| § THE CSHAWA TIES, Tiewdey, Ap 1, 196% Predicts Brilliant Pr } ¥ -, Fourth Cuides And Brownies | At Stratford This Summer | -- Sere E We A K. Colins prasided Kotsl, Toronts. We % wins Wa 1ETEWIRE (a PETE 16 Ts WRESAue GRE SRR EIRENE ot The Agr of hes regeaseniative of fe Mother Daughter Banquet rEsinias (5s season #6 (he were made of We Wey lwnew Vietoren ter of Morons fous wits be rhe Asa dciogates Sivwions Suavasengnen Fosti aon ah fone gorkes (a8, Plans in he Gwerk tows of the oty (5a national comtersnae on W The 4h Ociews Guides wk Susan (Gngeresii, Barvars vel, We. B. Winter express were lopmatetad for #8 tower of foall 4 and § wen beng held wn TH Reid Geir SHARES] Berry Camas, of Te Gmght of many A we he Kasia Conte fox the Fer | tt 4t the Baya Lov Hate wh Daagar ; 9 iotensrs "Wy had he Sves fon ming Arts Beton Roddy, Wiss [sehen Soviey. mwrses oc Westmont, 1 WE Rosen (hres of fhe lessey ~TTTTT nd feasenver's repens. Wy noharge, regoviel 96 vets Sad Com. Warflgn Langmaid, Shiv wows 54757 > We, E. 5 Hels ware made oh 16 ew GROSS Wnsiar propos A ie Ving Vo Rowe. the prodmerrs Wil. F ish Fillets Baked We. Coline erprasend (hanks were adultes, Ope students Waiesty, The son (Angerasss, Futey Sorats; gos ws vient spectacies o KB Rowse for pew from Wesers Cmoepiy sponte i. Kany Fit. Sweimy Wndorer, bs coimming, m 745 4 ggg fp Sour Cream Re anual meshing. fone wecks with he Drees! we 1 Boneia Chiider- sud wo ve ment, i Loves marhers werk wan Bight satenis fos the Cok Yrs. Ussar (otenduneh he Bose, (Fyn aet ) % Aer & Last, Comioiaens 8. Wigk fillets hated with . we General Bosgital spent ie & K. Senden Uchhersos, War Hewey YI dls of Be Ha axmam (6 8 Bah wth & we Kays Mhesrying ve Em wi mv, ves it co be Criah Jones Mes. €. 0." " Re ney ays, CRaERr cosas it lose then J ja ns Yr. Combine wit at WEWAIAL, 7) or Wewry Y, wy of WWeH The filets, fresh oF froven Aiagaies 2 the Frown sppuis ¢ A gg Barharn Wages, Jonnne Linton, might wel be seen again" feat nah wots oe Contersnak % Tots 5 EEA, Ont. (CF) ~ Mrs 2 Ranmioh, W on. Wr. Winter ae BAAERSORE 150mt, 14RARE, hen rrr reer | WE TRTRRY Of Sornin has re mers of the Lycewm CHW some crass tomes after Asticatin : anh Women's Art. Assoniation filly, soft nd Crh hiking deh. Praha grew (5 498 moral yk pi lak y Aor] : He advised is leteners 1 1958 swelled chasse ; % ". . The contre fs fn mem : » ; Mes 3. W. Bart, synopens of he ers, IRAE cress may be Wotan |, THOW the (Siete i they Wars go conce of Jews Wind Morin 4 Goda Company, Wes Linton, Dianne Barriom thon the CARGIRE RFE WIA The (OD RG WRB S £TIDS ona een Fragen Em Aap WS SOV she Wap eign of terror y RB he describes je fefions #R8, golden fs W bales i pies REFRRES ; Ft 1h : : : CARTAN, , . C PHRONE CITIGRAOTY BASS, RE Wield prepaneh Batong Mich. Bowel | 77IATOR. Foland, dueng thel In arent ante of fashion, Waylair presents the superb suet - in Wack patent sr Wack leather, Bonney, tenses, 45 Bryant, Downe OVIston, Bhat. tars incmpomneneneis Wield ~ 3 servings With utter or margarine, Bake Tre WE War , 100A RAI TRIER E 4 A 3 ------ = g 4 5 contd E pond sitable Fel filets | orc ented myn weil fish oo Sizes to 12. $24.55 - matching bag Wail orders welcomed, For the privilege vf srivite Masten comanitiae. the Reverend on Molin, Barbers Mover, | he goswmet, he $804. 