Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1961, p. 19

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Judith Coplon, right. whe | talks with » peighbor on stoop 5 a 3 was arrested more then 12 | Of her home in Brooklyn, New 4 | York Judy, who w he 49 YERKS BEN OF KPY CHRTEES RH next month marned tn 2 has been free on $60 500 hai lawyer, Abert HW. Socoloy, and Springhill, N.8 3 Ink ork Ler 19 y om BENES 0 Housewives Make Good night chubs Mi Moniresl hartends eonia cope wilh the mors mixtures ordered bh CHELGMETS rt ders Last. April he opened his a en school, offering a x week course in the intricacies of MONTREAL, (CP) -- i er ho there's anything worse than 8 | --not to mention the diploma gl tic handling of # ¢ MEN suffering from too many grasshopper's Kicks It's called the Bariending Institute and it has attracted students almost as varied as the drinks they learn to mix, | "They all seem (to have one | frustrated bartender, it's frustrated customer And if the hartender's frus tration results from his in ability to mix & Depth Charge or a Spanish Main, something should he done shoul it Douglas Myers, formerly of pm #, LIFE GOES ON FOR JUDY Vy * they have four children. This exclusive ploinre was by Ira Rosenberg of the York Hergld Tribune (AFP Wirephols) faker New however with their IRE IN EOmmor fed wp to become har eR jobs and want tenders cept of his mostly seeking part-time Almnst students # per Bre Women TNISEWIVES job They make good students They seem to have g real knack for mixing drinks' In addition to learning the recipes for 150 cocktails, the students taught how to dress and act To he a good hariender you have to he a diplomat, an ambassador of goodwill, & psychologist and a good husi nessman rolled into one" 100 (INSIDE YOU : 3 : By THE CANAAN PRESSE Some Information Abou Hepatitis BY BLETON B. FERS, Wh I Regatitis aah jammiar will gisioniin yaar ended Des. 3 DF, hues canis & Share wet. lose $903 577 oh #3 $B » share you PEs R188. 108 $1 81 come ine 8 Sr ak (WORER pik. aoioniess hepatitis. ¥iom SPIRE Wh CRmmer. TENE now oR. TOW TR RENE 16 Canadian Balt Cn. 144, yewr False NEES ander Dec. BE. 1688, $544 897 2. HM vowve wt recovered Bw 2 WHA fines may eI 2 Shar . ".: re only wih wmnity. The Rent 99% ffi we from gy THEE ROW mone. Tine-- False 3 When that gamms Gown w WERE PEA IER YW When Regriitis srsck yon fam Wy -- wears of wm SE weeks youre sll protected. Trig Faise-- 4. UM yom Bidn't catch hepatitis this winter, vow probably ome Rows with K next year Tne F plot 5. Once you're immune he COBGERY 1ast TERE) JR" BRE BEARS TRE TWAS I RY CRE ROWE WIE Bonsimion ¥abwias Vik, yess ther woishie case -- and war £Ekes Dec. Wi. 18. $5527), WHERE SvERs the ZRIRE +4 2 there. 198. $540482 WERT HRI NE Heticopters 1i4., PROBABLY BAD IV eed Pec. 35° 1068, 9295 - 4 False Most people catch 46. #1 cents # hare. 19 hepatitis when they re children $106 505, $1.45 anh when the plection (ends (5 Photo Engravers and Flectys- be mia withowt jewndice. Kn topers TAR, veer ended Dee TRENGRIER, The [ness 16 lagged 31. 1068. 510.277, $1.42 & share yon "mr "the viens". Like most 19% $25 05. B45 » CANE Rich RepRiitis REAR. adults, YW Provably hed heps ood Mlezander iA, ver True - Frise titic whieh went wiecogmized. ended Dec. Bi. 1908, $0.9TH I. Frise Hepetitic germs Alen, you wolldw't expect the 1969, $54.29 spread from BETson 19 Person when everyone crawls indoors on Taw. wintry Rays. When We shifts onin patios and backyeifs iB SOIIRE AA SemmEr, hepatitis IF ERIS CARL SRB the (ong Ms » tances hetyeen people #04 the PFE Risease goes under growma His Wiection Rert URRE, Pecayse ol pepRiile SACTICE FREE VET the handling of Hock Quotations 4 We 78 © anh soccer sees ~ There pre REPEATS VISELF whowt 129. tenms--wonid he Wh False. Your immunity » ding d against # Allerent The government 6 Rot pre viens that travels on we. Peres (6 go as for as Ball, one clean hypodermic and teitommg ¥ BIisRE 190 IRCDRIY SMOLDERING INFECTION needles. Germs cmb on the PWReR (Rlephone SerVices i 2. False. MM you've wst re neslie when § plunged inten DIOVIGeS HE OWR iwdnrmation covered, the hepatitis Infection someon whose blood is chock Ap including » Rally recipe % still smolders mn your liver, (uh of these germs. And so one FECA and last December # Strong Annks. skimpy merls unlucky iniection can give you WEETIRE SOF) FETVIEE WRE MW and