THE BWANA TIES, Wednentey, Apri Vz, 1961 --- WHITBY Z%D DISTRICT 'Changed Seats, Maren 9, RESUMES OFFICE Mex Town Clerk B. C, | clerk snd Mrs. Faby have Filhy resumed Ws office on | just returned from p vacation Monday at the comme mest tig At Mond wg alter three-month | ARBRE, | omnes break. For siz weeks, Mr CINCH Resting wi Fally, who has held office for | Bam A. Parish expres bearty welcome on hel a id 4 # oi of FEES NE, nr i and aancing The gro sandwiches and his Seryed 4 ads { RES Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carter and sons Wayne and Randy, of were calling on friends St. Whithy on Friday f V was Munns Driver Fined Fic re whethe arwiesy and @9 fo he frm "1 YS fiir 1A the of the temek, PC Goodwin saa ACTRES 185 (RE PRstangrr's samt hat Capnoiian acss & hot while the car Was WW movie. of Weer on We fines from wis Tuestoy fined $9 wd humper. A seach of Car Lanets fox ANIIRE Wille wale FORGR'S GET (Ben (Gime wy Allan ( an, 25. # pert boitie of Beer (of BR 1, Brolin, whe somes d. Cramp attorney Brmce Mllerk in the Winthy oe UWL. WARS (old the coer that Camechan wee fined B18 pnd coils (oF hasnes had heen suspended (or (Consuming Ranor Ww # PIRCE ane yesr in Bovember of 1999 iother then We residence as the rest of & Srwwk Sieg [4 Ww Kay Goodwin, of BE conviction iy Ag vy in lid lind, Name 0 ti " AtBrock H&S thamah Bromicin ahi 1.15 & mw when he poticed Carninchiat REINER 5 her car le seid thet he fwrned the CRWSEr IWR Ree 3 i eo ad Cornnchan Brock Sigest South Hom change Wie position from eins Soho As yi : the wheel (9 the passenger's WOWIRY es agri d swale wt the schoo i WER £4 WHR he By the pre wh Ea FRRA RRA The fo clected REI Wile this operation wes taking place, hie sid, the car mn wp on # lawn nd hack Aon on the StIesl REHN, Later, smd WC Gondwin, when the LowArNek was hot (9 haw the car to the gRrsge, he served Camochan chmbh ot of Credit Union Names Officers The Board of Directors, Whit by Comp Credit Union met for their monthly meting nthe Odatetiows Hall on Friday eve ping. General business Wa dealt with. Mr. A, Reardon, who the delegnie pl the Credit Union Convention held pH the Royal York Hotel, Toronto gave his report After all business dis posed of, the election of officer for the Board of Directors was held, Returned to office pre: F Hayes as president, TF. Beymour treasurer, A. Reardon president, B, Davies, secrelary Also on the hoard: C, Hallelt Mrs, W. Ashlon and Mrs. G ' Br The next meeting will be held Parry an The May Bb, next meeting will he held May § GWE 9 # £m. Pp Fh A i EORYE Fueen Than psn Eizpand, My ish spd Mi LOL Was SON'S FOO araw ana ky Young won Wy The 4 MIs anni pr Els BERR Whe RAVE Wis ial on her work Indians, Yi compamen hey Vallant thanked Mi behalf of pl The refreshments the vice Pres meeting ra4journed ana were served by SOCIRl convener Mrs id her commiiiee me pas" $ LOBA Welcomes Visitors From Goodwood Lodge Yiwy Rides LORA Bs om Weald its mini ly messing (itanday eveming at he Sow OFIAWA (FF) sai Ww iey Mistrasy Giotay Beatrice Fath AeA Be ING SIs EIGRS WEEE fnnduaiad by Sister May Fist REF Wn the aheenas of the jain, Mister Doiby Aadesson, The stv Wis regaled by Sistays HA PARA Wortley Mictiess Sister Pilkey Ana 18 other menwhers of the SAMok fromm Condwonh made & SERIE TIGL aa werk WREWly i. rah #. Dwring the main ss mesting i was Aecidad 5 RAG & matt of eaeds om May Zs the KAOF Hall Everyone WEE k 16 wiiend Final prrsngements were hale (or the loess members 19 ERG the Jy 32 eelehrations ve Reid tie yer i Oshawa MEnery were plessed 19 ARI ster Kyetym Vien 1% comyaiescing wt the home of f Wi