3 Secos soft batt rE BH Ward, Mrs. BR Joes Black, Vetsy Spratt dat Love's Lavowr's Lost had Te FOF TROT simmnst be flaked with # fork p ' estieron Yawny on ol Jackin Yiegn, Cathy Makes pls Writien in 1564, as B Aber % gam ool om ". i mimes, Aethifitig World you Woe to bo maings, Gimahy return this 84 with mur same and address te AYFAIR res Brownie Pack. Mes. J Gas Elunheth Beomich RIDER Seement for the cot of the /3 C00 COMER ETRE WR ness of fish. Soresd g Brown Owl, Wh Browse Magee, Sows Linton, Bowe Earl of Southampton aw coarse eof Bren A sme cream over fick and sors SES This Summer? 13 Bloor Stvaet West, Yoronts, Ont., 149V; Sparks Street, Otows Ont, ; Cpt Aerionee ade fun of tov 4 sa ° Srombs Ke with a miztwre of bresdl ton we Commits Bet Cid 1640 Sherbrocke Wes. D. B. Guan socks Wiefly Emergency helper: Borms sop 5 SORA, RE REAR END hrshdel Pro crumbs and checse, Return thel © 7% SF Biidrg, Trudy, Street West, Montrest, Quebec stated thet Lady Baden Coolidge, Betty Ann Crover, qu op, and the speaker sd Beh 19 oven and continne 19 ATT [wd would visit Canada tiie Margaret Bryant, Dawns Ormi- 4 th ; m bake wntil crwmh toppng is 3787 snd 1 was hoped thet #6 sion, Sharon Molen, Barbers ip oid be & SPRELACIE €F Grease k 1ather small thatiow golden ~ § to 18 mines wid be fortunate enowgh 10 Moser, Jomn Black a go wasn onl ballet HS -- oe her y Sorat, Jackie Vien, oth Cansipnve, writen v7 A voir of thanks was express. Clure, Elizabeth Benmis " ' y Bhickaspesre Im by Browne Patricia Mac bers Mages, Josnne Linton 4 f son 15 the menshers of the Boule Childeriose vas f "8 cresting of the £™ compiles; whe Panes sy oters: Carel Fisey, Jomnre sg ih " ing the Aes Mrs Ne Linton, Lynde Linton, Sanden tiny of # Romen genersl who W. Childerhose Stes ycinerson, Dorothy Flas, Di was "fh et of Dis WR the (ide COMPANY & M90 anne Harrison, Norms Comber, destieiio fr Winter Downe: oid Cord Guides, Keithe Mo Nancy Smith, Sheron Wolion, of wp sor relonen CorbiRmu od the PH ' in Henry VIE. the las ' Eats on rs Wo fal a; Wl ion of her 10 yesrs sep Following the presentation of TEVRER DEVE, FREER . sithe badges, the Guides epler. WIOGHCRS IRGes OF WOR, vice, Mrs. Edward Gingeresi, d with skits, songs snd PIER 1 ¢ have been minsed essed Appreciation 19 the Hee! ¥ hy ihe have Det Westmount Wh for the turkey Gencing fr. Winter called attention 19 ort, iii 2 ' : v5 The evening closed with Bo." fs bie scone Aetatiing ; 7 Tia ee Mis Goskell enrolled seueh comp fre Hens vores trom Catherine Sd I ov : dS al 4 ' Tweenizs Karen Coolidge, Una of Aragon after 3 veers of yl wn ' -- is " i hd Dart, Keren Martins, Chery warriage; then the Aestruetio : fe