Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 5

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MEMBERS OF WHITBY A game of the best of five series, The locals In their march eliminsted Ajex, Lind say and Trenton, Manager Bob Lane ond coach Pele Kuchers can he mighty proud of their team and these we Pictured shove 1s Whithy's fine AllStar Pee Wee team The local club playing in their first year of OMHA play downs went right 19 the semi finals before bowing out 19 Richmond Hill in the fifth WHITB Y And DISTRICT | or WHITBY PERSONALS busia CompheRt Br vistas wo the home of My poh the wher months Ww San CUT , he The Gis A Js Railay Rik LRA 10W, 1 Jom Baie, som of Wy. wud Mrs. fim Cherry, BR 1, Wiktlyy aii ah Ine Fas Wethday om Umnhey. Wie & wns Mrs. Jack , WEIK Mus, Clowning ome, oH brssane Mes. RB. 4, Roweinss, of Boys Hoel, spelt # few Sr W Basciin as the goes of her AGREE RRR RAR wh Wes. Fred Weckeli, who AES Whasy Tl WERE arr eriRry, They REI ES yo iting ME. gran 199 giasis wi B56 GREREMG Wintlpy gate RIRKAng me Bios RET East (oF The SCRamm. fay were Wis. b. Bopssean, We Women's Chuisling Lemper wk Lion Coty any emtins wi be held wm Wiithy Regtist Pad Bomsseaw ond Mes. V. PD Firkanhieih We. Garnet Vieen, of Veer i Chk on Wednesday, bs % Toorsnh, spent ERsisr weskend Mis, Keid Conk, Wi Mrs, Jean Bewman, lormer (5 taiier of Tonowin, wit spas wl 156 pm On Easier Bwnday, Mr. sd Kem #¢. EER BRER FEEILEE BR he Me L canion of Mus, Covk's Wathday Ted of Brookin, Wr. rnd Mrs, Bok W , secompaned by Wie DIABET, the Ontarin Sowth Disiniel ex evemmg W Margaret and Bow) TEAM Bremner, Vim wen Treen i Gibson snd their Pele Kuche Front row: Gen. Beeson, Mike Keenan, John Adams, Charlie Bown, Eric Sandiord, Bryan Bonohet Arzopardi Pholy Bludia, Ajax { : 4 season's work, The picture ine cludes: Back row and sealed from eft to rie Jon Bor wood, Bryan Shearer, John Goddard, Mark Rowland and the team capigin, Val Brown Centre. row Manager, Boh Lane, Andy Bryan Fat fine gentlemen Aeserve # Harris, Bor of credit for the (Temendsns Joh of handling these young fellows. There sre # pymber of other men whe helped out with the local team piso and they 100 can he proud of their ~ 40 In Cast Of 'Minstrel Show LORER # PUC To Study Fluoridation Whithy's Public Utilities Com: fluoridated, Although eounell, at mission will study & resolution's meeting on Monday nh from the Ontario County Health passed the resolution on to th Unit thet drinking water he PUC for study, Indications are Past Officers | Honored By Eastern Star The Vo ed meeting A the Whithy Chapter 248 Order of the Ealerm Star was held in the|ltes that, Masonie Lodge Hall on March mehdation of th: 0. The Worthy Maison Kat |Ontario to Investigate fluor: | assisted by Presiding Patvon|dation, they endorse the fluor | James Martin dation of all municipal water The meeting opened in form supplies as 8 sale and econom:| and the flag was presented at ileal means of preventing dental the altar by the Marshal Map: (Caries In areas whose wale garel Barnes and escorted to supply econtaing Insufficient na the East. Minutes of the pre. (turally oeeurring fluoride," vious meeting were read hy! The letter added: "For your secretary Julia Thomas FM. information, chemical analysis The Conduetyess chaly filled by Elsie Goose FM, whe introduced the Past Matrons million." and Patrons and presiding Mal public vole of approval The letter from Dr, W, E {anid that the following resolution March 21 the Faith and the Past Matron and Ontaria government committee, | Patrons of Whithy Chapter, The vegarding the advantages, dis Whithy ng ms