Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 5 Apr 1961, p. 6

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Bbiiched by Canadian Mew gooers The Oshawa Times wre reraras ol i Af mr endeny Fog # E., Cshows, Ont Demonstrations Reveal Confusion Of Purpose ARTTIONSE Glare Hag ding £5 Cae The ant adiay CiRS Set ® CEES IARAIRE AN ANG meciest WEAPONS, for m CABEIETE Han on #1 puciess weapons, and ii others seemed to deswe Tol It is one rents moiciany of Canada EAOGRS Ih srg' exploded part of people the gov one COuntr An OgcE the gOVEITHREN'S otney count suspend tests that thet of thew There may affect thew hesith or children and children's children may be other kinds of tests thet can De CRI en As ¢ of the ENSINE ana GisCip) ay e's phe On MNSONS ANA chen stry registrar-treasurer of has announced that the gredients were removed dangerous from the after the College secured the co-ope mn of the three parties involved the distributors who import the sets for sale at toy counters, the Food and Drug Directorate in Ottawa and through them, customs officials at ell points The potential danger was revealed as received by EE officer the result of a complaint Thomas Green RCMP tigation Chief Inspector field, a former pharmacist. Inve two potential lethal chemicals contained in the seis ganate and sodium ferrocyanide and showed that were potassium pserman Sleuths Of Pharma praidem. The scientists ae will haggling at sre, Ft CrNEREEy on we cannot Ww gend (SR Atk » ge Bp & weapon het ts mam defence ~~ 68, nr won serves oo Let us he honest For the West to abandon without similar action by {J SETYRS AE dens, # weapon 5 defence OF EWN with gurselves BCieRt BTS ists, wend Be sciGe the Comm "Wan the-fombl" enthe- ve we believe, ton, hat wansld he sccomphished by West Thet = tween East and fe WRENN gfe WONG sty rer ventional means of # Non would have significantly, wm he Communists nave # edge; they greater onal war, This greater if means Of WRgINg # Vent is one of the factors western statesmen Comn Cc pector Greenfield sold in the nganate 1s prescription, but = t could comamn In be labelled se indredq people ical must sales registered in » chemistry sels pre- these rues described sodium fervor as one of the cyanides which #8 heated gas when mixed with Potasium permangansts is also explosive when mixed with certain Organic substances, These examples indicate the im- portance of the safety program being carried on by the Ontario College of Pharmacy. There must always be great care exercised in the handling of drugs, The AS A and chemicals is buying when public protection as well product # purchase is made from a professional pharmacist Obligations To The UN France has now basically similar Union the Government pay Congo operation Neither Moscow nor that part of this cost But only taken a position that of the Soviet financial obligations The French as refusing to toward its tn United Nations is reported tn its share of the cost of the Paris recognizes is an "obligation" both are wrong about this, not morally but legally, the Christian Science Monitor points out, 8o {ar the has not been legal aspect of the matter pressed although. it would tn Appeal offer less leeway [or argument than the moral If the ments are permitted to choose whether will the operation, much more than the finan ial the UN he The whale basis of aspect Soviet and French Govern or not they support Congo ol may put In UN cedures for enforcement of peace could position jeopardy pro he brought inte question by refusals of Tlye Oshawa Times ToL WILAOM, Publisher and Ge €. GWYN KINSEY Editar al Manager fimes com I awa | ar and 'he Gazeile Chronicle (established + published (Sundays end statutory holidays excepted) Members ot Canadian Daily Newspapers Publisher Assogiation. The Canadian Prem Cirgulation and the Ontaria Prayir ciation. The Cenadian Press Ih exclusively entitied to the use for republication of all wwe despaiched mn the paper credited 10 It or ta The Associated Press or Reuters and alg thé local news published rights of