Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1961, p. 18

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re -------- -- 18 THE OSHAWA TIES, Setoniey, Ap §, 1961 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity mets |S. AfricaUranium | .... wm em RB aR : revere BH Tm To- By The Canadien Prose Boies Wigh ow Lise CF ge Wes low a #e it : i i § |] 3 or Bras, # Lidl <P ¢ Ady anne nswhersh Aariines by Wi to #5 mw» ww WTR gre Lie cats 3A How Ba Fits Baas Faonenis ne week. lesies - ar AA Ihe for (he wes wae (B55005, Ww Fawn The SN, Besgnier. Tone wr Trgiets, Praviane Wess (LATE. TA gwen lor We grav pw fof fhe Roe : g v SH 1h one 0 ERE love "oot ee wien evr Ww OFTAWA (EF) ~ South AL the 2% 58 tome #t # rate of 4705 ge Pion W. - yo NE # JER - Repl ga ts ah I aed ca' ah TE 6 26 a Lg MP or rs NEF § BIRR Industry | The stestchont sets # Aeliy WRENS WAST i " .s " a. ollorg® g #7 Ad HIFEl of markets wi 1010 Wh ory race of 370% 1006 RB JER Br Pw Eomedion Prove AY SEER GIRETRERIS WHI for the first 5% years and en a We row Brita and the Cmte Sates, # ome a year for the final lowe i IETS ' | South African Evernment pit years of the comtract wnt or TIA ' : | / 5 Wi ERGOR SYP i is siesiar 16 the stratohot hue fy Her HT / 4 WW - Kom 8 A aoniERet FWRRIRE from Jan. EBGIRIM RTTANERA for (Canaan 5 $160 % 1% +19 A . pss # # "i k this year calls fox Aehivery of mines after the UB Aecrled Ww i Ha Ag is is # bmp | 9, 1, ait L800 tons in # stestahout pre not to pick wp Hs options for fhe. Ri : es vite of We. © HEN GERI RTLERAINE 16 the end of Canadian Wann roGachon p in ot wt 8570 ery F170, says Both African Scope. after 1008. The Rew Aehvery : plished in South Anas and schedwie for Canadian Res Metrhwied here by the Wah rons to 1906 CARIISHIORET § fier Last gear 9 Bowth Alrices . 4 i Marsh 16, #58 South Arican weamem is sold mines produced $500 tons of) sam 155 10% : : bs ~4 AES Come to 5 combined Rgency of the wramam onde worth how B Howe 4 a sh WONNEY, Ferber Musee U8 and UJ atomic energy $1446.500 000. Canadian mip ih or y y ooh fe J co Biased iin Fae pe pws wid Pier. commissions, OF) 810 aly the 1980 wae 12,008 tons worth show Werden 7 Aud i oo 4 BE rls g Van 4 NEE wie : ' " ' rR vect Wmnay, Abr. comtrnet called for Aclvery of $106,900 000 os 4 Bon ER a Xl iid ow 4 dk £ Kw y ; kad dik £2 we ) - . faita 4 : Kaiiy 0 A 0 » pan Vir Wate 0 4 # 4 Eaily wig ; wn . Fete w Five f Baiy maton W A * + PU ed i / 5, Berman [ ¥ # " » iy fy vy & Fabpait ¢ » 4 / Lpenat wi "paA 7% F ® bo oH Faininn PRR I CREER Eom EW wR. ne nion ' : : ' id, oP wis + Be¥bsalEnd = 3 Jotul 53 - 3 JE IS 1 EN J oe®s Bl. TERE JEedeciiad Lo wn, 23) SER BY ¥ $5 ~So8Be VES > 2 3 » Bs 4% ig +8 $5 "ee : AN §% » "ee LC - FS FR uw S08 - +E; ¥ > +» > ¥ ¥ N | Eh au ¥s : ES To nfunde LN VE Uh vi ¥ & ¥ * WISE EW ws sesljerrrssrnalippessyiiliaemt » ~ BR: 8 h 5 what a Bn asbiod: § i s ssl. aFnd s iden § Ta \d seedy BEES £3 FES VES IN SEES FE WES » >3 oH serves) BEYSGLIE, Werbers Benneth LONDON, Ont, (CP)~Cana-piaint and an order to