2 THE OSHAWA TIES, Tussley, Api 4, 1960 GOOD EVENING By JACK CEARIN 1Y HAPPENS EVERY SPRING Dear Mr. Gearin. We agi wm dle It happens every spring, this we after thousanls of words have been exchanges sit back and do nothing to relieve the Dog owners (2 into two categories The firs 4 fancier. He keeps 2 dog or dogs. of Bis own breed CFURLR Bre pent rRRES am » * » ge FL n WnARE ding of it. He ys- wally has a fepasi-in yard always keeps bis Ang under control and off other peo pie's property, This type may belong # kepnel club, work the betterment of dogs 9 time ¥ 7 bard for At BIH £ DWInELY FRines type goes &l- ther extreme LRERE, GIES RNLR | The second most to the © We know how cule @ 2il puppy resis oy & ROSS SOUCH but what happens he pu 2 grow the novelty wears off"? } g to feed him out from unde: the cnilaren wher ppYy is ton : then he foot toig somethi get f not bought What m eat garbage pails and roams the back and wait until they bite ciding to do something? Ev police, or the dog control © he destroyed Let the dog you ever tried opportunity to escape' It all boils dowr g et's stop we buck. Each for his owr If you dog h your responsibility, the problem wi solved. No special fee or tax will do, All this does to penalize the owner who looks after his dog in the first place Stop and think most cases, one dog. That is to the city's Let's get the » humane society ® your part re FT about the dog that } If his master doesn't feed hi What happens streets in force"? ist wner cont to passing dog with owner OWhEr sponsible as a would concern yourself Wa you only have one yard and, in a small Job In comparison ball rolling There are dog cl and to help you. They need ego-operation Js Sincerely, Ross Souch 588 Carlyle Cour MILITARY BALL A POSH AFFAIR Lieutenant Nicholas Michael Hall is staying up late these nights drumming up unique ways in which to pub- licize a very posh, upcoming social event the annual Military Ball of the Ontario Regiment on Friday April 21, Young Lieutenant Hall is publicist of the program committee. He is not worried about the sale of tickets, These affairs are traditionally over-subscribed and nec» essarily limited to 400 to abide by fire regulations What he wants to do is to tell the world about it because it will have all the glamor, tinsel and back- ground (ineluding giant searchlights) of a Hollywood premere The motif this year will based on the Fenian Raids of the 1860's, an orig idea drummed up hy Major William Clarke (as Oshawa school teacher who once made Belfast, Ireland, his home) There will be eight-foot ornamental sentries painted in scarlet tunics with fur bushies to man eannons from high battlement stations, There will also be live sentries to stand guard in sentry boxes around the walls and balconies, Guests will be greeted hy four live sentries in scarlet tunics wearing high-peaked hakos and period uniforms, With all of these period costumes and soft lights, it will no doubt be difficult to recognize such perennials as Lt.-Col, James Warnica, WO2 Joseph Homes and Band Sgt.-Major George Hood, but it looks like a good show, he 1 Lieutenant Hall's one regret is that there will be no technicolor cameras on hand to record this stirring event for posterity, to show the well-groomed soldiers (in their dress blues, ete.) dancing with their lovely ladies, He points out, incidentally, that the regiment first came into existence Sept, 14, 1866 that's when official authorization was received for formation of nine companies in Ontario County constitute the 34th Ontario Regiment the to LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Mary Frances Ebbs, the Oshawa singer seen and heard so frequently on Channel 6, has been signed for a week's engagement at the Iroquois Hotel in London, The Tayldr Twins of Oshawa (the sons of Mr. and Mrs, A, Horehik) will be seen doing their dance routines on one of the early 'Juliet late Saturday night shows on Channel Six , Oshawa will have two rep- resentatives on the discipline committee of the newly~ formed Eastern Canadian Professional Soccer League -- Terence V, Kelly (who will be commissioner) and Dr, Simon McGrail who performed in goal in the early 1850's with Burnley of the English First Division while attend» ing medical school. at the University of Liverpool, 'Manitoba Roads Scandal NNIPEG (LP Leader Ly the padi the Maiti VAR of th £9 ie Eat a a The BERRY PREE SAREE hI RIRITRIS The former Libera - Progr PERT EE sil. EINE LER that the raf progrm Wf iimkeg Ras bern wees aif SI yard fon Hi Pw ras FE ald tie; Ma ae ry ph AE de Ws tablish these fas As BRE LHREER RES opened, most members of WR WEIR OB RK g ye Lon Fil Barvism . 