Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1961, p. 12

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TZ THE GSHAWA TIVES, Tasetey, Agww &, Iw £35 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS CLAGSIFIED AD RATES 5 worse oy ww fom Fnerge P75 iM pe 49 i mot pens wim 7 dow We Casvigw 169€ wi GHW Psrl 15168 REEVY VY 145 Gras As VF CERCA ITS, Gana WRIT IES ARES WW & Way UTE CAAA § FEW GI # Core ins r AL Ee ZF oad od Frifeehanst ard Ropes (lin $7 50 per monty far § ree aby Esa pativienst nw hid Eq tial (witey ETE INGE, $ nk £ Bor, RGus, sowie & § werk for rd (6 pig art mh Ge 0 By © pan. Ww G5 Ger fore piiiaaion snes Hamer ae. farses of Trarbs wok be sasspies wh 5 Sm en vw for os Fowd ond Concmiatiors B36 sm Ee Hows Lowy 8-5, benuiny $12 REGAN (Vor ie Gorey Times wi not be rascrreiin tor ess fw Glveriiser mats WEARS ATRIA er WW wring, mer for more GR Re I TRES (Reariien of GRY Se Feament, por Beyond » pee arget for & Prge weetien oF 0 SE cement WW aR IS oss, Mod glee reserve We ght to. dasEity AEIITETG RAISER 18 Wa own Coe i aoe" fr Ww ie oF GEEIGY SB BITHE ments The Times » WN poof Ge Reid respometie for mers Bos e er wine We Gels wT Toe pao nary eraesrsd bw SI CEs TEng mores Gee ames rs [QONEY w ony form oe ssi ves "lf ony Irae ancies of GE rerT ener? $45 po i I roare NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers BERNIES APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE NORTH (Resor You factory authoriied ser vice depot for Priles, Moff GE, Yestinghouse, ott RA 5-1179 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE wheel chairs, invalid kedeides, wommedes and canes, Slee roll-ewey beds Fhon nisl RA 5-164 CASEY'S BARBER SHOP pds nly Grandview Beouty Salon Town Line 1323 King Street East Expert Service Free porking for 50 com RA 8-076) tol beds walkers, crutches Hosp FETALE " 7A SIM, 81 ge Hatrdropsing. Plas Avenue, BA S008 | WANTED FOR OSHAWA nl ld Tonle Belp "pep wp" thousends of men, wom: on past 4 Only 89. Ab oll ELECTROLYSIS | Removal of superfluous halr Maris Murduff will be In Oshawa, April 4th end 5H Phone Genoshg Hotel on these dates for appointment CHILD FOR ADOPTION We ki there is a couple who would make wonderful porents for JEANIE This beautiful three-year-old has oll the things adopting per. ents usually look for, but it ha difficult to find her a permanent home because she a negro, JEANIE js healthy and well-built with colouring and features thot are typical of her race, She is confident end Vivacious and appears to possess excel lent intelligence, We feel JEANIE should have negro or part-negro adoptive par ents, but we would consider a white couple If their com munity could gccept a child of JEANIE'S racial hack ground, If you are protestant and would be interested in adopting this child, write; THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 5 ow Leer is avsliabia ! {752 fsbaws Ti 3--Pets & Livestock WEAUTIFUL baby hudgies veady for! training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street East S--~Farmers Column DEAD farm stock pleked up promptly Phare collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2731 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Lie. 115 7--Trailers XN "GENERAL", two - bedroom, living room, kitchen, hath, furnished Excellent for collage or all. year home Bowmanville, MA 3.3608 APACHE tent traller condition, $300 RA 0786 THREE - room house traller, 35" x # sleepn seven, campletely equipped and furnished, 33200, new condition, terms 113 Harmony Road North HW. FLIM and Trollope, Ontarie Land Surveyors, 318 Adelaide Avenue East Phone RA 56681 12-~Articles Wanted FHE ROYAL Coin and Stamp Store M King Street West, Oshawa Wanted 1625 nickel, Queen Victoria eoins of Canada if not hadly worn, silver dal: ars below 1848 except 1636, old Cana dian and olhar tokens, wold coins of any country In nies condition, alse wares Amerie cents, Indian head cents, Pieces, plc Fair prices paid SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc, bought, Open Saturday all day, Phone, RA 52311 89 BLOOR E. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I, TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.2374 (collect) in very good we + 85 Churchill Avenus. | F foere brAvonmns pg Ch CTL er fom nig Zee w ee re end ead sors. BA EA 16--Famate Je Womed hain ne Wey | : Tress ry sisal Wace shaised CORWTRY fre, seren ne, fone my ve Fairs § wh fae iA. fry (auch Sevier Tomas anal a ow Rewer, SERS wel ABR, (RICCI VE BEE FREE '6 Wowk. Fan (8 iat Rea nk. Fh Ast Bont 4 over RA. 1059 ' Help Wonted SEAEDLE money. ls vou 0 Reg i" Reh ot. pris io a Pl adroit # A em. TE Kream, Fraces, lwynes LJ fs ' [1 oo ry Wnhchs, Lill aits, wd A o4 ps: 2 Teieriens pie, WHR sapere ad 1, oh iy RA Fh DORE, 5 mani , for tle for a Re, fon oy 6% ger OVE u A oe #6 Bh RFE. Lid ww FIA pois Fapsn imheon mw inddinm, ses foe aan scheme. 5 monty. Tele § gone RBA SIG ter 848 5m rp nent, Wns Fame oe i i a gly i 5 Biahen, iv gsrvioy. save. Sow wie mow. 0 Frww Begest. RA forty FWA - rom ow ant Fireminbind FER TGY, FIORE, VERY amie iw we 1 48 Wins Egret FERNIOWER or onfiemished, Meee Ine, PRUE buyg + gpl ETRE ARTER oy add fans, Wh TERTING [5 ah i" aad wey i we sm pass FART ATE 2 asl doen Wate oo anv snk sae. Weve Box BW, le avy Times FREER MEN tn work § bower gue Ady Wy per week. Woke Box 798, Gehews Fiones RIVER salesman, Foi ake Wost he prymesily Be, Vv I Refarennns. Wes Bos M8 oh Fim ERFERIEDCER, or man PROsE I» HR, Rest FOPERIINER, ARE FRNA. for posi yA soins. Joseph Bovsen Rawlitor, # i ing | #7 BA 07H GER mechanic for whee En. ment WA Brake work. Meaty om PIR ment with Getiey (Re ewe fits. Apwly Wi Lomas View Born, 167 King Sees East way wih cor lor pation of redEon. ohisty. ne whe sen get By on $6 wash to Hast Telephone dR ad we wan 16 ain for specialized Leckis Bed car sod shout he Werks Big soinings then seevind. BA add EARN 028 . 008 on yowe doy olf. Mast ve WEN #radiiate, marnied, 139, ERE RESEssd For peesmal spins ment wie Box 448, Oghaws Vises SALESWAN (or Conedn's lashing mes wacturer of homes WA cottages. Lib 2rnl Araw spainel commission. Lar gs sential. For an spponitiment phone BA BASIS, | 10 6 p10 SINGLE man for gener) form Middie paged prefeized. Hale wedges expected ike. work when to Box EATON'S IN OSHAWA mare a young men with retail selling experience nn | 1 ! 1 Ir POLICE CONSTABLES, CLERK-CADET AND A STENOGRAPHER POLICE DEPARTMENT Applications for the following positions with the Oshews Police Department will be re- ceived up te and Including April Bth, 1961, Application forms may be obtained ot the office of the Chief of Police POLICE CONSTABLES Qualifications required; I, British subject 2. Between the ages of 2) and 30 years Minimum height 10 in Minimum weight «== 160 Ibs + Minimum education 10th grade CLERK-CADET Qualifications required; Male 2. Typist 3, No person ever the age of 21 years need apply, STENOGRAPHER (Female) EVELYN M. FOUND, Secy., Board of Police Commissioners 20~~Room and Beard SINGLE for weptieman, hoard optional, parking. Telephone RA §-6589 CLEAN hright room in new home, new twin heds, excellent meals. rt or men. HA ROOM and hoard or oom only, Ascnrated, good home cooking, central, | seven minutes' walk to fouy fe or hasiital, Apply 240 Division Kann and hoard, ame, separate beds, good cooking, Lounge, WA S007 or apply 81 Col | | [3 r 9 ft, room newly ™ ne 22---5tore Space & Garages AVAILABLE in office suite, modern {downtown bullding for suitable tenant, A private office and adequate space In eneral office area for stenographer Call KA B-6081, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service New building, Centrally lo. cated in downtown area, Moderate rent, Leases now available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSON noone such as ares page eent Avatianie Mas po eee | FOU he --= Available April 1, La Phone RA 3.3474 24---Houses for Rent [] «roam bunglow, , three bedrooms, eupled, hraadionmed, Daron RA 23m mam eosy house, oll healing, ¥_duly wiring, TV antennas, sar Three roam Bungalow on same lol, nies for twa families Central Reasonable rent. RA 33311 ar RA HOURE, twa bedvoams, living room, Klichen, bath and sunroom; alse small self-contained apartment with husiness peaple ar business couile. Wil 3 4186 TWO sear ald seven roam house three hedroams, all conveniences. $100 monthly, Ph RA Sn, Fone HOUSE for sale of rent Modern three. bedream brick bungalow, narth west ares, Telephone RA 5.0108 for further Particulars ATTRACTIVE five Southmaad area, hall black off Simoes tastefully decorated and landscaped. A| home 0 be proud of with stove and refrigerator, $83 per monih ta suitable tensile, RA BETIS |uiitin sup onrds, -- |PARK INEW modern im young men, friendly wom bungalow, | RA Tn or ow three oar EE, BU Di cna d hig weiaome. Appts 75. Wieren Ave Rd TWH saom spavtment . forpianes, sop PEND ERENCE, SEVIS ig PEGS FRA ig vi Apri 1 Frew Greet Ay FA BCE there row REE, RRAE FAR WR J Iowa, Rewly Aner sen WARE MRE Be EnE Tacit es nem y. Wh BW SALA EBAY, off Pork Road, reddeniisf mata we ReAing SE Itinent SHIR ERITRREE, MESIEIEANY BEd Telephone WA § 4441 NE sad Ino PeAenom SE Itments STE E modern balidn Simon A peinigaeniar wipe es. WO BT Mier Bp. Apt. 8, TH Congdon Bod Winetiry fd » Bede Seriment on Beene eke Bowth, Bly eqmppen wa one KA S64 Between 0 2m. and bem FWA sr there tonm sir atio ETL WB BAREIS ROvRe g Fim #50 KileneR win araiar Clone ta boil Gehers RA 52615 COMPLETELY furnished thes end Balt rooms, two-piece beth, TV, hes ty stove, bulitin caphosids waler, near Shopping Center. Sorry chtidren. 06 Grenisti. BA B67 NEW modern, two-tedieom Wn sperment Tuiiding » lar ard wave. Faved parky Fark Bosd Sowth OR BA 53002 WODERN three-toom sell contained | Bing Slrest Easl we, large rooms, completely furnioh ed for Nak Bovsekerping including [electric 'Feirigersior snd slave, wee of washing machine and Aryer sentra ta [downtown and shopping centie it working eons, $15 weekly BA 410 FOUR moms, selicontained, hit and lemid walter, oil hesled, args gorden conveniences, close to Dehawe, church school, sore. COWex 3-244] UNFURNISHED thier - rom hase spariment, private shower and slose to bus id Ein sparen Fringes # | oH (LAWSON Word Worth, olf iawn line, «E00 spertment, unturslehed sell contained, Bot water hewted, chil dren welcome, $68 monthly, RA 34639 \THREE apartment, privais hath, stove, ote to bus ap Avail {able April I. Call BA 59 BEATED bachelor Ya ladies only, three rooms, save, Kelrignratar, bulitAn cupboards, 1arge cl 8, drapes. central. ITnimediste Barat oring ppl Apartment 1, 67 Gibh Bireet, RA 84180 LANE Apartments Bpacious two-bedroom suites, elevator service, balconies, stove, relnigetslor, conten) ied entrances, Contact Tron Howe, Real lor, BA 5,7708 NEWLY decorpted ment, unfurnished, private bath, en trance, relvigerplor. Bus stop at dour nil heard Child welcome, Telephone Ll] roam three room spart | BA ARE you wn Li looking for bedroom apartment, In 8 quiet dential area? Helrigeraior, ste | laundry fnsilitias, ne, TV outlet. | Available June 15, elephihe RA 5120 {or Inspection | Wii E four » room apartment vale bath and enirance, newly deco rated, central ta downtown, Na chil dren, Lady desiged. Avallable April | 61 Ritson Road North RA 3.4445 # hetley with pA ATTRACTIVE three - room apartment, a8 hus line, sink and cupboards, TV gullet, laundry room, reasonable, heavy wiring, adults, HA 5.1615 two bedroom apart ment In pew apartment bullding, re frigeratar, slove, paved parking, one black to schosl EA tho ping. 78 West meunt Avenue, vir {SPECIAL hn tment, In apart ment bullding, private, ideal for couple, | stave, Feifigetator Wreluded, TV outlet, parking. RA 3 THREE-raom om heated, near| horping Centre, bus stop, parking. RA privil Att or RA 37544 Klock is South Planl, Girls [LARGE two-room bachelor apartment, #350 [four-piece hath, all modern conven lenges. Sullable for couple, child weleamed Fatking, posession. RA 830% ALBERT Bireet _ apartments ain floor, three rooms, garage, second Hoor, four rooms and attle wooams, privaie ARtranees 5.8063 _Apply 26 Alber ane small Immediate ne three RA NORTHWAY APTS 8 ROOMS Large quiet apt, 2 large bed rooms, laundry facilities cluded, madern kitchen with automatic stave and self de frosting Refrigerator with Deepfreeze. Paved parking area, Adults enly, Near bus stap, Apply 778 Hartep TWO BRIGHT MODERN ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room faci ties, excellent location, from $85.00 phone MO 8 A386 ADELAIDE TEPRACE New modern two-bedroom soundproof apartment, all conveniences It tenant wishes te have garage, | ins tend to build ons. Apply: 329 Adelaide Ave, Apt, 2, _ Telephane RA §. 