: The Oshawa Times FF -- Publishes by Conadion Mewspapers Limited, B6 King $1. E., Osnows, Ont Posn 4 Tires y, Marr 36, 1961 Helmets Would Reduce Hockey Head Injuries Hockey glayers sre 8 hordy lot snd will go to extraordinary lengths to demonstrate their toughness. Sliced by thates or oticks, they repeie to dressing rooms where doctors perform the necessary eminoidery work snd then retin to the ice full of vie, vigor, # little less blood. But they sre slso foolhardy, while their mensgers snd club owners come close to being erimmnaily negligent, Mt lesst five times in the pest two or three weeks 8 professions or Junior A player hes bit the ice or the bosrds herd enough to suffer 8 brsin concus- sion. Last Sundey, for example, a junior player went into convulsions efter a blow on the head, snd wes choking on his own tongue when a doctor rushed to his side. Just a few days before thet, # young professions! wes taken to hos pital with a concussion Time snd sgein this sort of thing heppens during 8 hockey sesson -- and it could be avoided. All thet is needed is # helmet. Foothell players wesr helmets; besebsll players wear helmet of & lind. Why not hockey players? The players sey they dislike Resdgesr for # variety of reseoms ~~ they do not want to give the impression thet they sre something less then tough, or the helmet is ton hot, end wo on. Well, professional reehell players had the same 87 guments, until lesgie rules were passed, snd now most of them wre hoppy shout it. As for the hest factor, football players perform much of the time in temperatures well above those found in ice srenss. The most srticulete advocate of helmets for hockey players is Ken Reardon, former defence star of the Montres! Canadiens snd now sn execs tive of the club. He points out thet hockey players wear pads to protect various parts of their bodies, but leave the most vulnerable part, the hesd, unprotected. He has strongly sdvocsted the passing of » league rule to make the wearing of helmets mandatory. ¥ the Nations! Hockey League enforced such & rule, it would not be long before helmets were worn by players in every hockey league on the continent Read The Fine Print These days, when every dolier is so important, it is well for citizens to be on their guard for smoothAslking people who sre making "speciel introductory offers" on get-rich-quick enterprises, The only one who gets rich quick is the salesman. A good example of this was told, the other dey, by sn official of the Wayne County Prosecutor's office in Detroit, A smoothie set up sn office then let the word get sround he was looking for men with cars to take on exclusive territories for & particular home service, It wes claimed that 8 man working ten or fifteen hours & week could make $75 oF more extra money, After giving out the big build-up, it Way necessary to pay $1 to make the deal legal and, of course, there had to be & form signed, which would assure Waiting For Its a little early yet for the smelt to be running, but ene of these nights someons will take an exploratory pass with & net somewhere slong the lake shore, and the word will be out, That will be the start of the annual renewal of one of Ontario's rites of spring, the Dipping of the Bmelt, Just how the smelt came to be in Ontario waters is speculative, Some claim they resulted from plantings in Crystal Lake, Mich, many years ago, Others say plantings in New York State waters let them into the Great Lakes, while still others believe they made their way up the St, Lawrence River, The plantings seem to offer the most ae- ceptable explanation, but no matter whence they came, they're here, all the way from Lake Ontario to Lake Supers lor, There's hardly a creek or river flows ing into the Great Lakes which hasn't got them, and now they're even found in some inland lakes, There's no set schedule for smelt runs to begin, Biologists say that it depends on climatic conditions, and in particular water temperature. But tens of thousands of Ontario people know, that come April, the fun begins and another fishing The Oshawa Times Vo bo WILSON, Publisher snd Generel Mensger €. GWYN KINSEY Editer The Oshawa Times sambinin fhe Cinawa Times established (B71) and the Whithy Gazette and hronicly (established 1883) 1s published dally (Sundavs end statulery holidays excepted) Members af C an