prohibit 4 dian Pittshiwreh Industries Lim the Carpenter's Union from pro ted has applied for & Supreme ceeding wnder the Commission Court order to dishand the On Accision CREW GOT JOB The commissions decision pwrrded the instaligtion of win Plan dows, » CPL contract at the od Westminster Hospital sddition, | WAOREOCE, Grasse Westh y o . estmi 9 i ad ™ Bat Genersl Hostal on Friday The pction sgainst the thes Aor 1, 168i, Grace WHesth, Weioves man hoard resulted from # ers and Ironworkers wile of Alissi J. Wooden SRa IVE | 4 Wi y ly ana ironw y War of Mus, Diane Wath, Omens sod (NFECWRY SCIAP he FE RIMORE INE. 4s came after » href walkout | . ¢ J Yrs. ©. Hews (Jenn 1, Withy. The CRIDENIETS - pAINLETS ana ron ad pick og at the § y ; : ' y A aon s : } 4 £ late Mrs Weston I fon ce | VOFKEES WORE, In WINER The give March 15 and 14 in protest 4 4 Vntash: Ardara Fuernl Ey war Syd In the chapel nad J WRpRnY Was Invalved of the Painters Un § pn Iniarment Lmon Cemetery The board's decision in the installing windows CRSE~WIEn cannot he gppesied h gsi for the complain BIBRNAL. browse memonaie, $45 |g the courts wnder the 1900 eg was & series of Agreements ob Lusraniaed aesiity (oF instariation. Ihe isigtion--was Hs first since pining between painters and Mmint fawn ¢ is tery sh "was established ironworker and fronworker id POR uct James The company's ppphieati na eRrpenter will be heard in Toronte Apr The Ironworkers Union had gs with the painters that 14 ' 3 or sh § 7° A Ror 8 ; § ] i J 4 GERROW FUNERAL CPUs motion before the court assis yindow lations of ' ' : . Bl ! Phen 3 oo a LA +58. y- = pad yl idm py gre Junstictiongl disputes Binow Blasst Vormia. commission, set wp by the legis servis | Aly a Pik sture last year to decide on Jw A ry m. fd sdictiongl GIsPpUies RMONE WH EE 3 19 & composite crew of carpen $8.8 t - ES > ERo IB Ba B® SA 3 8) Fret Tak \3 the iron worker CHAPEL includes action to quash an in 5 type to hr " terim order of the comm ron workers also had an an Kindness beyond price [on a dispute between the com " y pany A the Carpenter's Un- Union that provided for a com ) ithin reach of ell [pany and | yet with Sui ion; a mandamus for dismissal posite crew of Ironworkers and RA B-6226 of the Carpenter's Union's com- carpenters to do the work ' : 0 3 1! . . ) 4 ; : : 5 390 KING STREET WEST BCE 44 Ah iy 4 4 A & : ' b) 7210 8 Vs a5 J Gai vie i ; 4 7 : N Harr w-- 7 ORIST . i ¥ 4 S164 48 y i 1 i # kite A i i Yew Hose rv FLOR: and Quebec Rules 4 8 bi y h ; ® & 4 N 4 " on 4 8 i ; : : ues, Jo! ot with the Carpenter \ \a te Bal Jub Sead" bck Jae Hloral requirements for ol Newlund oeqyions Man OSHAWA SHOPPING Sine "Gas 4 VF + Bid ? Anglo Hur 250 bie Mylame Cen ove scene 1 Ei IE fo do fa ie fo Ti Bo fy 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE wt I 0 ' 5 ii Fie "in 3 yt : 1 RA B-6555 MONTREAL (CP) = Three! "No matter how great its udges of the Quehee Appeals merit, how high its purpose or OSHAWA Court Friday branded a United how lofty its Ey, if sex is } He 1 MONUMENT