oss Tas i LODGES AND (oie, os ped A TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA -- OPEN FRIDAY MIGHT UNTIL 9 PM. 3 6 | self the most important man in Brownie Badges were present | SOCIETIES the. roam mp eh alby Min DK. Cun fol He read, smong other ex TOPVALUE DAYS ARE MONEY-SAVING DAYS, , , when your every dollar counts for un Her a $10 raots oy hows! Golden Hana, Janice Rew _ PETA Hom Pui ne i12cks, Wolser's address 16 more (up to 50% more in some cases) | So hurry to Zellers and be oll set for the Top- notch Savings--and remember, you con "Charge-It ot Zellers, , , No Money Down | women, Lynn Ormiston; colles guest speaker pt the regular thee, | g awry ambition rs, Alice £ Wig osiion Chapler of Beta Sigme greatness, closing "Had 1 but -.N " TY" rol, Tor Makers, Janice Phi held on Tuesdey evening, served my God with half the LOVELY LINGERIE! BULKY-KNIT "BEAU and Sharon Hornsby; mn ss 76 I served my kin he a ' April 11, st the home of Miss 7 y £ A ; oie), Paricis WePherson, (0070, 1; 4 Hie. one re woud not, 1m mine oie, hovel [ Smdlhl Sh REG. 6.99! SPECIAL! Mrs. Gunn slso presented the Mrs. Bryan Cole, president, pre ef me naked 9 mine ene 3, A CIAL SAVINGS! m ' po AGEN OF A BWEATER | or following Guide badges: Bee a04 " ond class: fusen Gingoresk); Dr Fro scene V, Mr ; by " Arnel' Bulkyknit "Orlon"; white, wash: ' J ; Mrs, O'Driscoll took as her °° : 4 r 0 FY Child purse; Patsy Spratt, Nen topic Tools for the Art of Lite", " described the chris ? L srimmed oble ond wonderfully flattering Smith, Sandra McPherson tening of the infant princess 1 ia perfect mid-Sesson slip-on! ® y with od Sizes 5, M ond |. Fashion-Speciol wR swwsw Ta eman Sargares Bryer,, Barbara Ma-| Mrs. Kenneth Young gave the oo oF 50 Which Shakes Mond |. , you Bove 2021 , Josnne Linton, Pats y|financiel report It was decided th hindsight wove Dianne Hsrrison, Shir-|lo send $10 to the endowment hecies of ; ; bi dor fund of Beta Sigma Phi wy * of her power and a i "CHARGE-IT" f/ and Girl: Shirley Windover! Mrs. John Beaupre reported ' Mrs VM Eiliott introduced 1) EA, A and Elizabeth Beamish; poul-lon the social activities of the 570 oy BF 4g Yn dF 1 3 ' DAINTY SLIPS & "SHIFT" NO DOWN PA try farmer: Shirley Windover, group snd the pledge members |i fr it oh t Oy ell on f L A 4 og ran i hetn Seam were reminded of the Ritual of 1oyi00 pod or Bh of the hooks, & 2 ; NIGUTIN. Slammin 22. au "bh j Felgion Bi Me: BAFDAIR Jewels to be held at the home su thorized for use in secondary | : f ; ) J ® O08 skelc } od : SW a 4 h ba ad Morgaret Bryant of Mrs, Kenneth Young, Hunter! schools, "Lessing tn Vite" i ; "sede & manent » pleat to Pan d (71d ) street, and "Poetry to Appreciate : | y 7 flounce; Gown ~ sizes §, McPherson, Susan Gingereskl, "muy poo of Beta Sigma Phil Mrs, 8. V, Barlow who presid | Shirley Windover, Bonnie Chil: walla ode yo Brad ed, thanked Mr Winter, p | |} : \ i \ MEL; embroidered nylon 088 Guests, Mrs, ¥, B, Turney \ WE # J\ sheer yoke and lavishly: Conservation; Shirley Wind. leY: ad 1 c 8 Pete h oy fp / 4 over; duirymaid Shirley Wind.