3 Ednes Met 4 70 " #F WA rsd k 5 Mimist a Lis art aries 1H wider the gare for VISION KAN a 5 Case lights set up eras u eer a M. Hryk wk (PE Plains), a tormer §iberz Progress PY said Mr Im phes tend ix or ey - REREFA Sid pot particiag Person W» Vas J FALL ¥ Need Shaping BURA EVER BER 7 WLR TRY sway Firion 108 the pm tee be was ot wteresies Ww Lrwg TER fake. WE # PEER Clit. Reh As # IE FE wink 1am oF FRA he legis 7 RARE W ne prot ats a ot of loose o£ wx Rds damage he Rams fioms of imhsyiRamis The comuibier VRER 18 Go0k poems 19 wilnesses Mier anil acu for the is GIy Es buse wt i of 3 Sid a aghweay Proce Werg " nny General Nering onlended that many HM WG wuestion en hak hovel wigie the former 4 Ny A Lyon the foekeh VE EOVEER LOY EFI S se of oR man in when be EOYRTRIRER for po £m he yy ef tira ployed wpe INTERPRETING THE NEWS Laos War Like Boys nung. Fhe it sat on walChing call for own offspr melling The no FRRIME be | 1g it wher aking their 2 pun Western in Lans now wind and Presi Kennedy § the first peed io "bring t present fighting ir lao to an end Premier Khrushchey n his weekend reply to British peace making efforts, left one clear: There will he little sad ness in Moscow if the Boviel hacked Pathel Lao forces use period of protracted negotiations to throw a few rabbit punches at the right-wing regime Washington officials say they will not talk while the fight ing is going on. They have no desire to he faced in mid-con ference with a fail ace Communist victory The Anglo - Russian reproach now being worked out would in volve a call for ceasefire reviving of the Canada - India Poland control commission, and the simultaneous calling of a 14 nation conference to work out a political settlement U.S. SEES HITCH The hitch, as Washington sees it, is the clear Soviet insistence that the 14 - nation conference go into session without waiting for firm assurance from the control commission that a cease fire is in effect The 1.8, view is nol unreason able, But there are many in the West who wish that the negotia tions now taking place had or curred earlier In late December Russia and India were hoth calling on the UK. (no agree to recalling the control commission, The U.S {under the urging of the Lao tian rightists, was cool to the | Suggs stion | At that time the pro-Western forces, led hy Gen. Phoumi No savan, had just gained control | of the capital of Vientiane and [the leftists were in full flight | CHANCE MISSED In retrospect it also appears | | right appears ne a ompli A the Eisenhower administration missed an opportunity to stabil-|Pr. € thing ed gain rnment and 3 a bad been up Souvanna Phouma Fhoum) EInEr new mi sel Ck aner Was CRI g Vien m arched on ine io estabhisn Lion ROYER pipe-smoking to be the with stand and he may second right coali The mild ill appear y an leader ing in "both camps J t a third opportunity In view of his widening split with the rightists and the fur ther strengthening of the leftis position, his chances do not ap pear bright Youvanns ' A 5 Vy" WRECK KILLS FOUR ed kage of JCF SRS base of 2 brok Wk four .: Kennedy Coming Here In May | (EV) anaia fa LS inface OK fzgerald Kennedy when the youthiyl first offic) gels at may i ranged Feb. W wher hree-hour Lak in the House with Mr. Kennedy confirmed by the prime ter's office Monday After their the prime i wou end minis February minister said take place hefore the id the of $ All Grade 12 Must Write Final Exams TORONTO (CP) Beginning n 1962 all Ontario Grade 12 sly dents will he required to wrile final examinations, Deputy