PALEY advantages and the costs of resent were Mae alr installation " office, Julia Thomas PM In| AS fav as 1 am concerned," Wiilee, Risto foot Mn Oftlee pia Councillor Willlam David fd presiaing arn § g i" hid fn offic : Anna Patterson Son, COIS 1 an Emparian PM. Veronica Manning PM Grace Blow PM, and Maude Boves PM. All ware welcomed, hy the Worthy Matran Kathleen Brown and escorted to the East Reports from various eammit tees were given, Blek and sun shine veports were given and hest wishes and gel-well wishes they do." were extended by the Worthy ™ Matron. Correspondence Was I hope that nur reference of | ead by the Secpetapy Julia|this to the PUC does nol give| Thomas PM and was dealt with(2ouneil's tentative ondarse:| to form by the Worthy Matron, (ment ald Councillor Joyee| New hi ness was diseussed and Bums | the mecing elosed in farm with, Mayer Stanley Martin and| the Warthy Matron Rothloon|outetiior Paul Goath sald that Brown giving the farewell {It did not | It was the special meeting The resolution was then ivan In honor of the Past ipassed on ta the PUC for RO and Patrons i and h 10 the } ! study. | a very interesting dedication N 2 was arranged hy the PROTA | yd PARTY | convener Luellle Robinson puis raliway les aking for her theme LOVE [CN RRC AY HOW bX anit Pictures were shown by (he ith irthday die 1017. Plana] Worthy Matron Kathleen Browniave heing made {a invite former and a very delicious luneh|residents to come home for the served hy the lunch committee, celebrations WHITRY question." eillor Inkpen. "I doubt that (counell or many of the public| {are aware of all the conditions| of fluoridation and cannot vate intelligently an the question until] Evening Shaws At 7 and 8:30 Last Complete Show Ar 8:20 ALL THE YOUNG WOMEN WILL LOVE 'ALL THE YOUNG MEN"! Plus = Theilling Feature Attraction "VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED" Maring: GEORGE SANDERS w= BARBARA SHELLEY |Home Leagues' | Easter Meeti Home Teague held its weekly '#nment meeling { o lee was held with Mrs dier Roberts charge, Mrs, Roberts displayed, Although Rotary has been in| Ye, should he to Whithy's water without oh dens." Mrs, Earle thanked the ihe show was » community pro! | "| guest [Machonn, of the Henith Unit, fame {had heen passed by the unit on charge of the short business ® session "That the Bosrd of Health of meeting, Mrs the Ontarig County Health Uniti group served refreshments. The advise the member municipal: next week's meeting will he in On for the past few weeks with following the recom: charge of Mrs. Donnithorne and @ chorus of about 40 tap noteh committees her group whe (approved by the government of | demonstration, wis of your water shows a fluoride comfort fram action taken hy value of less than 0.1 parts per Whitehureh council recently ; Councillor Harry Inkpen pe: |Installed on all Karts, council rans of various Chapters of commended that (the PUC fipst|venewed a Go-Kart operator's Ontario, Durham, Sunbeam, and obtain a full report from the harm, Karting "Whitehureh Township 1 | noise as my lawnmower {ean hardly hear them with the new' mufflers," | "That is why I recommend | that the PUC obtain the veport| Karl Track aperatnrs, of the committee," sald Coun:ile The Whithy Rotary Club will, According to & Leptative pro he presenting their 14th snnusl Bram, chorus number I in Minstrel Show on Thursday and clude; Bunny Bide of the Street Friday evenings, April 8 and 7. Zppety Don De, Friends and It promises to he one of the best Neighbors, Open Up Your In years Hearts, Best Things in ile Returning 10 the local enter: Sunflower