specia detpalches Ale alse " and daily The Oshoawe {astablinhed ¢ial Da Ottices: Thomsen Building, 42% varsity Avenue Terenta Ontaria 640 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by caren £ Pickering, Bowmanville Brooklin Albert, Maple Hampton, Frenchman's Bay Liverposl Tyrone Dunbarton, . Enniskilien, Orona Lew reugham, Burketen, ¢ Clarement Columbus, Greenwood, Kinsala, Roglan Blackstock Manchester Pantypoel and Newcastle, not aver 45¢ per week. By mail {in provines of Ontanie) outuide carrigrs delivery omar 12.00; sliewhers 15.00 per yoo! Circulation for the issue of Feb. 28, 1961 17,223 shawa, Whitby. Ajax art Perry Prince ton to honor Security Council hig orders Both ny powers Boviet than France and the Union ite sharper criticism would the same to go 1] smaller Smaller along with Security they apply to nations in position nations have Council orders he able But hig veto to block a Security Abstention sullicient which may not to offer effective resistance powers can use the Council order from voting may he lo register reserva It should justification tions about a Council decision not he considered as for nonsupport of action after it is ordered, If it can be so considered in the case of the sidered Congo, it might be so con. at a time when world peace itself depended on obedience to a UN ruling, And if the hig powers set prece- dents for disregarding Security Couneil orders, the smaller members are likely to lose respect for those orders, The today French and Soviet members are that causes some Americans to say that if the UN accepts the Com- munist Chinese Government into mem- bership, the United States should with. All the UN should abide by the decisions of that body so following the same sort of "logic" draw members of long as these are arrived at in cons formity with the Charter to which they have agreed, To undermine present hopes for any sort ol do otherswise is to world order, Bible Thoughts and 1 vou Call and to me will tall great Jeremiah 22:3 Answer you, will and hidden things Our better for us than we sometimes are ready to ac. Lord wants to do far cept. Just call upon Him sincerely 1 beseech Daniel 1:12 All men are Prove thy servants thee, ten day. = on trial; all men have suthicient opportunity to make good Christian desire to prove themselves worthy of trust, TVET CARE BES 7 wow SOMEONE DIDN'T SHOUT 'FORE OTTAWA REPORT " Pearson Off Base On Uranium Deal By PATRICK NICHOLSON TTAWA~Mike Pearson is as nice & guy as ever knotted hin self in a polka-dot how tie on Parliament Hill. He has charm socially; he is fond of baseball and ms grandchildren, and the distinguished Canadians, who boast of learning history at his professorial knee are as nu merous as those. Americans whose furniture arrived on the Mayflower But when it comes ing business Lransactions spe cigl to what he calls "this streamlined jet-propelled atomic nge the Liberal leader is "in away off hase. Or is this his form of wide-eyed political bhase-stealing? mn March Io grasp 24, Mr. Pearson accused the Diefenbaker gov ernment of "concealing » $200 000,000 contract to sell uranium to Britain, while watching our uranium mines close down through lack of business.' BACKROOM SENSATION This attack was prompied by # statement hy W. M. Gilchrist hefore a parliamentary commit tee, Mr, Gilchrist is president of the Crown-owned Eldorado Min ing and Refining 14d., which Is our only refiner and marketer of uranium, He said that Canada has contracted to sell to Britain 24 million pounds of uranium worth $200,000,000, helween March 31, 1963, and Dec. 3, 1968 This sale would represent the yield from about 12,000,000 tons of uranium ore, equivalent: in Canada's folal production last year, and a welcome order for our idling mines But there was nothing new in Mr, Gilchrist's statement, Three weeks previously, he had told that same parliamentary com mitiee about Canada's three contracts to sell uranium Britain, of which, he said, "(he third is the 24,000,000 pound con tract, to be delivered in the 1963-1066 