COMPANY |States company's unexpurgated used in 8 manner that violates vi SPECIALIZING IN |paperhack edition of the novellour self » imposed restraints 25 # # y Li BR 1h on 5 Aumanue Monuments, Markers, | Lady Chatterley's Lover legally then the publication is obscene," s Hat - y \ { : ) ir" in wi" ; healt Memorials, Comerston ohscene the judge said / J ; "i ht a : % Banat 43 i 1 gia p58 Norn Stetutery of all pes Justices Paul Casey, Fernand! "If the book were intended for : S06id & bi " i" RR, 4 KING ST, E, Choquette and J, Larouehe limited distribution 1 would J Ary 4 Ph, RA B:3111 or RA B-B876 |agreed that D. HM, Lawrence's| approach the problem in an en 2 i ] , oli aR : i i : : ; Nai 4 } 1 controversial 'novel, in its un-|tirely different frame of mind . : f ; 4 A f ) b N Golderst " 4 N Rank EMORIAM | expurgated form, represents ani and I would probably eome to a ' gih Bibi BAe By ' a Revel 2141 } ! i 1 Nors A Wis undue exploitation of sex different conclusion," Ri y a a A : ; 4 oh UL Novth Can | The judgment rejected an apr] He quoted the publisher as . 45 §5 im 0 I y : Norval +4 ARMSTRONG - In loving memory peal hy newsstand-owner Larry saying the intention of the pa ) 1 i ) : b ' h bi R A Nui) Bub et dn + 3 "Tape > =E¥aTE of & dear hushand and father, Stanley | EG 4 i 3 he f i Hicks ; } Armetsong, wha passed away Apri #,| Brodie against A finding hy|perback was to reach "the ; y i Bllverwd A i bli | Baran MA p Sik ib 1960 {sessions Judge T, A. Fontaine! highest number of possible read Bank Com AG 8 1 65 Bl Bimpaonia is Sakh | § Roofs 00 Bl id d OBrien gone Nile knew when | woke that mers | jgst June ers by highspeed production and Hien LH, ' itty 4 RKI? Mig 4 as 26) Broul feet % Ww ~ 4 bi wy he sorrow the day would hring, | The lower court d held ie ead hut . { Br Alum 8130 §i%% 11 Slater Ind } ; Brunswek 2000 950 #l0 #40 & Opem 11459 For the call was sudden, the shock ie lower court Judge heldiwidespread distri tion and a ¢ A wis 6010 # § 4 2 Slater Ind pr 0 4 Bulfad gieso # + § Qichan 2278 pevere, a a that a police morality squadia low price.' B od LR i d Boubam " / Bult Ank ! Orenada 5200 0 part with one ved sn dear 4 \WeTE 1 These 3 Hey 9 Can ' ¥ id 4 ad oad 4 y 4 " Buff RI, 0 b $4 4 ash To wart with one | loved so dedri | seizure of several copies of the| These words, he said; "close Cin Celan / PH Bt [av } } Bunker HW 4500 CE Qrinshy an Why seme things have to he, novel under obscenity legisla: the door to the approach I have Vil 1 i bi Radia ih» OC sd BD Fae Nickel 1800 fi in His wisdom 'od has planned [tion was legally justified {mentioned and oblige me to ap hhh - H b Bt ite 0 i Cable 1166 | Bh a 200 and our or lo We ' : edma a i ot uave me atrenath ta fant 4 | Mr, Justice Casey said in his ply the standards appropriate to 160 4 mM Blesl Can 7 9% 76) oamet wih 11785 A | Params ain And courage to hear the blow, notes that the author of thela publication that is aimed al 7 J § Kteinhory A 2 cant Ry Hd ; h : , Fanos wi gl But what It pest to lose you, dear, | 