Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1961, p. 2

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9 THE GOHAN TIES, Setwriey, Apr¥ #1960 GOOD EVENING 7 - By JACK GEARIN --- ANY AYES PUAN NEW MY HAS of AREl EI h . 7 A Gs % : @ med raman FRY IA New BeAR afy fav We Ay FEAR 4 FABRA HF JE BEATA EP Wi [aka Basten wi For his FRAC WORE 4 fol AW WW bile WR ee Re (aader Hf Be Se & fan | aie Fin Ed lh ) Wa awn He Baw aie FOF AE wi aR VIF GW Rp Swe Prk N a {APT 5 AOEES Ra PR Er AV AY i REAR IRE Af WAAR AR TS : 4 pusedd 7 BE La ' # dA lB ART AR. WW IN ARR BE Eh in LI TRE KIT ERG Fir y Hl Tarawans wl WAREAN Re Ril ad $ RA Be w ARETE E Wy wh wei Rees Final VO Rm nese Wh "wr Ww the key 19 Hh REIERGIR IR IRE aiken. Most of he wih. BRIRARRE 15 Te y the TARR AIER one = hel of A a ri CABBIE GETS rude ve' cote MR, LANE y hon) A TICKET FIXED ome icons Warr master Frank HA IRE Es WH Ew WE IERER WN RRIVY WRER Ihe CaRame blexander Henry wm weaker Mackinaw @ hannel #4 Winteh he A HERRRACY Hepry 15 # th ' #li-pu . f ' ® y k Action 2 BA EP JUDGE HALL ON POLICE COMMISSION ni . ye pee SEVERE Bays 19 deal with F. Basis y RELER WY kK Jee there. The path the Ca { q ICERFERERE Clepied #i . » » . 4 / abian : / Vv # Winielish frmie aver BRNRE a8 ic | Against Foreign Ships Fil doo Thie Jy wt Yo oot { The shipping season # Bul 4 / fain was officially opened Pure. when you buy your y #ller the Mackinaw ery {ONTI) J ine ih na "Ha smash Ws way through ce ELECTROWOME 14] W r 0 / . / H i WF RRIF RRC Fhe / ¢ / IAS FAMILY PLAN / J des a F v 3 / / FAMILY v a 0 carner George Ingals and lanky Mere ry pt | or ng , { dis y [ { ¥ R / ' } $7 HINA Ince Sunday, shipped mo iis hy : j p an vastial an } "i mn Wi . A 3 4 harbor through the icehresk ¢ i i Wil £3 / 8 i" ; airs pd y 4 h a CBC Pp b ers channel na J med 4 Hy ' digg id ' Y.. 234 Io e | The jee, however, closed in x 7 Wi i 7 i iy ; / g ' again aller the wn vessels en & ON INDUSTRIAL PARK J May wna / . A$ d ' . i i ant EFEA Ihe Barbar. Ehservers #»l from the Nations J Aid hdl ¥ 1H / : . i$ 4 Suggested Fort Colharne, which 1s fre | proposed honded LR, BIA & SLEONRE soihesst or by y week. bi ! y ru al fy : Aid f y f ( 0 / W n pry 12 lent the ice-pack away § 1 | METER wid a it Bullalo's harbor the surface = i hig news, it wi gh 10 | call unl hel A that prelimingry p 5 BIE RAVAN ¥ i ol $ A Fs as 4 4 , ER Nia aeth d CC. Malloy said Friday Bl the Oshawa Ha Col ih i 4 y thi § ld a a e ace mmnmities its chairman, | pig ral weir hu ; J sian (of which he 8 member) met Wednesda of 3 J the t A I po pi " Gearpe | airfield (PC--Port vio officers of the National Proprie y £0 Hay { and Canada { ' H if ould follow bh on sion inte the pub ¥ f Wp | ii en i I ned eorporation"s ad f and had to da with the Propose Wi w Canadians or Ameri: di da a ) By JOSEPH MacsWEEN tL Rare d ta hi nistration and charges of po ons of the NPCL on the gael side of the naw RENO} il | tered ahro } A ne # I anadian Pre stall Writer } 0 mal i Wed eal J vierence with is pro The talks were held to commence slug I an j ) tha I CArryn BUR I nt 14 il Ba man i I NE arrangements hetwes { ] 10 thoy ney f i pi f ent ne murd i { hi h I5al rlield hi sent com eb of thing Yad alizad # J p 10 na tn do i co I § ral mitiee memhers sm draft mi hut ning f n ) Wi fl I" ations Gi ; lemning | yore naenda of hi propned inquiry 12 KING E, ~~ RA 3-363 Wilson. Lin: a telephane | v Inter tron Long Pants RES Phe ! er J ih m for put forward without attempts t0'A covering lelier explains the! ; I Hist the world. give them eredence hy the in: agenda as a. guide which the ald that soil Lest RoTIng vere completed Jas i ! EL od ) | assem 1hth dis Hing of any sin lo uhstan: chairman would like to see MPs Meat Specials! Mon. & Tue I] NPCL on optioned land in a | i | or couts ? NEVER HOME? y cretary-General tive fact on which they might he! fr v in their questions found to he "highly satisfacto) rakinld has repeat: based | ie commities resumes its f tr Wy Hs aid thal architec Wore at work die ¥ : a ih, i aceused of complicit ; . lings Puesda for the merchandising mart and bonded wareh ; i Bee i mi and he appears 10 vii RE WAS JUBYIL) Aiong the subjects