| Present at the meeting was a|#nd Mrs, K, § Peterson, were / #0. VL a \ flounced hem, White, lilac, Cat MeClure, Patsy transferee from Kingston, Mrs b Soreis, Paley pp ne E. B, Spicer, refreshments, assisted by Mrs : stl id ; / \sabeth Beamish, Patsy Ma:| Miss Doreen Laughlin served Joseph Lynch SE Ar TAR 1.99, Over 21% Savings! pe UT | {B.F.Goodrich| 7\ | ff. wm | If MIC / y : » " " " " 4 D7 | sreciaL VALUES! "SLIMS" & "BOXERS Little-Boy Boxers Little-Girl 'Slims' Ladies' "Slims" . A SAVE 1,02! Sizes 5, M, L,=~ lo Brbx = $1.7 Valve! td a Pond an SEES Ae me 3390 Vole) = bid dad turd often random cor ih tye asic B - § Crisp 'n' tub - loving cotton iy Ri gold, Elastic Foxer Tear 8 i oh fli Hd wor, Arp wy [andem Lord, LADIES BRIEFS, Sizes 5, M, L.Plain and = Weriskay" in charming flere wai twa, tink 1.47 Li ow B10 geen eid, man' 9 BY fancy styles, 39 al-prints on white, Super JUNIOR-MINS "SAK =diasn 1141 Fashionable random cord In wart new BY 4 1} Value JUNIE "Ui rtiten Beli Formiontble random, cord ) A MN TRADE-IN Sin TLS ALLOWANCE aS He HEY CoNTON 5 rh "¢ gold, equomarine, Reg, | LADIES' GLOVES ~~ $1.00 Value! White |uxury-weight TIRES ON Ti ME | | nylon "Simplex" in cholce of | 0 or $5 Sizes $Y AS LOW AS an YOUR | 60 west' & astiying, - Save 33%! 1%00WN DELIVERS ra on OT , LADIES' SCARVES = 89 a ha. 4 Jen ACT NOW TRADE A FULL SEY Valus! Water-repellont 32in, Savings to 61% ' e \ Nag? /. i OF 750 x 14 AND GET 7-80 rand SHIRTS & SHORTS SPECIAL! 4 BLACKWALL NYLON ror 8 werful profusion of patterns On Sport Shirts! Now's Shae 3 thc be wu Raps Ae ¢ YIRES FOR ONLY EAL 204 sheden 1 ; Fl QUALITY k Athletl Save 349% 1 PAY ONLY NE QUALI white eotten-knit Athletic AS Low AS $4, POWN ' u ¥ § A 5 £ T o N Y LJ u R ¢ A R ' AHav Naive Shirts and Shorts; nylon reinforced; military : Wienteriaed": Meresrined rib; flat lock seams, Now Savings-Priced LJ B. I. Goodrich NEW TREADS Just Pay for the Tread | Mio - temie sen CHAISE LOUNGE 7:50x 14 5% Just pay for new, full depth tread, yw 2.87 " BUY NOW AND PAY LATER! SPECIAL! You got a fresh, naw start on miles AS LOW AS nestle age -- safe, economical mileage, SPORTS SHIRTS -- of "Super" Ask About ZELLER'S Co z 'ii TiR ff MEN'S ""HAPPY FOOT" HOSE BI wll $ ou onvenien ==Weal, cotton and nylon mix, | i 1 of Ww IT} STURDY ALUMINUM FRAME in red, cuthia soles 10r xtra COROR py ina wide big CHARGE- IT PLANS green, or yellow, Lightweight | Comfort Popular colors, Practically ne yo vee pal a rn able! Just right for lawn or patio * on Amartly-tailares 4 foam : subs', Sizes in tang sleaves and breast poacke! NO DOWN PAYMENT Reoller's Special Price, mn » lo d Say eI Joti Now ong Sows | Jam NO DOWN PAYMENT==1.25 PER WEEK CHILDREN'S KNEENI HOSE ) ATISFACTION DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Sizes 6 0 9, wool and nylon 21 SIMCOE ST, §. 226 STEVENSON'S RD, §, tm 31] GUARANTEED PHONE RA 3.2204 PHONE RA 3-2200