3 f f al." 1 4 saph 170 180 or Ty © Tungsin 85575 86 8 3 1 dtd Ha No one whi ever know novel was hot m trial Heithe mas & Propane $14 : ig 1 © Dymo 166748 ; pie t wii i Sadly missed and lovingly remem: | Stressed the fact that the cour : : . y 4 B Prop wis | gb ahi) e Mh hi SR : Bovina pier "0 ered by his wie Isabel, and family, had to deal with a specific] TESTIMONY SET ASIDE Falrhhe A Bi 4 410i Buptest ord $6 Ii boli 13% HE i 1444 1 Fue koxp gis 1 Jean, Boh and Dorothy 4 M Justice Casey & i he n Fairhks B A Suplest com f 188 825 adh § $80 Bes € Nwest y eerie 5 1 i ] publication [ Mr, Justice Casey sald he was A : | : Bwitson 105 100 190 is 218 168 Can at 4 : Peron ion 1 BLIFUK = In loving memory of "| ohliged to set aside the "ex Bal [ Ti Condon 44 A Piekle Crow ghia pi dear father, William Eliguk, who pass pert" testimony of Canadian ! ' ih Tamblyn 4 Bile = 16 BIG B14 Can firin Ll] if | Pow Rou 500 40 40 od away Apnl B, 1646 | | Y : i In W ) y 4 Toxaen © p 1 HA Captain ahi 04 4 A n | " v Oh, what would | give ta clasp his N {novelists Torley Callaghan ane A : 168 i ' H cas us : we brosan Fond Al bia ph kind | . | Hugh MacLennan, The two had ! 4 To Bk } Cassar | plow Mr #000 116 10 th fear hind Jace 18 see ted to the high literary rep HRY A a Cayaar 3 ; § f | j Aoi To hear his voice, ta see his smile, | THE ( C pRriss |Atested to f i : 1 Eaveor , Que Asoo fi That meant so meh 10 me | By THE CANADIAN PRESS utation of the late British novel ! n 15 84714 1 ant pat 1 Que Chih His spieit has fled, his suffering o'er, Analogue Controls Ine YEur| ig Que Lah a Hone ie "will nl 'us hh ended Oct, Mi 1000, ne 3 vy He acknowledged their au 1 Fin wis 86 3 i iad A at 1 o Motul Gone 1s the fage we loved so dear, | $404,028: 1000, net loss Hill, ill thority in the literary field and I 7 1 b by | mT Fin wis B71 HH A Ohi M S500 60 Qunston Bilent is the voier we loved to hear, Canadian Delhi Oil Ltd, year Wit spems evident that: these b } 2 4 : . Chima 301060 70 8 : Gunton Yoo far away far sight or speech, landed Dec. 81; 1060, net loss b i Cham 14h #00 Bul not ton far for thausht te reach ended De | [witnesses are familiar with i Az J 3 fhm ian 0 a0 a | Halnville b Bweet to remember him whe once $181,278; 1060, net loss BA68,500. 1 ow vence and his other works, 8) 3 p Oui Ihe 2100 | 14 Riu hides He Be B g y § y y al! 0 I . ain i] rl wih here Fargo Oils Ltd, year ended, bs bo sound that Yin forming N {hi b 1 § J | f § © Met ges 25 2 A 2 Renate 145 148 And wha, thoush absent, Is Just as at 3 3 Pe ii Coning #6200 100 d Dec, 811 1060, net loss 880.604; | yei"oninion on this book they b ' y lit did 1 f dear 2201 1 He had a cheery smile, a pleasant! 