mid colds fan this smol- hepatitis a over Rep troduck, with shout 198 persons "dering infection inte raging he Did these questions make your Wong WH mghtly. wtitis netimes worse than biood boil? Good But i wes Teledise thet yi k Ther he they sterilized (wehed off complaints in Bull 3 True In spite of gamma your Wve 4 Teledise offers a popular tune fet ween 2 pm nd BF PM 4 About 3.009 Leenagers dial Tele disc each week--often LYE Wp public telephone hotths Phone Services TIME CAME FIRsY The Lime service was Wir duced wn 1956 and since then AusSe 1eQAQQACINECSB i iu mmm persons have celled it in the London LONDON (CP)='The popular: public service and has more FER alone 19 got he forrest i EVER BL IN-SeCHn: ner ity of Britain's automatic tele than paid for itsel because of Fd 4 vhone information service is he: the increased use of the tels The other services Baye come ginning 10 create g few head: phone in the last few yegrs and now aches re available in many paris of Britons ren digl various num CHARGE FOR EAL H CALL Britain The telephone number bers 10 get the correct time Phere are #290000 telephones yary depending on the ares weather forecast; road report, Ih FOIE Where the Fates BIE There were 5.000 000 inquiries tourist information and test Pased on a flat rental plus #48): ahout the weather in London in ional charges for each oWtgOING 1959-60 and during a W-day ser son last year 2.660 008 calls were made for test match score match cricket results Now the public is applying FAH pressure on the government The spokesman said the sery owned telephone system (0 pro: jos will likely be expanded later. Telelourist service is AMINE vide soccer scores, menus and but, he added, the line will have!the more recent introductions recipes, the top popular songs to he drawn somewhere and it is available in English and stock marke! quotations He said it would be difficulti French and German in London A government spokesman said to decide which one of the hit|Glasgow and Edinburgh. The the information now available parade tunes is the most popu-|seryice provides visitors with sn has heen # hig success as allar at any particular time andlentertainment guide Britatta Feb r 0} come Lid, famivaeh Fmarpriese 144. yazy endef Pec. 5: 1099, $908 ~ TREn Of es Paar & SEMORHE WR OF (oes of home lite THE CRHAW A Tims, Sorribey, Ap 8, 967 49 wip at. wil he 4 ' oh he mmeier of (ase is CHP ET (ANTI ATE, Aid To Aliens ERAN N PS Her arteie-~ Fepors # pow The owl conch of Hoddeshon Li fot of nateh low the office of ou, FEEDS of the Nationa I mom Wo Weneworiers WOTRGR AVE ' me fee inane in wine. TIE Resi of the ie 101 he gay #4 ps pssghosgubs by wssdBog posi Bo 3 vip Brig MLB mite # Yok paints by yews cowies that lon Hheer sige wil be ovoang Mex Latian immigrants were WIRE KEERS UF TRATION YUnttat tor the post --. hovers wh ve WIMBORNE = Anon) hiss: RICH STEAL CANNON ng prices wp owt of thelr reach. year 4 Wiens Fudge of Vien CHATHAM. Kent ~ z In the post few months, the orn Bass, Wihorse, Dorset, sollors. guests of Re Bayo made Ibens HIRE 8 espns wp the lamb tradi. Nowy 1ov the Nowe Comment wot. 996 M8 (9 Wihans 18 ey Com By Jom Foe Diovset once clone conemony trish 16 stan homes, There wie pow more Force. he fhe Sowihlar #4 Eonar Lom he Chothom Jontey ae was AAR #3 pr ark he touch Sentores Lo es TIWias [Wis one PEE GRA Weck of BR WEEE laure, and was removes homer OF 20k 199 police sergeants fore # sabied A [ ii #4 retired officer swf. "We guessed they WORR (FY some sor iid fi 4 wt we caught them TEACHERS 10 STYRIEE i GLASGOW, Sostiand ~ Wore WY WARCH than We school teach LONDON ~ March, 1061, hes rs have voted ia stage 8 strke Deen the sumiest Watch Jn Con WOME, FOR REFVGIES for one week from Way # Cdl ped pg SEVENOAKS, Kept ~ A striice threat will take effect wa 9185 Werk Any on the Aly on less plans for Milstion of the Sry roof in 1929. The 10a) svn profession by letting Bn non Be recorded was 15% howrs Rumamien refuges win #lmost lost Wis Wie by refusing tn Hight {or the German Army Ww the Graduate 1eachers are aban WeRUng the previews record of last war, is (9 be provided yh Aoned, anh 7 0 per cent ai 148 howrs in March, 19%. The z pew home by the people of Tound increase WB Day is pegoti- RYCTRgE sunshine (or March 6 Sevenoaks. Kent. The refugees ated at ONCE 2 hows wre the Carlen Family, whe FIRERESISTING PAINT SCOUTS BEAT RECORD uid go