Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 13

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27 Rest Estate for Sale 27 Raat Estate for Sele 27 Rani Estate for Sole FE DOWN ns Teast oknin 8% al sere reciRensisl WAARG lof Bool ony, Resear ons Beek BORER of Teupten, M8 gRIRA BAR fiek, Red PRIYA ¥E 4 WAL £ wil Fill PRICE $17506 fly iad Reing 'Good weit. Bow FA 170 a toy, 1 Friner Sveet. RAE 5.1606 FHI tidy BER DRIVATE SALE | cone ot IIE ww We PRIVATE CALS : FULL PRICE a Service Hot 4 $10,900 oraeary "ore Fr $2000 DOW ie iE GAS A For par RIL Bar er nGEY shale SOA SOTEE Vv oar DOUGLAS L GOWER REALTOR LTD FA B45) pw DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL LAND Formerly Home Dairy and. Fashion Yillege AB'G by B2 6 OR AS SEPARATE PARCELS POSSIBILITIES OF DOUBLE FROMTAGE EACLUSIVE AGENTS | RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS EA B5107 RA BS5I08 19 ATHOL ST. W O-P-EN For Your In Saturday, 2-7 p.m ye wring mirters AY GIIRGE, tare fram Chane 185s RGF 5 miles Saerifice price dann Gyre v wy ay i FA 444 witelde for renting LEAVING COUNTRY SELLING BELOW MARKS 4 PRICE ment, large fenced for. Close psd fot TY » 2506 ; $75 monthly ik cy §:36 ng ream win place. Surry Preskiost Ares style lgndscaped bestia & open its ering A # Hs, sre he nom wo Gd SE REY nd Ge IVE, 9 Linfiry irks pasting waged rem wi FERS HASSE A PM WEEK rit 630 FM ri Sit $13,356 ATHE HITEREST WITH EXTEAS FOE YA) THESE HOMES PERIENCE i tors ALEMER 39677 eA rites RA TART AY §1,2006 | LLOYD REALTY | 2 70 Baleamy 5T WITH {Eri £ MM YIAIE £4 HN £6 Calf THIET 186 Elisabet Finck MOVER Rl p £ HUBER AYE CEH PAY ME A SCHOFIELD INCE As MAIN FLOOR BROADCASTING CEMTRE 360 KING ST WEST PA AREA AT REAR MeFEETERS FA BALLS HII EE ABOUT OLE EW PEEFAERICATED HOMES COTTAGES "GARAGES Ins sociates Ltd feet on id Toiephrme This Quality -built Homes JAMES ALLEN FRUCT To Hembonr District LAKE E ITE APARTMENT (/ Tele E jated ' Tele ely hmished 2% roam Bungalow FOO REF 10, POE AJAX REPAIR and CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phair Ave. East Ranch style, new roomed Bungalow & ge, wall te dg f fi Crshawe Brick with gar well Brasdioom r cavering, beautiful fire ented by place, built-in valance, beth LS MAC KO, REAI TOR mam fixtures colored, ver ty, tiled walls. Extrg special KA B.Abb) inside. Asking $17,400 with $4,000 down, Fhete Cop fist neg iw FEL In Hi Hlsdal VY chw lerrace or ii : 1 VEANORILE wool 3 RONTIAG STREET EAS AHA A RA B-5103 OM BEA HARRY F. MILLEN CEDAR GLEN BUILDING JERI A BOLAHOOD EEA EL DISNEY EAI STATE B2 A OF % hii" Gil gi ei Drew Street b-roomed | Erick heme with ell medem conveniences. Upstairs rented for 870 menthly, Self-con tained. Asking $11,600 with $1,500 down §-reomed heme with oil fur nace, small barn on 10 geres, located B miles from Oshawa Price $6,500 with $1,500 down NORTH EMD end location ree bedroom bun ement gar Hellywood TOR INAIRANCE 167 SIMECE § | LOW DOWN PAYMENT | Recres 4 bedroom home with garage, 1 re close te Ritson Bd South Hardwood and tile Hoos just steps to schools, shops and bus; easy terms. Why pay rent all and see his one, osk for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544 or 58342 FOR Heaven's sake, you owe II 18 yourself to inspect this one year-cld &-room brick bunge- low with 2 baths that yey can buy for enly $600 down Carries for $77 monthly en an NHA. mortgage that uns hill Call Jock Appleby 5.6544 on 3.3398 2 3 north gut ful 11 ONTARIO STREET PHOME RA B- 1679 | gol hind 204 Jingle ae: i CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10:30 a.m. Good selection, Chevrolet Pontiges, and '6) Corvalrs Buy or sell. Good terms available. 