Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 1

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5 ¥osr notice ow gone really fone ny one of a doll one? VOL, 96---MO. 7% story always reminds somes FOR TODAY ' Price on ver 0 Cove Per Copy Red China Backs Plan For Laos PING (Raters) am mamet Ching supports Rassias proposals fov a pegcrful solution ww Laos made in # note last wank to Britain, Chinese Vie Premier iw Ting ot sid here fomight Phe ehlists compy Mattahion of (Revi Viet Mamease) and weave devpped Monday Wy fovir Hyustias whieh flew there sovties over (he Ares No immediate confirmation of fhe repent was i eovyeet feftist forces "14 aduanee slements of govern meant trnops previssly reported sv ancing Mi mg Kasey miles add Latest reports suid tion remained confused region of Tha T) miles southeast of headanariers of Xieng mg. Tha Them (el ta the left] forces Friday Elsewhere (he tation was reported calm apart from spor adic patrol clashes and mainly ineffective artillery exchanges Lin, speaking at a Hungarian National Day here said "the proposal by the Soviet government 16 in the interests of Captain Raps Weather Report HALIFAX (CP)=The captain of 8 small German freighter which became stuck during the weekend in the jee off Nova Beotin today criticized what he described as inadequate' ice forecasting service hy the de partment of {transport Capt. Kurt Mueller of the 999 ton Busanne Reith said in an Interview it was impossible to navigate properly off the Nova Beotin coast because of insuf-| ficient information on the loca tion of ice belts, i He amid he had heen warned of the existence of ice belts he tween Sable Island and Cape Breton "That area covers a 000 square miles a The reer {AN Sine YALA a tie Vie I Aahia wila indicate off the slowly towards gnother 75 # Va "the ahowt 0 feftis Khem st Ph ve FREE om hout 18 New Highway Speeds TORONTO (CP)=Bpeed limits have been raised (0 make a uni: form #80 mph. on the Queen Flizabeth Way from Toronto: to! Fort Erie, except for a small section near the Welland Canal The cabinet by order-in-coun cil has increased the speed limit from 55 to 60 m.p.h. from the Humber bridge west of Toronto to Ontario Street in St. Cathar ines, and from the Homer Rridge at it. Catharines to Fort Krie, except for the Niagara Falls extension Roy Cowley, traffic engineer for the department of transport sald today that the speed limit was Increased on recommenda world peace gs well ae hose of the Laotian people." The Russians agreed Satavday fo the peed for an early crgpee fier in the Indochine Engdom and suggested an international aonference early Wis month in Prom Peal, Cambodia, fo Mis wigan (he [aotian siaation it wien agreed fo # fr proposal for the reactivation of Re (RIRE-DOWRY [IHaR SIPeryis wy commission with Taos ne iE mst ment as fire simie However, the the British note did not ically meet the West's proposal that » tree shoul dprecede an international conference Lin said the Chinese govern ment anda yoried the proposal by the viet Emon and considered (hi the correct way 16 # peaceful solution of the [Laotian question China took part in the 1954 Geneva conference and, under he Russian proposal, would be represented at the new (alks PAY TELEPHONE PAYS OILMAN GUILDFORD, England (AP)~'The pay telephone that millionaire Paul Gefty stalled in his stately English home is paying off Of course the guests are sing i," said Getty in an in terview, "and what's more the servants and the workmen we've got around here, they're using it too The American oilman, one of the world's richest men, in sialied the pay station last i week Lo help him keep track Twenty of his phone hill lines today mn 8 CAMpPRIZH "You know," he said in his to isolate South Africa and slow Oklahoma drawl, "the drive her out of the United Na British send you a telephone tions, 2 bill only twice a year and by | They demanded sanctions so the time you get it, well, it's [harsh that if approved hy the preity hard to work out just who made what calls "It's working out all right, end you see it's close to my secretary's office, If coins are needed, the secretary has them." i SAY on # Poviet reply to speeif pega Retry ely "wr nercan wr Westen Union that 4 outside Cuban Fri used to intercey by Castro forces The ¥-Aon Western Was waler day by YESLE) Union Co ITED NATIONS (CF) five African countries up the white - supremacy country would