Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 6

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The Oshawa Tomes Fides boy Canadian Hewspapers Limited, fb King 4 $¢. E., Oshows, Ont Page # Fisasy, fh 4, i561 Improved Arrangements On Farm Assessments Ontarin Comty farmers me Gg 19 lwrsthe & sigh of relief now thet emend- ments of the Assessment Act have been prasad bry the Ontario Legdatine which FETRirI KS BARE WHR BIRR IORS In the pest # former's widow cold not have her farm pesesied se pgricwl sed lend wiles whe formed it herself ond she could not lessee i to enother fremer without having the lend reqsses sed. Also # former who retired and stayed on the farm, but leased it for form prposes, would also face an We Wcraase In RESESSMEIE, The amendments, which the Ontario Legisiotinre has spproved, extend the agriculture pesessment provisions to puch lands se wre rented 10 # tenant farmer, we long ss the lend is owned ly = person whose PIRCHR GEE gRtion is farming It is sien extended 16 ferme ers whe retive, or to the estates of wich farmers for two yews sites the farmer retires or dies. In order to come wider the changes that have been made wn the Assessment Act, the onus is still on the former whe has another job to prove thet farming ie bis "principal occupation" This is what hits the "gentleman farmer" and the reql estate spectator in farm lends, The change will now end many of the ineqiities in nesessing farm lends snd will bring sn end to the hundreds of wppeals pgainet farm resessments which wre made throughout Omario each year, the Guelph Mercury observes, Castro Loses Friends Fidel Castra/s promise thet his type of revolution will win out in Letin America does not seem to be winning him friends smong the EOVEIRMENtS there US. News and World Report, in # swrvey of Latin American countries, estimates their relations with Castro this way Seven of the 19 countries have broken with Castro, They had strong seasons. El Balvador had its own revel tion in Janusry and doesn't want Castro messing around in it, Castro forces tried to invade Haiti in 1969, Guatemala uncovered & pro-Castro plot last spring Nicaragua beat down two Castro in spired revolts, Paraguay blames Castro for revolts there. Peru uncovered what it said was Castro plotting. The Domini: can Republic isn't getting slong with snyone in the hemisphere Bix countries sre decidedly eool to ward Castro, He sneaked Communist propaganda into sid he sent Chile after its earthquake, The president of Colom- hia sees Castro as 8 "collecive problem" for the Americas, Uruguay almost broke with Castro when he started a prope: ganda drive there, Costa Rica is very democratic and opposed to, all dictators; Ecuador has ousted » proCastro man from its cabinet. In Fanamse the Cubsn embassador returned to Cubs after being linked with the Reds Five countries are considered "ney tral" when it comes to Castro. They wre Argentina, Bolivie, Honduras, Mexico end Venezuela, sithough the president of the latter has shown strong distaste for Castro, Only Brazil, where President Janie Quadros has just taken office, seems to be flirting with Castro -- hut there is no stated pro-Castre policy, This survey, of course, details with governments, not people. There are signs that many Latin Americans look upon Castro favorably, and even enthusias- tically. He has become a rallying point for dissidents, Communists everywhere hail him. But Castro, who started with great good will in Latin America when he overthrew Batista, appears to have last mast of it as far as the governmental leadership of the area is concerned. +Private School Systems In view of the resurgance of contro versy in the United Btates (with echoes in Canada) over federal help for par: ochial schools = or pupils er their pare ents = it is interesting to note the wide range of policies and practices in other countries, The New York Times recently gathered such information, In Greece, there is not only no gov: ernment help for private schools, they are taxed to suppost the public schools, In England and most of Canada there are dual school systems, the church cone nected schools getting tax support, Mexico, nangov: na government In largely Catholic ernmental schools get suppart, Private schools must prove they ean finance themselves before they are permitted to operate In Colombia, Cathalic schools get gov ernment help but Protestant sehoals get none In Bweden, predaminantly Lutheran, # church