Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Many & person doesw't (ace reste iy until his badk | POLICE WITH DOGS CHASE SOUTHERN NEGROES Canada May 5 Lo the wan, d urne WEATHER REPORT A wind from the prairies will bring doudy sides to the pres, Temperatures up 8 little, dhe Oshavon Times Claws Mak wiswa fort" he" vamos EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Mot var I6 Contes Ver Copy " J.S. MILITARY BUILDUP OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 196) 7 Still No Word Of Cease-Fire WASHINGTON (AP)~In ihe concern of all SEATO members absence of a Soviet ceasefire over the Soviet-hacked rebel of agreement for Laos, the United loris to take over Laos, 5 is reported pressing esolution ¢ y Thane WD Us ip of Tors Lei ition called 99. Rus. Mary er in and near Both (ace "appropriate" SEATO ac east Asia tion, Bate Secretary Dean Rusk is if said 10 have made clear 0'V5. major emphasis on shed ley pallies at ast Asia Treat gelling a peace the |Orgamzption meeting this Week ot In a Wl settle that the Kennedy administration The eight SEATO powers are "the US, Britain, France is determined 10 use force we. Age ithe extent it may he compelled tralia, New Zealand, Pekistan Thailand and i 5, io do so 10 prevent » Commu President Kennedy sent PEI Battles Storm Damage CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) Prince Faward islanders con tinued today to wrestle with the manstrous effects of 8 wild wind and snow storm that still para lyzed much of the provinces three days after i struck Worried government officials declared a stale of emergency Wednesday when it hecame clear that every available piece of SHOW-MOVING equipment was losing the fight against snow: drifis as high as telephone poles "This is grim said High ways Minister Philip Matheson who had more than 120 plows point toll the Wocked roads, which pre venied emergency patients get ting to hospital, The RCAF has two helicopters working long' ® hours on the island The storm struck the island Monday night and pounded away most of Tuesday, Cape Breton and northern Nova Seo tis, mlso affected, now mre re: turning to normal But without a drastic thaw, some PEI roads pre expected to remain blocked for we weeks The emergency medical cases were the hig problem, AL one Wednesday 185 persons ] 3 2 | 7 Imist takeover in the Indochinese Hki ¢ |Vingdom ol Sam ssage of congratulations to me However, officials here, esti \ mate there Is at least an even MK { for his work Joseph of chiefs have steps lawy and isbraction HES avery vancement Ross On Negroes | I Roms Talk JACKSON, Miss, (AP)~Mis- last Monday @al whites-only ny A om sissippi's capital city faced an public library, They were con. OTTAWA (CP) Canada wel uneasy quiet today after club: victed and drew $100 fines and comes and will participaie in wielding policemen accom: M-day suspended jail sentences. pew Fast-Wesl negotiations on panied by frained dogs waded] The pine, all students at AISarMAment arranged hy Rus: nto a evowd of 100 Negroes oul | ougalon Southern Chris sia and the United States, Fx side a courtroom Wednesday. |(ian College here, staged the ermal Mains Minister Green T 2 receded! state's first mass anti-segrega- sald today The poliee action pre. d J " 18 odaY: expected the the trial of nine Negio college|tion demonstration . panel students charged with breach ofl A crowd of Negroes many V8 Ji Ny United N - Ace o p nunce / R ni 8 the peace for a demonstration' oo denis or faculty members al later today they will resume {three Negro colleges in this) negotiations hy the end of July gh area~"Tougalon Southern Chris-{although full details have nol 0 itica tian, Jackson State and Camp: been worked oul : : : : Was ye hell--gathered outside the city ay RAY DUFPORS wi Lo jet C 0 Truc (foun building before the hear Rn Be Rd MY Cran A told reporters before going to a ong | As the defendants started up A meeting 8 « the steps of the building, he 1 believe settlement will he of held or petit hegan clapping and made this aternoon thal they iad BEAS [singing. have reached agreement an POLICE ACT FARY Canada will he taking part LEOPOLDVILLY (AP) A police officer said: That's) "We have heen right in fhe Army 'commanders of the rivallit Move 'em out! Get 'em middle of il Leopoldville and Stanleyville re-| Policemen moved quickly into| He said he talked to the Rus gimes in The Congo may helthe Negro group, swinging their|sian delegation when he was in making headway toward a mili-| sticks and shoving, The Ger |New York attending Genera tary truce hut attempts for man shepherd dogs lunged al Assembly discussions last weel a political understanding are!the people stymied Most of the Negroes quickly Maj Gen Mabutu, scattered through a parking lot commander of the Leopoldyille/'? safely bul some were . : d {clubbed on (he head and hack government's army, sald We {The dogs bit and ripped (he nesday a team of his officers|clothing of several persons have opened negotiations with! Chief of Police M, B, Pierce representatives of Gen. Victor said G W. Hydrick, a Hi-year FORT PIERCE. FI ) old Rankin 'county white hool ) i i Lundula, commander the i was charged with as A 12:man jury was to begin di Stanleyville forces ault and hattery and carrying liherations today on the fate ol The two military a concealed weapon after helJoseph A. Peel Jr, former We already (aken some 10 pistol-whipped Negro Thomas|Palm Beach el City prevent clashes during the nel Armstrong during the melee, [judge accused of masterminding gotiations, whieh Mobutu said|Hydrick was the only person!the Chillingworth murder hegan Tuesday near the tense|grrested v Circuit Judee D. ( horder of Oriental and Equator Police ordered the white pes i er provinces ple in the area to move oul, hutlte the jurors Mobuty, who moved 1r00ps did not strike them he Svoarold Peel 15 a close to he onde early Pui] Call off the dogs slavery cused of ordering Mloyd Holzap yeah SAIC 08 Mas promised) ) \ [fel and Bobby Lincoln to kill Vihere will he no vession! 18 the president of the Ai Fadi : BRL from my side' National Association for the Ad RHIC HSBC Ok the sudan Toe On the political front, Pre of Colored . People axvasing Peel a5 8 BRL mier Joseph leo ald he Naa said in a telegram to Governor] (Conviction wilh no recom made ttle Progress wii Barnett, NAACP leader prendation of mercy would bring reaching an agreement with | pone (lsensn hen chal action in Florida's electric trying to clear the plugged high- ways, Helicopters were being used to transport emergency hospital cases, listed as number one priority, Second priority were backlogged #5 requiring emergency trips (0 hospital Fight persons had heen air ified by sundown | chance thet Soviet Premier Khrushchev will agree 10 # ceasefire and follow wp nego: tistions st an international con. ference for » permanent Laotian ednesday at the three-day SEATO confer: ence, Rusk later continued on to In dia for talks with Prime Minis ter Nehru, settlement, A reply from the Soviet gov- ernment to a US backed Brit ish proposal for a ceasefire and an international conference on Laos is expected by the end | Nehru, Rusk of the week, officials said to Agreement ay, PREPARE VOR ACTION Pending disclosure of the i n he | viet reaction, they said | hat Hl US, has no assurance | p 7 w peaceful settlement can be Pisa ho LHI outers) U8 went to parts and fuel for the show plows The state of emergency, # government declaration, was made by Health Minister Dr Hubert MacNeil, after consulta tion with stranded Premier Shaw, The premier was stuck in Amherst, N.8., but finally made it back to PEI, Wednes- piel 'Ferryboat Dr, MacNeil said the decis| noppH SYDNEY, NS. (CP) ion was necessary because of poviitied hy a new supply of Life Dull On Icebound By achieved; it is therefore con:|yeap tinuing the preparations for pos- oy AL Femant tine of Laotian. ove[g0 on. Mops aimed ai ous ernient farens which were i iamations| erisie over started last week, A resolution adopted Wednes: |cigarets, 70 passengers on hoard / NO TIMES THREE DEAD IN FIRE GOOD FRIDAY are spending the long, boring hours in small social groups try ing to amuse one another, Their Firemen sald st least three ; threestory building sever! | only diversion is starting om berion died n in anistment | hours Mie the fire broke out, The secretary of state con here with be no publica (over the vast expanse of lee house fire on Cleveland's east | One of the vietims was a 58. | ! | Con: iy of "The dl Times day at & BEATO ministerial ferred With Nefiry for 2 hours tomorrow, (Good Friday meeting In Bangkok 1s re-|CEU SAL y aid 4 ere on his The staff of The Times garded here as making clear tole ministeria s pe ; [the Soviet bloc not only U8, meeting of the Southeast Asin wishes oll our readers a 4 Treaty Organization in Bang {terminus here, as firemen continued to pour | flames, | There's very little to vead,! water on the ruins of the | (AP Wirephoto) Passengers must improvise ac Smith firstieffect of the! Roy Wilkins protested the police/an automatic sentence of death ont e that nto munity lingworths ered which has sealed them 10 miles, gide early today, About five | year-old man who leaped io from the ship's Nova Bcotin) others were unaccounted for | his death trying to escape the very pleasant Faster holi day, Murder Trial Nearing End (AP)=| In closing arguments Wednes day, state attorney Phil O'Con nell sald Holzapfel signed his town death warrant hy testifying against Peel The defence had stressed a contention that Holzapfel was in fighting for his own life wiki box that in the hoping a good story for the state would ave him from the chair The state attorney said Hol gapfel never had a hope of mercy, and they asked the jury not to show mercy to Peel Holzapfel pleaded guilty to a charge of murder, refused a jury trial and is awa Lincoln alse confessed he was on the boat from Canada | with that CNR port Superintendent G, ( tivities to idle away the lime Everyone wonders when the Hoight-hour" trip from Port aux Basques, Nd, will finally end The 8273-4on Carson has heen lodged in the #0-fool thick raft ce since ¥riday "There's nothing afloat in that can do anything jee out there, says "It's the that makes Connors the ice ence," Mr. Connors says the only effect the pressure might have on the five - year - old which is specially reinforced for the Cabot Strait ice, would he to lift it slightly out of waler Floods Take Heavy Toll WATERLOO, Towa (AP) pressure on the differ iting sen: flooding Cedar River that stag: youths gered an industrial section of northeast Towa left in its wake which Judge Chillingworth and|teday properly damage In ex the Atlantic Ocean, 1055, but he was given im The bodies of the Chil were never recov 15, I'he defence declared that men had been convicted on greater evidence than the state had offered against Peel proportions, ward his wife, Marjorie, were thrown|¢e58 of $60,000,000 June! And more misery was still to come as the floodtide, al record moved southeast toward the Mississippi River next target was lowa's second largest city==Cedar Rap ids where feverish prepara tions were heing made to keep Battle For Beer, Beach Blockades Florida City Thousands of enol lege students fighting for right to heach and heey turned vort Lauderdale, virtually blockaded city Police there have vacationing Fla nights of disorder and were girding today weekend Three Canadians enrolled United Slate colleges among those arrested Francis D, Carman Catharines, Ont Renssaeler Polytechnic tute, was fined §ib Two Bault Ste enrolled Tech were jailed Patrick M, Nardini, 19, was sentenced to five days and John I, Ktanko, 24, was sentenced (o three day AL the ers this al 24, of Bt student Insti Marie al Michigan same (troopers Ont, worked city police traffic the Tuesday have end three nights of disorder arvested ade vessel, nearly 400 students during three sary," al the brought blockade night Police Chief Lester Holt sald| detained Wedne he did not plan another block: hecomes neces: "unless it 0 heach oan At Tallahassee, Florida's Gov situation urged Bryant ordered were University of Miami officials| stay their students 100 WETe tpoopers into south Florida on a standby basis and 50 patrolled patrol the beach area where thousands hreak Allof students sunned slate | and swam. |furhance, withdrew Mayor Hdward Johns said relieving the 1] from Fort Lauderdale this holi day weekend, ) dent demonstrations the | enmpus this week | A total of 43 students were sday after classes were dismissed for Faster vacation, Besides those dismissed, five were cleared [and the remaining 80 were al on for an expected ernor Farris Bryant sald he was! lowed to g0 home but will he the! influx of 50,000 college vacation: keeping a close watch on the | {questioned when classes resume {next Wednesday, | Police relaxed (heir (Wednesday vigilance The state highway which sent 53 men in to ip Tuesday night's dis its forces said it | However, the patrol Over-iwould continue to make peri |odie checks of the campus Students claimed overly striet university rules generated the (unrest, Dr, Biden Smith, dean At Bowling Green, the statolof students, sald a combination | time. thousands university dismissed eight stu-{of warm weather and youthful of students protesting what they|dents for participation in stu-ihigh spirits started the trouble,' spid were overly strict univer sity rules demonstrated for three days al Bowling Green University in Ohio, Wight of them were expelled Spring has come to US, col | kok, | Rusk sald he and Nehru had | discussed both Laos and the Congo and "1 think we agreed largely in our approach to theses problems." The important thing, Rusk sald, was to halt the fighting between American-armed rights ists and Soviet-supplied leftists {in the Indochina ip WILL SIT WITH Rens Rusk told reporters the Uniled States would por no objection [to sitting down with Communist China at a proposed 1l4-power {conference on Laos once a ceasefire had been hrought nhout and the three-power truce commission on Laos had been made active again, Rusk sald the future composi (tion of a Laotian government {would have to be "sorted out {when the time came for Laotian {leaders to talk about their gov: |ernment," Nehru was in touch with Bo- {viet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (Monday and has said he is (ready to reconvene the three: [power truce commission on Laos, as suggested by the West, India 18 chairman of the com: (mission, The other members are Canada and Poland, UNITED NATIONS (CF) The hig powers were expected to talk out loud about disarma ment in the United Nations to day instead of whispering about it behind the scenes The United States and the Ko viet Union drafted for presenta tion to the 8h-member UN politi val committee a resolution look ing toward resumption of Kast West disarmament negotiations fuyl Al. The cammitlee Is scheduled ta meet at 1 pm Preparations hy means camplete for the negolia tions. But the UN and Russia were expected ta propose that attempts he made to wark these out in continued private consul (ations vather than in open de hate at the 15th UN General As sembly, scheduled to its sessions April 21 Since the assembly reapened March 7 after an 1l.week re poss disarmament has been 'treated as a hot potato, with Western delegates striving to avoid a venewed propaganda battle. A series of private talks CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 56571 MPITAL RA 3.2211 were nn clase were hold between the UR, and Russia Canadian delegates appeared elated at the new development although they declined to give details of the plan in advance of statements hy UN. Ambas sador Adlai Stevenson and the Soviet delegation headed by Foreign Minister Andrei Gram vko As outlined hy ather diplo mats, the formula calls for eon tinued preliminary talks he tween the great powers=--in as sociation with their allies=but no new UN debate until after the next regular assembly apens Sept, 19 The last aver-all disarmament negotiations took place in a 10 nation East-West committee in Geneva last March 16. June 31 The Cammunist side accused the West of stalling and hroke off negotiations The hig question now what agreement might he reached on a negotiating body to succeed the 1hnation group which included Canada. The West has resisted Russia's de mands that five neutral coun tries be added although Canada came forward with a suggestion for a neutral chairman and perhaps other neutral atficers Anpther vexed prohlem==UN cames under ve in the 8, commities Was (INANCON sumed debate today member budgetary seeking to raise $120,000.000 onl then the river behind the dikes when|lege campuses and many have later were found to be innocent, the crest reaches there Friday, tended to blame the antics of| the students on "spring fever mn [However, authorities haven't taken the exhibitions of the young people lightly At Fort Lauderdale, city offi: cials mel in emergency session Wednesday to discuss ways {and means of preventing further Irinting hy enllege students on their annual Kaster pilgrimage for the Hon in 1961 The committee also is study ing the failure of many coun HEAVY VOTE tries to meet their obligations for- the 1060 bhudget---=which to | wim. Clarke Township To Remain Dry I'he U.K. has paid ahout half of the tah and the Canadian Parliament has voted a total of ORONO (Stafh) Clarke this (election) but 1 doubt if we Township voters Wednesday res will." jected cocktail bars and dining] Mr. Woodyard mentioned the moe UN Congo opera and a tight were heavy helicopters for $1,500,000 toward Congo costs to the resort town military, civilian relief and aly Police vigilance lift, The Canadian money was expected here momentarily Aritain's cheque for $3,800,000 Army To Get was also reparted on the way lounge licensing hy wide als "tromentd he Rartier. Ireland. Australia and in IY { mar roment ous number of spoiled) . The Netherlands kicked in with ® W ' _(ballots™; about 160 were reject: Helico ters a little more than $1.000.000 ith the "wets" needing a 80 od. Pp per cent majority in both cases The campaign for liquor x _-- | CRITICIZE REPORT only 38 per oent vated in favor outlets in the township was spons| OTTAWA (CR) =The defence Irritation was expressed in of cocktail lounges and 3 por|sored by two Highway 115 pes Production department has some quarters that the UN veslcent vated far licenced dining taurant owners, Lorne Vande: Placed orders for 8 helicopters leased a report indicating only! lounges mark and Clifford Wilcock for the army and RCAF, De the US. Ireland, Australia and! Out of anproximately 2000 'Wets' will have to wait three fence Pradue tian Minister The Netherlands had coughed eligible voters, 1338 marked bal: yoavs for another vote O'Hurley said today up for The Congo, tgnorving that lots an the bar question, 1350 on X Twenty-four light abhservation other parliaments acting the dining lounge question . helicopters will he bought from on the matter Publicity chairman of ne Slight Increase Hiller Aivovaft Corporation of Rut reluctance of the big ma. "'Vate No" committee, Rey R | . Pala Alte, Calif, for $1,604,000 jority of UN members ta comet. White of Newtonville United In Population They will he used for army up With paviments on last year's Church, said today reconnaissance and RCAF train costs has threatened the entire It is gratitving to know that, OTTAWA (CP) Canada's ing | ovsanisation with bankraptoy ™ per cont of these wha voted population registered a two.per The nine-country Soviet hloe registered (heir conviction that/ecent gain in the 13 months up RCAF Seateh and Rescue and has refused ta pay anything al mare liquor outlets would result to March =the smallest annual" though Russia alone was as: in making our highways less vate of increase in nore than a general utility will be purchase d sessed $8.390.400. Tn farm ed safe, and add to the inorease of decade--=the Dominion Bureau|from the Vertal division of Roe that France As accidents and loss of life of Statistios estimated today meg Atrplane Company Arm BOXER USES HIS HEAD sessed de Ted Woodyagd, leader of the Population grew hy 353,000 in priory §1.8008, 000 'al Dowdy of the Galt, Ont, | Ron Millmine in fae 50-pound | Millmine, whe misses fault, apparently because it has wets" said, 'Where are about 3 the year to 18,085,000 the bureau] The army helicopters will go Legion Boxing Club uses his | division bout al We PIES been critical of the UN inter-reasons why wa could contest 'said {\o all four infantry brigades. ' head in a bout with clubmate | Ont, Legion baxing OUPNCes AN $1.100 000 Als for fn will ah | at the ducking Dawdy, i | the Heh, (CP Wirenhata) iy ", "

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