Faddlin' Madeline scene after # three Home, Noahody fh on Thursday at the Yer absence, will be Mayor Trouble Vve Been, and several A special Easter serv: Stan Martin, perlorming with others, Briga: Ms bones and Merv Dale of) Doug Taylor inl'Slah Dak' fame, reported on have Balvation Army Women's Knows adel wha was earlier cracked his Nn rare slyle J of Toronte when he pertorms his three A Jolson style songs Thursday eve Mg The Rotary "Rips", & quintet This year's shaw has take this yesr, sre more secretive WE YRAE'S SNOW Nas Laken on han ever ghout their mysterious 4 new fook, possinly £opled from parody number At the close of the ¥ome of the Gay Nineties Wath" ine vind' men are reported Farle and hep O08 i to have plans tor the biggest Hehearsals have heen BODE eniry vet table decoration of the Cross. charge of the Minstrel for the er taple was "Biblical Gar: past 14 years, previous to that Apenker on behalf of the! jeof, CREEL Mrs, Captain Roberts was In Harmen Biersma will "The Charms of the City 8010 performance The Rey, Blan Martin has heen requested to solo "Old Man {River" Fhe show will be under the {direction of Mrs, Marion Wil Hams, the Bupervisor of Music In Public Behools Ihe traditional "End will include; Mayor Blan Martin as "Mr, Bones"; Mery Dale as complaining the Karts make "Rastus"; Gordon Mifflin as "ton much noise," Bnoball's Jack Bwizer as Members of Whithy Tawnship "Lightening'; Clem Ottenhrite council, attempting to satisty as "Sambo! and John Vickery hoth sides, has scheduled & pubs ge ©Satchmo!, de ening we which Jomeing The "End Men" will perform # Dixie Land piece as & fitting grievances : Reeve wi climax, Nell Murkar will do Wallwork of Whit duty as "Interlocutor of the chureh Township narveated the following story concerning irate *N0% ratepayers It Is haped that the citizens of "Although the majority of the Jeonie ke fe Karts, there outlined in the proposed Whithy J ave heen a few complaints, Township bylaw has heen hrand a owhahip of W hiihy Suanel 18 The Kart awners took one eam: ed hy one Kart operator as dis. you | } | J i ! PSE B plainant around the track about|eriminatory."" The fee is, al wvlaw which, In the wide of 4 times and, conseque nly, pre sent, $260 ! OWI have made an aident convert! Township of Whitchurch has glslate us out of business." | gut of him," sel _théip ARAN in he Neighboring ratepayers arel Licensing fee for tracks as al $100 sing I n they will have a level singers In gayly colored ho attire Suggest Mufflers For Go-Karts Go-Kart alficiandos can draw Stipulating that mufflers he The permit will allow Ih Vivien Park In Reeve CHIN Wallwork asserted al "Karts don't make as much You M| To collect them he haunts THEATRE GUILD AWARD foan Hill, president of | the Regional Drama Festival Mps the Camen Plavers Ta thé Whithy ona. I the Hist major Award the Whithy Guild has won. ~Oshawa Times Photo theatre Guild, | In addition ta this plague shows the Arthur Gelher | Mes. Hill alsa received hon Award for Achievement, es | arable menkon for her role in cently presented to the Whithy | the play, The award has been players for thelr Therese, In | presented only once before, to | Is Men" | Fhe were Mr. snd Mis weak, Larry and Linde Conk, Bowie, A Uapie Grove Mr. 2nd Mrs. Carl England, pil fe paresis, Wr. and Wis Elmer Treen, of Fackid Me. Donald Yew Ji, leashes #4 Wiagain - o% » the » Lake, ls spending the Fasier vacation with ns parents, Mr. snd Mrs Boneid Yew Br, We Jom 8, W Mr. F. W. Wersh, Dwndes 8 Dr. ion V. Marsh, of Grand Rapids, Wich, left Saturday or Carl wad Deibie, Mr, sd Mrs, (whee Cy 19 ptiend the fy Jn