Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 4

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A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tasedey, Ap 4, 1961 What's the matter with vice principals Is the theme of » panel Miseussion as viee-prin ciples meet ot the Ontars TEACHERS TALK OVER PROBLEMS | Educational A fer ERE SGC Hm wn Toronts Left to night sre wm Oakridge High KB Eon Monday A Blox Bahnal [ London, Ont | H. B. Beal, Technical School | London, Ont. A. W, Harris Wheahle Collegiate Institiste H. 6G. Murray Bowmanville Reconsiders Won't Drop Out Of LODA BOWMANVILLE (Sil) #t the last regular council meet Councillor Keith Lathangue LODA, I don't want 19 put any Acting on notice of motion given moved Monday night that coun: thing in the way of industrial eH Fe cind is motion of with promotion and (eel there should ing, Town Council voted Mon: drawal then he moved it renew Asy MEN ta rescind & motion its LODA membership at # seven pen now," Councillor Fice said passed at 8 March 20 meeting cents per capita levy, which to withdraw from the Lake On means Bowmanville fee for teria Development and renew the earporstion's membership in that organiza tion for 1961 Big Survey Planned MAX (Btafl) = From April 4 io 11 the residents of Ajax Pickering Beach and Bquires Beach will be interviewed hy a eensus-condueting team of the Ontario County Tuberculosis Association with the intent of MONey's worth out of advertis encouraging residents to take a £1 re LOT learned the Figs locate cial area The 1ODA takes in the area from Darlington Township east Edward County and Councillor [1] Prince north to Haliburton Presson sald LODA means a hit Association membership is nunetlinr 4) IA for twa on BR BEIVIE industrial $511 66 far the motion resented eauneil VEArS organization f and developments i. Fresson said on and In trying within the he Car commer is Low-Rent Survey Planned BOWMANVILLE Town Council night to instruet clerk Jack Reid to seek a survey tn deter mine whether low rental hous he in (Staff) of advertsising for all the muni: ing would he of advantage 16 cipalities it includes, hut one Bowmanville and, if so, Coun cannot tell whether it gets its ofl will set up 8 committee to ing TH test In the Ajax Commun: TOURIST ATTRACTION ity Centre later this month The TH test is given on one day and read from three to four days later, and the giving and #ltractions within its area reading of the test both take place in the Community Centre The district has been divided into five areas which will have designated times for taking the fest and reading I The following Is & list of the five areas, the area contacts and the giving and reading dates, NB. all clinics will oper: ale from 8 pm, to § pm, and from 7 pm. ta 10 pm Area 1: Pickering Beach Mrs. Seymour, WH 2-1708; giv: ing date, April 19; reading date April Squires Beach -- Mrs. Valerie Jackson, WH 2.0805; giving date. A 18; reading date April Area 3: North Ajax -- My Larry Piokell, WH 2.0884: giv ing date, April 20; reading date wil April 25 Area 8: Centre Alax (1) Mr. Dave Karry, WH 261M giving date, April 21; reading date, April 26 Area 4: Centre Alax (3) Mrs, Avery WH 21676; giving date, April 8M; reading date April 87 Area §: Ajax Lake Vista Mr. Diek Griffin, WH 2.000 giving date, April 25; reading date, Anril 38 The Cammitiee of the Ajax and district Mass TR Survey Is as follows: Mayor William A Parish, chairman: Bill Norris area chairman: Elwin Smythe public pelations: Darnthy Strat tan, publicity: Boh Thompson supply chairman; Jack Sanders, elinie chairman; Vie Almes training: Phil Henwood, census chairman and Frances Cur wood, secretary Mass TB Survey Is By Association In AJAX (Siath During the present week a platoon of cam munity-minded citizens will con duet an all out battle against tuberculosis in this district as part of a mass TH survey hy the Ontario County Tuberculosis Association The aim of this army of work ers Is ta get every vesident with the exception of sehoal children, 10 take a painless TH test. The schools have already taken the test Industrial N said apening in now that traction In Mi wor BRA "A most eruelal point which eonsidera tion 1s that LODA is the brain child of the department of com: development must mers that has woul fer addition to tourist which d benefit IN CHILD be taken e and government d feel why industry to a Bowmanville eould he considered a tourist at the intn al Commissioner K Morris said LODA alse at tempts to hulld up the tourist He museum museum Morris noted that Masport I5 5000 to open near Bo®man ville