undoubtedly find it Im possible to stay in the UN Some Négro African delegates suggested In speeches that South Africa should be kicked out of the UN because of apar theid policies its Nationalist government still is pursuing de- spite repeated pleas by the world hody The question of racial strife caused by apartheid is being de: (bated in the #9-member special . political committee and numer ous speakers have referred to 1vel | South Africa's decision to with draw 'from the Commonwealth hecause of criticism of apar 60 mph, at the west approach theid to Perth; increase from 4 ar _ mph, at yi oe lr lo * ASK BOYCOTT Perth A resolution circulated hy the 25 African nations Monday night Highway 7B=~Decrease from 60 to 45 m.p.h, at the north ap proach to Peterborough Highway 17==Increase from 30 Ihe 99 - member General Assembly | NEARING FREEDOM Bg OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDA Oshawa APRIL 4, 196) dimes boo Ghee SHIP STOPPED BY CUBANS sald Pepa f ep Slates protested tate The United this "harassment on the high sens," "keep underseas cables in re pair, was forced was boarded and searched by Cubans and was released after six hours' detention, the inte port P Wirephoto Move To Qust S. Africa From United Nations called on all UN members to rica; close their ports to South isolate South Africa in diplom- African ships; forbid their ships acy and communications and from entering South African enforce an economic boycott un-| ports; boycott all South African less there is a change of policy goods and refrain from import: toward the 10,000,000 South Af-ling goods from there; and re rican non-whites, fuse landing and passenger fa But 8 split among the non-|cilities to South African air white countries was apparent! crafl from the outset and. it wis clear, These that muny countries -- while outlined in a ready 10 join in deploring apar-| Alex Quaison-Sackey and theid--would stop short of theldecision to embody them in a drastic measures proposed by! formal resolution was also seen the 25, influenced by the more radical: India, Malaya and Ceylon ~| minded new Al rican Holes, later joined by the United Arab such as Guinea and Mali . a Republic = had introduced the U A R. is co-sponsoring both milder resolution, asking 'alll resolutions i states 10 consider taking such) During debate -- some % single and collective action as speakers have heen heard pines are open to them to bring ahout|it started Marc h Bh-airimie 1 " the abandonment" of apartheid, erence Is sometimes made ' Observers have noetd that in|the part that a South Afr oh the 45-country Afro - Asian bloc| played in the formation of pe the older Asian countries have UN, A prime minister of the tried to exercise m restraining|country, the late Field Marshal influence on newly-free African|Jan Christiaan Smuts, wrote the countries eager to flex their dip.| preamble to the UN charter lomatic muscles, deta ' The new draft démands tha Bomb Blasts French Exchange all countries: Break off diplo matic relations with South Af PARIS (Reuters) Twelve persons were injured today! measures were first speech hy Ghana's the to 40 mph, in Kenora and the east part of Keewatin, and from #0 to 50 mph, In the west par of Keewatin Garden River Indian reserve =Decrease from 80 to 50 mph. | Highway 81--Decrease from io to 40 m.p.h, at the north limits of Strathroy; increase from 50 to 5 m.p.h, from Kirathroy to HOLLANDIA (AP)=The New Guinea Council, billed hy The ' Cold Shoulder Irks New Guinea when a bomb exploded on the first floor of the Paris Stock Ex | [change shortly after closing time, | | The blast shattered windows in the exchange and other ad [jacent buildings, It also broke |waterpipes, flooding the ex: The U.S, 5 the only member|change's fish story, of the South Pacific Commission] whe homb was believed to Spy Scare DUNOON, Scotland (Reuters) The United States submanne Patrick Henry docked in Holy Loch here today as British se curity officers redoubled their efforts to smash » spy ring ap parently operating in the area The spies are alleged to he radioing information shout the Polarid-equipped Patrick Henry and her mother ship Proteus to Russian trawlers lying outside the Scottish three - mile tern torial Bim The Patrick Henry had heen away from her anchorage in the loch since Seturday night, with her movements kept secret by Briitsh and American naval au thorities Officers