period." He added that Britain paying "approxi mately $10.50 a pound" for that uranium, compared to the price al "hetween $8 and $0" being paid by USA That statement went noticed by Mr, Pearson In the House of Commons, as long ago as Feb, 1, 1058, Hon Gordon Churchill, then minister of trade, veferred to Canada supplying "'a substantial part of the uranium requirements of the United Kingdom atomic en ergy authorities over the period March 41, 1063, to Dec. 31, 1066 That did not go unnoticed by Mi, Pearson, who was present in the House to hear the state ment and indeed to comment on it with approbation FOUR YEARS AGO! Rut it was as long agn as March 20, 1957, that the contract was signed hetween agencies of the Canadian and British gov ernments, providing for total de liveries of 24,000,000 pounds of uranium, in equal annual instal ments, between those dates in 1963 and 1966 On that date, March 20, 1847 Mr. Diefenbaker had not yet be came prime minister; so he can not have concealed that con tract, even in the unlikely event that he would have wanted to, On the contrary, at that date Canada was governed by the St. Laurent Liberal cahinet, in which Mr. Pearson was a prom inent minister. Such a huge con tact, concerning the chief -- if Wot the only significant--product 1] of M own nding of includes the hig Jranium mines mist come to the alien sters, especial Pearson lgoma. which Elhot Lake Surely have tion of all My Yel min Pearson? on March 24 four years the signing of that con Mr. Pearson belahored the Diefenbaker government for alter fract concealing" wolf the seek contract, Discussion might ably have centred likelihood that Britain io renegotiate that because we have heen selling the same product to US.A at a considerably lower price, and partly because Bril ans requirements have changed so that she would pre fer to spread the contract over # longer period Mr OVerinnking Churehll in christ three In fact he ma which blackens methods of the government; fo a colleagur more pan will partly Pearson not alone in the words of My 1958 and Mr. Gil weeks previously have an alibi the dictatorial former Liberal he commented with righteous Dammit, there's where Hows nD, Howe) Was Says indignation another vase (Trade Minister ( didn't tell us!" GALLUP POLL BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Thousands of citizens awa attended an exhibition school work at the OCVI] of Osh of Cishawa Bay Scout Association held # banquet in celebration of is 25th anmiversary Rt. Wor. Bre. George 'T. Han District Deputy Grand Master of Ontario, paid an offi to Cedar Lodge, AF cack isi AM cial and Robert B. Faith took aver his duties as secretary of the Osh awa Chamber of Commerce The Rotary Boys' Clubs or: ganized as separate unis, all under the supervision and direc tion of Robert C, Rae, hoys' work director Dan M. Douglas. past presi dent of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion, along with M. Mcintyre Hood, also # past president of the Legion were recipients of farewell gifis al a festive event prior to their departure from the city City Council passed a resolu tion asking thal the provincial government give municipalities # share of the gasoline 1ax Tenders were lel for interior repairs tn Albert Street School for re-opening in September (ieorge ¥. Ansley was elecled president of the General Motors Baseball Club, which was to sponsor hoth senior and junior teams in the 1038 OBAA com petitions Party Adherents Show Different Approaches By CANADIAN INNTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION Facts of public opinion, poli ically, tend to support Mr. Dief enbaker's claim that Liberals are rather more inclined to soc ialism than Conservatives, even though the degree is slight in some cases, As would he expect ed, adherents of the CCH are much mare interested in gov ernment control than either Lib. erals om Conservatives Evidence for this grass roots attitude is revealed in a study carried out hy the Gallup Pall just prior to Mr, Diefenbaker's contention that socialism