and that he felt A great ane from would he attraction Bowmanville and and department heen good ta Bowmanville I can't heln feeling i Bow manville withdraws from LODA some of the department officials hould they Bowmanville when it won't support what we re investigate the possibility of having a low rental project in town Councillor Ross Stevens point ed out low rental housing schemes is not something which 18 Just offered to the larger mu nicipalities, but is something which the smaller communities can take advantage of If they 0 desire Councillor Stevens suggested the beach area for an example where low rental housing eould he applied He said many of the homes, particularly in the west beach area, were never meant for year round habitation According to Councillor Ste: vens, an average of 10 heach area homes assessment only to. Is tals 8821, which he sald only netted the town about $72 tax revenue Councillor Stevens pointed aut A house valued at 818,000 would he assessed at 88160 and that counell would get 200 more taxes fram such a dwelling. He sald the carrying eharges on neh a house would he roughly #50 ta the town, therefore coun Are attempting tn establish." cil would get $150 ahave its ex the Industrial Commissioner nenses if it adonted a low rental sad housing scheme Councillor Wes Fice said he! Maver W. D. Carruthers noted made the mafion to withdraw at there are certain areas in Baw the last council meeting, but he manville which are not fully ser would naw vole to reseind his vieed and some areas have no awn mation serveles at all. He said a eam I expect the mation will Pass mittee should he set un ta study and 1 hope Bowmanville will de: 3 Jow rental housing project af vive a lot of benefit out of re: (er a survey is taken newing its membership in' Councillor Ken Nicks moved . the survey be taken and at the PAPER FOLDS same time he suggested possibly PARTMOUTH, NBS. (CP) some of the heach area dwell The Navalaire, a weekly tabloid ings could he demolished if a newspaper published at the!low venta! housing project was Navy's alr station at nearby considered ahearwater, has suspended ap-' Councillor Nicks said in the erations because of low adver: larger centres, particularly in Hsing revenue. It had a circula: Toronta, the slum areas are he tian of 3.000 amor and their families servicemen ing cleared in favor of low ren tal housing projects Planned County { | Hane Arve nd M High London, Ont. BD M Medway High Bchoo the panel chairman HM. Boyd, Laurentian Behiont, Ottawa NEL Brief Received Parents Criticised For Urging Education And Filed BOWMANVILLE (Staff) he 1a excuse (or nothing (0 hap: An 11-point brief dealing with the unemployment situation wa received and filed when it reach ed the council table here Mon- have been criticized for encour: church and 1s being destroyed shovld he educsied and heware day night aging their children to hetler through lack of true knowledge. also of treating parents as In The brief, submitted hy the their education with the object He urged a return 19 the church terlopers and subversives Yation mployment Lobby, an of enjoying a softer life because it is & place of discov: school matiers organization which little seems. Harold A. Klinck, president of ery Parents should not regerd in he KROWn anout, was & replica of organized lahor's brief which was submitied ia 'Take Steps To Provide | -2MDPO0 irri Bowmanville Truck Route BOWUANYHAE (BLeff) ~ Town Comma will take steps 18 cb. works supenmendens. §. I. thee industrial prospects. Two. The Women's provide truck roves Ww Bow mangle. The Racism CRme pe # rest of the Ball load Rewis which prevast in Bowens Auring March and baril wad the Mtlicdty these Wmntations ais 0 the REISIRE RBRATY 18 1oWh Industnial Commissioner KN Morrie oid cownesl, Monday Baht, 1 wis aly last week that the Commision became aware of the serious obstacle 1h he SHERess of WeEl aNry Ie siting from the hallioad imi IRsiriction fox the Len menihs Mr. Morne. noted thet sven heillonds from the west can RA come ie town via High way 2 because of the [449% Bimit on the CPR syerhesd bridge, ot the west entrance 14 Bowmanville and which #p Phes the Year Rina He said #ll town sireets pre wliect 10 the halllosd sn thet R® truck from the west ans traveling by Highway #1 must travel on 19 the Highway 140 $5 tenflic WHerchange, Ress Newcastle, then return (9 Bow manville via Highway 2 "Having first conswiied the Highway Trathe Act and Polis Cwief Bermerd BB, Biney 15 familiarize the Commission with the sHuation then ronsuied with Mayor W. D. Carryiher and we understand