by a é triend in Oshaws REY & BREGY FREHYERY Fodge closed in the wus) PhATIRE THEATRE GUIDE Mistrnss Boar moms broahinsting (omwiites Wadeline Lolimors mod Diepwty soeming its mdry inte CRF #5 rabeth Wood and Way dent They wish en Whe Dered 9, 1980 pm 5 Country" 3.09 Last complete Regent BAY pi now B49 p.m "The Kings Go rid Without End" 7.55 pm, Box 709 p.m " Privedn wifice open Marks ~' Macumba Love" 3.19 Ah, 10.080 pm Untamed" 115, 446, 8.15 p.m. Last com plete show st 6.15 p.m Broek 8.20 p.m, "Passi 700 and 10.65 p.m plete show 8.20 p.m I A at The Stars ort fe ( m Wing'! Last com ion Eichmann," ature L565, 8.50, 5.45 70h 940 p.m, Last complete show at 8.19 p.m Piasa Operat £ times "The Gazeha'" 12.95 We pm "The oy - 'Don't Judge Us Harshly' - CBC peng etionase mmmwt of ster aon." ~ Fhe Com CERN , hesrh an poet Tues Ady What We awpwation be HAGER WR HE ROBEY CIiants Rak fot an he larrmtingt aon en verses wiiet (Wow some of Hs TY pengrame Alohonse Oimet, CRE pres seid away rsy is aber: Ent In the native of the (sie vision medion The CROs "lappy" grngrame and the prsli tewyarmes secmed 14 grt" £ Action." in the world for variety, anh Graity of UE DISgrme SHOWS FHM nm snk ing FW 7 Ws wis speenk filmen pngram specially pre pared for the commities flomninitine MRaRTHETS 7S Onimet wt Tuashay's mesting That with start Thwrsday Time Machine" 1.58, 6.15, 6.49 pm. Last complete show #55 pm : Wr. Ome suid he comgiders iw the last fiseal yume he last yan "ony Pest year yet. Mi. Out et said these fonds for tha Aanalicy and degli of owe are "SB payment (oF services ndiiahiangnagn a reperah--saryiees which owdd The Frenchiengrege TY Ret ocd ry WWE WAS Pres niieh ag the - The CRA prasident reinlorost with & 2% - miowte Sidn't OW © COGAEY lawyrr President to anestioning Wr Kenney has | iain fd head contr protests, Wr. Owimes swif fs "abun the fmericem team fesling wis Juialy fnacere' (6 Aesapive (anadiane on WONRAGEY Weler ihe funds yohek fy Fariiament (a Arscrid br # p Ass ior the CRE as # Aafia vend ds "i man Wk & sp fn the owrest fiscsl yesy sersonaiity" Farligment has Ween ackef 16 figs one of the dheeyles vhs B60 8 06 15 corer Ria pagdast trRACKS yh eve FRSHATRTRORLSE And he "BEL 95 mest 7 said Senator oe Wcke AIRING req ments" of BR (x describing. We Wr mis CRE radio snd TY servians. THE (rend Wenn ao CINBGRIRS Wl WH TIL YAR fs got the med waImas. Rane new when # comes 9 helgin hoe 5 peak Eoncatin, 5 Westerner of © aifian ancestry, will soon fk ~ lis place ps hateman of American section of the Game Canadian + U8 Internation: joint commission. This hed handled the spadework on th $t. Lawyenes Seawny and th wer Whol preteegty pegtiations for Cn iia Biver power and fiom : not he provided in soy oer = Lawyer He. Heads Water Team WASHINGTON (OP) Feature Skown; 1:56, 4:40, 7:15, 10:00 Daily NOTHING LESS THA » A MIBACLE IN WLU pupa Mh HY 1 WO) SS 5 0 J Ww SUPERIM NAMEN COLOR i Esti "The Living Swamp" TECH COLOR 3 Stooges Comedy For the first time SEEY the motion picture 27 rig screen tells the fl intimate, authentic personal story of girls like Bobbie Williams ~ a truth torn from New York after dark, CIRL, Icy PRESENTED BY WHR BRO 9h WII WA FOE AINE FRANCIS LLOYD NOLAN KAY MEDFC JRD JOHNKERR Tomoneow 1 om WALT BISHEY'S "TEN WHO DARED" hirer 3 ROCK HURON in FB IRMOGUS PLAVERS THERTKE cons Ry" TEER ERE EERE RAN il Ld ig JH La Sons ¢or WIENGES oe. DMITTAN Opes TREVOR own DEAN STOCKWELL WENDY MILLER MARY URE HEATHER SEARS ASPARAGUS _ h&ve £h. IMPORTED US, NO. | FRESH MURDER MOVIE EVER | METRO GOLOWYN-MAYER mpssnn GLEAN , DEBBIE FORD / REYNOLDS In AN AVON PRODUCTION CANTALOUPES