 22 ROWE STREET b than 20%, Preferred |: Gal in Wels hex TI OMhawa, ie - Baal i Magno |) 0 > Ht "vier | $90 MONTH a -- ; RA 8.6706 | Gv wniey the lowest rare fe og eI ots Ht ARTICLES? Ves + ' ¥ ar, ¢ MARY ST NORTH in Warne ugh . w ~ So 1a We + : \ WR re HA 5 Hh ne on Ye'wy Reais RA 8. 24 | 8 DRIVEWAY Driving School ! My Nie L ha Lh ek dri Ra, Fl FC TROLY SS | mae. completely installed | 3 we lige meme compieialy NmRish . i GRAVEL Addis Budi iis EEERE Call us today end compare tree KC SEC CH Xo "| DON'T Reval of Wbtelicact A contin, In pity reaulredl, (Wainer rigereiar wad dove: aon 8 MODERN LEARN TO DRIVE SCHORIELD INSURANCE | FREE" oH Fons, | STORE THEM! t Rameh Platkorm fume [od for (gh Bausehesiing metudin ample free parking A Ab ale. Cantina! Rosia Akihalt be : Yotal sitmant §9 940 Svs ninwn d shoppin (Pain. Sul APARTMENTS g vd an at the ASSOCIATES LTD "rt A 4 : dos A teats rshis i TAL BA S800 ' { Ne sh Dri School 360 King St. West RA 3.2245 asi "a 30 ' thhawe prt 38 and 36 HL arrange Gu GL "Paraithed single ream wa Yin ) Hilla Phone Gen Motel on | Pantin teen, qulel Name pS Seit-aontained ang and twa __RA 5.5279 Te : i wy the (Lawn Mowers rea hn noaha Motel P Im h | ntrggton licens b . e 4 wen wilh Niehen. sil geatiemen BA bedroom, fridge. siove an a _-- I ---------- & | we ---- ahs - these dates for apa intent. " Wilts immadiately + yi ¢ A kg i ) Provinge of Ontarig, Day and [BEATTY APPLIANCES - d 5 Fro g A " | evening lessons WE SHARPEN AND RENT Ihe & Livestock CANADIAN pm dy TI Alber Steel > APPLY 338 KING ST. § Re IF BROWN " "RA 8.009 [ALMOST EVERYTHING hy ity di gs rs matin, Sim, age TRAMP.OLLEAP LTD. |! : Ed GRAN EL & SAND aa aiber Give Us A Cole ob RE wi ub THROUGH AN oi I Bonk Si, Otawa Owe . oy hf a | ONE MONTH BLACK LOAM HARDROON Ritery Vela iie S T A N £ | targed air hmgees, bathroom, EATING Wimming a yy TE ------ ------ hy iow Sih Une Bild Ww ro N ; * A SIDR Mk fixturm, rey nd Mrviee BARS MT en Won" CLF SE TT FREE RENT wl coi £1 bse. x OSHAWA Samm new New Fenland ow oo NERBER 1 snd due 4 MORERN pr a RA 8. 8951 Furniture Repair RA 3.3224 PLUMBING. AN HEATING Poaey Telephone | (bay bes Mame of Hivy somal ade ehiien Moth Residential diner Goad Sus ering | MISH one: and tworbed om ---- sbi LEST) Teo ORONO 1782 Dey o Nigh : iF a wi \ 3 a x oom apartments, $85 ama | ' Tel m - ORSAY piece tres og Fd SPATE BR MEE estas ATL hen man Mina' | TOASTER AND IRON [B%ifa'™" EI ah BRE Rug-- TIMES mania od Rone Aas WH BIER od RA Ae FOUR ROOM apartment and hiee dg ad Tu Tes 16--Female Melp Wanted wn Avian immediately. Tele RA 8 86 76 BRAS RE Po RE MER Fur Storage RE ; $340 Mas Los Xa ewe KX, Phone RA S80 Vo Pe TOI RANK " » Py » pi WAITRESS vine Tien ond Babis 3 NORTHWAY APTS 5 ROOMS i oA > } -~ 1 , - ! Ifaman Coma (55 0.0 RE snpitend "Lue ow a | ive oa ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APPLIANCES FURS Some OT ET iG CLASSIFIED fam ah ¢ 1d LN ue » ~y \ 3 \ Re N RAN fia Ht So i, vm inate | APARTMENTS | o82, 30°31 41, PICKWICK CLEANERS MONEY TO a AE HO FRESHER WOMEN Re Te Te , 0s ABIL, PE a Cry me. "at UT AD GERMAN shepherd, Wa AE mine 3 ating Ret Jers with 'LA SAL LE & J AT THINKING OF SPRING : LOAN : : reamngbie Babi Wan ihe. BN Tolephess RA 43MIN WH vou Jd of Deeptrens V thi A WELL ROTTER manu bv wie Tole ay. ey iol is Adin oN | Phone RA 3 4813 k gh sai, | Oil RA: a ans: ; 4 A : Train aay 8 Wu | ven Amy Pebones | orRA 8.6485 | Boked name! shomimm o0- |_434 SIMCOE STARRY SOUTH | ows of mart (3, Fd ov Wot TURN THEM INTO um 8 dy. Senking on EE ---------- " AT Te el ™ for Amt ond tecend AN = = $i RL Onis a. i. We 3 |. MODERN SELF.CONTAINED ADELAIDE TERRACE pion | the fond we | OSHAWA FURRIERS i Rafi Bnd yn ARTICLES his v AR, l vas Bast on OF had CATISFACTION AN RESTYLE YOUR shading vacont lon | RUGS 8 CHASTERFIELDS ¢ RC Ie APARTMENT [Now GUARANTEE rg a Bg | besiege ecu CLEANED YOU NEtD a Tn ee RR Mrnishod. SION haw SOR R 1oa ACT NOW ViRY Ci) . Pa! 3 + Nothoag STYLE AT LOW . 20 Pole "a ning PI Baimair Road Nora $88 PER MONTH big . AJ A REPAIR AND SUMMER RATE a f 'arma bg Di Hg hy Tor ialiee "Hat Saat Call LE 8.0827 : do ar Bl CONSTRUCTION LTD LL RA Bau puyan As Members of the Notional 1a - -- RE ET TELEPHONE 3 aptitate of R - Spe bh 4 Ade'awie A 3 110K & 1] Os > Banana ¥ : M wi Ceding NW Te Coliost tr move mipemation |RA 5.343) of RA sai | ola RA 3 Fag i y WH "a 10) ee to, King i ae tvs a NU-WAY we RA 8.4681 TO.DAY i] LL)