Dail win P . Assegiation, The Canadian | Bay Audit Bureau of Clreulation and the Ontaria Pravingial Dailies Asses slatien. The Canadian Presa In exclusively entitled 10 tha use tor republication of all wwe despatched In the paper credited te It or ta The Amociated Press or Reuters, and alse the lose! news published therein. All rights ot special despatches ars alse reserved * Offices: Thomsen Buliding, 438 University Avenue Teronte Ontariee 840 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Deitvared by carriers In Oshawa Whithy, Alas, Pickering, Bowmanville. Breakin, orn Perry, Fringe Albert. Maple Grave, Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpes| suntan Twene Dunbarten, Enniskilien, one Leskard Brougham Burketan. Claremant. Columbus, Gisenwood Kinsale, Raglan Blackstock, Manchester Pantypesl and Newsastls, not aver 45 pe week. By mall fin fioine of 19010) outside carriers delivery ames 13.000 eshewhere 15.00 per year Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 the prospect would take good care of the machine he was going to pay for out of earnings at a rate of $1.50 per kitchen floor What the prospect actually signed wes & form of sale, which ssid he must pay S888 for the machine in monthly payments, Yet, the gadget only cost a little over $100 in the first place, The smooth talker then just turned the signed paper over to a finance com pany st 8 discount snd the prospect was hooked, That is why it is always best to read end to understand the fine print on ony document before signing With so much unemployment there sre those who become desperate for a source of income and imperil their savings and credit on schemes which don't with. stand scrutiny, The Smelt season is on the way, Soon after dark, the little fish start up the streams or mill about the lake shallows, returning to deep water before daylight, The spaw- ning run may last 8 week or more than two weeks, but it always ends as May progresses, The numbers seem countless and there is no limit, One sporting goods operator annually gives away a ton of the little fish, generally caught by a group of smelt enthusiasts in the Parry Bound district, Bome communities hold smelt carnivals, complete with "Smelt Queen", Bome people fill their lockers, while others unload their catch on neigh» bors, Once undertaken, it seems, smelt dipping becomes a sort of madness, Through the run, the shores of Lakes Ontario and Erie are ringed by the fires of the chilled and weary netters, Recently, Ontario's commercial fishs ing industry has done considerable research work on the smelt with a view to making it a year-round dish, Other Editor's Views PM AND PRESIDENT (Victoria Colonist) Last week's meeting and Mr. Ken. nedy's acceptance of an invitation te visit Canada during the present Parlia« mentary session, will prove to the rest of the world that the two great North American nations have a solidarity of purpose and a strength of unity, It is to be hoped that the other West. ern allies will follow the example so ably set in the full recognition that their sovereign independence can only be retained if they play their full part in any mutual defensive scheme, Bible Thought And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself, ~- Daniel 1:5 8 Daniel had orders from the king and from God, He purposed to obey: God rather than the king. Daniel could live on plainer food than the king's meat and wine, but he chose live ' without God's blessing not to % THE RIVAL SERENADERS REPORT FROM U.K. Lack Of Industry Bothers Cornw By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times 87. IVES, Cornwall =~ Corn wall is & country with a history Here, in the days before the Christian era, the Phoenicians came and gathered copper from primitive mines, Here, at one time, there were 8s many as #09 tin mines in operation. From this port of Bt. Ives, some years ago, there was & fleet of 300 fishing vessels putting to sea and bringing back large catches of herring, mackerel and pil chards, which formed the basis of a canning industry. And in these prosperous days, there was no great influx of tourists from many parts of the world in the summer season Today, things are different, The copper mines, which were worked by the Romans whe came with Julius Caesar, are non-existent, Today there are only two tin mines in