listed hy | u ea 5 ' c 1 fin vn } law nm f I" amenn / hen he rs. but was cautious ghout elaborating on this istri p i hei aminal hom getting a Jiltle tired of i ; wimdered aloud about ny Vairfield are CBI salary | government of secession: the double or multiple standard coaies. security. measures, staff TENDER alanga provipes | aig OF Justice exhibited hy countries parteipation in public affairs, | et would depend on the demand for spar Rows a Chik isiyi nt Ant 8 4 b at denn Congolese premiey Which allowed the Boviet allega: and the number of existing CBC! . f hing goes on sched f mm inn Nanihe on 3 can underent! Fatvies imbie was stain hy Hans 1a stand without a formal gmoioves unions and their ea Ss [) Cc were, the J ho received a gn rejection nemhershin Oo eomment | i In { ni iforn I | H NT nment re vil OVI called Whore mn pari ament > { { ailm uhn | lemocralie NARGIAR, Th Hh Gig i aid the uniforn oh rohak of Cleveland. lit a sort of hount for the eRlous ahout 115 | 3 lbs 1 fh nid the uniths ohn) he ited job Bt he Soviet oe blames radians, its nest and 1s Huge Wheat Load eal rales ' wel for the human person { Malloy sald tha e talk point, except to say that getual construction or Ive taken In Ottawa and] Steelworke) meriea (AVL: Hammarskjold ¥eal FANE TANK OF COMMISSIONEN AVA th TOME. he VF of The. smmemnion Seeman IAG FING" it hoe maki eit For Caechoslovakia | SHOULPER npnn n those making I Alderman John Dye ff | racial the committe nerelng Mderman John I, ane ( ) b Mbianal Bermuda | | atvick Sullivan Buffalo W cannot recone! OU Ing to Justify thelr case or, ¢ OPTAWA (CP)=The higges! E18 On matters dealing with eily land deals, empha worn hy Beouts VY of the International Tan ivi ih the fact thal @ peciall vithout the parliament load of wheat ever taken on hy or ops S. ed a good paint Monday, even if it 15 known ta mai The uniform committee shoremen Association (AF Le prominent post in the United ary body requesting them to do' gy ginal ship al a Canadian port LCaunell must have the Hnal word on Hudying the chang cin viuhons 18 held hy a man wha sn HE he put aboard a glant ocean SLICED ase of all eity land ! 0 ther delegat came tram has sulhied himsell hy this mys on Thursda the day aller vessel at Trois-Rivieres Que . Tie maint tracRed up Manday: after Industri an isin Duluth, Minn Hiwinkee, Wis, do wid Boviel Porelgn Min: Hammarskiold speech, AUS: next week, the agricalture de Side Pork 2 lbs 1 1 Catharines. Torani ! | er Kenneth Bath said that the Oshawa Industrial FIRST ALY j hain, Taranto jute Andvel Gromyke ina tealia's TW, Cutts and Tans partment reparted Friday J : Ld : ill fini ie AM ail A ai 8 ) . had extended his authority so that he could Indonesia's first act as a ve: iy Wh NR a peach March 1 iis Mongh Bim supported the = pha Mirella d'Amieo, an Hab ain { y unl 1 Ww A \ dustrial land sales on his ow) public was to institute controls i; ds Is not anly he who wields secretavy-general In speeches. jop-owned tanker, 15 seheduled SLICED ought Mp. Diver to his test with » protest wer the manufacture and di : ' dal ihe SIT the knife ar vevalver that 1s the Canada and other Western coun: (o take on 1,150,000 bushels of | : \ ) tribution of nareatic drug wen ational murderer the main crbiminal vies had done so earlier vheal, the equivalent of 81,500 rea as acon 1 the authority to sell land Caunetl, and ! RHE the an hn placed the Phe question of & vesolution tans, from elevators at the Que! LJ alone"), hut he did admit there was room fol eapon in his hand culling for a vale of confidences hee part. Iwill he delivered ta way in the matter, if far no ather reason than ta Hammarakiald hoped thal ar of condemnation, far that E aehasinvakia Hitate Mr, Bath's dutie x senera ame farmed act of repudiation matte Wi Eup me the Mavar Christine Thomas concurred th Cauncil auld he taken by the assembly aie, IE was clear that the Baviet ainst these charges and owas wouldn't get far with any al world hod fatlure to daottempt at formal eonsure Lhe Commission will get together in some manner to noout a more definite paliey to assist Mr, Bath, and i avoid a duplication of service such as now exlal aps Harkness