8933. MODERN SELF. CONTAINED a addi aul fr of riod 25--hgte, & Fiars for Rent 26--Rooms for Rent sim, | ssid ET ~ 46 Lonehowne Tivos, worn, fiver ees, Tonk Wowth, (WG - RERVOOR fomel. fon seni ers en, IH ow men fer, W ad id gr WER WW BRR oer SHES, GORGE PER NE Gan an, ied uosiusgl' 4 WANES, i Stato BY AREA ro Ed 7 oo FY THREE fe -- ne or y SERA FOR Ratises. Gives, Th: feonmwy, RENT i, Aner wind ro ding pr bland TRLAR righ irene Ay 5 mene Boni RA BOG. FARTEY foemiched runs (iucge) vomm A V0 PORTE SE, WR Re shogun wwe Hep BEE ia Sin Renersy Motors SE sowie Ww Ie geaiemen. Teer hone Wh GREW BEW wohern wie We nnn ERNE, (BET ERROR wrsiding, Fond, Adwiode Ses pasties ge anal home. Contes ality Aesny sted, bwin, 8 | URE SE Be 7au0 Awyes. good fo grein, Baoe, Wael, pre _s in pppresieie. BA ATTRACTIVE oer. SORE Time rom awe er zn hens et, FURATEWNER own (8 AAR ns THER ROWE, VEVY REISE Wlenien oil mre Tyme. Canty raiey nd CTTRACTIOR Bad pa TUT, Roe mone, ie eon, ab IE Ah od FARE dani Ramenieniing room Fantignmg Wk we gentiermon. Toegnme RA Pa 2 F » LL FoERe ii Ds Fort wang. RA S58 BORE. five ln #0 one oY les jedies, 8 Cheviey " Furmisheh 8%. crn wate for refined Geieow i® HAROGH Tom eA VACARER , RETHIETEY formichind, coe ied I. BRL sme gx tos give oy Ps aFiose ehtvpnnn. Fone doeegh Rosen, Rewroe, WA 69998 POF. fyne ane and pghewA Ane, wile CREPE wrnfamen. i Wiioom Wad. Boh oN fw ed Foe Privgie #8 CRTs IRR ROT, BRE RVESES OF KBE #5 WOAH i Lala Renew Birast West. Rosie now. BA BIN68 Aows, (wn | ad som. td SEW Iodern rAesamn ay Aeenepies fin r WO TRATIG RATTAN , ig or | spar as Bey RETR, $405 Aww BRIER. oF vale oa (None BHM FRAME ad fd de £ ad Forng Weasel vEevE MA, mloee 27 --HRasl Estate for Sale grahen, me 90 WW gon went # fhves fedivom Ronis iA st ten PUR # F per cent BHA movigage wh fay 9 pelanh ts FURR , ite of extige. Cal filer 27 Rast Estate for Sale 27 --Rest Estate for Sole FF oe fe wy, fone ok 16 = WN, g SAE as og Ay TR rye Pag go CR ad ERBROR Sirnet, Taw MOTE , Bu FIRES i oT FOR REAL ESTATE | fal on Et wo vo Ws DON 5. SMITH rive br Bw dade A Mer Fasl Estate coer BA B6278 SCHOFIELD |_t or oa satm_ IRIGERARICE PCSOCIATES LTH $40 KiNG STREET WEST TRULL'S ROAD MORTH Camfeortaria Sram mga low with gorage. Fiome come priean of italien, ing rom, 7 kedraemme and hested wm ras. Rlmest mew Resting wnt. Large with choice Gare $6,206. low Acown Colt Steve Zire Fa BAST List Coop Throvah This Office f Warkn Vievary Fes BEAU VALLEY TRADE-IN PLAN For 5 Limited hime, we gre Gecapting older Bomes 4% Frade ime cn & new Rome nw Fess Valley Far - : GI REEIGRRTIGN 18 TIGAe fof { alt dey BA 22565 SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOC, LTD $60 King 5. W., COshews Evenings BA 65-1726 eof rl I RIINGE (iid : Member of Cenans ard ! Estrict Rast Estate Bogrd 27 Rest Estate for Sele on ELA PRICE. faww Aown poy ACRE fos (#67, yi gad! 2 rene Ye forse REAR (ow | WE REFER, IF FE, BE gg iol fr, iss gl gy 27 Rest Estate for Sule Gt Od J fr: NEW HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS, SOLID BRICK Het water kesting with off, Twa Waehraome RA 61720 FOR SALE $16,000 Srmom brick residence, ififent Wong room, fireplace, Aiming rom, tig: modern kitchen, § bedrooms, A-piece modern bethreom, fimened asthe, hot weoter heated with ol, gerage. Ime y HGIE prciksciin, 161me AF 58 Drew Street, Loe Abid fi YOUR $2,700 DOWN WILL PROVE THIS A HANDSOME BUY Five-reom tgslow, Eset End in gonad residential Gres NN rT lermscaped ond decirsied, Three yess sid, MMA 6% ressle. Fill price $12,706 wed $48 monly payments immediate pocsession 7 2 helf-acre civy lors with city water. $1950 asch with sgey ferme FOR DEFEMDARLE AND FRIEMOLY SERVICE if if FA Bh BALE) $ MAC CKO, "REAL TOR | " Hiky 8/7 . Chana Evsmngs and Seturdeys RA 5-6226 Ee oa i an BR id Atay Finger in BRoppng Copies WEF rontenne RoRRiE Ke errament 7 WAWERY (heen Fries Ein ivan FORE AERITIERt, PRIME We, TY REF el WAEy (Rcilines, SE WOTRIRG awigie Toinghone BA 130% WO TRREE ion Awe iment a vain eniganean. Tamaki ale Re main. Ag 7% Eheries ba "BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY al Beroern § wd BiH WOERY fs TO ARITA ERE A --_-- geiiivies, Fog minvies 18 ¢ id holiatie now siagphne Wh I-4008 Accountants T. HOFEING and Company Aecomptants, 11 Resiad spor Tn. RA Baton nla AR ERRaR Ett 10 Bond irnet YALE, FRIERIANTER, WENT £ ALEINIRI ORES 2 cenaed Trusiese wn Ronkpngiey ps AR A Fitem 1 find Pywiis " East, fishows 7 FivE FIR mr £4 ¥ Ladds RUSHED riaadagsad wif Rr AREA hi add Brest Fasli, fiohaws J iv l Frieionder, ¥. Comm 4 AR PRR . on Sivest Worth Wi ohn HE. DEWAR snd and Aadiiors, Cedar frien Ridg & 0 harden has menial wh in haw