eee ih. JOBAY'S ISSUE CF THE TIMES YOL. 90---NO. 76 The Oshawa Times Price Met rer 6 Conte Por Copy NEW CROWN ATTORNEY AT HIS DESK W. Bruce Affleck Crown Attorney W. Bruce Affleck, BA, of Osh. Mr. Affleck was born awa, has hoon appoints d Crom 1930, the son of William Affleck Attorney for Ontario County, Wor 163 Alexandra street, and the ed hy W. B, hat on aononeed, J PRUE late Mrs. Affleck, who died in General for the Province of On 1051, Mrs, Affleck had been a ario, At 80, he is perhaps the Bold medallist at Victoria Col youngest Crown Attorney in the lege. He has a sister, Mrs. Wal province ter Head (Mary Hon), Who lives ' y in ancouver ¥ eck s , Mr, Affleck has heen Al Han wife the former Elsie Shere Crown Attorney since full, vi meta, 28, graduated in nursing 1960, He took this 8s & full time ou 65nqy yg in 1993, They have & Job in August of 1060, As Crown | son "Robbie, who will be four in Big Plane In Trouble, No worries GOLDSBORO (CP) =~ A veleran wartime homber pilot made an emergency landing at nearby Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Friday when an en gine of his four-engined Trans Canada Air Lines plane went out. Eighty-three persons were ahoard, The pilot, 40-year-old E. H.| Bowser of Montreal, appeared | | NA OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1961 : R bels ON LAOS Smash | Laotian Truce VIENTIANE (AP) Com munist rebel groups have taken the imporiant Laotian govern ment stronghold of Tha Thme #5 miles northeast of the capi (al, in Ba major assault that shattered a week old near CRA fire, Western sources said today These source wheih were close to the fighting ares, said large units of Vietminh troops from Communist North Viet Nam were reported (0 have taken part in the siege which included heavy artillerys shell: ng Tha Thom is just south of the Plain of Jars where major Vietminh units are believed lo- cated and only 25 air miles from the Thailand horder and the key government city of Paksand Premier right wing Phoumi Nosavan investigate reports of serious fighting and intervention by Vietminh battalions, Reliable military sources say these re: ports are highly exaggerated MAY CONSCRIPY : | One government minsiter said | Boun Oum and his strongman, Gen flew south to battle SEATO Bang the general since the opens break in from quiet Merling Was kok Monday A major rebel assault at this time may he only » show of strength, But it could also be a kickoff to a major drive that would be aimed at reaching the Mekong border with Thailand 1s the south | This would have the effect of dividing Laos formally in two = Move with more psychologi- cal than strategie significance because the pation already is! Iragely cut by guerrilla unis, | Meanwhile, the royal Taofion| government indicated it would be willing to wink at arms shipments 0 the for the time being to auick ceasefire Informants said officials feared linking a demand that the Russians stop immediately flying supplies to the pro-Com munist Pathet Lao would lead to Moscow to insists on a halt in American aid to the Vien Ligne regime (Prince Bouvanna Phouma, Laos' neutralist former pre mier, said Friday in London both Russia and the United States must stop sending mil | mn F get Soviet! rebels) oe RUSSIAN REPLY GIVEN PEACE PLAN bo ed" " THREE-YEAR-OLD CAROLINE Cubans Suspects In Kidnap Plot Cloudy sides snd enol winds in prospect. for the Easton paride, Clos Ma fomsirimant, (NiGnE |] : to the British propusal, which) ee ---------- ------ TWENTY PAGES ' Red Boss Talks ' To U. S. MOSCOW (AP) ~ The Soviet] Union today handed Britain Ms reply 19 a peace plan for Laos and an hour later US, Ambas sador lewelyn E. Thompson, wis called in 10 discuss the situation in the strategic Asian jungle kingdom Envoy Kremlin and the other in sn isolated dacha in Siberia oul side Movosibirsk GETS RUSSIAN REPLY Roberts was called first to the Soviet foreign office at 18 a.m, Moscow time and handed the reply 10 & pesce pro R There was no immediate indi-| ted March 23 with cation of the Russian resp was pegged 10 bringing About) lan immediate cease - five in [Lans KEhrushchey personally called) in Thompson barely an hour! {after British Ambassador Sir] Frank Roberts was handed the Soviet reply by a deputy foreign | minister ] { The Soviet premier and the| |American ambassador talked for an hour and & half, ALL KEEP SILENT Neither Thompson nor the! {British ambassador would give! {any indication of the details of | pr the backing of the United ales, It called for an immediate ceasefire in Laos, revival of the three-power control com. mission (India, Canadas, Po land) set up hy the Geneva con. ference in 1954 (0 supervise the Indochina truce, and convening of & I-country conference--in- cluding Red Chinato turn Laos into a neutral country. The feverish political setivity in the Moscow