operated school ean get gov ernment support but anly one--a Jewish schoal--does, (American Jews have heen generally opposed to federal aid for nonpublic sehoals here) In Israel, the government supports bath "state religious schools" and publie schoals, Mast Swine anton do net Support The Oshavn Times Tob WILEON, Publisher and General Manager 6 GWYN KINSEY Editar The Oshawa Times sembining The Oshawa Time [astablished 1871) and the hithy Gazetty an heanicly (established 1883) 1s published dally Sundays and salutary holidays excepted) Members of Canadian Pally Newspapers Publishan Assacialion, The Canadian bess Audit Bureau af Clrevlation and the Ontaria Pravingial Dailies Aner glation. The Canadian Pram In exclusively entitled 1a the use tor republication ef all ews despatched 0 the paper sredited ta 1 or ta The Aneciated Press ar Reuters and alsa the local news published herein All rights ot special despatches are alsa wived Offices: Thomsen Building. 43% University Avenue Torenta Ontaria: 840 Cathcart Street, Mantieal RQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Whithy Perry Alan Polivared by sara in Oshawa Prince Pickering. Bowmanville Braeklin | an Albeit Maple Grave, Hampton Frenchman's Bay Liverpeal Tyiene. Dunbarton Enniskilien, Orang Leskard Brougham. Burketen, Clarement Columbus, Grasnwe iy Raglan Blackstock, Mancha Rais By and Newsaslle, not aver 45¢ By fin Lol {Ede at Ontaria ed Harriers ny wren 13.00 ehewhers 153.00 Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 religious schools, In France, children in nonpublic schonl get "maintenance scholarships" In Italy, both national and local governments give subsidies to private schools, The picture is further confused hy the fact that in many countries instruction in one religious faith is given in the publie schools, In seme countries, such as France, there has been much eontros versy aver aid to parochial schools; in others, little or none, Bible Thoughts Now therefore amend your ways and your daeings, and ohey the voice of the Lord your God, = Jeremiah 26:13 We do not change God's mind, By repentance we change our minds, and we find then that we are in tune and at peace with Ged And you shall be my people, and I will be your Ged, -- Jeremiah 30:23, These are two sides of the same shield, If the Lord is our God, we are His people belonging te Him and te each ather, Then I will gather the remnant of my flock , , + 1 will bring them back te their fold, = Jeremiah 23:3 It is remarkable what God has done, can still do, with remnants. He can gather up the ragged seraps of our wasted lives and make a whole garment, Other Editor's Views COUNTING NOSES (West German Bulletin) The long and growing list of German associations, societies, federations, clubs, ete, is about to be increased hy another, An innkeeper in Bavaria has founded the "Club for Owners of Oddly-8haped Noses," Eligible for membership are all those who spart especially long, painted, crooked, flat or short, noses regardless of age, sex, marital status or eceupation, That's what the advertisement inviting applications said in the local newspaper, The innkeeper who has a prize specimen of a nose himself hit on the nation with a number af hahitues of his place, 8a far, the club has 38 members, among them 8 clergyman, a teacher and several busi: Bessinen SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENT bes {Jerry here OTTAWA REPORT Liberals Seeking Left-Wing Votes By PATRICK NICHOLSON OVFAW A="The major Issue of the next federal general election will he whether we want a free Enterprise economy or a social ist slate in Canada, That choice became evident when the Lib eral party veered sharply left, to compete with the New Party for the votes of those whe want a fully planned society in Can ada The Liberals themselves deny that they have hecome social: its, In @ hurry. Bul the degree of compulsion which would he imposed upon Canadians hy # new Liberal government was made quite clear by no less an autherity than Hon. Paul Mar fin Bpeaking on the program, The Nation's Business, on the CBC on Jan. 20 of this year, Mr Martin declared that "A Lib eral government would institute a careful plan of purchasing hy hath government and business §0 as to reduce seasonal ups and-downs," QUEEN'S PARK In other words, ne husiness would he able to so order is affairs that it could buy when it needed articles, or when the price is most favorable, It would he put to the immense