285 Grenfell St, RA 8:5179, WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER RA 5-033] We have 8 good assortment of Used Cars Ld heTs we rh RA S060 aller : } " h finishes m with bar ar 58 Central Park Blvd 5 neat & mom bungalow wil drive, carries for $63.00 per £ 2 complete home £00 and taxes. Priced 7 pale. La RA 33770 for an appointment £2600 DOWN see right away anch bungal with three m--- ms, hardwood and tile L, S. SNELGROVE CO, LTD, | A i kitchen RA 3.9810 RA 5-876) # Full rks $2 500 43 PARK RD § 10 ACRES "$1,000 DOWN of Whithy, 10 level with lovely bungalow, Central Park Bivd, Morth, 6 mom 115 storey family h featuring medern kitchen, dining reem, living reem 13 recreation n, garage, paved 12-reomed BrIEK neuse In Bowmanville all modem conveniences. Centrally lo cated, nice quiet street, |degl for apartments. Asking $16 500. Terms far quick to month, | MG nigrest grt | Loreen Kellett hi #le ii Rows Street é-reomed brick house, gall modern con veniences. Upstairs rented Recreation ream In basement Price and terms arranged Frank Hunter RA 5.2974 Dangld Mountjoy MA 3-350 28--Real Estate Wanted | TRAENTIV required Follege Hin io trict, bungalow "with basement Wows ment. Please call RA 57754 Dom Heal Eslale 29 --Autemeblies for Sale | |"88 METENR Ridésy, arignis 27 Raat Estate for Sole (27 Resi Estate for Sole (29--hutomobiles for Sole $2--Articles for Sole THE OSHAWA TIS, Tossiey, Apt 4, 1969 3 ow Iie -- # UR soon raat a" ry rindi or Bry By hay Atl B sisi 1A Rie rs re gine PF eeshons B48) 5 yy be roi Prd A FETE Arie §aA ERvade, oN A fivep ans FI, ABER rin rs Fd or Y iat oted el Bhs Jit at (it REY Ld Yoh b 1 Rowan 14h, BEAR amiatooing me Comes, fora % Age A Lg aos" pr sy pices # li dacad wie a 4 . # a cata Cad A A gillys sis ppp A By ing fh 0g TN fied 4.44 Ay oA wy oot - 0 RITES Arad ids vi por ns. [Avie or, cles = BEBE. 105 workatie, rest Geetare, 1a Se , prom FI fr; v -~ Wh 1 e ur yu oF £30 FIO IFT nr a PoP ae fileA pn dinetion ame mh vin of A Goto Bais" site "oth bk 'de, amis wh droge, ic VEWACHAVY, Co. (AV) --iat thats repeh, port of he ges i. focrmimmmed dev Spade ( (minh BEVING § earth mwas Won ve Viose ow mars. som oh hind besten death Hominy Mght mites iii Loé Angeles McQUAY 2 KIDDE AE x wicks ah 9 "Hy CAPES IIT FRR dee or nes pw Pe the sherll's office re from 5 the last REALTORS x, io ren few yenrs, hae been active rg 8 (ts a vi aye rie min th {pharm » Open 99 [Pitars ie 197 5 Rh re WaTY har of the 1040s, wil be suet we, tr 4 WHITEY MO 8.3414 a trade in oliow Thad IRier 19007 TB SHSTHEIAN ie i os Eee, Lig i ed ool Arf marer Agi TORONTO EM 39603 [54s sehen, vn A 8 {anley gn fiver, A ad low mhiespe # . $3000. fli down peyment TIME Erbe Aeshe, $18 Bg Fah TEEHETS rh MAPLE GROVE $bwdroomm brick de ia J A, hal, ster Sin So A ht. "» B.. seid of the band iepder with carport, tastefully