1060, net profit $321,751 drew on this outside knowl i 1614-18 A i Con Key Pa ng hand to all he knew Hamilton Cotton Co Le edge." 3 L 4 : JURA h Helle, welping hand to 0 kne WER A i AT 814 3 $ HE f year ended Deo, #1; 1060, 8307, "ppis evidence was inadmissi ' 1 1570 $104 p ) : ho Callinan 184017 1116 01 10% Fait y 0h 0 PTI Rockwin iH He wan 50 fine, 50 generous and true, 4 x $040 On earth he nobly did his best, 147, $3.05 a share; 1060, $242 hle, he sald, hecause "we are 20 $104 V 3 Diseay Ho on " " Kowan Cen 00300 86 6% +14 4 . Ryanor 106400 14 106 RK -W firant him Jesus, heavenly rest 768. £3.74 3 A Fen Byer remembered hy the family Ll TO Add ' concerned with a specific publi A : A \ Halliwell 93000 45 41 41 3 1 MeCaRNELL = Ia} p Holt Rentrow ind § 0 Lid cation of which only ane of the $i oY! 3 Marhen HID 48 48 46 i pin Ant, Js of 140 in COND wn loving memory of | voar ended Dee, | 060, $401, bam I 675 810614 ' ; 4008 80 78 80 ane 1 fi shan: James MoCannel, who : wae' (elements is the text 8.0 A] i A 1 ie aN : tollite 10600 23 20 80 ay April 8, 1053 150, $1.51 a shave; 1060, SHIK, Mr. Justice Larvouche said he ) #1 AL i WY ( ' i ui dite i 29% Sheen Or a 100 100 100 snail tell how 1 miss him, (THO. S160 must reject a plea hy eounsel 4 400 $v a 4 3 + Moreison 43700 BO 16 Bieri iH 4 in heart eannot tell what ta say y p de ) Bin Bis H0O7H 154 148 gt RB ar RR MacMillan, Bloedel and Paw: iia (he lower court judgment pW Way 1a § Plywd B if i Bon None nite 5 inl Bl Rawr fn a 8 home that 4s laneseme today, (ell River Lid, year ended Dec. yoo viciaiod the Canadian Bill 250 $18 4 17 f gr 4 WE RE { f i A 1 0 Nichol 3 BV shades are falling (81: 1060, $24,676,661, $118 al Rights h A te Mt R I b W hy 2 hd Bisco if 1 sit quiet alone | 4 Mrs Am 6 Crawn 80 $48 1 4 \ a: [ \ y Ta my heart there carmes a longing [Share (First annual statement fwn hey 8 EL J bi i" RS 4 ! | LL : ie ois i Biooloy 3 é Sleep RB If he only eauld came hame since amalgamation) West A wi y ALR if ] 2 fi Ne, '] f 0 Hegeaurt 80500 8 N Frionds may think | have forgotten i § : a . UJ 3 " Wood J A HT 1 if Y BANOrm 9500 § 1% P i flurgann When at Himes (hey sew me amie, roroNTo (em=the stock FIODDEY IVICE8 § HE Wandwd A ie Tite + Convent din 300 8 a 2 Jud Con lithe know the heartas ; utile : : Al PY 3 Wilwil A wis 1 #00 800 40 , Cop Corp [YETI (| y n : p les hide all Ale whi market hustled through wit ; 7 | #enith 500 893 333 88 18 24 00 Cop Man 0 9 Rylvanile Wh WH ry lovingly remem: lmaderately heavy trading Fri J] A : ih Capiand 3 | \ 3075 0" hered hy his wife Mary " Y r 8 . 3 ant AHP 4 Taurcanis 3675 | day and broke the record for 0 y 1€8 at 3A 5, ow Jog Wa ' follow : i i FR | Thitroan ve 11000 84 MeCONNELL In levine memory industrials on the exchange in Pomich ! #25 Bi i. "8 £8 wo ES Ns 51 | ' ; af | i 1] | A 3 Cheskirk ] 3 Que Lith ol ile 161 180 - f a dear father, Ja § MeConnell, wh y ANI \ y H a n A he father, ames M wnell, wha bt 7 ENCINO, Calif, (OP)=Marian Doi Ses § i ity | [ § i Lime id o \ a A Life Is hol the same without you Pad closing industrial index 5 aan the sharp-tongued but Paste LR 4H 4 A WR Tham bh 321000 100 5 e™ h ' I Slares Ingersoll Crawpat ] Ll 0 4 mR ra Aanghier Pat and [stood at 862.08, up two DOIN, cap hoqvted wife of the famed Dom Tar 10403 $1004 \ Paper i . Luseq \ ' h ' Tom 10s Rohert and James the highest it hag reached sinve tan Dam