Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY And DI STRICT IN BOTARY MINSTREL SHOW chorus time to catch | ith between songs | plied much of the the nig Bland right, are John Stanley Mar Dale eated Gordon Mf and Jack all male hi ¥ ) isn su for Member Cluh of Bight pre formance of their Minstrel Show, at Breet High Behon ed house, Shown ahove upper photo thi men ho not onl Ave Work Starts On Raglan By-Pass the road | In May, the grading yhich excavation will start, Tt is ham: nected to he ready for traffic hy road and for the first nl lemporar year it will receive a coating of permanent of the Rolary Whithy on Vriday ented the final pe th the in a annual Henry ark in the ond the el May and Mery ght, pre a Denne 0 n in left ta ni fiin, Cle ire scheduled to heginithe route tn follow on & hypass in Osh: will hegin Wark 1s next week the end of July ear will have a [paved surface, Next material Gulld memher home of Mrs, J street west on for thely I'he presi Munns Jr, nhened with the Lord's ou reports were approved ening avel ind meeting old bh heing Lindley hart husine thi follow Hime vith game wed with Mrs, M NOSLERS I'he draw Mi Cow Lindley. The May 4 will he of Mrs, W wi heen wa fl an 0 on ns prize donated bh was won hy My next meeting of held at the home Ashton week out of let of Raglan, The new expected to he ready for tral completed under the CPR on south end of this subway, ahout join the existing road at in The Co-Op up aren of Raglan and also Phursday The road follows a route the meetin The contract for the grading A Agincourt, at a tender price ol which includes the tender hid _ Newt hrushing awa Suburban Hoad 2 will cut to the east of the running three miles north the north limit of Columbus, | fie In July Twn years ago a subway wa |pivying the road, north of Raglan, The new hy:pass will ein on | Mrs, } Cowx 1600 feet south of the railway E C 0 and run allost straight to | ntertains I p north edge of Columbus mel th The road will avoid the hullt 0, owx., Dunda a sharp curve in the centre of monthly meeting the village dont, Mrs. (i farms owned hy Carl Avery praver. Var and Russel Davidson ead and construction ha let held to Evans Contracting of pial $120 511. The total cost of th road (8 expected to he §151,000 culverts, materials and supervi sion BROCK * WHITBY ening Shows At 7 and 9 P.M, Saturday Matinee ot 1:30 shown in the low QHARLES BRAKEYT BLAKE EDWARDS + TOM WALDMAN » FRANK WALDMAN 4 f Haney rig Ras Ava FREY 4 id fs 5 28 Him wont ml wih 5 wf w ah Aue PE BAS fie Fant fie prepion ne slags ww 2 Bars Uso De We onl men eR 8 # EHNA, righ Aor of the bald to Karhier he had heen pra we Sher five end men 18%, Clem Crim EP 1H yy CRITE ' ba we by Jack Bw isp Mittin and TT tha VET oA ¥ 3 fhe Ba Fi 1Y, WRG mare gw RoOLAFY i # few ran oF Mie y i ing Tom Chasczewski = iwi we Fund Hit contin (has ie 10 pour Wr (1%) wha 2 hockey season. 1A to the Trust ris Ivan Davie, havi inital to $4088 27, Ad of the Fund pre gH. Fo J of the donation Wren Blalr, Kingston | Mrs, €, 0, Verry, Point Vdwards iD, B, Price, Whithy IM. 0, Price, Whithy Anonymous Hockey Club Insurance Policy Benefit CLUB CALENDAR nited Chureh ¥Y PIL Whithy Baptist Church Ex plorers United Church Vireside Eve ning Auxilinry WMS Vimy Ridge LOBA No Brock ¢ Hand § A and # find Cub Pop ation fom 70% ski ring thie OWINg i Lame proceeds Switzer, Pilar the chorus Williams WA I Whith 0 er photo w interlocutor Neil Murks only two members of the who were not In hlack of Hie { neialior neiation Phot Tother Oshawa Time Preshyierian Women's Andrew Church Young Group WA [Hot use of Windsor Chapt TUESDAY, April 11 Whithy Red Cross work room Whithy Baptist Chueh CGIT th Bantist Cham Hutek { ition St, Andrew's Chureh Helen riel United Church WA Fve, Group United Church WA Afternoon {on he ( All § Representatives Named By Lodge For Assembly The 10D} ular meetin ) Rent Rebekah 1. n'a 182 was held Wedne Whith ning in 100F hall jh A opened in the NCE Bister nasisted hy Lean Visitors were welcomed Bister Glad DOP, Oshawa west No last official visit of