operation, Proposals are now heing studied to open up & third mine, but strange to say, there are many objections to that from people engaged in the tourist industry, and a public inquiry is to be held hy a government inspector to decide whether the mine will be allowed to reopen BY-GONE DAYS 80 YEARS AGO Engineers from the Utilities Power and Light Corporation of Chicago arrived In Oshawa to start plans for remodelling the Oshawa gas plant A. W. Armstrong of Oshawa was elected president of the Central Ontario Tennis Associa tion Members of the Oshawa Scot. tish Rite Club and their ladies attended a hanquet held in the Genosha Hotel, Entertainment included piano solos hy Helen Johnston and films were shown, Work was started on building a new clearwell with 500,000 gal. lons eapacity at the Oshawa Waterworks, Victoria Lodge observed its 20th anniversary in the form of # banquet, A presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. John Hamlyn who were members of the Order for 37 years A committee was formed to undertake organization of an Oshawa Boat Club Allan Oxley, radio engineer for the Williams Piano Co, said that television should be an ae complished fact within the next three or four years, In an ad dress hefore the Oshawa Kiwan Is Club Russell Storks and T. L. Wil son were named delegates to represent the Oshawa Kinsmen Club at the district convention to he held in Chatham An old landmark in Whitby, the old stables at the rear of the Royal Hotel, with their rows of stalls, were being removed J. Norval Willson, president of the Oshawa Motor Club, pre sided over the annual banquet He headed the poll in the elec tion of directors fan the elub for 1031, followed by A. W. Rell, A. L. Bouckley, M, G, Hart and Les MeLaughlin Harry McMillan, former well: known Oshawa resident and brother of Mrs. F, W. Cowan, passed away at Nice, France. The annual meeting of the Oshawa Women's Welfare Lea: all Today the fishing fleet at Bt Ives is down to some 30 to 4 ships. They operate seasonally, catching herring in the fall, mackerel in the spring, and pil chard hetween these seasons But their catches are small com- pared with the old days, and the pilchard canning industry has fallen by the wayside Because of all this, the civie authorities in Cornwall are des perate to secure light industries for their towns and villages, The unemployment ratio in the eoun- ty is between seven and eight per cent, as compared with the national average of 1.7 per cent, The percentage improves some: what in the summer, when the tourist trade brings a seasonal revival of employment This tourist trade is substan tial, It brings tens of thousands of people here for holidays Every seacoast town and village has its groups of hotels, large and small, filled to capacity in the season, but closed and empty during the winter BAD FOR INDUSTRY This very seasonal nature of employment and unemployment is one of the reasons why in- dustries are loath to come to Cornwall, There is a tendency to work in the tourist industry in summer, and then seek in- READERS' VIEWS dustrial employment only in win ter. In summer the industries would have ts go begging for workers, The tourist industry is # lucrative one, | spoke (9 one young man who (old me he never worked during the winter, He made enough money in the tourist season to keep him in comfort for the rest of the year, Another reason for lack of in- Austries is the fact that electrie power rates here are higher than in areas nearer the cogls fields, The price of electrie power Is governed very largely by the distance the cogl has io he brought from the mines in Wales end the Midlands. There is 2 move under way to "postales ize" the coal freight rates, The term arises from the fact that postal rates in sll parts of the country mre the same, regard. less of distance, Here in Corns wall there is an agitation to apply this principle to coal transport, to charge exactly the same freight rate no matter where it is being delivered in the country. To me, thet sounds idealistic and sltruistic, but even electricity hoard officials with whom 1 {alked believed it would be feasible and practical, ------ HIGH-LEVEL STUDY BASKATOON (CP) = Meas. uring the temperature of the air 60 miles and more shove the earth is & project of several University of Saskatchewan stu. dents working toward master's degrees, By using a spectro: scope to analyse the light given off by some particles of the aurora, temperature in that vis einity can be deduced French School Idea Criticized Dear Sir: This past week has seen quite an issue defeated (for the time heing) by some stalwart gentlemen on our Sep: arate School Board, I would like to see this issue brought out in the open. To me, it is highly important What is this British North America Act that allows the French a bilingual school when. ever they ask? Surely this is an out-dated law and it should he aholished. 