capital followed by one day the publication of a communique on this week's conference of the Warsaw pact powers led by Russia, their visits with Laos was the subject, When asked for information, an American spokesman said "for any information you should see the British," The the Russian] authorities except to say that! TV Content Rule Altori succeeds His Honor, Alex "a, recently appointed Hi " Judge for Ontario County. al uring his fod. Iaskatial and lout: Lope, legiate and Vocational Institute, Pall, He says he is now a foot: five Mr, Affleck went to Vietoria P8ll and hockey fan, Much ofl "Phere was nothing to worry College, University of Toronto, Dis spare time, now, is Spent about," said Bowser, & Moni: He graduated from there in Te8ding, especially hooks related| pogior Phe passengers were 1958, and from Osgoode Hall in! io law, He said it was his ambi- not worried." 1957. tion to he a lawyer when he was Bowser, veteran of. 31 ¥oRspi He articled under Creighton, Very Young. las a pilot including 2,000 ho Fraser, Drynan and Murdoch, of, Mr, Affleck said he learned & in combat as a homber pilot Oshawa, as well as Kenneth great deal about law while ith the RCAF d NOmber n i Cunningham and Paul Henry, inlworking as assistant to Judge ¥ d he REAY during the Be Toronto, From 1057 to 1960 he Hall, He said he will follow the ond World War, said he never practiced in Uxbridge, asso: policies set up hy Mr. Hall|declared an emergency when ciated with W, ¥, Greig, QC, when he was Crown Attorney, the engine went dead, Heavy Rains Add Holiday Accident To Flood Damage | movement, sources said today, NEW YORK (AP)=The ram-|river with sandbags returned) Toll Low |The insurgants hove void in ¢ paging Cedar River In south: home during the night while| ence THING od ont ha Hed of east lowa receded today, hut others kept watch for leaks in By THE CANADIAN France staged parallel meet heavy spring rains in the Kouthithe soggy barriers Wit) 4 : ings on equal terms with the pushed rivers over their hanks Officials said the river should], at me day of the Easter| i008 "En National Move in that area for the second time! drop rapidly during the day {Wath Er et July taut ay: ment (MNA) in five weeks Damage In Cedar Rapids Was) A oross.Canada esl x i The rebel move followed a The Cedar, already responsi relatively minor compared with canadian Press from 14 a statement Thursday by Louis hie for millions of dolim In \Waterloo and suburban Evans: oai (ines Thursday to Rh Joxe, French cahinet minister damage in Waterloo, crestedidale, where the swollen river ST Friday ay 4 nu oi for Algeria, that he would meet more than six feet aver flood poured into 800 homes, causing sons died in Mahway accidents MNA leaders for falks on the stage in Cedar Rapids Friday an estimated $60,000,000 in dam: Four were in Ontario and one sme terms as the Insurgents and inched slowly back toward! age each In Quehes Alberta and National Liberation Front normal In the flood-weary south hun British Columbia { we FIN is the military wing An estimated 5,000 persons had dreds of persons evacuated! Ry midnight Sunday. the Ca of the provisional government evacuated their homes in Codar|their homes in southern Missis: nadian Highway Safely Counell{1t has heen the main fighting Rapids, mostly as a precaution: sippi and western Alabama as predicted, the total will rise tolforce in the 6lg-year war for ary measure, but the levees and a deluge of spring rain spread 30. Executive Director W. Ar in| Algerian independence dikes held and wator reached overflow water into lowlands, [Bryce said the toll could vise| Sources said the provisional only about 20 homes In lowland! Most of the evacuees were beyond that "if holiday fever gavernment had not departed areas among those who were driven! sets in dd from the principle of negetiating Many of the thousands of val: out by floods just five weeks ago. The 1960 Kaster weekend pro: [an Algerian settlement and did unteers who labored frantically along the Leal and Bouie rivers duced 27 deaths and 85 died on not object to the French "con since Monday tg contain the'in the Hattiesburg, Miss, area. the roads during Raster 1950, sulting" whoever they wished, MOST JOYOUS OF DAYS Peace Timely Theme By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Similar sunvise services ave Pope John approached the | Charity Church in am the world aver 10 he held throughout the world Cross in his stocking feet, as a Havana at the outset ting reverence to lon an extinet voleann in Ha. sign of penitent humility, at! Thousands more joined with wall; at 8. Paul's Basilica in services in the Rasilica of St procession as it wound along a dawn of is most game and at Jerusalem, where Paul mile-long route that took it ays the ending of Christ's physical! Then the 79-vear-old head of through narvow