1 A Interesting AACHEN fs thet AUEIBIRg RIMES TERR FERIE (he CREAR he Wntormation seked for Wy: Wer neighbor, Wax. Ten! "Con yom Imagine sveryome, onsen fhe coORRELl regaring Farmhom, commented. "Ie Nis Bad of opens, Wen moor 9 Tor cant of me fake the some Frere. I OY RSE 18 16 OER . iw Tory 10.78 OUIAWA THES, Wetsenley, MR By WH v ro LT (RY level of By ErTRIERS. i inte there add fiiises, have vies 19 pay Font rather than have KIA [RH ad of the famiby ad The (WR CORE ein Wit wpm # Rew RATIRE RFE RaskAon pies. I fined # Mander @l for wl comnesl howees invited wit families with limcome of less then $92.00 Week 18 rpply 197 # 1 " which » ie ve whowed wm sop Riding thelr friends, #l- hasis of the amount the thin OBER established it come (ell short of that ger be able to recast finan The Femainder womd pay the cl Resistance Irom Woth sides, Wandard rent #8 Indie oes CYRVIENS ORIECTER One enormons Milicuity #0. The townspenpie would have has to be faced: The Bemon- nothing to Ao with the Pan Within the last twe months, Gen. Fhowmi Nosavan, hacked strated wnwilhingness of the Pal- Their reaion was that sll fam the United States has taken #& by right-wing policans het Lan and their supporters (0 ies aomiying for # rent rebate different tack on the civil war The Boun-ihonml government surrender termiory where they had iv disclose | ww Lan took office after chasing Frince gt present exercise full contol. Gross weekly earnings of hus-| State department officials Sonvanna Phouma inte exile wn i stopped talking shout the pesd Cambodia late last year. The for # strongly pro-Western gov- BONYRIRR TEEIme PIacIaimed # ernment in the Bowtheast Asian policy of newtraiity and is still kingdom which has been hul- recognized as the legitimate feted even mare than # Willer government hy the Communist state should be mowers and other AsiaR Lon In Washington recently, both tries such as Indie and Cam President Kennedy and Soviet hodia Foreign Minister Andrei Gro: Another prince, Bouphanow mykn repeated the approved vong, heads the Pathet Lan reh line: Bvervhody should work to els who aim to bring gli of Laos HAPPY LAOS WOMEN, OBLIVIOUS TO FIGHTING New Approach [2 To Tiny Laos Amarted Flavours (Rs 04 Desh) Poy, # phage Bo--BAVE AN EXTRA 4s PUDDING wren 941,00 EB, Smiths Eherry Rog. tin We--BAVE 1s PIE FILLER 3 »+1,00 MeCormiok's Pog, pig We--BAVE be CRACKERS 341,00 &F Choise Quality Reg. R tins We--BAVE 1s PEAS 6---1.00 Reg. k tine We--BAVE 1s 6~--1,00 Ghelse Grosm Myles AP CORN preserve Laotian newtrality Laos was always meant tn he peutral in the eold war after the 1054 Geneva conference ended the fighting in the slid French possession of Indoching but in practice it hasn't worked out that way By the Geneva pereement, the Indochina peninsula was spit inta four small. states. On the east, hordering Communist China, 1s North Viet Nam. South of it on the east coast and sweeping aerass the southern end of the hroad peninsula 1s South Viet Nam. Cambodia, a compact area hetween South Viet Nam and Thailand, faces west across the Gulf of Blam to pe the Malay peninsula RED INFILFRATION Tans, hordering all these states and Burma and China as well, is a sliver of land down the centre of the peninsula North Viet Nam represents territory Communist