Textile & Corpet itis Discount House 75 Simese $1. RA 51601 RUGS 47.95 .. FREE UNDERPAD RANSOW OF COLORS PLAINS - TWEEDS AND TEXTURED Reguler Yolue $120.00 ----E HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 574 SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY el ay ; pd ALIGH IMENT 534 RITSOM RD, §, PHONE RA 8-622) HAYDEN D, KEMP Imperial ESSO Service Ws oF ys keeping time ® MINOR REPAIRS ® WHEEL BALANCING ® LUBRICATION ® ACCESSORIES Complete tire ond bortery EIVIEE, sh Vasier Mergers spirit thot abounds in your home 'community, Shop with your local bus- Fras Pick-up ond dchivery, Phone RA 5-3680 288 BLOOR 57, WEST MOTOR CITY BOWLING A 40 MORERN BRUNSWICK" LANES - OFEN LANES--AUTOMATIC SETTERS FREE INSTRUCTION --QPEN SUMMERS OFEN 9 AM, DALY ARCONDITIONER (Summer Lesguss wort Mey Tw wind for Openings) se WA fami PHONE RA Mi ie ione ww REP Bal Whiskey iness concerns first, NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing end Westing Plier Koh neon, Prop Ay Hobie 4 HALLAT Corie ¥ PHONE RA 5-3715 52 WAYNE AVE Mrs, John Aim we 4 i ie Mrs ied Mr. snd Mrs George Abbison TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS ! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canado) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, NATIONAL PARKS BRANCH BHIENGIYE BAMINIRIIVE EEREIIRNCE, SEYRIBY JERI shell have been in 8 sENIGE BAMINMIIGIIVE POWHIGN, 8 990d knowledge of Ihe Gamimsighion &f 4 operation of Federal or Provincial Parks), Merthern Aigirs and Metiong) Resources, Ottewe. $12,500-8)3.500. Competition 61-484 ECONOMIST (with extensive BxREIIENCE 11 BEONGMIC GNRIY HE of 'menwteciyring Industries and their praklemes), Domest Industries Division, Treas ond Commerce, Ottawa, $9,940 $11,200 Compel) tion 61-2251 FHYRRAVLIC ENGINEER ~-- WATER RESOURCES INVEST) GATIONS (aselessionally guslities ih meny Yeers - hydraulic engineering experience relgied to the Investigs tien, study end wee of water resources), MNerthem Allsirs and Matiensl Sutowrees, Ottowa. §9,940-411,200. Com etition Ble) 2 NIOR INGINEER we BUILDING AND PROPERTY MAN: vt Pets (professionally auahiied, with & number of years of responsible experience In the technicgl and adminisiig tive aspects of Mechanics "Engineering services in building construction and maintenance), Depariment of Forestry, Ottawa. $8,540-89,800 Competition 61-1204 'LIMNOLOGISTS =~ MAMMALOGISTS ORNITHOLO- GISYS, Canadian Wildlife Service, Marthern Allgirs and National Resources, Inwvik, NW.T., Maple, Ont, and Ottawa, Ont. Selenes up 460 $7,860, plus Isalation Allows ance in nerthein ereqs, Compehtion 61-2202 FASSISTANT PLANNING OFFICERS (Food, Energy and Trade) fh SUDDARD'S CCM, and RALEIGH BICYCLES pr REAL STONE Mantels -- FLOWER BOXES ond FIREPLACES CUSTOM BUILT For Free Estimates Call RA 8:1022 Now FOR NATURAL ALL COLOR STONE FACING INTERIOR AMD EXTERIOR OSHAWA WATURAL STONE PRODUCTS KING §7, (OV Henderson Block Factory) OSHAWA ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 24 Wowr Towing Service SHANK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE ls on 4 biomes hepsl Boris Varina? ond YACWHUM CLEAN: uy" FICKEANP ANB BELIVERY PHONE RA 5-845) 124 BREHARD YiEW Soles--Bervics--F ans Keys Made PHONE RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE §7, SOUTH Better Upholstering rr M He fit So . A Types oF Furniture "BEFORE Rodistors Repaired snd Re-corsd PHONE RA 8-445) STEVENSON'S ROAD SOUTH RICKSHA || SHOP ond DINING ROOM || SAVE BRING YOUR FAMILY N. kG, Fruit Market AND FRIENDS 190 KING #7, W BA biti GUARANTEED HARVEY USED CARS ROY W, NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Your Friendly desler Tw with # yoers od ww A WET A IRENE HARVEY, 424 KING W, RA B-6122 Fr # Lami were is sient We poh Wer Bavidimey cians