her term of office and Bisters Wood and Fihott all of Bunshine Rehekah Lodge N 122, Oshawa re nlent yp / OF8 Nn. 248 htth on H and 8 Asso usual manner Preshylerian Marshall Bo Lreta hister Camphell Vii Blella M¢ The oe Btonehury roun Anglican Chureh Afternoon Guild Fifth Beouts and Cubs Group Committee Whithy Baptist Church Ladies' Ald int {0 I'he report of the mittee was given, There serious iinesses among Hh members, hut a full recovery of those confined to their homes is wished hy the members nistey Daroth Wickett und Harris PNG, heen nominated as repre Hives to attend he the Rebekah Assembly arin to be held in Tune visiting com are no WEDNESDAY, Four Leal Clover Association Tahn An ork April 12 H and 8 PNG St nave iean Chureh WA meeting Preshyteens Grace enta Nt sions al of On Faranta In Androw's Si Finda volved A tle Monday Mav 1, BR p.m., WAS If and accepted en practice will he held April 10, 7.80 p.m Birthday greetings were ex tended to Sister Kathleen Me Kolvey. After lodge closed a so einl hour was enjoyed with dainty refreshments served hy the April eommitiee I'he Unity Club will hold its ular meeting at the home of Fred James April 26, 8 histers Lena Pellow PNG and Alma Dewey P will eon Linue as representatives to the Distriet committee for another erm Reports were several committees, The CP I' will meet in the 100] Monday, April 10, 7 pom. An ines vitation to attend the hivthday Mrs meeting of Sunshine Rebekahip.m OMHA HOCKEY Semi-Finals 3rd GAME SATURDAY, APRIL 8--7 P.M. STAMFORD vs KINGSTON MIDGETS vii the and hall given hy "Commun My Diet C} {Kathleen Rowe H and 8 Asso 'Spontaneity Key [Easter Thankoffering Minstrel Success 'Afternoon Auxiliary Le LTT Fret farty of [oni of 2 of the 7 # 994 {¥en A jy : i fa ww an dil oF " Ww he AY (rite Skid the th WARAT) ond girls and Hew SA Wriafiy of fov I SIREr Wisin: Twos by th Plaiile nw the ad He iiads ai ' $F Pets oH FM d ¥F B We iad A § ity wy bi g of f pe WHE whk One of the greatest pects is THE GSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Ap #, 1997 § of the Gavden where: Mes. 6 MoGvade Mavnied was arscifind and cov Wiss Wart fav hay fine (ak. Wes garken. Mo Barn sessed (he grass nash (oy kinds of Aefingied Church warkers. The ereative, AW sane by Wes. ¥. Wenfiice WEIR (KF REA ss el WRTEA GE Nes (Hh # Fag 3h (GERIREY REY (G0 Wee # 7 Yietan Tonos . chatiangs & gue of Hs |B LAER i ETET TONE OF The past WB "¥ . faw E85 Shnlliaid wi negiaitah AH Sindy sefih and Was oR Ts Sanday sane he Wicsiom was (ovnded Wiss Hast gave # most ater Wing aan WhHTH Ey es Ww " ad arte FIRST INSTALMENT ~ COUNTY & TOWN TAXES DUE APRIL 17th merits. The first in sy, Fort 17. A dienes of 1% cd Iosisinmart ard 2% on He sianerts, H gard on or betore Ford VT FOR YOUR VENIEMNCE, AA ARE PAYABLE AT FFY WHITE FAY NOW , , , AVOID PENMTY CHARGE of fhe WowE hed done men. The work I caer, (aft of (hres | # 4 i965 THIES ihe iw for insta mart» Rik rth of | ye f be done 6 % the : ¥ awe bi # COR lop ad 7 4] AVR AY HRY REE val Ayers wn & pRIBWRY (10 PETRen 14 though which God In closing Wiss Hart io he the iw. WRN (9ARY % wt Fhe 3 CAST WEWRERS DAY-BY-DAY Whom, 1.64 Rech Sack Bento TASS FARES / IBY PRES for &n Family Pn TOWN OF WHITBY Applications will be received wil 5 o'clock pm, on Fridey, Aprid Vash, 196), for the position of errand Operator Stenogropher for the Muni- sipel Offices, STAFFORD BROS, Mormsrmenmal Yorks BIB PUNDAS EASY MO 8-3552 yr sole age, experience i sry, $ ONG MENS sdmmtion, Sslory -- $40.00 WEEY Applications thowid be addressed to the wndervigned of 405 Dundes 51. West, Whithy, Om £. PAUL COATH, «. Th for the first hal-mile ased from © only changes Cheirmen, Lpplisations Commitee, 3] sm MIDGET SEMIFINALS : Kis i gston Mid the Whithy (F Wh Fm #, IHG 9 wily Avene #7 pm, 19 { 4 ff f p ' Ph nigh y d game of the first wm. the sec miord on Friday might £0 Bs the Fhe Kingst id ALMONDS om RCH y BRTYICRS of 8 34, 000 |=: f= i VF. Banford occupying it took his Easter Mes age from "The Greatest Story er Told", The choir rendered Thou That Bleepest'" Simper, They