Ed ucation Minister C, W. Booth said Monday In the past Grade 12 studenis who maintained high marks in a subject during the term could he recommended to Grade 13 for the subject Mr. Booth told the Ontario Secondary School Headmasters Association the policy was the result of experimental Grade 12 tests given by the department in 1058-50-60 The department had heen en ecouraging principals to discard the re ¢ 0 m mendation system | Writing of final Grade 12 exams {has heen required in Toronto for the last five He years said the change will pre pare students for more difficult departmental exams encount ered in Grade 13 BEAT INDICATION The headmasters were Lold hy A. Brown, registrar of the Ontario department of edu cation, that Grade 13 examina tions are the best indication of how a student will do in uni versity He told the association that universities are trying to blame their difficulties with increasing numbers of applications on the examination and the marking procedure Dr. Brown said his depart ment is taking steps to speedup the marking of papers. Because en bydro pole on Highway 24 i J near (i coming wo collision which J early June rather The Dis fen baker held president's four-day stay White tawa Was combined Senate 4 MECLINE former the Eisenhower current sitting WILL TALK PROBLEMS the Ont af 14 Lambeth with the | (EF Wire nesy firs { will take advantage of Wi visit 19 meet a problems ection of Canadian officials | MH speculated aft that anadiagn Was Risq Washingt ads of 5 om Lalks we he fale the general vs summer It was e Visi Beneraily Wu GRIREMEMS 10 NE wm common Aefence £F production materials May iry's share feature of | inn only sure RG) the would tackle problem of Canada relations and the strength ening of continental gid defence this coun 'Cheques Evidence In Brandon Trial BRANDI. Wan EF) wre Brenkon Fackess ATRSis EL ast a7 pe PUB IW wh payne (Gems SHEE a wien ed By Haak Fain wk 0. Baber Cor Hf Tammi Bark Resp oRass # he ERAIIRATY egimE WH (hk LW BER Tht "Frum n waiRasiibs win ATRIA WHE KARR 1H HER SHR I8 WB WORRY MRR SE bes fam the HR mew Peak we fam betwesn Jam. 1. 10H wna Boy. 1669 The Regwes WEIR WEES Wonder by ROWE Sz Del Ba RmIn A Mast Derr Amieres a5 RAINE for flare iRemiiics ba ati 3 the otal were wink heres (ating WORT isswer 19 Great West Saddiery Company Linpias, comtiones by Paton nk Cox and parent frm of Brandon PRekers Some Asi were Hole as ¢ Fees (OF IRARREEIER. seryices Sgt. Slaveniond (estified me chesne wm tins grow. for $45 900 and ised Apri 6, 195% WARE RELAIPAER BY B TERS tion Seyng 1. had heen isswes om Leilene Instnetions from Mr. Cox INDICATES REDEMPTION CORTRSDNACRER TEAR #4 bearing indicated that Pain #08 Cox IRAE prepRies sock beid by 1. €. Donsidsom of Brandon. 19rmer Wher Brandon Packers, then had the PREKIRE Firm reimbwise them for this payment The COrERsponfence Said FeAemption this preferred stock was part of the sale agreement completed when Pa on and Cox boweht Branden Packers from Donsidson Two cheques (olaiied $5174 and were Recompames by re ani IONE SRYIRE these were 1h for redemption of preferred ch of Brandon Packers. The LOUIS SCHABERGER TAILORING MOVED: FROM 4 ALBERY §7. 50 KING ST, E, BE a § Gun i aatadt 4 aed i a the nd with 8 cross £F of will be an addres membership and House practice followed on visi presidents Truman tn the of the of Commons is hy and Did You Know , . , in ONLY 95: the main Dining Reem sf the GENOSHA HOTEL you con nave © Full-course Dinner for | (OVER REGENT THEATRE | HAND- TAILORING off NER s DEIR PRE fe BNR KARANaE RE Tm ah CHE. Fam Crp iios |immies Wh Lamina [oo nai mmanie Campmr rat om Livwias Earer Wondey. Wogeluple Wiliam Dagny LImiiak & CT HACE (5H peri he Crown (9 AES hawk recnrds of fork Wet SpA Aer y. Paton CL apmrstion wok | emmar Corps: gime. The WREE RENE oF IRL wr the Baw of MWomtandt im Wines jeg wh Toros, Block Road In Montreal MONTREM, (EF)--The sith wh of 5. bawient Monde y theew 7 Dar icane RErnss pl Re: Kass Ines 19 Tienes anata Air Lines" et avert base iB sh WER FIT R The road. centre of 7 Aopwie for amy monihe. Was Kisses wih ight losis of earth and WRRKY IT ahs The city comme bas voted woamimansty 19 Weck Kad Pet's Ihe Way KH» i» say" 8. Lawent Mayor Mar #f Lawnn sed We haven't got $1509 19 RY [RF WIRRIIRE HRY YRIRERLS BR the pres And whiless we ie financial help from the OE PIOYRCIRl ROVER we Cannot 49 the work." YOUR RUGS CLEANED LAST? 