dec He's ali Hark wo That's oll | Hi BEIEK toe bassin, 19% Ore WHA mortgage of (tren ln ation 5] sin, Ton lo Ar a fo Fri Yims dy ie wile Eis Mee © g Mice Cire Men's Brotharinod b% cores bor 4 7 ¥ aid home ING one: " ole, Teter on yl. vis pr held month. Lan J "IYhg f Arn A ot ", AEN) mitt 4 igi Bis hi. 100, 9 84 hoital Vie VRR Li 'A a en dd bevm y dom brick tam ee Tee rer h wr LAY dAesner repoies, mer we wile 19 hospital ar-Ad modern brick bun Bin 48d veil Assigned wing " r A ot 17 yay wif wbill ech ¢ 140 ie FOUND IN BEDROOM Nadies Wight! and the men ream with french door 16 G6 7] EWEVRAET privaie, phe je 5 4 i anytime Dody was found In © bedroom pis A ol fimished and cold serve ge |emdition, BH Goll WA 04 ivi A [i vied BoA mel bedroom gaanional hwing [198 TIAL [Inverse $95, pest vere Ais 2 hticles for Sole qiarters or Hudy end office let im 5 Bowe Srest lor mgs Fr i bane mo Lad A ay ng ng ied Wy EL litany Hanes, 1 woped. To inspect call My WERCERY gins U7 a Ai uh was plants Yue Farikhel savin wigs FT Swop ond Sor chl selections were presepied WH RORGE, Trt , He cinder, Heb up snd Aehivery by Mr. BH. Oshorne, Mr. W. Me Hanksrd Lransinispon, wn fons ¥. #7] fA Jrvte " oo ig Real Estate + Bord vier. Aimy #5 Town Tine Bm TR lathe. Mies, pipe ies, ae, ersenies, ail of Courtice, W 08 [7] Try nmin on blows 45 Brown introduced the guest JOHN F DEWITH® tation om Burd Street West ire ul Fredereh, wily jot i CT LA ea speaker, Mr. Howsrd Malcolm 1950 METEOR, lonr Aner sensh, Wy WIRES. IW Wires netaves, $98 Poe iby Lv f id [I ie 10 Warrkh boen recep inp io Russia. Mr. Mal REALTOR AND 4 IW ROMY rwvier, motor #5 HP colm, assisted by his wile, Riso LSTATE Aula Yasnranss Bove GR 10 sion wleciris. In' good condition ' 4 " cont. Bix ponihe 10 Woy. FOF hime Bh S994 OVE Tack bod Tan hens hoy Con showed colored pictures. Jack WER 16 home id A § 700 : # By A 55148 Dine Ine " yy o | NEWCASTLE Phone 334) A ITD i Trap ig FERRI] Peet Telephont # Re aA whe and Mrs ROWE SRP clean, $110. Fp AwnGs Con RL A oc | Steve Doyle volced thanks for PONTING, Bond condition, evmlom _\the ladies for the very pleasent fod Ro ao. OWE » y Ar hoster, "Hm, "Teiepnme HA LOWEST prices Ih, Rg ri BOARD OF | President Glen Pickell recall cantina "wie b maiching ohpirs, led memories of the first meet "pins i Jat in EDUCATION [5 "Shich wae held 15 years di her OF THE CITY OF cole odin +i diel" ht oe |e BA CA H Courtice Cirewlt met at Maple " yy Tessinanie, Tol wo atid Grove Hall on Friday evening, sr "Ying mors Wy Nov, 15, 1088, with fhe purpose "ORD for Wart "i hirer TENDERS 4a wl Faeries darlin ad Reverend W. C. Smith called '" WRN Jou pies. ite Tels: | i wh 44 phone. BA mere ior. | Pen pes 44 raps " For ™e Raviacemet plained on 4 h of Boilers gethe 0 RORGWORD hells AW hie oa Tt sons why # Brotherhood might tan, mow Wiss, wh ah 0% mh {$9774 alle horn Hain LIN There had heen some doubt I" 2 i » Rosny aa, Torn chet, A g, od os caren INSTITUTE of 10 the Wisdom nf Sheh Bp OF in) "HE fe SEALED TENDERS |ssnisation but when the men on disappeared, The large Oshaws Hardwar ak Administrator and Secretary Chiren sireel RA 37 Treasurer of the Board of |MIMbers wi were present igi oom of Education of the City of |[rom Ebenezer, € , Base