Wor. |. B. bigwe Welnestoy eoesing. # t THE OSHAWA TS, Tomboy, Apri 4, 19H BURKETON Ais ad rooms, y poiid A 7 a Win Lb. Sos 17 ome of Wr 8 nt We Me. Russell Spiwis, 6 BAR Buy Ss JOT nh lion Wer. Joh £ wa wane, were ps, (pane, er, Fi nein A wi AEWA Ni Cubans jor gos 10 Pombo 7550 fe," PL Se ota woh on Sant," oe Wo P arms oe comers lm Wek Shore Crom ine Friday eveming tn wording wih Won ome will mest in the oh aud Tie CIA 5 HERVTRE B 1A FEIARY FVERRE An 1m Were Koder gueke of Wr. moll doh hem Wn fhe Gosd FIRE) church hah #7 yd Wr than Farmer, Tors, iecson of mise og fmyoe es. A sd Wr. wed Wire, James HER the Weekend Wh 108 Doi heres Wo Io he adamant Dow's fovpst the Wie Sosa ow. Miss §,. EB. Knight i spend € D Gad to swe Mir. Edop Me eo agile pier PRRARE he Pier mowhe with ker ad Wy si ri " AOR) -- The Ca 827, 18 refused to howd the ww po Mir KA Baokert Earns RI REGRIVRER (TH BRR WEEE Rd pbpns 20 lor, aA 1 a at fhe: devious v0 the Sid Seater Inv J Hr opine Cobans whe usw ip dir aL wrahrsion laps seh Bs 4 Cane #0 here Sundey Phoned a British service Carter will fveruens Airways Corporation The wine Hid pt peck peyivm Aisi with ev (hain from Kmasion, Jamas wl were relvsel etry 19 Ihe £ ompany IF & week, wile Mrs The Cons popenied wma 5 Caner and famiby vied yd Aigiely, Aaying erccwiion Hf They want vises 19 enter the wih they famiby here the order, The case pow will be U5. to visi relatives snd an Mr. snd Mis, Authony Brith CORIRETER Wry the VRRIGIRIOn 16 TER 19 Coe, Ihe) #2), and family wie seni the Aepprtment's pppesi howid Ww VRB Willy FER 8 15 Sih Hiawp Fale. We welcome Mr, wb They were ieicpsns pending New York Mrs. Oval Sith wih (emily 14 the bossd's Aecinion, bw myst Ba a ah report Raby 19 WRIIRI RIOR BN Mr, snd Mrs i wrod Whores Were imes Drops ved ius, bopnd or The pine, including we fam making an exiendes vist with hes, Were BIORE RB BIND WT their som, Wr. ond Wis, J. A * Cubans whe bosrded # i In mings (LT E c { if v wirhner nk Belinda Mrs, Dorothy Cokin #04 ER ) 4 ; 6 hier Wo King Sovwidey JEW ORK (AF) ex. pls Boman, ri i A MORE PERSONALIZED SERVICE, when you shop locelly, Your com 3 or HRES pi Unk 5 y 5, Bus . 1 a ' Momtrant Slat tops Vo Mihiegs deve foe In atm one 24 PRES Vy # munity merchant knows you, he takes a personal interest in your fostes; the 5, il wis Giveried ROVEILSIRE, ERFRIPES IH Miss Marthe Brome = pil vi HO Bll 7 wns, 15 Spending hes often he will order special merchandise for you, get scarce items, per- soem here In Ws monet repon, the Bev bolidays with Wiss : : : : When the fight resumed Sun. YOK Times Co, Bited consol prgye form many little services which mean a lof in shopping convenience, i ein 5m, ott 0, Sa fof 4 YERRES 0 Stephenson on Wiping the draw £ 3 & 26 Yel", 4 a SIZ 10.00 compared with $3, a non mv Koturdey eve These helpful gestures cannot be purchased, they are port of a friendly ew WIA on reverses of B08, wing we in 19H Miss Audrey ' OF 1908 profit, B),908 341 105k spending her Vasier Eichmann (rom holdings in Spruce Falls with (riends in Foroms Power snd Paper Co, 148, bys, Peart Avery visited he » FEW BPI aI RCINT EY sister, Mrs. Mand Brown, and WEWBpRPEr OPEIRUONE PT 0 (amily, Bungog Hand, wn Bw as ing duced net income of VIED day lost yenr, down from BIST 00 Mr and OVYAWA (CF) An EHBWE In the preceding very and amily vis merchant whe says he once heard Ado Eichmann boast of killing Jews hopes 19 he » wil ness at the Eichmann tnigl in Israel this month daeoh Gora, #5, Is wiking # book shout his experiences wn Nazi wa riime conceptration camps, Now the owner of # prospering Olawa antique shop he says he was scheduled for execution in the gas chamber four times but on each occasion was served hy » lucky wm of eVENIE Mr. Gora says he saw Eich mann when the Naz official vis ited