rebels had been ahle fo seize from the French hut they had alse infil trated into the rest of Indochina In Cambodia, they were fairly wickly disarmed hut in South let Nam and Laos, they are still able to he supplied Across the borders fram North Viel Nam and Communist China The Communist rebels in Lans are known as Pathet Lao Even in 1004 they had sufficient strength to he the effective au thority in the northern provinces of Phong Saly and Bam Neua And in the fighting of the last few months, they have extended their control south to a third province, Xieng Khouang The fighting Proceeds Ala leisurely pace in an indolent land, For most Laotians, the battle is Hmply 8 continuing palace revolution PHOUMI IS BORK The present premier, Prince Boun Oum, is & figurehead in a U8 « supported regime. The man who makes the decision 18 ta the Communist arbi None of these three groups of forces Is sLEong enough of is awn to dominate an area ahowt as England, Beotland and Wales the Russians have airlifted large supplies of wrms and CaIpmeEnt 16 Bouphanauvong and his ally, Capt. Kong 1# US, MID WASTED Balancing this, the U8. came to the aid of Bown and Phawmi| 1a shore up an enormous foreign ald investment which many eri ties say has heen largely dis sipated hy bribery and corrup tion Adding to the complications of ie Laotian tangle, all three [governments or would-be gov ernments claim tn he neutral Bouvanna's group, In Asian eyes, 1s the only one that ean legitimately support the claim For the U8. and Russia, it's a case of my ally -heing mare new tral than yours Many ohservers feel that he-| fore a neutral government can he established, hoth Russia and| {the UB, will have to agree ol Loafers Lose 'Winter Work | TORONTO (CF)=Blacking on| their johs has caused the dis-| |missal of ghout 12 men em: ployed hy suburban York Town ship an winter works projeets, Recreation and Parks Commis #5 JRFES sioner ©, G. Dobbin said Tues day Mr. Dobbin told the eammit:| {tee of general purposes the men| {had taken little interest in their (work, some leaving hefore quit ting time thinking it would nat {he noticed, However, he consid ered the number of men fired [tn he small since the township! {had hired up to 800 men on win ter works projects en Bn + SLORY FIMBHES FLAT FINISHES SORATEHED FimisHE REACH FOR THE RIGHT POLISH because no single polish will do a first-class job for every type of furniture, For glossy furniture the results you look for are a brilliant shine with a deep, deep reflection, O-Cedar's INSTANT CREAM FOLIGH gives a glossier, bone-dry finish that resists dirt, Flat finishes, such as Bwedish, with the subtle low sheen, need the O-Cedar OIL POLISH to feed the tiny pores without building up a high lustre, SCRATCH TQUCH-UP hy O-Cadar is always a constant companion that hides scratches, making old Furniture look like new, For Light-hearted Housekeeping THIS WEEK'S VALUES i 3 fpertect AY YOUR METROPOLITAN 58 KING ST, EAST ONILD'S 0OTTON DRESSES In plains and prints Beautiful Spring Sizes 1,2, 3 lect shades a 20 KLONDIKE BABY BLANKETS A a aved size 6 x 50 Slightly from STORE OSHAWA LADIES' BLOUSES 8 smart styles to see Catton Sanferized. Sizes 12 Fram LADIES' BRA Sanforized. Circle stiteh: ad for double uplift, SIZEA--B