this prow lem showid he studies wip view to affording al passin relief 10 local industry Wn 1662 \ Mr Morns said a Parents TORONTO (CF) m=» almost the Ontario school trustees and of the On Association ratepayers Avision aria Educational the municipal councils In this said Monday the resl rewards |Rrea SOME WEEKS REo Its suggested points for an OL tawa lobby, April 24, were jobs voted Monday Faised Unemployment Insurance Increased (ending the annul Catholie Ed: PEF ucation Conference and the &n Commission benefit welfare payments hy BM of higher education, sre the pleasures of sechieyement and improving manking About 10.000 delegates sre al cont, & 40 hour maximum work posi Ontario Educational Asso week, 8 minimum wage of 81.25 oiction meeting per hour, & Joh training pro Many have expressed dissatis gram, distribution of SUFpS raotion with current means and food to the unemployed social gliitudes to education in Can legislation, provide & morator ada Wm on morigages, Increase the "yy pig presidential address al winter works program (which , general session of the depart has already heen announced) ment. Mr. Klinck said: "our and enact "Full Employment" | 00h peanle Are hasically ide legislation alists, Their Purpose is to get Councillor Ken Nicks said 50 education so they can do there were many good points In| ore for their fellow men, more the brief and others may not he efficiently and in 8 much het as good, He said he dig pot feel (cp fashion." council would have time to deal with all the points at Monday night's meeting and in view of the lateness of the hrief coming to council gll he could suggest was that It be Uled Town council Monday night approved for payment commit tee expenditures for the town's operation In March Accounts paid prior te the meeting totalled $30,868.01, of which $25,000 \was paid as the town's levy to public school hoard. Other acenuirts paid prior include salarie Finance committee aecounts totalled 8580 81, Of the §ad0 81 figure, $268 80 was paid to the town solicitors for the museum properly eanveyance Fire commitiee accounts pre sented for payment totalled $57 68 Museum accounts, which de not come out of Lax revenue The hulk of these oll hills for heat totalled $61.15 Accounts were in Police accounts eame to $472.66, Outstanding of these was $305 for repairs ta the cruiser Publie property accounts wepe $307.01 Relief B654.18 Works department totalled $1805 20 Dog contral commitiee counts were $6.68 Finance commitiee chairman deputy-veeve Ivan M. Hohbs recommended council grant $100 to the museum far operating ex pense 2 Constables Promoted BOWMANVILLY faeenunts reached accounts ae (Stall) Town Council Monday night ap woved mations (8 MH the person has not been read. They cannot accurately i bi A he PH y J ni J fected he will NOT react to read the test themselves B £3 m A : ta first the tuberculin test. He is "ne: § 38. CORstalins. The BIORI . Wo 10 four days later, the class canstable The prama fae He Reed hot be X-Rayed person returns ta the clinie, the tions were recommended hy Pa Bh havi ly Je ARAM test is yead and each person lice Chief Bernard R. Kitney ave WALL he has been In 8 BIven & written repent Canstable Anderson's prome fecte d Unnecessary are avaided beroulin tests are od 10 see i the od he WILL react to the test X-rays Repeat annual tu recommend nection has taken place during the interval I the person has been infect UH the test is "positive person is advised to have a chest X-Ray in the elinie, If the the Hon was effective Constable effective Apni 4 April 1 and Bird's promotion is 1051 18 "negative, he Is not of tered a chest X-Ray bul may THEATRE GUIDE A Dave ane if he requests i Fuller AL olinies for Alax, Picker vmall area of swelling and red. Persons M0 years of age and WLIMORR 143 78 as 1 2 % M18 ing Reach and Squires Beachiness will appear al the site rally) advised to have a m. "Fuller B ush Girl" 3.80 residents will take place in the Chest A-Kay even though their J.5V 4 o™ LR LA of the test on the forearm idl pm 1a Alay Community Centre . sity He iuberculin ost is negalive. Con Na Bi x Tey) When a person has TH germs/1® "Posiive™, He should be X: ditions other than tuberculans ov 81 583 pm A ACAI > NAY OA PORGAICAUY 10 make our ¥ I A vs I In hs body, he heoames SONS that tad Ee +. Ie Tl evealed hy X-Ra ad are Brock (Whithy) A } Hive 1a a substance called ty WHA THEVIVRIEN TA TL mare prevaient in the alder age Voune Al \ BE bereulin, Until TH germs ape #0Vveioped #100 pm. "Village af the Damned im his body, he is NOT sensi: In the clinic each individual