of both navies refused today 10 comment on press re- ports that the submarine might have had a close look st the spy" trawlers Pair Remanded | On Robbery Charge James Hutchison, 3M, of Osh-| awa was remanded in custody) for one week when he appeared today in court charged with armed robbery in the theft of shout $1300 from the Bethany branch of the Toronto-Dominion {Bank March 23, A second man, Robert French, | 24, also of Oshawa, was re manded in custody until Friday | to appear in court at Cobourg. | Bethany is about 25 miles northeast of here J LONDON'S DAMP weather doesn't faze this youth, walk. ing to Trafalgar Square for mass meeting of group oppos- ed to the use of nuclear wea. pons yesterdgy, The barefoot- ed hoy was Th one of two col: umns of marchers who con. verged on the city, Following the rally the group staged a mass sitdown in front of the U.S, embassy in London (AP Wirephoto) U. K. Pacifists Land In Jail LONDON (Reuters) = Thirty-iarrested Monday close to the one men and women were|United States Embassy in Gros. scheduled to appear in London|venor Square police courts today 'as & result] Pwenty » five more anti » nu of incidents after Monday's ciearites were jailed near the "han-the-homh" protest rally in police station at Saville Row, Trafalgar Square, where (he other arrested dem: Four persons were arrested injonstrators had heen taken. the square in the heart of Lon-| Canon John Collins, & leader don as the anti-nuclear rallyiof (he Trafalgar Square rally, broke up, An estimated 23,000( said the sitdown protest in Gros: marchers and another 7000 yonor Square had nothing to do spectators were at the meeting, with the Aldermaston or Weth: For some of the marchers, |ersfield marches, the rally marked the end of four| As the Trafalgar Square meel weary = and frequently wel=|ing dispersed, a column of about days of walking, (300 marchers, calling them: Two columns of marchers, |5elves the anti - Polaris group, lone from the British govern: headed toward the US Em: {ment nuclear establishment at|bassy, Secor Class Her Department, Hens » -- _ More mined doud and sunshine sre predicted, with temperatures inging steady upward, "SIXTEEN PAGES NGO LEADER S FIGHT UN y Airfield Clash Injures Swedes ELISABETHVILLE (AP) ~ President Moishe 7: of Katanga province, thwarted in a move to seize Elisahethyvilie girport from Upited Nations forces, angrily called on bis sup- porters today to gel ready to fight the UN He ordered full mobilization in the Congolese province and turned this capital city into an armed camp He handed the UN forces an ultimatum to surrender the air port within twe howrs but then Tshombe announced he and UN officials had reached an agree ment to avert an explosion Even as this was announced frenzied Africans were milling ahowt uniformed Swedish UN troops, attacking them with stones and smashing their cars Two Swedish drivers were res cued by white members of the Katanga army This army is commanded by Tshombe but many of Ms offi- cers are Belgians retained by Tshombe PREVENT SEIZURE BID Aplatoon of 24 Katanga froops, led by Belgian officers tried (0 seize the airport hefore dawn. A dozen Swedish troops al the airport thwarted the at- tempt In a rage, Tshombe delivered "The Swedes may not leave the airport in two hows," the president shouted. "If pot, | will ask all of you, together with the police and Katanga army, 19 march on the sirport. You will fight, you will shoot, you will recapture the airport." But before the uitimatum was to take effect, Tshombe an- nounced he had reached the agreement UN officials said Tshombe had agreed that the airport showid return to the joint control of Ka- tanga authorities and the United Nations CARS ATTACKED Hemmed in by almost crazed Africans, this correspondent watched atiacks on two UN Swe- dish cars The crowd halted the cars and threatened the Swedes with ma- chetes, Others scampered to the roadside to gather stones, They began to stone the Swedes in their cars and within minutes the windows were smashed, The occupants were bleeding Some whites with the Katanga army forced their way through the mob to rescue the two Swedes, They forced the bleed: {ing men to sit up and drive {through the crowd, while Ka- tanga troops clambered on the his ultimatum, He told 2 5, | screamin ithe Swedes must ulation, : crowd of 10,000 that| 4 quit the air-|cans attacked | port within two