were] ted h a lovely solo hy fanrice Binstead, of Clave! g "Open the Gates , With Mrs. Fears to date, Whithy Pui 0 ils ih 8.25 yAKE taff and Ww Caleb # wit Rotar EP Co Toronto | (vad singin Tey Fel erbore 10 at the or lub, CRA, of the po" an 1 HOME LEAGUE MEETING Salvation Army Women's edmond) Osha ! Oe ig 7 foothall club Ine, Oshawa OMHI, Benefit game pro ceeds Torontn Bi and 0, meeting at the Citadel on Thurs: day evening with Mrs Sheppard| 8 land Mrs, Donnithorne and her group in charge of the devotion 4 Part of the evening was! en bh # demonstration } were also played and everal gifts distributed, Yunch served hy Mrs, Donnithorne and group, The meeting closed ith prayer Michael JI Oshavwn 162 mes Royal Canadian Legion Ladies ixiliary Ruth Group St Chureh John's Anglic an Unity Club Past (Rebekah) Noble Grand Leas Co-Op Guild All ie elation Baints' Anglican. Chureh Si Margaret GG uild [ Whithy Baptist Church WMS | FRIDAY, April 14 Bentar Citizens Group Kinette Club THURSDAY, April 13 Army ation Women's Home r ) I J FREE ESTIMATES COMPLETE DESIGNING PLUMBING FIXTURES TILING FLOORING MEDICINE CABINET RECESS WALL FIXTURES ELECTRIC HEATING CARPENTRY WORK NO EXTRA HIDDEN CHARGES WIRING NO MONEY DOWN 3 YEARS TO PAY Home League held its weekly|% NEW HEARING HELP | Youn of Whithy ULL DISH AA FAL WORST INGES pe NOES Whithy Let's All Go To Church This 248 Sunday! | opr E VER TOME HEARTH Y Welcome FAITH BAPTIST 419 Bloch % N., Whi Pastor; Rev, E, C, Corbett, 5.Th, hurches EMMANUEL _REPORMED GERR T REZELM AM (CESSION, WEST, oF HIGHWAY 2 10:30 AM £Y/ W Whitby ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HAM MORNING WORSHIP JRSER CARE) BEL he JUN 9:18 AM Redio Broadcast CKLB 45 AM, Bible School Hour 11:00 AM Our Paster pecking 7 FM Missionary Pr speaker, Rey, R of Br Specinl Soloist: Miss Yerna Syme Everyones Welcome WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rey, Jobin M. Smith, BA, BD Minister Rev, A, I, Butler Ay ssistant Minists Mm, J, Beaten, ARTE Y (INF IPINERS { fe CONGRE 9:45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME Whithy Baptist Church Rev, Thomas Webb, Minister Mrs, W, E, Summers, AT.CM, ANT CLASSES ATION gramme Gest H. Galbraith Aco vw MAICOD Tiny half ounce 6 transistor inconspicuous aid fits ses eurely behind either ear, Blips on and off in seconds, MAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 YONGE 87, TORONTO Wh 5.2317 Fiease send booklist en Escort. NAME ADDRESS -- ey "organin MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, HOUGHTS ABOUT Ther RMATION'! SUNDAY SCHOOL 0:48 AM. Girls and Boys # yean and over Girls and boys under 9 vears Infant Care, Warship, 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.» 11:00 AM 11:00 AM. & 7:00 PM, REY. THOMAS WEBB Junier QT/MY/4/8/8) Sparkling chramiume Exclusive 0.0, over-nichel plating Weather resistgnt, Blowlone finish, white vinyl saddle tap Sturdy, silver-brazed ite pla frame, built to last ili handlebar gripes sonforiable and clean, Multiple celled springs fer a smooth rds, Exclusive B.6.M, head bearings for long Iie, Reflector for "iy Howng, Night time safety, White wall fires #1 no exis cost, front hub, Heavy gauge, rolled Sas! mud guards, Sure, safe bakes, Superatrang § Inch front axle, COM, single ploce Srank=na more loose pedal arms, Long-lasting, wasy-roliing chain, New design, Ohaln guards porta lype pedala standard equipment, Rugged, formed Quaid brace, we 4 10asons Why € VE: Dwwpestal NARK 1 1S YOUR BEST BIKE BUY Ride like a King! , , , Ride like a Queen! , , , on the sparkling new C.CM, Imperial Mark 11 styled for moderns, Available in a full range of 12 basic models for boys, girls, men and women, No better time to buy than new=-no better bike to buy than the feature-packed, Imperial available Canada-wide, On display at . CCM . y Wilson's Cycle & Sales 106 COLBORNE ST, EAST WHITBY MO 8.3746 (OPPOSITE NEW PARKING LOT) Mark IT, Made in Canada, , , parts and servie | WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA

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