Prior 10 the actual test-tak:| 838 pm. Last complete show Nive. The test simply shows whe: Is given a small amount of WW ing period the os lakers! atl 83 ther or at the individual has borouiia by trained Ontane De will visit every home he $s TH germs In Ris body i Health die A Ww Wm ihe Prive-ln A} The tuberculin test is mel a MS s TW wl $ § \ Mass TH suivey. in ) vaceine against TR, i is harm dving wig » 8 CRINGE ¥ ss, 1 does nal Indicate sa ar had i oR SIVIRE and Teading dates Iv p M the parson Is I with TH, they Ryerss & ys ih Areas of Laie WStind ap wa 3 = \ ¥ n 3 WAY Ye 8 Positive Teaclioh They ate when 10 Telurn POAT In Uns edition of he Rom The Young Don't and be in perfect health, (0 Be clinie W have Be Wat Time, | Co" 08 36 T88 WN He eriticiged the parents' viewpoint as "narrow" PEPLORES ACCEPTANCE At the OFA eonvention, W, € Lorimer, superintendent of Win nipeg schools, deplored the ac: leeptance hy teachers' training {enlleges of students who do nol qualify for university entrance Rev. B, W. Harrigan of Ha milton, spiritual director of the 88,000-member federation of Ca tholie Parent-Teacher Associa tions of Ontario, told delegates al their convention that they should sympathize with those wha hold to the value of religion f school system said the problem of reli in public | schools should lead to a grealer appreciation of the advantages offered to children in separate schools Mrs. W. LL. Jone with the Paronte Teacher's College, told the religious education section of the OEA that teachers should present religious facts to make hildren think. It was not thei 10h to set up prejudices or to in doctrinate When children ask about de nominational matters, Mrs Tones said, they should he pe ferred ta their parent Teachers are teachers," "not preachers." in the public He gion she sald WARN OF SPECIALIZATION Other speakers warned against the production of "spe elalizged ignoramuses." Dr. Gearge Goth, minister of London's Metropolitan United Chureh, tald the Ontaria schon! Inspectors the free world would do better in eampetition with the Soviet Union if it produced mare cultivated persons with in terior resources in philasaphy and thealogy than hy training more engineers and scientists He suggested specialized univer 'Mayor Carrithers (G4 cpm Stewart sid Liberty street soth, the sivas (5 Bowman iiie frm Wsghway WE, howd Row be in shave (9 carry fithy loader tricks al yagi Gimndg Flick (lief Kinky sige ah onash contact the Omians Ie partment of Wipers helore any Bria 5 spied ty per Wit year rnd fal loads, #6 R protection 1a the town. He wg gasied there shows he trick ies for sl the factories Ww own Cowncilior Keith | athangue siguesied clerk Jack Bed he trated 1n contact the town Engineers and the Repartment of Behwrys to see H Liberty street wold recommodate (ah RAS RIL VERE RYWHA i sn, be suggested council Ao gi can 1 Engel B Bye 19 full lord Bimit wn Bow VERE RINE PEF assist loesl indus Hires a wmanville mil isEiE 1h try Mayor Carruthers agreed # would be beter for truckers M council had truck rowies mark ed. "The drivers could follow the row ana get wie legally," ha Mr. Morr dl sain in addition 19 the fon, presem Jyh wi ET ed Wis monthly statement of operation of the Indusingl Com Followup compacts" Mr ciety has lost confidence in the 4 Most Rev, F. A. Marroces Auxiliary Roman Catholic Bis hop of Toronte, told the CPTA that teachers must hewars of considering themselves exclu NEWS IN BRIEF TRAINING PROGRAM MONTREAL (CF) The vo cational training program for Quebec's unemployed has heen an overwhelming success, says BP. A, Fournier of the youth and wellare department, The only problem was that 12,000 applica tions were received while facili ties were available for only #,000 METER BUSTERS QUEBEC (CP)=Farking me ters have hecome the hete noir of Quebec's police force, During February 48% were hroken npen and the money removed, Forty juveniles were arrested SOCIAL WORKERS FREDERICTON (CF) = Bur: saries and scholarships will he given for training social work ers In New Brunswick, Welfare Minister W.R, Duffie announced in the legislature, They will go to employees of municipalities and welfare agencies In the province NEW PARK PLANNED | CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)=A small provincial park near the erry terminal at Borden 1s) planned hy the Prince Edward Island industry department, A similar park is planned for Southport, near the southern entrance to Charlatietown HOT SHOTS NIAGARA - ON » THE LAKE, Ont, (CP)=The town hall her 1s having troubles While waiting far long-overdue lightning