a car faclory in Warsaw where Mr. Gora was forced (n work. Eichmann was with » group of Gestapo officers who visited the plant Ab one point, Mr, Gorg says he heard Eichmann ell the plant owner: "Today we did # wonderful job, We killed 1.600 Jews at Ostrow + Mazowiecki," That is # town shout 100 miles from Warsaw, The Jewish antique desler lives here with his second wile and a M-yearold daughier, He ost 78 members of his family to Nazi terrorism during the Kec: ond World War, For US. Rightist WASHINGTON (AP)--Benalor Klephen M, Young, Ohio Demo: eral, Monday called the founder of the far-right John Birch Boel ely # little Hitler, #8 Mussolini, # fake patriot, and a slick dem: RENRUE The founder, Robert Welch, once described (drmer presi: dent Eisenhower as "a dedi cated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy." Young said that "any mercen ary demagogue has the right te express opinions, though disere:| dited, unfounded and false," Ihe John Birch Boelety, like similar arganizations in the| past, will die "unwept, unhon ured and unsung," he said But, while Young attacked the society on the floor of the Ben ale, another congressman Is sued a statement in is defence, | Representative John H, Rous: | selol, a California Republican, sald he joined the society sev: eral months ago "'hecause 1 he lieve that, in the main, the se ciety 1s designed to pose the Communist threat in a positive, lngal and correct way,' IL basieally made up of Individual study groups in which the members oread about and diseuss communism in an effort to understand fully the menace IL presents - tn America," he sald Rousselol added, however that certain quoted statements al Weleh did not represent the thinking of the whole society Get Checkup MONTREAL (OF) = Trans: Canada Atv Lines has sent its hig Vickers Vanguards inte the) Ale again after a thorough cheek af the landing gear systems on the 116,000: pound turbo props The eight Vanguards were grounded Monday as a result of a drama aver Montreal Sunday | night that ended in a smooth helly-landing far a eraft with 4 passengers and seven crew members aboard, No one was hurt The Vanguard arrived aver Montreal fram Tampa, Florida, ta discover its left landing-gear | would not lower, Attempts ta shake the wheel free falled Finally, the pilet hrought his ovalt in for a perfeet landing TCA paid early cheeks showed the tre an the left wheel had jammed against the entry doer. with 8 number of years responsible adminislialive experi ence and @ working knowledge of the feed industry er the peireleum and naturel gas industries Br whelesele and 1s 1911 distribution system for consumer geeds), Emergency ly fanning Branch, Defence Production, Oflaws HA 8,340. Competition 61-257 HEAD, REWABILITATION SERVICES (university graduate with specialization in ene of the secigl sciences, and meny years of experience in secial work or related field, several in a pesition of responsibility), Nerthermn Affairs and Nations! ssources, Ottawa, $7,260-88,340. Competition 6)-4B6 COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE OFFICER (with 8 number of years experience in social work or related fields, several of which have been in a pesitien of respons ibility in the general fields of community .erganization), Northern Affairs and Natienal Resources, Qttaws, $6,660-%7 680, Competition 61-488 CORRECTIONS OFFICER (university graduale, preferably with specialization In secielogy or related subject, and § number of years' experience in corrections werk), Nerthern Affairs and Natienal Resources, Ottawa, $6,660-87,6B0. Compe: titien 61-487 CITIZENSHIP LIAISON OFFICERS (university graduaies, with ga good knowledge of Canadian cultural and Integration problems and of the erganizations with which the appeintes will