old = Havana ¥ Is Baster Sunday. iif gave Raster its beginning. (the Roman Catholic Church|Streels Which the cricified] "sorass North America, wil prosirated himself, and kissed, Participants, carrying lighted e fram the amb isang are laying out their finery |ine feet of & figure of Christ candles, sang hymns and ries ago for the traditional Easter fash-'on the shrouded Cross chanted prayers along the way jately # dominant ion parades. Millions, ton, are WINTER HITS EUROPE the age-old ohurch preparing colorful eggs for the SCHEDULE SERVICES Wintry weather hit any colorful coremanies hig Kaster egg hunts Millions Lanadians parts of Kurope as lgrims| ¢ / y His modern-day flock is. The mood of worshippers was Americans marked the ocoas flocked to the great Be arp message He spread ages ane of humble sorrow Friday, 'ston, in churches small and shrines for Good Friday serve] 4 \ 4 § i . eave Good Friday large. In many areas, huge out y | » \ ices and tourists moved out on York's Times Square In Jerusalem, throngs of pil. [deer services were scheduled weekend holidays # group of M0 Quakers wails injgrims formed a solemn proces. for Easter morning Long-distance ni " ve A vigil for peace, a he [sion along the twisted cobble In Havana Cuba Friday, Re tosting nuclear maxed Sunday with an BEasteristane streets, as they retvod man Cathalies turned out hy on in England sunrise service the Way of the Cross, pausing thousands Friday night for the and Denmark al the M4 stations along it sane: annual Good Friday Process. CITY EMERGENCY tified hy their Lard ston PHONE NUMBERS They moved fram the place] The showing served of judgment where Christ was dramatic response ta the POLICE da FIRE DEDT, RA 3.6374 condemned hy Pilate, across the Castra regime's anti HOSPITRL RA 3.2211 high school and |surprised that everybody, par-|® cabinet meeting will be jut m The ha Peace Move Threatened In Algeria TUNIS (Reuters) = The Al gerian provisional government | will lift Ws threat to call off| peace talks with France only if| the French rejract an an: nounced decision to negotiate | lege years Mr. Affleck play-|ticularly the Goldshore towns.|to discuss universal conse #0 much of the ti aie i Communist. pssault on | Thom was the first big PRESS downtown of and marches pro Woapans, were West Germany oh Across Canada most churches! { will hold extra services to ac! flcomodate these whe confine! Fidel their church SORE to once ar clevicalltwice a year and many! churches plan sunrise services atitdoors as city to the site of Calvary, and!campaign the tomb--at the Old Church of Church afficials the Haly Sepulchre A odds with th esl Sunday will see the conclusion In Rowe Wilh ited 30000 persons jammed of twa pilkriages by Cana (Visitors from sear and faite area around Our Lady of dian Roman Cathelics 3 whe are government alse crowded itary aid inte Laos if peace is! now fi, can Roe, ii] entering the # [i mre -» EVEN EASTER BUNNY MUST ERT Sioyear-old Robin Keip he: | for the hig egg de lj ery | remember who fed him: Robin tipves in helping fate. He is | Sunday. Strongey rabhits | 18 the sen of My, and Mrs fhown feeding the Easter carry wore egal and whe | Joo Kelp, of 340 rio » | north, { bunny to build up its strength Oshawa Times | comment ae etre | Khrushehey had Sven " (io Be Teslared there, Secvannal PALM BEACH, Fla, (AP)= "They have made no overtison a report on the note given S lis on a world tour, trying te PYo-Castro Cubans under sur- move and you can expect them earlier to Roberts, | explain in Kast and West capi: vellance in a reporied plot 1olto be preity eagey under the| if was Thompson's third Jon y tals alike his views on how kidnap President Kennedy's circumstances, All of this pub: conversation with Khrushchev! OTIARA "oe = The Cana: 140s can be stabilized under a *Mall daughter are also sus flicity may have eliminated the|since President Kennedy took 9an content ule for television single neutral government) pected of planning to wipe outipossibility of an arrest." office, Two were held in the| WW begin Sunday and the 1 the president's entire family, or . a -- "| Boar Broadeast Governors h A id UNDERWAY A WEEK {intends to make it stick, (informed source sald today, It was learned Friday after: | § SLIGHT DELAY | his suorce, who asked not to] wil Jour Friday after] lo There will he no modifications | he named, said U8, secret sery.