C CUP, 32, 34, 34, 33 40 Monash Regular & Quarters MARGARINE Betty Crasher Reg: £ tbe Bis--BAVE 10s 4.100 Reg: pkg Vo--BAVE 11s PIE CRUST MIX 3.1.00 Week "SUPER RIGHT QUALITY MEAT FEATURES FRESH SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDER v3 3 ROAST CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY REP BEEF SHOULRR ROASTS BRAND BEEF wl R SHORT or ve on... These Extra Specials AAP Bw Rog: tin HleBAVE Te JUICE onapsrauir 3 itorim 8 8¢ Liquid Reg: tin Me--BAVE Be SAIL DETERGENT &14n1,00 Oallvie White & Gheselate Regs pha MMo--BAVE 11s CAKE MIXES 30a 1,00 All Purpose Rog: bag HI A=BAVE Be FLOUR oi. roc whbs1.25 Far Salads, Cooking or Frying Reg: bbl Bla BAVE be MAZOLA OIL norbl 7 Je @erbar's Strained & Junior Regs § ting Me--BAVE Ta BABY FOODS 10:«1,00 Milk Bhosalate Canted Reg php Me--8AVE fe PEANUTS VAN KIRK _ ¢oipis 23 Now! 97% Gatfain Free ASP INSTANT COFFEE Frozen Food Features Fansy Slissd Reg: php Me-8AVE be ARP STRAWBERRIES 2 15-02 pkgs 69¢ Ventura Fardhaok Reg: php Pe BAVE UMA BEANS 2 12-02 pkgs 49% LIDO BISCUITS * PRICED LOW at A&P » TV. SNACK BISCUITS 16-01 5: Intredustory Offer 4-08 jar [1] Lide Bisouite MARILYN Lido Marshmallow Risenie RADISSON Lide Rivne JUMBO wollo package 3% meas 29 wor package 3 He » 53: Libby's Fansy Quality TOMATO JUICE 7 »--1.00 Armas BEEF DINNER Rog. § tins He--BAVE be Rog. tin We--BAVE 17s 341,00 More Super-Right Meat Features SMOKED WIENERS 1 cicris 39: MINCED BEEF msi umn #39: Super Right, All Mast, Brown snd Serve #01 phg 4 5 SAUSAGE PATTIES PORK KIDNEYS rmicvaumm #29: PORK LIVER rey quay suceo 29: Sweet Pickled, BACK BACON #inihiicn »39: 8X Brand Ansorted ™» COLD CUTS 1h pke 3 9e BEEF BOLOGNA vivre #29: Schneider's (Vas Pas) 12-08 pkg A49:. POLISH SAUSAGE LJ] 49: Gonked and Breaded Ld 79: SOLE PORTIONS Cooked and Breaded SALMON STEAKS Nature's Finest ... ASP Priced for Savings CUBAN RID SPANISH PINEAPPLES . NO. 1 GRADE JUMBO SIZE 9% Rallfecnie Novel Samy Grade, | sir Be Naw At ORANGES Meintesh, Atmosphere Gantralied Frosh, Crisp, Fansy Grade Storage APPLES Marsh & Noy 1 Grady, 8 GRAPEFRUIT Frosh, Young, Tender, No, 1 Grade CABBAGE Galifarning bong, Grean, Tender Va" 8 ASPARAGUS oLibbyd BARGAIN for GARDENERS Handy 3-Piece Tool Set Plus Garden Gloves ou 1,00 With 2 Libby Labels lt Full of Julien i . Mail $1.00 and 2 Libby abeh te, , Libby, McNeill & Libby, Box 3784, Torents, Ont, - 39 Ontarle; Yellow Goaking, No, | Grade ONIONS 2b cooing 196 Now Grop, Tonan Tender, Sweet, No | Grady : CARROTS 20.01 cello bag 19 Ontaris, Het House, King Biss, Grade CUCUMBERS 2 29¢ Florida Passal, No, 1 Grade CELERY HEARTS 19: "FLOWER FEATURE" Ne, 1 Grade, Largs B.C. DAFFODILS beh 39¢ §:1b colle bag 79: 3b eotlo bag De 10449 wrote th @¢ »29¢ Jone Parker Baked In AAP Own Bakery By Master Bakers dane Parker Reg, Me--8AVE 200 BLUEBERRY PIE «49: Stesk Up Your Fresssr At This wew Prise dane Parken, 4 Flavours Reg, e--BAVE 1a ICED LAYER CAKE «39: Jane Parker Ginnamen Reg pha 30e---8AVE te BREAKFAST ROLLS shasl 8 RP Designed Specifically for PARA in Grade Sehesl DICTIONARY TCLISTAANYS soy 9 Dont ILLUSTRATED 8 Volumes == Buy a Beak & Week! Seacliff Ghaios Bliowd POTATOES 22008 tm 3 8¢ TH GTO FRANTIC § METRE THA CONMNY WV Al Prissy In This AQ Suarantesd Though atrsun April Shy TY: