B THE GSHAWA TIMES, Viersdey; Mach $8, '1969 Caroline Kennedy Is Having Fun 'Exploring in the White House WASHINGTON (AF) Fhe (erie get whe sys TW Fraddy Wilh of the fittie ghel's Gime) probaly Wilk foe spent mew At) Ho the prendest of (he Cates (Ar (WR, (he DYEBREREIRE isu States is stone & Wa Wang owe. try retreat. in Middlehmweg, Ve | L Lof We iw the Winte Rowse A (VEE FREE SENET LHET where Wis Kennedy can esp Carine iw WOVE ROTIRGES Swe Le nentine Renney has ohoiowsls ionndings ak fet Ber pier witht | made the GrESGEntial manson friends of Fer GWE BEF Laer play gromnd i She's fol of sorprices--iach URE # (oF Proton, IIRETy REVARE of the presidental [amy we i WOW ome wid take prrt wm what's ther father play host EGA T AltRowgh the is iw The chair ud 2 Potish wre, Caroline managers 19 get off om her own | fam REPEL ER AERIAL i i { SPRING VACATION This gay bathing § As naw flake avablubie finitely Arsigned for the young: combinations of pink and fu or sel, is an deal companion = QuUMse, Viglel BRA. green oi mR spring vacation in Be orange and gold. The one muds, Nassau or the gold ece swimmer has 3 V neck const of Florida, Made of | wide adjustable straps, a deep elasticized cotton Emit it is | hack - CHILD GUIDANCE Children Should Be Trained To Share In Household Chores nad g pin hra I y { Clatterng in her mother's (oF Mihomats of . Washngion! | ih perien shoes, she sie wy Zehr for one of the Kannays Lom important press conference (it [OVmal peities, # he wfter {er father Was CONANETIRE Wh ON Palm Beach, Fla. In # flash : Lohe bad ftwrned the (e150 t leameras from the then pres demt-eect 19 make Ber on TY grand #Harcase wn he pot ATE. IR ANKE TIRE Carofine sit Ryerse (9 GRE sey is, either. She wan {dered iia the Winkie Hover om : IRIREREIORS THOR ane Swnday MEINE CVs hand, wn scRriet Lani WHER asked What Rey Badly was AARNE, candidly ie (Hiehy He's net ARE any IRIng. He's Fst sHEngE Bp IRE E WHER Lohans and soins Hf AGRE Oth wig Cardtine bs meeting some of fhe world s mast (amos pesmi Mrs. Fleanor Bosses I" ports the president' s Aangier is he type he kes alle Carohne goes y PIIVRIE (RMI Y QUAITErS WIR Rey father and Ws friends When Kennedy turned (4 WER ANG RSKER WHER WRIEd # BNRkE, Carmine § na They ve already had # doin Daddy, There's The president shares RINSE MEIN nd. ke Many #» parem ots her up 10 # few cute trick their glasses wn Caroline 4 mss f EEE Ha CRE 16 £8 BETH reducers mm to Caro reminded wis itl ie Gan What 48 } 14 mm? oh 4 CLL / ges you used 10 live in our house By contrast 10 her ORVIONS BEHBENL In SHhaWINE his daughter, Mrs. Kennedy. ha taken careful steps 10 @ Caroline of some prvi hushand ff The Kanwedys appreently bei feor 0 [GRE CRTONmE BE Re TNR CRETE IRRAGION ROWE Weg ian fhe Fiey#Hons fivessed i # PIE HEMNGT peety Arse. Caronne Wwe perkhion wt the White Hlowiar She wood fn the long red carpeted faltwaey and sat on th Tien tH Wan She was cntheahied, #5 yowngsier wold be, by fhe WIRE SALUTE TOMORROW'S LEADER Your TIMES CARRIER Is Learning To Becomes A BUSINESS MAN Your Help Will Be Appreciated Many "experts" write gnd talk about the limitations of the modern home for leaching children responsibility, You know their patter--no walter (0) he carried from the pump or spring; no woodhox to he filled no ashes 10 be carried oul In the pioneer home, every child, as soon as he was old! enough, naturally shared in the work about the home, Yet in practically every home family worked, and those of the nearest neighbor did alse, WH was the thing to do. The chil dren didn't say 10 their parents that other children didn't have to work around their home The parents of the pioneer family didn't read hooks and hear talk hy specialists telling them to make all jobs ahout the home so attractive to the chil dren that they naturally would choose of their own free will A FINER BLEND YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE! ORDINARY CARS can't begin to match! today there are potatoes to peel! and accord to do them, or that fond to cook and put on the children should not he required table, dishes Lo carry from theito do what they don't feel like COLD STORAGE table, furniture to dust, beds (no make, rooms (0 tidy up Even with all sorts of gadgels same person must operate them or start and stop them, If there is #8 mechanical dishwasher, somebody must stack the dishes! in it and put them away after they are washed EASY TO LEARN A child as young as six may| easily learn (0 operate most of the electrical gadgets, though not many older ones do The busy mother, even if she works away from home, usually takes sole responsibility for all these ' gadgets and, the more gadgets there are, the less the children help around the home as a rule dven in the occasional home which has domestic help, the helper has one or more regular days off a week, The mother does the work then The only reason the children don't share in this work, a8 makes it a suffocation threat to small children, When misused children did in the pioneer home, is that their parents haven't trained them to share EVERYBODY WORKED In the pioneer home all the PART B RB EAB EBT BTR ETSI ¥ a fo tell you how to for you , > - ? WV KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION - APRIL 12 REPRE +++ Will plan a personal make-up chart to look your very best with SATURDAY, doing There's no dearth of jobs in the modern home that children may do. Bul not many parents have sufficient skill and stuff of | charac ter to train their children to do tliese jobs, PARENTS QUESTIONK Q. Would you have a child say his prayers in the presence of a guest? A, 1 might if the child wished to do so and the guest were duly reverent, or joined in the child's prayers KILLA ALMOST INSTANTLY Let's realize once and for all what a plastic hag is for, and what it is NOT for, As a pre tector of clothing or food, it's excellent new household com modity, But the very fact that it's air-tight, which makes it an excellent dust « protector, also as a crib-mativess cover, or even a toy in a playpen, it ean [take a child's life in less than one minute! AA OY TA i Fe Mrs, Shirley % Granger hf SPECIAL DuBarxry "BEAUTY CONSULTANT XT She will he in our 9 Cosmetic Department care for your complexion SE, and will show you how le DuBarry Beauty Preparations, By Richard Hudnut - SX Zot APRIL 1st FS 5 3 CAL, ye oy FUR COATS and CLOTH GARMENTS! # Shinerizing # Cleaning * Repain! Oshawa Fur and Cold Storage Lid. 81 William §t, W, RA 3-3012 , translucent colour In Juliette Marglen's precious new STAINED GLASS COnNMEOTION for lips and fingertips/ never before , , $talned Glass Oval Lipstick in a ene.and-anly Jewelescent Red 2,50 Stained Glass Travel Kit-Jowelescent Nail Glacés Amethyst , , , , Garnet , , , , Topaz Cellini Geld , , , , Silver, , , , Bronze In waterproof, breakproof carry case the se! 5,00 FM KING ¥ RA 3.4600 KIWANIS RADIO-AUCTION APRIL 12th EXTRA ouaviy Body by Fisher A heritage of quality exclusively yours in General Motors cars, This extra quality is assured by the famous Fisher coach emblem on the lower deer sill , , , signature of a job well dene -- a body built as enly Fisher can build it, EXTRA voviar STRETCHING ECONOMY Drive a Chevrolet for one year -- and you'll knew what we mean by extra ecenemy. Sure, your initial price is low == but that's just the start] As you drive, yeu realize that Chevy tempers pawer with ecanemy are practical, feo stays in demand year after year you'll trade it! that its stylish ways and, most impertant, that Chevrolet including the year that BXTRA sarery Extras where they count! Safety-Master Brakes Plate Glass in every window -- Clean-sweep Windshield Wipers ~-- Precision Balanced Wheels -- Foot-operated Parking Brake, All for Safety-plus Safety EXTRA smoorn RIDE Smooth? Extra Smeeth, In fact, here is the ene great ride in its field! We call it "jet-smoeth" -- for what better way to describe the floating-en-air quality of this ride = the like of which just hasn't been known before in the world of metering. Yes, there's extra smoothness here = fry If - treat yourself to a Chevrolet ride, EXTRA spArkLING PERFORMANCE There's extra go ~ extra gumptien -- and yeu knew It the mement yeu touch your toe to the accelerater, Make your cheice for perfermance and economy frem a wide range of power teams, EXTRA CUSHIONED QUIET You're coddled in an insulated hush! Relaxed in the exira comfort of Chevrolet's virtually vibratien-free quietness, Metal to metal contact has almost been eliminated and sound waves are smothered In an Insulating blanket, EXTRA conveENIENCE In a car you want ta enjoy yourself -- and Chevrolet makes it easy! Front armrests, crank-operated ventipanes, ene key lacking and a lew:leading trunk! These are just a few of Chevrolet's convenience extras, Let your dealer tell you more about the delightful surprises in store, EXTRA room You just have te sit in this amazing car to realize all the extra room, Outside, Chevrolet is neater, trimmer, Inside, everything has been done to give you extra reeminess, Lowered transmission tunnel, Chair-high seats, Extra heads reem, And, greater in-and-out reem, C4010 YOU CAN'T BUY ANY CAR FOR LESS UNLESS IT'S A LOT LESS CAR 140 Bond St, West, Oshawa, Ontario Watch the Chevy Show, Tuesday nights ever CBC-TV, Check your focal paper for time and Channel, seeses--" -- Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Harry Donald Limited Whitby, Ontario