me WH Go or FA {i [7 theme - Foon APRIL. WE Contes £, Ie #07, RIA N aie Berret, (rsh Wi son snd BEREROWE REARS (shane. Rone G. Edmond CLANCY 'E Ontaris Ae & Compieln Bonkkeepn if4 Bond Street West. R RA i180 weitint BA F. DW ate FHREE Fpesiment Wi ehen hesvy ol Aear, pvaiaie ephane WA I AFARTHENS fise rooms, heat, hyde, "CF » $00 monthly, £an oe Hes, ali d yal d J Vals FA HANTEIIN, HANTEFIN, EW, wh Ass BA S007 « in FR ne King [) nA 7 Alex Acrmitil 4518 12 fm WA Fai Chasiared #8 Bme a Strest South, iA CA, serons, CA. RA BIV1 # a | Serv HT tment. Adults only, svaliahie pow.' A THEE | THRER ment IFURNISHED, | Kitehen es | HOUSEKEEPING roam, let, Adew BA Chie ENFURNISHED three oad nen y Earns, millabie | Arty Wi Cleaners. BA bikig apart st did ; Blomy eam a parsing heavy /A auty wing Tv gnrinl. Must be seen Be apprecisied. Telephone BA 51954 TWO - oom spariment, bright kitchen nfurnished, (srge privale Wet ands sarde, parking. Apply fet / 04 new nent ie Al modern wo iehroom sper TRIN GRY Binr hone BA 56674 ment Telephone BA Lalli) UPPER DUPLEX large living room! and kitchen, two bedrooms, closets, lowe piece hath, hot, eid water, entrance, large Basement, all north, eentral RA IN APARTMENT byliding, four partment ample parking. Available April | vepient 1a Boulh plant. BA 347% FURNISHED refrigerator of washing machine Parking space. Apply we slave, TV serial, ele, privale enirance, 184 Beatty unfurnish sink, heavy Apply 163 THEFE mom apartment, ed, balitdn euphasids and wiring, Available April 18 Banting Avenue THREW room apartment, Shaping Centre, hus slap Available RA 36108 { near park ing April | 3-7 TWO bedroom private hath chen, hept ld] MODERN apartment, TV outlet, | built-in euphoards in kit-| snd lights included, KA four-room apartment, frigeratar. slove, washer, dryer futiet, parking 893.50 monthly land Road East. HA 81310 unfurnished reams euphonrds Hight ™ france heat 52801 EFF, and walter ¥ three room stove contained reirigerator washing fa clllies, newly decorated, north wast ton, hus at door, business lady ferred. RA 54565 apart ON AND TWO BEDROOM | APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT Phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8.6485 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Excellent location. New bulld- ing, with er without lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 26--~Rooms for Rent TWO single furnished rooms, sult ladies oF 4unLEmen parking space. Telephone HA 82717 CLEAN furnished housekeeping room, In quiet home, centrally located, con. Hnuous hot water, sult gentleman Telephone RA 3.6294 LARGE TRousekeeping entrance, main floes Telephone RA #5853 oom, priv twa housekeeping rooms, and bedroom, sink and cup boards, relvigerator, central. Apply 383 Athol Street Fast TWO unfurnished rooms, on sec floor, share bath, heat, lights, Telephone RA K4176 LIGHT housekeeping rooy arking space, near North Ge ars, Telephone HA 3.7017 ELDERLY lady has quiet home, cen trally located, all conveniences, hus slap at dear. Would provide vent free ream for lady companion or widow preferred RA 5.0408 water neral M 184 Bruce Street nicely furnish Apply 83 Bim REIL) od lar gentleman anly ene Street North, HA APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL $68 PER MONTH TELEPHONE RA 5.5433 or RA 5 2267 ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern ene: and room apartments, $85 and up. Best location. Phone RA 8-8676 two-bed | {TWO rooms, eamiartahly i low Breet CLEAN {in nice central weekly LARGE hed furnished conveniences Avallable naw at 77 Ontaria home for gentleman linens supplied, $7 1% Elgin Street East housekeeping roam refrigetator, near 1GA Store quiet dishes | Apply ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available 82 Park between 3 in private homes Road North, Call and 7 p.m RA 8.8671 ds 4 EE "ATE hitects MAVER The Times Dew unlisted anf Bere i" wher yr My B yg mates, BA § Arch KE id ' path) weil cantalned spat Auto Farts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE SHATAn lend anlamative parts ahd poesbsories ' BA 5 Bing Stree "Five bags 1a serv. {Barristers stove and wathing CREIGHTON. FRASER tk facilities wipphi ed, pavid parking. Tele: MUBBOCH, Barnsiers , Bank of Commerce Bids RA 3-448, Fraser, GC; NEHA wom sell-coniained apart |b Bimeoe wivele Barrister and