RE RE y Wik Fn ih oe ad Wh BETTE OL PA 5 the gyent wlan FERVE AS INKS OVIAWA (CV --Yabiln en geney. radia dations WW move to the mutsline of pfeniia wleny args areas th # CBE spiinginan say wight Ten ase COMING EVENTS : The Oshawe ' Horticultural Society MONDAY MEETING E A Lovell School MONDAY, APRIL 3 BPM £ 4 tha WELT HE F wn ed WIHRGEILR at 54 rend "Wer onals' sation" Raw » '3 FRRNWIAL Foc is 5 of Fo Her masts and peiaws ATTENTION LADIES COLIMBLE NITED CHUGH ALN AL BAZAAF and TEA] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 191 at a 2:30 P SINGET GHG 165 ¥ oF ars Welcome vy HERYBOCY WELLLME BINCO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, APRIL Tet 736 PM 20 Come $6 SHARE - THE WEALTH $540 Jackpot Gao 18150 Jackpot WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, B YOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, April 5th, 8p.m - ATTENTION LADIES ITED CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR & TEA HEDHESDAY, APRIL 19iF 2:30 PM BODY WELCOME IME ! AT 1 Te Go EVES Bn AIP Biss legyes Oshews 25 SPECIAL GAME OF £200 (Must NOW WORTH $125, NUMBERS $20 go wigantal lis $25 ADDED EACH WEEK IF WOM IN 51 (POT GAMES $ TWO $250 JAL Is 23, 4nd $1.00 ADM Loar Prize KINSMEN BINGO 20-820 GAMES $150 Jackpot $50 Full Card 5 h---$30 Games JACKPOT NUMBERS 56 and 54 Extra Bu TEAM JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION--TUESDAY, APRIL Monster Bingo 16 PRIZES OF $10 | EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH SATURDAY, APRIL 1st AT BOO PM ST, GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH INE CARI Bu Fund £20 each line plus 2--5$250. Jackpots € 4th ADMISSION 50 CENTS TEN HAMS AS DOOR PRIZES 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 $100 SPECIAL--TICKETS 25¢ or § for $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE SUPER BINGO MONDAY, APRIL 3 $100.00 POOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. 50.55 2--$500 JACKPOTS IF WON IN 52 NOS. OR LESS. (IF NOT, THEN GAME 8 REGULAR $250 JACKPOT J 18300 dF WON IN §2 NOS. OR LE 20 GAMES AT 17 NOS N 4-59) JACKPOT solation $25) $150 CONSOLATION Must G¢ $40 IF WON IN OR LE 0 CONSOLATION) 5 GAMES AT $30 $2,350 PRIZES "THE NEW" RED BARN ADMISSION TICKET GIVES YOU FREE EXTRA BUSES ADMISSION $1.00 CHANCE ON $100.00 BINGO EVERY MONDAY, 8 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING E. AT FAREWELL 55 NUMBERS $100,00 JACKPOT CONSOLATION $20 20 GAMES - 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ADMISSION CARDS 50 CENTS GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED Rs Nursing Visits Show Increase AIAK "Winihi sis AIRE BERET BRTHRE TR & laced on the [zmily "tenors Supervisor § geret |, Atlinson of the division Ho Puic Beast Nursing of the Entarin County Begith Unit Health teacking 6 inearnorsted Bin each visit" she seid Fie 1960 anna) report stales that Aur ng thet year the bis wwetions BEIR1T yA IRGE Reith These comsisied of £ Wy thie marse ure. Rey HIER fons, Giants FEIN KURE, REE, REGIE th a Mscuseiom of ewith habits and nutrition. There were Yih set pections make, gp Hig) WH more then one kel of the entire sehodt pomiiation. In ad fition 9 Us the BRIERS FD wealth murses made TIVE visits [ER other children individug!