would he the main issue in the next Federal election Results show that five in a hundred more Liberals, than Conservatives, would favor gov ernment ownership of the Can adian Pacific Railway and the meat packing industry Eight in a hundred more Lib erals than Conservatives ap prove such control for the Banks Government Cantral For Telephone Services? Approve Disapprove Undecided The Canadian Pacific Railways Approve Disapprove Undecided Meat Packers? Approve Disapprove Undecided The Banks? Approve Disapprove Undecided It is interesting to look at pub lie opinion from another view point=what thase in the various occupational groups think on the matter. There are considerable difference Far instance, ex ecutive and prof are more likely phone companies owned than either The anal people the tele government farmers or no want Conservatives One in a hundred more would like to see this principle imple mented for the telephone com: panies In all cases the CCF heads the approval list, As a maiter of record a majority of CCF ad. herents want the hanks run hy the Government; almost half of them want similar treatment for the CPR, To establish these facts, interviewers for the Can. adian Institute of Public Opin. lon questioned men and women selected to represent the nation as a whole, as to whether or not they endorsed the idea of gov- ernment control and operation of four key services and indus: tries As reported earlier by the In stitute, public opinion has re mained fairly stable over the past decade, with weight of apin- lon against the idea. Here, however, is the way adherents of the three Federal Parlies across the provinees view the matter Liberals (CF 2 an 14 2" 1 12 41 i" 15 AR 41 al ih 1 i" LL] {l 11 n [}] 1A "7 fl 12 Lh) i" 13 0 PTY a a8 al EL] 15 9 h] Labor, On the other hand these Wo occupations are more con. cerned with such control of the Canadian Pacific Railway and of the banks, than the executive and professional groups. Farm are mare likely than others, ta endorse such contral for the meal packers, or OMA Statement Inspires Fear Sr The satamwment. of (he (shaws Mimetanial Assnciation printed in your paper on Warch 14, 196] om he salieet of religous rd «ation is wnfontanate. [I reveals he sovt of ancomsions was (hal FEEmERtas MY CHINE. TRE ST of Was winch hae cased & mom her sf afizens (6 Gppese reig EE IREEEIRETION IW RNC. fRGER fie Snare he lowe is oF SER fmonrtance | ack yaw 16 racer the length of this letter. A pom her of the statements made In ERE ANOINCETREN. FRGIWIE "Ammer kr "B Acmionst rama a the moval standards Wy wine we gwde the hves of aur chvideen have come from ddd Chrgtian sowrees Diner most of ws come from dewish mr Chnatian (Rowinaiby #t least} homes ins is of cowrse fre at least iv one sense, How CORY, MSancaily speaking most of our values, e.g. love, cow PER, RONEMY , KONHARTRIION, #is INSIDE YOU i hat Reply ik to Be fond in some form in A oer altars. Sad (he we se of lent with # compiaiely ME AERA, 16 HWE NE TR Rae Reyer fo WY BRowishgs BEER 3 SEMTIeant Fepest. of Jewish - Christian heritage. We met (Rank. The gegen (rask fav that : (2; "Hamnd is net atest Wy Aatave ov inheritance f WE BIR MSCHING BERRI is qe fre. Bal thew = i havin That waning heislic BY Rater ov her fan. Wont aopects of ar 0 CIEL That we ARETIoh Werr Bol nativeal wm te sense. They have heen cregied by man. MH we fane the goles of mw rdice lianal syslem seniowsly showid WE RE CONCERiI#ie an the Ar velopment of # free, IBGWINE Wine? Showa we nel ef he ia choose for Wimsell if he is fe he Restic, pRestie, agnnstiel Hi (3 FRYgIie Ensantial wo fal iam Rrey > in the task of charac Fine Innocent Murmur In Healthy Heart By BURTON B FERN, Mp Mrs. Doubting Thomas: De Vm frantic! The school doctor says Jumor has & heart mr mur M.D Mrs M.D upset Mrs Junior trouble M.D. Who said any heart trouble Mrs. D1 Murmur MD: Yes trouble Mrs. DT.. What? M.D. Up through adolescence one child in three has a heart MUrMUr=--an INNOCent murmur with & perfectly healthy heart! Mrs. D. T.. What's this? an other newfangled