fixtures tn be installed it was found the hall's heating equipment had heen shot sat hy erratic members of the Re volver Club, which practises in pre - j (BET xa Yernin a Hg oi Courtia Uekay spent Sob Jovani lmglamants my W i py The Wid (iakys Basher, Feiarommuh Mug was brick and everyting The Boys Uorris said, "ways made with WOW BoA prise Y oA The COMRILE WEIR WERE served coffax, Aone and hot The Dries Gong 19 Wawe SVE and they Will TEIBER OF Legs st the sie om Welnestey the petiye Wot. The SIE Dros afiermnon BA gsi A pig A ian 18 the i copront ah Mr, and Mrs. Jack Jamiason, Fivsonsge a Bethany every ations, ond Wil endesver 19 THAI bled wth her por Tuesday sam Jb Jo comtucted CHITTY 0 0 I present incation #0, Wr. and Mes. Fred Wm by the Rev. George WEEE Nes BEERG TR OR Bunty "on Hom Mr. ond Mrs. RB Heymes Service in the United Ohne Wow thet we we well into Oshaws, Ms, George Beacnck, here on Good Frdey ot | 961, weriain new watistics Wierion, vieiied Mrs, W. Bich £m. Everyone 16 corsiahty Aula has become (oF A wit " widen om Friday afiermoon yileh 19 wth RECOME) RYE. HAXMHE Pilessed 19 report David The Christian Faith Claw oe mete the Jasin be EOE Jo Worn win Wier a ests Wie werk ot the home of BPpEniiE operation in B. Jo Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley are whieh wes OER readied for pablication | # te P05 Hospital, Petervormh last year. Dome of this work has wrkahy heen compels Mrs, CWiond Cities snd Wry a vein esis Limned bas furmieh of wrtien peswrance that Wu js prepeied 15 Regatisie to pro VIE 1RE10TY RECHIHIMABRION (YF EW WE EXpARMIng InAustry ! "The Trade and Industry) Branch of the Ontario Depart. ment of Commerce and De velopment (ollows with inerest PFGRFEEEIYR LOW munities take In their pre grams of WORSE DEYIRGIOR Al the department's request we have outlined the meatier of ing funds pnd ERicuisting witw Fxcivemenr Fil {eps hat ra building costs and reptals," the Industrial Commissioner Eon CHAE € Judges of how children teachers as babysitters, he said and teachers should not look st PRTENLE 88 MEFE LBEDRYEFS A resolution urging the EPTA 10 Instituie 8 program io en: courage members Lo take an in: terest In separate school prob: lems and to set as an early ob: jective amendment of tax legis lation so separate school hoards gel their fair share of corpo ration Laxes was one of several passed | Ponald A. Cooper of Hamil ton was elected president of the OEA, He succeeds D, M, Rit chie of Parry Bound R. H Wallace was gamed Hivst vice-president and Harora (114 A. Klink of Oldcastle second) THEM vice-president HITABILTMORE | TONIGHT $06wsvakrs ar 7 [TTI ee Plus Mere Thrills In Flashing Color! KEENAN WYNN & PAVID WAYNE in "THE NAKED Bosley Crowther, Now York Times ALEC GUINNESS JOHN MILLS TUNES Bpirbiind by Lopnr! Pisivins Gomparains 4 Piresind by Yonaih MeAld® TECHNICOLOA & ABULT ENTERTAINMENT PLATA Is NOW PLAYING NEE! ALWAYS A COLO) {AKIN the basement FREE EDUCATION SHERBROOKE, Que, (CP) Eighty-five per cent of students at the University of Sherbrooke favor establishment of free edy cation at the university level, A survey showed 871 of 1.008 stu dents for abolition ef school fees SCHOOL FOR DEAF ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)==New foundland is spending $80,000 this year to subsidize the cost of tuition for 63 Newfoundlanders attending the MacKay Sehool far the Deaf in Montreal sity courses should be preceded a halie two-year course In humanities Gerald Nason of Ottawa, dep: secretary of the Canadian Teachers' Federation, spoke to the Ontario Secondary School Headmasters Association and sald Russian education has heen verrated by untrained Western observers: Russia's methods and eula are behind Canada's sald I. W. BEB. Ne hy the uty he af Sudbu University wherry ed ther the know than Ta m. Last complete £40 pm Pasa ! ; ! nl n 1 ' A | : A 0 pm. Last complete show « SuriaCinisoom TECRWOOL 0" Wins ae IR Why did Charlie go Home Wednesday, April 12th? Because It's "OSHAWA KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION OVER STATION CKLB OSHAWA 6:30 P.M. Hill Midnight FREE! FREE! One chance on Grand Prize For every weeeensiyl bid plus one chance for every $10 worth of purchases pres GRAND PRIZE wey FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE DISHWASHER DONATED BY WOME APPLIANGES (Owhawe) Lid nd FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTR Over 300 anew artinien valued of ve S700 will be ld te The When Middem © ution Proseads tr bew end Br Work in yew Dvn Community, IRE FS

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