- # 06 cases TepFesenting 65 1, M8 5 vision tests mm the smilies, These fires show anl her children and hed Tl cm: nerecee of 12, VI and 8 per [erences with inspectors, pring ent respectively, nuer 1958 sey Wels oF lerehers pa Ender the heading of Generel Fhe depariment was gratified Comments for the year. the re n 1660 ty see an incregse in the POFLS states the (ollywing visits tn pre-natal mothers by 3 The nurses have noticed 5 ser cent. tn infants wader one METERS increase In emotional year Wy 12 per cent, and to pre. PEWIems, These cases require g sehionl rhildren. To the latter EVest Aegl of time and invelve age grown, the report states, MANY MRer agencies home visits increased 44 per The effects of wnemploy rent ment, nadequsie incomes and housing are marked by malo trition, dental cares, imorover medica) supervision and emo . oval mee Halliday Manor "The. Visiting Homempkers y have heen of inestimable hel as have the Offisal Weare De pariments and Volunicer Agen (Biafl) Mi 5 the gi 4 Reh VIER n , wr Hp ef "ke . dd y (L KE WEATHER OFFICE i Wh snow and Aniziie will gradually Md Wn b- ern mregs of Opigrin 1oday as # storm moves out, I will he ! i mi ti In the igld of school health ng, the report states that he greatest amount of PEESIng tim W per REPL, WRE SpE. In the school health program. This does not include time spent im munizing school children, which classed as clinic time. The $ that elemen ved major n 1668. although the ark felt that nther eg enatal health merit gt 1epst equal £ show 'aren f 1h { ene f m 1iy ge Ywo culstanding distressing tn the ack of haby pitting services Lrensporiation to enahie to pitend their physician hospital clinics for medical care We would like tn ser the con ty pick un i alleng heh ii vices needs } THIN 3k th RETR pe attent £rs 0 8 sion Hin In the health unit ares thers 4 ih Hh ary school Are Har of devoted : : ! are elemen nun'ty We [ nar the se ¥ 'Blind Can Ride power REBATE 18 Wh 16 $29,511 a Fuh nnescorted Bi | nd he Osha Public hee TH Wn 1 riding on lities f Hu in ton 1m feet fh to the He said 600 feet May Buy Eight Buses they ons | the lane 1n ra m Nn istine Thomas, the an will fry to er in such driver will not he hie for dent { of com d thi Vay ¥ held resp hat f 0 44 allest rebate he could re i a al William ago the have 10 HEPC at the year," He said the had heen get ting a rebate for ahout the Inst 18 years Commi Bod PL 0 n 4 ih Ihlindne I'"R"B suRerinter dent, said he thought there shout 268 hlind people using Osh buses, He sald there ahout one or two engers per day The PUC yeceived a letter EXPERIMENTAL FARM from the Cangdisn National In The first federal experimental stitute of the Blind asking that farm in Canada was set up atl {blind people he allowed to ride Ottawa in 1888 hy Dr, William ithe huses without escorts, I Saunders, Bu superintendent huses OBITUARIES por permit, | | MRS, J. BEDFORD ALLEN [where she had heen a patient were needed He sald : Funeral services were held for 10 days lwere frequently huses on the from the Trull Funeral Home! Born in Oshawa, Mys, Moore road with a spare one far ser Yonge street, Toronto, for Mys.| Was & graduate of the University vice Bika Vera Ellen Allen, wife of J [8 Toronto and was married in| Thirteen of the Brose Diath Bedford Allen, a former GM|ToTonto In 1620 Are new. The other eg WA executive here Mr, and Mrs. Moore were vears old L hey haus BL | Mrs. Allen died at the family| 0 g1me residents of Kenmore id % Mr. Smith said (residence, 42 Glencairn avenue [NY Where My, Moore served Pug Smith sald the new huses | Toronto, Friday, March 24 th municipal government posts got ha i 74 miles to he oo Barn in Oshawa, she was the|[/ M4 election as state comp lor of " Fie ald the fold LiRLatie of oar ie Way le troller in 1046 and the move tol! LP ny eh id i (Mrs: 1 L Parks: She 2 od Albany, He was elected lieu. A A WA Bid i [Ms Davie AVKS, Ble Was 60: tanant.governor in 1660. an of. @8llon. He told the sommis on aoated , Oshawa Vietoria fice. he filled until 1088 when|the new huses would prohah y {Cotlege, Taranto and the Univer: |p, resigned to become . presi-|008t in the neighbarhand of (ety of Toronto, fram where|dent of the Government Affaivs/$14.000 each {she graduated In social science. |Foundation, a Ror kefeller ar. The bus superintendent For several years, Mrs. Allen|ganization, Mv. and Mrs, Moore| ented a statement of what he did social work in Taronta. 