wer IMPORTER US. NO. | FLORIDA IMPORTED U8, NO, | FRESH TT IMPORTED 4.6. NO.) FRESH GREEN ONIONS 'wm GAZEBOD' wan CARL REINER wis JOHN MeGIVER In CINEMASCOPE YOU WILL ORBIT INTO THE FUTURE, ,,,IN,,, o HG WELLS 1 ne TIME YI MACHINE in Mt Lil OLOR 19 years, was in hospital and for the remaining Bx weeks | the members of council was convriescing. The town hots by John Mills Four members of (he ning was spent In the Women's Division of the Whithy tion room wher Curling Club were guests gl an Ing contests, my invitation bhonspiel at Weston were greatly enjoyed Curling Chih on Saturday and provided the had a most successiul day, They cookies and the won op honors In their draw coffee and received hesutiful cameras Bs prizes, The members of the rink were; Joy Rich, skip, Mary Anderson, viee skip, Chris| Windsor Doughty, second stone and Kay on High Currie, lead Mr. and Mrs, Allan Keith and The young people's group of Son, of Maple, were recent visi Almonds United Church under/tovs at the home of Mr, and the leadership of Mrs, Evelyn Mrs, William Hicks, of Almonds Newion, were entertained at the! parents of Mrs, Keith home of Mr. and Mrs, Loyal Mr. Ralph Newton, BR 1 Pogue on Tuesday evening Whithy, has heen vacationing in Numbering shout wu, the EYE: Florida for the past three weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Mc Lean and sons of Whithy, He is Rolled Car expected to come home this ' weekend Drove On, | Cruciixi ' Crucifixion Magistrate A, 8, Milchell dis: + A ili M 1 missed a charge of fallin uxi lary ee report an aceldent against Ba Fireside Evening Auxiliary! Sommerville Willis of RR 2, (WMS held its monthly meeting Oshawa, In Whithy traffie court ag the United Church parlor on Tuesday Monday evening. Mrs, T, B Willis had heen involved in an {Brandon, the president, apened accident two miles east of the the meeting with prayer, The Rouge River bridge on Highway theme of this meeting was 401 "Easter," OFF Constable John Pettit) Mys, J, Kaine spoke on the sald he discovered the vehicle May meeting when the local at Bay Ridges about an how group will entertain the Brook aller the accident was veport:|lin WMS, Mrs, G Juby and ed, Damage was estimated atlgroun were in charge of the #700 |devotional, Mrs, H, Ingram Witnesses reported that Wil read the seripture and Mrs, J is had been travelling at # Smith read the same seripture high vate of speed when he|from the new translation of the rolled his car on the centre Bible. Mrs. A. Hewis led the! boulevard of the highway, The group in prayer | ear turned upright again and The guest speaker, Mrs, M, G Willis continued (MeCaily, showed a most inter Willis claimed he had heen] esting dialogue picture on the quite shaken up after the acel:|"Cpucifixion" at Lake Wales, ent and had intended to con: Florida, Some of the main char 'act the police after he arrived acters who performed in Ger Wh Toronto, He was waiting for many for this big spectacle the Toronte hound bus when|were also taking part in this police apprehended him Florida presentation, Mrs Magistrate Mitchell dismissed | Howls thanked Mrs, MeCarty the charge stating that a rea: lon behalf of the auxiliary sonable amount of time had not| Refreshments were served hy passed in order for the acoused Mrs, Hewis, Mrs. Juby, Mrs ) contact the police, Ingram and Mrs, Smith, The . m " Inext meeting will he held May Scout Mothers # at the church Plan Tea, Sale | EXTRA The monthly meeting of Fifth Whithy Cub and Scout Mothers | SPECIAL Aiiavy oy held April 10 in| lernard's school, The presi dent Mrs, A. Roberts Jan Low-Low the meeting with prayer and the