ile, maliboss, West, Oshawa, Crane, will [the hall ahie, table 18mpH be received wohl 3 The guest spe yo for il Mel Tuesday, April Tot, | ¢, evening, Mr, iy , Virgin " School at Boilers, O'Neil tatlogions od Bowmanville gave & very inter: esting address, Plans, cifieations A nd The Nominating Committee i pe wm Band Leader's a ., ey, wryiee, ®1 pn Au sie BILAN, modern Hu PROVES OW THEE apmiiton, A ys pi 1 wip, while fe od Pig riomy peenes Wi Eh pesiwe, eet 4 Gov ment, pred seek, $0. Homie Timm en fu, ude Wit" " test Hier pik rok pag Teider, Wh Fie estranged wie of Band M9008 resi sthole dav wo 77 Woon £0025 gt the Conley, Wh TWIae Fetvement 44d ul a pt rtd into wh og ud gecriag vofted or ergson py As ii his biog Brain Jivasimene ww this twitioy Picia, 31% Brack $0. § wih Can he Rppneed CA Depwiy Joh Howard potin "ihren 3 {lose FORTH g- tr pi A 4 ie heng $13,900.00 Cavin. RA So igi BA Unive shertf 1. (#0 B51 Monk Biraet plies 6 pm 4 e, rated aod Filly londsaped in pa | oon tall ¥ MAPLE, ROWE The Cone ior Wider Ao GREEN STREET a HRA Weperiment, bers Vin X 1444 28s is Fpe new Lacan Clgener Bepni bev ie sherifl's office said the yore yory efficient in the "or Aer Basement compleiely lpeige and £ PIER, EIR WATLE pm F ner fu Fully decorated ond Jond- |THE Fase er baad Tons i wan ae fois Brig mer ar | was enjoyed. Ms, AUTRUATIE iin f the Chane ond Kmght, Mr. snd Mrs, 1, on CORTON IIp Phe dam dass id Jot aid oy he ERAN iin 4 a Fr vs WARY her of Janetville, wha described bis EAigRen, Rew ph uf Kant moet phone BA 8.19% Mier 8 pm Lost & Found GENERAL INSURANCE Fariansl service ok your home sal DINING rom siile, B Fieck, oak, Ven Lv Hurrie expressed thanks tn all had entertained ih hele § [¥ BA #425 Cleve Fox, 418 Elmeos Worth 36---1egel Su evening, Hie chrome mile AHenon ' wins, rola, 7 nk. chairs, while may | ago. For example "The Men of OSHAWA {A is fT of organizing Mier 6p eplimates hae full ad si t o py i O'NEILL COLLEGIATE and|well be started on the cireuit " 10 Meiside Wvemve Eb athered in such numbers PAINT, Thien, wR addressed to the Business down Aelivers! Yim So Oshawe 555 Rossland Read [line and Maple Grove, filled ' eh, 0 for the Keplacoment of the Boys AN Form of Tender mo reported these officers i iron EE washer Telephone 4 rh fi of thd : fin i H Ann GIRL'E EE ise 11 1a na "an cont, skirts, I hd * flrs ie, ICYOLE, WW", a ah Ee Nk inh, huh erick, LEAVING WaT mutt oo wo fabs Ha ielevision, hie Bed, ohe field char, RA $3874 aller tained from the ores of the Consulting Enginesr on or i A | am 196), on der $50 for sach set WK or any tender not necessarily accepted, W. HARDY CRAIG, Consulting Engineer, 2175 Victoria Park Ave, SCARBORO, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATES OF GARLAND BURL HOAG ond LOIS RACHEL HOAG, both late of the City of Oshawa, In the County of Ontarie were elected; President, Soon Annis; viee-president, R, Stevens; secrstapy, W Wiliam Lye cett; treasurer, Fred Blevens; Song leader, Jas, Hancock; pianist, Leslie Collacott; Pro ram committee, Walter Run« le, Ken Courtice, Roy Van Camp, Emest Twist, Lloyd Snowden, George Barker Wii liam Laird and My, Beckell; § clal committee, Les Colncatt Grant Bennett, Lou Hockin, Charles Oshorne, Arthur Gay and Lloyd