8he| have lived in Buffalo since estimated it would east to was a member of Yorkminster| In addition to her husband, [hehilitate the old huses Baptist Church and an active| Mrs, Moore leaves a son, two|¥ald it would cost member of the Women's Histor: daughters and 11 grandehildren ical Society of Toranto and a sister, Mrs. Norma Holthy Interment followed the funeral of Toronto Contracts For service in Toronte in Oshawa . Voi, Couee 'Three Projects John Murray Knox, 420 Madi-|at the Oshawa General Hospital Are Awarded 0h Avenue fshawa, fied ation Tuesday, Mar, 88, were held] genders the Oshawa Genera aspital{ fram the Armstrong Funeral! ine p ) Utiliting Thursday, May, 30. He had Home, on Friday, Mar. 81, at de Osawa ae pap heen seriously for the past|2 p.m. She was in her 81st vear on thvee different fobs. A con three weeks Interment followed in the traet to install a new flpar in The son of the late John Oshawa Union Cemetery. Mas the main office of the PUC wag Mary Knox, he was horn far M, Rankin of the Salvation awarded to Remac Protective §, 1800, in Frazerharough Army conducted the services Ltd, of Toranta. This land Pallb affered to do the job He was married Aug. 23, 1016 Fam A hid of as {in Part Perry, He had heen in Hany Keli M. Brooks Limited [Canada far 40 years, and spent JOhn Homes time al Port Perry and Wik, Many persons before maving ta Oshawa in| fAneral serviees {1820 the Canadian Employed hy Pedlar Peapls Hon aoted as flows Limited for 8 years he had heen a foreman when he ry tired at the end of 1960 i A member of Knox Preshy {tevian Church, he Is survived hy his wife, the former RI Maitland; two daughters, Mrs Kenneth Whiley (Mabel) and [Miss Ressie Knox: twa sons, Al exander and Harry, all of Osh awa Five sisters, Mrs, Mary dall, of Seatland; Mrs Calder (Elisabeth); Mrs. J Code (Kate); Mrs. Harold Day {idson (Isobel), Mrs. Louis Bond reau (Hannah) and one hrather {Kieth Knox, all of Oshawa; and (seven grandchildren alse sup [Wye | Mi two {drew f result » tn the Jay § In eg lo Min, hy RTE end of a Lilitis night The Oshawa Public Commission, Thursday discussed the possibility of huy ing eight new huses this year A letter was received from General Maolors saying it was in a position to consider pre: duction of the same model hus purchased previously hy the [PUC. The letter was tabled un til the. next meeting 80 more cold he gathered information | The PL has 21 buses RH. B cami ow Va only Aare blind [] now we re He | FUNERAL OF MRS, SOPHIA FOSKETT The memorial service for JOHN MURRAY KNOX IMys. Sophia Faskett wha died were accepted hy il ind Dog nat Conting (eampany for 83684 and imade by H of Oshawa A eantraet far alterations of affices on the cond floor of the PUC building was awarded to Bathe and Melelland Tid, which offered to do it for $8850 IM. Brooks had offered to da MES, JULIA KING it" far $6140 Funeral services were held A contraet ta install PUC of from Haly Cross Raman Cathe. fice 'ighting was awarded to lie Church, Thursday, Mar, 80 | Hill.Cornish Ltd, Ts hid was at 8 am, far Mrs. Julia King $11.5604, Eastern Bleetvie Con wha died in the family residenpe | Struetion Co. Lid, had made a 24. Fairbanks street. Tuasdav. (Mid of $11,600 Mar 8 Fenders for installation of t Rev. P Wl KVA transfopmers at the services Annis steel substation Wey St turned aver to the PUC engin arers Hom wa es Top Fd Homes Rill Jeffam Hames ve $4044 1 the of attended Members \ hearer Po Carps ¥ nola FUNERAL OF 0 Catiee canducted th Interment fallowéd in Ren ; Gregory's Cemetery. Pray { William Anderson Funeral Home, at #20 arto con 1 Will Not Use "Sehool Bus