additional inconvenience and gx pense of making its purchases when Mr. Martin told it te, thus raising new and costly prob: lems of warehousing, mainien ance and finance unknown in & free-enterprise economy such as we new enjoy NEW STAR IN OTTAWA Ken Thomson, the president of Thomson Newspapers, has announced that Farmer Tissing ton will join me here, tn present news of Parliament and of Gov ernment aetivities to readers of the Thomson Newspapers Farmer was until this week editor of the Dally Herald, in Prince Albert, Bask. Prior to that he was editor of The Packet and Times, in Opillia, Ont, In all the 16 years during y Battle Under Way [ On Milk Market By DON O'HEARN TORONTO Now it's milk marketing And it promises to make hog marketing look like a pup, Legislation to authorize a viii marketing program the Milk Industry Act=--has gone through the House And already the battling has started The COR tent the Liberals make an issue They eriticized the legislation as bitterly as they have epiti elzed all the gavernment's mar keting approach aver the past few years EXTREME POWERS Underlying the eriticism 1s ane hasie eanfliet This Is the apposition failure tn recognize that in marketing plans the gavernment=--ar mare hand the legislature = is handing aul very extreme pow: and to a lesser ex are out to hi 17 legislation gives a majority in a farm industry very ex. treme powers aver the minority, The majarity says how a prod. wet shall be marketed and how mueh shall he paid far it, The producer loses a large degree of individualism, And he may he forced to da things whieh he definitely doesn't want ta do OPPOSE CONTROLS The apposition attack centres an the faet that starting last year the government put in arbitrary controls aver these marketing plans It says this is not "demo eratie.'! That there should he "autonomy for the marketing groups "Autonomy is getting ta he a favorite blind = man's = hlulf ward around this place The government is using it a great deal. At times, one sus POOLS, tn avaid action Now the apposition is taking it up more and more, HIS LIFE Autonomy unquestionably is important in our affairs It 1s desirable that wherever have full OWH man possible we should responsibility for our agement WE aulanamy even in a mu ACIpAlilY 1s quite a different thing than in a markeling Municipal affairs are vena: sonably close to the Individual, but they are not vital At the most if something goes against him, the individual has reason to he disturbed But a marketing plan goes right ta his heart In eantrolling his livelihood it affects his ways and means of living life itself, And the proposition that au thority. aver this should he handed out without these doing the hating retaining strong eantrol fone seem to be ridie: ulous, INSIDE YOU i knowledge which I have heen writing from the Parliamentary Press (ale I have never known # neweomer to the gallery bring seh a wealth of Journalists gehievement, and sich a wide of Canada and Ca nadian affairs, Farmer Tissing: ton will Guickly make his name as one of Ottawa's leading po: Wtieal reporters As & longtime friend, | wel come his coming; and 1 am canfident that he will quickly he welcomed hy all the MPs repre senting districts where the Thomson Newspapers are pith: lished--=MVs totalling over MW, ranging fram Prince Albert's don Diefenhaker to such new: comer hack-henchers as Frese eott's Jean Casselman; from such stalwarts of respected ex- erience as Welland's Dr. Me. fillan ta such firehrands of eritical originality as Fort Ape thur's Doug Fisher NO MAPLE BYRUPY That symbol sought by a min arity as the centrepiece of a new national flag, the maple leaf, cannot hold its head proudly aloft around Ottawa, For the first time since the famous Bugar Bush was set up hy the Holy Ghost Fathers in 1006, its 12,000 trees are yielding so little sap that there will he no "sugar ing off" this spring Thousands of Ottawa children are hitterly disappointed that this nearby sugar bush cannot yield its abundant harvest of maple taffy this year. And The Fathers are sadly Sisappainted that the sugar bush, whieh has attracted as many as 000 visits ors In # day, this year cannot make its important contribution th the east of their excellent hoys' enllege The huge erowd at the Cone servative convention, gathered to hear prime minister speak fresh from his triumph at the Commonwealth eanference in England overflowed the hanquet hall in the Chateau Laurier Hos tel here, Those