ented, | East gy one Weel, Wvaliable Apr) JAMES 4 MachONALD, WA. bE ry Pub | Thom lie, The Commercial Building, he | with refrigeraior and slave, West Cam: available roam apartment, Solicitor ues King Flreet Fast RYN tary Publ Brest North Creighton, BC; B ( Prynan, 6. L. Murdoch, BREes Brranged RUSSEIL 1. MURFRY palicivan Ontaria LL fihaws, Barrister and Solicitor and Note Oshawan, Ontanig, Client J05EFR F Money to lown fishawa, RA 5-440 RA Residence AVE 28, BALMERS, B.A, Barrister, citar, ele, 134 Blmeoe Street Office, RA 89741; Residence BOWMAN, DAVID I. chor, #4 Simeos South, Residence, RA B-4164 RA healed, | sr GIRRON and BASTEDD, Barristers funds available Cliente i Bimeoe Stree! les ( dn, Qf Solieitars first mortgag HA 50566. ( | Edgar F. Bas or Ragrister | REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES | AN 0 4 GB marl Hh & Bing Slrest RA 82971 n Parking MANGAN, GC, Barrister fice i4i4 Ra Worth RA 58842. | Soll 50503 t North MeGibhon, QC; UE PHEEYS BOYOHYN and Fol re- |W, A Rose [RA S-4604 or Whilh private en (JOHN A. CAMERON, two-piece bathroom, tor and Telephone RAE st _ Bolieltars; 8. Boyehy 614 Barristers, Humphreys Hillman, East, Phones 55202, Money ta loan Barrister Natary RL Fublis HA | marigages arranged ond | RAO FING firm shed: | RLARTERING yen estimates, | | Pensioner | | furnished housekeeping room, | gle For | Jone ar twa gentlemen. 318 Ritson South | 318 Caling ae! avestroughing, |M GREER and Kelly, Barristers, tors, ele, 7% SBimeos Birest Dial RA 33378 Residence J, M. Graer, BA, Be ence V. Kelly, PA, HA 150 King Bireel Fast, BA Mortgage loans available, THOMAS M, BUNDLE, barriste eitor and notary publie, 264 Street East, Phone RA 61763, JAMES A MaeDONALD, BA Bar I West, Oshawa, Ontaria, Client availahle RUSSELL 1. J, MURPHY. BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 Kin East, Oshawa, Ontario, KA & BOWMAN, DAVID ©, tar, 34 Simeoe South dence, RA B-0004, RA 53366 n, BA; King Street « BA 8.11774 Res MO B-2181; RA , Ballet 18% King Street NHA and private Soliel South phanes Ter B-0R32 RALFH JONES, BA, and THOMAS 0 HE Associate Barristers an Holl: r, sali hE Hin av and Solicitor and Notary Pub: | Commercial Building, 46 King parking LIE, Strest|d 1 Barrister, Salle! RA 50008, Resi Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKEEPIN SERVICE, INCOME TA RETURNS 686 OSLER STRE RA 5-9953 IG xX r sll: | for Building Trades Gardening and Supplies tania cleaned the senitary LEN -WEL vw (anks Ihetaiied Walter Ward, snd vised Foy wf Restont West. Phone Wer R565. slo-Mloielon, BA 50108 or ROOFING, wdings (ssves teowahing) LANDSCAPE ERMA rE Bilt and repaired "ARSE Krorenined Erperianced wm by Helland Landscaping Spring Clean-Up vn wivkeis BAR CONMEBOL ' # oe PRS NURSERY STOCK tee can have fine Each customer gets £d service GEEIING RA A007 PONT put 0 ofl, prt 1 on, roofing, y his need, taste ond budget For relichie service call SARE, #9 id nH jrasiation, fe FA 5.7442 DRIVEWAY Borden servies A hh Rh kA hiding YEW RATES Hess ! i RmEnts po Miss LL Graving " pe rsonaGliz wii mai BATHRONME fiisd, topes of pilerations Feisghone RA 57166 FOR FREE sotimatas, Imierior, exter oF, reiings, oom Awviders, Biepisce enmigiment, Iie secapes, SLAVES BA Bin Al modeling catinats bufie, Bo job tee eo FERRE of home reppies spd 1o | ERCTEREIOR TRE, TOE, Sd his Si arantend Free so GRAVEL cam, Sand ond Fill, Ciel RA 5-5279 Van Belle Gardens 8787 BOWMANYILL miles East on Me. 7) LAWN FERTILIZER BO Ibs. only 4.50 PEAT MOSS, SEEDS, ETC POTTED PLANTS, GUARAN TEED WNURSERY STOCK COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE, FERTILIZING, PRUNING Ww - i chimney cesner him Hinge a (rR YOUR loci Reve Built and repaired, Eby olatied, tirmaces vasiimed mates. BA 3097 ! Fh mbAng Resting supplies | 4 RA fy ry yf Po Wd KB. BEark,| id, plumbing, heating and engines: | nk, 8 Simeone Street Boulh MA (3 i | | WASHERS AND DRYERS! | FRANK MEAGHER | APPLIANCES | | pd 1° 92 Simcoe $t, N., RA 5:4711 THINKING OF SPRING Painting end Deeorgting? Baked enamel aluminum sid- ing? Stone veneer over a portion of the front wall? SATISFACTION GUARANTEED An Inquiry Cost Nothing AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA B.5103 Hairdressing CUSTOM oe maneny , Mistinetive hake | euthin, styling. HA 38912. Hupek's Hairs lng Studia, 11 Bond Weel T--~--. | Instruction HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY » Tap, Rows! Astemy lt on, land Register now King a RA W602 ia IAN MAE MARA, dance prod dancing school, ballet, Lap ton |vohatie, pre-school, eharse Frid HH __ |atuirday Masonle Temple, WA fiir {PRIVATE teacher, aludent eaunselior, | IF wears' experience, by interview only Act now, BA 51084. Insurance ALLSTATE Auta TRAaTARES, ta 30 per cent, six months to p yay service ab your hems, ell | TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean outs and despening, COMPRESSOR WORK, RA 8-3864 Cartage EE JOHN'S Moving and Borage, Qshaws, Whithy, Heasoneble rates equipped and Insured, Fhone RA Sesl, BOOTIAN Cart fast depend able service. HW No Joh too hig or tos small AUTO INSURANCE If you are a careful driver you may save $10, $18 o $25 on your ear insurance or better than 20%. Preferred drivers enjoy the lowest rate in Ontario through this efs fice Half-year payments Call us today and compare w=ample free parking SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTR 360 King St, West RA 3.2245 for 'wd0l4, Dressmaking REESSMARING and al ladies' and {hidsen's WERT, phile price. RA 8-8 | ALTERATIONS of oy "Kinds far men, [Mortgages #, Towne ont FIRST and scennd movigages serena FILEWRING FRAsnaIe Tales, Rew ed 1apdecamng #8 specioity. Waithy Fratessionsl Bu bH Rd (Plumbing and Heating W. Behaiamenn, Me i fy te tank 16 i' Iastaiiations at ree Gi "7 8 Binary, tings, fiatiees Ing MG ing liom Lr 54 wiaity itarma #ion and & ty pe of FmhiRg me Rug--Upheivtery § Service EFROLSTERY ot (ts best for love. Ws secinlize in cheslertieids, modeieid, repaired. Free a0 ferme. BA 53004 EHESTERFIEING vo remyied. Free estimated wal tor prenvening. Dail 75 Charles Breet, BA #4 |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? Ong Bre reasnanie. Batisthetion Hutigeseesr retmiit. Oshaws [Cas 10 Fond Sires Went bil (rg MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought, Sold snpany and Private Monies RA 5-6544 Ich A J BOLAHOOD Limited Fealtor Member Ontario Maortgege Brokers Association Ind and 3rd f y Bunnybrae of Oshawa Mortgages | -TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS -TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE TO BUY A HOME FOR ANY PURPOSE Low Monthly Payments No Bonus Ne Extra Charges Rebates for Prepayment Loans Life Insured SUPERIOR Discount Limited THE FASTEST GROWING ALL CANADIAN LOAN CO 17 SIMCOE ST, N RA 5.6541 Open Wednesday 'Til B P.M Saturday 'Til 12 Neon Offices Throughout Ontaria Nursing Services INNIVOVAL cars for Ach person in BN supervised Inguivies Invited, reasonable rates. 3-9430. Optometrists F. RICHARD BLAOK Optomeiry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses, 136 Simeas North af Colborne. Evenings by appointment RA 34101 0. HW, TUCK, RO, optometrist, please ay accounts al downtown Daminlon wank or 94 Burk Street, Tnvalids ex amined at home. Dial KA 54587 Painting and Decorating Toctar A 39758 |wamen and children, Formal dresses Heversihie HA ALTERATIONS of ail kinds fa wamen and ehildren Wn Reveraihle skirt ally, RA 5-346 AMARING os' and ehil: "Wear, dlterations of all kinds Telephons HA AE FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, Alterations, Remodeling, Low Prices 22 ROWE STREET RA 8.6706 Fuel and Weed. Avr oon "HAclary ends. Vo skirts a sje Millinery i men, T prong +] LADIES! Have expert designer create LIN Building Trades LL TYPER hullding TepAITE chimneys sidewalks, HA 0am ay FAVERTROVGHING roofing, repairs and ark, fully guaranteed stoops flashing new Estima repairs of all roofing applied free estimates. RA 3.08 repairs all &- 835 Telephone HA CERAMIC tile, bathrooms No pommereial ar seconds § workmanship, hest prices. OO ALL TYPES bullding repairs, eavestronghs chimneys sidewalks, stoops. RA 8.0004 May REPAIRS Kinds all wark guarantesd, 14 k A Toaling, fireplaces, orden wrk es. RA new stueen, work guarantesd i itehens rooting, fireplaces orden neds and wichen,| TOASTER AND IRON FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES 92 SIMCOI OSHAWA -- RA 5.4 PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS STN 71 BERT TOMPKINS NEWTONVILLE Phone Clarke 4721 Furniture Repair TTORE faueh-up repair 0) ne a TONGh polishing, Toien ephone in | RA 843 [A FRIENDLY Ad Willer will hele you find Just the praperty you want in the "Real