hours or face at-| Police went to her tack by the capital's entire pop Nearby a group of angry Afri- Packie a while woman, 3 but not before she was Racked seys eral times across the hody, Canadians Held By Congo Troops LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuly?s)-~ Congolese troops set up road. blocks around Leopoldville Mon- day and detained five Canadian soldiers for eight hours at nearby Thysville military camp before they were released un: hurt The Canadians, who were not in uniform, comprised four ser: geants and a private, They were driving in 8 UN jeep when stopped at a road: block shout 16 miles outside Leopoldville while on a pleasure trip. They were not injured, al though one of the sergeants said a Congolese soldier tried to slap them and a large crowd gath. ered and spat at them outside the Thysville camp, The Canadians were 8gt.-Maj, Ken Carleton of Winnipeg, Sgl, Anthony Canic of Vancouver, Sgt, Mike Melnick of Moncton, N.B., Sgt. Jim Hodson of Trenton, Ont., and Gunner Ken: neth Core of Rimbey, Alla, The Canadians were then driven to Thysville where a ma- jor ordered their release, On their way out of the camp | they stopped for gasoline and a {large crowd gathered and spat at them, But their driver saved them, "What was the worst par Carleton sald, "not knowing what the crowd would do." ENCOUNTER ROADBLOCKS The Canadians ran into sev: eral more roadblocks on the way to Leopoldville but there were no more incidents. A Congolese officer's staff car escorted them the last few [miles into Leopoldville, (" Blizzard Hits Northern England LONDON (Reuters)--An April tions of a highways department [Netherlands as a step toward that did nol accept the Dutchip,ve peen planted in a wash: Aldermaston and the other from! Police reinforcements were blizzard stopped traffic and up: Highway 22; decrease from 50 to 45 mph, at south limits of Strathroy; increase from 50 to report Other speed changes are Highway 7==Decrease from 60 self-government for Dutch New |invitation, Delegates are ex:| Guinea, opens Wednesday and|pected from France, New Zea: | the United States is being se land, Australia, Britdin and The room, Police sald most of the in: base at Wethersfield-made the to 55 m.p.h. from Petersburg to Kitchener; increase from 45 to 5 Smph. from Strathroy Mount Brydges and from Mou Brydges to Highway 2 to yerely criticised for refusing to ntisend official representatives to {the inaugural session Mac Heads For Talks On Western Solidity KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reut ers) = Prime Minister Maemil:| lan was scheduled to fly to Washington from this West In dies island today for talks with President Kennedy aimed at rallying the Western Allies and meeting the Russian = Chinese challenge Talks between the two leaders open Wednesday All cold war issues will he discussed in Washington, includ ing Laos, Berlin, disarmament, the Geneva nuclear test han ne gotiations and recognition of Communist China Reports of the Macmillan Kennedy conference at Key West, Fla, March #0 indicate! the Anglo-American alliance is] fn good shape and that the two paders established a close re lationship based on mutual con idence and respect Observers here believed Mar millan will urge the Kennedy administration to co operate on three main policies L Britain and the United States must continue to insist that West Germany and other the British 'note asking for a ceasefire, reactivation of the three-nation control commission and an international meeting to solve the problem "There are certain points to he cleared, but 1 feel optimistic allies with large balance-of-pay:| about the general conditions," ments surpluses assume more Macmillan said responsibility for defence and, ald to poor countries | 2. Better use must be made of Western resources to combat the Russian +» Chinese advance throughout the world 1. Western defence policies must be streamlined, strategic planning reappraised and waste and duplication eliminated in the Allied military organization and in weapons research Observers here believe Mac millan will devote his speech al the aMassachusetts Institute of Technology Friday to the theme that the cold war is primarily an ee ie contest for which WASHINGTON (A) ident Kennedy, ending his Faster vacation in Florida, will fly back to Washington late to 'day for his meeting with Prime Minister Macmillan, who is