Sign Taviar, J. W tan, BD. Clements and Wy Hawarth Knox was predeceased hy brathers, Walter and An FUNERAL OF MES, CHARLOTTE ) (LOTTIE) WERRY The memorial service will be held fram Armstrong Funeral, 11'% Memarial servieo Chapel Monday, April 8. at a held fram the Armstrong nm. Interme , neral Home an Thursday, Marehlta Wilsan road, '"hecause p erment will follow 0 at 9 for Mu harlotte : he Mount ! AWH { smetery hi atti) RT ho Nied ES pe i) fl : ia al 3 A A n d 0 NIN ; Ro wy Will canduet ronte an Monday Mar, 27. She! The PUC has decided ta fa wat in her 83th year . Rha a Wanspant department . A . ® Services were conducted|letter to the labor council, The MRS, FRANK ©, MOORE {hy Rev, M. A. Bury, Interment|letter states that the commis RUFFALO ~~ Velma Kennedy /was in the Bethesda Cemetery [sion, under its licence, has no Moore, Canadian-born wife of Pallbearers were Rae MeCon- authority ta use a schaal bu Frank C. Moore, former lew {nell Malealm Campbell, Ron'sign tenant - governor of New Yark!ald Ashton, Garden Werry, Ver The bus referred ta is a reau Slate, died Wednesday, Mar. 20. [non MoLaughlin and Michael larly scheduled hus far all Pas at the Buffalo General Hospital| Turner ) Isengers \ will he Utilities Cannel that Public Ision busses will. not earpy was! 'sehoal bus" signs when Fu [erating on Taunton vad infarmed t'ammis hoy a past they sthanl in Rey the \ Aw amer ahout ar a | WH ors were sald at the MeIntash.| PeVing department for a repopt, | The Oshawa and Distriet Las partly clondy, windy and cont Erster Sunday, Snow is gx ! pected 19 spread ts al rd day will he mainky dondy and | WEATHER FORECAST hee regions today. Kester Sune | : | MAE Bath) -- Re Arkin goh (keys were weed : i Ploy sad afl 448 yb! VIETR IRGik 1 Rk 2H 184 yard 4 anh Pickering Genersd crie was we £47. ke pdded Hospital annual mesting wae "Sule pe # © Yebvecn the Br. F. 8 Bertzherg president lneyitel faatit TR BRA Wo the medical body Lian, i oil rer the. the 'Pring the past yest) he bipx and Pokerig Gener istateh, "the hwsiital Bas combing Bocitsl rodd rontinae 5 the ued tn have pn efficient, Wes Gare 19 he & gescel oral, functimming GERerrl RELA Vonerd hosel sunnprish by # ere mesical sett" comsiltont sell? he ead "ine Aoctors bave heen A "Wh this in med" be wom ed 19 the all apd of these tro tinued, "ike mediesl doll fo were Generel practioners and logking fervard netewignty 14 seven Were specigiiets" he sed ithe improved Miegaotie ser: He sai that the kospiial eon vices which will winiibie tinued th he 7 grreTRl DISEtiAlY them when the hort tioners hospital with p self of is built" 15 generel practitioners pnd #1. Diecgnostic serviees, he ssid possibile light snowilurries pre coniwitent specialists, WB 9 such ge p first cless lehorstory torecast for northern paris of lworked in an gAvisory eapraty under the gidance of # Quehee, Temperatures will he | "With this kind of #8" gist, snd radiolegy, were essen: CREE Sunfay seid Dr, Bertzherg, "ihefigl to the most modern ag : (OF Wirephon) hospital fulfills the greater pert nostic work in medical prac of the medics! of the powsietion tice Vin the ares. The hospitals Wm, The president of the medics! i new Bus Refused ' Partly Cloudy i Li Cool On Sunday iy) wn Hat fa FORONTD #9 Ernniwist fue 3 ie wm Southern Ontario Vin een fn LT ninven Valley Farther Ia Yy ME is g 5.9 the B§ north mainly with a few Hires h reptre tll intensifying and is expected ia continue northeastward from smith of Vake Vi ang ik un nye f ¢ SLorin I f drizzle will southedn area the 114) hu storm Bunda cloudy. wind alr west of southward into mor+ ify a aK mu Ley i hi fd con as Pa iri @retie ies I the We or provipes lake Erie Huron regions Cloudy today with ae drizzle or wel this morning and conl Sunday f 