Crago, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, James Dickson and family, Gravenhurst, spent last weekend ith his parents Mr, and Mrs, 7, 8, Dickson an Karen, Mrs, Alan Bnowden was hon paid RA me 18 full study hy (iid mw YOU MUST SEE This well-built brand-new 5: mom brick bungalow with sliding windows, Hill price $12,500, Only $884 down with ene morgage for bel ance. Ta inspect call Anthany Siblock RA 5.6844 or 5.4362 We regs antenna, private with ry . on, sv large living reem, 3 dow garage paved Irive halt acre of land. Just at | | Hr} de city limit Wannep new reef One at Speak Member WILSON REALTOR | Slavie Languages storey brick home ODREB il heating, Nerth GM RA 3.2333 51396 LUCAS PEACOCK, REALTOR garage and hen house, House hardwood Hoors four piece bath and fireplace, oil and bedroom on main flo 2 bedrooms and bathreem up heat. divided basement. Per size basement divided for recreation ream, laundry Foam fect condition. £3 500 down room and furnace ream, ei heating, storms and i drive, free inspection without obligatior $11,300 FULL PRICE = r J m hungalone $9,500 FULL PRICE a ee $1,500 down, § room, 3 bedroom | V4 starey heme, extra large Madern kitchen, very large madern kitcher piece bath, full size living reem and 2 bedrooms basement, oil furnace large lot with double garage, Immaculate ndition north lecatior OSHAWA BLYD, NORTH : ease. ask f $11,500 full price, $1,500 down, 6 room 114 fae fanned nicely decorated, modern kitchen, forced air by enings arivate drive and garage entral location for lant BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN aha whi hi ot 1 OR utomabiles Wanted chanigally. Musi sell. HA 58141 LAKESHORE Aula Wreckers 1060 PONTIAL, exelent condition, i Lr far wrecking: Highest prices Hirdl [vragen meter, Rp ale hig: accept brads, Can be financed, $3108 LiL. | phone RA 86180 Rearkat offer. HA F139 bk fhrigh aw oid UL! a os ANE General Elestn ashes with WW OPLYMOUTH se Nn Cho Je in Four awn livin f | mutam abi adi hiileh "aril Ch the br favsitind under h Vida oii sou A Dew. Apply 780 Grier Hid p fo = King West | A in. office desks In A i: (ving Contes allo apposite "Shop SPOT CASH thon faF bale Telephone WA Yili th PAID FOR PIANO Helnetinan, sand sandition, Goad A Trad reasanahle. Telephone RA 3.363% Sond clean cars iL 8 UP (GAR stave Mingls" and "NM or dawn. Liens paid off frigerator, apartment sls hin good condition. Ressomahle STORE AND APARTMENT 2 highwa ar f busing jown payment " in RA urtice, a geod oppertunit nd regsanable Located on Ne for various line CallL § terms GROCERY iarters, ¥ SMALL MiP i n 1 9 legated in Westm full hh dawn plus st COMMERCIAL 8 t price $11,500 with $2,500 LOCATION Corner lot 110 x 8% ft m home, gar BUILDING LOTS Tad hi 4 ta age and work $2.000 A $2 choase from Nonguen Rd | £ Wilsen Rd. N Hampton, 88 $1,250 inches lt SNELGROVE Ca, Ltd. RA 3-9810 or RA 5-876] WHITBY CLASSIFIED | RA 5:4330 RA 8.5109 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 Open 92:00 a.m, to 2:00 p.m THE GREEN SHOWS UP against the grey of the house nd the blue of There's 13 f lovel landscaped trees shrubs urraunding this Adelaide Street home. Three pede lining ream living roam with fireplace, ofl REDUCED $2,800 00 ro Roor m At tained Seven lus large sunro I kitchen