Thomson, of Oshaws, Miss Helen Kawacinsii, oh Brovihn Mrs, Brice Bovine, of Hew Erwnowick, and members of the Cook famiby, Bill, Lloyd, Mary £ Mr. snd Mrs. Gordon Coons neal of Wis mother, Mrs. WH bam A Marsh Mrs. Hugh Nichol will be guest speaker oi the CWE, monihly meting 19 be held in 8. Joh The Evangshsl parish hall on Tucshay RYEMNG Hold Annual F-S Banquet BALSAM snd MT. ZION On Friday evening, March 2, quets), Gave Iwo Weresting #h8 Grohom reported on the the Mi {5 Zion Men's Chih held annual Feather and Bon Ban Quet with 49 present nthe chmreh hesemem Following the president of the Keg. Hoskins, gave address Balh Jones proposed g asst from the fathers 19 the sons, He said thet not only the fathers but the whole comunity were woud of their young people, He seid they took » keen interest nthe comunity such As church, choir, Sunday School Young Peoples, Junior Farmers work, as well as In spo The toast was replied ta hy Ronald Jones A toast from the sons to the fathers wes given hy Grant Carson. He said the young peo: ple of the community may have made #8 good name for them selves, but he gave the credit lo the parents for the interest and eonperation they have Ewen This toast was replied to hy Idoyd Wilson, whe thanked Grant Carson, Mr, Gordon Taber of Brooklin (wh has heen & regular ailend- the Club short PIE , Men's W the district will turn out in force at B16 pm. at Hemry Street High Bchool on Thursday mont on Sunday had tes with ir and Mrs, Levi Linton and ia and Friday to give the Rotary Club # real hoost, Rotary Is one of the local clubs giving strong support to) the wellare of Whithy's youth, | |Their recent Skating Carnival| |turned out to he 8 huge success, ant wt our Father snd Son Ban Bmarons ec tions Bey, FT. Fleetham introduced the guest sperker, Mr. YWilliam Graham from . Pickering, He said that Mr. Graham ERmE came from Ireland in 1048 and he hed heen connected With Arug stores. A the present time he is selling drug chemi cals, He said he was & lay men and yery Relive Wn EHNFER WorK Mr, Graham, In bis remarks oid of the work of the laymen and what he thought their con nection with the church meant Mr. Burnett Jamieson thank ed Mr. Graham on hehall of the Men's Club for his very educational talk Gordon Taher ous reeiption enjoyed EXTEND SYMPATHY Sympathy is extended to Mr Gerald Harbron and family of Whithy from the Balsem and Mt. Zion friends in the loss of # loving wile and mother Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Wilson, Mr, end Mrs. Richard Day se: BVEe #8 humor which everyone companied Mrs. Fred Noon 19 Gravenhurst on her home at Noon had spent Sunday. Mrs the winter months with twin sister, Mrs. Day Mrs. Morgan Evans of Clare Mr, Jean, Mr. Evans Ward of Clare mont called on friends Baturday afternoon and had tes with Mr, | and Mrs, Lorne Jones and family, Couple Always Knows The Time WINNIPEG (CP)~Thirty an [tigue clocks All the home of I Alexander with a ticking and whirring that sounds Jike| rain on the reef But, says his wife Fay, "it's {only when one of them strikes wrong that we seem to hear It," An Blyear-old retired elvil engineer, Mr, Alexander has {heen collecting and repairing old timepieces as & hobby since the wis & Young man, "I don't eare ahout these modern ones that are only 80 oy {00 years old." His collection, gathered in poast-tn-eoast travel, includes Bwiss clocks with sveoden works, la French one encased in solid black marble, a German speci men with a handsomely carved prancing horse on top, and a eauple of arnate early American models (second-hand stores and antique [shops wherever he goes, He