idea" MAJORITY INNOCENT M.D.: No; i dates hack to World War |. Bo many draftees were rejected because of heart murmurs thal experts wen! over the problem and found that most murmurs are inno cent Mis. DT: But how do know Johnny's is innocent? M.D.: Lots of ways! It sounds like a soft swish, rather than a shrill screech or loud roar. The murmur swishes just after the heart pumps It's located in the chest and changes just like an innocent murmur when Johnny rolls ove leans forward or exercises Mrs, D.T.: But don't murmurs mean leaky valves ar holes in the heart" M. D.: Nol always, Innocent murmurs probably stem from some harmless vibrating whirl pal Lm I know BD. T.. You never (oid me Because | knew you'd he P13 run And around sn with vou et heart thing aha He has a heart hut not heart you ACTIVITY? Mrs. D.T.: Should 1 put Johnny to hed or just keep him from racing around ton much? M, D.: Neither! He's healthy His heart is healthy. Don't let that innocent murmur ruin his childhood! Thousands of parents and even @ few backward doctors don't understand, and turn these children into helpless cardia ripples Mis. D7 get about Then | should for Johnny's murmur? JUST WATCH ouY M.D.: Bo. You have to mit Some strange doesn't confuse MW with heart trouble. Fever makes the mur NT 1ouder and more suspicious sounding Mr You've ming Tohnny watch that doctm PD. 3 faken a One hing more outgrow the murmur? M. D.. Possibly but whe cares" His healfhy heart can't grow any healthier ! | ree load thank off my will rey pang." Thie fe net suite Vr fang great wen from reionie a Sy Solan Bowley areas witht ie Wadd awoke say hey naraetey Fhe man done an much i ned any her indiyidesl world of pasieRy Berirann Basetj-- 4 yh Haw fra i ie he VA det ir (hr "They (chideany rege # wanders for tooth." They fer canon of good laste tn he wiv from he Fhe olandard refer: cone 1s the Jewel: A Lonfavtimptaly Rage TRININAS We HF The ! waiory, of # Russian filvlication gave (or formdding the gramming of "x. meee Phe cdiiors wen helieyed hat ey ha A (WEIR IRE Rerrss Io he toth. Is religions Aegma better than Marsst dogma' nner sections of thew sate ment further reveal the sort of narrww Bas which feschers WIG ser [8 pose, Rot in clei, Mach cond he lesened [rome R CRGIRE AR COMPRTALIVE religion and ethics. Little But he reinforcing mf prejudice wilh Fest from CRnstian mmelers fepemng Chnstianty, et ws femal ovr children that truth 15 aN thet pe FELIBERR, OF man a the treth. Let ENCONIRERR 18 Ask wy auestions. Let INE ae the answers hey find. Fhe of Lenth is mare impertant than the love of faith 4 refuses in he 5 unworthy of man's AH at LE Ee eh fo fC Wiatian fh LiL, / WITHERS Fiatian an hem he iat &jh iron willy whieh hana Jen for yonr I. E. BROADBENT Mudies, of Toronto PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM that President Ken- nedy makes it 8 point never 19 overlook or ignore & minority, however small and unorganized Recently he said a few kind woras ahout poets Dehat of Erraduate Lmiversity It seems "Cold Weather Blamed for Higher Heating Bills." ~~ Head line. This sounds plausible, but the gas, oil and electric people find it mast difficult to con: vince customers this is true HOME THE NEW TEMPORARY LOCATION 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DAIRY THE HOME THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe St WHITBY PLAZA BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and N., Oshawa and DAIRY, Ajax OSHAWA FAV APPLIE PIE NEW CAKI THURSPAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIALS ORANGE DELIGHT 30 ar FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. SaIe.IATR|. BOR Zl a Ee TOMORROW, APRIL 6, (130 to 4:00 P.M, -- 6:00 fo 9:00 P.M. AT ST, GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST, N, OUR HOSPITAL BLOOD BANK IS SHORT OF A NEGATIVE & O NEGATIVE -- NEW DONORS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED ~--- COME EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN APPOINTMENT.

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