rated. Con ng Ihe Nn one mortgage ill rene Brown, RA awner ih lawn and the NHA RESALI SHELLEY AVI bed Bung ondition and m, with eed hot with m brick ellent mil kitcher ams, plus spacious living electric fireplace. F 607 KING 87 OSHAWA East of Wilsen Read) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5.5574 CAR INSURANCE Careful drivers are preferred drivers and enjoy q saving of $10, $15 or $25 or hetter than 20% an their ear in surance, Half-year payments, Call us today and compare ample free parking SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Lid 360 KING ST. WEST RA 3.22645 | MOTORS Cyst POPP MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 30421 50 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk ""Cash" ta the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS RA 3:4494. Res, RA 5.5574 $ALL CASHS$ Fer clean ears we deal up or down, Liens paid oft NICOLS MOTOR SALES 513 BROCK ST, N,, WHITBY bi 2} | 8a 1) $l Ld Bair, very LR LLL] SEE Filmer 4 washer, chen ar bedroom furniture, The { hhireh FRases, Chureh sr CYOLES, two girly' OOM, ie Alze, one hallean tre, ane fads ixeellont condition, RA §4 WALNUT bedroom wills eum cleaner, portable aay passer, goad condition Phyle, Telephone id ARLE dropleal, (Ji RA Pinean chairs, eamplete $40 LRU ou need peifrl ya iif slave, eke dining yi Nias 39804 open Monday throug! turday NOTICE! Fabulous ving on hahy new Tiages mages 0A, latge wll I! ane orihey ie oe, Ky $40, ww stialle i Ale i i winartle , Wrniture, 30 AUTOMATIC All persons having slaims against the Estates of Gar: land Burl Hoag and/or Leis Rachel Hoag, hid bath late of the City of Oshawa, and both of wham died en or aheut the 19th day of September, 1958, are hereby notified to send In full par tieulars of their claims 10 the undersigned, wha is the Per: sonal Representative of hoth the said deceased, on er be: far the 29th day af April, 1961, Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of hath the said deceased having regard enly to claims of which he shall then have netics, Pated at Tarante, this ored hy her family on the pees sion of her birthday on Satur: day, when Mr, and Mrs. Ron Rogers entertained the following guests; Mr, and Mys, Harry Bnowden, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs, William Davidson, To ronto; Mr, and Mrs, Bam Bnow: den, Mr, and Mrs, John Altehis pon, Blackstock; Mr, and Mrs, Len Gondmurphy, Oshawaj Miss Bandra Snowden, Kitchen er; Jim and David Snowden and Hob Goodmurphy, Maple Grave, Mr, and Mys, Walter Doyle and Lyne, Richvale, were Bun: day visitors with My. and Mrs Steve Dayle and family Mrs, Sam Dewell, Hampton, was an overnight guest with her SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO Tel: RAndalph 3.3441 NAGY MOTOR SALES MERCEDES . BENZ « DKW Sales and service, Showroom open until © pm. at 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 furnace, garage, and sa. mush more. This heme is a tue value at anly $12,200. For appointment ta Inspest call today GARDEN COURT Are vou locking far an ex eptionall i-hedroom raneh type home with large living roam and family size dining room. 4-piece tiled bath with colored fixtures? ituated en large lot and sar rigs for 391 00 principal, in terest and