pre: {fers them when he finds them In pieces, says his wife, recalls {Ing how he pleked up a fine old ouekon elock, | KEEPS PERFECT TIME | "We were staying at a hotel {In Vancouver when he came.in |Wth I, Tt was In a shoppin [hag because It was in a ol places," He restored the wooden works and winding chains and the clock has kept perfect time far years. He learned tn repair clocks hy "Just fiddling with them," MONTHLY cussed of all Legion Members Please make @ spes WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th 8 P.M, Installation of smoke removal maghine to be dis. These items need the views and support Mr. Alexander's interest started when his mother gave him the family clock, which had heen presented to his grand Javents as a wedding gift in Kew Brunswick in 1880 When the family home was destroyed hy fre in 1808, his grandfather, walking with crutehes, hobbled out with his Bible, gun and the elock=~ihe only items saved Mr. Alexander has found same interesting insevintions on the inside of clocks, One, made hy # repairman, offered this caus te advice to & colleague whe had worked on the elock hefore him "Cleaned hy M, A. Czeckiove: shi, January 10, 1878, and made strike ton, Go and learn your trade and don't spoil any more clocks." An American eloek made hy the famed EU Terry al Ply: mouth, Conn, is said ta have heen brought up the Red River hy hoat before the days of the rallway, A pale of Martha Washington steeple eoleks, al mast identical, weve found hy Mp, Alexander hundreds of miles apart, FIGHT ATARLINGS VERNON, B.C, (CF) = Blar lings ave posing a serious prob lem for feuit-growers around this Okanagan Valley eommu: nth, A bounty of five cents is being paid for each bird, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WHITBY BRANCH 112 MEETING her GREEBWON -- The Vong tae recestly heh ot Benoiiin Feopie's Bmw some s #45 he cote of Re mess hhh 5 Pay, "bennett he Koviess Ives # yy jae (ow Sjiaimeis | ane of lene Satwrkey wimg. Ko wae Be) Mus A £ Fatima of the 4 by the Yong Vevpe om ole, W : re Kinewia Women's hoot 3 Wit [EP | tite Jinnch met om wees ert day pliernoom # the home B 5 es V, Wa Folowng the Bog Jockin Paicse of Clore: GHTRE Rh TREE BR RAT Spent igus sg A A ete iw. £ qr 5 10 Floris ond back The [arpesiers from | pow WV, Waag gave & Sony of wae of. WERE bie Ly AA : tha #aily pioneers of the (oil Towee 1st week [mang (amity, The form OB Which the WHRIRE, CHP At wih $, Wages lve #08 own was Io Severs of the Vong. people warty owned by the Cowie. siendes (he Jomior Farmer Wiss May Brown reoorieh on Aence Brodin pong A ccwire of the Women's busi coer Tor he uware bonces Blackstock WA Holds Meeting BLACKSTOCK ~ The WA of low gent and Mrs, Perey Vin the United Church met ot the Camp the Wcky Sram home of Mrs. C. Welzugin There were fonriesn & Aueshay alternoom, Merch 8, snd Mr. Paisley whe br the sith 1B ladies RUIERAINE bigh schon) gecord payer pres ting yith theme CH Bt the Cosmie's Chl wine B | he i met in the Christian FAncation | Mrs Horoid Kyte with Mrs FOO dnesdey Might ; 0. Hovior wt piano 16d in # CVERRE y+ b lens pl sing song of Wh songs, Mines ng. ny ude eyotions were read and adopted, Mrs J a 4 Mrs, Richerd Yen Camp lan de for the inck supper which 15 19 he held _. pig Alig or ud next Wednesday wn Bundey ordi Schont voom foflowed oy Wire. Jo LPS, Fecoraing of BM. Livi Beacock's musical reeks) Wis visit to Arica, 1060, whe and Mr. Wallace Marlow's pie: 4 ures in the Christian FEduch When snioped. Nol Jot nest tion Fromm and seiieer for church kitchen, Mrs, Carnaghan end Mis. Recreation and lunch brought Kyle were