Tar pr i : { D Glass ; Daring i 3 4 K Adib 1 Fibber MeGeo and Mally radio h Hot Busam : DO ATAROR Tarbril VansANT In loving memory of a the inception of the index in show dlod af tances Friday am Tex A Pupent EL ! ER " Trans Rea gent father And srandisines Nar YA T1004, Golds also rose, up 8% al } x hor 4rd } \ " y Rion ay f ' Maclaren A 4 b Deer Horn 43000 93614 23 § Tribag AL rho Based away ARE WE 82.10, and hase metals gained Week before her @ivd hivthday findy Mateh § : © Maclaren RB : DRRISOR WAH SI0W 10 104 + OH il od by dawghier Helen, sondnlaw Larry | 64 to 181.02. Western oils were! She and Jim Jordan, hushand Paper | Dicknan 10 207 38% M6 +1 30 u and grandson Paw up 42 at 102.80 and ea-star, amused millions. of i Dome 1098 $2004 30 30% Donalds 10M 6 VanBANY Wn oving memary of a The final volume was 3,456,000 the pre:TV era with their gentle dear father, Hoy Vandant, wha passed shaves compared with 2,674,000 humor as the daffy eouple whe Pervitory = RTT 3 > Mining [ 17% Yo hestos | HH n enn Han ih LL (1 30 11 Upp Can 1046 IM Poo epee. ErEii-ry = _= Ea Duvan LAL His EF WK Away April 8, 1856 Loving and Kind tn all his ways, | Thursday lived in the methical town of Uprish and Just ta the end of Steels were mixed, with Steel wisitul Vi a his days \ 0 : A 2 Wd Kind in heart and wind | COMPANY off 15 to THi3 and ALL Molly's tart, quavery rebuke Fleetwond ale 3 Eldvich hat 4 beautiful memary he left fora up 3% " Ly " Atlas Stoel isiain't funny, MeGee!" 'became 4 00K al 0 ) 20 Lovingly remembered hy dangles OK 4 Ra 3 Margaret, sondanlaw Michell, grand | AY i 8 h children Terry and Kevin solidate ining and Smelling +» J : ai Vale ru Ri Vista was the backdrop against . Dalhousie 0 1 rose 14 at 6615 and 23%, while whith the Mel} \ i \ Nd 337% i} hs Francasws ps 5 1 3 ER Witvey 16030 184 dear mother, Vislel Weight, wha pass | Falconbridge fell 15 at 4834, No NE \ 1; elioes antertaines f TT Givitwin § 3 MAHA od Away April 6, 185 randa was off 14 ta 4Y4 ayer La Privia, Horatio K LE TE 1 1 dene 8 \ Ath =havigly wi bered dnd edly Gold trading was light Boomer, their humptious neigh ! \ AR bl s Giant VK : Wr Hare RLU ; : "throughout the day with enly bor Gildersleeve, and the little : Glacier A ; 3 5 eed uN wn aT BRIY a loving acti, Sha ONE OF Iw penny mines trading #irl next door, whose whispery p Y Acme Gan 1000 i! ar Mining Ahm 0 3 Young H G6 40 8 Passed Away April B 1958 [actively Hollinger was up 3 at voice was Mrs, Jordan's and i AL ox Bh | Galdray Bae SR ' Fkehe bE ! ! g \ F have only your memory, dear|3415 while Kerr Addison lost 14 (who forever asked 'whatcha 3 WE A Ath ledue 1 Tat Kran 1 a a a Eulapa PEEL 1 ci A wy whale Wie theongh, 110 11. Glant-Vellowknite rose 15 doin' mister, whateha dain ih ! AREhOF { 1 Gal lead 1000 4a 4 Tha Tn Carb . pe Bul ihe sweetness will linger forever |oents on $9.90 huh Meh A hp \ Bilal 08 615 610 610 5 ea a As 1 treasure the mage of you a 1 \ \ \ Baker 3 A - Un Oils : ; 3 E Amph fh 3 31 $ AW Vandon S00 8 38 " ] Wayhe Bast Mal 18438 187 \ § 4 ) 2 Si ? 