taxe Far inspes tien call today $13,200 FULL PRICE For this 10.r00m duplex Two S-room apartments with separate meters and bath rooms. Just 4 years old, cen trally located For mere in format all toda RICE LAKE COTTAGE this leg MO 86-8001 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM: PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE - UR AND GENERAL REPAIRS 47 KING SF A 3.7822 acy for Sale FELTING (OTT Neil buy IF Ne frigetatars washers, planes, staves, eto. Far lap cash offer con fagt 18 Prine Street. Phone RA 8113) | Eh Cleaner Repairs, all make Parts, Hoses, HBeishes, Guaranie rahul, estimaies Wallace Vacuum Service anyiime. WATER Purified water for drinking use. $5.00 per 1000 gallons Soft water far laundry use $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver od anvwhere, RA 8:477) RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE The home of quality, tad tional and modern age fur niture. Complete room groups available 295 Simcoe St South, Bradley's former lo cation RA 8.317) 30th day of March, 1941, ELDON LEN GREEN, | 148 King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontarie, Administrater, by his saeligitors RICKETTS, FARLEY & LOWNDES, 17% Bay Street, Torenta |, _Ontarle. MERRY MENAGERIE sister, Mrs, L, ©, Bnowden, on Saturday Mrs, Robert Rogers and Mr, Ralph Rogers, Bowmanville, visited Mr, and Mra, Ron Rog ers on Monday, Miss Sandra Snowden, Kit cheney, 1s home for a week's holida: A with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Alan Snowden, COIN LAUNDRY Pickup and Delivery Service 60, Washed and dyed Folding 10¢ extra RA 5:1053 TAM -- 9 PM SOAP FREE Complete supply of seap free, for three full wears. Bam pawdar, flakes, for your whels family. Simply order one of | our most efficient water softener. No down payment, $215.00 full price, Installed in your home. For demon: _Mation, RA 8.3498, BOATS & MOTORS LARSON Fibre Glass WEYMOUTH-=Cruisern THORNES-- Aluminum MASON---~Lapestiake PETERBOROUGH Moulded Plywood EVINRUDE MOTORS GATORS TRAILERS Factory Approved Service Open Evenings and Weekends il heating, 1 Mis inspect FOR BENT (me comfortable fur FOR RENT =One-hedroom apartment Miller, RA itabile for lady, lin new home private enlranes and ation four earners, hath, Central tchiion, plase 10 sohouls MO #0083 after 6 Telephone MO §.4 DRESRMAKING! Chil dren's Wear, sults, coats and alters tons Mrs, B. Bradfard. MO 88666 VAILARLE May IN of Duplex, Avy duty wiring, ia 3080 af MO i SMARKING suits, coals wal . Alterations and allp covers. A Li, Mrs ome i |] Whithy phan fm FOR BENT heavy duly Palace Street WHITRY apartment parking with lease Laka [211%] FOR RENT $65 monthly thres and So3 four-ream apartments, haleony esl | oo dential area, newly decorated, laun t) LR dry facilities parking close 10 schol Children's playground. Apply M6 High { $1 | Street SEPTIC tank ol ded the Jantary way al Flim} 0 few tanks installed. Walter ard \ HOMEOWNERS a iaiing aon Chestnut West. Phone MO 82563 free estimates. Phil Harper. MO 84358 NEWLY decorated apartment, panelled : ving ream and Kitchen, bediodm and arte 0m, FOR Ri NY = Aha nem hoes o po] bath, private enteance, main floar, een water included, parking space. Cail Maia) Telephone MO 3373 #4188 evenings