1 feel very strong: ly against this bilingual school This 18 not a French com. munity, Why should a minority group move into the eity and im- mediately go after a school of their own? What about the other nationalities that make up the These people weren't invited to live in Oshawa, They came of their own accord, When a guest arrives at your house un- expectedly, would you allow him to make demands on you? To me this is exactly what is hap- pening; and I say it should not happen I pay my taxes to the Separs ate School, I will never pay, even a small portion to a bis lingual school Let us all give Messrs, Baron, Bolahood, Lawrence, Rudka and Topping our wholehearted support for the stand they have taken, Let your views be known to these gentlemen as they would like fo know they have the backing of the major. population of the Canadian City ity of Separate School taxpay- of Oshawa? What is good for one nationality is good for an- other Oshawa ers, A CANADIAN CATHOLIC KARN DRUGS GOOD FRIDAY HOURS: MORNING 10 A.M. TO 1 P.M. EVENING 6 P.M. TO 9 P.M. 28 KING ST. EAST gue was held with Freda Held, supervisor af the Neighborhood Waorkers' Association, as guest speaker. RA 3.462) KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION -- APRIL 12 PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM _ Lj ate evident (hat fhe 8 oat Smoking" signe Roy may "A man showide! merry # BE. Wha Aoesi' gary FPA pnctually," aeseris # ARIES. Whe TREE. le & Gr of taee pmaide. he oR Rit #ny hoe SRlesman "YU the shoe fs" # Awiinh [f aeyhndy the cat, mows why # ih gH We fers maddy nd (hen walk round on of of 8 aRr "Work" gets PRGIDY worry' in the Setionary at He i # certain adage is trie, the earth mig Be # most en chanting ace -- i viewed from id , nd tries om & smalier gar it shold im pi other inslances. Eat : MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS , , , Vise Aebisionss | avira Second Eastas egg is waditionally fame. Jt has & LIRR tier IRam contre with 8 nel giden-yeliow yolk. And over i dl there's 8 thick conting of Laws Second buses. sweet chockare. Is ihe favours of Wil Easter treats, In 4 Wo, 5% 5, and | Io. sizes YOU'LL FIND ALL YOUR FAVOURITES IN THE Jana slicord EASTER CANDY PARADE The most delightful way for you to say ~~ Happy Easter ~ is with these lovable, treatable, excitingly eatable Laura Secord Candies, See them "On Parade" in their Spring-fresh wraps at your neighbourhood Laura Secord Candy Shop, Each and every one of these suggested Easter gifts has the old-time goodness that has made Laura Secord famous for quality for generations, So make yours the grand Easter gift everybody loves to receive -- Laura Secord Candies, Mmme=magnificent Easter Parade assortment of your favourite Laura Secord Candies, Gay, glamorous and #0 good to eat, crisps, fruits, chewies and butter creams, In 11b, 2 1b, 3 Ib, and § 1b, boxes, Mmm=marshmallow eggs dipped in delicious Laura Secord chocolate, Ning in a gaily coloured Haster Box Mmm==munehy jolly jelly eggs are packed in the tubby tummies of these oute, velvery-dressed chicks and ducks Mmme==miniatures. All the famous Laura Secord flavours in dainty, bite-size candies, A big hit in the Easter Candy Parade, Beautifully gift-wrapped. In 1 Ib, and 2 Ib, boxes, Mmm==much-loved treats that are a - part of every Easter, Laura Secord Easter Bunnies molded in the smoothest, purest milk chocolate your child ever chuckled over, And Duckling egg cups with des licious chocolate eggs Mmm-=milk chocolate bunny, twe foil-wrapped eggs and two small ful foil-wrapped bunnies---all together in # happy Easter box, colours v+AND LOTS MORE DELICIOUS NOVELTIES AND TREATS' Laura edecord CANDIES FAMOUS FOR QUALITY -- FAMOUS FOR FRESHNESS Simcoe St, at King Street Oshawa Shopping Centre