scheduled to arrive from The West Indies at 6 pom, EST To save the prime minister from bucking the capital's rush hour traffic, a helicopter will take him to the Naval Observa tory grounds next door to the Rritish Embassy. He will stay day visit CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.111 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6371 WOSPITAL RA 3.2211 | State Secretary Dean the Western alliance must het ter prepare istelf SEATO PLEASED On the Laotian question, Mai millan said Monday Britain and other members of the Seutheas Home Monday night Asia Treaty Organization were to start preliminary work with pleased by the tone and char [Rusk on acter" of the Russian reply to| Russia's note on Laos. 10 Macmillan at the obser vatory. Rusk meets earlier in the day with Earl Home, the British fareion secretary wrived | Hague, {won't hand the territory over to [ficial {used to self-rule for the 700,000 Pres. | al the embassy during his five.| Rusk| will extend an official welcome| flown back from Castro on anl Americans and reached the sub! [jured were stockbrokers or (clerks, One was in serious con: | dition, they said, The explosion was the latest] in a series throughout France and Algeria, most of them blamed on right-wing extrem: ists opposed (0 Algerian self: determination, Three Moslems were injured Monday night by a homb thrown into a Paris cafe from a car, while in Marseille the ground floor windows of the Tunisian consulate were blown in by an other bomb, Scots Board Nuclear Sub DUNOON, Scotland (Reuters) Frogmen dunked two nuclear disarmament demonstrators in Holy Loeh today after they had Plane With Team Lost Over Chile rived pursuers und boarded SANTIAGO (AP)=A Chilean submarine Patrick Henry aitliner was missing today with) The two demonstrators, butch officials here claim that the UK, bowed to strong pressure from President Su karno's Indonesian government, which has broken relations with The Netherlands because she Indonesia, "America naughty," heen one Dutch has sald very of About 100,000 month elected 16 the 38-man council, The re mainder were appointed - hy Governor PP, J. Platteel, Only five members are Dutch, the rest Papuans, The Netherlands has pledged that within one year the Council will be asked to recommend the approach to be Papuans last members of persons living in the Dule controlled portion of the island who [43 persons aboard, includinghad been keeping watch with| members of a professional Chil:'athers from the loch shores, set fan soccer team out in canoes as the Patrick] The plane was on a flight to Henry returned after two days Santiago from Castro, 600 miles al sea south of the capital, Aboard] As she was being moored to were part of the Green Cross/ihe depot ship Proteus they team, The rest bf the team had|dodged launches manned hy) earlier plane marine The missing plane was due in. A fragman dived off the sub Santiago Monddy night. ts last mapine and dragged one demon message, fram near Arviea, 18 geator ta the he miles south of Santiago, gave no sorambled up the hull hint of trouble ond got water as The ahoard hefore 'another SOC a Western reply to] The Chilean ir Force began frogman grabbed him and beside the first ia : pushed him everboard, the United States Air Forcelgent to Grosvenor Square to {cordon off the embassy, A spe: {cial police order forbidding en {try to the square was put into Two other demonstrators were effect, trek to 4.ondon, Other protest. ers joined the columns on the : i 8 " CASTRO ORGA Prime Minister Fidel Castro, left, and President Osvaldo Dorticos of Cuba sit two mem- bers of pewly organized Union lap! night. The children, Mar garita Gomeg, left, and Julio Hodson said: "One Congolese | soldier rushed over to us set sports schedules in northern screaming, told us to get on our| England today, Snow fell aver a of Rebel Pioneers in Havana | iform of the knees and tried to slap us, Sgt. wide area, Horse-racing and a number of professional rughy and soccer matches were can- celled, Canic's glasses were broken," Other Congolese troops told the attacker to stop, chil old will for years they group, dren seven to 1 From this grow Fernandes, are dressed in un. | graduate into the Association NIZES CHILDREN'S GROUP | of Rebel Youths,' an educa tional-military organization of youths 14 to 25 years, x «AP Wirenhoto

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