2H)-30 ern VEslETR |i Windsor Lands casingl ni In ely Partly Winds decreasing ¥ il nrthwi 1 tn 15 tonight astern Lake Erie western Lake Ontario, Like Huron regions, Toronto Hamilton: Cloudy today with Haht snow changing {0 drizzle this maming and ending this giternoon. Partly cloudy and cool Sunday. Winds northeast 20:80 today, Northwest 20 Sun. Niggars western | | | CITY AND DISTRICT BUY SEVEN TRUCKS Oshawa's last red Publie Util- ities Commission truck 18 doom: ed, The deathblow was struck when Commissioner BE. F, Arm: strong, Thursday night, moved {that tenders he called for seven [new trucks yequired for 1061, At present there is only one red truck left in the PUC fleet, The commission will use one less truck. this year, because one of the new ones will serve a dual purpose, Tenders will be accept {ed fram Whithy and Courtice as yell as Oshawa 11 POSTS VELLED en guard rail posts | Fi boul $4600.00, demolished as a car entered a Program is being conducted to {field on the north side of King [street west, Friday, al 8.66 a.m |The ear was wrecked, The dri ver of the vehicle was Douglas {. Horner, of 100 Cromwell ay {enue, police said. The ear trav {elled down a Bi-font embak ment inte the field 13 GRASS FINES he Oshawa Fire Department wis called to 12 grass fires, Friday, None eaused serious damage Pi # couple of thn [threatengd aiverafi at the Osh Awa i These were extin [veh in time. There was alsal # oar fire, Friday. There were| na five alarms Thursday, Ambu:| lance crews vepoarted nine routine ealls during the (wa! (ays BUY LETTER OPENER The Oshawa Public Utilities] Commission will purchase a [electri letter opener that can apen 700 letters a minute, it was decided Thursday night, George Shreve, PUC manager, said the anener had heen taken on trial, "and now we hate to part with it", The machine is valued al $310. Commission secretary, layee Power, sald the letter apener saves her a halt an haur, an an average day. She said it ware valuable on days when the mail is extra heavy < today snowy stall Eepartag Mig iri id Eervice hg HER | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Eig "te in previous veers," be women "eg-ancration he tween medics, nursing and ad mintetrative siaff hes heen rE celle end all problems which prose due tn the growth of non lation tn the grea and the cop senonent inerepse in medics! work. were solved smoothly and effictently HERRING CATCH Norway's winter herring eptch, worst in 27 years, is expected to reduce her gross national product shout 870.000, UZ] et the hosoital throughow by the active stall of geners! nyertionters 4 gtions and to the 9tlowing JB A he 9 sha celehating yeekend ho celehiate today mond Bint, 172 Kenneth £ Bt; Petey ue Ave NG Bay Yeeks Jean Essex Robert Gateh Oshawa; Yerns 87 Flizaheth Cres Whithy; Lurline vm, 21 Simege Bt. NM; a Brady, WW Adelpide ¥ Phillip Matthews Ave: Paul Lang Simege 8, WN. Mrs fay, 1560 Lakemount Mr. G. Fish, BR 1, Osh Jaye Ogden, 91 Celing Brenda Hatter, 122 Seott 5 this ' H I] JET} EL hn |4 i Elnuny wi; ¢ ending th A 0-4 Jif narin ft Georgian regions Clovdy w Kirkland ake Ba Sidhu th a few snowflurries Variahle cloudiness and Sunday, Winds northeast north 2% Sun Elgeenn od Ave BR | ayells A 8 Sorin : onl Cor Bio Dans A 62% tnday Aa I J ion: Cloudy I ib L Ih ¢ vith a ing thi with cloud Winds north Eng emng er: (1 / Meg £1 jai Ioan si Ave [9] 8 Yip of I Forecast temperatores Low tonight and high Sunday Wi f f wan and enld celebrate on are. Louise Hopr Oshawa; Mr. PJ 130 Reynolds St, Whithy: Mrs. W, C, Town, 127 Perry BL, Whithy; Ray mond Rose, 70 Stevenson Rd Mary Fanatofl, 7h Bievenson RA. N.; Mrs Cynthia Leavitt, 508 Gordon Bt; George Willoughby, 208 Valencia Bd. and Don Tack son, 187 Elgin 8, E, The fivel five persons 