Rpponied Fepreseh: evening (0 # close tatives on the Provisions! com: mitiee Roll call "What | am planning P ORT PERRY or preparing 19 bring 16 Talent Tea! was well answered, A Ao Mrs, 1, B. Bentley was the nation of B9 cents each was Fe hosiess for the March mesting ceived to help pay for few of the Bt. John Freshylenss dishes which are heing purehas-| Church Viamen's Missionary Sor ed for kitchen, samples of which ciety, president, Mrs, were displayed by Mrs. Harold Perry, presided, The devotions Mclaughlin, The invitation to were in charge of Mrs, MeMas cater 10 8 wedding in May wasiter, Mrs. Calms took the pros oy we il" Yi ot, Ad Mrs. H, Kyte sang "Lord We B# / nk Thee for our Brothers' | Christian Movemen and the The theme of the meeting heing| Friendly fie ions with Over: Home Missions, Mrs, Homeril ERs henis As Fron gave ® very inleresting talk EavE BR eres reading on ahout the mission on Vancouver| Women of the Bible (Island which they visited lasti New hand hooks are 19 he or summer and especially Banfield dered for the officers, Plans lone village of that district were 5 19 where Rev, snd Mrs, 10hn 8 ) Smolies ~ Homeril are working, This i#| Apr oH b A pioneer work as there 15 noi#! As urn Fres an background of Christianity, The | Church for April 16 was Wie women have taken hold as men| nounced. A Jeter of thanks was are most of the time away fish sent to Mrs, Allan Moore for dg: and are endeavoring to|natlon received, The meeting + ehutch ch social Wal our wh $0 Following the WA benediction did 4 $00 oun of 16h, in unison the group and host: gee president of the TOPS LL served wn dainty Tuneh, Ch has received an Invitation There were nine table oflto a ear on the TV program |euchre played af the TOBA of flation CKVE Bayrie, In the party Tuesday night Woman's Show, Easter Monday Mrs, A. Leighton received thei gnd has accepted, prize for high lady and Mrs.| The price winners for the March Euchre and Crokinole Kd Harris (playing on & gent's ticket) for high gent, Mrs. party were as follows: High Hodgson, Port Perry, wen low iy Mrs, 0, Lane; 2nd, Mrs, Indies and Stuart Thompson, | Russell; high man, Geoff Tay i EE -- lor; fond, Henry MeCariney, Consolation flizes Mary Year manson snd Herb Payne for Euchre, The erakinole prizes went to Belly and Dave Ashmore for high pe to Lillian Leach and Dan Haby for low, The door wizes went to Mr, and Mrs, i. Aled, The draw an the canis ter set was won by Mrs, J, Rus _|sell of Epsom, Na, 114, Miss Hadie Hortop, of Fort Perry has heen appointed a Nor tary Public in and for the Prave nee of Ontario by The Honar able John Keillar MeKay, Tieu: tenant Governor of the Provines of Ontario, Tripp POWER PACKED CALGARY (CP) = The Cal: gary Aquarium purchased an electrophorus, or electric eel, for #70 and then tried to deter: mine how much power it packed. A velimeter was al: tached to the eel's tank but the needle went off the scale at B00 {volts POTATO LAND WINNIPEG (CP)~"Tests indi: cale that potatoes can he grown successfully in northern Mani taba, Federal agricultural ve searchers say, however, heavier use of fertilizer will be needed| Mr, and Mps, Trwin than in other paris of the prov: have just returned from 8 pleas Ince sant trip to the Southern States, - Adi, EE Don't Miss This Great Event WHITBY MINSTREL SHOW by ROTARY 1961 " Thurs, & Fri, April 6 & Tth 8:15 pm, at HENRY ST, NIGH SCHOOL ® The Show is New! ® The End Men are New! ® The Quarters are New! ® Fabulous in Color! SEE THESE GREAT PERFORMERS ADMISSION fal effort to attend, | Adults 1,00 Children 800

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