dlgidy id LONDON -- A new British TONDON ~~ Fowr Kent Boy ozks and District Refugee Come paint which resists fire for BCs Bask S61 WP # BREW FEC mutes as Deng perticuiany ahowt 29 minutes has been Ae O18 Lime [or seabng the BIee deserving veloped by scientists wn labor. WEhest mowan peeks in Br alories in Mile End. Ws purpose #0. They wel Snows WINDMILL TO STAY is 1 keep flames pt bey long 'hree hours, 75 mingles, Bealell HAILSHAM, Sussex ~ Hall enough (9 allow stall 19 escape WB hres 15, WH mines #08 sham Burial Council has refused from a store. or families down Ben Bs fr howrs, 9 min: tn give permission for # bistorie & staircase. The pent, known wes, # (otal of 11 howrs, 78 old windmill 1s -be copveried 2s B25, can he United (on any mines. The previous best me inte a private house. It 1s Sione color was mst over 16 hors Crs ill, pear Eassthowrne, GIRL, BOXERS DROWN ON FIRST TRIP one of the fo mh ll wily BOLSOVER, Derbyshire ~~ BERNE BAY, Kent -- Ronald bought by = farmer, Jon Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- Jackson, 9 - year - oi DIneh Giessing along with some land dren officials have reported tn worker, labored for (our months on which he wants to build 18 London headauarters on & box 10 save money 16 bisy # 16400 bungalows, Permission for § sing boat, With two friends ng maich fought in # cinemas at! was alsn refused Bolsover, Derbyshire, between he went on the first gy 1 mn a, two 12-year-old gris. The cine: the new bop! at Herne Bay AAI ma manager said the girls Heavy seas nvertyrned the boat UNEMPLOYMENT LOWER At the end of February, Nor: way had 22.00 nempioyed. the lowest figure for # since 1955, out of more then yy Workers, and three were drowned They had [orgotien to fake the lifehelis in the host MORE DRIVING TESTS LONDON The Whitstable Boad Safety Commitiee has put " 3 LONDON = A big new cam: forward a propos al that molor INTRODUCED CUBLING paign to lure qualified married ists should face a Oriving lest Curling was introduced women away from their kitchen every five years. * Drivers who Canada on the jce of the sinks 10 take up teaching jobs (ail would be required tn place lawrence River shout 1760 y in schools is not meeting with L-piaie on their vehicles. The Brits oldlory under seige ot much SUCCRSS, Education chiefs] scheme will be up for discus. Quebe themselves suggested the match because they felt "left owt" of the tournament for boys organ ized by the cinema, and he allowed the howl CAMPAIGN FAILING ' SUE ERIC TVA ERT EXT RT Thousands of rolls of Wallpapers All ready-pasted, all washable and semi-trimmed Artistic new designs made expressly for EATON'S of Canada with beige and Subtle tweed pattern with o textured lank, For living areas, ongrwal White ground In soft green, mushy Because there's big fashion news teday In ream or beige, flecked with white, Far hadraams, touches of mauve an WR and misty green on soft yellow pine * Novelty pattern for kiteh | and delicately selaured in ee , his oe and o areen, deiff blue, on pale yellow background OR aque, sarret pin Far bed sitting reams, ving areas and ene-wall treatment pattern of leaves, cones, he brawn, coral and aqua an white OR willow green, soral and aren using beige, beige on pal y For bedroom wallemslustors of Spring wild fHowers pring fresh fnaves on pale pink background OR white and vielet blue blue ground, with flowers an pele Garden: rer th theme of Sarntiawin in blue an ery anus an white, with pale mauve bloams with pale blue spaced decorating, There's net a bald, asparagus green and beige an white them; net a harsh, off-beat eelour An Orignt-intlyensed tries and twigs executed In delicate Brush strokes, White and mauve hepatisas haven'! PHONE RA 5.7373 had these delightful patterns made up and are offering them at an exceptionally low price in time for your Spring "too-busy" Rather, are gntle and serene in delicate Spring-fresh pastels to pravide a restful background and help make your heme a from the hurried tempo of today's hectic living, " Ordinarily .89! Save 40" Formal medallion--for halls, vaiibules ght brawn mati olinttd with he selowr of gold, EATON Special Price 49 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 374 wallpaper we've pattern ameng the designs Single Rell ai io Riess J Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 8 Yang ~~

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