| 1000 that the secret service! BOQ ace won |o my Jind for apy station FOR PACKAGE ice agents have located the Cu. "tarted an investigation of the {board Chairman Dr. Andrew bans in the Palm Beach area|'ePoried kidnap plot ahout & . {Stewart suid In an interview, GODERICH (CP) A land are keeping 8 close watch week REO. Y am Il ge [The KRG Intands to enforce the Goderich woman has re. on them Pierre Salinger, White House rule to the letter, ceived a package 40 years Meanwhile, (hree - year - old (Press secretary, acknowledged] LONDON (Reuters) =~ Under:| Starting Sunday each TV sia: after it was mailed to her, Caroline Kennedy is under what|that a secret service inquiry is|dog Cambridge beat Oxford to-/tion and neiwork in Canada The package, addressed |was called double-alert secret/Under way, but he would notiday in the universities' 107th{must attain 45 « per - cent Ca- to Miss Ada Johnston, was service security guard at (he 5ay whether it concerned Carol: annual eight-oar shell race on|nadian content in programmin found this week during ren: |Atlantic shore home of her ine, Salinger said the president a 4% - mile course on the/over each four » it perind, ovations at the post office, grandparents, The hlonde|=and presumably Mrs, Ken:|Thames, Commonwaith and foreign It contained a signet ving, 8 youngster is vacationing here|edy=had no knowledge of any| Cambridge won by 4% lengths . iy } h if nage Fg prize in Ll soap advertising with the president and Mrs {Investigation until he learned|in 19 minutes, 22 seconds with ha pi nt third an Maa content, Sostimaster AM, [Kennedy {about It late Friday as a re-\Harvard graduate Mark Hoff: a. Sf on elivered it in per The secret service, it was|sult of news dispatches. man leading the way to the up: / y " aon fo the recipient, now (learned, has heen tipped that | AL a press conference, Ral: [net al stroke, _ Jhavied btfeut In bli n oS oarge Hide. i four Cuban plotters--described inger minimized the inquiry Rowing behind the 22-yearold|gwnod stations and. nets | Tarts fol a Inailey from as "'pro-Castor and anti-Ken-\ "Phe gecpel service," he|Cambridge stroke, whe comes works d the BBG require I ently hay Ne a Rpar nedy"' contemplated trying 101 said, "gets information from|from Greensboro, N.C., wis an-|ment, Most private stations af: | tor at the Goderich post i i the President, his wife and time to time on the president|other Harvard man, Marty|filiated the CBC network ! Be ne aodatie Dost ol fee wa cllideen, A pin 40\and his family which vequires|Christian, 23, of Framingham,|alse meet the 45 per P f ) ) 2 Hf : 4 fil the counter was ripped |{ive was also reported (# routine investigation Mass _leont, | up this week, As for the plotters, an excel Mrs Little, lent authority said | not remember "We think we know who they | | contest and we are keeping them! [ under surveillance LEOPOLDVILLE (AP)==One|rive in Kamina, President Molse [thousand 'Gurkha troops from |Tshombe of Katanga has de India were taking off today in clared publicly he will regard full UN battle dress, for Ka: |it as an act of war if the UN tanga, where new military ac:|flies any Indian troops to Ka: livity between Congolese fae: tanga, Hons 1s AgAN Pushing he! UN commander Gen. Sean! | Yonge, wre dol war, McKeown is apparently deter| | anguard of two planes, mined to launch a UN show of carrying about 150 soldiers with force, whatever the conse: | machine-guns, rifles and mor quences. against the Katanga tars, left Leopoldville's Ndjililapmy which Thursday night Miho, with der to land a captured ule pro « Lumumba | y the large ase njtown of Manono in North Ka. | northwest Katanga {tanga The troop movements were carried on behind a tight secur s . ity soreen. The whole amor Canadian Soldiers was sealed off to all except UN movement control staff, the/ | gates were barred and soldiers On Robbery Charge patrolled the road leading to! BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP)~Two the terminal building Canadian soldiers have heen | charged with first-degree rob.| WEAR HELMETS bery in the holdu i 'A n of a motorist Fifteen Plates Nelo lined wp/wha had given them a vide. | 10 transport the Gurkhas, wear: They were identified as Pte. | ing for the first time their UN! William K. Tanney, 33, of Glace blue helmets instead of their Ray, NS, and Ple. Jan W.! uniform slouch bush hats, On{Erneste, 19, of London, Ont! their uniforms was the famous both stationed at London Gurkha red piping in symboliz-| Police said James RB. Smith ing two famous battles fought of nearby Tonawanda had given hy the regiment, one in France|the twa a ride after closing his| = in the First World War, the/lavem in downtown Buffale. He other in Burma in the Second!!0ld police that one of the two Warld War YOURE men grabbed him from | fags | In both battles. the Gurkha behing and threatened hiv. He i historians relate. 1.000 Gurkhas ald he bolted from the automo held their position against hitter con lime lates, od S ' . A ¢ a3 § TTR hig Until only 10 were left, short distance away. Smither UN officials at the airport and i Bgl a do ag BL the headquarters wm ain tained sis oa lence about the plans for wii The ng the Indians after they aria city was held for action count pal : | knows, perhaps this one will | We : .