Estate Wanted RA 33403 today E. R. KNOWLTON LANDSCAPING SERVICE New is the time for Spring clean-up! Rolling, fertilizing, repairs, Top soil and sod RA 5.6047 & beautiful model hat to malch your outfit for spring, ur i mine Specializing ats Moderately priced as Money te Loan FIFTY to five thousand dollars Any warthwhile purpose, lowest Jd pid servige, Seahodrd Yiiance, LL] coe Sirest South, LJ WE HAVE clients' monies avaliable for loans an first and second mortgages and alse Rurehase of Jer ages An a fertienis Hyman, 7 Ring ern gil, Notians, RA Meanies for all types of morte gages; for first and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; columns. PIAL shart term mortgage for builders; first and second martgages and agreements for sale purchase Aply M. Swartz, 2615 King Street East, Oshawa, Telephone RA 3.4697 Money to loan en Summer properties, cottage and shore land, Special consideration to applicants of - assured in. come, Forty years experience, Spring Clean-Up Fertilizing, Power Rolling Landscape designing MONEY TO LOAN| FAINTING and decoratnig, For (he heapest and hest, teleph i B, UPTON! B satisfied! High quality painting and Jerarating: for free esti Mates fall RA 38077 iI EXPERT pain by Dion. able A B2078 op "RA a painter and paper uaranieed work and materials mates, Al Conray, RA 80086 FEOFLE who need your services are repding Classified right now. Doan't miss this ready made husiness Ia $:8108 today to start your low cost ad, DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Paintin Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting ag Tey 107 BYRON 8 : DAYS MO NIGHTS RA A 7426 ronal Service PETER FAN Day Nursery, ax We ta 8.30. B81 Simeon North HA TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot degs, milk shake MODERN GRILL WE DELIVER---RA § 887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten ar lengthen garments Cuffs and pockets renewed Complete NW at buttons, LLAR SERVIC £ LTD 5-1555 CLEANIT RA Members of Ontario Martgage Brokers Association, SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simeoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario Ph RA 5.3548 Mortgages ix Nursery Stock OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Service * Complete Garden RA 8.6366 second mortgage, sale vas putehastd and sie Hen anniek, Barristers, Hing th RA 3780, | Plumbing Heating BEATTY APPLIANCES Bam. equipment. pumps NS N ater and Ahioom service | ne forced tixtures y Mig and PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night Alry | of all ar half. | sor Areaming of » business of Tour own and slant acting" portunities" wm Dhessilied Arcam will be # A FE EE [CHESTERFIELDS and |eavered Wks pew. Get he be at Modern Uphalalerin South. Call RA B6481 for LL SEGERS male | RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Professional Cleaning ot Lower Frices, RA 5-7488 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleaning, Home or Plant Members of the Natiensl Instituet of Rug Cleaning | NUWAY-RA B-468) (Surveyors 6. ¥ HORTON 4nd Associnien, [torte Land Surveyors, rey | Gheering J gv ae hithy MO §-808) cM AND dd N, tario Land Burveyor, som |geinting, is Bloor Sirest wa Wire Land putveyart, ki "Hiern Wrens Fast. Phone R TV « Radio Ng TV, radio, car radi Ta makes, Thompson Elee Elliott Avenue, RA #4702 Wren RARID cir Indie repeiet [) {makes Thampson {Hath Avenue, HA 36703 0. FEM AND dvr SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT = DAY OR NIGHT! TV. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Werk Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS po IT NOW Install heavy AX -Spaldi Tower in nb by 4+ Raiding crele base, with Crawn rater and Taco antenna, plus channel 9 trap ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City T.V, FREE SURVEY RA 57844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to a STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized plek tube installed by expert W technicians, and you'll he the finest, Modest WB call us for service: T.R.1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EASY RA 8.678) SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST, Well Drilling W, WARD WEL! DIGGING BY MACHINE Specializing in. 30" Tile WHITBY, ONTARIG MO 8-256) - 809 204 CHESTRUT FA Wo '

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