Weekend Rates Mother's promise The various conveners pre eA wm sented their reports, Bean bags were made for the Cubs by the BEAUTIFUL NEW ladies, Final plans were made 1961 MODELS for the forthcoming Mothers fuxiary afternoon tea and TILDEN bake sale to be held Saturday. rent-a-car 45 KING ST, §, OSHAWA RA 5.6553 April 15 at 8t, John The Evan list Church parish hall, All| are welcome, Co-conveners ave | Xn L, Bedard and Mrs, P| rlinsky The Prayer, - meeting closed With| ALLL DRIVE-IN * TONIGHT BOX-OFFICE OPEN 7:00--SHOW STARTS 7:13 OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Presents 'THE HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA' A DRAMA by GARCIA LORCA DIRECTED BY RUSS WALLER WoLAUGNLIN LIBRARY THEATRE April 26, 27, 28, 29th 8:30 P.M, SHARP BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S ROOK STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 22 += 8:30 a.m, 0 6 pom, MONDAY + TURSDAY, APRIL 24-25 w= 4 po, to 6 pm, ON NIGHTS OF PLAY == AT THEATRE 7 pm, General Admission 1.00 CUCU IMPORTED 1,5. NO. | CELLO BAGOED or RADISHES { #& inberd; y WIORTED US. NO | FRESH GREEN pe 1 YMPORTED U6. NO, | FRESH CRIGPY ICEBERG 3 STALKS FOR ONTARIO GROWN NO. | FRESH GREEN WHERE Q a QUALITY VEGETABLES TRULY' fresh for your salads every time! 0.25: 21, 49 2¢ 19 or 29¢ 29°¢ . 19% EACH Fresh Grade 'A' Ove dw PUNCHED ALLING ALL GREEN Now's the Thum oy Jo. working en your gardens and lawns ' and fhe Lest place in tewn fa shep for all your needs Is your friendly ° Steinberg's! Check the lew prices en Steinberg's wide selection of top-quality grass and flower seed, peat moss, rose bushes and shiubs, frult trees, fer SCHN Cou ol ba MONARCH '20¢ OFF DEA OPEN THURSDAY AND ISLAND ROAD---~ROUGE HILL DUNDAS STREET--WHITBY Everybody a winner in the #* FREE BowLiNg eames! [BONA NMA Wr as en fren haved ben be aja aegudaidagus Ah 1m ot Brekng DE A You oan win ong of thaws. dia 5 |) od Villizers and weed killers, Sha 10} OF, PKG, Cereal 25¢ CHEERIOS CHICKENS HAMS UALITY & VALUE REALLY GET TOGETHER! LR Ea Al] Everytime you shop of your Iriendly pA AAALA you enjoy the rity combination of lew prices ond top queling Corely) selection by expert buyers resith fn only the finest feed being elfared for salel is wank compare the vole on STEINBERG'S GRADE 'A' CHICKENS) Each plump, tender bird Is wnsonditlonally guaraniesd for deliciovs, tose tempting Havers And the lew, low prise sans extra savings en the family budget & 3 5 CHERRY n Ready - FRYING FARY-TO FAT 3 i Ib SHANK OR ¢ BUTT PORTION ou uw S¢ 9 STEINBERG'S + KITCHEN FRESH HEAT 'N BAT ntry Sausage Boof & Kidney Ples 2/65¢ "LB. PK ED FORK SHOULDER FRESH - TOF QUALITY nkless Picnic 1b. 45¢ Haddock Filletsonyu, 49 HEINE 10 OF TIN Tomato Soup 2/26¢ LEAF SKINLESS DEFATTED EIDER'S FROSTYO'S Cereal #4 OF, PKG, 25 HEINE 1008 YN Veg. Soup 2/25¢ KENT SLICED » FANCY Pineapple 254 CRACKER BARREL 20 OF VN Saltines 118. PKG, 20 POLE, FANCY 15 0%, TN Fruit Cocktail 25¢ PEL MONTE + FANCY 46 OF, TN Tomato Juice 25¢ KENT CRUSHED » FANCY Pineapple #0 OL YIN 25¢ HAPPY HENRI Apple Drink ALLENS Drink 200%, TN 2/236 Pillsbury White ar + Podd 1? OF, MKG, Pouble ke Mix 2% GRAPE OR ORANGE 40% TN TAL a ore BeAr 20 Tollt Tissues. 256 37 OF pOTH 43 i he Follow 008 Facial Tissues 20¢ Cake Napkins 25¢ FRIDAY TO 9 PM, Toi FIELDS O'CLOVER Cheese Slices 25¢ AL tid Wax 25 a SIUNRING 4 SE PIE TH RUSHED OM OF NH STEMS STATON Wha + van of pt WwW "his CHEF BOY-AR DEE PLAIN 15% OF, TIN Spaghetti Sauce 25¢ AE SEAM Gould' 12 OF, TUMBLER Liquid Hone EATRA LLL EXTRA INKY PINKY S1ANPS 50 5 id EAA fy ERTRA 25 Bi 3 BY May Wl hn, ORANGES ot» nou Ww i it