2 M of 9 § id y as entures HTN Sal 3A Tout Nk : Witame 18 HE IE al pont doe id 40 ' 01 134600 s V0apay Far (US) ! 3 | 2 ' A000 h E) + HL Ford Cam 3 X 3 A i ! h A § 5 3 15 Weedon liche Fawndin ¢ : { nlf # \ ! : Rate International Nickel and Con: ® om o b ion A | Halt Werner The little house at 79 Wistiul : " a © i \ \ hn : h\ Matar (Oss urd = - I ¥ | | Fa Pl Cansa vi I ¥ I ¥ PE = = Ee anEsse £3 WRIGHT In loving memary of : : |wealth relations office, ; 2 4 Sadly missed hy wife Annie : . 19 ) a 4] h A . ' | standards, others are wagin : CLOSET 18 CLOSED an y 3 Bailey. J he oa Bi Powers In one of his first speeches desperate war agains qn 3 VURKIW = In loving memory of «| CAR Closed forever now is the Me GN Gp Rant a Way 3 p since taking up the new post. which they hav itt) y gear father ahd grandfather Samuel Gees fantastically cluttered No» ' Hata | Araine told the Maple Leaf winning WINE DIP from oak " Vuskin, wha passed away April 4, 1068, & . Gas Bw M08 2 : : ¥ 4 sy sls Be WW Wa Freak. Ihe Shook severe, | KNOX ~~ In the midst of our sorraw Closet, Whenever MoGee apened 3 : ? Rataha , oan Ww esponsi 1 it {Luncheon Club the Common side We litle thouiiht the ond was Real, [we wish ia express aur heartiell thanks ital least once a show han N 3 p Catala Hm , n | wealth is. the only world psd Haina wild Glbilta a And only those wha have Jost oan tell land appreciation ta sur friends, aeigh n : 2 The PAIR of PATHS wlAma Farewell ners AR Felatives for heir beast dreds of articles spilled thund V blo 3 ul LONDON (CP)---1f the Com: ization that effectively throws a ada's "substantial contribution More each 4AY we miss you, father, [fara tributes, Sympathy eards and ¢ A 2 ¥ ' \ wy y A p Ted n y . . X Mate tach 44y we mits you. heh (flat) rihutes, wmpathy earth and orously on to the Hoos : ] 2 wm a | 118 | \ 3 manwoalth 18 tn ay * any real bridge an ge the gulf dividing under the Colombe plan and te healed Father and grandiather. Jain Although among vaddie's tap \ \2 \ , av) 4 : A Aces af mankind development in Africa. On hi Bal ther Nile Kaew Whe seTew We sapecialiy wish Vo Wak entertainers, the Jordans never ) tries must avoept their respon But it was a facet that "while travels he had eno \ - That Hat wilhin oui hekits conesated Nev RB Whe Dogtars Marsan: made i on TV. The Show. was Hann BAY ' » oft : bilities toward the newer mem: same of its members are blessed nadian hu Bigs hg La By danehiers Mary, Victaita and | Resaak, Atmsiiong Funeral Home and attempled on TV with anothbr Hae Ort i Ww is 1 . he 3 Hy \ hers of the family, says Bernard with great resources and oan of: the warld, bringin Wh ir o vey a] Harsy and Pawl and 10 the palitearens cast--but failed. Hendanat 1 ) P Frog) ¥ Braine, joint parliamentary uns fer their peaples the prospect of teristie dr b & ' oir charac: \ |= Biaabeth Koon snd femily, H Daweh » we Homa A aN dersecrelary at the Common-'solid growth and high living the service of od itaive bo

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