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years Longer oR W i RA 6-468 NUWAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY §7, "MI work dons In Bhewe by Quelitied Orhawe Tochnl It is also expected Mr. Ken Half Load Regulations Are In Force On Ontario County & Suburban Roads Effective March Ist fo April 30th Vehicle loads may net exceed the allowable loads given under Section 31, Subsection. 3 of the Highway Traffic Act R, E, Sims, B.A. Se. County Engineer BRUCE V, MACKEY, B.A, Barrister, Solicitor ond Notary Public is pl 4' Roig Py Wg vig Bi wr Of 36; KING 87, E OSHAWA Phones; RA 8:2381 = Oshaws OL 54451 = Brosklin (Tues, pm) YU 5.2127 (Res:) Part Perry of difficulties involved It was un-| likely results would he available any earlier LOTS OF ROOM The main restaurant of the| Cunard liner Queen Mary, 18, 720 square feet in area, 1s the | largest room ever built in 8 ship | | EARLY JLLUSTRATION The earliest known Hiustra: tion in.8 news sheet was a bat tle scene made from 8 woodeut | in a pamphlet published in Lon don In 1513 OUTSTANDING would be a good description af this beautiful and practical Cape Cod style family home in the exclusive north-west distriet On the outside you'll notice the beautiful finish, the practical gars age, the sa charming shutters and the impressive entrance. ot to speak of the excellent landscaping, that will steal Mom's heart!) Inside you'll see the reemy Hall, the stairway coming down fram the three lovely bedrooms, and the ceramic tiled 4-piece hathreem, MORE MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN You can tell its Springtime again: Hardware stores are advertising the new paint lines and many anxious parents are beginning to wonder out loud if the city's brand-new $56,000 Rotary park swimming pool -- completed in late August of 1960 - will open in June The man on City Council wha (as chairman of the general purpose committee) has inherited the swimming pools headache is Alderman Albert V. Walker who will soon call in an outside expert to decide if any damage has been done to the pool by frost, Mr. Walker cleared another hurdle for the June re-opening of the pool when he recently got Council's authorization for a new $780 gas chlorinator to replace the one put in last year (which did not meet with the approval of the city's medical officer of health, Dr. C, C, Stewart.) Mr. Walker has the and children in hi blessing of hundreds of parents job as he tries ta iron out the wrinkles in the pool certainly the taxpayers will alse wish Bim well as delays, such as those in ghe past, mean that More money will be poured uselessly down the drain, i new SIT.-DOWN AT EMBASSY of The ide show by a left wing group that split off after a glant rally in Trafalgar Square against Demonstrator front itdown was the ald U Embassy build ing In London stage sitdown protests against nuclear wea. in pon a weanon Palice the new U.S building (AP Wirephota from London) ami reaching SY pre Kmbas via radio | wil Als gar the for kitchen all atten on nes The $23,000 asking price urges you to call us NOW, TORAY, ta tak FRAGMENT OF THE KITCHEN Dawnstairs, h the "wall 1a wall" mirror aver the a upstairs, and off the master bedroom, is a age! that would be just right for a den far Pad on the left, we enter the living roam (entire depth of house). Da you like french pravingial? This is the exact ream it. On the right the cozy dining ream, with a deerway to the Yes, the kitchen, it would take a whele page ta tell you about it. It's beautiful! This is the sort of home, vou see sa T.V. family shows! Exactly right for the successful busi: sman with a family vanity space (aver the e a look at this home. And please, don't feel obligated HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE RA 8.1679