werk), Citizenship and Immigration, Edmenten, Alta, and Winnipeg, Man, $6 660-37 6480, Competition 61-103 60.0RBINATORS =~ CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION OR PAROLE STATISTICS (with @ very goed knowledge of legis: lation, policies, procedures and activities in correctional Ins stitution er parele administration), Peminien Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. $6,420-%7,140. Competition 61-809 Correctional Institution; Campetition 61-808 Parole Slatistics FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTORS (university graduates, with a number of years of experience in teaching the Rus sian language in a recegnized university, and in teaching either Czech or Serbe-Creation), Tri-Service Russian Lan: uage Scheel, Natienal Defence (Air), Otiawa, $6,420, /,140 Competition 61-258 1CONQMIE REVELOPMENT OFFICERS == RELOCATION AND LACEMENT (with a number of years' related experience, hin af which should have included employment counselling and specialized placement work), Indian Affairs Branch, Citizenship and Immigration, Londen, Ont. Calgary, Alla, The Pas, Mens Prince Gearge, B.C, $6,420:57,140, Com petition 61+) STRUCTURAL oRHIGN ASSISTANT (with many years of re sponsible experience in the structural design field, 1a gasist in the structural design wf buildings, towers and miscel laneaus structures used oan airparts and for navigational has Hitids aerass . Canada), Transpert, Ottawa. $6,420 140, Competition 61-1801 PARGLE STATISTIES OFFICER (with a good knowledge af the type and uses af carrectional institution ar parele recards iy funcseces) Paminion Bune of Siatisties, Ottawa 460-94, Campetitian #10 LABOUR CaISLATION RESEARCH OFFICER (university graduate with several years' experience in collecting, an alyzing and interpreting data from documentary sources such as statutes and regulations), Department af Labour, Ottawa. $5,460.86, 180. Competition 1.648 STATIONARY ENGINEER (HEATING OR POWER) (with valid 1st Class Stationary Engineer's Certificate or provincial tduvalani aNtienal Pefence, Camp Borden, Ont. $5,400 $5 Competition 61-7201) CONETAUETION ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN (with at least far yeats Jecticel experience), National Pefence, 4 hridge, th 080-84.500. Competition 61-0-20 FORES AESEAR N TEERNICIANS (with ahility to Yh graphs and charts, and evidence of ability ta make mathe: matical caleulations and prepare reports), Forestry Branch, Agriculture, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. $3,750.84,.200. Come petition 1-0-2088 ASSISTANT MAINTENANCE OFFICER (with a number of years of practical experience in relative electronic wark, ta assist in preparing technical instructions relating ta madi- fication, maintenance and use af air radio, radar, electrical and instrument equipments), National Defence, Navy, Ots tawa. $4,630.85 160, Competition 61-242 "RADIO TECHNICIANS (with a good general education, ins cluding mathematics and physics at high school graduation level ar equivalent), Telecommunications and Electronics Branch, Transport, various centres, Starting salaries $4.» 080, $4,620, $5,100 and $5400 depending on qualifis cations, Competition 61-898 OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR (with registration as a nurse in a pravines of Canada, certificate of a completed couse in Spsating ¥ technique and several years of relevant sxperience een Mary Veterans Hospital, Vets erans Atfairs, Mantreal, PO. $ Competition 81743 > Far competitions indicated * write ta Civil Service Commi sian, Ottawa, for details and application farms, Far other competitions, details and applisation farms available at Pon han, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Com. mission Oftives, Please quote number as | FOR THE BEST IN Open Fram 11,30 AM, FOR TAKE-QUT ORDERS Phone RA 8:1676 42 KING ST, WEST LE -------- EE ---------- HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specialists in Autamohile Brake Work RA 3.7822 67 KING STREET serving the public for YEQrS ® CHEVROLET CORVAIR ® OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service Always 8 good selection of used cars on display Phones Bowmanville A 3:3922 or MA 3-3353 HOWIE'S BA SERVICE Lubrication--Washing Tune-up=Towing Open iA em te 11 pm, Also Waskends PHONE RA 5-5337 SIMCOE 57. NORTH pe ngish, FIONN CONTRACTOR ® Industrisl ® Commercial ® Residentinl 7h BATHIES RA 54647 MAT { J emia Custom Uphelstering AST, RABIIZ GALT CARTAGE MOVING-STORAGE We are new sgent for MOTORWAY TRANSPORT and HILL THE MOVER ALL LOADS Fully insured and handled ef ficiently by union men. Storage and Packing Fheneni OFFICE-~RA §.4419 RESIDENCE---RA 8.337) 153 CONANT ATREEY I [~ sTEPHENSONS' QARAGE SPECIALISTS IN frame straights ening, wheel alignment, gene eral repaine ad headlight sere vies PHONE RA 5-0522 15 CHURCH §T, FREE « Merchandise or Service FREE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONEOF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS This page Is a weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of people living in Oshawa and District, Read the Advertisements in which you found your name and present it within ene week along with a sales slip te the Oshawa Times Office, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely free a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with ene of the advertisers on this page, Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend $3.00 order with, Patronize The Business Firms On This Page PARKER ELECTRIC An Etticient Electrical Wiring Service * RESIDENTIAL + COMMERCIAL * INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC HEATING 253 GOLF 57, RA 8.8600 Mr Julius Bilineky 437 Albert 51, PROFESSIONAL BROADLOOM CLEANING BY NU.WAY RUG CLEANERS RA Bei) MARY 31. N, "OF Abe svranim OTT AUTROARR MOTORS & SERVIGE *OSTARERARY BOATS ALUMINUM BOATS CARTOP ROATS FREE To The Customers Of The Week This Could Be You 1 ORPER INVOICE WILL BE DRAWN ON SATURDAYS GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY PRY CLEANING NOW MAPLE OLEANERS| PHONE RA 5.0643 504 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH HA RA 835924 AND MARINE * NAT, INST, TH SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES ON OUR MODERN ROOM PHONE RA 5-3743 ILONA'S DRESSMAKING SALON WAH RESIMAKE boi fl RA 8.5TN pik -- ---- -------- o-- LE MOULIN ROUGE CATERERS FOR WEDDING and BOWLING BANQUETS PRIVATE PARTIES SMALL OR LARGE REASONABLE RATES PHONE RA 8.434) REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything In Builders Supplies Lumber, Coal We $a:2alise In Summer Cottane Needs hee A Lake VR A Distrist HARRY A FAST 24-HR, SERVICE NO, | FUEL OIL DICKISON DNIPRO Cuvtam Built Hames, Specializing in Recreation OIL CO. LTD. 190 BLOOR ST, EAST Rooms, Including Remodelling PHONES RA, 8.07463 RA 3.7980 441% SIMCOE ST, NORTH GEO, M, REID Far Quality AWNINGS ¢ VENETIAN BLINDS CANOPIES CANVAS 64 BOND §T, PHONE RA 5-821) - JANA, MH LOANS A RA 5.0603 wa LJ w Tow ERS RA 8180 OSHAWA T.V, A dbs VAL METTE PLUMBING AND HEATING Repairs=--Installations FREE ESTIMATES 23 CELINA STREET RA 5.3279 bm LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning & Recoring New and Used Radisten Phone RA §:1633 42 BOND §T, WENT MOSIER Sheet eth E550 HE {i PHONE A we W ---- CLAYTON ORPWOOD TEXACO SERVIOE a HE - PHONE RA 8-6011 46) PARK ROAD the NEW YESKA" Protein Wave GENOSHA BEAUTY Shneintment SALON A 52520 64 wen BEST IN QUALITY AND DESIGN Interior and Exterior "ol Rg oN L8l whe OSHAWA ORNAMENTAL NGS RAIL w vy AT, OSHAWA | 4161