erawded out inte the nearby dining room had no head table, no Dief; but their evening was enlivened hy one fellow-guest wha mistook the table far his hotel bed, and hes gan to disrohe preparatory for reposing among the vegetables, HOME OWNERS Of Canada's 4,800,000 dwells ings, nearly 70 per eent are nes cupied hy their owners, Electrical Sleep Sounds Promising Ry BURTON H. FERN, MD It was time == & am, Janu ary 4th! They strapped her down and AMached the wires, Promptly at 8.10 they turned on the luiee fhe slumped uneonselous, as eloetrieity surged into her flesh, fhe wasn't a eriminal, She was the first person (0 he put to sleep electrically far an ordin ary aperation. When the eurrent was turned off a halt hour later, she awoke immediately Five days later she went hame. Now other patients are enjoys ing electrical sleep while sup goons oul and sew, and so fan, not a single had reaction! SHOCKING CHANGES You'll see some shoeking changes if this current trend continues, The dental ehaiv may look mare like the hot seat, but Senliniey should be truly pains PSS Many bugs have to he work: od out hefare you ean be wired for sleep. You wouldn't want to blow & fuse just because the ma phine did = during your opera tion! RURN EXTINGUISHERS A recent breakthrough may save your life, if you're ever searched to a ! Because gallons of plasma and cartons of germ-killers often fail to help serious burn vietims, doctars have heen toys ing with the idea of burn pois soning, These poisons could ex. plain that weak and woozy feels ing that comes when lobster ved sunburns start ta fade DEATROY CRLLA Poisoned plasma fram hurn victims does destroy special cells in laboratory tests, but plasma fram an ex-hurn vietim prevents this destruction. This special plasma must contain antibodies that protect against burn poisons A few weeks after fire swept through their sehoal, six burns ed children were dying, Doctors had done everylhing -- every thing except injecting burn am tibodies, DONATED PLASMA BEx-burn victims donated plas ma for each ehild, Their plasma Roured new life inte tiny veins 'he very next day one little eurly-head was enjoving a huge dish of Jolla. She and her five schoolmates all recovered Each battle vd anlhody vieh SIA extinguishe 1 |! Plast poisoning! " BY-GONE DAYS W YEARS AGH Cis and Saots of Oshawa's FEERt for fhe fu Perle he tisow atlended # ARB Bg UR i fF #9 years, fendered ne CER servis in NORTIIRe ar frm United Checks. The 1150p Wes W charge of Baomtmasier Charles Bastichele wid avail emt Ak yn oh Mictpess Ths fy Howie Ba" Fanvrtasn city Ios on Cadifiac RIETE, RA ARG #irest eset were said fo the Knowles Con #rweation Co. of Toroms A wove lo have # wh Frank 1, Masow, -- The p filled by Jom G. Geli Aether and William Hacden of marist estatliohed tn Winthy mess Wis wider way headed by 1, 6 CEA, CITIES (RE FTRAR Employees of hk benther Co Wem Ow on Hike Wiyess fitson (he City Walmsley & Magit OFFICE EQUIP, LTD, 9 KING 57. KE. OSHAWA RA 5-3506 Do all banks really provide the same services? Every bank can and does provide you with the same number of standard banking services, These services range from different types of bank accounts, to loan plans, to safety deposit boxes and so on, So why should you choose Toronto-Dominion? The answer is simple, IVs the kind of service that really makes the difference, Our managers are the MOST UNDERSTANDING you'll find Archie Smith of our Trenton branch is pictured here, showing one of our customers the way out of his financial dilemma, He's suggesting a "T-D" Twin Account Plan, the two-way cure for confused finances, Through the Twin Account Plan, Archie's customer can meet his obligations by cheque with a Personal Chequing Account, while he saves regularly in a "T-D" Savings Account, Archie's understanding advice has helped many of our cuse tomers toward a more solvent and worry-free way of life, Archie Smith is typical of the many men and women in Toronto-Dominion branches across the country, who take pride in the "interested" service they have to offer, Meet some of them soon, You'll be delighted when you discover how much, ,, PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT THE TORONTO-DOMINION LEU THE BANK THAT LOOKS ANBAR G. B, MILES, Manager King & Simcoe Branch I, E IRWIN, Manager South Oshawa, 532 Simcoe South W. R, SINGLETON, 566 King EN "EAST Branch H. J, HISCOX, Manager | Whitby Branch

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