and weekends [TN8 Rewly Secorated fyirhedioan | ket Apa ments ave avallable immediate RO SERVICEN piel oe {ine May 18. Telsphane MO 83786. | Iy, monthly ar as desired. Slatements 4: RENT Warm prepared. Ineame tax returns. MO Rousekesping voam, with private en LR trance. Ap Ri 2 Mery Stree! Bast, or STURENTAT A super value. approxi. ('@i6khone MO 8.33 mately 630 shouts af latier size typing | WANTED 3% ME boarder, bed | PARSE (Rows print) far only. S100 Ap: isiiling room. home-cooked meals Iy Oshawa Times Offles, Whithy, [Phone MO 83683 or apply 1131 msde | Hi Pundas Street West ast WANTED Used boats, motors and trail ers, wa will sell your equip ment on consignment al your price. For Rem Smelt nets, coleman lanterns BALDWIN ST Three Beds Brick il 15 In beautiful ean 1 in Part Whithy lust three \d heated, TV outlet, | h all the extras taken care Riivate entrances. | tiled bathroom gment. Alum reens, and large inspect, and irticulars, please i RA 5.3454 Ladies' and Three roam apartment - elecinig slave al ¥ Phong RA S468 wo bedrooms avaliable May 1 far nice ! Ww #narantesd CLOSE TO HEDWIG'S Brick built for a little las few more extra is 11 x 13 with a large pi ture window. The living « is 20 fr. long, and three good sized bedrooms. For further particulars, please call Phyllis Jubb, RA 3.3240 SIMCOE ST. N Seven roam brick family home wated and with new Hoon : new garage | Dept. Stare, Whithy, Ontario Conveniently WILDE RENTAL [STORE for vent or sale reermetod] O'Neill ¢ SERVICE & SALES {Bast end. Telophone MO 43807 alter 3 vantage 1415 Dundas E. MO 8.3224 A to acquire PLANNING 10 FOR SALE Used boats home, with a beautifully to boat trail od treed vard Convenient fin TODAY ! BUILD A HOME a no" nein. Vo apse! plete Bring vour ) P FOR RENT Box al i Li » 5 RA After Hoy Eric ¢ ton, Builder cab wailers cha aws, 4 Dick ¥ custom homes in this area | 15 years. Get a written esti | am free, RA 60a Fi * Custom owner Bungalow present ger, and a --- A AY The kitchen FF a WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH 4 WOWAOST LIFEINSURER furnished light m n You will love home. Situated in senally land ped qr on the sauih shore of famous fishing and by lake, It has 4 bathroom, living ished in beautiful w elling Completely ted. - The price is o 300 CALL RA 5.64588 siding profes nds this ating ROY'S long-slesve sport shirts, sizes A! fo 18 years, values to 52.85. Entire stack SLI Mercantile Ontaria 10 clear at Store, Whithy MEN'S grey servige shiva, 3 hutlon Ei Pockets and epaulets on shoulder (range of neck sles and slesve lengihs. | Price $165 ar 87.580 for twa Mereantile | Dept. | tour bedroom recently renovated new kitchen paved drive located tw ollegiate, Take ad of this epportunity a good family hes BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE 0 | DIXON'S RA 3.468 Marine Storage & Supply BROOKLIN OL 5364) s Please Ca Wha RA § 8 Lioyd Comson RA 3-253? Ken Hann RA 3.7943 Charlia Rankine RA 8.3482 Wes Ellon... RA 8058) [HE BANK Of NOVA SCOTIA LR el "WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 5 Dundas EMO 8:3224 Mémban Oshawa and District. Real Estate Board WE LIST PHOTO COOP mate without ebligation, Call enytime MO 8-2660,

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