9 Inform Whe Qihawa hi of thelr hivthdays esch Wil receive hie Uekets The Regent ate, " for a four-week period, The current attraction is "Where The Boys Are', Reports on hivithdays wil he received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m, Phone RA 3-8474, Those Sunday RR 4 veg, whe BL. Thomas ,, Way Kitchener London ,,,, Vingham ,, Taronta ' Pelerborough .,.., Prenton of, Catharines ,,, i Hamilton 11vrr0e0 8 Unskoks Killaloe ariton Budbury sireeener 1 SOh BAY iire0s {KAPUSKASING 101, White River ,,,,, Moosonee 4,41, a asc RESERVE Accommodation i on a 236.00 " Economy 166.00 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE WHITBY » OSHAWA = BROOKLIN MO 8:3304-EM 3.8958 -» J " ih Hh in i] 1H 1% Ih ih 1] 'New Donors | Sought By Blood Clinic Despite the holiday spirit vol. | unteer Red Crass workers are spearheading an all-out drive to recruit new donors for the forth coming Blood Donor Clinie slated for next Thursday at St Gregory's Auditorium on Sim coe street north rrrrereLY CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE Discharge of Roof Water fo Sanitary Sewers of the City of Qshawe provides thet, , It shall be an offence to discharge roof tem and persons sonvicted of by-lew are lighle BY-LAW NO, 383 after April Tot, 196 water 1a the sanitary sewer syste failing ta semply with the previsiens ef the te a maximum penalty of $300.00 During perieds of heavy raln, reef water (whieh dees nel re quire treatment seriously taxes the facilities of the Sewage Treatment Plant and causes floeding of the sewer system All awners of buildings in Oshawa sheuld earry out an Im Along with this strong cam PALER for new donors larly, an' int 1] partieu educational lnpress every vegistered donor with the importance of actually showing up at Me clinic anes they have indifated a willing ness tn give blood Last month the 400:pint ab {leetive was not reached because of the 417 people who sald they [would give blood mare than 160 ust neglected to show up at the |elinie as they had promised to] {da Clinic hours have been set atl {1:80 to 4 and from 6 to 8 p.m, | for the Thursday effort at §t.| Gregory's Auditorium Acearding te Robert WH, Stroud Red Cross Blood Donor Clinie| Committee ehalvman, anyone! wishing formation about the elinie or desiring lo register as a danor should telephone RA A-3088 at Red Cross headqua fers mediate eheck to determine if water from the reef ef any building is being run Inte & sanitary sewer and if this is found 10 be the case, the reef water leaders must be permen: | onbly dissonnested from the sanitary sewer nel (ater than April 1st Roof water may be dispesed ef by running it en the ground and letting it flow fa the nearest Stree! aulter, diteh or water course, er by installing @ sterm sewer connection Anvene requiring additiensl Infermatien sheuld sali RAndeiph §:1153 and leave his name and eddress with the City En. qi Department, A representative will be sent out' te discuss any proflems, hd R: BRANEM, men, oard of Works, Yender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF Any persan in reasonably good health hetween the ages of 18 and 65, who has nel suffered from jaundice ov malaria ve: | cently and is not under the cave of a doctor, can feel perfectly safe in giving blood, efficials of the Canadian Red Crass Society hive said 12 King ERA 3.3633 Meat Specials! Mon, & Tues, Tender Wednesday, April (2 6:30 pum, WHERE'S CHAR?) ---- ----, Gone Home to Play KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION OVER CKLB Ciub STEAKS Ib. 58¢ Rib STEAKS Ib. 69c Tender Wing STEAKS 1b, 79c¢ Tuesday Only! AHOULDER FORK CHOPS 4 gq LEAN. SLICED / SIDE PQRK : a P've just had my igs cleaned by w-Way Rug Cleaners, Why don't you? Nu-Way Rug Cleaners RA 8.4681