CITY OF OSHAWA Under the new set-up, the commissioner will likel his recommendations for industrial land sales di actly ta the property committee, whieh, in turn, will for vard them on ta Council as it is, Couneil gels the red Canadian Army general ys tien. Mackhn said | pmmendation first and time 1s lost in the shuffle [100k & Slap Friday night at De: Crmomen FoULKES NOTICE T0 DOG OWNERS ek and forth fence Minister Harkness and he general, a persistent Mr, Bath will also be given definite price scale \ Gen, Charl Foulkes farmer CU I hath Hheral and Pro Sh lustrial lands (subject to regular review) chairman of the chiefs of staff! HP0SEVe Lanservative defences 4 DOGS NOT PERMITTED T0 RUN AT LARGE I'he point was raised when Horst Zimmerman made | commities policies for the last five ye a aid Gen. Poulke must hear a applicatan to buy 8 acre for a 700 square fool brass and Maj Gen, W. H. 8 Macklin lovee shave of responsibility ALL DOGS [1] THE ITY M S BE 8 aluminum factory former adiutant + general, said [00 Canadian participation, in 1] T LICEN ED he commission alia recommended the sale of 8 North American Ale Defenes ! industrial 1 N Bal X tt B Lut Mr, Harkness has accused any { | { Q 41 L da an i } hp ! J 1) LULL RTA AT | hers Ha A an rake sireel 10 4 "ims ane whe dares evitician defeno UHRA Py MNatice is hereby given to all dog awners that City by-laws pravide that dogs hus ite activi wn Industrial lane : NORAD has heen a hapols - | hus, there was littl ity « rial | ey of heing "anti-American i] na hoped shall be prohibited from nning at large in the City of Oshawa, unless WINNIPEG (01) A rea mere enlargement of the ald t le of the NPCL deal Ww neutrals eis atiempt 10 project the method 0 de oo wi wa | il \ M10 the Hattie of Rritnn sii restrained by a leash, from April 1st ta September 30th, 1961 y a Ane od Com CITY WELFARE PICTURE PERKS UP nist he ol Meh an Mesaton ANNOUNGING , ., Hy law 4365, as amended, requires that the 1961 licences must be pure | \ \ i Nl ) HE WeRKk-en {1 hha Ji ! Claude Vipand is In Ottawa NERA He sald in a speech ta tw val ane Ameriean ar Cana 1 chased hy February 1st Dogs not carrying 1961 licences are being cone A meeting of the a0-man national policy committee of the (Winnipeg Press Olub that mis. dian loeps safer in hed hoonuse 4 sidered as stray dogs and impounded. Impounded dogs nat claimed within Liberal party, of which he is a member, under the chairs [guided ministers" would "da'al NORAD, which is without 48 hours are being destroyed nanship of Walter Gordon Edward Broadbent, better if they could defend their doublt a usels military instrg ¢ , speaker at the Oshawa branch of the Usiitapian @ [Poley with sensible, logical av lment, benefitii nl i Steve Ru Avoid having your dog picked up and possibly destroyed by pure hasing your guments, instead of tradueing vested interests in the air for the oy licence without delay if you have not already done so the motives of those who He huge industry that feed Agree { WR 1. I is an al Rea mplaints of dogs running at large and the large number of unlicensed Gon, Macklin acoused Gon 10M odice a miliary de Ah log een require rigid enforcement of the provisions af the by-laws and tenes that . Howship temorraw, ti a farmer OCVI teacher He Wd a master's degree in Philosophy at the Uni versity of Toronto an a Canada Scholarship wa's welfare pieture 18 perking up considerably Foulkes, disk retired of making ) neither needed novi ' g Control Officer has been given instructions RRO ah g to Herh Chesebrough, eily welfare admi A Ufallacions and herniciou wssihle Mi. Burke He says many more are seeking welfare ald (¢ { argument in faver of nuclea cir VIC benefit run owt) ay compared wilh past weap fr Ca Ye 10 a wacloar wa SOMOFIELD INS, LTD, bul, hy the same take wa this 29th day of March, 1961 ALBERT V. WALKER, Alderman, Chairman City Property Fire Peatection and | Purpose € NARAD wi CALE Buiding, King 3 W the \ 3 th rk. He says the twa total § i en 3 IAs A complete Wistenre: impotent. and Romar j Beto aighe pleture san ehange § : (RERLALION 10 call & nuclear hamb| change thal

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